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Revision as of 02:19, 24 August 2014

Date of Scene: 18 August 2014
Location: The Homeworld
Synopsis: After encountering Auron in the Homeworld, Noble Six helps him generate an Abstractum.
Cast of Characters: 38, 236, 347

Auron (236) has posed:
    The Homeworld. He's heard much talk about these Abstractum, much talk about the threat that they were apparently created to combat, the mysterious 'Them'. Something with the power to destroy entire worlds? Besides... he knows the feeling of wanting to cease existing, but being unable to.

    The hub of the place is very likely where Auron will end up first. He's been wanting to look around the place anyway, but hasn't been able to get out here until this evening. Now that he has a chance, he has decided to come check the place out. The best place to start, he decides, is in the main lobby. Start from the beginning, right?

    He pauses, though, at seeing the variety of beings here. Hm. Obviously he missed something. But then, he hasn't really been privy to the developments happening here on the Homeworld. Only as second-hand accounts when they're spoken about on the Union radio channels. But anyway. Information gathering is GO! Even in machina-hating Spira there were information terminals. So he first looks for something like this to start the search for information!

Abstractum.Net (347) has posed:
    There's actually just a booth of sorts, set just off the center of the lobby. It's a Mr. Welcomes Booth! The thick glass completely seals it in, leaving no openings. He might be a holoprojection! But the middle-aged man, with thin, graying hair and a bright sort of face, seems here to dispense information on a variety of subjects. He's wearing a nicely tailored but practical sort of work suit, as well as a subtle sort of smile at all times.

Noble Six (38) has posed:
    It seems the Homeworld is where Noble Six has been coming more and more often, particularly after a battle. She's not armorless, this time, but the armored plates are still showing the scars from the acid burns thanks to Baron Nashor.

    The red armored SPARTAN is mostly just wandering. She's been looking for ways to improve Enforcer's power...And since she seems to keep missing out on nodes, she thinks if she stalks around here long enough, she may find better ways to get in on them.

    She does spot Auron, he is pretty hard to miss, after all, and she gives him a wave. The two haven't had too much interaction, but she's fought along side him a couple of times...A good enough way to get to know someone, short of fighting against them.

Auron (236) has posed:
    Auron catches sight of the man there in the booth. The booth looks particularly important so he turns in that direction, greeting the man with a nod. As he turns towards the booth however, he notices Noble Six. "Hello," he offers. He decides to head in her direction instead of immediately to the booth. Indeed, he doesn't know her too well, but he does know she's an ally. And he needs to get better with this 'small talk' business. "What brings you out here?"

Noble Six (38) has posed:
    Don't worry, Six needs to do the whole 'small talk' thing more often. She's never been much for chatting with people. She's often much more direct. 'All business', as they put it. She hmms a little bit at his question, "I am seeking ways to improve the power of my Abstractum. Considering the vast majority of them happen here at the Homeworld, I figured I would increase my chances of being able to increase his power by remaining on station in the area. If I am needed outside of here, the warpgate isn't far."

Abstractum.Net (347) has posed:
    Mr. Welcomes, for his part, just gives a quick and friendly wave to Auron as he decides against speaking to the man in the booth. Guy doesn't mind! Let's see what's up with that.

    Enforcer, the little eye at Noble Six's arm, speaks up brightly. "Heya! We're also being way too antisocial around here for such a crowded place. What're you here for? I'm sure the boss can help you with whatever you need."

Auron (236) has posed:
    "A good idea," Auron replies. He tilts his head slightly, as if in thought. Pause. A look to the booth with Mr. Welcomes. Then he looks back to Noble Six. His attention is turned to the eye on Noble Six's arm as it speaks. He hasn't actually had the pleasure of interacting with an Abstractum, that he can remember. Not directly, anyway. "Greetings to you as well. Enforcer, I assume?"

    He looks again to the booth, and then to Noble Six and Enforcer. Then he tilts his head quickly in the booth's direction. "I was going to ask for some information anyway. Join me? You might be able to ask him for ideas, too."

Noble Six (38) has posed:
    "Sure." Six replies, "I am often finding myself a bit confused too, so I don't see a problem with joining you to learn anything I don't know." She glances down at Enforcer, "I'm not being antisocial. I'm being asocial. There's a difference."

    Was that a joke? It might have been.

Abstractum.Net (347) has posed:
    "Ehh, potato, tomato." Enforcer says with a bit of a chuckle at that joke, good-naturedly accepting the correction. "Between me, Six, and Welcomes, I'm sure we can get you some answers! And yep! I'm Enforcer!" A bit of a brief flourish with the eye. "Nice to meet you."

Auron (236) has posed:
    Joke or not, Auron gives a quiet chuckle at the statement to Enforcer. Though he doesn't respond directly to it, since it wasn't aimed at him. But he does offer in response to the introduction, "Good to meet you as well." He heads over to the booth, being sure not to leave Six and Enforcer behind and greets Mr. Welcomes with a nod and, "Hello. I was wondering what sort of information is available for the situation with the Abstractum. I'm rather new to this, so a little unsure where to begin."

Noble Six (38) has posed:
    Six moves up behind Auron as he heads to Welcomes, to start asking his questions. At the question he does ask, she hmms a little bit. That question is a bit vague, but having a starting point is always a good place to begin. She'd offer a bit of advice but there's a good chance that Welcomes knows more than she does.

Abstractum.Net (347) has posed:
    "Hi there!" Mr. Welcomes says, brightly, giving a quick wave to Auron. "You want just a basic run-down? I can give you a bit of a glossary that one of the users put together, if you want!" He gestures with friendly and upbeat mannerisms and a positive sort of tone. "It'll let you know what to ask about, anyway!"

    On the surface of the glass, a window with text pops up! It's in various languages, all translated. One of these has to work, right?


Auron (236) has posed:
    Thankfully Auron can read a couple of different languages thanks to the Sword Art Online incident. He sort of needed to learn how to read English and Japanese pretty fast. So he shouldn't have much trouble reading this. It doesn't take him long to read it. It's a good starting point, too. "Hmm..."

    Pause, a look at Six and Enforcer. "...You want to increase Enforcer's power?" A tilt of the head to the document. "This says Resonance is a measure of the Abstractum's power, and that Genesis Drive grants Resonance. Should we try that?" Does Auron know what he's getting into? Probably not. But it'll help strengthen an Abstractum, make it stronger for Them. Good enough for him.

Noble Six (38) has posed:
"I don't see why not." Noble Six says, "I did one the other day, though. Enforcer are you up for doing another one so soon?" She asks, as she looks at the left gauntlet of her armor. She glances back up to Auron, "And are you sure you want to have an Abstractum?"

Abstractum.Net (347) has posed:
    "Yeah! I mean, only had me a bit tired for an hour or two, not like we get sore." The little shield says with a bright sort of tone. "Boss is right, this is a bit of a heavy decision. But, I mean, if you're up for this whole 'stuck with a thing depending on you for life' stuff, I think we can get this done real quick. Just need consent from the both of you!"

Auron (236) has posed:
    "I've heard about these Nodes," Auron replies to Six. "They seem to be entire worlds based on the one who creates them. I don't want to create another Spira." A shake of his head. "But this enemy, this... 'Them', isn't one I can fight any other way. The network they're connected through should keep me informed of changes."

    He nods. "This seems to be the best way I can help." Looking to Enforcer, "It will make you stronger as well. So it seems to be the best option." Mind, he only thought that through /after/ he suggested it, but he does have a point.

Noble Six (38) has posed:
"I understand what you mean." Noble Six replies, "They're not like any enemy I've ever gone up against. Normally I can just point progressively larger guns at them until they die." She frowns, "But these, I'm not really sure. As far as the nodes go, I've been to a few of them, but I'm not the most experienced...I...Admittedly don't get into many of them because I don't know the participants.."

Abstractum.Net (347) has posed:
    "See, this is why you need to get out more." Enforcer says, in a good-humored 'I told you so' kind of way. "Don't worry, the Nodes will make sure it's mostly stuff you can just shoot at, most cases." It seems upbeat about this. Then, "Right, so! That's... Sorta consent from Auron, I suppose! Just hit me with some consent, boss, and I'll start this up whenever you two wanna get it done."

Auron (236) has posed:
    Auron gives a bit of a smirk. "We have... similar issues. I don't get out much either," he notes as Six mentions not knowing many of the participants of the Nodes. Enforcer's words get a nod. "I apologize. You need more explicit consent? Then I give my consent." He looks to Six again, waiting for her to confirm it as well.

Noble Six (38) has posed:
"Lets do it." Six replies to Enforcer, "And part of the reason I'm hanging out here is to meet other Users and be able to get into nodes..So this is a good chance to do so.."

Abstractum.Net (347) has posed:
    "Well, hey, if both of you are alright then, I'll get to work!" The little armor module settles in, stretching out within its little gem as if limbering up for upcoming exertion. "Alright..."

    "Powering Genesis Drive."

        THEME: http://tinyurl.com/ABSTRACTUM-PROCUREMENT

    A vivid red light shines out of the Enforcer's eye as it shifts, slowly, into a monotone. "User explicit consent confirmed. Candidate User explicit consent confirmed. Drawing resonance." Loud whirring builds to a peak in the Abstractum; a burst of wind blasts out of the Enforcer that sends small shockwaves into the environment.

    "ASSEMBLING CONCEPTS. AMPLIFYING PARADIGMS." It speaks in a harder monotone. "DETERMINING IMPRINT." Auron is going to feel a sensation not entirely unlike being grasped, tightly, but instead of in physical space, it's in another spatial axis entirely. It lifts him, and then he's struck against reality, with the sensation of leaving an imprint in it, a mold of sorts.

    When he's struck against reality, there's a bright red shockwave of light and another swirling rush of wind, likely to blow light debris around. "CONCEPT MOLD ESTABLISHED. ENGAGING FULL GENESIS." And, it would seem, this "imprint" gets filled in. Like certain actions before it, this "filling in" seems to be performed on another spatial dimension, looking the way a mold might look to a flatlander when filled.

    The blade that suddenly comes into reality is wide, extremely hefty with a tip that goes even wider and spreads out into a pair of pronged reverse-blades. It's more like an elongated spade style design, especially with the crossguard bent the way it is, and the handle bearing an unusual crossbar at its pommel. At the crossguard, a gem slowly begins to form, and within the gem, a defined black pupil comes into being, surrounded by a pair of shadowy eyelids.

    Both Abstractum speak in unison now. "NETWORK MESSAGE: A new Abstractum has been deployed. Thank you for assuming the duty of protection. When They return, together we'll end them." And, abruptly, everything settles down., Enforcer seems less exhausted than the last time, albeit only by a little, panting just a bit less heavily for a shorter period of time. "Man, that rush really doesn't get old." It says, in a friendly way, to Noble Six.

    The blade itself now, floating for a moment, is coming to rest. Auron should probably pick it up. It's also beginning to wake up, the eye slowly opening after all that creation rigmarole. Auron probably should introduce himself!

Noble Six (38) has posed:
"Somehow I figured you'd get a sword." Six says, laughing a little bit as she looks back down at Enforcer, "Well if you like it, I suppose we need to keep finding folks to make Abstractums for, then." She hrms a little bit, waiting for his Abstractum to come around and undoubtedly do his introduction.

Auron (236) has posed:
    This is a /strange/ sensation! His coat flaps and his hair is ruffled in the breeze created by the Genesis Drive, and he almost flinches away. But Auron's not the type to let something that's weird to him get to him. He's been in the Multiverse for how long? There's enoguh weird things in the Multiverse that he shouldn't be too bothered.

    He waits. Sees what happens. And the sword that appears... is familiar. Concept mold? He made a concept mold that produced a sword like Jecht's? He's rather flabbergasted. It's an unusual look that comes to his face then. One of surprise... and no small bit of nostalgia. Recognition? As if he knows the sword.

    Six's words get a nod. "Not just any sword," he notes as he makes to take hold of the handle of the weapon. His tone is warmer than it is usually, giving him a slightly younger sound than his voice "This sword very much resembles the one that... a dear friend of mine wielded." Which would explain that look he had on his face. He also looks to Enforcer, "Are you all right?"

    Looking to the sword, he notes the opening eye. "Hello," he offers. "My name is Auron. And you?" His voice maintains that warmer tone. In fact, is that a note of shyness?

Abstractum.Net (347) has posed:
    "Iiiii'm gonna be fine, don't worry about me!" Enforcer calls out briefly to Auron. "Just need a bit to catch my breath, is all!" And it seems to be taking it now, after a few affirmative-looking nods to Noble Six.

    The large sword slowly seems to reach awakeness, and gives a canny, sharply intelligent sort of look dead on to Auron. "Hey. Name's Suchiru. Nice to meet you, Auron. You're my User, right? Fantastic, it's good to meet you. Thanks for making me exist, guy!"

    The tone's carefully constructed to ease him socially and make him not take this too terribly seriously. Very socially aware, this one.

Noble Six (38) has posed:
Well now that Auron and his sword need to get aquainted, Six glances down at Enforcer, "Lets go wander around a bit more, Enforcer. Let these two get aquainted." She glances back up to Auron, "If you get a node going, give me a holler. I'd love to help you out." And with that, she turns and heads off, wandering deeper into the Homeworld.

Auron (236) has posed:
    "That's doubtful," Auron replies. "But if I'm able to help with someone else's Node, I'll mention you. Take care. And thank you." He nods as she heads off, and then turns his attention to Suchiru. The tone seems to have its intended effect, and Auron's mouth pulls into a small smile. "Good to meet you as well," he returns.

    Though he doesn't quite seem to know what to say beyond that. He's... kind of taken off guard by the form the Abstractum took. In a good way, of course! He does eventually note, "You'll need a proper sheath." Because he does have a sheath for his Katana; it'd be weird to just tote a sword that size on his shoulder everywhere.

Abstractum.Net (347) has posed:
    "Sheath would be good! Let's see, let's see... Looks like some guy called Lloyd made a couple for another Abstractum. Wanna see him about it?" The blade says, in a friendly way. "I mean, I can probably just mostly-dull the edge if you need me to, but hey, I'm not gonna turn down some blade pants." Blade pants? What. "It'll be enough for taking me home, anyway. I'm guessing you don't live here, huh?" A bit of curiosity, clearly intending to draw out Auron's involvement and get a solid back and forth going.

Auron (236) has posed:
    Auron chuckles quietly at the mention of 'blade pants'. An automatic response forms, that he knew someone who could obtain such a thing. But then again... the spirit of Abstractum -- and perhaps the Union as a whole -- is 'cooperation', isn't it? A nod. "We'll ask. There might also be other things I'm not aware of that need to be taken into consideration in designing a sheath for a weapon-Abstractum."

    And then he finally thinks to ask, "...Do you require maintenance? Apart from what a sword should have." Auron can definitely promise that; he's used swords all his life, so he knows exactly how to take very good care of one!

Abstractum.Net (347) has posed:
    "Don't worry, I can keep myself in shape." The sword says in an assuring way. "Sure not gonna turn down a good sharpening, though, it'll keep me in peak condition, but baseline good maintenance? Nah, I can handle that, don't worry! You being alive handles all that." The posture of the blade itself seems to shift in a cartoonish way, accentuating the assuringness and such.

Auron (236) has posed:
    Auron nods. "I see." Pause. "...Objections to being doused in fairly strong alcohol on occasion?" he asks, in a completely serious tone. This is also a valid question, since he tended to use said fairly strong alcohol to channel his qi when required.

Abstractum.Net (347) has posed:
    "I'm pretty sure I can't get drunk. Probably! I won't mind it. It'll probably be a bit weird, but hey! Could turn out fun." The sword says with a really normal sort of tone, like this whole topic was just standard.

Auron (236) has posed:
    A smirk. "I've dealt with a drunk Blitzball player before," Auron notes. "Unpleasant, but doable." A pause, and he thinks of something else. "Do we 'share' pain? So to speak."

Abstractum.Net (347) has posed:
    "Nah! Don't worry. I've got all my own independent sensations and stuff." Suchiru assures Auron. "I can pick up on medical issues. Aside from that? No big deal if I get snapped in half for you. I can regenerate any damage that's not to my Core, if you give me long enough, so go ahead and use me like pretty much any other sword, really."

Auron (236) has posed:
    Auron nods. He was less concerned about Suchiru's pain causing him distress and more worried about the other way around, honestly, since he tended to try to ignore pain for the most part when battling. He didn't want to cause the Abstractum any stress. "I'll seek to avoid that, but I'll keep it in mind."

    So begins Auron's time as an Abstractum... parent? Caretaker? Guardian? The thought makes him smile a bit. It seemed he was a Guardian again. Which, ultimately, isn't a bad thing. He has a purpose again.