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Dirt versus Gloves - An Epic Battle
Date of Scene: 30 August 2014
Location: TARGET: DBZ Zone 92
Synopsis: Rivals Kilik and Toph meet for a target battle... and decide to do it differently. Who really has the most guts here?
Cast of Characters: 20, 127

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    True to her word, the greatest earthbender of all time stands ready, arms crossed across her chest where she waits for her opponent. Nothing like a target battle to ease up on some boredom. And Kirikou Rung... he's a guy she's fought before. They both know what the other can do, and both want a clean fight. So she's not worried.

    Standing out on the open plains, she waits patiently for him to arrive. This ought to be interesting...

Kirikou (127) has posed:
    Kilik saunters onto the field, showing no sign of nervousness whatsoever. In fact he's just SO relaxed that the Twins are with him openly, walking rather than in their Weapon form. He's never been to DBZ zone 92, but he's been briefed on it. Battle preparedness is definitely a thing, and he's done his homework. He only likes to act like he's never had any deep thoughts in his head, or that he's entirely spontaneous when it comes to things like battle.

    When he spots Toph, he waves. As do the twins, beaming and looking adorable. They've been remarkably bouncy ever since coming through the warpgate, perhaps reacting to the odd volatility of the local earth. Kirikou has each hand clasped with one of theirs, and he's practically having to hold them to keep them from flying off like balloons. Figuratively speaking anyways. They're not actually in danger of floating or of jumping to immense heights, but they're ACTING like they might.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Perhaps it's the fact that Toph /likes/ the twins, and she's never shown the slightest interest in hurting them. Why, she even raises a hand to offer a wave to the two kids, all while giving a slight smirk. This ought to be fun! She's never fought in this place before, and who knows what will happen?

    "Hah, gotta say I'm surprised, Gloves... that you are brave enough to come and face me /again/," she states with a smug look on her face. "After all, I beat you twice. Never thought you'd come here looking for another fight!"

    At least she seems spirited enough, huh? Once they get closer, she even reaches out her hands to fistbump the twin weapons. Nice to 'see' you guys again!

Kirikou (127) has posed:
    Kilik grins good-naturedly at Toph's smug taunt. He actually seems to genuinely not resent those past losses. And well he might... losses, to him, are incentive to improve. They're proof he's got more to learn, and incentive to try harder. And besides, the more he fights stronger opponents, the hotter his soul will burn. He doesn't fight his strongest against a weak opponent, and Toph's a good one for him to train against. She's never shown any interest in harming him... just in beating him. And of course, in having a good fight.

    Kilik sees Toph raise her hands in a familiar gesture, and he lets the Twins get close enough to raise their little fists to Toph's. He smirks, amused, as the three little ones fistbump like real fighters. Not that they aren't real fighters, but still it's pretty amusing. "Of course I'm looking for another fight! I wouldn't come here looking to beat your ass in an eating contest!" he insists teasingly. "Little girl like you wouldn't stand a chance, even WITH your big mouth!"

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Hi there little ones! Toph beams, greeting her fellow warriors. Sure, they are on different sides in this multiversal conflict... but they are the most decent feds she knows. And while Kilik might be an ass, she knows that he is at least honorable and doesn't need to worry about her life. Just like she won't be out for his blood either.

    Though she can't help but arch an eyebrow when Kilik delivers his little quip. "What? I could totally beat your sorry ass at that too.I bet you can't even burp properly!" she claims with a snort, resting one hand on her hip while she reaches out to prod Kilik in the chest with one dirty little index finger. "No matter how we settled this, I would still be the bigger man, Gloves."

    So let's get started already!

Kirikou (127) has posed:
    "HAH!" The laugh erupts from Kirikou, bold and entirely unforced. He crosses his arms, looking at Toph, body language screaming scepticism and ironic amusement. "If you really got something to prove, put your money where your mouth is. Or your mouth where your fists are." he pauses, considers. "Well, something like that. We can find some place that serves a big plate of something. Chicken wings, ribs, hot dogs, pies... something like that." He grins, and the grin is something wolfish. "If you can't finish your plate faster than I can, you slink back home with your tail between your legs." He sniggers. "Bigger man, yeah. You're none too girly, I'll admit, but it'd be a lot safer for your ego to fight me. Less chance you'll lose and have to go crying home." he taunts.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    What, he's /serious/?

    The blind girl blinks at that, listening to him as he actually seems intent on going with that weird idea of his. "You... /want/ to have an eating contest?" she questions. That would sure as hell be a different way to do a target battle, wouldn't it? Pardon her for looking suspicious. "You mean that you will be running off like the loser you are," Toph snorts, her expression one of determination. "And what the crud are you talking about? I don't cry." No, she's too tough for such childish stuff. But if this guy wants to challenge her to an eating contest...?

"You're on. We can always ask somebody to bring food here. And to serve as a judge. Just in case you get any crazy ideas about /cheating/!" It wouldn't be below him!

Kirikou (127) has posed:
    Kirikou was half-serious at best. Mostly he was just teasing the little Dirtbender, tweaking her pride. Sure they could fight. That's what happens when Union and Confederate meet, right? At least that's what happens when there's something at stake and it's not some social occasion. But Kilik likes being a little quirky. He's the Fist user at a school where Meisters use traditionally deadly weapons. He uses two weapons when almost none choose the handicap of poorer resonance in exchange for the potential extra power when able to actually pull off something approaching full resonance. He doesn't mind unconventional... besides, does he really want to hit Toph, risk putting her in the hospital? There's the risk to himself too of course, but he doesn't care so much about that. It's hard, getting fired up to fight someone he considers a friend.

    "Hey!" he complains. "I don't cheat!" he says, sounding quite definitely indignant at the accusation. He may be a Fed, but he has nothing if not pride. "I don't NEED to cheat. Pick your food of choice. Something meaty by preference, then let's get it here! If you're gonna be bellyaching over this, best it happens AFTER the match!"

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    So it's decided. Toph snorts and shrugs her shoulders. "Of course we want MEAT. Unless your tummy is as sensitive as the rest of you." She had hurt Kilik pretty badly the last two times they fought... the first time she even messed up his let, didn't she?

    "Very well. If you want to lose so badly..." Toph reaches down to grab her radio, narrowing her unseeing eyes. "We will be sitting on the ground. First one to finish all of the stuff wins. If you throw up or get sick, then you're disqualified." How does those rules sound?
    "HEY, multiverse!" she calls into the radio. "Can somebody get us something to eat here? Something meaty, some large portions from somewhere decent. I will pay you back. Just get it over to Zone 92 as quickly as you can."

Kirikou (127) has posed:
    It doesn't take TOO long. The Multiverse being what it is, especially the Dragon Ball portion of it, it's easy to get delivery. Probably a small flying craft from Capsule Corp would be able to send something out, particularly with the resources of a couple of elite fighters paying the bill. It might not be cheap, but it'll be quick and it'll suit.

    And probably it's good food too, just for the sake of a challenge. When Saiyans are potentially a customer, you don't serve just any old crap. You serve it hot, quick, and plentiful. If you know what's good for you, that is.

    What shows up is a set of bowls somewhat over a foot across and perhaps 8 inches deep. Along with corn bread and an array of drinks... water, milk, even beer. It smells pretty good too. The kind of smell that gets the saliva flowing, not to mention clearing the sinuses.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    With things getting set up, Toph sits down on the ground in front of the large bowl. Hmmm, this might even be a challenge. A different kind of challenge! She is a small girl after all, and Kilik might have a larger stomach than her...

    Then again, he hasn't gotten the proper practice eating the Iron Man's cooking.

    "So... the bowl is what counts?" she asks of Kilik, her expression serious even as she picks up the spoon. Seriously, is that one beverage there... beer? Who the hell delivers beer when kids are having an eating contest? Oh well, at least there's milk and corn bread if things get too spicy. But it should be okay. Her tongue and stomach can handle it! Toph swallows, gripping her spoon and waiting for the start of this challenge and rather unorthodox fight.

Kirikou (127) has posed:
    Kirikou nods. This may be a weird challenge, but he intends to take it seriously. "Bread and drinks are optional." he agrees. "Bowl must be clean... hm." he pauses, considers. "Clean enough that it can be held upside down without anything dripping out." he says.

    Then, to add a bit of challenge, Kirikou grins. "Say, why don't we add that to the challenge?" he suggests. "Anything spills, you lose. You have to eat all the chili, not just slop it out onto the ground. Fair?" he asks, grinning. "Eat however ya want. Spoons, hands, whatever." he says. He hands a spoon to each of the Twins, offering them their own bowl to share between them. No, he's not going to have them help him. This is a fair challenge to him!

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Good, they agree on the main issue. Toph nods her head firmly. "Agreed." Though the additional challenge does make her blink. "Well, duuh! Spilling doesn't count! Then you could just pour stuff out, or try to at least!" And we will have /none/ of that! If he had asked the twins to help him, then she would have protested, but with them both sitting on the ground, she will be able to tell if he tries anything funny. Again the blind girl nods, clenching her fist around the spoon and bending it into a ball that she tosses aside. The bowl is gripped with both hands... seems like she intends to eat straight from the bowl!

    "Ready..." Has Toph ever looked this determined?

        "Set..." This is a serious battle, after all.


Kirikou (127) has posed:
    Kilik grins, reaching out to his bowl. He has a spoon in hand, though really he only intends it for portion control. With the rule of no splashing, he figures it's better to eat smaller mouthfuls steadily than to just start pouring it into his mouth or something foolish like that. This match isn't likely to be decided by the speed of getting food into mouth. That counts, sure, but the match ought to be decided by who goes crying for milk first, or who can bear down and finish the bowl fastest as the bottom of the dish approaches.

    Before he starts though, Kilik does attempt ONE little mean trick. "But man... if Lute DOES ever start hitting on you, I totally feel sorry for you." he says. There, that thought ought to turn anyone's stomach. Unfortunately it's just as likely to sour his own... oh well, not the best thought-out attack!

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Toph /does/ start pouring the chili into her mouth, and she starts as soon as possible. Though it's clear she does intend to make sure she abides by the rules, making sure that there's no spillage and as much as possible gets into her mouth, all while she chews and swallows it as best as she can.

    That's when Kilik decides to /cheat/.

    The blind girl's eyes widen slightly, and she chokes just a bit on her food. But luckily she manages to avoid coughing it up and on the ground, instead spitting it back into her bowl. "Oh, don't worry, Gloves..." she states, then raises her foot and sticks it up into Kilik's face. "Because I would /stomp/ him to bits if he ever tried that!"

    Taste some sweaty and dirty feet, you lousy cheater!

Kirikou (127) has posed:
    Kilik wasn't actually trying to make Toph spew her food, but damn that would've been funny wouldn't it? He chortles at her reaction, holding a hand over his mouth to make sure he doesn't accidentally disqualify himself. If it HAD made her lose, he'd have offered her a rematch... but all is good.

    "Ew! Get that thing out of my face!" Kilik insists, mouth half full, brushing his spoon in Toph's general direction. "I'm eating here!" he says. He has no intention of actually contacting foot with spoon of course. That'd end up with him having to eat barehanded.

    The Twins are getting into the contest too, in their own way. They dig in, manage a little bit. The peppers kick in though, after about a minute, and they end up making a break for the water. Not Kilik however. Sure, he feels the heat. His nose starts to stream, his eyes start to water, but the Meister's toughness is legendary. He might slow down a bit to control the urge to throw up, but otherwise he seems quite capable of handling the spice almost as quickly as he can spoon the stuff up. He grins over at Toph. "Hot enough for ya?" he asks. She might be able to get the food into her mouth faster, but how's her tolerance? Will she have to take a break and inhale liquid or bread? Will she have to slow down or risk losing her iron stomach? Only time will tell...

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    "So was I!" Toph says with her mouth full of food.Perhaps they should have gone with extra spicy stuff, in hindsight. Because it looks like Kilik is tolerating the chili well enough. While she can't see his face, he doesn't seem to be slowing down. Sure, it does tickle her tastebuds, but she can handle it hotter than this... The tears running down her cheeks are nothing! She can cool down her tongue later, this she can handle! "Sure you don't need a break to cool off your tongue, Gloves?" she says between mouthfulls of chili. No need for any cooling milk? No?

    By now she's managed to down about half of her bowl... just need to hold on for the final stretch here! Victory is within reach! Like hell if she's going to lose to Kilik! This is a matter of pride! Think of the Union! Don't... give... up...!

Kirikou (127) has posed:
    This was ... okay, perhaps this wasn't a great idea. Still, Kirikou figures he's doing good. He's got a cast-iron stomach and has pride in his eating ability. Also in his toughness. Still, it just might be that the little earthbender's even tougher than he is!

    Kilik continues to strategize. "I'm doing just fine." he says, feeling a rumble within his guts. Ugh, this is NOT good. Quickly he grabs up a hunk of the bread, swiping it into his bowl before popping it into his mouth in the hopes of perhaps slowing down any potential eruption. A loss, he could stomach. So to speak. But puking? That'd just be humiliating!

    Unfortunately, it doesn't seem the bread's going to be quite enough. After another mouthful, Kirikou reaches for some of the milk. He gulps it down quickly. It spills, but that's okay. Spilled milk isn't part of the challenge! It's not that Kirikou's stomach is full exactly. But hey, he does have to fill it up with things other than chili or this is going to become... messy. And not in a good way. Bottoms up!

    Meanwhile, the Twins are manfully struggling through their bowl. Even together, they're not doing nearly so well as either combatant. Their tolerance for spice isn't so high, and neither is their competitiveness or determination. Still, they insist on participating. If they happen to be slopping up more bread and beverage than chili, they're still competing! No beer though. Kilik's not so lax as to allow that. He's not even going to have any himself. No telling WHY it's here, but apparently it's traditional enough with spicy chili eaters that it came as part of the delivery. Not that it was free, of course. No doubt the delivery people are gouging the price somewhat due to the two combatants' willingness to pay for prompt and hot. You can have it fast, you can have it hot, you can have it cheap. Pick any two!

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Oh man, her throat is burning...! Toph reaches for her glass of milk, at least she hopes it's milk... and takes a hefty swallow, only to frown when it's water. Tossing aside the glass, she instead finds the milk glass and swallows it quickly, washing away the spices. Like hell if she's going to waste time and fill up on bread! Settle down! Go the last stretch!

    Why must her stomach be so full...? Sure, she was hungry when she first arrived here, but all this chili is starting to really overpower her. All the tasty meat, strong spices... It's a good thing she's used to eating bigger meals. Even if she's used to eating them /slower/ than this. If she had eaten like this at the long dinners that her parents made her attend, then her father would have been shocked beyond words!

    Right now though, she has doubts whether she can finish the last parts of her bowl in time. She leans forward, starting to devour the last parts of the chili... No time for words! Just focus on what needs to be done!

Kirikou (127) has posed:
    Grimly, Kirikou reaches for more of the bread. "How's it going over there, dirtbender?" he asks. This seems more of a taunt than anything else. Willpower, not normally a problem, is carrying him through in the struggle. He starts running the hunk of bread about the bowl, mopping up what he can. It's not going to be enough. He'd hoped it would be, that this would be the last of it, but the bread saturates and there's still some chili left. Enough that he's not sure it'll stay in if he inverts the bowl.

    Kirikou stuffs the saturated bread into his mouth, making his cheeks puff out. He gags on it, but manfully keeps his mouth closed and begins to chew while he reaches for another hunk of bread to begin mopping up the remainder.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Rather than mopping up the rest of the chili with her bread, Toph sticks her head into the bowl, all before she begins using her right hand to scoop out the rest of the chili, licking it off. It seems like they're both at the end of the bowl! Just the last sloppy bits remain, the coating on the inside of the bowl! And even if Toph looks tired, even if she feels like giving up and falling back... she continues. The Union is depending on her!

    Though finally, as she withdraws her hand and licks at it, she turns the bowl upside down... with nothing spilling out. Sure, the area around her mouth is slightly smeared, but there are no chunks there, nothing dripping off of her face. And after she finishes licking her fingers she sits up straight, making a slight face... before she opens her mouth.


    How can a tiny girl make such a sound? Only after she lets that out does she fall back, raising her right fist in the air with a triumphant and messy grin on her face. "Still got it... Oh man my belly huuuurts...!"

Kirikou (127) has posed:
    Kirikou's finished mopping up the bowl, but his cheeks are still puffed out from the earlier mouthful. He's soooo close to being finished! He could probably just stuff the last piece of bread in there all squirrel-cheeked and turn his bowl over, but that wouldn't be right. He can't claim a victory unless that last mouthful's actually downed. If he'd stuffed his own face inside the bowl and licked it clean, he might have beat the girl. But then, that would involve scraping his tongue along superhot chili that's burning burning burning his mouth. With the bread it's fairly tolerable, but the thought of eating more chili straight at this point makes his eyes water.

    He goes wide-eyed though as Toph finishes and belches. He coughs, covering his mouth, and then keeps coughing, almost choking. Finally though, he manages to down the last of the sodden bread. "You got GUTS!" he wheezes, clearly impressed. "I'd be afraid I'd puke if I did that! Or blow out fire, or something!" He shakes his head, turning his bowl over. "I guess... well, I agreed to this. I'll leave the field." he says.

    With that he pops the last bit of bread in his mouth, letting his gesture make it clear that Toph didn't win this 'fight' by default. No, Kilik fought to the very end, and if he lost it was due to a minor weakness in technique rather than a failure of will.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Damnit, her lips and tongue are burning... she wants yoghurt. Something cool and soothing. Is she breathing flames at this point? It sure feels like it! She heaves for breath where she lies, her arm flopping down on her belly. Ow.

    "Right now my guts feel like they are going to burst..." she whines. Ow. Maybe it would have been less painful to fight over the target zone after all. "I feel like I am going to puke if I move, ugh." When he accepts his defeat gracefully, she has to nod. "Well fought..." Another burp leaves her, and she groans in dismay. Never again!

    At least she won.