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Latest revision as of 04:11, 26 August 2014

Gym Trip With Mordred
Date of Scene: 25 August 2014
Location: Boston-666
Synopsis: Psyber and Mordred practice boxing at the YMCA.
Cast of Characters: 12, 253

Psyber (253) has posed:
    If Mordred had never been to a YMCA, it's part school, part gym, part dorm all rolled into separate areas of a larger building. Psyber called Mordred specifically to the gym part. He had also told Mordred to wear workout clothes.

    Psyber is standing in the YMCA's boxing ring wearing a pair of black boxing gloves, black knee-length gym shorts and a black tanktop. There's a pair of red gloves hanging along the side of the ring. Upside: Mordred gets to punch Psyber! Downside: Mordred might have to learn stuff.

    Psyber seems eager, though, "Mordred! I wanna teach you how to box some! It seems fun, plus a good way to chitchat."

    Whether Mordred is smart enough to figure it out, this is a bonding trip. Plus Psyber trying to feel out her control on her anger with a simple exercise.

Mordred (12) has posed:
    Fortunately for Psyber, Mordred has already learned, through trial and error, that a girl-- whether or not she wants to consider herself as one, unfortunately does not override how society reacts-- should not be wearing shorts, without a shirt. Or at least, some sort of top. Because fuck equality, she guesses. Why can't she wander around topless like all the men? This is stupid, all should admire her princely body. Bluh bluh.

    With that settled and never brought up again, she does eventually arrive with one of those sports bras and shorts. She glances at the ring, walking close to inspect the large ropes.

    "Holy shit, is this one of those televised gladiatorial combat rings I keep seeing?" Boxing ringyes. Well, she wasn't paying attention to anything but the fighting, when she saw it on TV.

    "Nice. Sure, whatever. You should teach Bedivere too though, sucker needs a confidence boost hardcore."

Psyber (253) has posed:
    Whether it's fortunate that she learned that or unfortunate is a point for debate that will not occur.

    "I don't think Arturia would let me teach Bedivere to box. He's a delicate snowflake. Plus he couldn't learn from me, and especially not what I'm teaching you. You're going to learn to box in the Super Circuit." He pauses a bit, waiting for her to arrive at the ring and then tapping his gloves together a few times, "But yes, this is one of those arenas. There are several. This is a boxing ring."

    "Rules are basically the same, but a little different. You fight clean, no hits below the belt..." He proceeds to give a short 2-3 minute rundown on boxing rules.

    "The main difference is the contenders in the league I run in tend to be strong. Like... you or me kinda strong. Well, without our weapons, that is." He notes, popping his neck and adjusting his tanktop. "Now come on, glove up and get in the ring. You gonna pass on a chance to beat me up?"

Mordred (12) has posed:
    "Pass a chance to punch you? Fuck no," Mordred says, hopping onto the ring and grabbing a pair of the gloves to slip them on. She did listen when he explained the rules and has idly watched it on TV a few times, so she's vaguely aware of some of them to start with!

    But first:

    "Bah, Bedivere's not that weak. You don't earn a seat around the Round Table unless you worked for it, you know? Guy can use a sword, he just doesn't like to." She'd say more but it would probably violate their agreement to get along.

    "So why boxing? Why not, like, fencing?"

Psyber (253) has posed:
    "Because I know you can use a sword. I wanna see what you can do with your hands."
    'Because I didn't wanna risk Bloody Amhar being around.'

    Psyber taps his gloves together and starts to circle with Mordred, "And I wanted the chance to talk some more. You seem more upbeat since a few weeks ago. Happier. It makes you more tolerable to actually be around, ya punk."

    He swings a slow and deliberate shot for Mordred's head, one that's almost trivial to step away from or dodge, "Plus neither of us needs practice with our swords." He then steps away, "Keep light on your feet. You wanna be able to react quickly."

Mordred (12) has posed:
    "Faaaaair, but boring," Mordred grins.

    Mordred taps her gloves together and starts circling as well; there is ONE SLIGHT PROBLEM with the rules and it's the fact she's pretty much two or more feet shorter than Psyber. That means ducking and NOT going under his beltline will be hard! On the other hand it gives her an advantage to start with.

    "Yeah, well. I dunno. You hold on to a grudge for several hundred years, even conceptual non-years that didn't really happen, and you get kind of bitter. It's nice to put it behind, I guess. I won't forgive father if he can't act like he used to again and make me proud."

    Rather than dodge, Mordred bring sup her gloves to block Psyber's blow, since he is being so nice to her. She immediatly follows with a cross-counter on the side he'd punched with, apparently to establish she's kind of a bitch.

Psyber (253) has posed:
    "You should appreciate family. Not all in-family rivalries end as neatly as yours ha- Oof." Psyber steps back on his foot, pulling away from the cross-counter as he deflects it down his arm and neatly into his ribs. A painful hit, but much better than being struck in the face mid-conversation. It bruises quickly, a big red mark that's visible through the side of his tanktop, "You're good. Now I'll show you a few of the funner moves."

    Psyber doesn't have much else beyond his interrupted statement about not everyone having the luck of working out their family issues. Instead, he brings up his gloves and then swiftly jabs with a hand.

    To prove a point to Mordred about two people being able to use legal maneuvers that are still sorta douchey? The right jab is a feint, meant to get Mordred to shift her guard before he lashes out with a left bodyblow aimed at about where Mordred's liver should be. In boxing, it's one of the most painful shots you can legally land on an opponent. He's not sure if Mordred has a liver, though, to land the hit on.

Mordred (12) has posed:
    "I would point out not everyone gets to come back as superpowered spirits after their initial family conflict ends in mutual murder," Mordred states, matter-of-factly. She'd hardly call it a neat resolution!

    The feint works, because Mordred prefers to tank rather than dodge. She brings her hands up to block again, and then gets liverpunched in the blindspot. She has a liver! It just doesn't really MATTER, since it's as fake as the rest of her body.

    She takes a moment to frown and recover.

    "Fuck, ow. You'd think these gloves were like, cushions, but nope, shit hurts." Lesson learned, try to dodge Psyber in the future, don't just block.

    "I swear though, if you can fix Bedivere's issues too, that'd be the real miracle," Mordred says, before suddenly surging back towards Psyber with a burst of near-sonic speed, a reminder that Servants may as well be Kryptonians.

    She goes for a one-two, starting with a left punch and then trying to follow with a right hook-- ever aiming for the face.

Psyber (253) has posed:
    Psyber brings his gloves up, stopping the first punch with the backs of his hands and skidding back a little. He's coming out of recovery and stepping a bit to the side as the second punch connects cleanly with the side of his head, staggering him more than a bit as he wobbles from the impact.

    "Bedivere is about as fixed as he can..." Psyber pauses as he steps in towards Mordred, trying to get inside her second punch and bringing his fist up for a stiff blow on the underside of her chin, trying to respond to that hook that still has him seeing some stars from the force of it, "...get."

    Psyber shakes out his gloves and brings em back up, quickly moving to disengage to a different side of the ring from her and open up more space in the ring, "So I spend a sufficient amount of time putting your house in order. Humor me a question."

    He throws a couple jabs at the air, trying to keep Mordred from getting in too close and using his longer reach to attempt to push her at bay, "What do you actually think of me? About what I do?"

Mordred (12) has posed:
    "I think you think I think more about this shit than I actually do. I don't really care," Mordred admits, before taking it on the chin, quite literally. She's not entirely knocked off her feet, but sent back a few inches all the same, and then has to dub the bottom of her face in pain for a while.

    It's good they disengaged just then, really.

    "I guess it's good you're a nosy bastard? Sounds like someone who isn't wouldn't get far in this place anyway. But eh, that's about all I think of it. I don't spend a lot of time doing that whole pondering and thinking thing, I just do nowadays."

    Speaking of doing without thinking.

    A flare of red light builds up around her left hand, and she suddenly punches forward with it, launching a blast of prana from the boxing glove, roughly in the shape of the said boxing glove. A rocket punch, if you will, without the glove or fist actually being launched, which she uses as a distraction to get in close and try to punch Psyber several times in the chest.

    Whether or not that was a LEGAL move is not something that concerns her.

Psyber (253) has posed:
    "Man, I'm not sure whether to be disappointed or amused you'd have such a simple opinion," Psyber says playfully, dancing on the tips of his feet in the ring. He taps his gloves together a few times and then shrugs, sweating a little and bleeding from a cut just above his eye from her last hook before they backed off.

    The flare of light streaks towards Psyber and he brings up his gloves to shield his face, the impact of it skidding him back several inches across the canvas surface of their little arena. His arms shielding his face also means she's able to drive Psyber with a few heavy-handed body blows that echo across his chest. He may be muscular, and she can tell, but it doesn't really pad him against her blows no matter how trained he is.

    But she's not the only one that can use shady moves! Psyber leans back on the ropes a bit and tries to catch his breath under the onslaught. He explodes out of the corner with a powerful dodge, trying to circle around her. And then he goes for an underhanded hook to her gut. But as it swings, it trails an icy-themed energy that would try to lock up her joints if it connects cleanly.

    He totally used his Boxing Glove to cast Judgment Blade from his Holy Knight moves.

Mordred (12) has posed:
    That is cheating.
    (Said the cheater.)

    Psyber lands a Judgment Punch into Mordred's guts, causing stiffness and a delay in her reactions. She doesn't seem to appreciate it, and a sudden surge of red prana around her entire body, almost liquid and dripping off her, starts increasing her parameters to try and counteract the effect. Results are mixed.

    "Man no matter how you look at it, wasn't that my story? I ain't a thinker, I'm a doer. I'll uphold the chivalry code to the letter without thinking about it, or I'll raze a kingdom without thinking about it. You really that surprised I don't give a lot of thought to what I do? I think if I did I mighta hesitated on eating a thing bigger'n my head."

    She comes in strong again, but this time it's not with a single powerful hit, but rather with a flurry of a dozen blows, a few of which might (or might not) have extremely mild precognitive effects mixed in. Mostly flashes of how Psyber might defend himself, and the best way to get around. On the other hand she's still kind of bogged down by the hit, so even that might not close the gasp again.

Psyber (253) has posed:
    "Still." Psyber says as he dances around with her. He watches her carefully, impressed with how quickly she shook off that hit and is back into her fighting ability. Gloves come up and he's on the defense. A few of the shots echo in the ring, hitting his gloves and arms. Several MORE echo against Mordred's hands as she connects a few HUGE bodyblows and staggering him.

    Psyber wobbles a bit on his feet and then comes in for his vicious counterattack. Only instead of actually hitting her, he instead gets inside of her guard and tries to hook his arms around her, pulling Mordred into a hug! It's fairly cheesey of him, and he actually expects her to hit him pretty hard for it, but he pats her back several times, "Just don't go doing any more stupid stuff like eating Rage Gods, okay?"

Mordred (12) has posed:

    Whether or not it is intended as one, Mordred perceives it as an attack all the same-- and fairly oblivious to Psyber's intent to NOT fight, ends up reacting like it is now. As Psyber hugs her, rather than think of it as an awkward hug, she thinks of it as a grapple.

    And with surprising ease she pulls one fist back and aims a gutpunch of her own for Psyber's stomach. Yeah it's... absolutely unfair. And amazingly, not even a rebutal for the hug. She can be a bit simpleminded at times, so she's just assuming this is some sort of boxing technique Psyber is pulling on her.

    If it makes him feel better she is going to feel a bit bad about it.
    Just a bit though.

    "Hey, I don't tell YOU to watch your diet!"

Psyber (253) has posed:
    "Oof! Augh god. I was hugging you!" Psyber says, staggering a bit. She actually hit him so hard that, when he speaks next, he slips into a Boston Accent briefly, "You fahkin' serious?" Psyber says, clutching his gut a bit from the huge impact and wheezing a little.

    He's back, though, a moment later. He shakes his head a couple times and then swats at the side of Mordred's head playfully, "Goddamn, girl. You need to learn when someone's trying to show you some affection and concern. Sheesh."

    He slumps against the side ropes, leaning lazily.

Mordred (12) has posed:

    Err. Well, awkward.

    Mordred just kind of grins like an idiot.

    "Erm. Sorry? I thought we were boxing, so..."

    Wait, did he just say hug?
    "Oi! Why would I want a hug anyway? Don't treat me like I'm some lonely sad girl with family issues, damnit!" Huff. Well, at least she's not physically assaulting him or anything, so it is a step up from her normal reaction.

Psyber (253) has posed:
    "Because we're friends! Do you know how rare a hug from me is? There are people that have sought it out like the Grail you're waging a war over, and I give you one, and you drill me in the gut!"

    Psyber crosses his arms, slipping the gloves off of his hands and hanging them at the corner of the ring, "Sheesh, I give out like two hugs a year and you squandered one."

    He flexes his hands idly and sighs in a tired manner, "You're such a dork."

Mordred (12) has posed:
    "No I don't actually know," Mordred states, sighing and removing the gloves. "I'm not a huggy person! I just don't do that very well. Y'wanna like, handshake? Or stab each other? That's pretty typical knight greeting, y'know?" Well, not the stabbing each other. Usually.

    "Sorry, any--" Wait. What are those.

    "Oi! Why'd you have those?"
    She points at his hand.

Psyber (253) has posed:
    Psyber holds up his hand and sighs, "Ah shit, I forgot. Ah, well..."

    Psyber shrugs a bit, "Truthfully, after his Master died, I picked up being the Master for Gawain."

    He shows off the seals, which are two wings folded over a sword, "Great guy, and I'm pretty happy to help him. Still probably not my first choice of the Saber pool."

    "Buuuuut, you were already taken," He teases to Mordred, sticking his tongue out, "Seriously, though. Gawain is great and we're gonna win his war together."

Mordred (12) has posed:
    "Huh. Guess there are worse people to get stuck with," Mordred says, shrugging the matter off. Gawain's family, and she MOSTLY gets along with him. Well, got along with him. Before that whole mess.

    "Just a tip, don't get into fights at night, he'll be at a disadvantage. Y'know, if he didn't already tell you about that. Y'should ask him otherwise."

    She decides not to answer the gauding, and instead just finally hangs her gloves back into the corner. "Not bad though, this'd make a good hobby."