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The Needs Of Many
Date of Scene: 21 August 2014
Location: Hydaelyn <HD>
Synopsis: The Black Shroud is in horrible shape and so a call of aid has gone out. Yet there is so much to be done-- and so little time.
Cast of Characters: Staren, 181, 307, 487, 513, 548

Xau'ra Tayuun (548) has posed:
The Black Shroud was once a beautiful place, trees that rose so large that you could not even see the sky. Ground so lush, that it was a beautiful place of moss, grass of green, and flowers of many colors. Yet when the Primal Bahamut was unleashed, the Black Shroud was hit the hardest.

The mighty forests were burnt down, smoke filled the air and covered a great deal of distance. Not only by the sheer thickness of the smoke itself, but the very ash the filled the sky. The same ash that still fall from the sky even now, several weeks later.

Many villages were burned to the ground. Many area devastated by the massive wake of destruction. Some areas lacking any life at all, beyond the smokey gray trail of ash, soot, and blackened tree trunks. The elements here are furious and reports of earth elements attacking the people, along with even unruly fire elements out of their place, ignited in the fury of the flames.

Mighty Treants that acted as the defenders, now turned on the people. Beasts that were once creatures of peace, now viscous and deadly.

Yet those coming to aid would be taken to the heart of the forest, to Gridania by way of aetheric teleportation done by the Conjuerers and by those who can still find the fabric of what remains of the old aether to reach the very city.

Those who are not use to such methods will find themselves probably dazed at first, if not a little ill, but these are common things and the Conjurers have drinks ready for them if they do not recover quickly from it.

Gridania itself is no better shape then the Black Shroud, for it was made of the very wood of the forest and fires had claimed many of the buildings. Many people hide inside what was once known as the Adventurer guild, where its stain glass windows have become tainted by the ash.

People here are sick, coughing, and many having trouble breathing from the ash they have inhaled. Others are heavily injured by the burns they have taken. Those who are well, try to work through the ash, but even they eventually have to take shelter for a bit.

Many of the people who live here are many creeds of life. From the lanky Elezen, to the nimble cat-like Miqo'te, to the short Lalafell, and to the main populace of Eorzea-- the Hyru.

If any place needs more help then ever in Eorzea-- it is this place right here.

Psalm (181) has posed:
    And indeed, this place looks a lot like the start of the dregs of Aincrad, once you got out of the glittering bits and into the humdrum parts where normal folks lived. More so with all the damage and worry and fear that bustle around.

    There's also the fact that Psalm is here on a fact-finding mission, and there's no better way to fact-find in a place like this than to ingratiate yourself in the community. That Adventurer's Guild over there looks like a likely starting point ,and that's where Psalm is heading, carrying her heavy greatsword over her shoulder as she hums a lovely tune. That music makes the area around her seem just a little brighter, just a little warmer. Mmmm.

Vi'Sharra (487) has posed:
    Vi'Sharra is standing over near the Aetheryte crystal, though she's probably not readily recognizable by anyone, because she's wearing goggles to keep the ash out of her eyes, and a scarf across her face so that she can breathe without y'know, all of the ash entering her lungs. Of course, she's also wearing a rather large rucksack,

    After a few moments of glancing around in distaste at all of the ash, and the general burnyness of the place, she sighs loudly and starts towards one of the refugees, and presents them with a small packet of food. "It's not much... But it should last you for a day or two."

    It's an action that she repeats for a number of times, working her way amongst the refugess, while trying to listen to what they're talking about.

Finna (513) has posed:
    DISASTER WORK! Finna just can't ignore the issue, not with people probably starving and hurt. The Moon's Chosen are supposed to look after those weaker than themselves, after all! ... which can be interpreted in dozens of ways depending on how much of an ass you are, but...

    In this case, Finna took some liberties.

    Because when she appears, it's actually as a he. The world-covering form of ERIK BLACKBURN MATERIALIZES by the Aetheryte, wearing only great trousers. No shoes, no shirt, but plenty of hairy-chested service.

    Rumor even has it that this man has studied the secret of the Cactuars, and weaponized that hairy chest behind what any man can do.

    "Aaaaaaaaawright. Where 'kin I find the ice house 'round here? Assuming there even is one. ... or any ice left..." He sniffs at the air, disgusted by the ash, and manages to pull out a few strips of cloth from seemingly behind his back (maybe a back pocket?) to cover his nose and mouth... "Yeeeeck."

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn doesn't look so good when he finds himself transported to the city. Well, it's a little odd for a wolf to not look too good right? Maybe he shouldn't have been munching away on a fresh kill when he was pulled away to somewhere he wasn't expecting to be. Though the smell of burnt things in the air doesn't really help the feeling of queaziness very much, in fact it might make it a bit worse. He laps up some water when it is offered to him maybe that will help it go away faster, or perhaps that isn't a good idea? Well, whichever, he pads around the city for a few moments and then heads towards where people are. "where are we?" he asks.

Staren has posed:
    A town consumed by fire! Monsters and medical hazards from ash and smoke abound! Staren is teleported in in full armor (he might have to fight monsters) -- it's still the Triax BLUE armor (painted red), with a helmet over his face. His magic messenger bag is in a flexible armored cover, and there's another backpack on his back, adorned with crystals for some reason.

    Staren takes a moment to look around, armored tail lashing a bit in frustration. /Why are people living like this?/ He makes his way to the Adventurer's Guild, assuming it's a large, obvious building, and waves. "I'm from the Union, and I'm here to help." He frowns behind his visor at the people coughing and obviously sick. He hopes none of them have permanent lung damage yet. He looks around the building, mapping out the best places to place fans and air purifiers. "Is there a water source nearby? A source of food? What are you short on, and what's been contaminated by the ash?"

    He'll handle this methodically.

Xau'ra Tayuun (548) has posed:
For Psalm she will notice that the Adventures guild is being used as part refuge holding and part medical center. Though once she comes in, a tall elezen woman glances up from behind a counter, where she has had her head down and her hand messing with some type of charm. Though she looks weary, she tries to put on a smile, "Welcome.. I am Miounne. Though some call me mother Miounne, or just mother. You are one of the outsiders, correct?"

The elezen woman then puts her hands in front of her. "If you are here to help, we could use it. The Wailers-- are military I suppose you could say-- are busy looking for many people trapped in the woods. People here are without food, we don't really have good, clean water-- and possibly running out soon.." She lowers her head, sorrow coming over her face, but she looks back up as she struggles to keep that smile. "..and if you are not even from our allies.. we still be willing to pay as well."

When Staren walks in, the elven-like woman looks over to him, giving him a curious look. As he is like a Miqo'te, yet far from it. More bestial then that of the Miqo'te. The woman nods her head gently. "We have some clean water still, though we must becareful how much we take due to the upset balance with the elementals. Food though is far more scarce and many of the farmlands were put ablaze."

She lowers her head looking off to the side. "..and many people are missing their loved ones still out in the depths of the Shroud. Unknowing if they are still alive.. or if they were consumed by the wrath of the Primal the Garlean Empire unleashed on us all."

(( See picture - Miounne.jpg - and she stands close to six foot ))

Though after Miounne speaks to the two, she takes notice as another individual walks in. He is a dark grayed fur man, with a long black cat-like tail and black, sleek hair that has white streaks running through it. He is wearing mostly leather and cloth armor, with a very nice box on his backside that has edges of some type of scales against the wood.

As he walks in, he moves the goggles off his eyes and goes to rest them on the top of his head, "And what pretell gave you that idea that they may be lacking such things? Perhaps the ash that is all over the mighty forest.. or perhaps the people are trapped here as the Wailers-- the forests rangers risk all to save whom they can?"

Staren may recongize this Miqo'te's voice. He may not. Either way, the young man crossed his arms over his chest before he looked over to Miounne, "Hello mother."

The elezen woman looked back at him before she just-- face-palmed gently, whispering softly, "..you shouldn't be here..."

(( Miqo'te guy aka Xau'ra - t0Nf3ym.jpg ))


Xau'ra Tayuun (548) has posed:
As Vi'Sharra walks around town, the people accept her food and give her thanks in such ways of saying, "Thank the twelve." "May the twelve guide you." "Oh thank the matron. Thank /you/." Those around however are not talking much, only words of how dangerous the woods are. Some missing children and wanting to go back out to find them, others missing their husbands.. or wives.

Some even cursing the Garleans for what they have brought upon them all.. and how they wish the twelve would curse them from this world. Though those who speak so harshly are quickly hush by those more calm minded speaking of how the elements will make things right again in time. They just need patience.


As Erik enters the city, he will sadly find no one here in Black Shroud knows of his amazing exploits in Thanalan. As word has not traveled here as well, most everywhere else has their own problems and the Alliance is on shaking ground cause of it.

Though when Allyn arrives, the Conjurers think maybe he is with Erik-- though seeing a wolf of his kind is out, but outsiders are outsiders. It is when he speaks and one of the people over-hear him talk causes a few of them to step away in somewhat surprise.

Yet one person steps up to Allyn, a young woman, who is trying hard to keep the ash out of her face, "..you speak, wolf?" She asks staring at the beast before her. "..are you from the matron? Are you one of her elemental children of the woods?"

This-- gets the attention of several other people, as they all talk about has the Matron heard their cries for help. Have the twelve come in the form of a beast of nature.

Staren has posed:
    Staren listens, and nods to Miounne. He looks at Xau'ra for a moment. "...The feel of the place. How these people are living... I've seen it before. ...I'll see about getting the air cleaned up in here." He moves around, setting up devices that he pulls from his packs.

    There are definately more devives than should possibly fit in the two bags he's carrying...

Psalm (181) has posed:
    The redhead with the sword bows to Mother Miounne and grins. "Outsiders, yes. Experienced help, if you may." She bows gracefully, sweeping her free arm low. "Magatha Songsteel at your service, and really the service of any here who seem to need it. I seem to have found the right place for this though. A proper Guild for proper Adventuring. I like it."
    A giggle, and she rolls her eyes at Staren's antics, before turning back to Mother and her Catman. "Ahoy hoy, fellow. If a person WAS planning on pitching in to help, and wanted to help the local Constabulary, I'm assuming that would be these Wailer fellows. Sorry for being slightly ignorant."
    A charming smiles. Quite charming, as Maggie flips on her Charisma.

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn tilts his head at the young woman when she approaches him and speaks, he nods to her, "I speak, yes." He then listens to what she asks him and ponders over how to answer such a question. He's not really sure who she means, but he senses these people need hope and reassurance, so he answers it the way that he thinks it should be answered, he's here to help after all and he is a creature of the wild afterall, just not the wild here, besides he was recently told by a creature in another world to help as he can and teach people something important.

"Yes, I have been sent here to help, those who live here." He gives the young woman a wag of his tail, "Just tell me what I can do to help." he sits down and listens, his ears perking up lightly.

Finna (513) has posed:
    "Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice box!" The giant man bellows urgently. "Lookie here, my big gift--" With a WHUMPF of motion, he pulls the BODY OF A SLAIN BULL SEEMINGLY OUT OF NOWHERE and hoists it up above his head with a great groan. Even his legs seem like they're gonna buckle under the weight!

    "--won't last long!"

    Where. The hell. Was he keeping that thing?

Vi'Sharra (487) has posed:
    It doesn't take too long for Vi'Sharra to glance over at the ruckas starting over near the Aetheryte and there... Of all places is Erik and Allyn. Not like she could forget either of them. Especially not Erik. Not after his thousand chest hairs of cactaur doom.

    "Well now..." She pauses for a moment while handing out food, then shrugs, and goes back to it for a bit longer but... ...Even a giant enchanted rucksack has it's limits. Perhaps after a good hundred packages of food, she's out. Which gives her a good excuse to go wandering off in Erik and Allyn's direction. "My my... It's good to see you again Allyn." Erik just sort of gets a look. ...Not that you really see the look under her scarf and goggles... But you might be able to feel it, if you're sensitive to odd looks.

    Psalm, Xau'ra and Staren get them as well, but it's a more curious sort of gaze in their cases, rather then the 'Ahh. It's you. Again. I remember you.' look that Erik gets.

Xau'ra Tayuun (548) has posed:
Miounne looks to Psalm. "The Wailers would be the ones to speak too, normally, but most of them are out in the forests and.." She suddenly notices Staren moving with his--- odd-- technology. She was told that the outsiders /use/ technology but, "Sir." She says very calmly, "Sir, before you do anything further with that-- are those magitek?"

Staren also may find that if he is hoping for good ol' electricity-- there is none here. Nope. No electricity. No power. They are kinda a stone-age people or Druid-like.. maybe that is a better example.

Xau'ra shakes his head gently before he gives Psalm a slight salute, "Welcome to the Black Shroud adventurer. Name is Xau'ra-- if your here to help, I'll be your wonderful guide for this day. I know the woods like the back of my hand.. even if they are crispy and not so great."


As the people gather around Allyn as he says he is here to help, they all get wide eyed and quickly start to groom some of the ash from his fur. More people start to gather around him as if he was some holy animal and in a strange way--he was being seen like one.

Including one who calls out, "The Matron has heard our pleas for help! She has sent upon us a mighty wolf to aid us! To appears the elements and--"

"Enough." A voice barks out over the crowd. A young man who looks no older then a child, with horns protruding from his head speaks up, followed by two others of his kin. "This individual you see before you is no spirit from the great Matron, but one from the outside world. They are yes, here to aid us, but he is not of her calling."

When Vi'Sharra walks over, the young horned boy looks over in her direction. He gives her a puzzled look and then hrms softly, then he speaks up again, "I am glad to see so many has come in our time of need."


When Erik lifts up the giant bull for all to have, a few quickly go to get the carts, one of the people ask him as they look upon him. "...where.. how.. that is a big bull."

Psalm (181) has posed:
    The redhead smiles right up at Miounne and Xau'ra, and taps her greatsword on her shoulder. "Well then, let's see what we can do about getting them some assistance and getting this place put back in order. No city or its people should be suffering like this needlessly." A little wink up at the catman, before she turns around to face Miounne. "I will be borrowing your Miqo'te for a while! I promise to bring him home in one piece or at least enough pieces to shuffle back into an amalgamation of catmans."

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn blinks as he gets ash and such gets groomed off of him, well, he wasn't expecting that reaction. His ears lower some though as the guy with the horns speaks up and then speaks up, "How do you know the Matron did not send me here? I may be an outsider, but I am a creature of nature and I am here, am I not?" Well it makes a little bit of sense to him.

Vi'sharra gets a wag of his tail too as he greets her, if she is able to get her hand close to him, she might even get a lick as he recognizes her voice.

"Either way we are here to help, because we want to do so." he states/

Vi'Sharra (487) has posed:
    Golden brown eyes gaze at the horned young man from behind her goggles. His body language... ...He knows a little more then normal. Hmm... After a moment she gives an internal shrug, and bows to him, "You are indeed correct, we are multiversals. Though as of late, I've taken to traveling Eorzea and helping out here and there." Her posture relaxes slightly, and it seems almost like she's projecting an aura of friendless, "It's a pleasure to meet you, especially since I can assume that you're more knowledgeable about us then most here?"

    Allyn gets his ears ruffled gently if he's in range, but with a crowd, that might be a bit doubtful. On the other hand...

Finna (513) has posed:
    "Hrmmmmmgh... you sure get around!" Erik comments Vi's way, glancing at Allyn a few moments later. He struggles mightily to place the bull down on the cart, then dusts his hands off over a job well done. "They don't come fresher 'n that!"

    And to the person who starts asking how, he simply grins. It's a big, warm, welcoming grin, but there's something ferocious behind it... maybe pressing's not the best idea.

    "What a mess. Just the rebuildin'.... and it's not like the woods can take much of that..."

Xau'ra Tayuun (548) has posed:
"I know of the Matron, because I am of the Conjurers guild. We are the speakers of the elements and we are in commune with all things." He says calmly and has a gentle voice. Though he isn't overly thrilled by Vi'Sharra's presence it would seem as he keeps giving her a look. The other two with him are doing more staring then he is.

"We are also the guides of these people of Gridania, though the true voice of her people is busy with diplomatic matters." The two do at last look away, seeming to bring their gaze over to the adventurer's guild as something-- there-- has their attention.

The horned young man then looks to Vi'Sharra, "So, this now begs the question. What do you wish to know, though I will warn that if you plan to step beyond these walls, you will not be in the graces of the forest-- as you are not of her children.. and she is very angry right now."

The young horned boy looks then to Erik, "No. The woods can not take much more of this.. and neither we her children. Unless the elements can be calmed and some order brought back to this chaos-- we will surely see our demise. For even once all things are brought back to order.. the Shroud will take thousands of years to surely be back to her former glory."


Xau'ra gives Psalm a strange look as he raises an eye brow at her. His tail only twitches ever so slightly. "I am not one of hers, if you must know. If anything I know a few wailers who love to skin me alive as if I was one of the hunts that once roamed the lands."

Xau'ra gives a shrug, "But like bloody hell will I stand by when my once home lays in ruin. We are children of the shroud-- even with questionable history aside-- have to do what you must for family."

Xau'ra then taps the side of his face gently as he studies the red head, "..what did you say your name was again..?"

Also he then points over to the other group, "..also friends of yours?"

Psalm (181) has posed:
    "Magatha Songsteel, the Psalm of Denieth and Dragonmarked of Sentinel, at your service." She bows once again, and then looks up with a wink. "Call me Maggie~"
    "Ah, and as for the others, not really. I mean, I recognize one or two, but I certainly did not come with some of them." A frown, and chuffing and tutting. How dare you suggest such things harumph.

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn gives Erik a wag of his tail too as his ears perk again as he listens to the horned man and ponders, "Then we can try to help calm them then. What can we do to try to calm them?" He sniffs a little bit and sighs, the smell of ash burning his nsoe some and he sneezes. "I do not like seeing such things done to such places." True, he knows how he would feel if his home, or the place he now calls home was burned. "Or at least where can we get vengence on those who would do such a thing?"

Vi'Sharra (487) has posed:
    Vi'Sharra looks at Allyn for a moment before she shakes her head, "Allyn, I think it would be best to let that particular sleeping dragon lie." Her eyes and her gaze shifts back to the young horned man, "Ahh..." She chuckles, "That would explain why..." She shakes her head, "My kind aren't natural or unnatural. We just are. I'd imagine that feels off to you?" She gazes outside of the city, "and I'd imagine that feels off to them as well? Is there anything that can be done, as Allyn said, to help calm them, or at least to allow us to deal with the worst of them before they add to the devestation caused by the primal?" She glances at the other two, before dismissing them mentally, "I can conjure spirits, but I suspect that it would generally only make the situation worse around here, unless..."

Finna (513) has posed:
    "ERIK BLACKBURN." The man announces in greeting. "Just a traveler." 'Just,' he says, but the guy is nearly seven feet tall and, as a living mountain of muscle, his horizontal proportions are nothing to sneeze at either. Every bit of exposed flesh ripples with scars and muscles.

    Just where does this guy travel? Through every warzone in existence?

    He smiles down at Allyn, but folds his arms after hearing Magatha's introductions. "Soooo... what exactly is a Dragonmarked?"

Xau'ra Tayuun (548) has posed:
Xau'ra's tail sways softly as he places his hand on his hip and watches the group and then cants a gaze over to Maggie, "..Oh. So your one of the Ishgard Dragoons then?" He says with a fang grin. Before he barks out a laugh. "But seriously, that is one seven hells of a title. Pleasure to meet you Maggie and," He rubs his chin. "I suppose you are to gorgeous to be part of that crowd." He says with an amused grin on his face.

"Either way, come now. The fun is surely about to begin." At which, Xau'ra goes to lead her over to the rest of the crowd, cause seriously-- he hasn't seen the heads of the Conjurer's guild in some time.

The horned young man looks upon the wolf, "The ones who did this-- I am not sure if I should fully place the blame on or the Primal itself. Though for now neither means not if we can not soothe the elements." He then closes his eyes for a moment. "..and I fear they will not be soothed easily."

"Either way it is best that we handle such endeavors." His eyes then move over to Xau'ra, narrowing slightly before he looks back at the group.

The young horned man looks to Vi'Sharra again, "Ah, so you have heard of the Primal then who brought devastation here and the other places of Eorzea. Then you perhaps also have heard of the Garlean Empire as well, if I am safe to presume such." He gives a gentle shake of his head. "Matters not either way."

He then motions out to the people, before turning to the other two. "Take the satchels from my brothers and hand the elixirs within to the people whom are in need of them. They will ails some of the aether sickens from the lands changes and also aid with the ash's own poisonous attempt."

Psalm (181) has posed:
    Maggie grins up at the Miqo'te. "Something like that. Though, specifically back home I am a Bard by trade. I suspect there's different interpretations of a theme around these parts, but the idea probably sticks."
    Oh goodness now we're heading over to the others, and... And the rather Large Man of Burly Mien. A little bit of a squint though, and Maggie lets out a toothy grin at the fellow. "Dragonmarked? Well, you'd have to get my armor off to tell properly. A lady doesn't just show herself off to everyone." Though as she walks, that chainmail shifts a bit, a flash of some sort of tattoo across her chest. The Bard waves at the others as well. "So, are you lot joining us on a merry romp through thewoodlands?"

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn nods to the horned man as he listens to what he has to say, "Well, we will do what we can to help, do not worry" he glances at Erik for a few moments and his tail wags a bit more, why? that's a secret of course.

He nods to Vi'Sharra then, "Alright, if you think that is the best course of action, which it just may be." well whatever folks decide he's good with going along with it seems.

He tilts his head at Psalm, "If that is what we decide to do, then yes."

Vi'Sharra (487) has posed:
    Vi'Sharra nods to the horned young man, "I'm familliar with them, there were some missing people in the deserts of Ul'Dah and well..." She shrugs, "Lets just say that the Amalj'aa aren't exactly very picky about whom they have their primal temper." She frowns, something more sensed then seen through her face wrap, "Which leads me to another question, since you seem to be one of the ones in the know... But perhaps here wouldn't be the best place to speak of it."

    She crosses her arms before shaking her head, "Ah... But what's the harm in asking." She looks at him for a long moment, measuringly, "Ifrit, isn't the smartest of Primals, and neither are his followers, but do you know what tempers their followers with black flames, and kills them when they're about to talk?"

Finna (513) has posed:
    "Hrrrrmmmmmmmmnfg." Is what most can make of the long, drawn out grunt Erik makes, spotting what Maggie's getting at. He cracks a lopsided grin at some thoughts of his own, but is quck to get back on the main topic here. "May as well, lady! ... the real mess is out there, not here. ... and this time I'm hoping there's no interference from any Garlean Empire..." He falls silent though, canting his head curiously at the things Vi's bringing up.

Psalm (181) has posed:
    Maggie's tongue escapes her impish grin as she walks around ERIK THE MANLY swiping her free hand a bit, and looks over at Vi'Sharra. "See, here's a ladt who knows what she's talking about, honestly." A little snicker, and she shrugs, planting her sword tip first into the dirt and leaning on it.

    "I'd say anyone that follows someone like that ends up... well. They're changed, aren't they?"

Xau'ra Tayuun (548) has posed:
Xau'ra peers over at Erik, "Garlean Empie you say?" He furrows his brows. "What did those low lives do?"

The two other horned inviduals go to hand them the satchels. Though the one who seems to be the head of this group looks over his shoulder to Vi'Sharra as she asks. He then looks away, before his eyes narrow. "I can not say safely that I have.. yet.." He closes his eyes. "...Yet I would suggest you stay away from such things."

He turns to look at her, "..for there is a great darkness that is also moving over the land.. but it is one that stays out of our sight." His eyes then look to Xau'ra, "Also I would not follow that Miqo'te into the woods. As you may never return.. not by the hands of the elements.. but by the hands of those he never gave proper succor too for his deeds."

Once the bags are handed out, the horned kids leave. Leaving Xau'ra with his ears back and making a bit of a face at their back side. "Bloody seven hells. You think you people get over that by now!"

Finna (513) has posed:
    "Killed the food gatherers of a desert people, set up a trap for the search parties, maybe trying to pin the blame on others at the same time... real cunning, I'll give 'em that." 'He' would have to.

    That's when Maggie strolls behind him though and does... SOMETHING.

    Whatever it is, it squeezes a squawky yelp out of Erik that doesn't really sound so.... manly. He grabs at his rump.... making it out as though maybe Maggie just spanked him?

    But a few people with the right angle can easily tell that wasn't the case, of course...

    Either he, he ends up giving her the WEIRDEST looking grin. A bit goofy, but... there is no denying the hints of predatory energy in it.

    He's on to you, Maggie.

Psalm (181) has posed:
    The redhead snickers happily back at Erik, leans rught up to the fellow, and whispers something into his ear, smiling back at the 'fellow'... and then she's tapping at the pommel of her sword rythmically, a little beat filling the air as she does so. "Anyways, cunning or not, the enemies of decent folk are the enemies of mine, given the right motivation. What is the barter of choice around these parts?"

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn blinks at the sound that Finna makes and peers at Psalm for a few moments, and shakes his head he'll ask Erik about it later that's the best thing to do. He ponders and listens for a bit and then gets up nd pads over closer to Vi'Sharra, "So, what do you think we should do?" he asks as he peers up at her.

Vi'Sharra (487) has posed:
    Vi'Sharra frowns slightly at the words of the horned conjurers before she nods. "I suspect such has already taken note of my inference. Otherwise, it would not have so kindly terminated the one I was interrogating." She shrugs, "Perhaps more will be forthcoming elsewhere."

    She smiles to Psalm, "The more you travel..." she gestures in the direction of Limsa Limosa, "That would be my next destination, but I suspect... ...It will be needful to stay here for a time." Turning back to Allyn she shakes her head, "Hunt elsewhere in the Multiverse, and help provide for those here with that... ...And then when we do venture into the forst, we do so with one of them-" She gestures at the leaving conjurers, "Or him." She looks at Xau'ra, "With us."

Xau'ra Tayuun (548) has posed:
Xau'ra crosses his arms over his chest as he gives Erik a strange look he--- thought he caught something in the corner of his eye with Erik and Maggie that causes him to cant his head slightly. Then he suddenly hears behind him, "You! Don't think just cause you gave yourself white streaks that you ca hide from me you thief!"

Xau'ra eye twitches before he slowly looks over his shoulder at one of the Elezen wood wailers in his green armor comes marching right at him with his teeth gritted. Xau'ra gives everyone a sheepish smile, "Please excuse me while I speak to that gentleman over present things.. and maybe try to offer him a drink out of the ash snow." He motions above him as the ash is still slowly falling down.

"I'd suggest you lot head maybe tooo.." He points over to the place where the lumber mill is, "There. Mayhaps after you handle those elixers, maybe you know-- help with some logging. Sooner they get more lumber for the homes-- the sooner everyone can be happy.." Xau'ra then slides away, placing his arms out wide, "Hello good fellow!"

"Don't good fellow me!"

Don't mind these two-- they have a history.

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn nods to Vi'sharra and then Xau as he says to go help with logging. "Well, guess I can't cut wood like this." he seems to shrug and then shifts to his human form. "Well, I could have probably carried some wood in my mouth or something, but it would have been a bit slobbery." he chuckles and then bows to Vi'Sharra, well he's not been human around most of those here. "I'm not bad at logging though."

Finna (513) has posed:
    "Gil, for money. Barter.... with things like this? Food, water, medicine, shelter.. hope." erik announces, shuffling away from Maggie for whatever reason. "And there's no telling who's out there in the woods, hungry 'n alone...."

Vi'Sharra (487) has posed:
    Vi'Sharra's eyes focus on Erik, "There are... elementals out in the woods who are generally unhappy about everything. If you go out there, then they will notice-" She gestures in the direction that the conjurers left in, "-As the Conjurers mentioned. Which means that any whom you go out to help, will be caught between the crossfire of the elementals, and yourself."

    She gazes at him for a long moment, "Would you rescue them from their peril, only to bring worse peril down on their heads?" She crosses her arms, "Meanwhile in town, a man of your size," She glances at Psalm with a slight smile, "Can do many things without bringing the wrath of a load of angry creatures down on everything your vacinity."

Psalm (181) has posed:
    Maggie snickers happily, before finding a nice warm stump nearby to sit on. The smoke and ash... still don't be seeming to bother her all that much. Maybe she's just to Fabulous for such petty things?
    "Fair enough, I think I've been to a number of other worlds of this sort where gear is doled out of surplus to help people along and what not, so I am used to the concept." A little yawn, before she conjures a bag out of thin air and fishes around inside for a bunch of jerky, which she starts handing out to whoever wants some.
    Yes, this means passing kidlets as well.

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn looks to Vi'Sharra and then Erik and smiles a little, "I think we could handle such things, at least the three of us could." He glances over at Psalm a moment, "I don't know if she could or not though." he chuckles a little. "But no, right now probably isn't the best time to try to do something like it." he shrugs a little. "Well, we can at least do the menial things they need done around here though." he looks off towards the forest a moment, "Though something has to pay for what was done to that forest over there. I am sure a lot of creatures are without a home now." he mutters a little.

Finna (513) has posed:
    "Grrrrrrrngh." Erik makes a face. hardly a pleasant one. "You're underestimatin' me." He states simply at Vi, but he doesn't seem to be rushing off like a hothead into the woods either. "You ave a plan, then?"

Allyn (307) has posed:
Unlike Erik, Allyn is a bit hotheaded when it comes to such thing, but for now, even if it's only just barely he is managing to hold back and not going to go storming into the woods, at least not alone. He waners over towards where the loggers are and goes to help chop wood, or whatever it is they need some help doing. Though he does pinch Erik on the side as he walks past the bigger man and whispers something to him.

Vi'Sharra (487) has posed:
    Vi'Sharra nods, "I don't understimate you, and I know she can handle herself." She gestures to the bard, "That's not the issue. The issue is that this is an unfamilliar place, the trapped people are going to be terrified, weakened, or both. People afraid do stupid things. People afraid and weakened in combat do even stupider things."

    She smiles grimly, "If you get my drift, I can gather that the three of us will survive, but imagine if you bring fifty earth elementals down onto a weakened child and his two grandparents. The kid runs off in fear into... what? While we're dealing with protecting the two elders from the elementals."

Finna (513) has posed:
    ".............." Erik is silent for quite a while. All through the explanation. Frustration flickers across his face in waves like a churned ocean's surface. "...... hnmooooorgh, this just isn't fun anymore." What, fun? And his accent's utterly vanished, so what--

    The answer comes way, way too fast.

    Erik's body ripples like liquid struck by a rock, and swiftly SHRINKS. Clothes sprout in time to garb the feminine features that emerge from the false shape as it melts away.

    All that's left is Finna, glaring sourly at Vi'Sharra. "You're right, even more so if I'm not being serious enough. That's enough fooling around, I guess! Ah well, it was fun while it lasted."

Psalm (181) has posed:
    And then Psalm giggles happily as Finna changes back. "See? I like this form so much better." She stomps her boots on the ground in amusement, and holds out her hand again, smiling. "Let's try this again. Magatha Songsteel, Bard."

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn ponders Vi'Sharra's words and nods to her, "I suppose you are right, but couldn't we lead them away from the village to defeat them, if that is what is needed to calm them down? And what will the people here do for food while these elementals are angry? Can they still go out and hunt if it's not in the forest?" he raises an eyebrow, "I know I'll have to go out there somewhere and hunt, because they probably only have cooked or dry food here right now. I can't eat cooked or dried meat or vegetables." he chuckles some.

He then grins as Finna changes forms and snickers a little, "You're going to confuse the locals my dear." he grins at Finna again.

Finna (513) has posed:
    "Oooooh? Am I your dear now?" Finna turns Allyn's way momentarily, tail wagging a bit faster and merriness in her eyes. Hard to say if she's happy to hear that, or is just teasing him, but she cracks a smile regardless... then firmly clasps Magatha's hand.

    "Finna Snowdancer. Huntress!" ... and much more, apparently.

    "Elementals are a part of nature. Having them rampaging isn't good. Wiping them out is just as bad, isn't it? I've never seen a place this bad before...."

Vi'Sharra (487) has posed:
    Vi'Sharra's eyebrows raise, then she frowns slightly, before shrugging. Very visibly shrugging. "Actually we'd be better of hunting somewhere else. Step out into the multiverse proper and bring down a few nasty buggers somewhere, strip them for parts. Load them into a wagon or a few bags, and then drag them back through the warpgate to here."

    She raises the goggles and transfixes Finna with her eyes for a moment, "Take a closer look at this place then that. I tried to do some enchanting earlier and the magic here is ... The destruction has caused even the magic flows to run wild. If we wholesale slaughter everything that's sick, injured and acting up..."

    She shakes her head, "Create a clean spot out of the town, and work outward. They-" She gestures at the people, "Need food and shelter. Fine, we hop out into some wild multiversal forest, kill some megabison, hit up a mcdonalds, and drag back some salads for everyone else. One of us who can be beefy enough to shift the rubble around here can clear it, and help with the start of reconstruction. I'm not sure beyond that, because I don't know their elementals."

Psalm (181) has posed:
    "See, where I come from... that depends on the elementals. Back home you've got motes, you've got imps and sprites, you've got lesser elementals, the spaient ones all the way up to The Burning Lords of Pure Fire and such nonesense. If there's very large elementals outside those gates... I'd bet this village and city wouldn't be here anymore."
    She bites her lip. "Hopefully the issue isn't too bad off just yet."

Psalm (181) has posed:
    She also winks at Finna again. Then pouts. "I had a tail once, and lamb ears. I could pobably whip those up again if I wanted too, but..."

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn hmphs a bit, but then he nods to Vi'Sharra, well she knows the place better than the others do it seems, at least better than he does since she has been out and about exploring the different places. "That's a good idea, I know of a good place for hunting an unspoiled place at that. It's probably a good idea to just hunt there." he shrugs some, "and as you said to bring back the meat and such here for the people here. I suppose it should agree with them, as long as it is similiar to the local fauna and which of that they eat." well, perhaps, but he's not so sure.

He just grins at Finna again, when she asks him if what he meant means she is his dear, "Maybe, that's left to be seen, hmmm?" he raises an eyebrow at her, probably teasing her back, or maybe he means it? hard to tell.

Finna (513) has posed:
    "When in Nexus." Finna states simply, nodding to herself, then waggles a finger. "The locals'll know more about how to solve the Elementals... but I agree, let's worry about the simpler problems first! Still, I could do a flyby, see if there's anything obviously bad happening around out there..."

Finna (513) has posed:
    "Muscle I can do too! And... really, hmm? So do the Miqo'te! They're rather fetching!"

Finna (513) has posed:
    "Muscle I can do too! And... really, hmm? So do the Miqo'te! They're rather fetching! Didn't expect to see people who weren't beastmen naturally born like that." Finna announces, plantin a hand on her hip.

Vi'Sharra (487) has posed:
    Vi'Sharra considers for a moment, "That's not a bad idea, provided you can see past the ash, and navigate the messed up thermals... Allyn can you shift into a bird-form as well?" She raises an eyebrow, "Or are you 'merely' a werewolf?"

    Her eyes shift over to Psalm, "I'm afraid I don't know much of your abilities... I've never had the pleasure of working with you before."

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn nods to Vi'Sharra, "I am not a werewolf, I am a shapeshifter, but yes, I can shift into a bird form as well." he chuckles some and then eyes Vi'Sharra, "You can as well, can't you? I believe I smelled bird on you the first time I met you." he doesn't mention the other things he smelled though, at least not really, though he does say, "You are a shapeshifter as well, I think." maybe that is why he is friendly towards Vi'Sharra. "I can also speak to wild animals, though I am not sure what I could learn from the ones around here, most of them are of magicl nature aren't they? I have a harder time communicating with those, if they even listen to me at all."

Finna (513) has posed:
    Wait, Vi'sharra might be a shapeshifter? Finna peers her way, checking for any obvious signs... but well, there really aren't any, and so she mentally chides herself for that a moment later.

    But if Vi'Sharra has anything sticking out, Finna's got an eye on her now.

    "If we really need a lot of meat, I could catch a mammoth! But transporting it here... yeah, that's NOT happening." Sarcastically, she sticks her tongue out... then immediately spits, as flakes of ash land on it. Woops. "bleegh!"

Vi'Sharra (487) has posed:
    Vi'Sharra laughs softly, "I'm a master of my kind, so yes. I can shapeshift." She bows slightly, "Mmm... I honestly, don't know if I would trust the things around here if you talk to them." She frowns, "They're not... Sane."

    She reaches up to rub her face, "They... Can't you smell it in the air, past all of the ashes, and the burning? It's like a massive part of the environment caved in on itself, perhaps because of the way the magic shifted but..." She shakes her head, "It's not exactly nice."

Finna (513) has posed:
    "Only some. The Essence here feels a bit disturbed, but it's so different from what I'm used to. It's not balanced, and flowing... roughly, but it's not a Shadowland at least. There'd be no hope at all if it was.... aha, right, the people here call it Aether. It's different, but it seems I can still make use of it... but it's weird. Like stroking fur the wrong direction..."

    Finna makes a face, folding her arms simultaneously.

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn raises an eyebrow at Vi'Sharra, "Master of your kind?" he nods some, "Ah, so not just a shapeshifter then?" well, he knew there was something else about the woman, but he doesn't mention that here at least. "So not quite like me then." he chuckles some and then shrugs. He nods to her words, "You are probably right and yes, I can smell it, not a good or healthy smell." he sighs. "Guess that is what has me on edge and moody about being around here."

He raises an eyebrow to Finna, "The magic of this place? I wish I could feel such things sometimes, but no sue crying over not being able to." he shrugs again. "Well.."

Vi'Sharra (487) has posed:
    Vi'Sharra nods, "The only reason I've noticed is because I've occasionally tried to enchatn things for clients." She frowns, "But you heard what the conjurer said, right?" She frowns, "Ether sickness. Which means, it's pooling in poeople and poisoning them because it's so far off." She glances around, "That's not my specialty, and I'm not a mage so... ...You might want to think of what it might turn some of the local wildlife into, though."

Finna (513) has posed:
    "What I do is less magic, and more a miracle or blessing. It's not Sorcery, I don't follow along with the mystics too well either. You could say it's a little more like instinct." Finna announces shamelessly, then shrugs a little. "Everyone has their talents, and that's not one of mine! .... Hm...." She suddenly turns towards Allyn, giving the wolf a perturted, ponderous look... she's thinking about something.

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn nods to Vi'Sharra and frowns some, "Yeah, I heard what he said." he sighs a little in defeat and then raises an eyebrow, "Yeah, that is something else to worry about. I wonder if it will affect me? Seeing as I..." he shakes his head, "Nevermind that isn't important." if it starts affecting him too, well, he'll just have to deal with it, but he begins to wonder if it will since if he's asked he usually is quick to say he's an animal and not human.

He catches the look Finna gives him and raises an eyebrow at her, "What's on your mind Finna?"

Vi'Sharra (487) has posed:
    Vi'Sharra shakes her head, "I couldn't tell you if it would effect any of us or not. My kind are ... exceptionally resillent to just about everything, however... If you're weak against magic, toxins, or strange effects... Then you might want to not sleep in this realm."

    She considers for a moment while gazing at Finna, "So it's instinctual. You're a creature of power like Ally and I am." She considers for a moment, before lowering her goggles again, and wiping a streak of ash off of her face... ...And another one right back on. "Pheh... I suppose the best we can do is help people who are sickened by it with the medicine that they provided, and hope that none of us are suceptable."

    She gives an exagerated shrug, "The sick ones are easy to tell at least... Their blood smells off."

Finna (513) has posed:
    "You might be better off not asking that. A way exists to grant that little wish I just overheard... but I'm not sure it's a good idea...." She suddenly shakes her head. "....Well, maaaaaybe! Depends on what YOU are." She retorts lightly Vi'Sharra's way, ears twitching a few times in a rather playful manner.

    If Vi'Sharra can see them. "Mhm! Like you said, there's plenty to do here. This time I don't wanna jump into something half-baked!"

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn raises an eyebrow at Finna again, now she has him curious, but he might not ask about it here. He'll just have to ask her about it sometime when they are alone. Well, it gives him something to think about anyway.

He does not in agreement though, "Yeah, I guess that is true, there are times we shouldn't jump into things half-baked." he then gets a mischevious look on his face, "I prefer jumping into raw things, afterall." he smirks some.

Xau'ra Tayuun (548) has posed:
While everyone has been talking Xau'ra has been-- clearing up some air. Now that has been done the young male Miqo'te of the Keeper of the Moon comes waltzing back to the group with a smile on his face and cause of that dark grey fur, and the black band over his upper part of his face. Not only are his gold eyes very visible, but so is his white-toothy smile.

"I'm sorry about that, Maggie-- and folks. I had to clear up some things with some of the wailers. They were not up to date on some matters." He shrugs gently. "Happens sometimes when your home is ablaze and linkpearls no longer operate-- oh.. linkpearls.. they are like.. or were like-- Eorzean's.. radios? Yes, radios."

Finna (513) has posed:
    Of course Erik is gone, now there is just Finna, and no apparent connection between the two for one who wasn't here at the right time. Finna has a few glances at him again.... grinning. "I have one. But not from Eorzea. Never mind that, though! Where's help needed most?"

Vi'Sharra (487) has posed:
    Vi'Sharra chuckles, "You don't have any legends of vampires in your world, Finna?" She shrugs, "Well." Her gaze switches back to Xau'ra, "Ahh... So you have a history with the local military then?" She tilts her heard, before she shrugs, "Ahh... Well. Not important I suppose."

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn shakes his head at Vi'Sharra, "I'd never even heard of vampires before I joined the multiverse, myself." he sighs some, "But then that's not surprising, coming from a world where the humans were afraid of magic and hunted you down and killed you if there was even a rumor that you were different and use anything they labelled 'magic'. If there were vampires there.." he shrugs. "It's the reason I am glad I can't find a way back there. I am overall happier here than I ever was." he smiles some.

He looks over at Xau, "We were just talking about various issues and trying to plan what to do from here and how we can best help."

Xau'ra Tayuun (548) has posed:
"Local military--" The dark grey male miqo'te says as he glances up to the side and crosses his arms over his chest, before he looks back at her. "--I guess you can say that. Either way, I was sent here to aid you wonderful folks and any other outsider whom would be giving aid. Given I was born here in the Black Shroud."

Xau'ra opens his arms up before he sighs, "..and if only you came before the Calamity. How beautiful it was." His arms then flop by his side. "So-- I know of Maggie-- But what is the rest of you fine people's names, hm? Though be weary of nicknames, they say there is a place in seven hells for bad ones."

The Miqo'te then looks to Allyn, "Good to hear then.." He looks across the group before shifting his weight on his leg as his tail flicks, "So-- what is the plan then?"

Finna (513) has posed:
    "Vam....vampire? Aren't they supposed to--...." Finna gives Vi a pretty good fourth looksie, critically examining all her skin and twisting about her lips perplexedly. Something's not RIGHT, is what that expression's saying.

    "Well, that depends! I'm asking again, which problem needs help the most?" Finna leans forward, slightly dodging Vi's question for a moment and giving Xau'ra something of a puppy eyes treatment full of enthusiasm aimed to tug on heartstrings, both hands clapping together. And her tail's wagging like mad!

Xau'ra Tayuun (548) has posed:
Xau'ra hears the bit on the vampire and raises an eye brow, but doesn't press. He gives a shrug of his shoulders, "Well, the old Gridania is going to need some work. Probably some woods, metal, things like that. They may need aid at the chocobo stables as well-- I can only imagine the state of the birds."

Xau'ra taps his chin in thought. His tail moving side to side gently. "I'd be willing to help you lot navigate the woods, as I have-- some sense of the elements, but they are pretty nasty right now. So, that is out of the call." He then looks at Finna noticing her tail wagging like crazy. He blinks his eyes a few times. "...um.. is that common for your people, there?"

He then decides to take a few steps /away/ from Finna. "But right now, until you hear other wise, best to probably stay in Gridania and not explore outside of the city. Unless you got a proper guide with ye... urm.. you." He then sticks his tongue slightly getting an odd look on his face at his own slip of an accent.

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn nods some to Finna and then gives her a weird look because her tail keeps wagging, trying to keep some laughter in, but a little bit escapes. He watches her for a few moments and ponders shifting into one of his feline forms to bat at that tail, but he resists it for now.

He nods to Xau, "Well, for one thing we were talking about where to find food for the people around here and came up that it may be best to hunt elsewhere and bring it back here. The concern was how to get it back here, depending on what we bring back." he ponders, "We also discussed clearing the rubble, I've been helping cut wood here and such. We also talked about scouting from the air and other things like that."

Vi'Sharra (487) has posed:
    Vi'Sharra chuckles, "My world is odd. Lets just leave it at that, I'm not a ravening beast, I can eat normal food, and I happen to enjoy it." Her eyes gleam behind the goggles, "But I also drink blood on a regular basis, because it's a required part of my diet." She shrugs. "Back to the problems here."

    Her eyes travel to Xau, "Well... Perhaps, you'd care to join us for some Multiversal hunting. If the woods here will not provide, then I know of a few that will, and I'm certain we could find a way to bring the meat back. Would that suffice for the immediate needs?"

    She nods to Allyn, "That's also an idea that we've been talking about. Because one of us flying over the wood might be able to help pinpoint the injured, without dipping down into the problematic areas, and invoking the wrath of the elements."

Finna (513) has posed:
R    "like YOU have room to talk." Finna sticks her tongue out at Xau, not apparently bothered by his sudden cold shoulder . "Yes.... and also no. But the details on that are a secret!~ But yes, like she says, recon is one of my specialties."

    She frowns at Vi'Sharra though, particularly upon hearing 'diet of blood. ".... So if it's not what I thought they were, what IS a vampire?"

Xau'ra Tayuun (548) has posed:
"Clearing the rubble would be a good idea, aye, also wood cutting until they run out of lumber." Xau'ra agrees with a soft nod. He then looks over to Vi'Sharra an gives a nod. "I can aid in the hunting outside. I also know how to skin and make sure that they feel comfortable with eating it. Some people can be.." He hand wobbles, "..picky about eating meat if it has not been hunted correctly. Pleasing the elements and all."

Xau'ra shifts his weight once more. "Well, seems you lovely people have things in order. How many of you are planning to stay here..?" Then Finna tells him he has no room to speak and he looks directly at her, before he crosses his armors over his chest. "We shall see about that! But yes, if you can stay to the air, do so.. but be warned, we also have flying predators out here.. if you look like food-- you could be attacked!"

Xau'ra then lowers his arms. "..also what is all this.. vampire and drinking blood talk?"

Vi'Sharra (487) has posed:
    Vi'Sharra shakes her head slightly. "Alright. Long story short. A vampire is a creature that was once that of a normal race, then they were changed through a very uncomplicated ritual. After which they require a bit of blood each day, gain near-immortality, a number of powers, pointy teeth, a rather unhealthy response to too much sun, and occasional flammability issues."

    She crosses her arms, "Moving back to the problems here, yes?"

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn ponders, "I could try to talk to the chocobos and see if I can calm them down if they are in a panic. I am not sure if they will listen to me, or even be able to understand me though, but it might not hurt to try." he shrugs some, never know until you try."

He also nods when it's mentioned to not look like something that would be considered prey and he grins a little and shifts into a large winged serpent, fifteen feet long with a large wingspan. "Think this would look like prey to any arial predators you have here?" well it might to something much, much larger. "If so, maybe I could contact Bahamut and see if he'd be willing to come do a fly over, or maybe Rynn and her dragon Arokh." he ponders and shrugs.

Finna (513) has posed:
    "Blergh...." Finna makes a face at Vi'Sharra. Seems she doesn't like that idea at all for some reason or another. "Point taken!" And Xau just gets a grin in response.... one that melts into a smirk. She then reaches down to stroke Allyn down the back a few times. "Well, I'd like to find the people who need a quick rescue the most. Anyone lost in the woods... though, the chances of survival out there don't look to good, the people here seem pretty capable!"

Xau'ra Tayuun (548) has posed:
Xau'ra places up his hands to Vi'Sharra, "Alright, alright-- back to the.." Then Allyn speaks of Bahamut and he has to quickly rush over to him and clamp his hand over his mouth, going 'shhh'. His tail is also slightly puffed up.

Xau'ra stares Allyn in the eyes for a moment, before he pulls his hand away. "Do-- do not speak of that Primal's name here.. aye.. I know you speak of the ally of the Union.. but the memory is fresh in the minds and he only would cause a great deal of panic.." No matter the fact he turned into a serpent, it only makes it more hilarious.

Xau'ra steps away and then runs his hands through his hair. He looks over to Finna. "Its hard to say.. the smoke is heavy and the ash is thick. I believe by reports we get someone else in.. maybe a group.. every day." He shakes his head. "The Shroud was a large place, aye.. but now she is a mess."

"Including I am sure the Ixal are taking no small chance at not looking into collecting crystals in order to summon back the damn crazy witch-bird." He then tsks, "..let alone, I hope the Sylphs not do anything crazy."

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn coils his upper body around Finna after she strokes his back and rests his head on her shoulder so he can peer at the others from there and would blind if snakes could once his mouth is covered, he'd maybe even blush at being told to shush. "Sorry." he tells Xau "Yeah, I can see that might be a bad idea. Well ok, so that is out then. me, or Finna or Vi'Sharra will just have to take our chances then and hope no ariel predators think we look tasty." he ponders,

Vi'Sharra (487) has posed:
    Vi'Sharra blinks, "Summon the 'Damn Crazy Witch Bird'." She pulls up the goggles and looks at Xau'ra, "I think I would appreciate it greatly if we could find a nice quiet place later and talk about that particular batch of ... Problems." She cracks her knuckles, "I've already ran over some of the adherents of Ifrit, as well as something that your Conjurers couldn't tell me about, so I wouldn't mind knowing what other particular landmines are sitting out there waiting for me in this world."

    She crosses her arms, "Quite frankly... There's been the occasional report of the scaled-tail-heads being outside of your world, and some of us are a bit concerned by that."

Xau'ra Tayuun (548) has posed:
Xau'ra gives a faint nod, "Be for the best, aye. Just becareful of the predators. Many of the creatures of the forest who would not be aggressive have come so." He then looks off to the side as he watches a few more people being brought in, one such person hobbling with even the assistance they are given.

"..so.. anyroad.. again, you lot remaining here.. or some of you planning to head back out for those supplies. I can put in a word to get you at least a bunk to sleep on and make sure you at least have some stone soup to eat." He scuffs his foot across the dirt, before he furrows his brows.

He then kneels down and runs his hand over the ground, his finger tips moving some of the ash out of the way. He frowns before standing back up, holding some of the ash in his hands. "..but the skies need to be cleared before any growth can happen again... without the sun, no healing can be done.. and without clean water.. the lands are poisoned.. but she will mend herself in time.."

Xau'ra then lets the ash fall through his fingers. "..and eventually what does remaining in the forest will come here to hunt.. and those whom can not fight-- could be the meal." He then looks at the group again, "..and if you are removed from the skies-- understand this... the Elements do not forgive strangers.. and the Treants are the guardians who are even far worse then the elements. You are marked by that of woodsin."

Xau'ra shakes his head. "..and there is not anything right now that can be done to clear it."

When Vi'Sharra brings up the lack of information, but other concerns-- such as Ifrit and the Amalj'aa moving outside the lands gets a frown on his face even deeper. He glances off to the side as he grits his teeth, before he shakes his head. "Aye, they are matters best spoken in private.. as the ears of the people have enough hardships to not be reminded of such woes."

Finna (513) has posed:
    "You're a lost cause." Finna murmurs under her breath into Allyn's ears, words masking a faint giggle. With a quick scritch behind the ears, she rises, clearly more intent to listen at first than anything else.

    She's gotten used to this idea of paying attention when it counts, and now's one of those times.

    "Hah... that's true, it's like trying to see through a blizzard in places. .... You're making me wish I knew more of what was happening here. Well, I don't! ... but if you've no better ideas, then I'll give it a try. Nobody else is!"

    Hearing Xau's worries though, she cracks a somewhat fierce little grin. "Whateve they are, they'd have to catch me to hurt me. But it shouldn't come to that. No guarantee it will be respected here, but my people are guardians ofnature. The wild lands are our home. Even if they're utterly unfriendly... I'll manage."

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn shifts into a falcon then and flies up to Finna's shoul;der and pecks at her cheek a little, teasing her. "I think I will go take a look around for a bit, I'll report if I find anything useful up there. I'll probably stay as long as I don't start feeling bad. Might be good to have some others around to scare off anything that thinks about coming hunting here." he says and then launches off Finna's shoulder and flies up into the sky.

Vi'Sharra (487) has posed:
    Vi'Sharra sighs slightly to herself. "Use sonar. Echolocation." She wipes a smudge of ash off of her cheek, once again leaving another, "...Irritating ash-rain. Even the desert sun would be better then this." She sighs, and nods to Xau'ra, "That's my thought on it as well."

    Golden brown eyes turn to gaze at Finna, "You're also dealing with a wounded animal. Even if it would normally recognize you as a friend... ...It may be incapable of doing so now, and the measures that you take to defend yourself..." She shrugs, "I suggest we go hunting elsewhere and bring them the raw materials."

Xau'ra Tayuun (548) has posed:
Xau'ra looks at Finna, though gives a nod to Allyn. His attention then turns back to the fox girl, before he steps up close to her. His five nine height looking at her five six height. He stares into her eyes for a long moment. "...maybe you would be alright.. better then she," His eyes look over to Vi'Sharra. "..but the woods right now is attacking even her own children in rage-- just not as deadly as those with woodsin."

He then nods to Vi'Sharra, "..and what she says is correct. She the Shroud as a wounded beast. She is in pain, hurting-- and because of her pain, her turmoil.. all, even those who she see as allies she will lash out at."

The male miqo'te inhales deeply before placing a smile back on his face, "But as it comes to hunting outside. I'd be game for it. I was trained to hunt, so point me to a good grounds and I can easily bring back meat, leathers, and bones."

"But for now.." He then stretches, even his tail slightly curls. "I'm..going to get some attempted rest.. unless /someone/ decides to continue to torment my sleep.." He grunts at this.

Finna (513) has posed:
    After Allyn departs, Finna grins through a slight blush. "Isn't he cute? Completely smitten." But that matter's tucked aside as she nods at Vi'Sharra. And then finds herself face to face with Xau'ra.

    "There are hunting grounds I could take you to... but there's definitely better ones. Places where you won't leaves your rump frozen to the ground on the way home! .... .... hmmm. I'd better go keep an eye on him for now, though. If the woods are so dangerous even for me, he's in MORE trouble!"

Vi'Sharra (487) has posed:
    Vi'Sharra chuckles and shakes her head at Finna, "Ah..." Her eyes travel back to Xau'ra and she nods. "My kind are neither natural, nor unnatural, and I suspect the oddness would stick out like a sore thumb." She chuckles and shakes her head, "I won't be bothering you, but I will return in time with several large loads of meat, and other supplies." She pauses, then reaches into her clothing, searches around for something then frowns, "Right. Technology bad." A pause, "Well, we'll figure out some way get the supplies shipped back here."

    Another frown, "From what you've told me... Bringing in outside building materials would be a bad idea, because the forest wouldn't recognize as it being of itself... And would most likely create enmity towards the town. Correct?"

Xau'ra Tayuun (548) has posed:
Xau'ra rubs the back of his neck as Vi'Sharra brings up a true concern, "Weeell.." He then lowers his hand as he moves slightly away from Finna giving her some needed space, "..you remember how earlier I said I could prepare meat to be accepted by those here who be concerned about it. The Gridanians can do the same for outside materials. There is a ritual that is preformed that cleanses woodsin and brings it into the graces of the matron."

Xau'ra rubs his chin. "..and in theory if one wore the mask.. they also could be given some graces.. but I am unsure if any survived the attack.." He then shakes his head. "Yet that be something I'll look into after my nap."

He looks then to Finna, "Keep an eye on your friend, aye, but also yourself. As things are not always as they seem." he then places up his hand in a wave before he starts to walk off.

Finna (513) has posed:
    "Oooh, that's handy. I'm looking forward to seeing it. But yes.... I'd better go make sure he doesn't go get eaten." that's when something RIDICULOUS happens. Finna starts doing some stretches, turns her back on Vi'Sharra...

    Her back ripples, the flesh shifting and moving in ways a back just Shouldn't.

    Even her clothes accept the strange protuberance that bursts free and solidifies in place. Wings have sprouted from her back. An irridescent green color, they're slimmer and have a very different style of joint than most birds one would imagine.

    So it might be less surprising at the way they, instead of beating in the normal up-down pattern birds use to push themselves up and away, instead swiftly become a green BLUR that generates a terrific wind and carries Finna up off the ground.

    "Don't worry, you've not seen the half of what I can do when I want!"

Vi'Sharra (487) has posed:
    Vi'Sharra nods, and then starts towards the main crystal. "I'll see you all on the morrow then. I'm off to go gather some staple supplies, and I'll try to make certain that they arrive shortly." She stands then glares after Finna before she shakes her head and sighs, "These people don't need more spectales..."

    Then after a moment she shakes her head, waves to Xau'ra and activates the teleport system.