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A Start for a Sitcom
Date of Scene: 27 August 2014
Location: The Central Valley
Synopsis: Calumnia takes one very wrong turn with a Warp Gate and runs into Kotone whose out exploring the multiverse yet again.
Cast of Characters: Kotone Yamakawa, 514

Calumnia (514) has posed:
    And so on a perfectly ordinary day in the multiverse the sun is shining, birds are flying, and somewhere or another giant amphibious mind-melting abominations have been televised. In /this/ particular locale, however, a small, somewhat bald horse (lacking any coat but a mane and tail) appears to be /thoroughly/ disoriented, as if it were confused as to it's present location, and perhaps, why some vandal had saw fit to glue a rather poorly made crooked horn to its head, and tacked on a pair of ragamuffin wings that looked like they had been mauled by a terrior getting hold of a fairy costume.

    ...Of course the odd catlike eyes are just plain odd.

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa is just out exploring again trying to take in this small part of the multivers it's a pretty nice little area. The young cyborg seems iuntent on just exploring, right? However she wasn not expecting to see a horse like this and she just kinda of stared for a very long moment.

"Are you all right?"

Calumnia (514) has posed:
    Oh! Look! A human. Well, she looks enough like a human anyway. The horse blinks a few times as it's addressed, and in a feminine voice (meaning 'it' is likely female, promptly responds in a jumble of melodic words that take FULL use of the wonderfully convenient effect of translation.

    "Physically? Fine! Bump on the head from landing but other than that just dandy. Mentally? Wondering how in the hayseed I ended up here. I swear those gates need street signs."

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa says "Oh you look a bit like hell..."

She's run into people from pony land before or whatever the name is. She looks at the Pony woman and tilts her head.

"You likely came out of the gate from the sounds of things."

Calumnia (514) has posed:
    "From your tone I imagine that isn't a good thing. Yes, I came from a gate. Just not entirely sure how I ended up here in particular. I had intended to visit a neighboring world to send a letter to a friend but..." Her shoulders roll in a shrug, wings buzzing a touch. "Here I am."

    The 'pony' woman or mare, in particular, glances around. 'Oh that note would you happen to know where 'here' is?" A pause, apparently considering something, "Oh, and my name is Calumnia."

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa says "You didn't pick where you were going from the sounds of it or punched in the wrong place to go. It just happens some times. My early experiances in the multiverse. I'm Kotone, if your lost, maybe I can help you if you need it I'm just been exploring here myself."

Calumnia (514) has posed:
    "The gates in question are more of just doorways, but I suppose... Still I'd be grateful if you could give me some advice for getting home to my Equestria, though there isn't too much of a rush. It's nice to meet new po-- ... people, after all." At least when they're open minded. "So, it's a pleasure to meet you Kotone."

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa Says "The problem would be finding your Equestria but the location should be in the list of recent uses I think. It's good to meet new people I didn't mean to assume... what I did when I saw you I'm the last person who should make assumptions like that."

Calumnia (514) has posed:
    That elicits a curious tilt of the head, green mane falling to one side. "What do you mean?"

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa says "Well given my own personal history I looked... lets just say it wasn't good and leave it at that, right?"

Calumnia (514) has posed:
    "Ahh I see. You thought my appearance meant something was wrong with me." The mare sounds a touch hurt, but not particularly surprised. Then slowly, her body warps, wings sinking away into her back as a grey coat rolls out in an almost lazy ripple from hide-like flesh. Her horn straightens into an elegant spire and her pupils round out until she looks like nothing insomuch as a Unicorn. "Does this fit your expectations better?"

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa says "You looked like you might have been injured...."

At least she wasn't well thinking they were malformed she was thinkign someone had done bad things to them. IT wasn't intently and then when the body warps she /stares nearly falling over in shock.


Calumnia (514) has posed:
    "Well, I'm grateful for the concern." She replies with a smirk that actually looks playfully bemused from the reaction. "But no that's generally what I actually look like when I don't make an effort to be different."
    And to demonstrate, she slowly stands up, features shifting in a protean, somewhat even grotesque way as flesh crawls and reshapes. until she's balancing on two legs, proportions altering until she looks like nothing insomuch as an anthropomorphic mare, and then they continue, coming to a full human appearance, complete with a very basic charcoal grey sweater and skirt which, logically, would reason are actually /part of her body/. "Appearances can be decieving. Hence my name." And then she reverts, reversing the transition.

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa watches more than a little stunned at the transformation before her she can't help but watch. She's not seen this sort of thing often. She looks at Calumnia for a long moment she's spooked a bit but then again the way the flesh was resharping might wig someone out who was not used to it. She doesn't run and she takes a moment to take in Calumnia's full apperance now. She nods a little bit then watches the process go backwards.

"That's... some ability you have there...to be anyone you can think up..."

Calumnia (514) has posed:
    "Everything has a cost. It's not especially easy but since I don't have to use it much lately I can afford to show off a little." This is flavored with a smirk. "Still, it's not really as grand as you make it sound. A mask is a mask, I'm just able to make really good ones."

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa says "I know about everything having a cost I know that painfully well. All too well, I guess it's the same for you. I suspect ... a lot of place would fear shapeshifters, wouldn't they?"

Calumnia (514) has posed:
    "Actually I have encountered remarkably little fear from the talent. It's a few other quirks about me." She responds, showing off fangs with a smirk. They're not meat-eating teeth either; they're a parasite's fangs, though close inspection woudl reveal they're neither hollow nor channeled.

    "In any case, it's getting on in the day and I should probably get home. Could you show me the way, perhaps?"

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa says "Really huh well that's something to be thankful for... and that's not something I'd ecpect. Well I'd be happy to show you the way."

She offers to lead the way with a slight bow to head for the gate. She should be able to get Calmunia, home right?