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Latest revision as of 05:11, 26 August 2014

Spelunking 101
Date of Scene: 25 August 2014
Location: Flying Island, Pixeland
Synopsis: HUZZAH! Our adventurers arrive and meet some of the odd denizens of the Flying Island
Cast of Characters: 3, Deelel, Staren, 154, 234, 236, 403, Blurr, 512, 547
Tinyplot: Cave Story

Quote (403) has posed:
There are many options for approaching Pixel's flying island. It moves fast however, rushing headlong through the air fast enough to make the air rush by it as if in a gale. Fortunately, Pixel has offered transportation for those who have volunteered or been paid to help.

Pixel's transport is a helicopter, a wide-body personnel transport that can easily hold a dozen passengers. As the heli approaches the island, the view is perhaps less than impressive. The island is craggy and windswept; a flattened sphere with no signs of life. It's only as the helicopter gets closer that the view becomes a little more impressive. For one thing the flying island is a lot larger than it first appears. It seems to grow from an insignificant hunk of rock to an island the size of a city block. Not huge as far as islands go, but pretty damn big for something flying through the air at a hundred miles an hour.

The helicopter comes closer, and features of the island begin to resolve. The windward face of the island shows exposed girders and jagged rock, hinting at long centuries of weathering and either an artificial origin of the island or of some form of ongoing reinforcement. The weathering is less pronounced along the sides and the top. From the top rises a spire of rock. If the island is like a ship flying through the air, the spire is the conning tower. It may even have windows in its surface... or perhaps those are just wind-eroded pits that only resemble windows.

Leeward of the spire, there is an area that seems uneroded by the continuous wind. Grass and small trees fill a relatively-flat open space. There are a couple of small structures which seem to be houses, or at least huts. There's also a second helicopter, slightly smaller than Pixel's own, sitting dormant in the middle of the open field.

The arriving helicopter maneuvers in carefully behind the spire, settling into the one shielded wind-free area of the island's surface beside the smaller, earlier arrival. Sheltered, it sets down without difficulty. The rotors of the helicopter continue to spin at full power though, and it seems the pilot's prepared to take off again at a moment's notice.

The co-pilot unbuckles and comes into the passenger area, assisting anyone who seems slow to depart. His motions are abrupt, nervous, perhaps even a little rude. He urges anyone who lags behind to hurry, not quite pushing them out the door.

One of the last things done by the helicopter crew is to give a parting 'gift'. A backpack-sized multiversal portal generator. Once set up, the generator will create a local warpgate for the island, one locked so that no one can use it without authorization. Clearly they're worried about inhabitants of the island. Those who are here with permission have already been given access codes to the local warpgate, and they can give these codes to others at need. Pixel doesn't want to block the multiverse from getting to the island... they want to block those from the island getting to the multiverse.

"Good luck!" finishes the co-pilot, offering up a salute to his passengers before turning and practically bolting back towards the cabin. The helicopter's almost beginning its lift-off once again before he can be seated.

Vi (547) has posed:
    Being from the city-state of Piltover, known for it's marvels of technology, magic, and fusions of both.. And the simple fact that she's a police officer, Vi is no stranger to the occasional ride in a cramped, tin can. She's not wearing them at the moment, but a very heavy pair of mechanized gauntlets sit next to her. Or one of them does, at least. the other one is in her lap and she's tinkering with it, poking at it's innards some with a screwdriver. Goggles tugged down over he eyes, she's totally engrossed in what she's doing.

    Rolling what appears to be a lollipop around in her mouth all the while, the huge metal hand in her lap flexes it's fingers, shooting off some sparks, "Motherfu..!!" She pokes it some more, and it stops, just as the helicopter touches down. "Sweet. Showtime." That's about all she says, before donning those huge mechanical prostheses, as she hops out of her ride. The fingers of the large gauntlets flex, a bit of steam venting from the elbows.

Auron (236) has posed:
Not having personal transportation himself, Auron will need to take the helicopter. There's a couple of reasons for this. There's no sense in requisitioning a craft for this, particularly when he doesn't quite know where or how to land on the place. If the island moves fast, someone who's been there before will know it better. He'd like to make the trip in one piece.
Auron might just have missed most of the approach to the island. Because if there is such a place in the helicopter, he's seated himself where he can't really see out that well. He tends to get motion-sick when he can see out of a craft he's not driving.

But the pilot has no need to worry. Once they've landed, he's out of the helicopter as quickly as possible. However, he still looks to the already-departing pilot -- Fayth, man... /sit down/ first (no, he doesn't actually say that)-- and notes, his tone dry, "...Someone's in a hurry."

Deelel has posed:
Deelel has been a presence on the Afterus net ever since she gained access to that world. She still got out and about but not as much as she used to before hand. She's trying to change that so she doesn't become a shutin. This also had caught her interest as she looks out the transport taking in the view. She's wearing a cloak and has the hood down at the moment. Once they get closer she's leaning in to get a better look at the island ahead.

"This is quite the view isn't it and later."

She gets the heck off the transport and pulls her hood up as she does so, she summons a staff of some sort that appears in a bursts of wireframes and seems ready.

Kanade Tachibana (512) has posed:
    Even with the large number of people likely to be cramped into the helicopter, Kanade still manages to find a seat off in a corner somewhere, alone. A little girl with no weapons to speak of and wearing only the school uniform on her back... et cetera. You've heard this story before, right? The only deviation from the norm here is that, in Kanade's case, this doesn't mean 'magical girl'. Sure, she may -look- like one, but she isn't. Seriously.

    On the likely turbulent ride over, she remains silent and in place. She may exchange glances and nods with a few others aboard, but she makes no conscious effort to socialize, instead electing to watch the clouds roll by outside a window. Naturally, she remains completely composed and unresponsive even as the airborne island sweeps into view. The nervous reactions of the crewmen and their rather hasty retreat once everyone is set up and in place does earn a tilt of the head from her, as many things do, but otherwise? She's totally ready for this. Not sparing a moment, she permeates her own personal aura of silence with a terse, echoing intonation: "Hand sonic". Immediately after she has spoken these words, a sword appears on the back of her right hand, and she returns to her neutral position.

    At the very most, she gives the group a final glance before taking off for parts unknown. For now, though, this doesn't mean much -- just a quick traipse over to the base of one of the spires they landed near, and then another waltz right up to one of the island's edges. Without so much as the bat of an eyelash, she looks down - straight down - just as so many comedic moments in film would advise you not to. And when she's done there, she wanders again, probably ending up a bit ahead of the rest of the group for now.

    Why the heck is she here again?

Leyanne Mace (154) has posed:
Leyanne Mace has been riding near Vi most of the time, wearing her exo-armour. She's been quiet for most of the ride here, instead of the motormouth folks might remember - but she's just psyching herself up for a proactive fight, as opposed to the seige she's been through back home. "Nice hands" Leyanne comments to Vi as she watches her work.
As she feels the helicopter settle down, Tiny reaches up and taps the button that closes the faceplate of her helmet. Then she's out of her seat and through the door without actually touching the floor of the helicopter, smoothly drawing and racking her new M90 shotgun as she does so. She runs forwards about ten metres and drops to one knee, tracking the area ahead of her with the boomstick. "Clear!" She comments, over the radio

Staren has posed:
    A /flying island/? On the one hand, with everything Staren's seen, that's hardly the strangest... but on the other: It's still something he's never actually seen before, as far as he can remember. It's fast, and they don't know what's going on, so... Staren may as well bring the big guns. Just in case. It's nice to have his own transport, anyway. He should be within contact range now... checking the cameras, zooming in, he can see the island in the distance, and the speck of the helicopter. Wow. A real flying island! Something feels strange about this, but he can't quite place it.

    Thus it is that the Star Hawk, looking like a shiny-finished F-14 with extra parts on, closes in on the island, pulling up alongside the helicopter -- and then arms and legs unfold from its body and it slows down. Staren waves from the cockpit, and the mech waves too. He follows them as they look for a spot to land -- and when they find one, the arms, legs, and body become a blur of tiny moving parts, reconfiguring into a 40ft tall humanoid that lands nearby. The fuselage-shaped torso continues to give away its transforming nature. Staren watches the others disembark, the Star Hawk nodding in greeting to each in turn. "Auron, Leyanne! Long time no see."

Lu-Mey (234) has posed:
    "Ara ara..."
    Well there's someone else in the helicopter. Perhaps not the most expected sight. And possibly not the most welcome. Strapped in, settled in a seat, and smiling like she absolutely belongs here is a dusky-skinned woman in red. Specifically an oni woman, judging from the horn and tribal tattoos on her body. But more of note is that this one is a known Confederate.
    Still, Lu-Mey hasn't gotten FLYING added to her list of disreputable skills anytime soon, so a free ride is not something she's going to pass up. It's okay, she's fairly slender and doesn't seem to take up a lot of space. Especially as she seems to be here entirely un-armored, un-armed, and alone."
    Confederate or not, she's not above taking extra or side jobs. She may hate humans, and loath as she is to save them, a money incentive always helps. So it actually takes her very little time to unstrap and depart the helicopter because... She has NOTHING with her in the least. Is she crazy, coming unprepared?

Blurr has posed:
    So a human family named Sakamoto had gone missing on a mysterious island flying through the atmosphere of the planet self-dubbed Pixel, and its authorities were seeking help in rescuing them, as well attempting to neutralize whatever threat the island must hold. And the Autobots had sent Blurr, one of their best agents, to assist in the matter. After all, it's sort of detective work, which is certainly Intelligence's area.

    Thus, a few minutes after the helicarrier has landed, a large (by human standards) craft easily catches up to the fast-moving island, maintaining about the same speed and altitude before carefully descending onto the landing pad alongside the other two vehicles. Wasting no time, Blurr disembarks and joins the others, immediately starting to scan the immediate area. Hmm...that helicarrier pilot seemed in an awful hurry to leave. Perhaps he was on a schedule. Or maybe, he was just terrified of this place. Well it didn't look that bad. At least not yet...

Roll (3) has posed:
    Roll's no mercenary. In fact, she was actually doing some remote and weird grocery shopping just an hour ago. But then some interference on her teleporter unit combined with her usual warp gate being down for maintenance forced a detour...

    And that's how she ended up zooming through the skies on a rocket dog like some kind of sky surfing maniac, ponytail whipping about wildly in the winds and a big smile on her face! "Keep it up, Rush! We'll be there in no... time?"

    Something distracts the Robot Master. Roll taps at her temple, scanning recent radio transmissions and looking to her left... ... then behind her... where a MASSIVE ball of rock is slowly gaining on her at an angle. Oh dear, when did THAT get there? "Am I seeing things? That rock is flying!" And there's radio chatter about missing people... and hey, looks like people are coming in to land there.

    Roll blinks a few times... well, if someone's missing, they could be in serious trouble. Still...

    "How could anyone get lost on THAT?! Did it swoop down and nab them?" Shifting her weight, she re-angles Rush Jet down towards the island... and the others.

Quote (403) has posed:
    It seems pretty clear the locals are scared of the island. Isn't it supposed to be haunted or something? Maybe it's just that some are more scared than others, and that the pilot of the helicopter... is... well, maybe he's just more superstitious or something. Which makes it curious why he of all people would be the one delivering the adventurers to the island, and why such a technologically-advanced society as Pixel would harbor such a powerful superstition. Weird.

    The island doesn't have much in the way of edges really. Long before reaching the island's "side", one would feel the winds begin to pick up. If one actually left the shelter of the spire of rock behind which the helicopter landed, one would run into gale-force winds before one got to look past the island to the ground far below. Not so much of a problem though, behind the spire. One could go all the way to the back of the island. One could jump off from there in fact, though it's really not recommended.

    The island is rather peaceful-seeming. The nervousness of the pilots, the weapon readying of the adventurers... there seems to be no obvious need for either. The island is rather pleasant here in the shelter from the winds. Aside from clouds, nothing really moves. There isn't so much as a bunny rabbit hiding in the grass, nor a chirping cricket. The only sign of life higher than that of a tree is what you've brought here with you. Not even Blurr's advanced scanning technology, or the Star Hawk's, can pick up anything worth feeling threatened about. No power readings, no deadly auras, nothing. There could be something around somewhere, but if so it's got to be shielded by thick stone, metal, or both.

    "Oh hello there." comes a voice, seemingly from nowhere. Those capable of sensing magic will get some slight warning, but otherwise a figure quite literally appears out of nowhere. A bubble of air forms and pops, revealing a girl with red eyes, blue hair and odd bluish skin. Other than colouring, she looks entirely human. Also she looks somewhat depressed, glancing up at where the helicopter had departed and frowning, then looking down with some mild interest at the gathered group.

    "You're new here I see. Welcome, welcome." she says, sounding not particularly sincere. "What brings you here? And what made that ship rush off so quickly, I wonder?" she asks. She doesn't seem hostile, just a bit weird. Wierd in the significant sense of the word, not just 'different'.

Blurr has posed:
    Blurr frowns, seeing nothing of note on the scans. Hm. Either shielded, or buried under a bunch of rocks or other dense material. He starts slightly when a girl seems to appear out of nowhere, but not that much since she's the size of a human. "Well we're here to search for a human family by the name of Sakamoto, you wouldn't happen to have heard of them?" he asks her. "They went missing a few megacycles ago. Er, a few weeks ago."

Staren has posed:
    'Being adventurers' is reason enough for readying weapons. When there is suddenly a voice, the Star Hawk looks around for it, then looks at Misery. Staren's voice comes over speakers: "I am Staren of the Union. I am here to investigate this island, and to learn the fate of the previous explorers. Did you see them?" the mech waves a hand in the direction of the other helicopter.

Deelel has posed:
Deelel gets the idea the locals are afraid, she cna't fault them really, she's seen strange things. Either way some places just are bad even if there's not actually curse there's some reason for people to think it is such. So she moves ahead using her staff more as a way to aid in movment, that's when someone greets them. She alts and gets a look at the Misery for a moment tilting her head before speaking.


Auron (236) has posed:
    Auron looks up at the sound of other craft landing. And the sound of someone calling him. He nods to Staren. "Hello." Pause. To Staren, he notes, "I'll need to speak to you when you have a free moment." It didn't sound like anything bad though; Auron's tone is conversational. A clue to what the topic of the future conversation might be is in the fact that there's a sword sheathed on his back that's obviously an Abstractum. Its eye is closed, though; it's not online right now.

Having no magical senses, Auron's only warning that the girl has appeared is the sound of her voice. This has him turning quickly, with a frown on his face. He remains quiet for the time being, though, since others have volunteered the information to the girl. Instead, he watches her carefully, for any sign of hostility. He's not discounting anything, and if this girl is responsible for their disappearance, she's likely to get hostile really fast when she finds out they're looking for the family.

Leyanne Mace (154) has posed:
Leyanne Mace lowers her shotgun after a few moments, holstering it and replacing it with her pistol, which she keeps in her left hand, but aimed low.
When Misery appears, however, the pistol is snapped towards her, but then lowered. She wanders over to Blur, nodding. "Sue, Kazuma, and Momorin." She opens up a datapad, and displays pictures of the three. "Have you seen them?"

Lu-Mey (234) has posed:
    Well the place seems nice enough. If you're into giant floating islands. Unlike some of the other members of her faction, giant floating fortresses are not Lu-Mey's 'thing'. Still, as long as she doesn't fall off she's fine enough.
    "So~. Where shall we start look-" Before she can even get that finished, the bubble appears and from it does the girl. "--My my. Hello! I'm just an adventure seeking oni, don't mind me~."
    It's a complete lie.

Kanade Tachibana (512) has posed:

    That pretty much sums up Kanade's response to Misery's appearance, at first. She doesn't respond to the blue skin tone, but the bubble juuust might get a widening of the eyes. And... and...! A tilt of the head. She's not at all familiar with magic, really, so this is a bit of a new experience for her. One that she faces with all the usual zeal and exuberance. This would explain why she appears to lose interest in the girl fairly quickly, turning to Auron and asking in a simple whisper, "Is she bad?" Like he would know! But she thinks he might.

Vi (547) has posed:
    Vi's seen some seriously crazy, fucked-up magic, fighting in the League. Some chick appearing out of thin air? That's kind of tame, compared to some undead sorcerer's ghost screaming at you and setting your skin on fire. "Yo." She has pretty much been ignoring everyone else, up until this point. "Yeah, well.. I'm not here for any of the super noble stuff. I'm a cop, I'm investigatin'. It's what I do." She shrugs, the huge steam-punk gauntlets able to gesture and move like the real thing, as she goes about the conversation.

"So, if there's some missing persons and all, it's a case. Gotta punch some bad guys and plow some monsters, or some shit, that works, too."

Quote (403) has posed:
    The young-seeming witch looks bored, somehow, by the presence of nearly a dozen armed strangers, some of them apparently in war machines, some of the actually BEING war machines. Lu-Mey's lies aren't minded, or even particularly noticed. "Looking for other recent arrivals huh?" Misery says, seeming indifferent as she examines Leyanne's datapad. No, there's no sign of hostility about her. No killing intent, for those who sense such things. "Well you won't find any here on the surface." she says.

    Abruptly, her expression brightens into one of seemingly manic cheer, of recognition. "Oh yes, I know of them!" she says, pointing abruptly at Leyanne's picture. It's not exactly obvious if she's being nice or not... her apparent helpfulness tarnished somewhat by sheer oddness.

Blurr has posed:
    Blurr doesn't seem disconcerted by her 'weirdness'. He's seen all kinds of people before, for all he knows, this is how everyone on this planet acts, or maybe her species is just like that. He looks hopeful when the girl seems to recognize the family. "Oh, perfect. What can you tell us about them? When did they get here? Have you seen them recently? Where?"

Leyanne Mace (154) has posed:
Leyanne Mace reaches up to tap the side of her helmet and the faceplate retracts again. She nods. "Know where we might find 'em? We've heard all kinds of rumours about this island being haunted. Not keen on sticking around to find out if that's true or not, personally. I've been around long enough to know that if places like this aren't haunted, there's some other kind of bad thing around..."

Staren has posed:
    The Star Hawk cocks its head at Misery's declaration that the surface is clear. It leans forward a bit when Misery says she's seen the Sakamotos. "What do you know about them?"

Roll (3) has posed:
    It's so darned windy that Roll's having trouble coming in for a landing, but she does eventually manage it, with Rush transforming back to dog mode and following after her as she hops and runs along the craggy ground towards the others... and comes across the blue-skinned woman. Blink.

    Blue skin usually means something bad, but that assumes the normal is different. That's blue SKIN, not blue coloration! "... Are you okay? Your skin is blue!" And Roll's both full of innocent wonder at this, and slight worry!

Vi (547) has posed:
    Vi's managing to stay in one place, even with the wind, because the arms she's toting must weigh quite a bit. Either way, she's not really concerned with appearances. Still, Misery's really odd. There's something off about her, and Vi can only seem suspicious when she says there's no one here, and then changes her tune drastically after seeing a photo.

"So, where are they?"

Deelel has posed:
Deelel says "So we're gong to what's the term? Have to dig deeper very well I half way expected that."

She looks at the woman with the blue skin. She makes note of it and doesn't seem to react and tilts her head looking at Roll.

"I can think of three species off the top of my head whom have such skin tones. It's likely natural, Roll."

Quote (403) has posed:
    "Blue? How rude. You're very pink." says the odd little witch-girl dismissively, turning away from Roll to deal with those who are a little more fascinating, at least for the moment. "We've never really spoken." the witch says, peering up at Blurr. And up. And up. She seems a bit surprised that something so big spoke. And not, say, a pilot within it. Staren, within the Star Hawk, seems rather more familiar. Still, her surprise seems a transient thing, quickly fading. "Let's see. I know where they went? I bet you want to follow them, don't you? All right, I'll send you where they went!" she says abruptly, waving a hand and conjuring a staff, seemingly out of the same thin air she herself appeared from. "Some of them anyways." she adds as she waves the staff in the air.

The result is swift, surprising, and delivered without the slightest hint of menace or attack from the blue-skinned witch girl. Bubbles shoot out of the staff, expanding and enclosing our heroic adventurers in what appears to be spheres of air, the surface congealed and rubbery. The magic is quite thorough, seeking each living person and even those unliving people who have enough consciousness to qualify as sentient. The magic of the Island has plenty of experience with robots after all. "Probably." Misery concludes, her eyes narrowed in concentration as she releases her magic in a single abrupt cry. "HaaaaAAAH!" The air shimmers, brightness occluding sight, and when the brightness fades everyone is in a different place entirely.

    Back on the surface, Misery sighs. "Outsiders. Such a pain. Oh well... maybe they'll do something useful in there. Doubt it though. The Doctor is going to be upset at all the junk they're leaving on the lawn... oh well, that's not MY problem!" she says, grinning in sudden manic glee.

Quote (403) has posed:
    "Gimme the key!" hisses the creature. The command in its voice is clear, though the words aren't terribly loud. It looks a lot like a not-quite-man-sized white lop-eared bunny, though its muzzle and its haunches are more doglike. There's another one, smaller, cowering before it. The speaker has a scarred face and sinister orange eyes that almost seem to glow, and is wearing purple robes. The smaller figure has large, dark eyes that shimmer with fear and distress. It wears a simple green pullover, apparently for fashion as the creature wears no pants. "No way!" it cries in a higher-pitched voice, raising clenched fists in an act more petulant than defiant, like a child threatening to hold its breath until it dies.

    If there is a response from the larger figure, it's lost as a globe of tortured air forms on the ledge above them. The bubble pops, and our adventurers are deposited onto the upper level of Mimiga Village, ominously right next to a standing cage of iron bars. Below and to one side, perhaps fourty feet away, the two Mimiga turn to look up at the new arrivals with varying degrees of surprise, wariness and distress.

Vi (547) has posed:
    Oh neat. A teleport spell. Those are always fun. They get you where you need to go, without all the walking. Only, this chick is no Institute of War summoner, and her aim needs work. Thus, Vi falls and lands on her hands, which manage to take most of the brunt of the fall, without much trouble. Vi, however, is slumped over her arms, with her butt in the air. She's only just sitting up, as she notices the two creatures arguing.

Blurr has posed:
    "Oof!" Blurr is deposited into some kind of huge cave. Apparently there's an entire village in here. Did that girl just...teleport them in here? Huh. The strange mammalian-looking creatures attract his attention. They seem to be going on about some kind of key. Well maybe -they've- seen the Sakamotos? That blue girl had said this was 'probably' where the family had gone. "Hey! Hey excuse me!" he approaches, perhaps a bit too quickly. But this is Blurr we're talking about. "Do you two happen to know a family by the name of Sakomoto?" At the same time, he's running scans again, to see if there's anything detectable in here, since there hadn't been anything outside.

Lu-Mey (234) has posed:
    Onward and inward then. As Misery bubbleports the squad, Lu-Mey comes tumbling out with a THWUMP, just in time to see the little debacle about a key. "Oomph!" She just needs a second to pick herself up, dust herself off, make herself look presentable again.
    "... What's with the munchkins?"
    Where most would find a Mimiga cute, she sort of just shrugs and digs a pinkie in her ear. "Ugh that squealing is atrocious."
    Nevertheless, the Oni in red looks for someone who she can stick close to while now in uncharted territory.
    Vi looks good and... Punchy. She should do.

Staren has posed:
    Staren blinks. Pointing out color is hardly rude...

    And then Misery... says she'll send them? "Hey! Don't try anything!" He aims the right arm at misery, the add-on pack opening to reveal a 3-barreled gun of some sort... but then she uses... Bubbles? That's not very threatening.

    Until the bubble comes for him, THROUGH THE WALLS, THEY'RE COMING THROUGH THE WALLS! "Hey! What are... what are you DOING?" He tries to teleport away, then gets teleported, which... is not good for his built-in teleporter.

    Staren feels something break. And then he's... in a... lighted cave? And there's a cage?? Staren looks around. Buildings. Little bunny-people. Staren blinks, sees that the bunny-people are looking at them, and waves down. "Hello there! What is this place? Who are you?" He was teleported, so his inertial tracking system is no good... but can he reach radios through all the rock of... wherever he is?

Kanade Tachibana (512) has posed:
    The world shimmers and space contorts about the group. Any genre-savvy sort would get that this is magic happening, but despite being able to summon swords with the resounding power of her teeny voice, I reiterate: Kanade doesn't know the first thing about witchcrafts. That means that, when Misery starts raising her voice and casting something, and when they're all suddenly flung who knows where, she takes a good long while before she can even register what's happened.

    She lands in the city-cave with a soft (but still gratuitously painful) plop, laying on the ground for a few minutes and rubbing her head. Once the throbbing has died down, she takes a look around... just in time for her cognitive faculties to recover to the point where she can turn her head and take notice of what's going on just beside her. So, this is what she sees:

Two rabbit people.
One has a sword and a scar and looks generally villainous.

The other is small and visibly shaking.

    So what would any heroic sort do in this situation? Maybe think before they act? Well, not this time. Kanade lifts herself from the ground and, in what appears to be a single step, she's directly in front of the bigger bunny, her sword's tip just centimeters away from his throat. She holds that position and locks her eyes with his, pausing for only a moment before she emits a seemingly indifferent whisper. "Step away from her."

    Regardless of his reaction, she stays in place, perfectly still. Nobody is getting hurt today. Except, maybe, y'know. The person who is perceived to be doing harm.

Roll (3) has posed:
    Huh? What's with all the lights and bubbles?

    And then Roll and Rush are tumbling through the air. "Yeeeeeeeeeek! A teleport?!" She didn't detect ANYTHING, what's this all about?! But she flails a moment, then snags hold of rush just as he transforms. Instead of landing on anyone she 'glides' down to the ground, frowning.... peeking at the Mimigas, and glancing around bewilderedly. "I don't like that girl." Roll statse simply, in a tone that hides some DEEPER dislike. She's trying to sound polite.

    But now, what's this? She finishes taking stock of the situation, then waves at the Mimigas! "Hello! Sorry for dropping in outta nowhere!"

Deelel has posed:
Deelel looks at the strnge creature she takes a very good look at it for a moment she takes in the life form and doens't make a hostile response. And then next thing she knows she's in the villiage and she's now looking about and just is taking things in for the moment.

Auron (236) has posed:
    Suddenly Auron is pulled off the ground by a bubble. Auron doesn't like being off the ground; it sets him off-balance. And then poof. Somewhere else. Underground? The bubble pops, and he's dumped rather unceremoniously onto his rear. He stands, looking around at their new surroundings. "...Explains how the family went missing," he decides.

    He too glances over to see the rabbitpeople once he realizes they're there. But he didn't see or hear their argument. So he's not really aware that anything's going on that shouldn't be. "Excuse me. Where exactly are we?" he inquires of the two rabbitpeople.

Leyanne Mace (154) has posed:
Leyanne Mace raises her revolver and takes aim at Misery - she even pulls the trigger, a split second before she's teleported.
But, unfortunately, it takes the cylinder a moment to rotate, and the hammer another moment to fall, so her arrival is heralded by a very loud BANG as she discharges the firearm, thankfully, into the wall near her. The hollowpoint round fragments, showering anyone near her with tiny shards of metal.
"Fuck! Sorry guys, I... sonofabitch.." she comments, only then noticing the rabbit-folks nearby. "My bad everyone..." she says, loudly, opening the weapon and replacing the spent cartridge - and avoiding eye-contact with anyone and everyone.

Quote (403) has posed:
    The larger figure, the one with the almost-glowing eyes, seems to be perhaps a bit faster than might be expected. Fast enough, in fact, that even a swift elite can't QUITE get the jump on him. Leyanne's shot puts him on his guard, and his hand goes to the hilt of the blade at his side. It's a BIG blade, at least for someone the size of a dogbunny. He doesn't draw though. He stares at the newcomers, and somehow he seems more wary than nervous... as if he's actually considering how he could take the newcomers on rather than take the smart approach and flee.

    As for the smaller Mimiga, she seems FAR more scared of the horrible huge OUTSIDERS than about the sword-wearing member of her own race. She shrieks in girlish terror and backs away, trying to put her 'tormenter' between her and the newcomers, which puts him in the extremely awkward position of trying to watch in two directions at once. A problem which he solves by muttering "Stay there." to the smaller creature while he faces the others directly.

    When rushed by Kanade, the white bunny-thing isn't caught off guard. As smoothly as she closes the distance in that moment between blinks, he has his blade drawn and up, ready to parry. He may not be a superman... dog... thing.... but he can certainly be as badass as one.

    The standoff between him and Kanade might break at any moment into something serious, dangerous, save for one completely unexpected event.

    From above, a figure drops down. It's not free-falling, not accelerating, but it's not flying either. It hits the ground between King and Kanade with a crash and a squeal of metallic protest, possibly even striking or getting struck by either weapon. The impact knocks King - the larger Mimiga - backwards into Toroko. King makes no sound more than a stoic grunt of surpise, while Toroko squeals in fear more than in pain. Toroko's quick to recover, leaping to all fours and scurrying away in an almost eye-blurring bolt of white and green. Diving over the edge she's quickly lost to sight as she rounds the ledge's lip. "Damn it, Toroko!" cries the grim figure of King as he slowly rises, blinking those orange eyes bemusedly at the outsiders, the one who attacked him, and at the figure that barely missed hitting him.

    The as-yet unnamed robot is a bit more slow to rise. The landing was awkward, made moreso by his current state of repair and the need to avoid landing on either Mimiga. None of his damage appears to be recent however. Scrapes and cracks are dull and age-tarnished rather than fresh. The robot does rise however, brushing himself off with a perhaps-surprising lack of mechanical clanking. "Err... hello?" the robot ventures, the greeting made more awkward by the manner of his entrance. Perhaps surprisingly again, the robot's voice isn't artificial. It's a natural-sounding male voice, youthful, and even seems to show emotion - in this case, wry uncertainty. "I, uh, didn't expect to open a door and find no floor on the other side..." it says, gesturing vaguely upwards in explanation. "Sorry about dropping in like that." it adds, with no apparent pun intended.

Vi (547) has posed:
    Vi just picks herself up, dusts off, and checks her gear, to make sure nothing got jarred loose or broken in that fall. She doesn't seem to notice anything, since her arms appear to work just fine, puffing out some steam. She looks up again, just in time to see a fight about to start. Only to get rather abruptly interrupted, as someone.. or something falls right in the middle of the whole thing. "Oh, hey.. 'nother robot."

Staren has posed:
    "Woah, woah woah! Talk first, then shoot!" Staren warns, and then /everything happens at once/. In the end... Staren glances at the fleeing Toroko, and then looks at King and Quote... he can't help chuckling at the 'dropping in' pun. He climbs down and makes his way over to the two of them. "Where is this place? Who are you guys?" And then he looks specifically at Quote. "And what happened to /you/?"

Auron (236) has posed:
    Auron raises his hand to ward away the metal shrapnel from Leyanne's misfired shot. "This is why I don't use guns," is offered over the radio. Completely true. Guns are, after all, only as dangerous as the person wielding them. Since he knows not a thing about guns, one in his hands would be a pretty dangerous gun.

    Suddenly something falling from the ceiling and one of the rabbitpeople is jumping off the edge of the platform!? That's far too high up to avoid serious injury. And Fayth only knows what's down there. Auron can't fly, nor does he have anything he could grab the falling person with. "Can someone see to the one who jumped off?" he inquires over the radio.

    Then he turns his attention to Quote. A nod. "We're in a similar state." He points up. "A girl with blue hair brought us down here. With bubbles."

Blurr has posed:
    The weird bunny things seem to ignore Blurr. Hmph, he doesn't like being ignored. I mean seriously he's as tall as one of those cave-houses. Suddenly, another mechanical being drops from somewhere above. Though he seems to sound more like a human and less like he's using a synthesizer as Cybertronians do.

    He makes a sound akin to a sigh. Okay, now that people are done fighting, running, and falling, will they now answer the question? "...anyway, as I was saying, have any of you seen a family by the name of Sakamoto?" The speedster is accustomed to people who like to shoot before thinking or talking, so the attack didn't surprise him.

Roll (3) has posed:
    Roll's left blinking a few times again, bewildered. First someone starts SHOOTING right as she tries to greet the confused beings, and now... a stand off.... and... CRASH.

    Another Robot.

    "That wouldn't happen again if you bet on it!" SO improbable!

    Roll takes a few steps forward. She's shorter than Quote, and has to look up at him for a good look, but then regains her wits. "No more shooting! We just GOT here, you don't just open fire! Who was that?:! ... Is everyone okay? ... That was a nasty impact. Are you damaged at all?" She's quick to ask of Quote.

    Poor Roll's looking all about, trying to take in everything, but there's just too darned much to try and process!

Leyanne Mace (154) has posed:
Leyanne Mace attempts to follow the running Migima, holstering her pistoland dropping off the platform too. She grabs hold of one of the metal frames with her left hand and uses it to brake her descent with a nasty, metal-on-metal squeal. She still hits the ground hard enough for her 450lb bulk to crack the ground.
"Wait!" She calls out to the running figure. "We're not here to hurt you - we're just here to find some folks who went missing!"

Kanade Tachibana (512) has posed:
    There's an echoing chink of metal as Kanade's sword makes contact with the larger Mimiga's. She doesn't make any attempts to strike at him further, though -- she elects instead to hold his sword in place, doing the best she can to /prevent/ the confrontation that seems so close. But then she realizes something very important: the girl had run behind -the assailant-. She cocks her head slightly yet again, fixing her eyes not on King, but Toroko. King would slowly feel an ease in the pressure being applied by the weapon of the golden eyed girl, and she's just about ready to pull her blade away when something plummets from the sky. Er, well. The cave wall, but same diff.

    Kanade leaps backwards as quickly as she can, probably coming dangerously close to knocking into some other members of the group as she does so, but avoiding that complication... this time. Immediately, her sword is raised back into its defensive position, her eyes now locked on the 'thing' that has probably just made an impressive indent in the floor. But so it comes to pass that the robot is less intimidating than a small bunny person, and she lowers her sword a final time rather quickly. And in a show of good faith for the person she almost stabbed? She desummons the sword alltogether. She doesn't call attention to the gesture with anything more than a glance at her would-be opponent, but inwardly, she hopes that he won't be too mad later on.

    For now Kanade fades out almost entirely and lets the others do the talking. Won't stop her from awkwardly staring at Quote for every moment of the conversation, though.

Quote (403) has posed:
    Quote is pretty wrecked, honestly. It looks like he's been in a battle for his very life or the electronic equivalent, and lost. Still, the damage is old. Some of it appears patched, and he moves with a certain careless ease that suggests he feels no pain and has no loss of functionality. Whatever damage he has didn't come from hitting the ground. In fact he does no damage to the ledge upon landing, which is quite a marked contrast to Leyanne's much shorter and thunderously heavy fall.

    "I'm fine, I think." he says, looking at Roll as he tests the stressed metal of his legs. His hand doesn't leap to the pistol he's got strapped to one thigh, marking him as remarkably calm compared to some around here. Then again, he had a bit of time in freefall to assess the situation and decide that he didn't want to fight anyone. To Staren, he shrugs. "I just woke up a few minutes ago. I opened a door and fell, now I'm here." he says. He leaves out having explored a cave and finding a weapon, but that sort of information doesn't seem exactly relevant, not here and now.

    King holds his sword defensively, but as villainous as he looks he doesn't actually aim it AT anyone. Not even at Kanade. He'd felt her easing the tension in her blade. He looks at her as he returns to his feet, then nods as he reaches down to his scabbard, sheathing the blade in one deliberate motion. A misunderstnading. He's not about to make an issue of it. Besides, these newcomers could wreck him. He held his own against Kanade only for that moment, and only because surprise was on his side. She had him beat on speed and mobility, if not reach. He's not eager to renew the clash.

    "Sakamoto? You mean Sue?" the Mimiga asks, his tension levels slowly working down from critical levels. "I ... I don't understand. How do you know her?" he asks. "I mean, she's an outsider like you, but she's not LIKE you." He pauses, looking up at Blurr in particular, then over to the various robots. He shakes his head. "Not like ANY of you." he observes wryly.

    One level down, Leyanne will discover one fact about Mimigas in general and Toroko in particular. They are FAST. One would think a white bunnything would stand out among the stone of the cave, but by the time Leyanne hits the ground Toroko's already bolted around a bend. Leyanne might get a glimpse of a furry white tail but that's about it. It's anyone's guess whether even the sounds of Leyanne's words can catch up to the speedy Mimiga. Oh well... the sound probably did. She's not quite THAT fast. But between the pounding of the timid creature's heart and the pounding feet, likely Toroko didn't hear Leyanne's words clearly.

Auron (236) has posed:
    When the robot from above doesn't seem to be about to attack them, Auron relaxes the tension in his body. He'd been ready to battle, but with things seemingly calming down, he instead addresses the rabbitperson. "Someone from outside asked us to come and find them," he says. "Not just her. Do you know where they are?"

Staren has posed:
    Staren tilts his head. "All that damage just happened in the cave?" Then King says he recognizes the name Sue. Staren nods. "Well..." He glances around. Huh. Some of the party /look/ human, but maybe they aren't and King can tell. ...Or maybe the people /here/ aren't normal humans... Staren didn't think to ask. "What do you mean? Not like us?" He blinks as it becomes immediately obvious. "Oh. You mean she's a civilian and not an adventurer... yeah, well. That's why people like /us/ were sent to find out what happened to her." He taps his fingers on the handle of the pistol at his belt. "Is she in danger? Where is she?"

Deelel has posed:
Deelel is not making any suden move she gets the locals are fearful of outsiders. SO she's not made much if anyhing oa a hostile move. She watche as Lyanne takes a shot and she stares at them. She does not make any more moves and she keeps her staff lowered she looks at the new arrivals and she speaks up.

"Greetings I am Deelel."

She looks over Quote for a moment just getting a feel for the Android as she's curious about his nature.

Leyanne Mace (154) has posed:
Leyanne Mace rises to her feet and contunes on after the running Migima. She's quite quick herself, possibly managing to gain on Toroko as she continues to sprint. "Come on, please!" She calls out. "I'm not here to hurt you or anything!"
The red-armoured mouse's feet are quite loud too, so that might make it hard to be heard as she hits the corner, using her cybernetic arm as a spring to bounce off the wall and get around the corner, with a lout, metallic clang!

Vi (547) has posed:
    Vi walks over to the edge, looks down, and sees Leyanne scrambling around. "Hey, she's a kid, yeah? Running after her probably ain't gonna help." She doesn't seem concerned with it. Shrugging, she turns back to King. "Like they said. We're just lookin' for these people, cause someone sent out a missing person report. Kinda our job to make sure they're okay."

Lu-Mey (234) has posed:
    While Leyanne goes after the mimiga, Lu-Mey just sotf of pisses and moans the whole time. At least until the sword-wielding Mimiga seems to know something about the missing family. In an instant she's siiiiiidling closer, mood suddenly set to 'ingratiating'. "Ahhhhh~! You know her? What can you tell us about her? Other than the 'not like us' part. How about where she is~?"
    Does she show a LICK of concern for the robot that fell from the higher level? Not really. Machinery is not her forte, and she couldn't help him in the least. But she at least acknowledges he existes, pulling a fan from her dress and snapping it open to flutter at herself. "Heavens, this place is strange already, what weather this is. I mean it's raining men."

Blurr has posed:
    Blurr arches an optic ridge at the furry mammalian-looking thing. "Well I know she isn't -like- us," and certainly not like him. "But recon and rescue are among the types of things that are in my job description." he explains. "So what do you know about them? Have you seen them recently? When was the last time you saw them?" he continues to question.

    He also scans Quote, assessing the damage. Primus, it looks like he's been in a bad scrape or two. "You sure you're alright? You're pretty damaged." Speaking of which, hm. The speedster turns his optics upward and begins to scan the general area where the other mech had fallen from, and picks up on an open door. Hm, he must've come from there. The Autobot wonders to himself if he could gather enough momentum to -run- up there. He's done similar things before.

Roll (3) has posed:
    "Roll Light! Nice to meet another robot!" She extends her hand for a shake, hoping to lighten the mood of this weird, WEIRD meeting. "We just know her because there's a rescue mission. Some people are worried about them. So Sue's from the family? And here? .... Um..." The Robot Master looks around... "... Where is 'here?'"

Blurr has posed:
Blurr also wonders aloud at Quote, "That damage looks like it's been there for a while, why haven't you gotten repairs?"

Quote (403) has posed:
    "All that damage?" Quote asks Staren, puzzled. Then he looks down, seeming to catch on by way of Staren's gaze. He shrugs, nods. "I don't know. I just woke up." he repeats. "I... I don't remember anything before I woke up. Like this." he says, lifting his arms in demonstration. He assumes it's not his natural state, but has no idea what might have caused it. He offers Roll a pleasant smile, and a nod upwards to Blurr. Why he hasn't sought repair, well, that's probably obvious now. "Ah... I don't remember my name." he says, sounding kind of sheepish. As for the damage, it HAS been repaired. That would be apparent to an advanced scan of the sort Roll or Blurr can do. Not all of it has been repaired, but there's definite sign of makeshift repairs to return some degree approaching full functionality.

    The Mimiga regards the group. His composure is remarkable. His hand is near the hilt of his sword, but he doesn't seem to be too conscious of it. Long habit perhaps, rather than an untrusting or hostile nature. "I'm King. I'm the number one around here." He laughs, roughly. "Not that it means much. There's only six of us left in the village. Seven if you count Sue, but she's an outsider even if she's a Mimiga like us."

    This is, of course, news to everyone. No one from the surface made mention of the Sakamotos being four foot tall dog bunny anthropomorphs, and you'd think that'd be the sort of thing to come up in a casual description. Pixelians are human, more or less. Stock humanity like much of the Multiverse. Definitely not anthropomorphic animals.

    "I don't know anything about her family. She said something about them once, but ... you know, she doesn't really talk to anyone here. Anyone except Toroko." he says, growling something low that sounds like a curse. "Toroko took off in all the commotion. I need to find her. She's the one who knows where Sue is." he mutters darkly, shaking his head. Seems he has his own reasons for wanting Sue found... but he doesn't seem inclined to stop anyone.

    Toroko's speed is one of desperation and animal (sorry) cunning. If she's good at anything, the little creature is good at running. Besides, she knows this village in ways Leyanne could only wish to. She doesn't stick to one level. Using impressive bounds and strides, Toroko rounds corners, shifts levels, breaks line of sight and shifts positions like an absolute pro. If there were an Olympic Games freerunning competition, she wouldn't stand a chance of winning it... unless of course the goal line involved running AWAY. At least the supposition of some of the investigators pans out. If she can run THAT fast, she's not hurt. In fact given the way she manages to clear ledges a couple times her own height in single bounds, it's pretty safe to say she thinks nothing of a jump of 20 vertical feet.

Staren has posed:
    Staren cocks his head at Quote and looks more confused. "Oh... well, good news! I'm a roboticist, I'll see what I can recover if you'd like." And then his ears twitch and he looks at King. "What do you mean, a mimiga like you? What's a mimiga? ...A slang word for noncombatant? No, that's not quite right..." He holds up his left arm. The armband/watch there projects a little 8-inch high picture of Sue, the one the authorities gave them. "This is her, right? I guess Sue is a pretty common name..."

Blurr has posed:
    Wait, the Sakamotos weren't human? Blurr had been told they were. Were they talking about a different 'Sue', maybe? And the other mech seems to have a case of corrupted memory banks. "Hm," he examines the results of scans, seeing that there have been what appear to be some field repairs. "Sounds like corrupted memory banks."

    He turns to King as the Mimiga introduces himself. "Nice to meet you, King. I'm Blurr. Who's Toroko, though?" He's not aware that she's the one who had run off. He also keeps glancing at that door near the ceiling. He nods at Staren. "Yeah, maybe we're talking about a different Sue, because I'm pretty sure the one we're looking for is human."

Kanade Tachibana (512) has posed:
    Kanade faded out of this discussion long ago. Well... honestly, it might be more proper to say that she was never a part of it. Rather, she's lingering around on her own again, gazing off of the cliff when... there's movement. Kanade sees a flash of white fur turning a far off corner, and she miiight just catch a glimpse of a pursuing Leyanne. So she decides to join the Toroko chase. I mean, these conversations are enlightening and all, but she's been worried about the little one ever since the incident with King. In fact, Toroko might not even be bolting around how she is right now if not for her, so she feels a sort of obligation to find her and calm her down.

    So she sprouts her wings, letting herself soar to the last point where she saw Leyanna and the speedy mimiga. She doesn't have a whole lot to go on, but for now she tries heading in the general opposite direction of where she saw Leyanne go. That way, they may be able to corner her... if, upon some great chance and perhaps a miracle or two, she happens to choose the right path.

    Hey, at least she has speed going for her, too. King can attest to that.

Auron (236) has posed:
    Auron suggests to the Elite group at large, "If we were able to be teleported down here with little effort, the magic level of this place must be relatively high. Might they have been changed?" It'd be a ludicrous suggestion any other time, but after the display of earlier, it deserves to be mentioned.

Deelel has posed:
Deelel looks at Quote with concern it seems he has no memory about the damaqge he took? That would mean he's got some serious memory issues. Wht sort of beating did Quote take? She's not sure and she's clearly looking concerned at him. She looks to the King for a moment and nods once.

"I see sir."

She looks to Roll and radios her. <Can you do anything for him?>

Leyanne Mace (154) has posed:
Leyanne Mace is fairly close to Toroko as she runs, the cybernetic mouse making up for her unfamiliarity with the terrain with sheer cussed willpower and cybernetic strength - allowing her to make the same kinds of jumps as Toroko. Gradually, despite the Migima's best efforts to the contrary, Leyanne's red-armoured form begins to close the gap - even if she has to jump and climb up to ledges that Toroko can make in a single bound. "You better pray you're a good guy..." she mutters under her breath. "Because if it turns out you're one of the bad guys you're gonna regret giving me the god-damn runaround..."
In between her gruttering, the big red mouse continues to call out that she's not going to hurt Toroko.

Roll (3) has posed:
    "Or adopted?" Roll suggests, with a shrug. "Magic's like another world to me. Cool, but hard to figure out!" She's smiling though, apparently pleased that the tension's died down a lot, but now there's this matter about Toroko... "I doubt we're gonna learn much from sticking around here... but.... Six, King? Just six? Or seven? What happened to all the others? This is a pretty big.... cavern?" She's still trying to map out where they are.

    "We'll have to talk to Toroko next... but too many cooks in this kitchen. So hold on a moment--" She turns around at about the time she's radio'd, glancing once at Deelel, then claps her hands together, looking up at Quote. "You can't go wandering around looking like that. The damage looks pretty cosmetic... well, I guess you can, but it's so messy!" She blinks a few more times... finally catching on to something.

    "... No name? Or even model number...?" Roll gawks, disbelieving. "You just woke up...?" Yup, Quote has her bewildered!

Quote (403) has posed:
    Quote's memory banks would appear to be corrupted, yes. That would require a fairly sophisticated diagnosis though, so it'll have to remain guesswork for now. He seems puzzled by Staren's offer, but doesn't make a fuss over it. You could almost see him asking the question, 'I'm a robot?' ... but it goes unvoiced.

    King glances at the hologram projection, curious. Then he shakes his head, ears flopping slightly. "That's not Sue." he says dismissively. Then he looks again. "Well ... it's kind of like Sue. But Sue's a Mimiga." he explains. Then he pauses, looks at Staren again. He points one paw to himself. "Mimiga." He points to the others, sweeping the paw around to them in turn. "... Whatever you are. Outsiders." he explains brusquely. "Robots, or whatever." he says.

    "We don't get visitors, usually. And when we do, they're ALWAYS trouble." he says darkly. He's being obviously condescending, but then it seems obvious he's got a lot on his mind right now. "What happened is the Doctor came. He's like you. Like some of you. Every time he shows up, he kills a few of us, and he takes others. The last time he came, Arthur managed to drive him off and he hasn't come back since. But Arthur was hurt so bad he couldn't be saved, and we've barely had time to bury him." the mimiga leader says roughly.

    In the chase of Toroko, there's been some progress. Toroko is a fast little bunny, but Leyanne's dogged and powerful, and no slouch in the speed department either. Between her following the Mimiga and Kanade being up higher looking down, it seems they might have located where Toroko went to. Leyanne would see her run around a corner on the lowest level of the cavern, while Kanade can see that Toroko doesn't run PAST the large storehouse-type building that's off in that corner. There's a large door there, when Leyanne rounds the last corner she'd last seen Toroko at. Shouldn't be too hard to figure where the brat went.

Leyanne Mace (154) has posed:
Leyanne Mace sprints past the large warehouse-like building, then slows herself to a halt a few meters later, scanning around - and sniffing the air. Her antennae twitch and move as she tries to catch Toroko's scent - even going so far as to bend down and sniff at the ground. Her search pattern - clearly obvious to Kanade in the air - is gradually nearing the door of the big warehouse - even more of an indication of where the Migima is hiding.
"Tiny here. Lost her... but I'm close." She says over the radio. "I can smell her, and I've got... I think I can pick up her trail, I'm backtracking now."

Kanade Tachibana (512) has posed:
    Kanade swiftly lands near Leyanne, her wings flapping a few times and stirring some errant flecks of dirt before they disintegrate into a dazzle of cerulean sparks. That should get her attention if nothing else does. "She stopped there." She gestures to the warehouse's door. "I was watching from the sky."

Leyanne Mace (154) has posed:
Leyanne Mace nods to Kanade, standing up. "I'd have to agree. Her scent is all around this area and I'm pretty certain she didn't turn off."

Staren has posed:
    Staren blinks. "We're not /all/ robots... wait, outsiders are robots? The Sakomotos are robots?" He looks at the picture again. Then at king. "Well... We did just run into a mage powerful enough to teleport us all down here... Especially if she's drawing on some kind of magic amplifier we haven't detected, I suppose transformation magic is a possibility..." He scratches his chin. "But why turn people into mimigas? ...So that they can't go home? Just to disorient them? ...She just thinks it's cute?" He shrugs. Does there even need to be a reason? It's not like /he's/ never used transformation magic on people for the lulz.

    He shivers at the memory. Man, that was jerkish of him.

    Staren realizes King kept talking. He plays it back in his head. "The... Doctor? Not... this guy?" The projection changes to show the Eighth Doctor. "No, he wouldn't... kill you..." Staren looks sad. "I'm sorry. If the Doctor... if /this/ 'Doctor' shows up again while we're here... We'll take care of him." Staren nods for emphasis.

Blurr has posed:
    That other mech, who doesn't even remember his name, seems to be very confused. Blurr crouches down as far as he can comfortably go to speak to the smaller mechanoid. "Hey, once we're finished here I can take you to Ark-32. Ratchet or Perceptor can take a look at you, and if your memory banks are corrupted or whatever, one of them should be able to restore them to their former state."

    As for what King is saying, Blurr's not sure what to think. Apparently the picture isn't Sue, but bears resemblance to her? A flurry of questions follows. The speedster can usually maintain his speech rate at a relatively normal pace, but sometimes, when he gets a little bit excited, uh...he tends to speed up a bit. "Well, what do you mean it's kind of like her? Does it resemble her? And what about this 'Doctor' guy? Does he have any other names? What does he look like? When did Sue show up here? How did he kill the others?"

    The Autobot also glances up at that small door up there again. Hmmm...it's probably too small for him to get in himself, but maybe if he projects his holoform into it, maybe he can get a quick look at what's inside? Deciding to attempt this, he activates the avatar, directing it to materialize inside wherever Quote had fallen out of. There's probably nothing of too much significance, but it's at least worth a look. It would distract him partially from the present situation, but there doesn't appear to be any immediate threats. At least for now.

Kanade Tachibana (512) has posed:
    Kanade wants very much to tilt her head at the mention of a 'scent', but she decides to withhold any inquiries until after the 'white rabbit' is safe. Cautiously and quiet as always, she approaches the door, slowly creaking it open and stepping inside. She leaves the door ajar for Leyanne, and starts looking around. She consider pulling out hand sonic just in case, but you know? After last time... she thinks better of it.

Deelel has posed:
Deelel humms expected that an android would have their serial number hard wired in, it be the sort of factory loaded thing right? She's not sure she doesn't think pressing him while he's like this would be wise. She's not the sort to design or repair actual androids.

"I see so your people are Miniga, I see."

She's paying close attention to evergything she hears she may need to make use of it later.

"So someone's been taking your people for unknown purposes?""

Leyanne Mace (154) has posed:
Leyanne Mace follows Kanade inside, her left hand near - but not on - the grip of her revolver. She eases inside, covering Kanade's back and the corners. Looking around, she sniffs the air, her antennae continuing to twitch as she tries to pick up on every smell in the room. "Smell's much stronger in here."

Quote (403) has posed:
    Quote looks up at Blurr, a nameless dread running through him at the offer. Being taken somewhere. Somewhere outside. He doesn't remember ANYTHING, but still something resonates. Within his shattered memory banks or within his very soul, no one could say... but he shakes his head. "Thanks." he says noncommitally, though his body language suggests that he's only being polite, that he has every intention of dodging that offer of a memory repair.

    King looks at the hologram again, shrugs. "It's kind of like him, but not really. Also it's a lot smaller." he says. "This one also kind of looks like the Doctor." he adds, waving a paw Deelel's way. "Different clothes of course. And ... you know." he waves his paw above his head. Hair. Seems he isn't good at distinguishing between humans. Considering he lives in the middle of a flying island that surface-dwellers consider haunted, this might be understandable.

    In the warehouse... silence. Kanade creeps inside, followed by Leyanne. The lighting is good. There's no obvious source, kind of like the caves itself. Some sort of glow with no visible source, either magical or of a scientific level high enough to be mistaken for it. Leyanne should have no doubt, Toroko entered. There's no obvious sign of any other exit, and much of the room is empty. A few hiding places perhaps, but most of the storeroom's open and obvious.

    "AAAAAAAAAAAH!" comes an abrupt shriek as Leyanne and Kanade are attacked! A white and green blur streaks past them, possibly barreling right through one or both. A possibly familiar white and green blur. Toroko's not actually attacking, just trying to flee. But there's nowhere to go. She turns aside, running, spinning around frantically and seeming in complete denial about having nowhere to run. That doesn't seem to matter. So long as she keeps moving, she's not captured by unspeakably horrible evil nasty SMELLY MONSTERS!

    In the distance, not actually visible at the moment, someone... someTHING else approaches the warehouse. A steady, heavy, measured tread. Thump. Thump. Thump. THUD. THUD. THUD.

Roll (3) has posed:
    "Eee-ergh... another mad doctor? This one lethal." Roll shivers. Maybe it's a good thing they were sent down here, somone needs to fix that issue right away! "You're being hunted?! But... why.... why would anyone do that to other PEOPLE?!" She has easily accepted the mimigas, at least!

    Roll starts looking the robot over, hopin the others can take of the big deal. She walks around him, and eventually arrives at examining the belt. "...Quote?"

    Then she rises, peeking at the hat instead... "And Curly Brace?" Boggle. Roll makes a weird face indeed, processing this one pretty hard. "Weird brand names. But maybe they ring a bell or two?"

Staren has posed:
    Staren blinks at King. It dawns on him the guy totally can't tell humans apart. Oh. He sighs and dismisses the hologram, lowering his arm. "Hm?" As Roll points out Quote's clothes, Staren looks at the belt and had curiously. "Quote and Curly Brace? I guess someone likes punctuation. Bet it says Period and Angle Bracket on his shoes somewhere..." Staren chuckles a little, but his attempt to lighten the mood with humor is half-hearted. He puts a hand on Roll's shoulder. "There are some evil people in the world. We'll... work out a way to deal with it."

    His ears perk, and flick a bit, rotating around. "Do you hear that?"

Kanade Tachibana (512) has posed:
    Smelly monsters? Man, you'd better be glad that she can't hear the narrative voice; you would've hurt her feelings! But Kanade is, more than anything else, determined to prove to this little mimiga that she isn't scary. So, amidst all the screaming, she does the best thing that she can. A vague estimation of a magic trick, if you will, that might yet be enough to calm the troubled Toroko, if not traumatize her further.

    "Hand sonic: version four."

    All of a sudden, a rod appears on top of Kanade's wrist, eventually blossoming into a beautiful, bladed lotus flower. Whether it's lovely, horrifying, or both is all subjective, but at the very least, know that its intention is pure. She holds it skyward so that she can get a better view, too!

    ... man, don't ever let her work in a day care center. Ever.

Deelel has posed:
Deelel nods to King she gets why he might have trouble describing humans or even things tht look them.

"I do? I see so crazier hair different clothing, do you have any idea on their gender if I might ask King? I am Female, just a note."

She makes no assumptions after all there were some species that in the multiverse found humans to be utterly creepilky asexual looking or worse looked far too much like their infants. Either way she hopefully has helped a bit there.

"Do you have any sort of recordings of images of the Doctor?"

Leyanne Mace (154) has posed:
Leyanne Mace yelps as she's bowled over by Toroko, knocked onto her backside with a thud. She scowls and stands up, remaining almost completely still as she tracks the migima's hurried, panicked flight. "The smeg are you doing?" Tiny asks in a a confused tone , not breaking eye-contact with the feeing rabbit-dog-person for a second. "I think I can get a..." She takes a rapid sidestep, crouching down suddenly to lash out with her tail and - if all goes to plan - wrap it around Toroko's ankle "...trip in."

Quote (403) has posed:
    "Who knows why Outsiders kill people?" King asks rhetorically. Of course he DOES have a sword, and his earlier skill makes it pretty clear he uses it. If not regularly, than regularly enough. Then again, he was quick enough to sheathe it when it seemed likely he wasn't being attacked. "I'm honestly surprised you DIDN'T." he says candidly. "This isn't the first time outsiders have come into the caves intending murder. It's been almost a generation since the last time, but..." he sighs, and shakes his head. "Not trying to blame you for the crimes of others. But this ... this is not a good time for us. I'm not sure if we can make it through this. I'm the only fighter we've got left, and I'm not half the hero Arthur was. I would give you recordings of the Doctor, but we have none. Every time he comes, we're either fighting, fleeing, or dying. No one would have made a recording. Some might remember him, but you'll likely get nothing specific. You can ask around, I suppose." he says gruffly.

Auron (236) has posed:
    Auron is likely to hear things too, particularly when Staren brings his attention to it. He looks to Staren at the words. "Where is it coming from?" he inquires. He figures Staren would be able to pick up directional sound better, so he leaves this to him.

    Whether it's Staren or not, though, eventually Auron will figure out where it's coming from. So he's heading in that direction. Now, his time in the Hashshashins has given him the ability to free-run, but he's not going to be wall-running like his ALO avatar. Which he now realizes would probably be more useful here, even if it's underground where the Cait Sith can't fly. He'll remember to bring Stial next time, then.

    For /now/, though, he's going to be making his way to where Leyanne and Kanade are trying to subdue Toroko. He's not heading directly at them, though. He's looking around for what made the disturbance.

Blurr has posed:
    Okay, so this 'Doctor' is human. Otherwise, King's descriptions don't really help. Blurr pulls the holomatter out of the door Quote had fallen out of after not finding anything of note. Then there's a noise that sounds like heavy footfalls. Turning toward the direction the sound is coming from, he attempts to determine what's causing it. Being as tall as he is, maybe he can see something the others can't yet.

Quote (403) has posed:
    Unfortunately, Toroko's not calmed by the display of elegantly bladed beautiful weaponry. If anything, quite the opposite. Fortunately, Leyanne's trip maneuver is perfectly executed. Toroko's not actually hurt, or not much at least, and she ends up huddling on the floor, whimpering. At least she's no longer careening around the storeroom!

    She peeks out though, after a moment where there's no followup pounce of pain and doom. "H-huh?" she says, confused. But only for a moment.

    Those approaching the storeroom from outside will see a rather large blocky figure at one wall of the storeroom. Indistinct, and not approaching from the same side they are. The figure is several times wider than a Mimiga, and quite a bit taller besides. Broader than it it tall, for that matter.

    *BANG* *BANG*

    A fierce knocking sounds on the warehouse wall, making the entire building shudder. Quite possibly the entire cave. It's more like someone hitting the door with a battering ram rather than with a fist.

    *BANG* *CRASH*

    The stone wall gives way with the final slam. Into the gap, an odd-looking blocky robot strides into the room, taller than a man and about three times as wide. "Oh yeeaaah!" he cries out as he busts through the wall. There's a look of pleasure on the broad robot face, one that seems entirely out of place with a mechanical being. "HA! I found you!" it cries out, grinning with a mouth considerably wider than most heads. Waving comparatively-stubby arms, it advances. "It's no use hiding from me. I've got the nose of a bloodhound!" it says. Which is kind of funny because, while the robot quite clearly has a face several feet across, there's no actual nose visible.

    "Indeed." comes a familiar voice from above. "Yes, he has the nose AND the brain of a dog." she claims in a droll tone, unsmiling. Hovering well out of reach, Misery would almost seem to be taunting everyone in the room except for the uncaring expression on her face. She comes down to the ground before the suitcase-shaped robot, facing the heroes and seemingly ignoring the machine. The robot's anger and hostility pales beside the girl's menacing aura, despite Misery looking more bored than hostile.

    "Misery!" the large robot shouts. "I found her first!" Toroko squeals, "You're with the Doctor!" and breaks into a panic, trapped in this largeish room with nowhere to hide. This draws Misery's attention. "Oh! You must be Sue. The great Doctor has summoned you." she says, her expression brightening as she grins in a startlingly cheerful way. She waves her staff, sending out a familiar bubble of air which slams into the little Mimiga, enclosing her but not cutting off her panicked shriek, and floating her up into the air. Those damn bubbles...

Staren has posed:
    Staren's ears flick this way and that. He turns towards the warehouse.

    *BANG* *BANG*

    "Okay, do you hear THA--" *CRASH*

    Staren's wings manifest on his back -- orange, see-through wings of magic looking a bit like a stylized insect's -- They flutter a bit, and he leaps off the platform they're on, wings buzzing as he weaves around obstacles and makes his way to the warehouse, to see.... The witch! Insulting a big blocky thing. What. "The doctor?! Are you-- oh no you don't!" This time, when Misery summons the bubble, he draws his laser pistol and tries to blow it out of the air before it can reach Toroko! (If it misses or deflects or something there will probably be explosive collateral damage. Oops!

    Whether that works, he turns his weapon towards Misery.

    If the bubble was stopped, he shouts: "Get out of here!"
    If it wasn't: "Let her go! Or I'll..." Staren blinks. "...you know what?" and then he just opens fire. "Forget it. I'll get her out without your help."

Leyanne Mace (154) has posed:
Leyanne Mace looks towards the direction of the knocking, her hand dropping to her revolver again, then instead moves to the shotgun on her back. She slips it free and glares at the two of them for a moment. Before she can get the chance to shoot at Balrog or Misery, or help Toroko, Misery's sent the Mimiga into the air. "Don't worry kid! We're here to help!"
The shotgun barrel wavers between the two and she glances at Kanade, taking the lead from the higher-ranking Unionite. "Can I shoot this bitch yet?"

Quote (403) has posed:
    Staren's shots pass clean through the bubble, laser light doing nothing to the magic. On the plus side, the collateral damage is nowhere near as bad as it could be as Staren just shoots up a wall that's already half-destroyed. No one will notice. Probably.

Deelel has posed:
Deelel has nothing to say to the first comment that King has for her and the others. She thinks for a moment and looks at King thinking for a moment.

"Fair enough I was hoping there might be an automated system kike an camera but it's all right humm I'll do that, thank you King."

Kanade Tachibana (512) has posed:
    Kanade emits the tiniest sigh, allowing her floral arrangement to fade away as her wings did before. However, when she's had some time to cringe and await an impending doom that never comes, Kanade begins to approach. Slowly, gingerly, she makes her way toward Toroko, when...

Things get loud.

    Kanade immediately calls back hand sonic, this time in its more normal, manageable form. But that's not going to do much good now! Toroko is in a bubble like the one she saw before. She's totally out of her element here, but she's just as determined as ever to make sure that Toroko gets out of this okay.

    Not that any of it shows. On the surface, Kanade is just as calm as ever, face showing not a trace of her determination. All the better to surprise them with, though. But before she can vault into the air after Misery, Miss Mace... asks /her/ if she can shoot? That gets a long, long headtilt, but eventually she replies cooly, evenly: "Only if you can be sure that you won't hurt the rabbit person in the process."

    And /then/ she vaults into the air after Misery. She sprouts her wings to give her an extra bit of lift into the air, and attempts a sort of twirling stab aimed at her leg. That's not the real focus of the attack, though -- if she's -truly- successful, Kanade's blade would make contact with Toroko's bubble in the process, yielding whatever effect it might. She is mindful that she doesn't end up hurting Toroko in the process, or at least as much as she can be given the situation.

Quote (403) has posed:
    Quote, a startled and worried look on his face as he hears the warehouse wall crashed through, makes a break towards the action. He's a bit slow compared to Blurr or Staren however. He makes up for a lack of speed, somewhat, by recklessly jumping. Robot boy can definitely jump, as well as a mimiga perhaps, but he'll arrive too late to make much of a difference. Probably.

Quote (403) has posed:
    King also follows, but he's even less likely to arrive in time than Quote.

Auron (236) has posed:
    Nope. Auron's not going to get there in time. Not being able to fly, teleport, or anything of that nature means he's limited to climbing and jumping. He's doing both pretty well for a human, but well... he's only human. He's late enough to see that hitting the bubble, both with lasers and physical attacks, does nothing.

    So instead he reaches in his coat for an item. It looks like a tiny marble with a spark inside it. He tosses the marble up into the air after a moment of concentration. And it'll make lightning. Not at the bubble. At Misery. There's nothing they can do about the bubble, it seems. So he looks to the one who made it. "Let her go." It's a flat request. One spoken in a tone that says he doesn't expect to be listened to.

Roll (3) has posed:
    KABOOOM! What was that? Roll was talking with Quote, or trying to, but the sudden ruckus.... "C'mon, Rush! Let's see a Rush jet!" Even if she's flying low, speed is speed. A wave of light traverses her body, casting off the normal red dress in favor of skintight ceratanium armor, red and pinkish, and a helmet that covers everything but her face... ponytail dangling out through a hole in its back.

    She comes flying through the hole after the broad robot and goes skidding across the ground, mega buster at the ready in case of trouble. And there is indeed trouble. She sees the witch. And the bubbles. And she's smart enough to put two and two together.

    Misery is NOT a friend.

    "Let her go!" Unfortunately she can't shoot, or do anything else of the sort. Shootin the bubbles might hurt the girl. Shooting Misery is against the first law at the moment. And she has no way to know how that magic's gonna react to anything.

    But oh, just because she has to obey the first law in this case doesn't mean that Misery has to know about that! So Roll raises her buster, and charges energy very visibly. Her armor glows brilliantly, especially around the Buster's barrel... an ominous build-up's occuring in it, hints of plasma crackling and intensifying... "Let her go!"

    The only thing she CAN'T do is actually fire.

Blurr has posed:
    Suddenly, that creepy blue girl and another, bigger, mechanoid show up and crash into a warehouse, then start taking the smaller Mimiga hostage. Wait, did Misery just call it 'Sue'? But wasn't Sue human? Something isn't right here. It sounds to him that this 'Doctor' person has been conducting experiments on Sakamoto. And also that King had either been lying or ignorant.

    When he sees that Staren's laser-based attacks don't appear to do anything to the strange containment field, he decides to target the caster herself. She's using that staff thing to do it, isn't she? The one she'd used on them earlier. Like a flash of lightning he draws his stun weapon from an arm compartment, dashing toward the partially torn-down building, and trains it on Misery. PEW. So what does electricity do to misery? Let's find out. Hopefully there's not too much collateral damage...

Leyanne Mace (154) has posed:
Leyanne Mace isn't bound by any 'First Law' or anything like that. She brings the shotgun to her shoulder and pulls the trigger - aiming to get her shot in before Kanade is too close for buckshot. As soon as there's a chance that she might hit her ally, she swaps target to Balrog - and she doesn't hesitate. She just racks the slide and sends another 8-gauge cartridge of double-aught buck towards the robot. Now Leyanne is in her comfort zone; she might not be good at much else, but the mouse knows how to fight.

Quote (403) has posed:
    Kanade's leap carries her at Misery, who doesn't seem bothered by the threat. The girl's blade does do something however, carving into the bubble carrying Toroko. Unlike the laser, the physically-manifested weapon does some damage. Not enough to destroy it, but enough to send it spinning and rolling. Toroko, inside, loses her footing and begins to wail in terror.

    Misery herself simply doesn't stick around for abuse from blades, shotguns, bolts, lasers, or anything. She shimmers away, the attacks passing through the space where she was. She appears a few seconds later, standing in the opposite corner of the room from where she'd been. "Balrog." says Misery, looking bored at the various attacks. "The rest is up to you." she says, waving that staff once again. She hovers up into the air, seating herself on the staff like a witch on her broom, then abruptly she vanishes, as does Toroko. Toroko's words echo weirdly in the air as she vanishes. "I'm the WRONG PERSON!" she insists... far too late.

    The robot, apparently named Balrog, blinks in surprise and looks at the PCs. "Not THIS again. I ALWAYS have to clean up." he complains. "And I'm the one who found her, not Misery!"

    He purses his mechanical lips, seeming to be almost shaking his head... except of course his head is most of his body, larger than the entire body of a normal-sized person. "So. What's up?" he asks, studying the others casually. Staren with his pistol. Kanade with her hand weapon. Tiny with the shotgun, Roll with the buster beam charging. Auron with a blade slung over his shoulder, and a coat full of tricks.

    Really, only Blurr seems to impress him. Blurr who's about four times his height, though no wider than the toaster-shaped robot. There's a ping and a hail of shot as Leyanne's second shot slams into him, though it seems to do little damage to the robot's thick shell of armor. He turns around again, slowly. "Hey. Want to fight?" he asks. With Misery and Toroko gone there seems little point, and he doesn't sound like he's being belligerent or that Leyanne's attack caused him any great harm. He just seems curious, apparently, and perhaps a bit eager. There's no telling if he's challenging Leyanne, Blurr, or the entire group put together. Perhaps not even Balrog knows.

Leyanne Mace (154) has posed:
Leyanne Mace sniffs and looks at Balrog, slinging her shotgun up onto one shoulder with a sniff. Looking up at where Misery went, then at Balrog, she shrugs. "It's kind of expected in this kind of situation, right? But to be honest, there's... well... not much point if you're not going to attack us just to get us out of the way. On the other hand, if you actually want to fight, I'm game. To the death, to the knockout, or even to the knock-down."

Blurr has posed:
    Wait, so that -wasn't- Sue, then. Misery had been wrong. So where was she? Blurr had expected the other robot to just attack right off the bat, but he didn't. "Actually, no." The Autobot shakes his head. "I'm more interested in where that person you called 'Misery' went, in fact. She does sound like somewhat of a glitchead, eh? Leaving everyone else to the dirty work. Also, anyone have any idea how to get out of this cave without blowing it up?"

Staren has posed:
    Misery vanishes! Tch... Staren flies towards Toroko's bubble, only to be confronted by Misery again! He tries to shoot her again, but she's probably able to leave since she doesn't want to fight.

    "NO!" Staren punches a wall. He looks down at Balrog, flying down closer to him. "Who are you?! What is the Doctor /doing/?! Why is he hunting and killing the mimigas?!" He tries to look intimidating, but... Balrog is xbox hueg, man.

Kanade Tachibana (512) has posed:
    Kanade lands on the ground with a soft click, turning to face Balrog with a swish of her hair on account of the turn. She stands there for a while, her stare even more grueling than it was when she was listening to Quote. One might wonder if she was going to charge him with that sword of hers at any moment given her hard to read expressions (or lack thereof, probably), but ultimately, she doesn't. Her sword disintegrates again and she walks clear out of the warehouse without another word.

    Once outside, she dutifully spreads her wings, taking to the sky again. For a while, she just looks for Toroko, soaring in circles.

    She already has a guilty conscience over others things, and this really, really is not helping. But finding the little girl is infinitely more pressing than fighting a robot lunchbox with a lax disposition.

Quote (403) has posed:
    Balrog turns around to talk to Blurr again. It's a lumbering process. Balrog's not really someone who can turn on a dime. "You have NO idea." he says, shaking his massive head. Body. Whatever. "Oh well. I guess she went to wherever the Doctor is now. In his lab, probably." the cheerful box on legs reveals.

    He lumbers back around to look at the others. "I have no idea why he's doing stuff. He doesn't tell us why, he just tells us what to do." The robot raises its flipper-like arms in something resembling a shrug. "And we do it. But hey, he didn't tell me I had to clean up Misery's messes, she did. And I don't have to do what she says, do I?" he says, sounding like he's being infinitely impressed by his own cleverness.

    He beams down at Tiny. "You? Want to fight me with that little gun?" he asks, genuinely pleased. "Y'know, that'd be fun. But that also sounds a lot like cleaning up after Misery. Maybe next time, okay?" he offers, raising those flippers again in that weird shrugging motion. "I should ... well, hm. Get going, I guess?"

Roll (3) has posed:
    ".... No, not really." Roll powers down the Buster system, letting the energy safely drain back into her systems, though some dissipates. She keeps the armor on, but the Buster melts away in shifting energies and swirling armor plating, becoming her hand again. If an armored hand.

    "Why did you come here? You made a big mess!" Is all she can think to say to Balrog, after what the otehrs belted out. But Roll's spirit is struck hard here... they lost their best lead, and now the Doctor has someone ELSE to do... probably unspeakable things to.

Deelel has posed:
Deelel is now moving with the group she pauses looking at the robot and kinda of stares at it for a long moment. She doesn't move to fight as it looking at it if the other goe well she's not back them up. She keeps her staff ready but does not prime it, she makes her self ready however just incase this does go south.

Leyanne Mace (154) has posed:
Leyanne Mace shrugs a little, smirking. "An M90 like this has brought down some pretty big foes, friend." She says, patting the stock of the M90 with her organic hand. "But if I'm honest? I'd prefer to fight'cha bareknuckle with a gun." She nods, casually swinging the shotgun back down into both hands and reloading it. "You gotta do what you gotta do. Name's Tiny." She gives Balrog a nod, one professional to another.

Blurr has posed:
    Blurr can't help but regard Balrog with an amused smirk. He looks like...an oversized human cooking appliance. Seriously. And watching him try to turn around, has the speedster stifling a laugh. He looks completely ridiculous, now that the Autobot has more time to fully take in his structure. Hm, so, a lab. It seems he was right in assuming someone was doing experiments. Once he's gotten the laughter under control, he finally replies, "So why do you listen to her, then? And why do you listen to him? Did he build you?"

Staren has posed:
    Staren blinks. "Where /is/ the Doctor's lab?" They have to get /something/ out of this guy! Directly asking is worth a shot...

Quote (403) has posed:
    Balrog might say something along the lines of 'size isn't everything', but that'd be a bit disingenuous given he quite clearly fights using his bulk. He grins broadly at Leyanne. "Or maybe next time we meet, I'll have some weapons!" he says cheerfully. "Look, uh, I should get going. I can't really talk about what the Doctor's doing, or about why we follow his orders. Because that'd ... you know, break orders. But nah, he didn't BUILD me or anything! He never ordered me not to tell anyone he just showed up a few weeks ago!"

    Balrog looks up, shrugs. "Don't think I can tell you anything more. Besides, we're probably enemies." he says offhandedly. Like he's not sure, but doesn't much care. "Time to go. Huzzah!" he says, shouting the last and leaping upwards.

    The warehouse roof really doesn't have much of a chance. Balrog crashes through it on the way up, even before booster jets kick in and send him rocketing upwards. Rocks fall. Hopefully not everyone dies.

Leyanne Mace (154) has posed:
Leyanne Mace shrugs "Just because we're on different sides don't mean we can't be civil." Leyanne comments, before watching him boot skywards. As the rocks start to fall, so does Leyanne's face. "We'd better make sure nobody's hurt by those rocks. But am I the only one who thinks those two are just a little bit fuckin' weird? I mean, even by multiverse standards."

Staren has posed:
    Staren blinks. Hmm. What kind of relationship do they have with the Doctor? Balrog is following his orders, but doesn't seem to have his boss's best interests at heart. Hmm... "Wait!" Staren takes off after him, then gets pinned under a rock. In the time it takes to free himself, Balrog has escaped. "Dammit!" Staren pounds the floor with his fist before standing up. He looks at Leyanne and nods slightly, gruffly. "Yeah. He doesn't seem to care for his boss, but he follows orders. We might be able to use that if we meet him again..."

Blurr has posed:
    Well Blurr didn't really expect too much out of the simpleton. But actually, he'd gotten a little more than he'd expected, which was good. And then rocks are falling. "Slag it!" He tries to punch away any falling debris that might land on people, or shoot them to blow them up before they strike.

Deelel has posed:
Deelel thinks a fight right now isn't a good diea and the robot seems to be willing to drop them some info. She's willing to let him go over there and she keeps her staff lowered. She can help with any sort of clean up. She tilts her head a little bit and starts thinking as the robot darts off. They have some more information which is better than nothing, right?

Auron (236) has posed:
    Auron didn't even try to follow. When it became apparent that 1) they weren't going to stop Misery /or/ get the rabbit girl back, and 2) no fight was going to happen, he turned instead to getting a way out. He looks to Leyanne. "Do you have that warpgate? Let's set it up."

Leyanne Mace (154) has posed:
Leyanne Mace looks up and blinks at Auron, then remembers that she had the thing stored in her suit's backpack. "Yeah."
Said backpack is removed and opened, Leyanne removing the components - several metal tubes to form an arch, and some esoteric gubbinz that actually do the work of making the warpgate. "You want to get on the power supply while I set the arch up?"