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Elemental Judgement
Date of Scene: 22 August 2014
Location: Hydaelyn <HD>
Synopsis: "Adventurers" are called upon to aid the troubles of Gridania, in the way of protecting some Conjurers while the preform a purification ritual to the Central Shroud.
Cast of Characters: Staren, 181, 307, 513, Wuyin Tsai, 548

Xau'ra Tayuun (548) has posed:
The Black Shroud, considered the heart of Eorzea is in great ruin. The once lush forest with trees so high they blocked the sun from the floor and roots so large, they could be used for bridges alone. This great forest has been brought to ash and soot.

Most of the Black Shroud is covered in both, the air itself stifling to breath cause of the heavy fog of smoke that still lingers. The sun bloated out by the very ash that still come does and many creatures of the forest either suffocated from the ash, burned alive by the horrible fire that plagued it for nearly a week, or are now hungry and preying on anything that seems like an edible target.

The elements themselves of the Shroud also call this place home, as it is the gathering place of all elements of Eorzea-- but they too have become enraged by the destruction that has been brought and like the creatures, willing to lash out at any whom dare to tread upon the land. Only the children of the shroud, those that the forest knows is her own, is only partly safe-- for even they do not fully escape her anger.

For those who survived the burning of the forests and didn't die from the ash or the waters poisoned by it-- either become the targets of much larger predators.. or the targets of treant guardians of the forest itself. The only safe haven seeming to be ignored by the elements and the forest itself is that of the central city of Gridania. Still protect by the pact created so long ago-- but only it remains the safe haven-- and it as a city-- is not in any better shape then the forest.

Many of the homes destroyed, some by raining stones that came from the heavens as the Primal unleashed his fury, some of it damage by the sheer fire, and others that don't even stand at all-- only ruins upon the ground. The structures that still stand are being used to hold the sick, the injured, and those needing a safe haven. The Black Shroud-- is no safe place for any outsider from the multiverse and yet-- by the actions of some who tried to aid-- those whom speak to the elements decide to take a chance.

A very risky chance.

It is underground beneath an old tree and beyond the dirt earth that lies the Conjurer's guild. A place that has beautiful green growth, vines that crawl along the stone walls, and water that still runs so crystal clear and pure, that those from outside are called within.

Two young boys, around the age of twelve stand by one who must be at least fourteen. They all look human, beyond the horns that protude out from the side of their skull. The two younger ones wear white robes, while the older wears black with silver trimmings. he also holds a white wood staff in his hand, with leaves that still grow on the top of the staff, while the other two at their hips have some type of branch wands.

The oldest also having blonde hair, while the two others have brown.

It is this young teen who has summoned not only the aid that came forth yesterday (see Scene - 467: The Needs Of Many ), but others as well who be willing to aid in their troubles.. by lending their own weapons and skills.

Those who had to arrive from the outside lands, would find themselves being teleported to a massive crystal within Gridania itself and then lead to the very Conjurer's guild. They would also be given some type of water to aid with any sickness they may feel after the teleporation-- for it was common for those not use to the aether to fill some illness, if not a touch of vertigo.

The young teen though waits to speak. As he waits to see how many will come to the call for assistance.

Staren has posed:
    Staren arrives armored up, again with bag and pack filled with supplies. Air purifiers and fans need to be set up in every building, and they need to be equipped with a bunch of spare batteries (Still, they're good for at least 4 days of constant, heavy use), he needs to teach them how to change batteries and not be so skittish about the technology (sigh). Also, rations and high-tech straws that purify the water drunk through them without power!

    That can be dropped off later though. For now, he looks at the teen who summoned them, removes his helmet, then cocks his head a little, giving their summoner an expectant look.

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn never did leave after they had been summoned here the first time. He'd spent some time as a falcon and had been flying over the forest and such to look for those who needed help. He had also helped do some of the other things that needed to be done, helped cut wood, helped clear rubble and other such things. The wolf looks a bit tired, because he didn't really sleep. So he's just kind of pacing around at the moment, pondering and looking for other things that he might be needed for. "Is there a plan for today?"

Finna (513) has posed:
    Oddly enough, Finna's showing no signs of Aether sickness or disoientation or nausea. Sure, the methods of transportation is a little disorienting, but as a being attuned to the wilderness and nature in her own way, respiring the life of the land as surely as she does air, that doesn't bother her in the slightest.

    She'd originally came as Erik Blackburn, hoisting a bull to feed some people, but Vi'Saharra's words slammed her with tremendous guiltfollowing some self-reflection... and so..

    And so, the trickster is nowhere to be seen. Instead, a younger woman, strangely barefoot and covered in furs and leathers - as if she'd wandered straight out of the wild - strolls up to the young man. She's far, FAR calmer than she was last night, apparently humbled by the plight's severity. her tail wags lazily, and ears twitch periodically towards some sound or another, but her eyes are almost pleading: tell me what I can do to help.

Psalm (181) has posed:
    And indeed, Miss Magatha is on here way behind the group, chewing on a skewered salted fish of some sort as she looksaround at the wreckage that is the Shroud. "Goodness. Mmmhrph." Bite. "Hrrnrffgth."
    Conjurors though, that's not a guild she'd been expecting. The redhead lightly bumps into Finna on her way past the lunar, and hands over another Fish On A Stick. "Morning."

Wuyin Tsai has posed:
Wuyin doesn't seem to be bothered by the teleportation. Agartha's strange geometries and bizarre pathways are, in some ways, much worse.

He's not here because he's with the Union and on some humanitarian mission; instead, he's here because there was a mission post on the Syndicate's board for just that sort of thing about spiritual hazards and the potential to make some money off of it. Wuyin is occasionally the mercenary sort (depending on who you ask).

He also appears to be interested in the general environs. Spirits are supposedly involved, and he's got a connection of sorts to the natural world. Maybe that's why he's hanging around, being pretty quiet and watching for things to surge up and try and murder people.

Xau'ra Tayuun (548) has posed:
Staren may come with electronics to help the people, which many are grateful for--but none desire to touch it, mess with it, and some even try to place some leaves around it and make a soft prayer of some kind. He may even hear people say some things to him when he tries to teach them: 'I am sorry, but I can't accept the teachings or we will become woodsin.'

Whatever woodsin is... It seems to be perhaps the reason this very city remains like a druid-place with its wood buildings, what few vines remains, and mostly keep its ties to nature.

When Staren does come down to the Conjurer's Guilding those who are that of the normal people give him a mild annoyed look, but remain silent. They knew he means well-- but there is some concern for the wind elements.

Allyn arrives one of the young boys along side the teen gives him a nod. Finna also gives a nod. The two of them seem more at home among the Black Shroud, as the three before them have sensed the lack of greenwrath on them.. but even so-- the forest is not happy. Perhaps they both have sensed that while they flew over head. Its anger, its rage, its agony.

Magatha also gets a nod of the head from the two young members, but when Wuyin enters, the oldest gives him a stern look at first. There is a long stare from him before he furrows his brows, tilts his head slightly, but seems to not say whatever he may be thinking.

The last that seems to make his way in, was-- actually there the whole time. The young male Miqo'te stands in the corner in the shadows, almost perfectly blinding in. His arms are crossed over his chest and he remains extremely silent. His tail only flicking from time to time.

The young teen who is in the black robe speaks up. His voice though young, holds some wisdom in his voice. It would seem these horned children are not only heavily connected with the aether, but also with the elements and perhaps in this-- they are far older then they appear. "Greetings all of you and thank you for coming on our request." All three of them bow to their guests in time. Once he stands up again he continues to speak. "I am one of the brothers of the Conjurer's guild and speaking on behalf of two of our members who could not be present."

"As some of you know and for those who do not, our home of the Black Shroud is in peril. The ash brought by the devastation is killing a great deal of our home and in this-- upsetting the balance of the forest. The energy which flows through all has become twisted and the great crystal must make new roots through our world-- because of this, all of her children are suffering-- and many things that were once at peace.. have become creatures of aggression."

The young man takes a moment to let that settle in before he continues. "In this, we are sending some of our Conjurers to one of the sanctums within the Shroud to aid in the purification and in this, to call upon the elements who may heed us for their aid. For we the children of Gridania had formed a pact long ago with the Shroud-- with the Matron-- so it is our hope in the purification there that she may hear us."

He motions his staff out to the outsiders and those who are here to listen, "That is where your aid comes in. For while the conjurers conduct the purification ritual and make amends with the elements, there are elements that will not understand.. and perhaps not even the Shroud itself. I ask of all of you to protect the Conjuruers, for this is the first step in reviving our once beautiful home."

He then plants his staff back down against the stone, the water for those sensitive to it could be heard humming-- perhaps-- speaking to him in that moment. He closes his eyes during the time before he opens them. "The one to guide you will be Xau'ra Tayuun," he motions to the Miqo'te in the shadows, "but before you leave, is there any questions?"

Psalm (181) has posed:
    The redhead smiles and raises her hand. "What sort of 'misunderstanding' are we expecting? Local flora and fauna? Rogue elementals? Very Rude People?" She smiles, and waves her fish-stick. "I mean, it's not that we shall have... issues, with protecting them I don't think, it is simply that one enjoys being prepared for the worst should that in fact come to pass."

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn nods to the boy and lets out a sigh, "It sounds like it will be a dangerous task, but it is something that must be done." He had sensed the anger of the forest, but hadn't let it affect him too much, well he's trying not to let it do so, but when they actually are in the forest or close to it? He's not so sure. He swishes his tail some and ponders and then looks to Xau when they are told that he will be guiding them. "Sounds like a plan."

Staren has posed:
    Staren's reply re: woodsin is simple: 'Do you want to be able to take care of yourselves, or do you want to die when help is cut off?' Really. Complaining about their lungs being saved, /and/ refusing to explain what a woodsin is so he can't just solve that problem? minus like 1000 points, worst refugees ever.

    His expression hardens at the annoyed looks. Oh well. He's used to annoying people.

    Staren listens. "Sounds straightforward. But what are these elementals like? I have no idea what manner of creature they are. Will physical attacks work on them? Is it acceptable if we destroy them, or do you want us to find a way to restrain them?"

Finna (513) has posed:
    "A few!" Finna remarks quickly and sharply, stepping over towards Allyn while somewhat worriedly gazing about at the others. This is a far cry different from her usual bravado!

    Perhaps things she was taught long ago just finally had an opportunity to settle in and get her pondering. Yes, it would be a stain on Luna's name to not lend her aid here, and a betrayal of her interpretation of one of the Silver Way's core tenets. Be just and generous to those beneath you.

    Does it matter if these are no people of hers, are not even of her world? ... maybe to some, but the hardships and suffering here are pulling hard on her heartstrings.

    Apparently her sharp ears picked up on Staren's quandaries though. So she strolls over to the catboy, reaches out and... fidgets with the tip of one of his ears. "The people here live in harmony with nature. Your metal and machines aren't even close to being part of it, so they're an offense to the local nature." For a brief moment, the Crescent Moon shines on her forehead and her tone takes on a much older quality, as if the words of another person are coming from her...

    "Salvation at another's hands, at the price of their way of life, is meaningless. You must respect their ways before they will have any reason to respect yours."

    A few moments later though, the face she makes is awkward indeed. She clears her throat, blushes brightly, and spins around to face Xau'ra Tayuun.

    "err... as I was saying, I have a few. What chances of success are we looking at here?"

Psalm (181) has posed:
    Maggie smirks at the Words of Old from Finna, and again offers food.

Staren has posed:
    Staren blinks at Finna. "Then they could just /say/ that. However, these machines /are/ environmentally friendly. I could have them changed to magitech if that would really help. That said..." He gestures to their surroundings. "It looks to me like Nature isn't willing to live in harmony with /them/ anymore. Their way of life isn't /working/. They can have their lives, or they can have their ways. That choice is up to them, but personally, I value their lives more."

    Of course, that's all /before/ the briefing. After:

    "So... If this works... all this burning will stop? The plants will help you, or whatever it was that... however it was things were before?"

Finna (513) has posed:
    Oooop, there goes Finna's attention. Both her eyes fix on the fish and she's looking about ready to pounce.

    Is she playing around? Is that an uprising of instinct? ... Wut?

Wuyin Tsai has posed:
Wuyin recognizes the stern look of the oldest, but he doesn't say anything, not at first. He seems intrigued by this world and what he's seen of it so far, so maybe he's trying to be polite. Or maybe he /didn't/ actually catch it. That's a possibility too, right?

The explanation is helpful. He nods thoughtfully, casting a quick glance at Finna when she speaks in a much older way. His lips quirk in a small smile. Maybe the propensity to be a mouthpiece for another is catching. He fingers the pommel of his sword, tilting his head a little at the seemingly-young brothers.

"First," he says, raising a hand and a finger, "is there anything we should not do while we are out there?" Staren basically covers the 'destruction' part. "Second, do the elementals have any vulnerabilities or resistances we should be aware of? And, finally, on a more personal note..."

He looks right at the brother who gave him the stern look. "Is my presence going to be problematic, or does something simply bother /you/?"

Psalm (181) has posed:
    "Staren. Dear."
    The redhead looks RIGHT at the catboy. "You're offering to use technology that is the primary use of the Garlean Empire, which is the enemy of these people. And even a cursory bit of bloody research into the world you've plopped yourself into would let you recognize that. Please desist."
    Angry Psalm.

Finna (513) has posed:
    And in that moment of distraction on Psalm's part, Finna pounces just like a beast. HOP! and she goes straight for the fish on a stick. CHOMP.

Xau'ra Tayuun (548) has posed:
During the questions, Xau'ra steps out from the shadows as one of the Conjurer's walks over to him and whispers something to him in silence. He gives a grin and a gentle ear flick. His gold eyes peer across everyone.

Those with sensitive hearing may pick up it has something to do with thanks to the bag of meat that apparently was brought in and for him to tell whomever did it thanks. Yet when Finna asks Xau'ra directly the question, he blinks, looks over to the young teen, who just motions him to answer it-- as he has the other questions to ordeal with.

Xau'ra rubs the back of his neck as his other hand comes to rest on his hip. "Well.." He then shrugs, "It be hard to say. Depends on how many treants, elements, and if the beast men tribe of the Ixal decide to jump in."

"Lets just hope for Treants and elements... At least if you kill them and preform the proper ritual after, it may aid in pacifying the forest a bit... If the Ixal show up-- we got another problem on our hands." Xau'ra does make sure to keep his voice down low though, to not interfere with the acting head of the Conjurers.

As the questions come in the young teen listens to them all. He does not speak until the last question is asked. He looks off to the side for a moment in deep thought, before his eyes once more meet each person before him. "The Elements are a natural part of the Shroud and of all things of our world. They are as much part of the aether, as ourselves. They can be injured by blades, but they also can adapt. They can be harmed by their opposite of element, but are very quick to be angered. The creatures are the same, but if you must slay one-- do so with respect." He seems to place a great deal of emphasis on respect.

"As for the ways of our people, so long as you respect the Shroud, you will have no problems here. The more technology and the less kin you are to the forest, the great Woodsin you are marked with. The higher your mark.. the more the forest will surely look upon you with even greater disdain. For it is the Garlean Empire who brought upon this pain, who summoned the Primal Bahamut upon who lit our great forest ablaze." One could almost hear a rumble in the rocks as he spoke, the water around the area shifting ever so slightly. "With there aetheric corrupting machines known as Magitek.. bend the wills of the world to their own desires in unnatural method."

The young teen though words carry great weight, yet he somehow remains calm.. even if the area around him perhaps did speak of the internal anger within. "So-- as long has you give the proper respect needed, you should have no troubles amongst Gridania.. but as for the Forest, as I said before.. she is angry-- and does not know friend from foe easily. Blinded she is.. wounded like an improperly hunted predator."

Once that is explained though, his eyes go to meet Wuyin's directly. "I sense a great deal of aetheric energy in you. It was brought to my attention of another who may be of like but of great darkness. I was-- caught off guard by such presence. I am deeply sorry for the offense."

He then bows his head in show of his apology before he looks over to Xau'ra. "Tayuun. I leave the rest in your hands." He then turns and walks away, with the two other members following in kind. As for the Conjurers who are to aid. There seem to be five of them. Three young women and two young men. One of the women looks very nervous as she plays with a type of flower rope she has gently entwined around her hands, asking for the Matron to guide them a few times over.

Psalm (181) has posed:
    Maggie doesn't miss the fact that a cat-lady-changling has eaten her fish-stick... her spare fish stick. She pulls her other one out and smiles at the head of the Guild. "And as such, I'm hoping we can all get back to most of our roots and take this as au naturale as we can... won't we?" She smiles sweetly at everyone else, and especially Staren though the gaze turns a bit sour there.

    Though the Bard's lip twitches back into a proper smile as she follows along at the side of Xau, as he leads them out into the Shroud. "How exciting. I haven't done this in quite some time. Proper Adventurer's work."

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn paces around much like a caged animal would while the others talk. His ears perk as he listens to the words being saidabout most of the things and then catches snatches of what Finna says to Staren. He looks around and glares at some of the machines and for a moment he crouches down and looks like he wants to pounce on them, but he shakes his head. When it is time to go though, he follows along, mostly silent.

Wuyin Tsai has posed:
Wuyin stays out of the growing argument regarding Staren and technological aid. He doesn't think he needs to help that along in either direction.

Instead, he inclines his head back to the brother. "I understand your caution. I have been granted this power to safeguard my world from corrupting elements, and forces that would disrupt and destroy the natural order of things. You need not concern yourself. Thank you for the apology."

A place of nature, though... Wuyin frowns, exhaling a quiet sigh. He takes his 3D glasses off and sticks them into a pocket, banishing them to his little pocket of Agartha, far, far away. Then, he yanks off his hoodie, folding it up and tucking it behind him, where it just kind of... goes away. He frowns thoughtfully, pulls his hand back, and produces a different coat: a dark leather one with a short brown mantle affixed over the shoulders. He shrugs into it, and keeps rummaging.

"It should be a nice change of pace," Wuyin agrees, nodding at Maggie. He checks his pockets for a few tiny objects -- they look like charms and the like, in the brief instants they're visible -- and then fishes out a small clay pot. He takes a moment to anoint himself with the contents, drawing an inverted sickle-shape across one side of his face with some kind of mixture that seems to be primarily ash.

"It will be fine," Wuyin says to the nervous, praying woman, reassuringly. He smiles gently. "We will protect you. Don't worry." He glances at Xau'ra. "I am ready when you are."

Finna (513) has posed:
    "Hwghmf?!" Finna comes to her senses a moment later... and starts chewing, grabbing the stick with a little more human will. "Mean trick." She snaps sideways at Maggie.

    .... or maybe that was all willful tomfoolery? Who knows.

    But she stands up, stroll's Allyn's way, and strokes his fur a few times, sensing his restlessness.

    "Boy, are YOU quck to get hot under the collar. That's twice I've seen you put the cart before the horse. Listen here. Step one is always studying a problem!"

Staren has posed:
    Staren gives Psalm a dispassionate look. "If they think /all/ technology is evil, then they can get over it, just like some people on my world need to learn not all magic is evil. Lives. At stake. More important. They can choose to leave things as they are, but if they choose to die, I won't aid them or work to make their deaths extra comfortable."

    He frowns slightly. /Respect/ elements that want to kill people for no good reason, that aren't even willing to talk about it or /let/ the nature-loving people do the ritual /that nature wants/? He can't respect something like that. If nature can somehow detect that, then he'll just have to find a way to punch it in the face.

    He's starting to get the feeling that he should just stay off this world, though.

    The feeling only intensifies when the priest explains the Woodsin.

    He frowns, and then /anger/ contorts his face. "So. We're supposed to /respect/ nature that can't be bothered to tell friend from foe. Nature that's /hurting/ people. Maybe it hasn't occured to you that the people of this 'Garlean Empire', whatever their other beliefs, got /that/ much right. Nature is cruel and heartless -- animals fight and die for no reason more than survival. They can't dream, they can't build, they can't love! YOU, have been gifted with intelligence, either by a blind accident of nature or a god or I don't know /what/. YOU build families and cities and culture, dreams and art, you hope for a better tomorrow for your children, at least I sure hope you do. Nature kills the weak. Do you? Or do you shelter them so they can grow into their talents, or at the very least, live a life with friends and families like the rest of you?"

    He shakes his head. "I'm no fool. I know that in some worlds, the gods care, or are loving, or at least work to help people. Maybe somewhere is a nature that looks out for people and helps civilization bloom as much as the forests. But HERE..." He glares right at their questgiver, "...is not that place. You're all fools. Besides..."

    His face glows, revealing an almost expressionless metal 'face' with a mouth and eyes that look more like headlights, with a transparent metal quadrant on one side allowing view of the electronic brain within. "I'm a walking fuckin' woodsin abomination. This nature you so revere will be even /less/ accepting of my help than you will be." He turns away. "Good day." And then teleports away.

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn was about to calm down from Finna stroking his fur, but at Staren's outburst his hackles rise and he snarls at the catboy, shifting from his current wolf form to that of a sabertooth and he roars, "Yes, nature can be cruel, in nature the weak must be culled to provide others with the chance to become strong. You understand nothing about nature even though you think that you do." he growls, Finna's stroking not calming him down now.

Xau'ra Tayuun (548) has posed:
The Young teen looks over his shoulder as Staren goes through his rant. There was silence from the young teen, his eyes narrow not in anger, but in sorrow. "Then perhaps you should seek to prove yourself to the woods-- or look to Limsa Lominsa or Ul'dah to aid them.. for unlike us.. Limsa Lominsa also has its uses in its machines.. just we are the people of the forest.. and we do understand that those from outside our forest would not understand-- after all-- not even our Neighbors of Ul'dah full understand us."

Though he can only watch Staren leave and shake his head gently. He motions to one of the Wood Wailers to come forth and informs him to still send Staren the pay he was to be given, as it is perhaps the only way to say in some level, thank you.

Xau'ra makes sure his two swords at his side are indeed secured, but at ready, including his own bow. He raises a brow gently at the commotion and shrugs his shoulders gently. "I'll see about clearing the air up later with the chap. Just the Black Shroud is a strange mistress amongst the land of Eorzea." With that said, he goes to lead the group.

The conjurer woman smiles softly at Wuyin and then gives him a nod. Her eyes a very gentle and lavender in color. She then goes to hand him the flower rope, "Take it. Please. You-- you will need it.. more then I."

Once they start to move, Xau'ra moves out into city once more and he pulls down the red lens goggles, and moves across the ground with simple ease. His foot steps seem light on the ash, barely leaving a foot print behind him.

"Make sure the Conjurer's remain in the middle." He says as he turns around to face the group while he walks backwards for a moment. "And keep your eyes sharp. Its only a few Malms away." He turns about in time to hope over a fallen young tree with ease. Others could do the same, or they could walk around it too.

Xau'ra then looks over to Maggie, "Well, I hope you remember how fight then. The further we go from Gridania," He motions back to the city with his thumb, "The less protection we have due to the oath. Then the whole woodsin bit comes into play."

Xau'ra then looks away from her. "Wouldn't believe how many chaps whom come here before ignored the warnings about Greenwrath and then got eaten whole by a treant. Bloody hells, once in the forest I even found one of the Garlean's machines.. devoured by the forest it was.. Only reason I located it was because my mom had me find it for one of my training missions in the hunt."

"..also to remind me of how the forest will handle outsiders.." He frowns a little as he says that.

As they continue on, some squirrel-like raccoon creatures run along side them, stopping at times to watch them, the continue on. Including a few that run up the side of the slowly dieing trees. There fur was black and had white strips. They at least came up to a man's own knee when they stood up on their hign legs.

Finna (513) has posed:
    "Foooooooooooooooooooool!" Finna barks shrilly Staren's way. "If that's how you feel? Then for your own sake, and everyone else here, leave this forest - you're just gonna make it all worse. But see here, scholar."

    With anger burning in her eyes, she strolls over to him, Caste Mark once again appearing, and jabs a finger at his chest. "This land -WAS- in good shape. The disaster the Garlenas triggered is what made the nature you so criticize hostile. Have you seen a wounded, hungry dog, caught in a sewer? Friend, foe? It knows nothing of the sort. The first to approach carelessly will get bitten, and it would serve him right for being a moron. Blame the DOG for it, will you, after it has served well, given its master all but unconditional love?"

    She sticks a hand on her hip. Glaring. "Nature does not kill the weak because it hates them. If you knew anything, ANYTHING about the wild places, you wouldn't say that. Have you seen a mother fox guarding her young in her den, because she knows the kits are too weak to survive on their own. Yet you have the outrageous idea that things of nature cannot love."

    The finger is jabbed at his chest again.

    "You and your civilization." She snarls. "You and this silly idea that because you can speak and think, you must be superior. What you want isn't bad, in spirit... you care, or you wouldn't be here."

    The hand is withdrawn, and instead Finna folds her arms. "But if you will not respect those things greater than you are, older than you are, who belong here more than you do, NOTHING in these woods will be your friend, wounded or not."

Allyn (307) has posed:
After Staren teleports off, Allyn wanders along with the others off into the woods, growling softly to himself and still quite grumpy. Well, that's probably not too surprising, the forest here is in pain and being the creature he is, well, it's not that easy to shake off. Just have to wait and see what will happen the further in they go he supposes.

Finna (513) has posed:
    "Rrrrrgh." Finna's pissed, and struggling to calm herself. She was so much more docile before Staren got her fur all ruffled up. But now he's gone and she is still filled with a great fuming rage at such ignorance.

    And she's hardly perfect, but as a huntress, a Lunar, and a Barbarian, how could anyone expect her to ignore those words?

    So she tromps along with her teeth bared and arms folded. "At least he left...." Grumble mutter. She walks along the trail, eying the few creatures that are at least keeping their distance with some interest.

Psalm (181) has posed:
    Maggie shrugs a bit, and smiles. "Please do not mind him TOO much, honestly, he's a dense boy who doesn't understand any of the subtleties of social interaction."
    And she follows right along, passing out more grilled fish to anyone who's coming with. "I have to say, I've never had such High Quality SMoked Fish before, it's amazing."

Wuyin Tsai has posed:
Wuyin watches the outburst and counter-outburst without so much as flinching. Instead, he files it all away for use later on. Knowing why people do what they do is pretty valuable information. Knowing what sets them off is worth its weight in gold... figuratively speaking, anyway.

He takes the flower rope, bowing to the conjurer. "I hope so."

Then, they're off. Wuyin sticks to the path, leaving clear tracks, unlike Xau'ra's light steps. He stops on top of the fallen tree, waving the conjurers along, gravitating up and down one side of the group. His right hand typically hovers near his side, where his odd-looking focus is -- and where the flower rope has been looped, too.

Wuyin nods at the creatures, watching them carefully. They don't seem hostile, but he doesn't like to be caught off-guard. "What are these?"

Xau'ra Tayuun (548) has posed:
The critters watch them as they walk and try to follow along, one even gets as close to go over a tree branch over Wuyrin's head. Another decides to move in ever closer and tries to see if it can leap onto Allyn's back-- though it brings no harm. Actually none of them do.

Xau'ra speaks up when Wuyrin asks, "They are Marmots. Harmless really, unless you try to take their nuts away." He says with a playful grin on his face. "The breed out in Thanalan-- the desert-- tend to be a bit more.. trickstery. They kind of steal anything, they do."

One of the older female conjurer's actually reaches into her bag and tosses them out a few nuts, which many of them take gladly and run back off into what remains of a few trees. Though a few of them get startled when a loud thundering boom is heard off in the distance. Xau'ra's ear only move that way for a moment. "It comes from the Northern Shroud.. most of the flames started there-- probably more trees falling down upon the ground itself."

"We ourselves are currently in the central shroud." Xau'ra explains as they keep on walking. There are blades of grass that are trying to fight for suvival, flowers trying to move past the ash and soot that covers the ground. Though as they move further in, some of the old massive trees still stand. There trunks as large as a building in radius, but their leaves are slowly following to the floor so far down below.

There is also a streaming lake that runs by them as Xau'ra starts to follow it. The water itself is covered with the ash, making the water which was once crystal clear, seem muddy and dirty now. "We are not to far.." He then points ahead. "There-- that is our destination. It is known as the Bentbranch meadows.."

Those who can see ahead, with the smoke fog not being so thick here will notice the area is rather clear, very open actually. One of the Conjurer's speaks up, one of the other women. "A woman was brought here by a Moogle to escape the fires." She glances over to the others. "She hopes to repay the moogle in kind one day.. but for now before she can do such a thing.. we must purify this area of its taint."

As they move in ever closer, the water can be seen starting to move in an odd way. A few vines along the ground seems to snake. Those with a nature sense of things can pick up that the forest is doing a very silent warning of go away, yet a good deal of darkness is also leeching into the very soil itself.

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn blinks as one of the marmots land on him and he glances up over his shoulder at the creature and seems to calm down a little. His ears perk a little as he listens to Xau and then he sends a thought to the marmot that was on him, <<that man over there has a tasty nut behind his ear and he doesn't want you to have it.>> Yeah, he can be a little mischevious when he wants to be. He pads over to walk alongside Finna then as they continue on deeper in and then towards the clearing. He sniffs the air and growls slightly, for a moment the thought of helping the elementals and other angry creatures of the forest enters his mind and he shakes his head slightly.

Psalm (181) has posed:
    Maggie, for her part, huffs and puffs a bit as the ground starts to shift, the energy in the air moves and shudders quietly. Mana and aether is changing around her, and the hair on the back of her neck prickles a little bit. A hand drops to her waist to rest on the pommel of her greatsword, and she sinches up the belt holding her chain vest tight.
    She smecks her lips, the taste of her lovely fish going a little sour now. "Guh. This place is fouled. Not just... the ash and fire. Something Wrong is out in this mired air." A look over to Finna and Wuyin, the other two magicall inclinded folks here, as she swirls a finger in the air. "You feeling it too?"

Wuyin Tsai has posed:
Wuyin follows along, nodding and listening. He doesn't see anything trying to kill them. This is good. "I'll keep an eye on my pockets, just in case," he remarks.

The ash is a sobering sight. Wuyin hasn't had to deal with a disaster of this magnitude until now. He wonders if this is going to be how his world will be if they fail to do whatever they were made for. His expression is grim. Since they're making enough of a trail through this anyway, he gestures gently with one hand, making slow sweeping gestures. A short wall of wind pushes ash and soot off the struggling plants nearby, uncovering them... at least, for now. It won't last.

He looks up and ahead. A feeling tickles at the back of his neck. He glances at Psalm, nodding and loosening his sword in its scabbard. "Yes. I think we are about to have company. Be ready." Wuyin gestures for the conjurers to keep their formation tight, taking up position and watching carefully. The waiting is the worst part.

Finna (513) has posed:
    "This place is making my skin crawl...." Finna mutters, going on edge. She's tense, her tail's not wagging anymore... and she's shuffling nearer Allyn as they get in here. "Yeah." She adds, with a shiver, Maggie's way.

Xau'ra Tayuun (548) has posed:
The little Mamot who is enjoying the ride makes a chittering sound at Allyn, almost like a laugh and then bounds from the wolf to go after this 'hidden' nut. Yet the Mamot stops in mid stride when it senses the impending danger and suddenly curls up on the scruff of Allyn's neck.

Xau'ra boot comes to a halt against the ash, his ears flick back, as he narrows his eyes. His hand reach from the hilt of his sword toward his bow. He very carefully goes to bring it forward, then just as cautiously readies an arrow from his quiver. He looks over to the Conjurers. "Make haste. Start the ritual and we will do what we can to protect you. Do not doddle."

The two men are perhaps a bit quicker at react then the two other females. The last one being the one who gave Wuyrin the flower rope. They start laying down on the ground what they need, as two others begin to place down the offerings in the center.

As they start the water starts to rise as several spheres of water start to appear from the running stream, the elements themselves contaminated by the very ash which floats around what seems to be a blue crystal. The ground quakes around the same time, as several earth elements rise from the ground, a gold crystal can be seen in its center of the rocky bits that circular around in a sphere.

Xau'ra gold eyes flicker for a moment as he speaks out, "Be still elements of water and earth. I am a child of Menphina, the aunt of the Matron, Nophica. We mean you no harm, but if you cast upon us, we will protect ourselves."

He then takes aim with his bow at one of the earth elements. "I beg of the--" Yet before he can speak again, one of the water elements begins to cast its magic. The air around it becomes that of moisture forming a sphere of water, which it goes to lunge.

Yet the unexpected happens, a massive stone wall rises from the ground blocking the very strike which was aimed at the ground. A voice of aetheric can be heard by those who have an ear for nature, -"You are not of the woods, but you tried to help bring light back to our soil. Another takes notice of our pain, while the other weeps in silence. We will hush our brethren, but time is short.. The darkness is near."-

===============================COMBAT: STAGE 1================================

Reason: The earth elements take notice of the acts taken while moving to the lo<span class=" bold_bg_r fg_n ++ ation.


Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn lets the mamot stay there on his neck and his ears perk up again as he hears the voice and they twitch a little. Like Finna he is a bit on edge too, but maybe for different reasons. To him at least he's more animal than he is human, so it makes it a bit harder for him to try and keep the anger of the forest and nature from imprinting on him and to drive him mad with the rage. He shivers and leans slightly against Finna's leg, as much for her comfort aas for his, though he does growl quietly to himself.

Psalm (181) has posed:
    And as it all kicks off, Psalm smiles and draws that glistening sharp greatsword from its sheath and starts to hum deeply in her throat, the woman's alto voice coming to a low and melodious hummm... Magatha was just about to launch into an actual song as the forces of nature themself halt their first assault. "Oh that's... that's very kind of you... I suppose." She's answering a voice that probably isn't going to respond at all, but that's okay, really. A look at the others and the Conjurors, and Maggie's hand grips the greatsword tighter. "Whatever happened here... happened hard."

Wuyin Tsai has posed:
Wuyin... doesn't murder an elemental.


He finds himself in a ready stance, a few inches of blade bared as the earth and water elementals rise up and make their moves. When they don't end up all piling in on them, he relaxes... a little. "We are here to aid you," he says, seemingly calm. "We will remove the taint from this place. Please, if you are able to prevent your brethren from assailing us..."

Wuyin is glad they can skip this one. He doesn't believe for a second this is going to go at all without a hitch.

Finna (513) has posed:
    Finna's gone all tense as can be when the elements seem to be turning hostile, but then... RESCUE. She gapes, wide-eyed, and cracks a smile. The ritual can proceed. And proceed it must, because...

    "It is... very near. Somewhere. Like you can reach out and touch it." Not that she wants much to do with it! Besides getting rid of it...

    "Nice timing!" She thanks the Earth elementals. "... even the one who had no idea how to help wanted to. Even those of us from other worlds loathe seeing this misery...." But besides protecting protection, she's not sure of wht else CAN be done right now... besides focusing all her senses to try and narrow down where this darkness might be coming from.

Xau'ra Tayuun (548) has posed:
The Conjurers are almost done, they only for a moment are distracted by the elements seeming to well-- argue with one another, but not in a vocal sense but in an aetheric sense. Not they understand the words of, but it is heated never-the-less.

Xau'ra lowers his bow, but keeps it at ready. "Stay lively." he tells the others, "But I don't think I need to really say that now, hm?" He tries to smile, break the tension in the air. Something dark looms here, he is sure some others can sense it too.

He looks over to the Conjurers as they begin to do their ritual. He takes a few steps back as he gazes across what remains of the tree tops above. He then looks over to Maggie, "Well-- as was stated, a Primal was unleashed that nearly cleaned out everyone at the battle in Mor Dhona and honestly.. I am amazed that the forest is still not ablaze from the attack."

"That is perhaps the one miracle the twelve gave to the Shroud-- ended the flames before it consumed all."

Xau'ra takes another step back as his eyes continue to scan the area. Beyond the elements-- things have gone very quiet. The wind does not howl as it should. The creatures around are far more silent then it should be. His tail flicks gently as he turns to look one way, then quickly another.

That is when suddenly a wind gust rises in and goes to shove against the group. Yet from a flash from a charm worn by Xau'ra and a sudden flare of bright light the wind impacts a barrier and rushes across the magical barrier, over the conjurers who have all but fallen in a trance like state, and then several spheres of dark energy appear before they dissolve away. Four imps take the dark spheres place.

They let out a screech like sound. Before they seem to fly around the group. Those more magically inclined may hear a dark voice that moves in the wind, may even see a haunting image of something in dark robes with sickle like bones protruding from its backside. The image does not stay long, because whatever it is-- it knocks Xau'ra clean off to the side and slams him against a tree to knock him out cold before it flickers away.

Leaving now the four 'adventurers' with the four imps.

===============================COMBAT: STAGE 2================================

- TARGETS: x4 Voidsent Imps -

* Imp A: 100HP => No target
* Imp B: 100HP => No target
* Imp C: 100HP => No target
* Imp D: 100HP => No target

* Conjurer To Protect: x5
* Round Till Next Target: 5

The four imps that have appeared screech once more, before they seem to actually move away from the group and seem to be going straight for the Conjurers...


Finna (513) has posed:
    Finna's shocked out of her vigil, her efforts to pre-empt the linering darkness apparently in vain.

    She's never been here before, but even so... "....DEMONS!" She's all but hissing. And this is a serious matter indeed.

    Without changing shape, she pulls a sword out from seemingly nowhere. "Now that's an easily solved problem!"

    Silver Essence boils up around her body, mostly around her feet - as she breaks into a dash at speeds no athlete could hope to manage, and aims to simply THRUST the primitive-looking, utterly undecorated sword - something that vikings might've used, by the look of it - for the nearest Imp's neck

Psalm (181) has posed:
    HA! Now this is what Magatha was looking for. The Wind, the screeching, the battle, the passion. "Yes yes yes YES YES." She slaps her sword into the creekbed, an odd place for a weapon to be, until the blade starts to fully resonate and hum. Her voice lifts, a lovely lyrical alto pricking at the ears as she stands shin deep in the stream. The water around her starts to vibrate and splash as Music, arcane true Muscial Tones start to ring out into the glade, lashing at the senses all around them.

    The song is Elven in make, the words prickling at the ears and somehow not all the way translating despite the Multiversal effect. Too much spell casting interfering with the lyrics. The effect is nearly palpable though, as the tune makes you want to leap and step and dance and stab and LET THE BASTARDS COME WE ARE READY FOR THEM! TO ARMS, MY BROTHERS TO ARMS! DANCE FOR YOUR DINNER YOU LOUTS!

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn growls softly as the imps appear and he blinks for a few moments, still looking a bit in conflict, but no they are here to protect the conjurors right? Not to do the will of the angry forest, but he's an animal, despite having been born human, that past was tossed aside a long time ago. So does he listen to the anger inside and enact the fury of the forest? The conjurors are so close, it'd be easy to do, no one would expect it. He hasn't decided or maybe the better thought is he hasn't completely given in to it yet.

The wolf does shift forms though, it's only nautral after all, whatever he decides he will fight. As he changes forms the wolf is replaced by a massive komodo dragon, the huge lizard hisses at the imps and the conjurors and then darts forward, rushing towards the conjurors at first, but then changes directions and lifts his head to snap at one of the imps that is flying around.

Wuyin Tsai has posed:
Wait for it... wait for iiit...

The imps appear, screeching. Wuyin cocks his head to the side, understanding. He speaks to them, his voice hushed and fervent. "She called me," he says to them. "She woke me from my somnambulist life. She gave me the strength to rend the lion and eat its honeyed entrails." Wuyin draws his sword, a pattern like strange circuitry lighting up along the blade with an orange luminescence. Anima thrums within the weapon.

"Light?" He smiles, the expression belonging to someone who takes joy in a knowledge he has that his foe does not. "I am the anti-body," he says. He draws his left arm up in front of his chest diagonally, lowering into a crouch. His sword extends down and back from his right, angled like an extension of his arm. "You are the sickness."

The music starts. Wuyin barely twitches. His foot twists against the ashen ground, and Anima floods out of him, spreading across the clearing. Hazy lines rush in every direction, extending and connecting and brightening into white tracery. Interlocking hexagons glow through the ash all along the ground, a bounded field that radiates power.

/Then/ he moves.

He leaves the ground, moving fast. Wuyin twists in the air, sword flashing, cutting the air and sending Anima scattering like blades at each of the imps. It cuts, and it hurts, and it /burns/, driving whatever strikes it into a rage that pulls them to its source. He lands, getting his footing and dashing across the clearing, a wave of the same power following in his blurring step from here to there. He gets right in the faces of the imps, Anima-charged steel diving for soft flesh faster than the eye can follow.

The conjurers are untouched. They exist in the eye of the storm. They are guests in /his/ House.

Xau'ra Tayuun (548) has posed:
===============================COMBAT: STAGE 2================================

- TARGETS: x4 Voidsent Imps -

* Imp A: 63HP => Finna
As finna rushes for the imp, it spins around quickly and conjures up a wall of ice. Her blade slams through the ice all, as shards like knives try to cut her, and her blade clips along its body, cutting into the creatures thin hide.
* Imp B: 100HP => No target
* Imp C: 100HP => No target
* Imp D: 43HP => Allyn
When Allyn suddenly shifts forms, the Marmot who was hanging out in protection squeaks and runs off suddenly, scurrying up one of the large trees. Yet as he goes to move toward the Conjurers, they would not even be aware. This making him easy to forget by the imp he is nearest, until he leaps up and snaps at it. Catching the imp complete off-guard! The Imp screeches in pain as the Komodo dragon's teeth bite into its foot, it rears back its massive clawed hands and attempts to then blast flame in the scaled lizards fa<span class=" bold_fg_r bg_n ++ e.

chr"> INTURRUPT </span>

* Imp A: 32HP => Wuyin
* Imp B: 70HP => Wuyin
* Imp C: 82HP => Wuyin
* Imp D: 17HP => Wuyin
Wuyin then decides to area assault the area. The blades and magic move faster then perhaps the imps are ready for. His strides move across the area, catching them in his hail of motions and deadly strikes. This does not only gain the ire of the imps, but that demonic voice he heard before speak again in the howling winds.

All the imps, though they survived, turn their attention on Wuyim after his demonstration of power. Together they cast and they all attempt to blast him with ice spikes after ice spikes. Though it would seem some imps (D), are being a bit slower then others on the casting and is very low to the ground. It looks quiet ready to just fall over really.

* Conjurer To Protect: x5
* Round Till Next Target: 4

Psalm (181) has posed:
    Oh such a cacophany, such a noise, all of that so wonderful and mighty. Maggie spots one of theimps looking very uninjured... and joins battle. Still singing, still crying and still happily and merrily charging into the fight. She rips the Gleamsong Edge from the ground, and charges at Imp C with a battle cry in her throat. The blade's edge glows sharply, and she leaps into the air to strike a massive downward stroke at the Imp. The strike, weather it hits or not, sends a charming note throughout the party, speeding their step and giving thier opponents much less of a chance to hit them!

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn flicks his tongue out and tastes the air, hunting the imp he had bitten down. Well, he's single minded right now, but he can also taste the scent of those conjurors. They didn't protect the forest, did they? did they really do their job/. No, it is their fault the forest burned, they could have stopped it. Now they are trying to restore it?

The giant lizard approaches the conjurors, tongue flicking in and out of his mouth, but he stops and watches them, glaring at them coldly for a few moments. He wont forgive them, he can't forgive them for their failure, punish them for their failure. Hmph! he ends p just standing there, glaring at the conjurors with hate and anger, but doesn't attack them, or the imps this time.

Finna (513) has posed:
    The blade Finna's brought out isn't especially powerful, or unique. It's made of fine Feathersteel, forged with the utmost care, but an impact against ice at those speeds is not good for it. There will be consequences later...

    But for that first strike, she's glad to have just struck something. The sword's wrenched free jsut as she hears Maggie's efforts cheering her on. "Okay, let's go a little WIIIIIIILD!"

    Tucking the sword away, she instead focuses for a brief moment. Her body shimmers, and tribal tattoos swirl into existence all across her flesh. At the same time, something... subtle changes about her. Those with magical senses can feel it though: a TREMENDOUS amount of Essence just flowed through her body and reinforced it, unleashing a wellspring of inner power.

    Even thouggh her form doesn't change, her Tell glimmers brightly, visible for all to see. And while her tail twists about, shifting her balance for a pounce, she leans forwards... and LUNGES.


    Her attack is a simple swipe, but rather than soft human fingers... Claws the color of the moon, and trailing a soft but fierce light, go for the Imp's heart!

Wuyin Tsai has posed:
Wuyin's motions are slowed when he comes out of his flowing attacks, but not appreciably. He turns, facing down the imps and the strange voice he seems to be hearing. Is anyone else? Well... it wouldn't be the first time if they aren't. Something to worry about later.

"Nothing you have ever seen," he breathes. He inhales, watching them -- and then suddenly swings his blade up into a guard position in front of him with another flicker of Anima, just as the ice spikes start to rain in. The blade intercepts the first, and then the second, the Anima-infused weapon shattering the projectiles into pieces, oen after another.

Wuyin twists out of the way of the next, and sidesteps between two more, the musical magic and the Anima-charged ground speeding his steps. He gets unlucky, though; he can't dodge them all, and one grazes him, tugging at his coat and cutting across his side. He slows from the blow, the hail coming dangerously close --

A blast of fire rips from his fingertips. The heat bloom washes off of him, and the inferno turns the ice to little more than steam, spraying droplets of hot water across the glade. He leaps forward through the smoke, ending up in the midst of the imps. He makes a downward cut at one, the strongest of them, leaving a glowing trail in the air. The tip of the blade dips, touching the ash-covered ground.

Blue points of light suddenly surround him. They form into glowing daggers in a heartbeat, sailing outwards in every direction, weaving around allies and leaving bleeding wounds on enemies. A ring of white encircles Wuyin as soon as the phantom knives are gone and erupts into cutting waves, sweeping force akin to invisible blades cutting and slicing. From without, the flickering lights somewhat resemble the petals of a flower.

Xau'ra Tayuun (548) has posed:
===============================COMBAT: STAGE 2================================

- TARGETS: x4 Voidsent Imps -

* Imp A: KOED

Finna lunges for the imp and because it is distracted by trying to get at Wuyin it doesn't realize that a very powerful attack is coming for it, until its to late. It turns its head over its shoulder. Is strange eyes go wide as they see the light and the woman lunging for it...

The next thing the Imp realizes is the very sword has gone right through it. It extends out his clawed hand toward Finna, before it suddenly vanishes away in a dark cloud of aetheric energy vanishing away from sight.
* Imp B: 32HP => Wuyin
The Imp sees Wuyin coming for it. It attempts to quickly move back and tries to cast a massive wall of stone in front of itself for protection, but to slow! The sword cuts into the imp and it nearly falls from the sky, but quickly gets back up.* Imp C: 32HP => Wuyin
Maggie's music fills the air, but its when her blade comes-- the imp is unprepared! For that imp's attention is on Wuyin and her sword easily cuts right into its wing and downs the little creature onto the ground. It screeches in pain, but by her magic musical aura-- it keeps the imp from being able to focus on her. So it does the next best thing. It tries to raise the very ground around itself and catch her and Wuyin in its magical display of rock-n-roll... with real rocks and vines.
* Imp D: 17HP => Wuyin

Wuyin then once more executes another area attack that covers the very air with knives. The imps attempt to deal with the knives the best that they can. Trying to protect themselves, get out of the way-- use magic. Yet in the end---
* Imp B: KOED
* Imp C: KOED
* Imp D: KOED
-- They all go down. Each of them flickering away into dark orbs of energy before disappearing from the sky.

* Conjurer To Protect: x5
* Round Till Next Target: 3


Xau'ra who has been knocked out cold, finds a Marmot that climbs down from a tree and starts to paw at his face a few times. Then licks his cheek attempting to wake him up.

It even tries to nip his ear, little rodent teeth carefully nipping away. Nomnomnomwakeupnom.

The marmot then gives up at its efforts as something far more powerful will have to come at play, so the small creature runs over to where Allyn is debating the fate of the Conjurers it squeaks at him. Leaping up in front of the Komodo's face a few times. In the world of the wild it is simply telling him 'Don't do it!'.

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn looks at the marmot and blinks, he nods to it and sighs, maybe the little guy? is right, he shouldn't do anything to them. He snorts and makes his way over towards Xau and nudges him some with his snout. "Hey cub, wake up." he's not going to try and bite the guy though, that'd hurt too much. He'll keep butting his head against him though. "I'm not going to be able to hang on much longer, wake up!"

Psalm (181) has posed:
    Maggie's bright eyes glow a bit as the song lulls off into something still and soft. A Coda, if you will, as she digs herself out of the rocks and vines that have half buried her in the creek bed. A welt will likely grow a bit on her face where one of the stones whipped past her magical defenses, but she really pays it no mind as blood seeps down her cheek.
    A free hand pushes hair out of her face as she smiles at the others, and taps her fingers against the pommel of the Gleamsong, watching the Conjurors closely. A look of inquiry at the rest, her song's tone turning questioning, and the Elven words burble out a concerning check at her party.

Finna (513) has posed:
    "A-Allyn?!" Finna's not surprised to find demons dispersing into nothing when defeated. That's the way things should be, to her line of thinking.

    But as she whirls about, finding Allyn near the Conjurers, she just shivers.

    What fierce intentions! Even Finna can feel something's wrong.

    So she's relieved when nothing happens, and she instead takes a single leap over rocks and sticks, landing near Allyn and Xau'ra. "What's gotten you so worked up?!"

Wuyin Tsai has posed:
Wuyin gets off the ground when the earth tries to up and crush him. The imps are magically crafty, he'll give them that. When he comes back down, they're all down... and then floating away, zooming off as balls of what he assumes is evil.

He shoots a look at Allyn, frowning. He's taken up a warding stance near the conjurers, taking a rest while waiting for them to finish. In his experience, there are always more of these things coming, and always bigger ones.

Xau'ra Tayuun (548) has posed:
For the moment all seems at peace in the forest. The Conjurers are doing there thing and a breeze can be felt moving through the trees now. The breeze is slowly clearing away the smoke that still hangs here and the scent of rain can almost be caught in the distance as the clouds can be seen starting to line the sky.

It would seem the Conjurers purification to this area is slowly starting to work as the items gathered in the center are starting to glow with some light...

As for Xau'ra he doesn't really wake up still right away, but he does squint his eyes a few times, which is about when he at last starts to open them. "..wha.. what happened?" He asks before he tries to sit up and hisses a bit at the back of his head. "..dark creature.. not of the mothercrystals.." He murmurs a bit before trying to pull himself too.

He looks at Allyn, then up at Finna. "..I-- guess I missed all the excitement, hm?"

Xau'ra looks around the area, the googles had been knocked to the side and its easy to see without them on, he is squinting even the slightest at the light shafts that /are/ making it in now as the smoke fog clears. He quickly goes to place the goggles back on after he makes sure no ash are within them. "Thank you all for protecting the Conjurers. I believe the lot is about done.."

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn looks at Finna, anger still in his cold glare, "Can't you feel the anger of the forest? It's call is strong against those who failed to protect the forest." he sighs a bit. "I don't feel like myself." he nods to Xau, "They are gone for now I think."

Finna (513) has posed:
    "Could be worse!" Finna declares Xau's way. "You could be covered in blood. Which is what we don't want the forest to be, Allyn, any more than it has to. You know, blood has a way of seeping into things, especially when it's shed needlessly. It soaks in and stains a place. Enough blood spilled like that, and the stain won't go away. It becomes a cursed land where things won't grow... well, maybe not here, but do you really want to make the forest like the taste of blood more than it already does? .... I feel.... something... but these people can't make amends if they're dead... and then there'd be no hope even for the people who did everything they could." She's being surprisingly soft and considerate today, but that's probably due to the staggering amount of suffering around her.

    She just can't manage to be silly. That would be an insult to this tragedy.

Psalm (181) has posed:
    Psalm, on the other hand, is coming down from her battle rush, sheathing her blade as her song ends on a soft murmur of music... and then she slumps a little bit, her whole form deflating etherally, as she turns off her Charisma. "Hooooooo. Well, that was a lot of excitiment for a few Ice Imps. Not that I'm complaining, I haven't had a decent fight in a while." A grin, and she shuffles over to the side of the river to start splashing some water on her face, trying to wipe the blood off.

Wuyin Tsai has posed:
Wuyin's bounded field of hexagons and weird light shows goes away. He lowers his weapon, breathing slowly and deeply. "I expect something bigger to show up the next time we attempt something like this," he remarks, still looking around. "Still. Good work, everyone." He doesn't call Allyn out on his potentially-dangerous decision-making; Finna will handle that. It's kind of a Lunar's job.

Psalm (181) has posed:
    Maggie smiles up at Wuyin though. "You're awfully handly with a sword and flame. Good work, by the way. It's always nice to have a person who knows what to do with a good song around." A huff. "So many of the others around here just look at me funny when I sing or think that... they don't have to do anything for that to work... you just have to at least listen and be mindful of the music. Is that too much to ask?"

Xau'ra Tayuun (548) has posed:
The dark gray Miqo'te goes to stand up, careful as he does so. He goes to try and brush himself off, muttering under his breath about the ash and soot. He looks over everyone, taking note of those who go injured. "..Once they are done, they can probably attended to your wounds."

Though for Wuyin, that flower rope he was given? It starts to glow, before wisps of aetheric blueish-white energy runs up along his arm from he flower rope and actually goes to patch up his wounds with magical energy, soothing them closed as if they had never happened.

Xau'ra blinks his eyes at that and grins softly, "Looks like you were give an enchanted item there. Though who knows if it will work beyond the Shroud though..."

Before the Miqo'te can say much more. There is a bright white flash from the center of the Conjurers. From that blast of bright white, the ash is suddenly ripped into the air and flung into the sky, the wind swirls around, before then-- a wet droplet of water falls on Finna's face. Then a few more droplets of water find others.

Soon it begins to actually rain. True-- pure water of rain, not combined with that of ash or soot. Xau'ra looks up at the sky as it begins to darken from the rain clouds and then removes his goggles, giving a big grin. "Well now," He looks at the group before he places out his hands, "Look at your handy work here! If not for you lot the Conjurers would not been able to finish the purification! ..now.. we have..." He glances up. "..three-- four more shrouds to go?" He then huffs to the side. "Though that be not the place for us. At least the forest now knows we are trying and hopefully, as the brother of the Guild hoped, it would pacify the forest some.. at least.. in this area."

Xau'ra then shrugs, "But hard to say by how much though-- only time will tell that part, aye?"

Flowers gently start to reopen as the rain drops find them. The stream starts to clear up in this part of the area and though many of the trees have passed away, little sprouts that had been hidden by the ash can now be seen. The area at which the Conjurers have gathered, becomes far more lush then the rest of the area.

For once the Conjurers stand back up and step away, they look exhausted, but smiling at the sight of the rain upon them. Including one of the young women running up to give Maggie a hug, before doing so to any other who accept a hug from her. Including a kiss on the cheek to Wuyin-- cause yes-- it is the same gal who rewarded his kindness with the rope.

Xau'ra though goes to sit on one of the logs and just enjoys the rain for now. The Conjurers will also see to their wounds using aetheric magic to heal them and also, if they need, be teleported back to town where they can pick up their reward from the Wood Wailers.

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn nods to Finna and sighs, he shifts back to his human form, maybe the feelings wont be as oppresive then, though it seems things are feeling a bit better. He leans against Finna a little, "I'm sorry. It was almsot too much, the anger of the forest and those creatures that live here. I must protect things like this," he sighs a bit, then gives Finna a smile, "You understand that too, because you feel the same way. At least I think that you do." Well it's true.

He looks up at the rain for a few moments, "Maybe the forest will start to get happier now, I guess it is all that we can hope for, right?" he raises an eyebrow at her.

Finna (513) has posed:
    The droplet lands right on Finna's nose, triggering a sneeze. But she finds herself looking up bewilderedly at that. Rain, broght on from an effort like this? Weatherworking on a scale she's never seen before! "H-hyaaowww... no way, it's really--" And down comes the rain!

    She giggles, then fods her arms and aims a pure but somewhat childish grin at Allyn, Xau, and Maggie.... "Oh yes... I feel it alright. And this feels much better!"

Wuyin Tsai has posed:
"Merely a few of my many talents," Wuyin remarks, looking over at Maggie. He smiles slightly. "You just have to listen and go with the flow. A good song is excellent for keeping up the tempo. Thank you, though."

Wuyin looks surprised at the healing, and moreso at the kiss. He smiles down at the conjurer woman, inclining his head towards her. He glances at Xau'ra, nodding slightly. "Then I'll be sure to keep it close while I am here."

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn chuckles at Finna's grin and gives her a smile. He finds somewhere nearby to sit and takes a seat. He doesn't look too good still, maybe he's just upset at his actions? he did almsot chomp on the ones trying to help the forest after all, but that's jsut him. He watches the rain quietly for a bit, but every once in a while he casts a glance Finna's way.

Finna (513) has posed:
    "..... hmmmmhm? Something's on your miiiiind." Finna presses, twitching a finger over at Allyn after spotting the glances. She's just been enjoying the rain. "Whew.... all that ash. this feels SOOOO much better..."

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn shakes his head at Finna, "Nothing really on my mind, just enjoying the rain, that's all." he gives her a smile. "Don't worry really, I will be alright." he nods to her and then lets a little rain collect in his hand and then flings it at Finna with a grin.

Finna (513) has posed:
    "Hyigh!" Finna raises a hand to fend off the water a moment too late, and splutters, only to playfully glare at Allyn out of the corner of an eye. "You're playing with fire even if you think it's water!" But she isn't really serious. Her attention's on the intense rain....

    ".... what a weird climate, compared to my home... does it ever even snow here... this rain is nice."

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn raises an eyebrow and chuckles at Finna, "I thought I was playing with you, not with fire." he counters and smiles a little, especially when she gives him that playful glare.

He glances at the rain and nods, "I don't know if it snows or not, maybe we can come back when it is winter and see?" he shrugs some, "It might be a nice place to come for a vacation, or something like that. It feels good though."

Then he gets another mischevious look and grins to Finna, a little secret smile, but doesn't reveal what he is thinking."

Finna (513) has posed:
    "Not a bad idea!" The fox Lunar agres, fidgeting with her hands lightly. She's nervous now, having accomplished this but facing what, four more repeats of the same? ".... Where did those demons come from..."

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn shakes his head, "I was distracted. I don't know, they aren't creatures of the forest are they?" he frowns and shakes his head. "Maybe there is something we don't know about at work here. Maybe something more than just the troubles they have already had."

Finna (513) has posed:
    "Who knows where demons come from in Eorzea, butt those were DEFINITELY not natural creatures. Couldn't YOU feel it?" Finna retorts, frowning. "... So if they showed up when we tried to purify the place... that means.... someone, or something, is against that idea, right?"

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn grumps at Finna and he tosses a tiny glare her way, though not as serious of one as it could be, "No, I didn't sense it. My senses were overwhelmed by the anger of the forest." he shakes his head and tries to get over that, starting with not glaring, it's not Finna's fault after all. "But I guess you are right, they aren't natural creatures and yes, I'd have to conclude that it'd mean something or someone is opposed to the idea of the place being cleansed."

Finna (513) has posed:
    Finna folds her arms... then shrugs a little. "Yeah, but who... maybe the local elders would know more. Or maybe they're leftovers from the calamity.... I don't know how this world works!"

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn shakes his head and shrugs, "I don't know either." he sighs a little, "It's not like Ivalice is it?, but still I'd like to explore this forest more when it is fully back to normal. It might not be too bad a place when that happens." he peers at Finna, "Let's do our best to help save it, what do you say?" he raises an eyebrow at her, "I know it's not our world, but it needs us right now."

Finna (513) has posed:
    "It is, and it's not. There's linkpearls and Chocobos and Bahamut, but Ivalice doesn't have a Garlean Empire.... and I've not heard of any Holy Ajoras or Faram over here..." Finna gives Allyn a very bewildered look! "... ehm.. well, a WHOLE world? Biting off an awful lot at once! Sure you can chew that?"

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn nods in agreement, "But there are similarities.. Ivalice is having a war too, if that is what is going on here as well." he shrugs some, "Well, we don't have to save it all at once we could save it one bit at a time, though we already do have our paws full don't we?" he raises an eyebrow, "I'm not sure if I can or not, but maybe with someone to share it with, it'd make it easier to chew?"