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Train Heist on the Great Ocean! Whamon and Musyamon appear!
Date of Scene: 31 August 2014
Location: Great Ocean - Western Loop
Synopsis: Violet leads a Whamon and Musyamon to capture a Union supply train, along with the help of Kirikou. Allyn, Emiya Shirou, and Michael Knight respond to stop them.
Cast of Characters: 127, 132, 307, 471, 543, 560

Dr. Violet Hunter (471) has posed:
     The Great Ocean Loop is, of course, an incredibly large and vast area. Most of the supplies in this area are transported via boat. But, on occasion, there are a number of other methods employed in this region. For example, the Union has a number of relatively hidden train lines. These are mostly used on the edge of the loop, going alongside the ocean at various places. They have to go through some underwater tunnels, or over some bridges, on occasion, though. Most of these routes are deep in Union territory, so it can be somewhat hard to assault, unless one has a plan.

     And, a plan Violet has. The tunnels are, generally, not where one is going to attack first. So instead, she's going to take the train out right as it comes out of the tunnel, using a strong surprise attack. Yes, Confederate forces in this area would proabbly be noticed incredibly quickly. But a random whale species going through the area? Less likely to draw attention. Perhaps a bit of an eye would be kept on it, but it wouldn't be a high security alert.

     That is, until the whale bursts out of the water near the end of the tunnel, destroying most of the track. Enough to cause the train to be incredibly likely to derail.

     Violet herself is inside the Whamon. Whamon is a /gigantic/ beast, after all. It's large enough to hold most of the train /inside/ of it. And it's also large enough to hide herself, and another Digimon. Musyamon, a samurai Digimon. Her own partner, Tinkermon, is currently inside of her Digivice. She'll call her out if needed, but Violet plans to play it by ear.

     The mouth opens, and Musyamon leaps out. The train is beginning to derail. And various emergency broadcasts for help are going out.

Beelzebumon (132) has posed:
     Being an area with vast oceans, it would only make sense that this area would also have plenty of nice tropical beaches, where people can relax, bask in the sun, go for a swim, and other such summerly activities... and Beelzebumon is no different.

     Sitting calmly on a lawn chair with a bottle of beer in hand, the Demon Lord of Gluttony basks in the sounds of the waves and the bright sun with a cooler filled with booze and ice right next to him.

     And yes, for those wondering, he is in fact wearing a hawaiian t-shirt with floral patterns all over it along with a pair of shades. I mean, if you're gonna bask on the beach, you might as well do it RIGHT.

     At the sight of the Whamon breaking the water, the Demon Lord lowers his glasses enough to peer over the top of them with a quirked eye and watches as the massive Digimon shatters the railway in the distance, just in time to watch the train derail. Then with a shrug, he finishes off his current bottle of beer and fishes another out of his cooler, before hoisting the cooler onto his shoulders and rather gingerly walking towards the disaster area as he pops the cap with his teeth and takes another swig.

Kirikou (127) has posed:
    After the great chili debacle, Kirikou has a few matters to make up for. Not that the challenge wasn't invalid... he had a better chance of winning such a match than he did in fighting straight-up. He came fairly close to winning besides, and many of those who heard of the 'fight' understand that he represented the cause fairly and well. Still, there's those few who might claim that Kirikou's choice of battle means he's going soft, that he's not committed to battle. It's purely untrue and the voices aren't loud, but the perception might well be there.

    Still, recovery from his previous 'battle' requires little more than some antacids and other stomach aids. When he heard of a planned heist, and one for someone he'd aided in the past, he thought it'd be a good idea to sign up and assist. To commit to the cause in a good solid and especially violent manner.

    He's probably earned some credit with the Digimon Feds due to previous assistance, so it's easy enough to secure a ride. The idea of riding in a giant whale is kind of badass, and that easily overrides the creepy factor. So, when Musyamon bursts out of the creature's mouth, Kirikou's not far behind. And he's not behind for long either. He breaks into a run, heading backwards on the track, moving to secure the heist point while letting Violet's crew secure the engine and the derailment point.

Michael Knight (543) has posed:
On the outer edge of the Great Ocean, a man enjoys a hamburger. He watches several varieties of seagull take flight outside of the restaurant, a far-off crashing sound evidently spooking them enough to dissuade them from scavenging for food on the nearby train tracks. What could that be? Before he has long to ponder, the man's watch relays a message to him.

"Michael, there's a distress call near our location," it says.

"I'm on it," he says. Michael stands and throws the remainder of his fast food feast into the trash, then hustles outside. The knight's loyal steed and stalwart friend awaits outside--a sleek black Trans-Am. He slides across the hood, opens the door and climbs in. His finger hits a button. Pursuit Mode. Another button. Third stage aquatic equalizer. Shortly thereafter, the car is roaring across the water, a bizarre display of intentional hydroplaning.

Emiya Shirou (560) has posed:
    Unfortunately for ONE individual who'd be responding, he's already there. The reason it's unfortunate? He's on the train. Emiya Shirou had caught a ride at an opportune moment to easily cross a vast span of water and reach the next warpgate in his search for home, and as it just so happens... fate has it in for him, huh?

    "Wh-wh-whaaagh!" The train's lurching violently! If not due to emergency brakes that likely clamp on when the track goes out, then due to the track distorting and the ensuing derailment. He's hurled around and bashed against the walls a few times! Ow! "Ghhh!"

    And then he's bright enough to stick his head out a window and see what's going on. "... no way... that's crazy! Someone's after the train?!"

    If the emergency brakes -haven't- deployed by now, the first thing Shirou's gonna do is yank on the nearest panic lever!

    But that aside, seeing the strange 'samurai' demon coming from the weird whale, Shirou decides he'd better do SOMETHING.

    So the young man scrambles out the window amidst the rocking! He's nearly flung free from all the shaking, but he somehow manages to hold on...

    "Trace, on." Surprising what one can do in a panic! For the second time since Unification Shirou 'creates' his Magical Circuit, enduring the feeling of a hot iron rod being jammed into his spine, and his whole body sizzles with energy from within! ... well, so it feels to him. It's not a lot of power, but he somehow manages to swing up to the train's roof and cling to the nearest handhold, waiting for it to steady a little...

Allyn (307) has posed:
Wandering along the beach sounded like a good idea at the time to the shapeshifter, currently in his dire wolf form, something to do to relieve a bit of boredom and to think about things. His ears perk at the sound of the crash from the whale creature and the tracks and he looks over in that direction. Well, so much for a leisurely lope along the waves, hmm? So he takes off in the direction of the tracks to see just what is going on.

Dr. Violet Hunter (471) has posed:
     With Shirou approaching from the train, Musyamon turns towards him. At the moment, he is the most obvious threat that is incoming. Sure, a car is coming in from the distance, and Allyn is making his way in, but the random guy on the train is probably actually a Union ally, almost definately, due to him, you know. Being on the train.

     Sadly, Beelzebumon doesn't even get noticed yet. He is a bit further away, and sipping a drink, after all.

     Whamon is currently working on getting up onto the rail a bit more. It's honestly fairly hard for him to do, because the rail is partially on land. But, the plan is for him to get on the land, and then scoot forward til he can swallow the whole train.

     Musyamon leaps up onto the top of the train, and stares Shirou down. He slowly steps forward, just glaring straight at Shirou. He pulls out his katana, and points it forward.

     "Stay back, human. You don't stand a chance against my blade. I'll cut you in half if need be."

Beelzebumon (132) has posed:
     Oooo, looks like there's going to be a fight! Beelzebumon loves fights!

     Walking right up to the end of the tunnel, the Demon Lord leaps down onto the train and casually strolls along the top of it towards the gathering villains and heroes, all while still drinking his beer and hoisting his cooler on his shoulder like a boombox.

     "You know, when you commit a train robbery, you don't need to steal the /entire/ train, right?"

Emiya Shirou (560) has posed:
    "Just stand aside? Then what'll happen to the workers aboard the train?!" Shirou snaps back. "Am I supposed to just let everyone be swallowed?!" Seems he's figured out that part of this plan. But not enough of it.

    Still, he's not feeling anything from Musyamon. He's not like the few Servants, whose bodies brim with prana. From Musyamon, Shirou feels... nothing. But even so...

    On some instinctive level, he can tell. That's not a creature he should be facing. He'll definitely die.

    With a loud grunt, Shirou wrenches a pipe free of the train's roof and forces prana through it, filling it up instantly with Reinforcement magic.

    It'll hit a bit harder, and resist damage better, but against something like Musyamon? Probably only one or two parries... that's all it'll be worth.

    And yet, Shirou grasps it like it's the only thing he can do right now. His eyes frantically scan about for something he can use to change the situation...!

Kirikou (127) has posed:
    Heading back to secure the cargo, Kilik sees the digimon samurai facing down a too-bold redhead kid. Well okay, not a kid. Probably someone at least his own age, probably older. In any case, the Meister has no interest in joining the digimon in that particular kind of two-on-one. He'd rather do his job, and if another fight offers itself... so be it.

    He frowns when he hears Beelzebumon joining in. He's familiar with that creature, by reputation mostly. That could be interesting, but he's not sure what side the devil-being might join. Provoking a challenge there, well, that'd be counterproductive. It might lead to harming their chances overall, and there's no need to show off his bravery in quite that manner. Instead he turns to face the sound of an engine. A boat? A black boat planing towards the train. Only it's a boat that's kind of shaped like a car. Oh man, that's actually pretty cool!

    Grinning, Kirikou faces the carboat, folding his arms and gauntlets across his chest. Don't mind the black kid standing there with a smirk and a challenge in his eyes. When the carboat gets in range, Kirikou raises a fist. A salute, a challenge. One or the other, it's pretty obvious he's directing it at the Knight Rider.

Michael Knight (543) has posed:
For something designed to drive on land and avoid water, the car makes pretty good time. It heads straight for Kilik, the driver apparently accepting the challenge. Then, things get interesting.

"Michael, the Aquatic Synthesizer is having energy distribution problems. I can't advise continued operation."

All that stops an annoyed sigh is the gravity of the situation. "Alright, drop me off by that kid with the attitude and then get yourself on the tracks. See if you can't get some of the civilians out of danger."

"Very well, Michael." The car opens its T-top, and Michael climbs out while KITT continues at easily sixty miles an hour. Michael balances himself on the hood of the car.

"Cowabunga!" The car drifts, bringing Michael close enough to jump into the ladder of a still standing train car. The Trans-Am, meanwhile, takes offs towards the nearest open land, then heads for the tracks to get behind the train.

"All civilian passengers are instructed to make their way towards the back of the train in groups of four for extraction. Please proceed in an orderly fashion." KITT's smooth voice is perfect for emergency broadcasts.

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn stops running towards the train after about halfway there and then eyes the whale creature a few moments again. He ponders and then heads towards the water, maybe a water approach would be better. So he dog paddles. Yes, he actually does that, well, he's a wolf, what do you expect? swimming out towards where the large whale is.

Once he can no longer feel the bottom under his feet and he is sure it is deep enough, he shifts forms, what would be a match for a whale? Well, the answer to that question would be something black and white and rather large itself. He shifts into the form of a large killer whale and swims forward at full speed. Though he does dive down and then shoots back up so he can do a backflip for whoever to see, yeah got to show off a little at least and then continues on.

Dr. Violet Hunter (471) has posed:
     Musyamon just slowly steps forward towards Shirou. His presence is, honestly, quite intimidating. He is one of the strongest swordsman amongst Adult level Digimon, afterall. And he looks rather terrifying on top of that.

     He lifts his blade, swinging it oone handed, with his right arm. Though he has a number of special attacks he can use with this blade, he is simply going for a normal slash. A pipe like that... Yeah. It's not going to do much against a Digimon's sword, he imagines. So he simply swings down, expecting to easily cut through the metal.

     "Fine, then. Be cut to shreds, child."

     Whamon doesn't see the killer whale coming. He hears it in the water a bit, but he is in no position to attack it, at least not yet. Whamon at least has a guess it is another water creature, though, from the sound of the splashes.

     Violet, who is standing in Whamon's mouth at the moment, just looks towards Beelzebumon. She has been considering him for a long time. How best to use him? How best to manipulate him? She looks at him, calmly, and speaks.

     "Beelzebumon. Fight on my side, today, and soon, I will introduce you to an /incredibly/ powerful enemy, something that should provide an incredibly strong challenge for you. Something hidden in the Digital World."

     Yeah, she's appealing to his desire to fight.

Kirikou (127) has posed:
    Kirikou has no idea that mechanical problems interrupted what might have been an interesting duel. Car vs. Meister may look remarkably unfair on the surface of things, but he's no ordinary Meister. Besides, an athletic boy on foot may not be able to match the speed of KITT but can make up for it in sheer mobility.

    Alas, it's not to happen. Kirikou frowns as the car veers off, and breaks into a sprint to intercept. Again, his speed's not THAT fast. KITT's easily enough able to get past him and deliver the car surfer to the train. The youth doesn't let that stop him. He puts on a burst of speed, then springs into the air in a motion no normal human could possibly duplicate. Clearing the top of the train in a single bound, he comes down hard, lashing out with a fist in an off-balance sort of flailing punch. It's not quite as artless as it looks however. He's not trying to direct all the force of his body behind the gauntlet, or channeling soul energy to deliver damage. Instead, the attack's more like a push. With the momentum of his charging leap still behind him, Kilik aims to transfer some of that energy into the Knight Rider. If he should happen to get so much of a push that he falls off the train? Well .... heh.

Allyn (307) has posed:
Not really the type to really go all out and attack an enemy from behind, or anything like that. Allyn decides he's not going to bite the large whale for the first attack, but he will get it's attention, since it seems that the jumping out of the water didn't do it. He circles around in the water a little to get a little bit of distance from the whale.

Then with powerful strokes of his tail he's charging right at the Whalmon like a torpedo aiming for the creature's side, that may get its attention, or maybe even jostle those inside it some.

Emiya Shirou (560) has posed:
    "hwghk!" Shirou is aware of the bind he's in, but... he's still gonna try. Try with everything he has. If he can't help the workers on one train... even against freakish Samurai monsters from the depths... how can he save anyone?!

    Defiantly, and clumsily, Shirou raises the pipe to block. even gripping it with both hands isn't enough! Sparks fly when the blade strikes, and the pipe... doesn't get cut in half just like that! Rather, the blade impact is blunted and the pipe bends into a nearly 90-degree angle, crumpling in the middle. This holds for a few moments of struggling... "Aaaaghhh!"

    Then the Reinforced pipe snaps, and the blade comes down for a shallow, slowed strike across Shirou's shoulder, just as he kicks back. Blood stains his shirt and the katana alike, and he tumbles and rolls... barely managing to roll onto his feet again.

    His left arm's somewhat injured. Fire lances through his upper left whenever he moves it, whenever he BREATHES, but his right's still good. But what's he supposed to do without a weapon?

    He thought that might work. But no. He's going to die. Die here. Without seeing Sakura or Taiga again, since coming to this crazy place. No, the worst part is that they may never know what happened to him.

    Taiga will cry. Sakura will cry. Even Issei will mourn. He can almost see it right then in his mind and heart. "Dammit... I don't want to see that kind of face...!"

    And then, as Shirou struggles to his feet, his brain hits overdrive, and everything goes red and white. Towards Musyamon he's making a defiant, agonized warface - quite admirable, for a mere human teen who's not dressed for battle, and has no weapon. Why is someone like this even standing against Musyamon?

    Emiya Shirou is not a fighter.

    But still, if he only had a weapon. Not that samurai's monstrous katana, but something that could stand against it. Shirou's mind fills momentarily with an image of Auron in the Ring of Philosophy during a chance meeting and workout. And the blade that he had, a two-handed sword that had been through countless battles.

    Yeah. To have a sword like that, right now, he has no choice but to use that foolish magic Kiritsugu said was an inefficient waste of energy. But if he doesn't do something that foolish, he's going to die. He'll never make it back home.

    And the women will cry.

    Grunting all the while, as though going mad from the effort, Shirou extends a hand. Golden lightning flares up from his palms and a wireframe of Auron's greatsword Katana appears.

    It's an inefficient magic because it's hard for the human mind to create images able to match the real thing. But is it really so hard? In a matter of moments, Shirou hypothesizes its creation model, basic structure, composition material, the skill and methods of its maker, the strain and stresses of years of growth and usage and maintenance....!!

    With a great flare of light, and a heavy noise of metal locking together, the wireframe fills in from hilt upwrds, gaining texture and solidity...!!

Michael Knight (543) has posed:
Michael Knight begins to make an appeal to Kilik's sense of decency. That appeal is knocked out of his chest as he hits the roof of the train car. He rolls off the side and nearly falls off, hands holding the edge with a white knuckled grip. With a bit of athletic deftness Michael swings his lower body and hoists himself back onto the train. "That wasn't very nice," he says. A booted foot slides across the roof of the train, attempting to enact the same situation upon his assailant.

Dr. Violet Hunter (471) has posed:
     As Allyn moves to tackle Whamon, it braces itself. It has some sonar, and it can hear the large object moving forward. Rather than dodge, though, it will simply just endure the attack with its tough outer shell. And by tough outer shell, I mean 'it's big fatty fat fat'.

     It doesn't want to get away from eating the ship, though, but it seems it will have to. It scoots towards the water again, trying to get away from the smaller whale. Yeah, Whamon is big. Huge. Bigger than any real whale. So it will have a bit more trouble manuevering around Allyn. It swims after Allyn, though, trying to bite at him.

     Thankfully for Violet, she has retreated deeper into the whale, where there will be more air and whatnot.

     Musyamon raises an eyebrow as the blade appears. He assumed this boy was an Elite, but the fact that he was defending himself with a pipe made him assume he was not all that much. Still, now that the boy actually has magically caleld forth a blade, Musyamon lets out a small chuckle.

     "...Well. At least I should get a decent fight out of this, before I kill you. You'll fall like all of the others who have fallen before my blade."

     And Musyamon, the larger-than-human swordman, brings forward his blade again. This time, he shouts as he swings it down.


     His blade bursts with flames as it comes down, trying to simply smash it straight into Shirou.

Kirikou (127) has posed:
    Kirikou laughs, his amusement unforced. "Man, we're attacking a train and you're expecting NICE?" he laughs. He's not really expecting to be called nice. Telling, however, is that he actually let Knight swing himself up onto the train again. Instead of, say, stomping on his fingers and cruelly knocking the man to the ground.

    Kirikou's surprised, however, by the big man's speed. He may look like an ordinary human, but clearly he's anything but. And his sweep hits pretty hard too. Plenty of aura behind it. These are the thoughts spinning through Kilik's head as his leg is swept out from under him. He doesn't try to resist the sweep either. Force against force, that's a chump's game. Kilik's a mobile fighter, and likes to keep things flexible.

    He falls to the metal surface of the train's top, apparently tricked and tripped. He bounds right back up though, using the momentum of the fall and a certain flexibility of body like a spring. Without rising fully, he turns his fall into a spinning kick, rotating around one planted arm, bringing his foot up to try to slam it into Michael's side from that unexpected angle.

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn makes surprised clicks and calls when the bigger whale is fast enough to chase him down and bite him! Well, he's not really had much practice in water combat, or in this form, in fact he's never used it before, so that must be the problem! Well that's ok, he is sleeker and built for speed more than the Whamon is. He dives down under it and emerges on the other side of it. "That wasn't very friendly mister whale." he tells the Whamon, "don't do soemthing I might make you regret." he lunges forward and attempts to bite with his sharp teeth!

Emiya Shirou (560) has posed:
    As if it has a mind of its own, Shirou's weapon - Auron's favored Katana - moves upwards with great speed considering Shirou's size. And Shirou can barely hold onto it! The blade's motion is strangely professional, even though the boy holding onto it is almost flailing. What a weird dichotomy!

    CLAAAAAANG! Steel against steel! The flaming slash is halted on impact, but then comes a noise no swordsman ever wants to hear. Cracking steel. In the end, Shirou's Projected weapon stood up barely any better than the pipe did! It shatters into dozens of little fragments...

    It did serve to slow and blunt the slash however. Shirou makes use of that opening, diving past Musyamon and taking only a graze to his leg. The boy staggers at the roll's end, but forces himself back up to his feet.

    With desperation written all over his face, Shirou tries again. This time there's less lightning flaring around. A fresh copy of Auron's sword appears in his grip after a small flash of golden-blue light and Shirou finds himself acting on autopilot again. The sword pulls him along, forcing him to rush forward with all his speed at Musyamon and grab it with both hands!

    "I'm not dying to some freaky monster with a katana!" He barks out!

    With a great HEAVE, he brings the sword down at a diagonal angle. Shirou doesn't really look capable of threatening Musyamon, but that slash is more than it appears...!

    Its path is aimed right at crucial parts of Musyamon's armor, and might wreak havoc if it connects!

Michael Knight (543) has posed:
Michael Knight grunts as Kilik's feet hit his ribs. He spins, hoping to lessen the impact of those kicks. "At least you let me get up," concedes the loner with effort. So he wants to do ground fighting? Alright. Knight springs forward as Kilik comes around, mostly forward momentum. Non-kicked side facing the kid, he does a front flip, bringing his legs onto the kid's shoulders and attempting to put him in a sleeper hold with his thighs.

Dr. Violet Hunter (471) has posed:
     The sharp teeth bite into Whamon, cutting into its skin rather deep. Whamon works to force himself free of the bite, though he is having trouble. He comes up to the surface as much as he can, preparing. He can't get knocked out, especially considering that he's a lynchpin in the plan. What's more, Violet is inside. That would be /baaaad/.

     Whamon finally says something, without even opening its mouth. Its voice sounds very melodic. Quite like a whalesong, probably not surprisingly.

     "JET ARROW!"

     And, from its spout, a giant arrow formed out of water bursts out, before crashing down straight at Allyn.

     Musyamon is a skilled enough swordsman to see where Shirou is aiming. He lifts his blade, parrying the slash. Auron's Blade still manages to slide along Musyamon's katana, striking him, but the impact is lessened. Musyamon simply chuckles.

     "So, a monster, am I? Yeah, I suppose it's fine if you call me that. For what it matters, though, you won't be here much longer."

     His blade still up, ready to parry Shirou's own blade. But his left foot lifts, and kicks in. Musyamon is larger than the vast majority of humans, so he has quite a bit of reach with his foot. and quite a bit of strength. He tries to stomp Shirou back with the bottom of its clawed left foot.

Emiya Shirou (560) has posed:
    Like before, Shirou focuses first on defending himself. Although... the weapon he's made does a lot of that for him. As if panicking, the Katana wrenches him about to bring its flat up as a shield. It absorbs the kick with only milliseconds to spare!


    But that's all it could do. Musyamon's strength breaks the fragile weapon a second time, but it buys Shirou enough time to tumble backwards. His arm was nearly dislocated, compounding the earlier wound, but he DID avoid getting fully stomped on!

    Shirou's breathing hard though. He's quite fit, but there's only so much he can do against an enemy like this. Breathing in raggedly, he calls up that image again. In even LESS time now, Auron's sword appears in his grip, never mind the two shattered copies that are dispersing into raw mana throughout this fight.

    "You keep saying that. So, why am I still here?!" Full of fire, Shirou hoists the weapon over his shoulder. It appears this time, he's in control. If only shakily.

    The redhead dashes in, and taking up the sword with both hands... manages to pull off a barrage of heavy slashes!

Kirikou (127) has posed:
    Kilik, stronger than he has any right to be, pushes Michael Knight's feet away as he's hit, not letting the larger man complete the lock. Whatever powers the boy, it's clearly nothing so simple as muscle. Not that he's a 90 pound weakling or anything, but he doesn't exactly bulge with obvious physical might. Kilik still got hit by the attack, but he's not about to let himself get so easily pinned even if he's not sure whether or not he could overpower the larger man. Certainly he's done so against other larger opponents in the past, but the Multiverse always makes that sort of thing extremely risky. You simply can't judge an opponent by their looks!

    A bit staggered, Kilik nonetheless doesn't seem hurt in any significant way. He grins at Knight. "Been a long time since I've had a genuine fistfight." he says, pleased. Not that he's been using his fists overly much. Probably a good thing since those gauntlets of his are kind of menacing. Like, really menacing. Like they're staring at you glowering or something.

    "Come on, get up." Kirikou advises his opponent, pausing a moment to allow it. Then, once Michael's settled, Kirikou pivots inwards, spinning. He lashes out with a foot, one hand low, in what appears to be a repeat of his earlier weighty roundhouse. It's a feint though, and he tucks his foot back in, making the spin even faster as he tightens up the rotation. Instead he thrusts one hand upwards from low, aiming to jar Michael's blocking arm out of position, then following up with a palm-thrust to the man's chest. Again, not a solid slam of gauntlet... but still a solid and powerful set of moves.

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn lets out a squeal of pain as the water arrow hits him, well, things just aren't working out it seems. He really needs to work on that sometime he thinks. Well, he's not one to just give up, especially when it comes to trying to foil the one who controls these creature's plans. He dives down again and then rockets back up, leaping out of the water and doing a somersault to attack the Whamon with a tailslap.

Michael Knight (543) has posed:
Michael Knight tumbles off of Kilik with a surprised "Oof!" He covers his stomach with his arms and rolls, expecting to be hit... but he isn't. Well. If all of the Confeds are like this guy, maybe it really is just a difference of opinion? He gets to his feet, dusts himself off, and adopts a fighting stance, keeping his frame close to himself. "All right, I'm ready for ya, kid."

"Ready for me? I don't understand." pipes up a voice from his watch.

"I said KID, not KI--hrk!"

As KITT helps whatever civilians may be on the train make an escape to a safer area, Michael mistakenly jukes, expecting another kick, only to take a hand to the chest. Getting back into the fight, he retaliates with a spinning jump kick, sending his foot into Kilik's chest. Upon landing, he rests a hand on his knee, taking a short breather in the moments between their next exchange.

Dr. Violet Hunter (471) has posed:
     The slashes are more than Musyamon can parry effectively. His body is cut in several places. Instead of blood, data leaks out of each cut on him. He struggles to stay up, though he manages to. Even as the slashes come in, Musyamon lifts his sword, and swings the blunt end of it straight at Shirou. His blade becomes enwrapped in blue fire, this time. It burns quite hot.

     "Some hunters like to toy with their prey. I want to at least have /some/ fun with this."

     Though, Shirou is threatening him quite a bit. He's proving stronger than he thought he would be. Which is why he is using as much strength as possible as he brings the blunt side in.

     As the tail slap comes in from Allyn, Whamon tries his best to counter with his own tail, but misses. But, at the least, he has a little bit of a plan for what he can do. With it leaping out of the water again, he creates a /massive/ column of water from his spout. The water flies with an incredible force, trying to tear at the Orca.

Kirikou (127) has posed:
    Kirikou isn't, sadly, a typical Fed. There are others like him, but they're not very typical either. Reality, in his opinion, is a nasty place. If you're unwilling to do whatever's necessary to curb chaos, you're only a half-assed sort of hero in his book.

    That doesn't mean he's got to be NICE of course, but he prefers a good fight to a good haul. And if that means he's nice to some opponents, well, some of them have been pretty decent to him in return. He's tough enough to take whatever's dished out at him though, and getting hurt only tends to fuel his burning soul.

    Kilik takes Michael's kick on a gauntlet, stopping the blow cold and dissipating almost all its force in the CLANG of boot on metal. Powerful blow, but his defense surpasses it this time. Kilik grins. "You got a friend you wanna invite to the fight?" he asks with that mocking smirk. "Better hurry up, old man, you're almost too tired to continue!" he claims. And yet, he does hold off just a moment, allowing Knight to recover and to put up a better fight.

    Only... the break doesn't just benefit Kilik's opponent. He steps into a deep stance, shifting his hips and settling in low with his hands raised. And those gauntlets... they begin to glow. The effect is subtle still, but there's definitely something magic there. Something of power. "No? Not gonna call in your buddy? How about a little incentive?" the boy calls out, ducking his head and taking off into a sudden lunging sprint. One fist draws back and then slams out, the boy using his first full punch, putting mass and speed in line as he tries to convince his opponent to tag-team... which of course is a bit of a mistake, as he has no real clue what the Knight Rider's partner really is.

Allyn (307) has posed:
As he howl's in pain from the blast of water and is pushed a little ways off by it, Allyn actually considers something he's never considered before..actually just abandoning the two Union members to deal with things on their own. No, that's not something he would do though. He does swim off a little ways though and turns back around to face the Whamon, holding there for a few moments as he ponders his plight.Well, it's getting close to all or nothing, so he'll have to dig down deep into his bag of tricks he supposes. The head of the Orca shifts, changing shifts, becoming the head of a Narwahl instead, including the long 'horn' though slightly altered so that the tip is pointed like a spear with a large barb on it.

Once done he charges forward at the Whamon again, attempting to skewer it with the nose functional horn.

Emiya Shirou (560) has posed:
    What a strange way to bleed. It's almost enough to distract Shirou. It would be, but for the sudden FIRE SLASH. "Hwagh!" More a panic than a battlecry, it's all he can do to bring the Katana up for a clumsy parry. Clumsy because... there's just no effective way to handle that. This time, though, it takes the impact. Mostly. Shirou's protected from the slash itself, and the flames! But....

    That's a lot of raw kinetic energy, and no parry can just smash it away! instead, his whole body is blown away down the train's length, and he goes tumbling like a ragdoll. Auron's Katana shatters into clean fragments of mana halfway through the plunge...

    Shirou's whole body aches now. It feels like swords are plunged through all of his flesh!


    "hrrrrgh...." Spitting out blood, the boy staggers to his feet and conjures up another copy of Auron's Katana. This is copy #4 now, but if anything... the quality is slowly increasing. Although, this time the feat's accompanied by another deep groan from the strain. Whatever crazy means is allowing Shirou to replicate Auron's weapon and technique's taking its own mighty toll on him.

    Really, such a huge sword doesn't really suit Shirou, but he wields it with gusto nonetheless. Another charge at Musyamon sees him bringing the weapon about at the last moment for a second mighty slash, this time... aimed to smash against Musyamon's weapon and knock it away, maybe sprain a thump or something!

    "What are you even here for?!"

Michael Knight (543) has posed:
Michael Knight frowns as he hears the clang. That's not a good noise. Upon hearing the good-natured, or not so good-natured ribbing, he grins. "Nah," he says, standing up and keeping his fists close to his chest. He may fight hard, but he never fights dirty unless it's life or death. Kilik doesn't seem to want to make it that, and to be honest, neither does he.

Incentive? Oh, boy--HOLY CRAP that kid is fast. Knight jukes left, Kilik's fist hitting the tail of his leather jacket only a moment too late. The loner responds with a one-two punch aimed at his junior opponent's midsection, eyes locked on Kilik. "You don't /want/ to fight him, I guarantee you. So be happy with the ex-Green Beret."

Dr. Violet Hunter (471) has posed:
     The skewer impales into Whamon. Luckily, with its sheer size, it isn't pierced all the way through. That would cause a /lot/ of problems for Violet, who is inside the Whamon. Still, though, Allyn has been a constant threat to Violet. Which is why Violet is muttering orders to Whamon. Execute the shapeshifter, with extreme prejudice.

     And so Whamon moves to bite into Allyn, its sharp rows of teeth coming in to bite it. It then moves to try and slam Allyn into the ground a bit, horn first.

     Musyamon lifts his blade to parry. This would of been a bad move, considering that Shirou is aiming to disarm. But with Musyamon's raw strength, and swordplay skill, he manages to minimize the impact of the blade. He still feels a bit of pain from the force of the slash, but he holds up fairly well. Smirking a bit, even.

     "We're here for the supplies on the train. We don't care about the people on it; they can leave if they wish. My daimyou (translation: lord of a specific land) needs things within it to finish a project. So simply leave, and the people on the train can leave in peace."

     This time, he stabs forward. He's not trying to do anything overly special, really, just a stab. He's under the assumption that Shirou is just a normal boy, physically. Sure, he's been able to take a few hits, but so could lots of people. Just ignore his special sword summoning ability, and stab him over and over again til he flees, or bleeds out.

Kirikou (127) has posed:
    "Green Beret?" Kilik says, surprised. Oh yes, he knows what that is. Admittedly his opinion of a particular world's special forces is a bit tainted, considering that on his own world the special forces are all the elites trained by Shibusen. And he, in that case, is near the head of the class.

    "You're not half-bad." Kilik states, whiffing his attack. Oh well, fast as it was, he really telegraphed it hard. His mistake, underestimating his opponent. He takes a couple of heavy hits, but the boy's conditioning keeps even those powerful blows from doing too much damage. It may be only his fists that are armoured, but the attacks land on dense muscle rather than bone or tender tissue.

    "Ex, huh?" Kilik says, smirking. "Too old to keep it up?" he taunts. Whirling, he lashes out with a spinning fist, coming in low and aiming for Michael's thigh. Slow down the old-timer, sap his endurance. That seems to be the youth's plan. Either that or he's just interested in prolonging the fight for its own sake.

Allyn (307) has posed:
Well, with the Emperor gone and out of the picture of course Allyn has to be a thorn in Violet's side and be there to try and stop any plans that she might have. He hasn't heard from Tatsuto in a long time either wondering if the boy is alright. Violet's Angemon did threaten Allyn after all, that being the reason Allyn feels he has to be there in interrupt the woman. Besides, he thinks that she is 'chaos' incarnate and well, in his judgement that throws off the balance between order and chaos that he tries to keep, it'd be the same if he thought someone was too 'orderly' as well, he'd probably be just as big of a thorn in that person's side as well.

He grunts as he's bitten and slammed by the Whamon and his eyes move some to glare at it, as he leaps at the whale, once more trying to jab his 'spear' into it.

Emiya Shirou (560) has posed:
    Though Shirou tries to repel that blow and deflect it past his side, he only half-succeeds. The weapon impales him through his gut, at an angle. There's no way it missed his intestine, and it definitely chopped through a rib. He immediately spurts out blood and staggers... but is staying on his feet, somehow.

    Somehow, there's not as much blood as there ought to be. Somehow, the stab met serious resistance - as though Musyamon had been driving his weapon through a wall of knives, rather than flesh.

    Shirou staggers backward, sliding off the weapon. Gasping, grunting, he clutches at the weapon. Pain is SEARING through his brain, eating at his thoughts.

    "Daimyou? You call yourself a samurai?" He spits out, in an angry voice filling with contempt. "All I'm seeing is a thief."

    Shirou's eyes lock onto the weapon that just pierced his body as he finally regains his balance. "Trace, on..."

    The words are unnecessary, but they force him into the right mindset, as they always do.

    Another wireframe appears in his grasp. It fills in with flares of light, forming into... Musyamon's overly large weapon?!

    Instead of swinging it, however, Shirou HURLS it at Musyamon with a sudden show of strength!

    "Aurgh...!!" That's not without cost, however. His left arm, already injured, can't take it. The arm dangles limply afterward, leaving him with just his right hand to project a new copy of Auron's weapon and bring it up defensively!

Michael Knight (543) has posed:
"Honorably discharged in seventy-TWOOUH." He growls it out as Kilik's fist smashes into his thigh with some admirable force behind it. He resumes his defensive posture with a bit of difficulty, the sweat visible on his brow. His demeanor is conservative, his eyes scanning Kilik. Knight seems a man of two minds--those eyes look as if they're finding and calculating means of attack, but his body isn't capitalizing.

"You're not bad yourself, guy." Knight slips off his jacket, throwing it to the side for greater ease of mobility. Knight sighs. "In more than one sense. Wish we didn't have to fight."

But of course, they do. The Feds want these gizmos, and the Union doesn't feel like being charitable today. He advances, going for a knee to the gut--if Kirikou's gonna try and sap him of his energy, he needs the fight to be over.

Dr. Violet Hunter (471) has posed:
     Whamon moves just right, to avoid being stabbed through again. The horn slides off of its skin, scratching it somewhat, though. It's getting somewhat frustrated with Allyn, and frustrated at how many injuries he has been recieving. And so, this time, he tries to simply move to headbash straight into Allyn's side.

     Musyamon is a bit surprised at the resistance his blade feels. So, this youth is more than just a mage with a single trick. Musyamon's eyes widen slightly as his own blade appears in Shirou's hands. The blade is tossed, and strikes right into the samurai Digimon, before the blade likely fades away. A massive hole is in Musyamon's torso. And the Digimon simply looks /furious/.

     "...Fine then. Enough holding back. You aren't fleeing, anyways."


     He lifts his blade, and it becomes covered in a brilliant right flame. He is, at this point, simply trying to cut Shirou completely across the body. Trying to bisect him. There is a good chance Shirou /won't/ be cut completely in half, still, but that, at least, is what Musyamon is going for.

Kirikou (127) has posed:
    Not bad? Well, not a classic villain at least. It's complicated. Fighting's easy though, which might explain why Kilik enjoys it. It's about time though, that he made things clear. He's here for two things, and fighting's only one of them.

    With a grunt, Kilik interposes his gauntleted fists between Knight's knee and his own belly. He catches the blow cleanly, but mass and momentum surely have their due. No matter how strong he is and how invulnerable his armor, he can't stop the attack from driving his own fists into his own body. It's not nearly as painful as it would have been if Knight's comparatively small knee had driven into somewhere tender, but it's still enough to make the boy warrior grunt.

    "Look man." Kilik wheezes. "If ya really don't want to fight, just clear out. We're not here to hurt anyone, promise. Just let us get what we came for, you and the workers and operators go free and clear." he says, sounding reasonable. "Or, we do this the hard way." he adds, grinning maliciously. Setting himself in a wide stance once again, he channels his soul into one fist. His right gauntlet begins to glow. <Soul Resonance! Come on Fire, let's put some fear in this guy!> The gauntlet responds by igniting a blazing aura.

    It's not actual flame or anything. While Kilik's attacks may feel like fire, they wouldn't actually combust. Not entirely a mercy however. Soul-fueled attacks are potentially lethal weapons in their own right. Kilik's killed many dozens of foes with a full resonance attack. They weren't elite opponents, but there's no doubt he's getting serious here and that he's got far more than just brute force and toughness on his side.

Allyn (307) has posed:
Ok, this is really starting to hurt. Allyn howls in pain as he takes the full brunt of Whamon's headbash. He rolls over and over in the water. He's almost exausted. If he were in one of his other forms he'd probably be panting. He's also rather pissed off, which isn't a good thing to be in a fight, its when you get the most careless, but still, he's not going to flee.

The Orca closes his eyes for a few moments and sighs. No, this form just isn't going to work it seems, no matter what he tries. He sinks below the water and shifts forms one last time.

When he rises up from under the Whalmon to take a massive bite out of it, he's no longer the Orca/Narwhal thing, he's a Megalodon shark and he rips savagely at the Whamon belly.

Emiya Shirou (560) has posed:
    Crap, crapcrapcrap that looks bad. In a complete act of desperation Shirou brings up the Katana as a primitive barrier against the flames. The impact goes much like previous ones - Shirou's protected from the absolute WORST of things...

    But even that isn't enough to protect him fully. His legs buckle and he's forced aside. The blade digs into his shoulder at a weird angle, but only travels about a foot in! No doubt that should be a mortal wound without immediate treatment, right?

    Well, the other wound should've been that way, but somehow it's not toppling him. His guts aren't spilling out, and the wound isn't bleeding tremendously - his clothes are just horribly stained!

    Somehow he's holding himself together...?

    "Hraaagh!" And with a sudden burst of adrenaline giving him the gusto he forces the blade back out of him, pushing back using his Katana. "Not yet...!"

    He might be operating on just PURE STUBBORN DETERMINATION at this point, without any sense whatsoever.%R    Shirou's not one to give up easily.

    Though every breath is ragged and raspy, and blood drips from his mouth and other parts of his body, he stays on his feet. Forcing his aching, broken body to move, he hoists the katana up behind his shoulders and takes a stance!

    That is some kind of technique. It has to be some kind of special technique. An accomplished warrior like Musyamon will have no trouble spotting that!


    With an outrageous yell, Shirou just CHARGES Musyamon, and at the last moment takes a great swing--

    Should it connect with ANYTHING, there's an explosion of crimson light. Pure lifeforce, converted to prana and channeled into the weapon for a power boost at the last moment. KABOOOM!!

Michael Knight (543) has posed:
Michael Knight spits out a startled cry as the feeling of being burnt tears through his nerves. He checks the spot for any injury, then mutters under his breath, "Always did take the hard way." The cop in him tells him that theft is theft. The soldier in him tells him that this boy is his enemy, however unpleasant the idea is. And the hero in him tells him that, soul attacks or not, he's got to fight back.

Shirou's been on the radio--kid's got his hands full, and he's going to get himself hurt taking on that... thing by himself. Knight winces as he hears one of his allies let out a war cry, and upon hearing it, steels himself. Mike doesn't have any superpowers, and KITT's busy making evac trips. It falls upon him to defeat Kilik with any luck, and with even more luck, help out the other union folks. Knight spins right, bringing his left foot around in a roundhouse kick once, then again. To close the gap, he goes with a jumping knee thrust and hopes to high hell those gauntlets run on AAs.

Kirikou (127) has posed:
    Finally, Kilik takes the sort of rocking hits he could only have hoped his opponent could dish out. Yeah, that's right, he WANTS to get hit. He wants to get hurt. Only if his opponent is his equal can he really get into the fight enough to really kick loose, and if Michael is to be his match in battle he has to be able to bring the pain.

    He cries out in pain as he misjudges his opponent's pattern, lowering his guard and catching a crack across the side of his head from a foot. The follow-up knee is only partially deflected, but it too lands hard enough to rock the teen back. He reaches the flaming gauntlet up to his face, obviously not harmed by the soul fire. When he brings the hand down, there's blood.

    A wordless protest goes off in his head. Not his own pain, but the outrage of one of the Twins he bears as weapons. Kilik shakes his head, opening his fists to show his palms. This causes the flames to extinguish, the glow to fade. That done, he closes the fists again slowly with a metallic grating sound. "Shocking!" he says, smirking. "You CAN fight. Oh, by the way. Name's Kirikou Rung." he says. "And my soul's on FIRE!" he claims.

    Abruptly, his LEFT fist lights up. The glow is different. Instead of the hot yellow-red aura of flames, this is a sharper, yellow-blue aura. "I'm totally glad you decided to stick around. Makes it so much more fun that way!" he says, rocking left, drawing that fist way back, then rotating right, whipping his electrified fist around in a looping overhand.

Dr. Violet Hunter (471) has posed:
     A large bite comes out of the Whamon. Allyn would, in fact, find the bitten off part actually edible, despite /all logic/ that would state otherwise. Apparently data is edible, and actually tastes somewhat to accurately to what it is supposed to taste like! Because fuck logic.

     But this, of course, has pissed off Whamon. And so, it goes underwater, quite a bit, before suddenly /bursting/ up. It leaps into the sky, before crashing down. The force of its crash rocks the waves in neigh-impossible ways, and creates a /massive/ tidal wave, the entire force of which is aimed at Allyn. This tidal wave is even capable of traveling through water as a seperate entity from water, because, once again, fuck logic.

     Digimon are just kind of odd.

     The powerful slash impacts straight into Musyamon. He had minimal chances of dodging it. Shirou put his all into it. And so, Musyamon simply remains still.

     "Is that all?"

     Musyamon says this despite the /massive/ amount of pain it has taken. He's basically bluffing, at this point. Probably obviously so. But if he is going to win, he will need to finish Shirou off, right now.

     And so, he brings his sword forward. Attempting to stab Shirou straight through his torso. If the stab is successful, he would even twist the blade a little bit, before trying to use the blade to throw Shirou aside.

     Of course, if this doesn't work, Musyamon is likely /screwed/.

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn is swept away by the tidal wave that even though he was a shark knocks him unconsious, whether it was from that attack, or his wounds, well that's not certain. The unconsious megalodon shark floats at the surface for a moment, before shifting back to his human form as he does when he's unconsious against his will.

Emiya Shirou (560) has posed:
    And just like that, Shirou is pierced. The weapon goes straight through his body, severing his spine and doing all kinds of awful things to other organs humans need to live. His legs give out, no longer obeying what his brain wants them to do, and so...

    He can only choke out raspily, "Oh..." ... like he just woke up from something.

    But then he's hurled to the side, and goes ragdoll flopping between two of the train cars. There's a WHUMP... he managed to land on something solid, and not the tracks. He's bellyflopped on the railing that SHOULD keep people from falling onto said tracks...

    Apparently unconscious.

Michael Knight (543) has posed:
Michael Knight says, "I'm Michael Knight!" The veteran yells. Michael weaves around the boy with the flaming soul. "A young loner on a crusade to champion the cause of the innocent!" He's not sure where he came up with that, or why it came to him so easily. Knight feels the urge to keep fighting, his upper body twisting in preparation for a vicious attack. He's burning, too--with the desire to defend.

The wind which blows across the great ocean this day is one which bodes ill for the Union. Knight's attack dies in that wind as he becomes aware that the sounds of struggle have died down. The wind gently makes its presence known across Knight's brow. That brow furrows, grey eyes scanning the surroundings. Shirou and the whale have fallen. "I'd fight all three of you if I could." He drops his guard. "But I can't. I don't even know if KITT could, and I'm not gonna put him in danger trying to find out. Will you let me leave with them?" He gestures to Shirou and the unconscious man in the water."

Dr. Violet Hunter (471) has posed:
     The megalodon floats off, and the boy falls to the side, unconcious. Whamon pays little attention to Allyn's fleeing/floating away. Musyamon, on the other hand, simply looks down at Shirou's unconcious form. Yeah, he is /still/ wondering what the /hell/ that teen is. Violet keeps her forces up to date, and as of yet, they haven't been informed of Shirou.

     Also Musyamon completely forgot to ask for his name.

     Still, though, Musyamon basically stabs his blade into the top of the train, and glares at anyone else who might be around on the train. They all promptly flee.

     Whamon, meanwhile, is on the ground again, and moving forward to take the train into itself.

Kirikou (127) has posed:
    Kirikou looks pleased by Knight's introduction. Dramatic, maybe even a bit cheesy, it somehow seems right. It's also definitely in keeping with the theme of a good battle.

    "Young?" Kilik smirks, then straightens. He hadn't been paying much attention to the outside fight. Huh, so the 'mons have defeated their foes. Well, that's all cool. So much the better. "They won't attack you." he says. "I wouldn't let them anyways. You're my fight, not theirs. But if we kept on fighting, you couldn't stop them taking what they wanted, so even if you win you lose." he shrugs.

    Kilik dusts off his hands, the metal gauntlets clanking together. And ... looking kind of smug, actually. Not Kilik, the gauntlets. "Go ahead, get 'em to safety. Like I said, we're not here to hurt anyone. We're just after stuff." he claims. "I'll radio in that you're gonna leave the field with 'em." he offers.

Kirikou (127) has posed:
"Take ALL the people out." says Kilik, relaying something from the radio. He can be seen subvocalizing, but though he's not likely to be overheard he makes no secret that he's talking. "We're grabbing the train. It'd be a pain in the ass if we had someone stuck there and had to worry about prisoners."

Michael Knight (543) has posed:
Michael Knight nods to Kilik, then retrieves his jacket and puts it back on. "KITT," he says into his watch, "I need you back here for med-evac."

"On my way, Michael."

Knight climbs down the ladder and gets off of the train. First, he goes for the unknown shapeshifter, worried that he might drown in his current state. Knight drags him to the nearest available land, then makes a little trek to get Shirou. His demeanor is quiet and grim, but not upset--at least, not visibly so. Carefully, he makes his way down the grating with Shirou in tow, bringing him to the same spot as the shifter. When KITT arrives, Knight gets the both of them in--one in the passenger seat and one in the back--then climbs in himself. "KITT, activate your medical analysis suite."

Knight departs for Njorun, posthaste.

Emiya Shirou (560) has posed:
    On any inspection at all, Michael's gonna find something is REALLY WEIRD about Shirou's wounds.

    They're all stitched together... by blades protruding from his flesh. At least he's not bleeding out?

    He's unconscious, but seems... somehow... stable.

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn is bleeding in some places and unconsious as well. Nothing out of the ordinary though. he may be able to shapeshift, but when it comes down to it, he's just a human teen. He's probably in a bit worse condition than Emiya, especially because of the bites taken out of him from when he was bitten and probably a broken bone or two from other various things.

Dr. Violet Hunter (471) has posed:
     Once Musyamon and the train are within Whamon, Whamon leaves its mouth open for Kirikou to join too. Yeah, awesome! Came in a whale, leave in a whale.

Michael Knight (543) has posed:
Michael Knight puts KITT into Pursuit Mode. Within just a few moments, the Trans-Am is just a faint shape on the horizon, a speck of black leaving ocean spray and sand in its path back to Njorun Station.