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Kryptonian versus Magitek
Date of Scene: 21 August 2014
Location: The Citadel - Field of Trials
Synopsis: A friendly spar match between Zod and one of the Magitek Vanguards.
Cast of Characters: 522, 524, 552

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
Zod was looking for someone to spar against and some of the Engineers of the Garlean Empire have been trying to figure out how well to the Magitek Vanguards would handle outside of the Eorzean territory. Given that they have not had much full time use outside the land-- though there was word that the 14th Legion was planning to deploy some of theirs for a target zone. Yet it was always hard to say if the information was true or-- just a rumor.

Either way in the very open fields of the Confederate owned territory designed just for sparring. A few men and even a few women stand by. A few have tech-pads in there hands as they type, or move things on the devices. One lone machine stands amongst them all.

It is crouched down currently. Its massive lance like arms are in front of its body. Its grilled helm is actually tucked down. There doesn't seem to be any power running to it at the current moment. In truth the Garlean Engineers are waiting for Zod to show up before the power up the black armored, white detailed Magitek drone.

General Zod (524) has posed:
Of course there are spectators as well. Zod's crew is watching from... somewhere safe, given the unknown nature of the General's opponent and such. Zod leads by example, win or lose, and so he brought his crew here to learn something about fighting the alien things they'll encounter in the Multiverse.

Zod himself is just in the black undersuit, since this is just a sparring match. The kryptonian walks up casually to the engineer and nods appreciatively at the Vanguard. "An impressive looking machine. Is it autonomous or does it have a pilot?"

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
The female engineer speaks up. Her blond hair back in a bun, with a few bangs that line her face. She has strange orb in the center of her forehead. Though it is very small and easy to be seen as a jewel of some kind to those who do not understand the Garlemald people.

Her violet eyes glance over Zod before she speaks. "The Magitek Vanguard is an autonomous unit.. though we do have Magitek armors that have pilots, this was our first autonomous units. First use was actually in the war against the Alliance lead by Neal Van Darnus into Eorzea.. we have been updating them still.. so the data we can procure here would be very useful. So please-- don't worry on holding back." She says with a soft smile.

Her team then goes to move back as she turns on her heels to walk away, though she does come to a stop before she looks over her shoulder, "I wish you best of luck, sir.. and any questions you may have-- or anyone may have-- we will be glad to answer after the match." She then continues on.

Her voice then calls over once they are in a safe position, "I am starting up the Vanguard now. It will move into its starting position and it will be on your mark when the fight begins."

There was a goldish red glow in the slits of the helm-head, as power suddenly surges through the Magitek machine. Blue flicker of energy can be seen moving around its body like electrical surges, before at last the machine stands up to its full height of nearly ten to twelve feet tall.

It stands at ready, before it then looks down at Zod. Then it turns away from the Kyrptonian as it goes to walk itself over to the starting position for the combat. As it does walk, one can notice that on its broad shoulders is a spinning like device that has several prongs, at random times, these prongs emit a bluish steam that escape out. Perhaps a venting system of some kind or an add to assist in moving whatever powers these machines.

Soundwave (552) has posed:
General Zod's crew aren't the only spectators to the impending sparring match. A 7-foot high robot, its armor black-and-red, is leaning against a railing overlooking the area, and a large black-and-silver mechanical panther stands on its hind legs with front paws resting on the railing to do the same. Behind them, a tall navy-and-silver robot is kneeling on one knee with a red-and-black mechanical bird perched on his shoulder.

"Who d'ya think'll win?" The smaller robot asks, red visor glancing at the others gathered around him. "My money's on that mech-thing."

The robotic cat snorts next to him. "Idiot. A fleshling does not stand against a machine without a catch."

The robot frowns at the feline, but a low hum emits from the larger mech behind them. "-Rumble. Ravage. Cease discussion.-" Both share a look as if to silently imply that the discussion isn't over, but they nod respectfully in response to the melatone-altered voice before returning their full attention to the impending match.

General Zod (524) has posed:
General Zod figures there's a flaw there, that it's waiting for the command to start. But at the same time, these things would already be activated on a real field of battle, so not really a flaw. Pointing it out or exploiting this would just be churlish. He nods to the engineer when he gets to the 'ring', dropping into a ready stance. He should let it start off the match, so he can get an idea of what it's capable of.

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
Once Zod is in position, they give the signal to start. The Vanguard's slits flare again as the woman yells those words. The Machine quickly moves across the field. Its short legs actually carry it at a good clip.

The gears on the shoulders start to spin up faster as there was suddenly an almost 'jet' flame from its backside of blue flames as the Magitek propelled itself right for Zod. The lancer arm then could be seen spinning around this time, before it blasted the drill bit tip forward like a skewer or a hook, before reeling it back in with impressive speed.

General Zod (524) has posed:
General Zod reflexively deflects the drill rocket with a backhand, leaving an ugly looking scrape on his arm from it. Pretty typical for the Multiverse. Things that would utterly not bother Zod or another Kryptonian in their home 'verse are kind of prone to causing injury here.

Sensing that the automaton is likely not going to pause to appreciate technique or trade banter, Zod just goes straight for the machine in an eye-blink and gives the machine a right cross to the chest.

"I hardly think I'm representive of the foes here in the Multiverse." He calls out to the engineer team.

Soundwave (552) has posed:
Rumble emits a low whistle at the opening blows of the spar. "Not bad. I bet you five Energon chips the mech wins."

Ravage chortles as he rests his snout on his paws. "You're on. I put five on the opponent. Winner takes all."


The larger mech ignores the duo this time, red visor focused on the match below. The 'bird' on his shoulder seems to be watching just as intently, its head canting from one side to another as it seems to analyze the opponents in turn.

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
"Data is Data." The female Engineer replies back to Zod. "Don't worry. It has been instructed to not kill. And the tips, though perhaps may leave a few marks, are made of a softer alloy to not bring a great deal of injury." At least that has to be some small comfort, right? "We honestly would hate for an accident to happen in such a match, it be rather bad form."

The Magitek Vanguard quickly steps back as the punch comes. Zod's fist breaking a bit of the ornate detail on its chest from the impact. It waits for only a split second, mostly to rebalance itself, before it goes to wide swing its massive lance arm to knock Zod aside.

Though if the Vanguard is successful, it follows in quickly with another firing of one of its drills.

General Zod (524) has posed:
But the lance arm that tries to knock Zod aside is what does the damage as the Kryptonian soldier blocks the massive thing with his body with a grunt from the impact, and then tries to grab the thing by digging his fingers into the softer alloy. And then if that works, he'll flip the whole contraption over him and smash it into the ground.

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
The Magitek could almost be heard making some kinda-- odd-- sound as it is caught off guard by the sudden flip. It crashes into its backside and the machine actually flails a bit as it tries to get back up-- much like a Turtle really.

Yet a few hisses as vent pressure is released and then a few 'pop pops' before the thrusters flare to life on its back that it used to charge across the ground early shove it back up to its feet and into the air. The Vanguard spins itself around and then the shafts directly on its shoulders open up, before seeming to suddenly flare a bright redish color. The drills spin up before they both fire with a heavy strike, as the machine lands down.

It was actually enough force that the Magitek Vanguard nearly skids back from improper footing.

General Zod (524) has posed:
General Zod dodges one of the drills, is grazed in the shoulder by another, a rip is torn in his undersuit, a neat line of blood wells up from the cut. He looks at the machine with his super vision, thinking that maybe there was some weakness that could be revealed by the multi-spectrum vision. But then, there was already some indicators, he thinks. The windup to the charged drills.

So he leaps at the machine, aiming for a one-two punch of crashing into an arm, then smashing it with a fist. All the weapons seem to be on the arms, after all.

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
Zod's vision will show him that the armor itself is extremely dense, but yet as he may have noted when he flipped it-- very light. The internal systems are-- like what you expect from a machine, but not. As some key components one would expect to find in a droid are not there. Such things like circuit boards and the like. After all Magitek is short for 'Magical Technology'. This drone was a perfect fusion between science and magic. To elements that many say can not be combined; Or at least not easily.

Zod's fists though strike successfully at first. His fist smashes into the chest, then slams into the arm, knocking the drill into the ground. Yet when he comes back in to dismantle the armor, the Vanguard moves in quickly and actually blocks the blow with the other armor, allowing that arm to be dented, rather then losing an arm.

With Zod in close, the Vanguard goes to return the favor. It strikes out with rapid swings of its Lance arms. Attempting to use its melee power and swings like someone would wielding a blade, before swinging its arms around to try and just utterly slam Zod away.

General Zod (524) has posed:
Zod takes one to the head first, disorientating the veteran warrior and allowing the machine to get in some pretty good shots to the body, leaving nasty looking gashes and cuts in the kryptonian. And probably a bruised rib. Good thing the Field of Trials has safety protocols! Even the beaten up mecha will be just fine at the end! Everybody lives!

The General's counterattack comes, the man winding his body up as he regains his footing after being knocked to the ground and letting fly with a punch that sounds like a thunderclap at ground zero, a deafening boom.

Soundwave (552) has posed:
Rumble is the most animated of the watching Cybertronians, whooping when the Magitek Vanguard gets in a blow and groaning when Zod counters. "Reminds me of the Gladiator Pits back home," he asides to the others before cheering again.

Ravage's optics narrow in thought. "They are evenly matched."

Rumble pauses mid-whoop. "...So what does 'dat mean for our bet?"

"I bet five on a tie!" The 'bird' gleefully squawks from his perch.

"'Ey, Laserbeak, that's cheatin'!" Rumble counters with a furious point up to the avian. "Y'cain't put in a bet after th' match starts!"

The large mech emits a low hum that is probably a sigh for his race. "-Enough.-" As if to punctuate his statement, Zod's sonicboom-punch silences the three smaller Cybertronians, drawing their attention back to the ring.

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
The Magitek Vanguard was not prepared for the massive blow that comes. The fist slams into the center of its mass and the sheer force not only creates a massive thunder clap in its take, but shoves the Vanguard back, before it topples over, rolls, and manages to get back up on its feet.

There was a blue surge around its body and the chest armor was heavily dented, some parts of it were cracked and in those cracks, small bits of blue liquid was seeping out very slowly.

The Vanguard then goes to change back in as the pylons pull in for more energy. It then slides on one foot and goes to slam its Lance forward with a heavy striding thrust as the Lance itself is seemingly being overcharged with more energy then required.

General Zod (524) has posed:
The lance strikes pretty hard at Zod, catching him squarely in the torso and sending him flying and tumbling backwards. It was like striking... rock or stone. And then not. Some kind of odd defense Kryptonian defense mechanism? Zod's got broken ribs from the sheer force of the impact though, making it more difficult to move.

Fine. Let's do something unexpected.

Zod grunts with exertion as he grabs into the arena floor, rips a chunk about the size of the Magitek Vanguard out of it, and HURLS the impromptu missile weapon at it.

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
The chunk of ground comes flying at the Vanguard and the machine raises up its arm to block the massive impact. Unexpected for some, but when your designed to fight people who fling rocks at you with magic-- it is more common thing really.

Though the chunk of material does dent up the arm a bit, as some blue energy surges around the arm from the damage. The Vanguard then goes to move back in once more. Moving in to double strike with both of its arms in a cross slashing motion as it moves in.

Soundwave (552) has posed:
It isn't the damage that catches the attention of all four Cybertronians. It's the liquid energy seeping from the cracks and fractures. Ravage actually stretches his neck as far as it can go over the railing while Rumble leans so far forwards he's about to flip over entirely. Both speak almost in unison: "Boss, is that--?"

The larger mech rests one forearm on an upraised knee-joint, leaning forwards as his visor flickers. "-Uncertain.-" He turns his head to appraise the avian on his shoulder for a moment. "-Laserbeak, begin analysis.-"

"Yes, Soundwave." The red-and-black bird hops across the back of Soundwave's neck to perch on the shoulder-cannon on the opposite shoulder, optics pinned on the Vanguard. Soundwave himself keeps his focus on Zod and how he fares, and both Rumble and Ravage continue watching in silence, now utterly captavated by the bout with the betting all-but-forgotten.

General Zod (524) has posed:
The cross-slash is not entirely unexpected, but the FURY of the attack leaves bad cuts across Zod's arm and back, the undersuit's upper body part practically rags, leaving Zod largely naked from the torso up. The General is breathing heavily from all the exertion as well.

He comes back with a flury of punches designed to distract the automaton. His eyes start glowing white-orange as he does so, black veins emerging around his eyes just before twin lances of energy erupt from his eyes and pour into the machine.

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
The eye beams cut into the Vanguard, tearing apart part of its chest and clipping the side of its head. Sparks start to fly from its body, the heat from the eye lasers catch the blue, seeping liquid which then can be seen starting to catch on fire with blue flames.

The Vanguard suddenly rushes right at Zod once more. It goes to actually knock Zod to the ground and as it goes to attack again, the blue flames can be seen irrupting around its crevices that are exposed. The Engineers eyes all go wide as they realize what is about to happen. The woman then yells loudly, "Zod! Shield yourself!"

Just as her words roar across the training field, the Vanguard doesn't strike as it was planning too, but instead the machine starts to get fissures in the metal, before suddenly it explodes in blue flames and the area is consumed in those blue sphere of explosion.

Once things settle down, all that is left of the Vanguard is pieces and a blue ring of fire that burns away at the remaining blue fuel that lays on the ground.

General Zod (524) has posed:
General Zod is engulfed in fire and explosion. He gets up after a moment, covered in flames that don't seem to be hurting him. There are however, countless cuts and gashes from the flaming wreckage of the machine. His undersuit is pretty much shredded, and the man is idly picking the cooling shrapnel from his face, dropping them to the ground.

"Fire doesn't seem to do much to us." He mentions to the engineer as he pats out the fire on him. "No, I don't know why." Frankly it's a new thing to him since he's never been fire before. "And the Field of Trials has safety settings. Your machine will be fine, and so will I."

He pulls a six inch piece of shrapnel from his side. "Though... it still hurts." he says with a smirk before dropping the shrapnel to the ground.

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
The Engineer team quickly goes to move in to handle the fire-- juust incase. Though if the Vanguard will be ok, it will save them time on repairs. The female though gives a soft nod. "I am glad you are alright then. The fuel source we use can be very volatile and thus it will explode under the right conditions."

The female engineer then frowns a bit. "Curse I suppose of when you have to depend on a technology to make up for a weakness in a society as ours." She then bows her head to Zod, "But I do thank you for taking the time to spar against our machine."

Soundwave (552) has posed:
Rumble groans as the Vanguard blows up, a fist banging against the railing. "Aw slag!"

Ravage, by contrast, looks mighty pleased with himself. "Pay up. The machine lost, so I won."

Rumble pouts at the mechanical panther. "Does it really count if the stupid thing blew itself to bits instead of being outright, y'know, beaten?"

Ravage lowers his head, his shoulders rising, and his faintly-Russian-accented voice gets a distinctive feline snarl. "Pay. Up."

"Okay, okay! Sheesh, don't get yer tail in a twist." Rumble takes five small Energon shards out of a panel on his hip and offers it to Ravage, who delicately snaps up the shards in his mouth before a panel opens on a foreleg and he drops them in. The red-and-black mech grumbles about his bad luck, but turns serious as he looks up at Soundwave. "Hey, Boss. You got anything out of that?"

Soundwave's visor and faceplate shields any possible expression, but Laserbeak looks at once confused and worried. "-Unknown. Further analysis required.-" He slowly rises to his feet, straightening to his full 30-foot height. "-We go.-"

Ravage easily trots to Soundwave's side to keep up with the larger mech's stride, but Rumble hesitates for a moment to look back down at the bout. "Fleshies and their weird stuff," he mutters to himself before turning away and rejoining his brothers-in-arms as they move on.

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
The head female engineer does take notice of the large mechanic figure moving off in the distance and squints her eyes a bit. Trying to get an idea for its appearance and design. Curious machine. However she joins the others, thanking Zod once more as she does so.

It was good data that could be used for the future.