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Latest revision as of 03:40, 22 August 2014

Dial V for Vampire
Date of Scene: 21 August 2014
Location: Slum Urbania
Synopsis: A Robot and a Vampire run into eachother in a dark alley.
Cast of Characters: 516, 550

Ferham (516) has posed:
     It's dark, it's late, the police shift is lighter, the shadows longer and larger, and the creatures of the night have risen. Around the slums of Urbania that tends to mean the drug pushers, low-lifes, pimps, prostitutes, you name it. This sort of environment provides a very good cover for one if you're looking to 'blend-in' and remain incognito more or less, which is what Ferham has been attempting to do. She walks along, a tan long coat draped over her shoulders as she struts along in a pair of dark 5-inch heels, a tube top and what appears to be a knee-length leather skirt. What's she doing out here? Who knows, but it would appear she's about to pass a rather dark alley soon. Would there be someone in it? Or rather something.

Eric Bane (550) has posed:
    And amongst all this depravity is ... one Eric Bane. He too is trying to blend in, to make it not so obvious that he's not human. The hood on his dark gray hoodie has been pulled up to mostly hide his face. His shirt, pants, and shoes are all black or dark colors. He's leaning against a wall, his hands in his pockets, his head down.

    But he's not just there for no reason. He's actually in that dark alley. Waiting. For a meal. He's a vampire. And that comes with the territory. He has to be a hunter. A predator. That's how it worked in all the vampire stories, right? A predator of his own kind? Except he wasn't human anymore so he technically was preying on lesser beasts? Or something like that.

    Too bad he has NO IDEA what he's doing.

    However, he DOES see a prospect. Maybe a streetwalker. She really doesn't need to be out here like this. Not in that. Because if she's NOT a streetwalker, people will assume she is. Or worse, do something bad to her. So he waits for her to near him...

    And then reaches out swiftly from the darkness of the alley, aiming for one hand around her waist and the other around her mouth, trying to pull her back into the alley. Though he's still careful; he knows he's stronger than a normal human, and doesn't want to hurt her.

Ferham (516) has posed:
     While Ferham might have had some reason for being out there in the dark and dressed like that (likely intelligence related) she doesn't seem like she is normally out on the streets. Whoever eyes her would notice there simply aren't any of the usual markings of someone in her position, no tattoos, no scratches, no track marks, no sullen bags around the eyes... She looks a little too good, which may or may not be a deterrent in this case.

     "Mmphh?!" those heels of the woman with the shoulder-length black hair click quickly as she's apparently being pulled back and into the dark alley, against the concrete and echoing off the walls of the buildings that even now seem to box them in even tighter. Her hands go up and that jacket falls off her shoulders as she tries to regain her balance, which is important if she is to push whoever this man is away. But with the coat gone there is a huge expanse of her shoulder and neck on display there, clean, delicately shaped, almost looking too good.

     Fer keeps up the charade well, she doesn't use anymore force than a lady in her position would have, strength wise. Thus, she seems to be having problems actually getting away from him.

Eric Bane (550) has posed:
    If she doesn't pull away, the woman in the top will find that she doesn't just fall back, nor is she unceremoniously thrown against a wall. Just because Eric has to do this to survive doesn't mean he's got to be a COMPLETE brute about it, after all. He'll 'catch' her, keep her from falling over. And in fact, whisper a quiet, "Shhhh, it's okay." It's a gravelly voice, even as a whisper.

    Even as he sees the shoulder bared by the falling of the coat, he hesitates. No, he doesn't want to be an animal about this. And he doesn't want to kill her. He doesn't know if he can make other vampires or not, due to his not-fully fledged status. But he doesn't want to chance it. Calm down first. Be careful. Don't hurt her.

    Fangs are bared, and still he hesitates. There's still time for Ferham to pull away if she has decided the ruse has gone too far. Because he's going to bite her in a few moments ...

Ferham (516) has posed:
     Ferham froze for a moment as that whisper was uttered, not seeming to know what to do but she kept trying to struggle with him. An elbow might be felt in his midsection, adn those long legs of hers are certainly trying to squirm--though it seems as if he's able to simply both hold and support her weight by himself, so there would likely be a bit of those high heeled feet going up in the air as her legs kicked around. If this was some kind of assault, Fer would try to stop it before things went south, but she didn't want to blow her cover here, not yet anyway.

     And yet there was that shoulder nape staring Bane right in the face, her skin was very much realistic, and yet so clean and spotless, all he had to do was slip those canine teeth of his in, and there likely would be a bright blossom of red from under that almost porcelain skin.

Eric Bane (550) has posed:
    There's a certain balance that Eric needs to learn how to strike, he knows that. While he doesn't want to be a wild animal and tear throats out - anymore - he also doesn't want to drag out the moment, since that only makes people more scared. So, steeling himself for what he had to do ... he tilting his head down and made to bite.

    If he does manage this and Ferham doesn't pull away, she'll note something. Those vampire stories that humans are always reading say getting bit is a euphoric experience that blurs pain into pleasure and all that. This is... very much not that. There's no pain-reducing chemicals, no blurring into anything. If she were a human this would just plain HURT!

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "Ahhn!" the sound of her voice is almost pitifully drowned out by the night and the walls of the alley. The pain is definitely felt, and it is immediate. Times like this she might be cursing her full tactile sense. Eric's fangs would be able to slide down into the synthetic skin of her shoulder, and then run into denser material which might be tendon or muscle, and it is--but not the kind he's familiar with. There's also no welcome surge of blood. "Gah... let go," Fer seemed to have frozen when the fangs went in, as if she was hesitant to try and move.

     Alas, as much as Eric would try to draw with his mouth and breath nothing else seems to come out, and while the feeling of skin and bone around his teeth is apparently genuine, something about this woman's beauty is ersatz. Her body trembled, those knees looking like they might be about to knock together, until there is a sudden grip on one of his arms, that feels dreadfully strong.

     "LET. GO." she's blushing, but her white teeth are clenched together, and her eyes are locked directly in his direction.

Eric Bane (550) has posed:
    No blood? Hm. Maybe he didn't do it right. But still, even if he missed, there should be SOMETHING, right? The circulatory system went all through the human body, so shouldn't there be SOME blood coming out? He couldn't have missed THAT bad, even if he was still learning the ropes about all this vampire stuff.

    And then suddenly his arm is being grabbed and that's stronger than a human should be capable of. He knows that because it actually hurts. And quickly he draws back, pulling fangs out of skin. "Wh-what the...?" Did he trail off because he had no time to say more before retribution?

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "Mnn!" there is a struggling noise from Fer, as her hand is clasped over that pair of puncture marks in her shoulder, turning to look at the... person that apparently just decided she looked good enough to take a bite out of.

     "What is your problem!?" her voice is deep and yet feminine typically, like a purr, though at the moment it's raised a bit in anger and surprise. Thankfully at least for Eric his fangs didn't run into anything on her epidermal layers that might shatter or chip his teeth, not that there was until you went deeper. That reddish hint of blush was still noticeable on her face.

     She reached down and grabbed her jacket up from the ground, throwing it over her shoulders ironically a bit like a cape. Was Bane being outvamped a little here? "I don't know what you were thinking trying to do that, but..." she scrutinized him a bit closer, perhaps now realizing just how off he looked.

     "You're not normal, some kind of demon?"

Eric Bane (550) has posed:
    Eric steps away, looking chagrinned. He is totally being outvamped. But he has no real idea about that. He's still learning. Her scrutiny would notice superficially he doesn't look very different. He does breathe, mind you. More weirdness is clear the longer one looks. He doesn't fidget and shift like a human normally does. And even though he's not actually got white skin, there's a weird pallor under the color, like someone who's suffering from blood loss. And his temperature is much, much cooler than that of a normal man. And he has fangs that are visible pretty much whenever his mouth is open.

    He considers her question. Since she's not freaking out, and this isn't his world, maybe it's okay. "...No, not a demon. Vampire." Pause. "...I'm still learning. But I do have to do that to survive."

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "Cold, color is wrong, more like a cadaver," Ferham pointed idly to his mouth. "And those teeth, you're similar to Dracula," clearly she'd realized the commanding officer was not exactly a normal human. She gave the scruffy pale looking male a bit of a hard look before she takes her coat and more or less tosses it over him, or in his general direction. A hand went to her leather skirt and it was unzipped, falling to the ground just before she slipped off each of those black stiletto pumps.

     There'd be a flash of light and Ferham was standing there now in her full armor, crimson. He'd be able to see why she removed her shoes and whatnot, as the thigh-high boots she was now wearing wouldn't have fit over them, neither would that skirt under her leotard.

     "I'm not a human, I don't have blood, sorry to disappoint you," she sighed a little, one hand on her hip.

Eric Bane (550) has posed:
    The coat successfully blocks Eric's view of what's going on! Though he hears zippers! What's going on?! He pulls the coat from his head just in time to get blinded by a flash of light! He raises an arm up, with a grunt of pain - vampire eyes are kind of sensitive to light, you see. He just literally got flashed.

    When he can look again, he peeks over his arms, blinking at the sight of ... actually he doesn't even know what he's looking at, apart from that it's female. "Uh." He pulls his arm down. Blinks. "...Oh." Awkward? A little. This is why he needs to use that weird vision more often. He might have been able to tell, if he had!

    He looks to be at a loss now. "...Sorry about that."

Ferham (516) has posed:
     It's apparently the same woman from before, but now she's in some kind of strange red full body armor suit, with what looks like a wetsuit underneath. The black taloned gloves she was wearing tapped against her hip and the tip of her boot, like a teacher who was not pleased with her student's behavior. "You thought I was human, so apparently my disguise worked well," Ferham didn't seem to notice the male being aggressive, not anymore than just now, anyway, so she apparently didn't see fit to break out her whip and start wailing on him.

     "Maybe a bit too well, I think," she raised a brow, those green eyes studying him as she stepped closer. "You don't seem too much like a vampire besides those incisors, wouldn't you have turned into bats, assumed gaseous form, or tried to paralyze me with your stare by now?"

Eric Bane (550) has posed:
    No, Eric wasn't being aggressive. It was his mistake, after all, so there's no reason to be aggressive to her about it. Besides, he hadn't figured out what to do when a feeding failed except apologize. But then, he'll learn more from his failures than success, right? At least he hopes so. He can't live on the 'house style bloody mary' from Sanctuary.

    Eric blinks as she asks about turning into bats or mist, or hypnotising her. Raising an eyebrow, "...People actually believe that?" he inquires. He seems fairly surprised to hear that. But he shakes his head. "I've never seen a vampire do anything like that."

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "Yes?" Ferham looked at the hoodied vampire man, tilting her head back and forth. "Why wouldn't they? There are vampires that can do that," her brow remained raised, watching him a bit carefully. "I take it you can't? Or you're not one of those?" she stepped even closer now, as if inspecting a scientific specimen. "Do you react to silver or gold? holy water? holy imagery?" she was almost as close as she had been when he was giving her a little 'hug' just now.

     The dark material of her undersuit seemed to cover where she was bitten, and not just by her armor. "Are you saying you can't do any of those things? and aren't limited by any of those?" she sounded... curious.

Eric Bane (550) has posed:
    Eric takes a step back as she steps forward. Contrary to a moment ago, HE seems intimidated by HER! "No vampire in my world can, that I know of," he answers. Though the oldest vampire he knew of had only been one for ten years. There were older vampires, but not many.

    "Uh ... not that I know of. I mean. I can see my reflection in a mirror just fine. Nobody's ever really held a cross in my face. And I guess if just about anybody got stabbed in the heart it'd kill them, so..." Shrug. Maybe it's strange, but he doesn't seem to know all that much about his weaknesses.

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "I see, so you're much more human-like," Ferham blinked as she realized she was starting to actually force the man to step backwards, as if in fear. "I'm Ferham, you got me at a bit of a bad time, I was out doing some undercover work," she shrugged, she couldn't continue it right now, not with those puncture marks on her shoulder. She even winced idly as she put her hand over the spot on her shoulder. "But you interrupted me," she eyed him a little annoyed, but it seemed to pass quickly.

     "I'd be curious if those sorts of things DID effect you, maybe," she grinned, toying with the idea, apparently. Well, she DID look like a dominatrix a bit, what with those heeled boots and all, maybe she was thinking about some experimentation on him?

Eric Bane (550) has posed:
    Eric winced, realizing he'd messed up. "Nn ... sorry about that." He does have the grace to look somewhat ashamed of himself, anyway. "I didn't realize. Like I say, still learning." Baby vampire learning to hunt, isn't it cute? Aaaaand that was completely sarcastic. But then that grin ...
    ... Oh God. Eric just draws all the weird ones, doesn't he? He takes another step back, shaking his head. "Well, uh. I guess I could, uh ... let you know if I ever come across those things."

Ferham (516) has posed:
     There is a short series of snaps, that whip of hers sending shards of concrete into the air. "I think some more direct experimentation is necessarily," her expression is entirely serious as she took another step forward, that whip of hers momentarily drawn back. In the next instantly, she's lunging more or less right for him, her right arm going around his shoulders as her left held that whip. "You know how you had your arm around my waist just now?" she leaned in closer, whispering: "Do it again."

     Her left wrist snapped and that long glowing pink whip length now shot out to the top of one of the buildings boxing them in, immediately beginning to pull Ferham with Bane in tow. She was actually laughing, playfully albiet, though this seemed to excite her as they were drawn upwards and into the air very fast, probably near a hundred miles per hour. Eric could just let go, but then he'd fall... her arm was already around him, all he needed to do was hold on.

Eric Bane (550) has posed:
    Eric jumps back again at the snapping of a whip. Man, he DID draw a crazy one, didn't he?! There's a wince on his face at the flying of concrete chips. But she's faster, and he doesn't think to Shadow Leap out of the way before she lunges.

    "Hey!" Really, when flying through the air there's not much else he can do but hold on to the person fly. Since he kinda can't fly...

Ferham (516) has posed:
     There was now naught but darkness and a blanket of stars around them, Ferham's laughter was buffeted by the wind and the higher air pressure up here, as she had carried him now what seemed like hundreds of feet into the air. Those wide red wings on her back had spread sometime during the pull, and she'd seem to boost herself off the edge of the building ledge as her whip finally snapped back into the handle, disappearing there. This was mainly under her own power, but apparently that whip doubled as a grappling hook of some kind.

     "Are you afraid?" she turned to him, hoisting him with one arm, while he likely did the same to remain in the air with her. "Free free to grab my shoulders with both hands if you're frightened," she said, her voice raised over the wind. Was she toying with him? Absolutely. It's not like she could do this with other sorts of vampires that could just turn into a bat and fly away, after all.

Eric Bane (550) has posed:
    Grab hold of shoulders? Eric's just worried about not falling. Don't look down, don't look down, don't look down, don't look d - dammit, he looked down! He has to keep from locking up in fear, otherwise he just becomes a dead weight. Possibly literally if he makes her drop him!

    "Thanks, I think I'll just stick to staying still so I don't squirm loose!" he replies over the wind. Though a moment or two later, he asks, "...Where are we going?" he's along for the ride, he might as well find out where they're heading.

Ferham (516) has posed:
     Ferham winds up hoisting the hoodied young man in front of her and letting him hold onto her around her waist, one of her legs likely entwining around his. "We're going for a ride," Ferham looked at him a bit seriously, and then her lips cracked into a smile. Soon, Eric would feel like he was about to pass out, or throw up, as she took a very sharp dive just then, her arms and gloved hands holding the poor male tightly. Were those buildings they were passing by going that fast? and windows? and PEOPLE?

     Yes, Ferham had taken him into a dive right down and through a crowded, busy street, more or less cackling the entire way, before she pulled up again, rising high into the night sky. "Wanna go again...?" she asked giggling.

Eric Bane (550) has posed:
    Gaaaaaah the Gs! Eric gives a "Hrk!" as she makes that dive. Thank God he hadn't actually eaten anything. Vampires throwing up tended to be REALLY MESSY, given their usual food source. Thankfully he IS a little more resiliant than a human, enough to handle the Gs of this dive. He is, however, clutching pretty tightly and keeping his eyes closed.

    Finally when they come out of that dive, and Ferham asks that question, he opens an eye. "Uh. I don't think humans were meant to do that," he notes. "My stomach kinda told me that, after it crawled back down out of my throat." He's paler than usual, too.

Ferham (516) has posed:
     The femmebot at least kept him from being crushed by that force, easing up on her speed and trajectory just in time. Soon, she was lowering them both back down to a rooftop, letting the poor vampire go. "Whoo, that was a lot of fun, we should do it again sometime," Ferham winked at the man, likely leaving him a good bit dishelleved, his clothes and hood probably all askew.

     "What am I supposed to call you, anyway, do you have a name? Or is it some title, like D, or Dracula?" she stepped back from poor Eric, letting him collect herself now.

Eric Bane (550) has posed:
    More than just his hood and clothes askew, actually. As she let go, Eric stepped back, stumbling and falling over on his rear. Thankfully he wasn't close to the edge of the roof. So all that happened is he sat down heavily. And he's panting, for whatever reason. Maybe vampires in his world do still need to breathe. Or maybe he's doing it out of habit.

    The question of his name gets him looking up. The hood falls back, and he doesn't bother pulling it back up. His eyes are a very light, almost white, blue. After a moment, he takes a breath, and answers her question. "Eric. Eric Bane. Don't have any titles, no."

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "Sorry, just couldn't resist, especially where you stopped me," Fer's heeled boot clicked as she took a step closer, peering closer at him, almost with a little bit of sympathy. "Least that'll teach you from biting strange women you don't know," she winked, clearly joking there. "Poor thing, are you alright? didn't get hurt did you?" she sounded apologetic, which was surprising, at least for her.

     "No titles? Well neither do I, it's just Ferham," she smiled a little, leaning back now. "Well, I've had worse evenings I suppose, there could be worse than a vampire trying to nibble on you," she shrugged.

Eric Bane (550) has posed:
    Eric shakes his head. "I'm fine. Just a little winded." He stands up. "Sorry about that. Still learning about this 'predator of my fellow man' thing." he nods in greeting as she gives her name. "Well ... if it makes you feel any better, even if you had been human enough to bite, I wouldn't have killed you. I'm trying to avoid that, since I don't know if I can make vampires that way or not."

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "Hm... I see, so you're not just a human-like vampire, you're also new," Fer knew about being well... new, as it were. She was new once, after all, as were all Reploids. "Well that IS reassuring, thank you," she made a smarmy grin at him, but waved it off. "If I start biting other robots for their battery charge, I'll let you know," she turned, as if she was about to leave. Leave him right up on that rooftop she'd deposited him on.

Eric Bane (550) has posed:
    "H-hey wait," Eric says as she turns. "Is there a fire escape up here? I can't get down otherwise, and I'd rather not call the police." Because they'd ask how he got up here and he'd have to tell them he tried to bite a robot! Which would both be very awkward and also probably get him arrested and put in jail. Because assault.

Ferham (516) has posed:
     Ferham's high heeled boot hit the edge of the roof top, a few pebbles crumbling off and falling multiple stories down. "Don't think so, why? OH--wait, you can't fly, or anything," Ferham made a little facepalm there. "Almost forgot, you're not that kind of vampire," there was a crack of her whip and soon Eric might find it encircling his waist, pulling him along with her as she hops down from the edge, as if with just an afterthought.