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TZ: All Your Ore Are Belong To Us
Date of Scene: 24 August 2014
Location: TARGET: Mining Station Zephyr (MZ)
Synopsis: A Battle rages over Mining Station Zephyr between two Union elites and several Magitek Vanguards.
Cast of Characters: 162, 265, 522

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
One of the commanders of the Confederacy marked this location as an area of importance. Gaius Van Baelsar, even before he found himself into a heated battle with Bahamut of the Union, already had the plans and tactical information down for this very spot.

The battle itself was to not be carried out by Gaius, but rather by one of his officers. It would be their job to oversee this operations and the choice of heavy manpower was that of the Magitek Vanguards. Autonomous machines that operated on vocal orders given to them by the Garlean Empire, though the Vanguards would not be alone-- but they were indeed the muscle.
Three metal airships loom in the sky. There running lights flickering from time to time under there body and the windows could be seen with a gold hue as they moved through the void to the battle location. Once in closer troops propelled down to the ground level and started to open fire on the Mining stations defenses.

Machine gun like turrets from the airships start to open fire as bullets that were ceruleum enhanced, which allowed the bullets to explode slightly on impact with a flash of blue energy. The alarm was sounded for needed aid, and though a few Garlean troopers were taken down, the assault continued. While two airships started to pull away, another came in and dropping down from it was not only a few more troops, but the Vanguards. They landed down kicking up dust into the air as there 10-12 feet frame rose up and golden-red light flickered to life for a moment within their several slit helm-head.

The Vanguards with there drill arms started to march forward, before moving into a jog-like lumbering and then rushed ahead of many of the groups in battle. Their lance arms swinging out knocking aside any basic defense force-- and that airship which dropped them off, also started to pull away.

It was a full assault on the Mining Station and it would seem that the Garlean Empire, acting for the Confederacy had every notion to not leave easily.

Zephyr Windstar (162) has posed:
    Automated alarms alert a certain TSAB agent to trouble. She diverts her course from patrol, and heads towards the nearest warpgate. Zephyr is already in her Barrier Jacket, and having heard snippets of radio chatter, has summoned her wide area focussed Device form. The Bits fly in formation, only two for the moment, but she has a third as backup.

"Mining Station Zephyr security command, this is TSAB Private Third Class Zephyr Windstar. Situation report." she calls over secure comms, then swaps to broadcast. "Unidentified hostiles. Cease aggression and leave the area immediately, or you will be fired upon. You have twenty seconds to comply."

Rabby (265) has posed:
Alarms were blaring at the mining station, indicating Confederate activity in a Union owned territory. For Rabby, who had just returned to duty after some leave due to personal matters, it was not the way she wanted to get back into action, but she chose to go in to assist nonetheless, knowing that this is a very important asset to the Union, and losing it could have serious repercussions for the Union.

Flying in using her Basalm Fighter, Rabby can only sigh as she confirms the sight of Confederate elites in place already. She picks up the broadcast from Zephyr, and would add to it, but decides against it after a moment, knowing that those Confederate fools (as she calls them,) won't budge unless they've been defeated in combat. "Looks like things are going to get a bit heated here," Rabby comments as she activates the weapons systems on her fighter.

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
Well the advantage that the two have over the Vanguards is that they are /flying/. Something none of the forces here have. But this ok, cause some Imperial Troopers give back Zephyr's request for them to retreat a few shots in her direction from there gunblades-- thankfully they go wide.

As it was all time for another group to actually attach something to the Vanguards themselves. Once they do so, one of them gave the leading Vanguard who was marked with red and good thump on the backside. Metal drones they may be, but for some of these men who had fought along side them and worked on them-- the Vanguard was a marvel and reminder of the technological wonder that the Garlean Empire held from a world so full of magic.

The attachments seem hooked up to the shoulder joints and the attachments purpose was soon made clear, as the metal flap opened up and then several missile like shells were propelled out from the shoulder holsters. Being fueled for the ignition by the Ceruleum taken from the Vanguards themselves to fire the warheads.

Which though did not explode on impact with anything, but where more fired up into the air in the measure of further warning to the incoming elites. That yes-- these men and machines were not going /anywhere/ without given a swift boot to the head.

Zephyr Windstar (162) has posed:
    Tch. "Alright then, lets do this the hard way!" Zephyr rolls through the 'flak' clouds, her environmental bubble not blocking some shrapnel that slices across an arm, and down one leg. "Divine Wind!"

<YES! MISTRAL SQUALL!> the Bits flit out, and begin to rapidly spinning, rotating around her as a central position. "Alright, set 'em up! Let's knock 'em down!" comes the mage's voice over the sudden roar of wind... what there is of it anyway.

<IMPULSE CASCADE! CONCUSSIVE SHIFT!> calls the Device, as a sextet of bright purple motes form in the air around her. She comes up short, standing on a spell seal, before pointing her weapon down at the Vanguards. "FIRE!"

    The spheres don't have much air to draw to them, but what they have is pulled in tightly, and then they fire off like cannon shells, exploding on contact with anything in a shower of magical plasma. IT's non-lethal to organics, but any equipment struck will likely take a lot of damage.

Rabby (265) has posed:
Rabby never expected those things on the ground to be able to fire so well at her craft, until she actually sees the shots coming at her, and she finds that one of them is able to make their mark on the fighter. The damage is minimal, but given their sizes, the odds of Rabby being able to draw an accurate bead on them from her fighter may not be easy. So she proceeds to eject from her craft and drop to the ground, while her fighter returns on autopilot to the base.

Landing in a crouched position, Rabby draws her rifle and aims it at the nearest Vanguard. "You think you're big, but the bigger they are, the harder they fall!" Rabby exclaims as she fires a shot at the Vanguard.

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
Zephyr's bit spheres fire down upon a few of the Vanguards. They successfully make impacts as the magical energy pulsates into some of the gears and cogs, causing them to lock up for a moment, but the fuel magic seems to consume some of it keeping it from perhaps being as deadly as it should be if there was actually motherboards or processors inside of these drones.

Because seriously-- Magitek was BS Science.

Yet when the gears do get clogged up, it causes a few of them to falter and some heat to build up, which corrupts some of the working mechanisms causing some internal troubles. But the Vanguards do not full halt, instead they open fire once more.

As for Rabby when she leaps down and opens fire. She will find perhaps the 'leader' of the Vanguards is /running/ right for her. Her shot was true and slams into the massive rotating magitek wheel on its shoulder breaking off one of the pipes that emit blue flames from time to time.

As it gets closer, its body gives off a blue glow around the edges as the slits glow with red-gold light. The machine then suddenly thrusts itself forward to rapidly close the distance and then swings it lance-like arm to the side to try and knock her over.

Zephyr Windstar (162) has posed:
    Zephyr grunts. "Persistant f---" <MASTER! EVADE!> cries her Device. The mage flickers out of existence for a moment or two, some shrapnel catching her as she dodges at high speed. "Alright then, lets get in close and personal."

    <READY MASTER! WIND CONTROL. AUGMENT SHIFT> the Bit-drones tighten up a little bit, what little 'wind' is out here gathering closer to give Zephyr a burst of speed as she rockets down towards one of the Vanguards. <MAELSTROM SABER!>

    The mage's weapon begins to glow purple, trailing a 'stream' of raw mana from the blade as she closes to melee range. Just before striking, she pirouettes in her path, adding a bit more momentum into a round-house chop using her Device.

Rabby (265) has posed:
Rabby is hit and she goes down to the ground... then rolls to the side and gets into a crouched position again, this time rubbing her shoulder with a scowl. "Damn, that really got me good," She comments to herself, before drawing her rifle again and glaring at the Vanguard that just hit her. "You think you're tough hitting something smaller than you like that, but I've been through hell and more many times during my life, so you don't scare me one bit!"

Once Rabby's done talking, she stands up again and looks around her, before starting to fall back, looking for some kind of cover as she fires at the Vanguard. "Come after me again and you're gonna regret it big time!"

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
The Vanguard that Zephyr comes in on for melee range quickly takes a step back and raises up its drill like arm to block the attack. Her magical weapon slams down onto its reinforced garlean steel armor and some of the magitek within absorbs a bit of the magical energy, dispersing the impact a bit.

Yet Zephyr does indeed make a nice dent in the armor, though she may want to move quick, because as soon has the Vanguard recovers it comes in with its other arm and goes to pierce, or at least cut, the Union member with its strike.

Rabby yells out a threat and sadly these machines don't talk or it may have a retort for her. The shots impact the armor, clipping some of the metal. The Vanguard staggers a bit before the metal panels pop open on its shoulders and it seems to abide by her request--

--Though not in a pleasant way as several missiles fire at her direction.

Zephyr Windstar (162) has posed:
    Zephyr grunts as her charge is halted like that. The shockwave from that strike would be enough to knock over some of the foot-soldiers nearby... and then she's got a lance coming right in at her.

<KITE SHIELD!> states the Device, the little gemstone at the apex of the haft glimmering as it speaks. The drill slams into a hasily erected magical barrier, which slows it down for all of a second before it smashes through, knocking the mage back as the sharp weapon cuts and punctures into her Barrier Jacket's chestplate, denting the metal and sending the girl tumbling back until she hits the ground.

    "They're tougher than they look... time to bring out the big guns."<YES MY MASTER! MAELSTROM BUSTER!>

    Zephyr hops back to her feet, doing a little backflip before leveling her weapon like one might a magic wand. "I call upon the Great Winds. Ragios, Razgriz, Lethim. Maelstrom!" begins the mage. <BUSTER!> completes the Device, as a sphere of mana forms at the apex of the crystal, then surges out in a beam of destructive non-lethal force.

Rabby (265) has posed:
The missile strikes the cover Rabby's behind, the explosion sending her staggering backwards a little, gasping for air as the impact knocks the wind out of her. She then recovers and realizes that her rifle isn't cutting it very well right now. So she decides to up the ante a little with a frag grenade.

"I warned you, now you're gonna PAY!" The last word is screamed angrily as Rabby pulls the pin and hurls it at the Vanguard while she jumps out of the way. "FIRE IN THE HOLE!"

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
The troopers who are battling with those who still stand to defend the area do indeed get knocked back by the shockwave, if not a few brace for it. As the battle rages on between Zephyr and the Magitek Vanguards, a few are a little absorbed by the battle as they notice she gets ready to line a powerful blast.

The Vanguards as well are also aware that something is coming. They slam their lance arms into the ground and when the energy comes rushing in a few of them manage to stay grounded, while a few others are torn away by the energy force and lose some of their armor.

The ones knocked away explode from the Ceruleum being a fickle thing and the ones that remain keep their attention on the target. They yank their lance arms free and then open fire in kind with more missiles!

The Vanguard that Rabby is facing is not marked as the 'leader' unit without a reason. It quickly goes to move right back in, which is about the time the grenade is thrown. The grenade blasts the area along side the Vanguard, knock it into one of the rocky hill sides. The armor is dented by the impact and it remains there for a moment.

Though once it gets its footing back, the lance can be seen spinning up like a drill and then suddenly a part of its layer fires off and that section of the lance goes to actually head right for Rabby, which by the time it gets in close is being consumed by blue burning flames, which will cause to not only cut or pierce--but explode in shrapnel bits on impact.

Zephyr Windstar (162) has posed:
    Zephyr grits her teeth, and lifts her right hand, sweeping her Device behind her with the left. <RAMPART AEGIS!> announces the Device. The missiles are allowed to rain down, striking the transluscent barrier. Though it does shatter quickly, the missiles that get through detonate against empty ground. <BLITZ DRIVE! TEMPEST IMPULSE!>

    Zephyr reappears behind the group of Magitek golems, and chops her Device firmly across her body, sending out a pulse of energy, to try and cut them apart.

Rabby (265) has posed:
The attack by the Vanguard hits Rabby hard, as it sends her flying across the area, causing her to land hard, and yelp as she gets burned up a bit. In spite of this notable injury, Rabby still manages to get up, albeit with some difficulty on her right leg, and look at the Vanguards again. "That's it, now I'm really ticked!" Rabby comments as she goes for another grenade, only to discover with horror that she's out. In frustration, Rabby draws her rifle again and reloads it.

"This may seem like a peashooter," Rabby comments, "But with a good aim I can do better than before." She attempts to aim at the nearest Vanguard with more steadiness this time before firing, in hopes that a better aimed shot will hit harder.

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
Zephyr goes to slam the energy into the Vanguard she strikes. The sheer power not only overpowers the Magitek within, but causes the sheer damage to slam through it, piercing through at long last as it finds a weak point in the armor.

The Vanguard falls backwards and explodes, its armor burning in blue flames which eat away at the armor until there is nothing left. The other Vangaurds that are on Zephyr come at her, trying to catch her in a combination strike from themselves. With rapid slashes and thrusting of their lance arms.

The attacks come swift and come in many directions.

One of the Vangards that /was/ on Zephyr does veer off to try and give the 'leader' unit time to fully recover, only to find itself in the sights of Rabby. The bullet manages to actually go /right/ into one of the piping tubes and causes the whole arm to explode off and the Vanguard to fall right over, being consumed by the fuel within that is now spreading out over its form.

This did though by the 'leader' time it required, which Rabby may see the shadow around her, as the Vanguard has lunged from where it was and is now coming down to slam both of its lance arms on top of her!

Zephyr Windstar (162) has posed:
    Zephyr has never been very defensive. Her shields and barriers are meant to distract more than protect, though they can do so against weaker attacks. That doesn't help here, as she's smacked, stabbed at and otherwise mauled by the machines.

    The one thing she's good at, is dodging, however, and thusly she manages to get out of the middle of that little 'furball' with only her chestplate missing, having Reactive Purged to block a fatal stab from one of those drill-lances.

    The mage appears outside of the group, panting and holding a nasty cut on her side. "What's our status, Dee?" she asks her Device, taking a moment to restore her chestplate, the metal reappearing in a surge and flash of purple mana. <MANA ENERGY LEVELS AT 62. WE SHOULD END THIS QUICKLY>

    "Got it... lets see if we can't slow 'em down a bit. Ribbon Bind!" The device chimes brightly, as a spell seal forms in the air before her. From out of othe various formulae lash 'ribbons' of purple magic, seeking to ensnare and tangle up the Vanguards she's fighting.

Rabby (265) has posed:
This time, Rabby is watching carefully for what her opponent plans to do next. She looks up and attempts to leap out of the way, but she's not quick enough. The slam comes down but just barely grazes her. It's more of a flesh wound than anything. Merely scoffing at it, Rabby turns to face the Vanguards once again.

"You know, I have to admit that I'm kind of disappointed I don't have as many attacking options as you metallic hunks of junk do, but that's just the way it has to be I guess," Rabby comments sarcastically as she fires again.

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
The magic bands come to ensnare the Vanguards she is facing down, yet when the magic goes to tie them up, they manage to break past it--- somehow. They break the magical binding and their armor is lit brightly with red lines as they do so.

One of the Vanguards who is the first to break free comes rushing at Zephyr with a great deal of speed. The visible rotating gear is spinning up quickly as it propels itself forward and actually goes to shoulder slam int her with its full size, weight, and speed.

Rabby quips once more and the Vanguard /looks/ at her as that visor flares red-gold in that moment. Did she hit a nerve? Do these things /even/ have nerves to hit? Or was it just powering something up for its next attack? The world may never know!

Either way the Vanguard spins around and goes to strike, only to be slammed into the head by the shot, ripping off a great deal of its armor. It staggers back and then has to correct itself. Though if Rabby doesn't act fast, she will find the Vanguard coming right at her.

The tall machine rears back its lance arm and then goes to cleave drive it right down for her.

Zephyr Windstar (162) has posed:
    Zephyr frowns as the bindings get absorbed, or simply broken. She's not in a good position though, so when one of those things comes barreling at her at full tilt, she's body-checked with the full force.

    The mage is sent flying, skipping along the ground like a stone across water, until she slams into an outcropping and a large cloud of dust and debris obscures her form.

    "I... Won't go down. That easily!" she says after a few moments, then the dust-cloud erupts with a machine-gun like staccatto of reports, the dust trailing like tracers as the mage stands and fires a storm of unguided 'bullets' at the Vanguards. She calls in her Bits, adding their own 'split' to the mix as they orbit her Device. Three streams of bullets bombarding her opponents.

Rabby (265) has posed:
Rabby is caught and cleaved. And it does hurt quite a bit. Her jacket is ripped, and through her shirt blood can be seen. She gasps for air as she struggles to recover, one of her arms looking a little limp at the moment. Still, she grits her teeth through the pain and continues to fire upon the Vanguards. "You can't win!"

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
Zephyr unleashes a massive bullet hell of magic. The attacks cleaves right through their armor and blast them apart, which display in an impressive show of blue explosions and blue fireballs. Even some of the Garlean Soldiers were caught in the wake of the attack.

A few of them crashing down to the ground as the magical sphere bullets rush into their armors and slamming into their black plates to knock them face first into the ground.

Yet one Vanguard remains in that group and that Vanguard stares directly at Zephyr. The shoulder pauldrons that are near the missile attachment suddenly light up with red light on the ribs. Lines on its body glow bright red.

The Vanguard then shoves off with its foot as a blue flame ignites behind it, propelling it at extreme speeds right for the 'Magical Girl', and then as it comes right in, it jabs out is Lance arm which ripples with blue electrical surge from the overpowering magical energy being thrown behind the impaling strike.

The Bullets from Rabby pierce into the Vanguards armor, but it just keeps stalking toward her. Each shot buys her a little more time to step away from the Vanguard, each bullet impacts the armor just that more, to a point where a piece of the Garlean steel is ripped right off.

Yet the machine does not yield, for it does not know pain, sorrow, or mercy. It only knows the orders it is given.

Though instead of the Vanguard moving right in, it instead opens the missile bays once more and opens fire at close range. Firing missile behind missile at her, trying to catch her in the raw explosive power of the warheads.

Zephyr Windstar (162) has posed:
    "BLOCK IT!" <YES! RAMPART AEGIS!> Again, the transluscent barrier appears, catching the lance... however she isn't anchored, so gets driven back, digging furrows in the ground until she slams into another outcropping. She grunts, straining to maintain the barrier, until the tip of that lance penetrates through. After that, it's only a matter of seconds before the drill lance slams into her chestplate, and punches her right through the rock. <REACTOR PURGE!> states the Device, as again the chestplate explodes, deflecting a fatal strike. Zephyr is still bouncing away, though, rolling to a stop in a painful heap. <MASTER! RETREAT IS ADVISED. BARRIER JACKET COMPROMIZED. MANA ENERGY LEVELS AT 20.>

    "No. We end this now. Rabby! Duck and cover."

    Zephyr lifts off the ground, great green 'wings' carrying her aloft. "I call upon the Great Winds. Ragios, Razgriz, Lethim." she draws the handle of her axe out to better hold it two-handed. The head is leveled in the general direction of 'Enemies'. "Parijium, Gralith, Horaph. Deliver unto me a Maelstrom." <INCANTATION ACCEPTED. MAELSTROM BREAKER!> states the Device. Magic gathers at the head of the axe, enveloping it entirely. The two 'Bits' orbit tightly, while three 'rings' form in front of the Device, forming a 'Barrel' of sorts. "FIRE!"

    With that command, a great torrent of magical energy lashes outwards, like a flood of water, seeking to wash away anything in its path.

Rabby (265) has posed:
The missiles come at Rabby, and she's in no position to avoid them. She curls up into a ball in hopes that her smaller size will make her a smaller target, but it backfires on her. She's caught in the explosion and sent flying through the air, landing on her stomach. If a belly flop on water is painful enough, then imagine one on hard ground! She's groaning and trying not to pass out as she struggles to get herself back up. All the while, she's fiddling with the controls on her wristband, attempting to get her fighter back here.

Within a few moments, the fighter does return, but it doesn't pick Rabby up. Rather, its targetting systems are online, and it seems ready to launch a blast of missiles into a central location in hopes of doing some damages to the Vanguards in general. All the while, Rabby is cursing herself mentally for going on foot.

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
The large blast comes from Zephry and engulfs the area in magical light! A massive dust cloud and rocks are thrown by the blast, several more garlean soldiers who are just to close to fight are covered in the dust, if knocked aside by the sheer blast.

The Vanguard has no time to move either as it comes down, the very magical light engulfing the machine as it had done the area. The sheer power ripping parts of its armor off and damaging one of the missile attachments causing it to explode.

When the brilliant light fades, only dust can be seen in the air to where the Vanguard had been. It would seem in the long moment of silence Zephry was victorious over her taget-- that was until there was a flicker of blue light within the cloud.

Then the next thing that comes is a few missiles headed right for her from the remaining attachment.

There was not many Vanguard's left really, but what did remain Rabby's airship makes quick work of, as if they were even /trying/ to reboot-- that will make sure it wont happen, leaving only behind the 'leader' unit and the one Zephyr is facing down.

The leader unit ignores the ship for the moment, but is trying to track down the gunner. Red-gold light flickers from its visor slits. Once it seems to be in a position, it then aims both of its lances in two different directions. Like the other one the ridges and lines glow bright red as it pulls into full power.

The next thing that happens is its lance arms fire off a lance shealths toward both the ship and toward the general direction Rabby. This time though they are moving at a much greater velocity and with a lot more striking force.

Zephyr Windstar (162) has posed:
    Zephyr growls, jinking through the missiles. Several slam into her as she makes a beeline for that remaining Vanguard. Shreds of her remaining armour spall away, but there's murder in her mismatched eyes. <TEMPEST SABER!> "I... will not... back down." she states, pouring everything she has into her flight spell, which now resembles four white 'jets' roaring from her back. Much like the last time she charged in, purple light streams from her axe blade, though this time, her Bits come in to attack as well, spinning rapidly and emitting their own streams of purple light.

Rabby (265) has posed:
Rabby is hit by another lance blast, and how she's still standing after that is anyone's guess. She's bleeding more noticeably now, and she's struggling to keep herself standing up. At this point, she decides it's best to retreat, but her ally is still fighting. Gritting her teeth with frustration, Rabby watches as Zephyr continues to fight. Thinking on her feet and running out of patience, Rabby lifts her rifle and fires a covering shot, hoping to buy Zephyr enough time to retreat.

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
The Vanguard that Zephyr faces is in a bit of a mess, but yet the machine still stands. That is until-- well-- Zephyr comes in with all her bravery and rage. Her attack slams into the machine, not once, not twice, but several times.

Each of her magical sword swings, strikes, and blows tear more and more of the armor off the Vanguard, by the end of the devastating wake of her relentless pursuit, she brings down the Vanguard that has been after her so-- only leaving behind the remaining Vanguard 'leader' unit.

Yet what Zephyr will find when she looks is that the Garlean troops are starting to push in more, even as the defenses continue to stand, the people seeming to be just as willing to die for their victory as she is for the defense of this place. Yet for all them, it remains a deadly standstill.

It would seem all is well until one of the Magitek Juggernauts,which are piloted comes over-head, followed by a few more, which as a few go overhead, they start to rain down bullets like machine gun cannon fire. Blasting the area that is void of their own people.

Rabby may also almost get caught by this, as her own shot shoves the Vanguard Leader back, yet the Vanguard continues to move on toward her. Blue smoke rising from several of its areas, flames igniting in other locations.

It would seem the Vanguard is edging on its last leg, but yet the machine continues to still come and then with whatever energy is left in it, shoves off and then goes to shoulder check Rabby, perhaps shoving her right for Zephyr if she isn't quick enough!

Zephyr Windstar (162) has posed:
    <MASTER!> That sharp announcement gets the mage out of her bloodrage. "Falka... Pour it all on... we're leaving. Signal the retreat... all allied forces, pull out." She dodges through the rain of bullets and cannon shells, a blur of yellow-orange and purple-white. The mage moves to snag Rabby, then pulls up to the womans fighter overhead. "Dee, interface with the craft controls, lets get outta here."

Rabby (265) has posed:
Rabby is sent flying across the area, and then tumbles onto the ground. She looks up, shooting a deathly glare at the Vanguards, then collapses again. She's not going anywhere without the help of someone else. Fortunately, Zephyr grabs her and prepares to evacuate her. But this is one battle Rabby will not want to remember anytime soon...

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
The Vanguard goes to give chase, but interestingly enough a Juggernaut lands down in front of it, with a male's voice booming from it, "Vanguard unit. Stand down." It would seem that though the two were enemies of the Confederacy, the Garlean Empire is willing to allow the two to retreat.

Though for some others of the mining facility are not so lucky and those that stand down, get shackled and shoved down into the ground where they remain for whatever purpose the Garlean Empire may have planned here for the Confederacy. Perhaps to use the people here as workers or-- make an example of them-- who knows!