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Welcome to New Port
Date of Scene: 22 August 2014
Location: Asian Plains
Synopsis: Kotone gets a visit from Ziggy and Annie. Both guests learn about a problem Kotone has due to her prosthetic and how some people in society see her.
Cast of Characters: Kotone Yamakawa, 437, Ziggy Grover

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
New Port Japan, odd really then again after arriving one might catch a few things such as the transit systems noting route to 'old Tokyo' well parts of it the city maped showe a lot of it was ruined and under water. New Port on the other hand was a bustling modern city where the line between man and machine was rapidly becoming non existant.

SO what has Kotone out and about today? She's just doing some shopping she got a pair of bags from a super market under one arm as she heads a long all the while some ... strange dude seems to be tailing her... as she moves through the downtown. If one can use wireless connections via implant or even via a smart phone? This place is /wired up/ to insanity the local connection rate is very high.

Kotone pauses to look at an add shakes her head and moves on. What also might be noticed is here and there some people have obvvious proethics or cyberware dpending on what you want to call it.

Annie Sandberg (437) has posed:
     Annie was doing some shopping here as well- well, more window shopping, really. Rather than groceries, she was checking out the robot-parts shops, of which there were many. There were a lot of people she knew who would need them- her mother included of course- so it seemed like a good idea to see what was available here. She hums cheerfully to herself as she walks the streets, looking through the shop windows and occasionally looking down at a piece of paper she's carrying.

She glances curiously at the man who passes her, who seems to be trying to keep someone further down the way in sight. She heads in the same direction, as it happened to be the way she was going anyway.

Ziggy Grover has posed:
Picking up on one of the early encounters Ranger Green had experienced, coupled with a look through the various multiverses, Dr. K had decided to evaulate a certain world, one full of apparent cybernetics.

That Ziggy Grover was exploring this place and not Dillon had more to do with a certain desire to not possibly risk Venjix's attention being drawn to alternate worlds through the Venjix virus.

Still, Ziggy Grover can't help himself...

"Look, Doc, there's this -headset- that lets me record anything I see, on my head."

"We have that with your helmets."

"Yeah, but no offense, doc, I like my tech without those -weird- goggly anime eyes."

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa is taking in some things as she goes but she looks over her shoulder for a moment wait was that Annie? Naw Annie wouldn't be here she doesn't have business here, right? She is being followd the guy hs a camer and is looking her over like she's a bit of meat he mutters sometthing to him self about white blood?

Kotone moves on her way and pauses as she spots a certain mop of brown hair.

"Wait is that?"

She turens heading for Ziggy and gives him wave.

"Didn't think I'd see you here in New Port."

The man who was following Kotone doesn't give annie much of a notice he's too focused on Kotone oddly.

Annie Sandberg (437) has posed:
     That was a familiar voice, Annie thought. "Ms. Kotone!" she called out happily, approaching her and her friend with a big smile. "It's nice to see you again. How are you?" She then looks toward Ziggy, continuing to smile. "And hi to you too," she adds. He looked like a nice guy, and it was likely that he was if he was Kotone's friend.

Ziggy Grover has posed:
The lack of response from Dr. K causes Ziggy to tap his communicator. "Hello, Doc? Doc?"

There was no immediate answer, and so Ziggy shakes his head, before tilting his head and peering at something. Right, maybe if he got -that- virtual pet thing, that might make Doc K feel better.

Picking it up, Ziggy blinks, holding his hands up. "Whatever it is, I didn't do it," he begins automatically, before tilting his head at Kotone. "Oh... you. Uh... you're the... girl I met when I first came here, right?"

There was a pause as Ziggy looks back at a... little girl here. "Uh, hi... kid." Glancing up at Kotone then down at Annie, Ziggy lowers himself, hands on knees. "You okay? You're not, like, lost, are you?"

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa looks to Annie and moves to try and ive the seemingly ytoung lady a hug.

"IT's good to see you Annie."

She'll let go after a moment before she turns to Ziggy.

"So it's good to see you and yes, I am. The one you used as a pole. That was the most bizzar pole dance in the history of the world I think."

She seems in good psirits as she also looks to Anngie again.

"Well if your hear I could show you two about a bit..if you like avoid the tourist traps."

The man has got closre and they might hear him muttering about white blood and seemingly leering at Kotone.

Annie Sandberg (437) has posed:
     Annie shakes her head as Ziggy addresses her. "No, I know exactly where I'm going," she answers. "I have a list, see? I'm trying to see if any of the shops have these parts." She holds up the list and taps it with a finger, before returning Kotone's hug. "Sure, let's go," she says to her suggestion that they come with her. "I like this place a lot, so I want to know more about what's here. Maybe we'll find something fun!"

Ziggy Grover has posed:
"Uh... no, trust me, I've seen more bizarre pole dancing," Ziggy coughs, shaking his head. Putting the tamagotochi back where he'd found it, the former Cartel member shakes his head. "Tourist traps are like, the lifeblood of the city. People -need- those things to make money. You're taking money out of the hands of poor starving orphans who could use those funds..."

Something nags at the back of Ziggy's mind, some sort of survival instinct, as he glances at the man approaching closely. "Um... yeah, sounds like a good idea. Go ahead, lead the way. I'll just... um, follow your lead."

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa adjusts her bags at this point.

"It figures you'd like it Annie, your wired for it."

Kotone's laughing a bit and looking at Ziggy she seems amused at the response she just totally scored a point there. She looks back.

"True but there's also neat places you'd miss."

She nods and heads on her way as Ziggy lags behind.

the man keeps moving and pauses looking at Ziggy.

"She's a fine bit of work ain't her? Every bit proestic..."

Annie Sandberg (437) has posed:
Annie follows along with the others. Annie didn't really have any particular opinion about tourist traps. Though it could very well be that some of these sort of places are among the Fundroids corporation's customers. Some of them might very well be in need of realistic androids.

Annie does laugh a bit at Kotone's joke, though she also thinks it's not particularly accurate. She's grown beyond a lot of her initial programming after all. But it is true that she still has an affinity for all things cybernetic.

She looks toward the strange man, wondering what he's up to. He didn't seem to be hurting anyone currently... but it did seem kind of rude of him to talk about Kotone that way, when she was right there.

Ziggy Grover has posed:
Falling behind just a little bit, Ziggy glances at the man, before catching up. "Whoa, whoa there buddy... prosthetic? How can you even tell...? What do you have, x-ray glasses or something? Because let me tell you, those things don't work. Though my buddy Dillon has prosthetics... wait. Right, -she's- one of them? Huh. Neaaat." Caught up in musing, Ziggy blinks, then hurries to catch up to the man. "Regardless, buddy, it's kind of rude to be watching her strut her stuff."

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
The Man looks to Ziggy for a moment.

The way she walks, how she's built no imperfections and the eyes, the eyes always give it away."

He looks at Ziggy and tilts his head looking.

"I can't help it she's the one who picked a body like that..."

HE's been distracted thankfully and Kotone is getting distance from them. He's also got the idea he better shy off this guy might her with her or something. Kotone is cringing a bit and trying to ignore it.

"Still come on There's somethings I'd want to show you both!"

Annie Sandberg (437) has posed:
     Annie blinks a bit at the man's explanation. She wondered if her eyes gave her away as well. Most people seemed to not notice any outward difference between her and a human, particularly since her skin had been replaced with a more realistic version. And she was just fine with that. She's glad when they leave the man behind.

Ziggy Grover has posed:
"Well, you -can- help what you're doing," Ziggy replies, hands making 'ooo, scary' gestures. "It's sort of, I'd say, a bit disturbing. So, if you're going to follow, either you've got a private investigator license, in which case I want to see it, or you don't, in which case, I'd just go private investigate somewhere else." He affects a chin-lift and a stare like Dillon's. Except for the fact that he's not built like a grim cyborg, nor is he Dark and Broody. It's rather like a tiny little cat hissing cutely.

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
The Man looks to Ziggy for a moment, while Ziggy may be a little cat? This guys's a little rat and we know how that goes. He starts looking shifty for a moment getting the idea there are greener pastures.

"I see so that's what your up to. Well if your so into this doll, I'll leave her to you. There's plenty more after all."

The man turns and starts walking away.

Kotone's hand meanwhile is clecnhing very hard to the point if there was anything other than a shopping bag handle in it? It's likely to be out right crushed.

"Lets keep going, ugg I hate ... people like that. It's not enough they have their dolls...."

Annie Sandberg (437) has posed:
     Annie looks down at the ground as she follows the others. "It's like... they don't even think you're a person," she says. "I don't know why they think that way... there's no reason why machines can't be people too. And there's no reason why a person having machine parts makes them less of a person either," she adds, sincerely. "It's not what you're made of that matters, right?"

Ziggy Grover has posed:
"Huh!" Hands to his hips, Ziggy looks after the man walking away. "So that's what it feels like to be a protector." The self-congratulatory smile on his face fades as he catches up to Annie, followed by a "Aw, don't mind him. I mean, he'd feel differently if machines took over the world or something. Well, they sort of did in mine, but that's a very, well, different situation." He nods. "You should meet Dillon. He's a cyborg. We don't hold it against him, really."

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa says "It's more the fact I'm almost entirely such. There are people who collect androids or as they like to call them dolls and often people with the same replacements as I have ya... I have to deal with creepers. Thank you for dealing with that one I was hoping to ditch him honestly. I wouldn't and that's good, and I'll be honest people like me are becoming more and more common, not out of medical need but their own personal want. Still I promised to show you both around and to have some fun so that's what I'm going to do!"

Annie Sandberg (437) has posed:
     Annie smiles a bit. "You did a good job," she says to Ziggy, before he mentions another friend of his. "Maybe I will meet him sometime! Is he nice?" she asks.

Then Kotone mentions the collectors. "...That's not very nice," she says. "Androids shouldn't be left in a collection, they should be doing what they were made to do. Or just living like other people if they can." She knows there are different kinds of androids, some of which aren't self-aware. But since she was able to become that way, she still feels like even the other kinds should be treated respectfully.

Ziggy Grover has posed:
"There's a lot of 'dolls' around here, is there...?" Ziggy asks, as he falls in step, patting the youngster on the head. "Well... Dillon's kind of... standoffish. But don't worry about it, hug him. He'll love it. Trust me."

Ziggy's fingers interlace as he clutches his hands together, in an appeasing gesture. "Don't worry abou tit. So, where to, tour guide?" Bringing his hands wide open in a gesture as if to encompass the entire city, Ziggy beams. "Lead on! It's good to see a whole new city again!"

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa says "They are not aware they do not have ghosts like you do, I or Ziggs and ... people make androids ... for that."

she Look so anngie for a moment and gets Annie doesn't quite get most machines do not have any sort of mines here.

"Yers Tour guide, first up have either of you eaten or do you want to see some of the sights first? Yes creepy sorts who get androids rather than dealing with real people."

She pulls back her hair and Ziggy could see four what are clearly jacks buildt into it. She lowers her hair.

"Just keep with me things are getting to the point people without basic agumentation can have problems."

Annie Sandberg (437) has posed:
     "I will!" Annie said to Ziggy eagerly. If Dillon could use a hug, and if he'd accept it, she would be happy to give him one. "Food? Hmm... What do you want to do?" she asks Ziggy. She doesn't need to eat herself normally, but can do so to boost her power supply. In this case, it's a nice day, so the solar collectors in her hair will probably do the work. "I'll go wherever you feel like."

Ziggy Grover has posed:
"Food sounds fantastic, really. Uh, I know Dillon eats like a normal person and all, since he was human to begin with before the virus started in on him, but... what about you?" Ziggy asks, as he falls in step with Kotone, pausing to gawk at the jacks. "Whoa. Talk about being plugged in."

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa says "Well it depends he sounds like he's still for more of himself left than me."

She runs a hand down one arm thinging.

"I'm almost entirely machine it's ... easy to forget sometimes I mean in some ways.

"Yes being plugged in like this ... is almost needed for accessing certain things. It's a real pain before ... my injury I had no implants becuase I saw no need to repalce that which was healthy. So any choices on types of food that you would like Ziggy?"

Annie Sandberg (437) has posed:
"Wouldn't it be easier to just make things wireless?" Annie asks. "I mean, that's how it is with me, there's just a big network and stuff. We don't have to plug into anything." She says this quite matter-of-factly, forgetting under the circumstances that Ziggy probably couldn't tell she was an android at all. "But I guess there's not a lot of things that use that in my world."

Ziggy Grover has posed:
"Wireless networks were banned in Corinth because of Venjix," Ziggy notes as he follows along. "Too easy for someone to access any computer system anywhere. Really, anywhere with a heavy cybernetic presence? You definitely want manual jacks. Otherwise..." Ziggy makes a throat-cutting gesture with the blade of his hand.

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa grimaces for a momnt.

"It be mass cyberbrain hacking. Also your being smart with that. We have pretty good security but nothing's perfect afte rall. If I eve go there I'll be certain to turn ... my connections off."

She now starts eyeing thing and notices a street side noodle vendor and grins.

"?How about that come on let's get some noodles. Most thing are wireless yes Annie but it's also logical to have a hard connection for Secirty reasons or faster transfer rates."

Annie Sandberg (437) has posed:
     "Oh... What's Venjix?" Annie asks. "It sounds dangerous. I'll have to be careful too when I go to see your friend." The Fundroids are remarkably secure, but you never know what they might encounter. "Noodles are good," she agrees, joining with the others.

Ziggy Grover has posed:
"Venjix's a ... well, virus. It took over the world and there were -lots- of issues," Ziggy explains, hands going up in the world. "Problems all over, end of the world, it made a bunch of -grinders- to go fight people for reasons we haven't sorted out, and all that's left are the Power Rangers and Corinth. I wouldn't recommend it unless we can stop it all. That's sort of why I'm here, really, scouting a bit ahead to see how things were handled. So far all I can be sure of is that there isn't a Doctor K here... which is probably a good thing for the world."

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa says "Sounds like another I'm aware of, and if you need help I'm a mechanic for one and designer as well. For what it's worth I fallen into helping with two horrible situations already what's one more. This is one I can get my head about, someone played god with technology and this is the result."

She moves to pay for a bowl for Ziggy and Annie and gets one herself, now they must wait while it's prepared.

"Grinders are attack bots of some sort, I take it?"

Annie Sandberg (437) has posed:
     Annie's face gets a somewhat fearful look as she listens to Ziggy's story, particularly at the mention of a certain Doctor K whose absence might have improved the world. "...who's Doctor K?" she asks, more timidly than usual. There was someone from her world who could be called that, someone she'd been trying hard to forget about. "Mommy might be able to help too," she adds as Kotone suggests that her skills could help. "She knows a lot about those kind of things."

Ziggy Grover has posed:
"Well... uh..." Running a hand through his wild hair, Ziggy nods. That the Venjix virus wasn't unleashed now didn't mean that there wasn't a Doctor K somewhere, now that he thought about it, just that a very different set of circumstances might have occured. "That'd be good, I suppose. We could get you together with Doc and see. She's just a bit... touchy about people, you know. Personally, she's still working on her people skills, but I think it's gotten better since Gem and Gemma came back, you know?"

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa is waiting for the food to cook as she looks to Ziggy for a moment.

"Sounds like someone I know R&D ... somewhere. Look I cna't sit idle when things go bad, there's possiblities for help and lets be honest. If this virus has any sense he might start seeking off world allies. There are other AI's like it that have done much as it has done. They may be very friendly to aiding another of their own kind cause the death of flesh."

She waits for the noodles and the man running the cart just kinda stares for a moment, are they larping? Yes he's going to assume that they are and carry on with his life.

"I mean this thing could be a threat to here...75 percent of japanes population would be vunrable to him."

Annie Sandberg (437) has posed:
     "Oh... she's a girl," Annie says, clearly relieved. "So I guess she's not the one I was thinking of." She continues to wait for the food to arrive. "I'd like to do something to help too," she adds. "If there are people in danger, I always want to do something to help rescue them," she explains, nodding. "Though I prefer if it doesn't involve any fighting. But it sounds like that part's your job," she adds to Ziggy with a smile.

Ziggy Grover has posed:
"Well yeah, Doc K is a girl," Ziggy replies with a goofy half-smile. "And... I'm not going into details just in case she's listening in right now."

Lifting his chin up, Ziggy nods. "I'm a Power Ranger. I do the fighting so that people won't have to." Even if he never wanted to be one in the first place, at least he was going to do -right- by the job.

Ziggy stares, then, at Kotone, before he shrugs. "Well, we're the good guys. We have to win."

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa Says "Curious about her and hummm I won't pry it's not my place and I saw. Your like something out of a Sentai series really. Well you live up to it and yes I understand that. This sounds pretty cut and dry, wonderfuly so to be honest."

She gets the noddles and passes them to Annie and Ziggy. She also takes her own which she digs into.

"I'd have gone insane if I couldn't taste normally..."

Annie Sandberg (437) has posed:
     "I've heard of those," Annie says at Kotone's mention of Sentai. "They're kind of like Kamen Riders, right? They're so cool!" She grins at this. She'd had many good experiences with Kamen Riders in the past, so whe was often happy to see someone with similar powers. "I definitely hope you do win," she adds. "It's not right having machines fighting against humans. We should be working together." She starts eating the noodles happily.

Ziggy Grover has posed:
"Uh... yeah, sentai. Whatever that is." Ziggy had had little time for hobbies outside the things that the kids in the orphanages would babble about that he was somehow expected to be familiar with. Sentai was not one of those things, whatever it was, seeing as they didn't exist anymore.

"Whoa, whoa... machines, working together? I can't picture -that- happening... unless Tenaya 7 wants to work with us. Now -that-..." Making an sound like an O-wow, Ziggy insteads digs into the noodles. Popping a strand into his mouth and slurping, making ooo hot hot hot hands-gestures, before getting the rest of the noodle into his mouth. "What's this?"

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa is devouring some noodle for the moment and she does not say a thing. She listens as they talk while she devours noodles.

"There are machines who mean no harm out there. I run into some known as Autobots alien robots from a planet that ... is machine based. I still get it can be hard and I'd not force you and KAmen Riders you mean lik the ones who are in the news? I guess so and humm sounds like she's ... a looker or you got a thing for robot girls."

Kotone winks at Ziggy.

Annie Sandberg (437) has posed:
     "And there's me too," Annie says happily, before realizing. "Oh! You didn't know, did you? I'm an android myself," she explains to Ziggy. "But I was made to be friends with human kids. That's what I meant... machines can be friends with humans." She nods to Kotone. "Yeah, I know they're in the news sometimes."

Ziggy Grover has posed:
"That's... wow." Now Ziggy eyes Annie. "So you're an android, and... you're... another one?"

Taking a deep breath, holding his hands up, Ziggy shakes his head. "You act a lot like humans. So maybe you've got... souls or something...? Wow, maybe that's too deep for me, mind blown. How about we just eat?"

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa says "Sure we can focus on it and I'm human Ziggy regardless of what I'm made out of now. Also are you enjoying the noodles I hope?"

She seems to be happily devouring her's noodles now. After she finihes sluping up the last of her latest noodles she looks over to annie and then to Ziggy

"I'm pretty sure after there's some sights to see."

Annie Sandberg (437) has posed:
     Annie nods, agreeing. "It doesn't really matter so much anyway," she says. "Like I said, I'm a person too." She slurps up some more noodles. "Yeah, let's see where we can go next!" Another big smile.

Ziggy Grover has posed:
"Well yeah, I'll just... not think too much about it. And definitely enjoying the noodles. They're... slurpy. And soupy. And lots of vegetables. The broth goes down smooth too."

Finishing up, Ziggy adds, "So, does age matter with you two, or are you just as old as you look...?" as he stands up, fishing for his wallet and paying up. "And... anywhere you want to go, sure!"