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Latest revision as of 02:58, 26 August 2014

A Meeting of Martial Monarchs
Date of Scene: 26 August 2014
Location: Great Ocean - Western Loop
Synopsis: Dawn King Gaius seeks to fight one of the 'strongest in the Multiverse'. The Emperor of Muay Thai, Sagat, decides to oblige him.
Cast of Characters: 95, 557

Sagat (95) has posed:
Since the end of the World Martial Arts Tournament, Sagat has gone back to his usual meandering around the Multiverse, seeking challenges where he may find them, and exercise of whatever sort the surroundings may provide when there's nobody worth fighting. He's been taking advantage of warpgates to 'hopscotch' his way across some of the islands that dot the Western Loop ... and what's left of one gang of pirates is wondering why in the worlds they stopped to try and capture the one-eyed giant who singlehandedly sank their flagship.

It could be said that Sagat has little tolerance for criminals. He would argue, however, that he let the pirates off easy - he just chased them away, and several fishing villages will be more prosperous for it, not to mention the shipping lanes less troubled. He's currently resting at the inland edge of one of those fishing villages, finishing a light supper as he waits for Gaius to locate him ...

Dawn King Gaius (557) has posed:
    It doesn't take long for the Dawn King's form to step through a warpgate. His stature is straight and tall, though he is short compared to the Emperor of Muay Thai. The size difference, if he even notices, doesn't faze him at all. Gaius steps out of the warpgate, hand resting on the hilt of his blade. He gives Sagat a once over, his eyes piercing and sharp. He carries a quiet air of power around him, and the earth seems to respond with a sort of reverance, light quakes in the wakes of his steps. It could just be imagination, however, that the grass nearby seems to bow to his presence.

    "Sagat, I presume," he states. It's not really a question. The lack of anyone else looking like a combatant narrows down the field of options a bit. "You seem like an impressive man," he continues, "A fitting test of my power." There's a pulse, only for a moment, of red light as Gaius draws his overlong katana, flicking it to one side as it clears the sheath.

    "It has been a long time since I have faced a man one on one. Show me your strength. Know that I do not know the meaning of holding back."

Sagat (95) has posed:
Sagat sets down the clay jug of water he was sipping from and rises to his full height, rolling his shoulders and his neck to loosen up as he steps out to face Gaius. "As long as we both survive the match," the Emperor of Muay Thai states, "I'll have no complaints."

He takes a moment to look his opponent over, and settles into his ready stance, not watching only Gaius's blade but the man as a whole. Any subtle movement can be the prelude to an attack - and while Sagat cares little for those who depend on weapons, neither does he allow himself to underestimate them. If nothing else, his fight with Artorias in the WMAT has driven that point home anew: never make assumptions about an opponent based on his (or her) equipment.

"I should hope," Sagat adds, "that if your blade is smashed in our fight, that you won't think less of me for it." A faint flicker of expression crosses his lips ... a smirk, however transient?

Dawn King Gaius (557) has posed:
    "Should you manage to smash this blade," Gaius intones, "You would be the first to ever do so." He gives a subtle nod. "You look like you can take what I can dole out. I am sure we will both retreat in relative safety." He grips his katana with both hands, raising it to shoulder level with the point aimed at Sagat. "Enough posturing, however. We have something we need to get to before the day grows too long."

    With that, Gaius steps forward. There's a notable shift in the tone of the meeting, a red aura springing up around Gaius and his sword. It seems heavy, the dirt beneath his feet cratering ever so slightly. He twists his sword, slashing downward from Sagat's right shoulder to left hip. From this distance, however, it may be an empty gesture.

    Until a crescent of red energy flies forward, rending the air and heating the space between the two as it lances forward. Gaius promptly returns to his original stance after this, though he continues to walk toward Sagat, his aura building.

Sagat (95) has posed:
"GRAAAAH!!!" roars Sagat as the crescent of energy slams into him, rocking him back on his heels ... and drawing blood, a line of red that runs parallel to the massive scar on Sagat's chest. He recovers quickly, blood starting to drip from where the Crescent Slash drove into him.

And then he charges straight at Gaius.

It's easy to mistake this for a blind rage - and to be sure, anger is already starting to burn deep within Sagat - but the Muay Thai fighter has better control than that ... and sometimes, letting it look like he *doesn't* - that his temper's getting the better of him - can be a useful trick to play on an opponent.

But as the distance dwindles, Sagat leaps high into the air, pushing off with his right leg and leading with his left as he attempts to kick Gaius squarely in the face.

Dawn King Gaius (557) has posed:
    Sagat's motions are noted by the movement in Gaius' eyes. They flicker as they watch the giant of a man leap into the air, watch as that leg and foot rocket toward his head. It would be a bone-breaking blow for any normal man, that's for sure. Sagat is a massively built man, and with the force and momentum he's using...

    However, Gaius' body merely jerks in response. His head rolls with the kick for a split second, before he snaps back to full attention. There's a loud crack, and there's a bruise forming over Gaius' face. A trickle of blood runs from the corner of his mouth, and he steps to the side, almost like a stagger. However, not a cry is uttered. "What tremendous strength," he notes, voice thick from the bruise, "Truly I have selected wisely."

    Gaius steps back, raising his katana in a flash. The edge of the blade glints in the light, keen and sharp, as it swings along the same arc as before. However, before it contacts the skin, he twists and brings the edge back, then slashes like lightning, aiming to cross the previous wound with a perpendicular slash, to leave an X across the Emperor's chest.

Sagat (95) has posed:
It may have partly been surprise that elicited the roar from Sagat earlier; this time, rather than yelling, the Emperor of Muay Thai lets out a loud hiss of pain ... but he doesn't flinch back any further than the sheer impact of the slash forces him to. He's not letting Gaius open up much distance between them, though - and as Sagat closes to press the attack, he begins with a sideways elbow-thrust with his left arm, aiming to push the katana away by the flat of the blade.

Then he opens up on his opponent - following through from the elbow-parry by angling his fist down in a punch at the Dawn King's head, then bringing his right leg up to kick him beneath the ribs on the other side, and finally a low right hook, directed towards Gaius's solar plexus.

It's a swift, vicious combo - and one which would surely be devastating to a lesser fighter. But there's no cruelty in Sagat's expression: pain is certainly visible on his face, veiled but not hidden by a focused and disciplined look ... but also a certain joy to be found in the fight itself, testing his technique and his limits against somebody who may well be a more dangerous man than Sagat himself is.

Dawn King Gaius (557) has posed:
    Gaius finds that Sagat does not back away, but rather continues closing in. "Impress--" he starts, before his head jerks to one side to avoid Sagat's first blow. His wind is driven from his lungs as he catches a leg to the chest, causing the King to step back, which allows him to conveniently fall away from the blow to his solar plexus. He straightens up, taking a deep breath once his lungs allow it, and nods. "So you are like me, best at a short range. This will be a good fight." Gaius launches forward, before he seems to flicker out of sight. When he reappears, he is slashing at Sagat while rising upward. He follows up with two more rising strikes, seeming to defy gravity and rise even higher. All the while, that red aura flares, adding heat to the bite of cold steel.

    He lands after his combo, then leaps back and assumes a defensive position, crossing his katana across his body.

Sagat (95) has posed:
More blood is drawn from the Muay Thai fighter, nothing deep or disabling - but even paper cuts can be deadly if you suffer enough of them in rapid succession, and Sagat is starting to look just a bit woozy as he twists around to face his opponent again. "I should hate for you to be an actual *enemy*," he states, briefly studying Gaius's stance and bearing - perhaps trying to take the measure of how much damage he's managed to inflict on his opponent thus far.

If there's one upside to fighting somebody who uses a sword, it's that you can feel just how many times he's managed to slice into you so far, and how much you've been weakened for it.

He then dashes to the side, zigs back the other way, zags back the *first* way ... and whether the feinting around helped open Gaius's guard up or not, Sagat is now close enough to commit to his next attack, dropping briefly into a crouch ...


... and then rocketing forward and up, leading with his right knee and attempting to plant it solidly into either Gaius's sternum, or his face. Either will suffice.

Dawn King Gaius (557) has posed:
    Gaius watches the Muay Thai fighter with a sense of interest. "Same to you," he says, "Same to you." He flicks his sword to clear the blood off of it, then readies it for defense once again. However, he doesn't have the chance, as he is caught by Sagat's attack before his stance is steadied. The knee slams right into Gaius' chest, causing his aura to flicker hard and the King to stagger back. He spits up blood and gasps for breath, letting out low growls as he attempts to draw back to full height. His body seems slower to recover from this hit, and it's clear that the knee did a lot of damage. He coughs out some more blood, then draws up once again, pointing his sword at Sagat. "Well done," he says, "It has been some time since I have felt this much pain." He draws his sword back, and it becomes sheathed in his red aura.

    He thrusts it forward, bellowing "Incineration Wave!" as he does. A beam of heat and red light rockets from Gaius' blade, the sword ringing as the blast flies toward the massive man.

Sagat (95) has posed:
The Incineration Wave plows into Sagat, hurling the big man off his feet to slide to a smoldering halt on the ground - and while he doesn't stay down long, neither does he leap back to his feet. He pushes himself back up to a sitting position - and raises his left arm, palm facing you. "Enough," he calls out. "There's no point in finishing this ... I'm pretty sure you'd win. And with you 'not holding back' ... that could cost more than a match is worth."

He eyes Gaius warily, chest heaving as he works to catch his breath ... if the Dawn King isn't going to accept a concession, Sagat doesn't want to let his guard down yet.

Dawn King Gaius (557) has posed:
    Gaius straightens up, ready for another attack. When Sagat speaks up, however, Gaius sheathes his sword quickly. "Very well. Then this contest is over. Well fought. Should we meet on the field under less amiable terms, remember this fight and learn from it." He gives a slight nod to Sagat, then turns.

    "Until we meet again," he says, before stepping into the warpgate from whence he came.

Sagat (95) has posed:
"I intend to learn from it either way," Sagat answers as he gets to his feet. "I appreciate the chance to fight you, in any case."

Gaius is probably gone before he can offer a handshake, though.