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Sandwiches and Spies
Date of Scene: 27 August 2014
Location: Bar and Grill at the Edge of the Multiverse
Synopsis: While eating dinner at the Bar and Grill, Toph meets another Avenger who seems far less trustworthy than the others she has met so far...
Cast of Characters: 20, 555

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Thanks to things going on nowadays, the blind earthbender has decided to stay away from downtown Malibu for a while. Meeting a paparazzi and a reporter the other day was bad enough with all the silly questions and them shoving the camera and microphone up into her face and all... and then getting mad when she metalbended them and ran off. What the hell was she supposed to do with them when they didn't want to leave her alone and asked her stupid questions that were none of their business? Well, at least Tony didn't get mad at her, and he ought to know how one is supposed to handle paparazzi.

    To avoid being bothered during her dinner today, Toph has headed to the Bar and Grill, finding herself a nice and quiet booth in the back. There's some people here, but none of them seem interested in bothering her, as they are busy with their own meals and not about to snap photos of her. Which means that she gets to enjoy her sandwiches and soda in peace. While she /is/ more used to BLT sandwiches (with a heavy focus on the bacon), these club sandwiches don't seem bad either, she notes. And she looks quite content where she's sitting, chewing away happily as she leans back in her seat. It almost looks like she's tempted to fling her feet up on the table, but instead she keeps one foot up on the seat.

    Good food, peace and quiet for dinner even if she's eating alone. Perhaps Tony and Pepper will have time to eat dinner with her tomorrow. Then again, she's big enough to handle herself.

Natasha Romanova (555) has posed:
    Oh, the media are *definitely* abuzz about Tony and Pepper's decision to adopt Toph. Iron Man is going to have a daughter! It was as if Pepper were having a baby! Except...not. Everyone's still excited as heck, though. That is, everyone except Nick Fury. Nope, Fury is pretty annoyed with this, in fact...


    The man stood before a glass panel television upon which played a newsfeed announcing Iron Man's decision to officially adopt the young Toph Beifong. He sits down and calls one of his top agents. Natasha Romanova, aka Black Widow.

    The redheaded Russian enters the office a few minutes later, glancing at the TV and then down at Fury's disgruntled disposition. "I take it you are not amused."

    Fury rolls his one good eye. "'Not amused...'" he mutters. "What was Stark THINKING? This kid could crush him in his suit like a banana under ten pounds of steel if she ever lost it, and he's ADOPTING her?!"

    Romanova's face remains one of calm indifference. "Well he's been taking care of her for a while now. I suppose they trust each other."

    Fury shakes his head. "Of course they trust each other. But what is she, twelve? Someone hands her a lollipop and the rest could be *history*. Romanoff," He stands up. "I have need of your skills in the field..."


    As Toph sits there enjoying her dinner, a redheaded young woman enters the restaurant and is seated by the hostess in the booth directly opposite hers. She looks pretty typical, dressed in sweats and jeans, with a medium-sized tote bag over her shoulder. She pulls her sunglasses off of her face, putting them on her head as she picks up the menu and starts examining it.

    If Toph had never noticed her before, she might not have reason for alarm. But perhaps she has noticed her, because she's been expertly trailing the girl for the past couple of days. Now just about any other typical 12-year-old probably would have been completely clueless, but the Greatest Earthbender in the Multiverse just *might* have caught on to something by now.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Indeed, Toph /could/ kill Tony easily. But she won't, which is why she's in the Union. After spending time with the Avatar, the blind girl has gotten a taste for heroism. Sure, it's hard work. But getting the adoration and approval of the masses does feel good, and it's a good opportunity to show off, right? To prove to herself that she's as great as she says she is. And her friends as well as her new family? They are people she will fight tooth and nail for, and they know it.

    Not everybody know that though.

    It's a bit weird though how seeing people recognize each other, at least for Toph. But there are other ways to recognize people. Like their gait, their body shape, the way they move, how they breathe... the sound of them. And unless she is severely mistaken, there is something really familiar about the woman sitting next to her. While she does continue chewing her food, Toph also moves her one leg so she can get both feet back on the floor and perhaps get a better sense of the woman. Yup, body shape is the same, though she can't be completely sure. But there is something about this lady...

    "Hey, lady!"

    Toph turns slightly towards the peculiar woman's table. "Can I borrow your ketchup bottle? This one is empty..." Better test something.

Natasha Romanova (555) has posed:
    Natasha turns calmly toward the young girl. It's been two days. Thus far she'd *appeared* completely oblivious, at least until now. But it had been expected. Given her abilities, Natasha didn't think Toph would go for long without picking up on something.

    The woman smiles sweetly and nods. "Of course, hon." She takes the ketchup bottle from her table and makes her way over to Toph's, setting it down in front of her. Glancing at the booth that contains only one small girl, she frowns slightly. "You're not here by yourself, are you?"

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    When the lady makes her way over to the table and sets the ketchup bottle down, Toph reaches over and takes it. "Thanks." The red condiment is applied generously to her fries. Though she blinks when she is asked whether she is really here on her own. "Yeah, I am. I was hungry and decided to grab dinner," Toph explains, feigning innocence as best as she can. "Why you asking, lady?" Now that her fries have a decent amount of ketchup, she holds the ketchup bottle out for the woman to take.

Natasha Romanova (555) has posed:
    Natasha takes the bottle back, but doesn't go back to her table right away. Instead, a look of concern and compassion crosses it. "I know this is the Multiverse, but where I'm from it's not every day you see someone as young as yourself having to eat at a restaurant alone. I guess I thought you'd be with your parents or at least with friends." Of course, Natasha actually knows full well why Toph is alone, and knows who her parents are. She's not telling a *complete* lie, more of a partial truth.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    As Natasha speaks, she might notice that there is a subtle change on Toph's face. Her eyes narrow slightly, and even as she takes a bite out of her sandwich, she seems rather focused. "Look, I often go here. Nothing bad has happened, and I don't need anybody to hold my hand. Believe me, if I don't get home when I'm supposed to, I won't hear the end of it." Tony does seem rather paranoid after the whole incident with that emotion feeding spirit...

    "Other people are busy, and I was hungry. What's the big deal?" Here the blind girl shrugs, seeming casual about it. There's something going on here. "You always worry about girls who eat on their own?"

Natasha Romanova (555) has posed:
    "You know, I'm not too sure about that." Natasha says, still smiling. "You're the first one I've seen in a while. I just thought it was kind of unusual." Now she is full-on lying, but there's no heart racing, faster breathing, or tense posture. In fact it's really difficult to tell what she's really feeling at all. If indeed she's just a very concerned and compassionate young lady. Or if...she has ulterior motives.

    Natasha nods at Toph's dismissal of her feign concern, stepping away from the table. "Alright, alright. I get it. I was just asking, just in case. Better to ask, in case someone *is* in a dire situation, than ignore and let them go on suffering, right?"

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    This does not make any sense. Normally it's easy to tell when people are lying. You hear their heart rate and breathing change, you notice them fidgeting... all in addition to hearing it in their voice, no matter how hard they try to hide it. But this lady... she isn't reacting like people normally do. Her heart is stable and unchanged, her breathing is calm... The things do not match up? Because judging by the underlying tone in her voice, she would say she is lying. But the rest... says she's not. So which is it?

    But one thing is for certain. She got something more to go off of. Sure, she /could/ alert the Union. But this is neutral territory. And what does an earthbender do? They face things head on.

    "Why are you following me?"

    The comment might come as a surprise, and Toph's expression goes more serious. "Don't lie. I will be able to tell."

Natasha Romanova (555) has posed:
    Natasha isn't surprised at the question, at all. She figured this was coming at one point or another. So she smoothly transitions into the next phase of the plan. She steps back up to the table, and slides into the seat across from Toph. "I'm an associate of Stark's. That is, your new dad." She says evenly, placing her hands one on top of the other in front of her on the table, her expression and posture still unreadable. A slight half-smile pulls at one side of her lips. "Congratulations, Miss Beifong." Her words are soft and creepy at the same time.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    That suspicious look is still there on the girl's features as Natasha sits down in the booth uninvited. Just who does she think she is? It's not like she was given permission to sit down in the first place!

    What really gets Toph's attention however is the revelation that this woman supposedly works with Tony. And from what she can hear, it seems like she's telling the truth. At least about this.

    The blind girl is outright frowning now, her food ignored as she narrows her unseeing eyes. No, she does not like this at all. Why hasn't Tony mentioned this person before if she's an associate of his? Yet Natasha should be able to tell that Toph isn't scared.

    Instead she leans forward, resting both hands on each side of her plate. "Great, so you know who I am. Who doesn't nowadays?" she grumbles. No, this wasn't how she thought she would become famous, at least not in Tony's world. "I /am/ the greatest earthbender in the multiverse, as well as the first person to metalbend. I fought in the WMAT twice. But you... all I know about /you/," Toph states and points directly across the table, "is that you're being a creepy stalker. Who the CRUD are you?"

Natasha Romanova (555) has posed:
    Creepy stalker is Natasha's job. Among other unpleasant things. And who doesn't indeed. Romanova knows all about WMAT, metalbending, and everything Toph can do and has done. That's what the Index is for, after all.

    While the blind girl isn't scared, but definitely becoming disconcerted, the young Russian woman doesn't appear fazed by anything that has been said thus far. Who the crud is she? "I'm Natasha Romanoff, with the Strategic Homeland Intervention Espionage and Logistics Division otherwise known as S.H.I.E.L.D." she answers. "I've worked with Stark on several occasions." Like oh, saving him from a maniacal Vanko. "I'm surprised you're his daughter now and he's never told you about me." She remarks, which is also a lie--she's -not- surprised. Stark trusts her about as far as he can throw her, really.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Natasha...? Toph files that name away for later, and she snorts when the woman comments on the fact that she hasn't been mentioned. "Maybe you weren't worth mentioning," she huffs. Oh yes, she's got an attitude.

    "Why are you following me?" Toph decides to ask next, paying extra close attention. Perhaps she can hear something if she focuses real well. S.H.I.E.L.D... why the hell does that name sound familiar? There's so many new terms and all, and she can hardly pay attention to them all, now can she? "I know about the Avengers. I have met most of them, and they're in the Union," Toph adds where she sits... then reaches a hand out to pick up one of her fries.

Natasha Romanova (555) has posed:
    Natasha chuckles. She doesn't mind the attitude. She quite expects it. Yes, she's read Toph's personality profile, too. It's important to understand your targets. Besides, not being worth mentioning sometimes comes in handy. "Heh. Of course you know about the Avengers. You live with Iron Man."

    She watches the fry get picked up and shoved into a mouth. That's a good sign, the girl is getting more comfortable, if only by a little bit. One step at a time. "Following people happens to be my job. For their own good, of course." After all, if she'd had any sinister purposes, she would have put them into action long ago. Right? She's been following her for two whole days already.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    What is so damn funny? Toph's expression is not one of amusement. Natasha can prattle on and on all that she wants, it's not going to make Toph forget just what is going on here. "Honey," Toph begins in a patronizing tone. "I'm /blind/, not stupid. Or does this S.H.I.E.L.D group have /that/ crappy intel...?" Hey, if she's gonna waste her time, then why shouldn't Toph do the same in return? "I asked /why/ you are following me. And you still haven't answered me." Not nice, lady.

    Another fry is taken and stuffed into her mouth, though make no mistake, she's paying rapt attention to Natasha.

Natasha Romanova (555) has posed:
    Oh, Natasha could tell Toph just how good SHIELD's intel is. She knows all about where the metalbender came from, who her biological parents are, how she met Tony, how she had recently been fed upon by some kind of otherwordly spirit creature who seemed to feast upon her emotions, and even the names of every Union ally who had come to her aid in defeating that monster. But as talented as Black Widow is, she isn't so full of herself like Tony is. There's no need to brag about SHIELD's assets.

    So she just replies with "I'm sorry," Though her tone is far from apologetic. "Did I insinuate that you were stupid? Because that definitely wasn't my intention. I told you I was following you because it's my job. If that's not reason enough for you..."

    She stands up, then. "Well it'll have to be. At least for now. S.H.I.E.L.D has your best interests at heart, just remember that. If you're having trouble believing that, then just ask your new parents, okay?" Natasha continues gently, then starts to leave, but turns back to her momentarily. "Enjoy the rest of your meal." And just like that, Agent Romanoff is gone, slipping easily into the throngs of other restaurant patrons.