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Wartok Bandit Camp Blues
Date of Scene: 23 July 2014
Location: The Foothills
Synopsis: Drakkan is attacked by an otherworldly menace - a Borg Cube!
Thanks to: Regina of Borg
Cast of Characters: Staren, 222, 266, 307

Rynn (266) has posed:
With the fall of Drakan, the great world has become scattered across the land and those who once served their evil masters of the Desert Lords, now have become lost in there own paths, taking up arms in there own camps and making there own ways of life.

As for a group of Wartoks they have done this very thing! They have built a camp in the Foothills and pretty much stay out of the way of normal populace traffic. These beastmen standing though far larger then a normal human and the sheer strength of a bull easily have carved the land, raised up log cabins, and created wooden walls to act a protective barrier.

Or so they hoped. Yet, to survive, they have to do what they knew best. This was be bandits and outlaws. This meant the once peaceful area of Foothills had a bit of-- trouble, not a constant problem, but it was a problem that was starting to grow some concern.

Further out from this place though, in the city of Surdana, such information had reached the ears of the people and more correctly the remaining member of the Order of the Flame. Though such information also could have spread to other places as well. It is this news though that will bring Rynn and Arokh out this way-- yet they are not aware of when they get there... Just what terror has truly come for the people and a nightmare that Rynn may not forget ever again so easily...

As the young female warrior, nor her dragon companion have ever laid eyes on the technology that has come forth to this place.

Regina of Borg (222) has posed:
     What technology, one might ask? Well, that is answered quite easily. For midway between the city of Surdana and the Wartok settlement, high in the sky above, floats a huge black cube. So large it is eclipsing the afternoon sun as it floats there, spreading dread by its mere presense. But, perhaps even more frightening than the ship itself are the inhabitants which appeared beneath it as if by magic. In green shimmers, scores of Borg shock troops appeared. These drones are well armed and armored, and ready to storm both the city of Surdana and the Wartok encampment.

     They are more likely to have success against the Wartok, but they are going to attempt taking both at once, should either try to assist the other. Whether either town is aware of the incoming troops, they are suddenly and violently alerted that they are under attack when a green plasma torpedo is fired from the Borg Cube overhead, likely obliterating the gate to each town before troops start to pour in to each. Plasma fire fills the air, and any citizens unlucky enough to be caught hand to hand are injected with the terrifying Borg nano probes.

Allyn (307) has posed:
Just wandering around as he does a lot of, only today in the form of a large, winged serpent with multicolored feathers as he flies through, probably looking for something to hunt for dinner Allyn wonders why it seems so dark out. He glances up and stares at the cube a few moments and then there's theg reen fire and stuff. He hisses at the cub and glances around. Seeing the dragon and his rider, he flies over towards them. "Arokh, Rynn, I am here. What is going on?" he looks down at the Borg, he'd seen them before he remembers, but last time it wasn't like this at all.. "Looks like trouble.

Staren has posed:

    Staren runs through his lab to the hangar, flying up to the cockpit of the 40ft tall mecha that opens for him, then closes. As the gantries pull away and the massive platform it's on begins to lift up, he starts changing into his flightsuit. He'll be along in a moment!

Rynn (266) has posed:
Rynn speaks on her comm she has on her ear, the most high tech thing she really has actually. The red head watches as the strange blasts come from the massive, odd cube-- thing. Her green eyes just stare in shock-n-awe of it. She has never /seen/ anything like it before and her Red Dragon comrade also gives it a puzzling stare, before he speaks, "This is not normal Sorcery Rynn. I don't know what that is but..."

Rynn quickly interrupts Arokh as she notices one of those-- whatever it was coming right at them, "Arokh! Dive!" She grips on tightly as Arokh suddenly tucks in his wings and makes a sharp descent in order to avoid the incoming projectile.

Arokh rotates his body a bit as he continues to dive down, until he unfurls his wings and soars just inches over some tree tops, his wing tops almost brushing the leaves below. As they fly over ahead Allyn seems to join them and Rynn doesn't even recognize him and almost does a double take at the speaking serpent, however-- Arokh-- Arokh is a dragon. He has this covered. After all, a scent is a scent. Right? Or maybe he is just more friendly of the two.. Ha. "We have no idea. Neither of us have seen anything like this and by the fact its attacking Surdana which is further out and the Wartok village ahead.... it seems to be focusing on elements from /our/ world in this region." Arokh emphases this as he points his claw down at the ground.

Rynn stares ahead and then looks back up, before she looks back over her shoulder. "Arokh. When we get closer to the village, I'm going to jump off and go help.. those.. damn.. Wartoks. You get back to Surdana and protect the people!"

Arokh huffs out a bit of smoke from his nostrils, "Don't worry, Rynn. I'll make sure everyone is safe. You just be-careful yourself. Your-- not in your best armor."

"Well, if I knew we were going to be fighting sun-blocking.. whatever that is.. and /those/ are," Rynn motions to what is landing, "Then I /would/ have, now, no more sassing me. I'll be fine."

Arokh then looks to Allyn before he rumbles gently, "Keep an eye on her.."

Rynn then glares at Arokh, "I can hear you, you know."

The Wartok camp is under attack though and Wartoks are running around for there lives, some to protect the children, while others go to man the catapult cannons. These lumbering beast-men may seem slow, but they move pretty quick when they need too.

They turn the cannons toward the incoming Borg and open fire, massive explosions ring the air as cannon balls of all things are fired. Others attempts to get crossbows and then others get there warhammers and waraxes. They are also shouting orders at one another in there beast-men tongue which is extreme rough and odd sounding really.

When Arokh gets closer, Rynn leaps off the mighty elder dragon and lands on the ground with a tumble, before rushing up to her feet. She draws out her bow and pulls one of the arrows she has. The end of it glows with magical light, before flickering to that of electricity. They look-- like metal, right? And metal likes electricity... so maybe.. just maybe...

Either way Rynn takes a chance and fires an arrow at one of the Borgs while grumbling to herself, "I can't believe I am /saving/ Wartoks!"

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn seems to nod to the dragon, "I've seen them once before, i think in another village. If I remember right, but they didn't do this." he watches the borg for a few moments and then when he flies off he nods again as he's told to watch over Rynn, "Of course, I will keep an eye on her." He then flies alongside Rynn once she has deposited herself on the ground. He makes sure that she is alright, as he ponders what he shoulder do, since everyone else is attacking the Borg things. Well, he decides its probably best to do something too. He doesn't know anything about technology or what will work against the things, but he opens his muth and lets out a stream of venom hoping to hit one or some in the eyes.

Regina of Borg (222) has posed:
     Borg troops, while a bit slow, make their way inside each town. Whatever defenders are defending should act fast! The Borg are on a mission, so Rynn and the dragon are hardly noticed, along with Allyn, as they try to capture citizens of each town. Those people who actually put up a fight find themselves on the wrong end of plasma blasters or sharp cutting blades, which each Borg is equipped with.

     The cube overhead takes no action, since any action it could take would just destroy its own troops. When Rynn fires that arrow, it lodges solidly in a Borg drone, who stumbles before falling forward. That is when the Borg decide that Rynn is a threat...and she finds herself being quickly approached by menacing cyber-zombies. Plasma bolts fly through the air at her while the drones attempt to close in on her for their favorite tactic.

     Allyn likewise draws attention when his venom hits a few of the drones. Although they don't appear affected, they recognize hostile action when it happens, and so he also comes under fire from the scorching hot green plasma shots of the Borg.

Rynn (266) has posed:
Rynn watches as her arrow claims one of the Borgs, this places a grin on her youthful twenty-something year old face, until she realizes this has caught the attention of the others. When they starts to fire plasma rounds at her, she quickly ducks-n-rolls and tries to get around a tree, only to find that.. isn't really good protection as the plasma bolt goes right through and nails her in the shoulder.

Rynn yelps in pain as she reaches for her shoulder. She then whispers soft words and makes a rune like mark of light where she had been hit and it somewhat takes the 'sting' out of it. Nullifying the pain really.

The Woman steps around and then places away her bow, before pulling out the mythril sword she has at her hip. She gives it a twirl before she traces a rune in the air with her hand and then spins around on her heel to rip the rune from the air and as she comes around she then blasts out a massive bolt of electricity toward the Borgs trying to surround her.

As for the Wartoks they are trying hard to defend there home, including try to use there far more massive size against the borgs-- as foolish has that is, but hey when humans come up to your chest and stomach.. it seems like a good idea at the time!

Allyn (307) has posed:
Hissing in pain as his scales are hit by the plasma blasts he realizes that if those things hit his wings, he's going to be crashing if he stays in the air. That's already happened a few times when he's been in the air and had his wings 'clipped' by various things. Once on the ground he shifts forms, becoming a large sabertooth cat instead of the serpent he was previously.

Once changed, he seems to ignore the ones that were firing at him, it's a flaw he supposes and he darts off after one of the ones that is trying to surround and shoot at Rynn, he did promise the dragon that he'd keep an eye on her after all. He swats at a Borg with a clawed paw. Not the first time he's had singed fur and probably wont be the lst.

He has a plan, so he calls out to Rynn, she's used to riding on a dragon's back and fighting, so why not a large cat's? Though that idea is a little degrading to think about, he thinks it might offer her a little more protection than just standing out in the open. "Hey, Rynn we should team up on these things, we might both stand a better chance if we do? If you can get up to my back, maybe we could be more effective?"

Staren has posed:
    The Star Hawk flies through the warpgate, looking like a fighter plane with some extra parts. May as well be a weird metal bird for the locals, probably. With some trepidation, Staren checks his radar wait holy shit he can SEE that, it is HUGE and...

    And it's a borg cube, as he feared. See, this is why everyone needs to read TV tropes, if Rynn had said 'It's a giant metal cube with greebles on it!' it would have been immediately obvious! But, he kind of suspected anyway, though he hoped it was something else. Still... wow, borg cubes are /big/. He's not sure if he's got enough armaments for this. But he's got to try, right? It's not gonna be like last time, where he waited too long, and was cautious, and almost got himself and the new girl Assimilated.

    /No/, he thinks as he comes in for a landing, transforming to humanoid mode and letting the right shoulder pack telescope out into a massive sniper rifle, /this time will be different/.

    Staren tried to prepare in a hurry. It does help to have a giant robot ready to go. But now... he wonders if it will be enough. Well, maybe it will at least give the borg something besides the locals to focus on. Staren takes a deep breath as the machine reaches up, grabs the rifle's grip, and pulls it down over the shoulder. He takes aim at the massive cube, as energy is channeled from the reactor into capacitors for quick use. Any mages in the area might be able to detect the aura of magic on the railcannon -- it has been enchanted, magic joining science to pack as much power as possible, and because the original planned target of this weapon was one who was by nature weak to two things: magic, and railguns. Reacting rather explosively to either. Inside the chamber sits a bomb, not of chemical or nuclear power but of magic -- crystals charged with opposing elemental energies, that will explode with great force when combined. Not to mention the kinetic force of impact. On the front of the round is a laser drill, to vaporise a tunnel into the target and blow it apart from inside.

    Staren exhales, and holds out his breath, as he holds the reticle still and begins to squeeze the trigger. At the Star Hawk's feet, attachments to the feet laser drill into the ground and deploy pylons deep within as stabilizers.


    The Star Hawk's thrusters fire to hold it stable and counteract the force of the railcannon -- the round moves through the air so quickly that there is nothing to see but a streak of fire and smoke, like one long explosion, and a great boom.. And there should be some impressive fireworks when it hits...

    But even a forty-foot-long magitech cannon probably isn't enough to take out a 3km cube. What /could/ be enough? Maybe if he's really lucky, though, it will send it packing, wounded...

Regina of Borg (222) has posed:
     The electricty shot from Rynn proves pretty effective! Several drones are hit by it, and a few have some of their components explode in an impressive shower of sparks before they go down. But, where a few fall, several more are there to take their place. Plasma rounds continue to fire at Rynn, the Borg unphased by the loss of their comrades.

     Perhaps surprisingly, the brutish tactics of the Wartoks are more effective than might be predicted. The Borg are, after all, only the size of humans, and while tougher than a typical human, they are not elites, so when a giant pig man steps on them, they go crunch like anything else. But, they soon adjust to the charching tactics. Groups of Borg start to focus on the larger attackers, like ants taking on a beetle. With their augmented strength, they start to counter the Wartoks' attacks. And while many Borg are damaged or killed by the Wartok attacks, like ants there are many more to take the place of the fallen. It seems like there is no end to these things!

     Allyn's big claws slice into the armor of the Borg, and sends a shower of sparks over himself with the attack. But, it does work, and the Borg drones he swats are badly damaged. And in the middle of all this carnage, they speak as one in their spooky monotone collective voice.

     "We are the Borg. Lower your defenses and surrender. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Your culture will be adapted to service us. Resistance...is futile."

     That message is likely familiar to Staren, who attracts the attention, not of the drones, but of the ship itself with his shot. The huge supersonic round explodes spectacularly against the Borg shields, causing them to shimmer green over one entire side of the cube. And almost immediately, a massive plasma beam shot is fired on Staren and his mech. The beam is designed to cut into ships, so surely it will do some damage to a mech, even an elite one.

Rynn (266) has posed:
Rynn uses her sword to actually /deflect/ some of the plasma blasts, bit the mythril metal is starting to take a bit of a beating from the heavy heat, slowly creating 'hot' spots on the blade itself that cool off quickly.

When Allyn shows up, the red-head warrior smirks at his suggestion, "You are no Arokh, but you will have to do I suppose." She then sheaths her sword and hops on the Sabertooth cat, "Besides you can run faster then I can-- just keep us out of there range and I'll try to conjure up another spell!"

Though she does have to duck her head as another blaster round comes by, singing some of her red hair!

The Wartoks fight and they fight hard. The ones that get dropped down cry out for there brothers in arms before they are silenced. One with a large leather belt around his chest to shoulder and leather hip guards comes rushing in and swings his massive warhammer attempting to slam the Borgs away from the fallen. Putting not only his weight behind it, but the weight of the hammer as well, he is followed in by several others with axes that try to chop the borg in half.

The armored one roars out in the best English it has, "We do not surrender! We will crush!!" SMASH!

Though one of the warriors with the Axe finds himself getting probably taken down as his axe gets stuck in the ground and he gets probably surrounded unable to defend himself. Poor guy. He will be missed.

Rynn about then takes notice of the large machine that Staren has brought and gives it a questionable, quizzical look. She has /never/ seen anything like that before, but then again given what they are fighting-- its all new to her! Though she does give the Borg her own response to there creepy voices, "I will never surrender to the likes of you or anyone!"

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn would chucckle if he could, but given his current form that's not really possible, he yowls as he's hit a couple more times, but then he does his best to nimbly avoid any others, with feline grace of course! "True, I'm not Arokh, or a dragon, but I'm what you have right now. It's not like I allow people to ride me, so you should at least be honored that you are the first and I did promise to look after you while he was off. Just make sure you hold on tight, I'm not going to wear a saddle or anything like that."

He then dashes off a way from the Borg, to give him and Rynn some distance so she can pull off a spell, or whatever it is she is going to do next, of course if any borg try to stop him, he will stop to swat them, or in case they are close enough he'll bite them, those long canines that don't fit in his mouth that hang along the side of each jaw, wont exactly tickle as they are probably almost as sharp as a sword.

Staren has posed:
    DAMN! Staren was really hoping magic might let his weapon get past the shields. Well, better to learn now than in an even more desperate situation. He follows up with a trio of missiles, larger than his usual ones although this just means longer range. You know, in case the shield has trouble rapidly adapting. "C'mon c'mon c'mon..." Staren eyes the status readouts for progress on recharging and reloading. Maybe if he's really lucky he can get another shot off and try to bring down the shields before


    The torso armor starts melting like butter -- Staren interposes the beam shield on the left arm, and the ship-weapon blast overloads the shield, blows through the now-empty missile pack, and blackens the arm. Staren's already moving, the Star Hawk running to the side and taking to the air, transforming to hybrid mode as Staren flies in zig-zags this way and that, just long enough to fire off a second shot -- it's less stable, but man, his target is 3km across, he doesn't need to aim too precisely. Then the weapon folds up and he transforms back to plane mode... flying /towards/ the borg cube?? Still spiraling and zig-zagging though.

    And this is why Staren isn't fighting infantry on the ground. The Borg brought a freaking cap ship. Even if his allies win, can't the Borg just decide to blast them and their little towns off the map if they can't be assimilated? Maybe Staren just doesn't understand how the Borg think. Why oh why oh why won't the Union just give him some damn nukes?!

    Hmm. Wonder how Morg would feel about /ghost/ nukes. For use in space, of course -- Staren's not a fan of irradiating cities.

Regina of Borg (222) has posed:
     The Borg drones now have basically one target to focus on regarding Allyn and Rynn. So, they find themselves being attacked on all sides by the plasma shots and the sharp blades of the Borg. Hopefully Allyn is as fast as he thinks he is! The Borg shots are precise and powerful, but quick movements will keep most of the shots from hitting.

     The Wartoks' tactics continue to make large dents in the amount of troops, but like the colony they are, any stumble, any hesitation, and the large creatures are overwhelmed. And that poor guy who got his axe stuck? He is practically covered by drones, and each injects him with a shot of nano probes, which start trying to hijack his body and form implants which will bring him under their control. Luckily for him, the Borg have trouble assimilating outside their universe. So, he may not start attacking his comrades, but his body would feel like it has been injected with a terribly debilitating poison. Muscle twitches and spasms would rack his body.

     The missiles fired by Staren impact the shield of the Borg ship, sending out another shimmer of green along the side targeted, and it looks like some of the ship's armor is damaged. But...the ship simply rotates, and Staren is faced with another wall of pristine armor and powerful shields to contend with. And in response to his missile attack, a pair of plasma torpedoes fires at at him. They move with the speed of a bullet, and are able to track him with a high degree of agility. If they impact, they explode powerfully and shower Staren with burning plasma of thousands of degrees. And if they don't...they fall on the landscape and do the same thing to it.

Rynn (266) has posed:
Rynn has to place her trust in Allyn as she tries to remember the proper rune to make in order to cast the spell. She was no sorceress and though, sure, she can conjure some nasty stuff, it doesn't always come to her in a snap of a finger.

As for the Wartoks that were being injected including the one with an Axe they squirm and try to fight the control. Including a few of them actually finding the will to actually /kill/ themselves. Its a brutal sight in the camp really!

Rynn at last remembers the spell and then starts to mark the air with a rune, before she takes hold of it in her hand. The electricity flings around her finger tips before she then throws it outward. The electricity takes the shape of an orb as it sails out, before it then explodes in a massive area of devastation in the source electrical power.

Rynn grins as the spell works, well, until she doesn't duck when she should and gets slammed in the chest by one of the plasma bolts. She cringes in pain and leans down, clinging to Allyn's fur, trying to not scream in pain really. It burnt and her leather armor was /not/ much protection against these type of attacks.


Surdana is holding its own, Arokh flies the skies bring down flames and electricity as he mixes them up time from time, however when Rynn took the bolt to the chest, Arokh screeches out in sudden pain and nearly falls out of the sky, though he is able to recover...

Yeah. It sometimes sucks being spirit bonded.

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn growls deeply as they get surrounded by the borg, but he does manage to dodge most of the shots fired at him, not all of them mind you, he is rather large which makes it somewhat difficult, but he does get passed some of the plasma shots aiming at him and Rynn. He does slow a little when he hears Rynn's gasp of pain though, since his hearing is good in this form. That causes him to get hit in his left rear leg pretty bad. He yowls in pain as the scent of singed fur and burnt flesh comes into the air.

That's not going to stop him, mybe make him a little slower, yes, but not stop completely. "Don't let go." he tells Rynn and then he leaps at one of the nearest borg after they are fired at and attempts to maul it. He'll do his best to try to get them out of being too pinned down.

Staren has posed:
    Taking a second shot and getting close? Forget that, Staren has incoming! He hits an emergency pack-up override for the railgun and it's packed away still hot, probably damaging things but there's NO TIME -- the Star Hawk jumps and transforms to fighter and shoots straight UP. Staren feels almost crushed by the G-forces as he accelerates to and past mach 2 to outrun the mines -- once he thinks he's clear, he slows down and catches his breath. The plasma torpedoes probably devastate the landscape -- oh well, can't be helped right? In retrospect, he should've tried to shoot them down with missiles. Oh well. Next time.

    Staren takes a deep breath. Okay. He'll be lucky to get one shot at this. But he got the borg cube pretty banged up on ONE SIDE. Or at least, it's shields. He has to use that, before they can regenerate too much. He grips the controls and dives.

    The Star Hawk is pretty fast. It's supersonic. This, Staren hopes, gives him a chance to reach the weakened side of the cube faster than it can turn away from him again. And as he flies past...

    He just fires ALL THE MISSILES. The four pods on the wings open, each containing 15 minimissiles that fire all at once. The gunpod just breaks apart due to explosive bolts, allowing the five or six or seven dozen minimissiles inside to take off all at once.

    He's throwing everything he's got at them. Over 120 minimissiles streak towards the damaged side of the borg cube, faster than a speeding bullet, each armed with a plasma warhead, like a miniature version of the torpedoes the Borg just used!

    Aw man, he totally forgot to say a cool one-liner when he pressed the trigger. Maybe it's not too late? "Go to HELL!" See, 'cuz the missiles are gonna make it really hot when they explode, like hell. /You/ try improvising a line in a fraction of a second.

Regina of Borg (222) has posed:
     Luckily, the invading troops in Surdana are nearly routed. But, as both Rynn and Arokh use electrical attacks on them, both Arokh and Rynn would notice that each subsequent electrical or fire attack was less effective. The Borg can't seem to adapt completely to the magic attacks, but fewer drones fall with each shot. Rynn's blast downs several drones, but like the ship above, green shields appear over most of the drones, deflecting part of the attack. But, if anyone notices, the number of invading troops seems to be declining.

     Allyn had better be fast with his mauling. No Borg stands alone, and being in any one place for more than a few seconds leaves him in danger of being overrun by drones. Whenever he passes one, it reaches out to try and grab him, and if any succeed, he will be injected with the same nanite poison that is now plaguing the Wartoks.

     Staren's attack...works! The dozens of missiles impact the shield, and in a bright shimmer they collapse, and many of the missiles impact the hull of the ship, punching holes in the side Staren is facing and sending green fire out from the damaged areas. But, as Staren gets in close, it gives the Borg Cube a chance to use one of their more infamous weapons.

     The tractor beam.

     It is nearly impossible to dodge a tractor beam, and once it is locked on it will start to drain both Staren's shields and power reserves. The only question is...how vulnerable is Staren's Star Hawk to energy drain?

Rynn (266) has posed:
When Allyn says hold on, Rynn does so. When the Sabertooth goes to maul, Rynn quickly pulls herself together and forces herself to move, using her bow and arrow to try and 'snipe' shot the Borgs away from Allyn so he can get a move on again.

Rynn does note of those shields though and also at the fact Allyn has-- maybe slowed down. "I'm weighing you down, you need to stay on the move and you can't be-- look out!" When the borg goes to try and grab for Allyn, Rynn tries to actually shoot at the hand going for him.

Success or not-- is hard to say.

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn doesn't maul for long, he doesn't want those things injecting him with anything, he growls in defiance as he's nealry grabbed a few times, but a swat of a paw might be enough to get him by. "You're not weighing me down, my back leg is injured and I'm not used to being used as a mount, but don't worry. I could change into a large tortoise, probably big enough for you to hide behind if you think that would be better, but I think we should keep moving. Don't worry, I wont fall to these things." he's hurt though, probably more shots to his body and maybe another leg, but he contineus fighting on to get himself and Rynn free from the borg menacing them.

Staren has posed:
    The Star Hawk stops.

    It was going 2.6 times the speed of sound, or about 900 meters per second.

    Now it is not.

    Staren goes splat. And that is that.


    Immediately, a Shinki climbs out of his pack. A Blank, modified to look male, and wearing a miniature version of Staren's outfit. It climbs up to the back of his suit's neck. A connection is made. Copying begins.

    Staren stares at the drill he's holding, which is stuck in... Oh F***, not AGAIN. He tries to take a deep breath, reflexively, and can't. Okay. Focus. How long were you out? Under 15 seconds. Good. Let's see... Not on the borg ship yet. Still out here. But the Star Hawk can't move, and something's draining its power. The little shinki frowns and balls a fist with its free hand. F***, those BASTARDS. His course of action is clear. He can't spend more than a few seconds trying to think of something better. There /is/ no better course. He's out of tricks. He sets the self-destruct, and activates the teleporter.

    Some of the FAST packs are detached by explosive bolts, just in case a target breaking up allows pieces to leave the tractor beam and fall. Either way, a few tens of seconds later, the Star Hawk explodes. It's a large, fairly powerful explosion, but a reactor self-destructing simply doesn't compare in the least to a true nuclear weapon. Still. Might blow out some of the cube, and keep them from getting their hands on the Wiretech. That's the /last/ thing anyone needs.

    Staren, meanwhile, flies along as his suit walks up to the warpgate, and they go through.

Regina of Borg (222) has posed:
     Rynn does a pretty good job of keeping the Borg from getting a hand on Allyn. So far, he's not been injected. But, the Borg are persistent. And no doubt the Wartok are suffering heavy losses by this point. But, the number of Borg troops is dwindling. Their bodies would be littering the ground...if their dead did not disintegrate upon expiring.

     Still, there is plenty of plasma fire flying around, and plenty of sharp blades threatening to slice into both Rynn and Allyn. And if they don't stay alert, they could still be overwhelmed or injected with nano probes. It is a delicate balance, the falling number of Borg troops combined with Allyn's declining strength. Which will break first?

     The Star Hawk explodes, and the Borg shields shimmer as they deflect the energy, but any craft going critical causes damage, and the side Staren had been targeting collapses inward a bit. The Borg ship starts to list to the side, but stabilizes after a few moments. The explosion apparently damages the beam emitters and the tractor beam stops, so those parts that weren't vaporized in the explosion fall to earth.

Rynn (266) has posed:
Rynn continues to protect Allyn as he has protected her, which thankfully for them both, Arokh has come to the rescue! The mighty elder dragon lets out a roar be known of his entrance, which--- spooks a few Wartoks that had been trying to find shelter for find /new/ Shelter and smack a few Borgs as they do.

As for Arokh he swoops down and goes to slam his claws into the Borg that still remain, using his tail as a bludgeon weapon as he goes by and then circle around before unleashing a massive breath of ice across the land right behind Rynn and Allyn.

Rynn grins as she watches Arokh go to work and then smiles, "I think-- our troubles are almost over." Rynn looks to Allyn. "Thank you.. by the way.. I owe you a great deal.."

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn is glad to hear that roar, as he does feel himself begin to falter a bit. Well, when Arokh lands behind him and Rynn he stops, he'll let the dragon do the rest. He looks back at Rynn and gives her a nod, "We made a good team, guess its not so bad having rider. I think I am going to need some healing when these things are all chased away, but we weren't a bad team."

Regina of Borg (222) has posed:
     Elder dragon!! It's hard to stand up to that, and the Borg troops were already suffering. When Arokh swoops in, he pretty much finishes off what troops were still attacking. Faced with a heavily damaged ship, and severly limited troops on the ground, the Borg who are not dead start to disappear in shimmers of green, presumably back onto the ship overhead, which is trailing fire along an entire side thanks to Staren.

     The attack is routed! The Borg ship starts pulling away, heading back up into space, or the void, or whatever is above this world. Many of the Wartok are suffering from Borg infection, but with help they could fight the nanoprobes off. And in Surdana, nearly no one was hurt thanks to the heroic efforts of the city's defenders and Arohk.

     Now...they just have to keep people from going into some kind of 'aliens!' panic. And Staren has to rebuild Star Hawk. And possibly himself.

Rynn (266) has posed:
Rynn hops off Allyn and then walks up to Arokh once the dragon lands down, grinning up at the dragon, "See! I told you I be alright!" Though as she extends her arms out she then winces from the pain front her shoulder and chest.

Arokh snorts softly. "Yes. I see you are still alive." Those gold draconic eyes look over to Allyn, giving him a slight bow of the head in thanks, before he looks back to Rynn. "What about the one with the giant steel golem. Do you know if they are alright?"

Rynn shakes her head gently. "We been dealing with everything on ground.. so I have no idea.." She then looks over to the Wartok village, with the remaining Wartoks looking back, they give her a snort, before they seem to go back to there own buisness.. which is checking for survivors and trying to clean up a little. "..They.. called themselves.. the Borg." Rynn looks back to Arokh, then to Allyn. "I.. I really don't know what to make of them... or.. that cube."

Rynn then looks back to Allyn, "We can take you back to Surdana to get some proper treatment. Probably also let the local healers know that the Wartoks out here may need.. some aid.. if they will accept it." She then brushes a bang off to the side. "..Probably make sure that giant iron golem is alright as well.."

Arokh looks in that direction for a moment before looking back at Rynn. Though the dragon for the most part seems to have gone silent. This was-- a pretty wild event.

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn bows to head back to Arokh, he shifts back to his human form, which is saying a lot, since he hardly ever does, he's hurt enough that he'd rather be in this form because if eh faints, he'd return to his natural form anyway. "I did promise to look after her." he smiles some to Rynn and then he shrugs a little, "I do not know much more than you do, I met them a while back in another village and do not know what to make of them." he ponders and wanders over towards Rynn and the dragon, "Healing would be a good thing I think, lets go there if we can then?"

He glances towards where Staren's golem thing was, "I really will not get used to such things I do not think. I feel out of place around here sometimes. I am glad they are gone though."