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If They Only Knew The Truth Of Saiyans
Date of Scene: 04 September 2014
Location: Asian Plains
Synopsis: Kotone takes Taylita out for dinner, for a chance to catch up and chat. What Kotone and the staff of the Buffet are about to find out, the horror of a hungry Sayain.
Cast of Characters: Kotone Yamakawa, 180

Taylita (180) has posed:
     After their first meeting went...pretty well...Taylita came back a few days later and asked if Kotone knew of a good buffet in town. Kotone, being the street savvy girl she is, knew of one, and the two where headed there now. Of course, Taylita was flying. And carrying Kotone. The blue streak moving across the sky is easy to see in the late evening twilight.

     Taylita lands carefully in front of the restaurant, then sets Kotone down. "You alright?" she asks, grinning light. Then, she looks toward the door before back at Kotone. "Shall we?"

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa was heavier than a normal human but that wouldn't mean much to Taylita. She's looking down rather wide eyed, not scared just going holy cow they were flying. Once they come in for a landing she nods.

"I think I swallowed a bug, but I should be fine. So seriously you can fly...that would make so many biologists heads hurt."

She seems very amused as she heads for the buffet.

"Let's I could use something to eat...then again it's more, just to help remind myself I'm human these days than actual need..."

Taylita (180) has posed:
     Taylita giggles at the bug comment as she walks in with Kotone, raising an eyebrow at her other comments. "Why? It's pretty easy to explain how I fly. I just use my body's natural ki energy to generate force. It's really no different from say...a rocket. Just a lot more controlled." she says as they head to the buffet. Taylita's eyes widen at the selection of foods and the quantity. She giggles excitedly before blinking. "Oooh. I didn't even think about that. Do you even need food? Or do you just plug in at the end of a day?" she says without realizing how insensitive that might sound. She's already picking up a plate and filling it. Piling it really. By the time she is done, there is just a big pile of food on two plates that she is carrying around happily.

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa Says "Ki's more just a spitiral concepts here more than anything. The trining concepts related to it are good one way or another. Either way you know there's shots all over the net of your last flight right?"

She enters in adn she looks to Tylita for a moment.

"Yes there's certrain types of food made to deliver things to keep my body operating...."

She looks almost slapped at the last part.

"No it's not some bad mov...ie...?"

She stares at Taylita's pile of food.

"Ummm you know you ... have to eat it all here there's no ... doggy bag if your used to that term."

Taylita (180) has posed:
     Taylita pauses in the middle of moving to just take a bite out of the pile of food on her plate when she notices the look on Kotone's face. She winces. "Ah...sorry. I didn't mean that as an insult or anything. I was just-..." She then looks at her plates as Kotone speaks up, then looks back to Kotone. "Of course. Why do you think I asked for a buffet place? If I was to eat at a regular place, the bill would be like...100 dollars."

     When she hears that shots of her flight are up on the net, it makes Taylita grin. "So, this tech-heavy world doesn't have things like ki energy, huh? I bet I could really cause a scene if I had to fight something here." she says as she moves toward a table.

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa has her own plate which is decent but nut huge.

"100 that might be calling it close on that I'm not sure and really you can eat that much but it's got more mass than a stoma...."

She trails off a little bit and she looks t Taylita.

"No Ki, no magic, no nothing like that here. Some would say it's mundane but with what I seen beyond it? We're lucky it's tht way...you might just be mistaken for a miltary cyborg."

She moves to sit down with her strange companion.

Taylita (180) has posed:
     Taylita shrugs. "Don't ask me how saiyans work. I'm not sure. I just know we eat a lot." she says as they sit down. She takes a bite out of a steak by simply spearing it on a fork and holding it up. "I'd kinda like to test myself out against some military cyborgs from a place like this. Saiyan vs machine. It's the ultimate pride fight." she says, grinning.

     "So, what do you usually do around here for fun? Do you stay in that shop of yours all the time?" the saiyan asks.

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa says "Unless you found one willing to spar I doubt you'd get it. Military hardware's not exactly cheap. I'm just civilian grade and not that high myself. you seem really keen on the idea of fighting dangerous foes."

She goes to start digging into her meal.

"When I'm not being a gear head take in the local night life, explore the multiverse...I admit I fallen into things out there move than workiner here. I'm just happy I paid off the last of the debt I had recently."

Taylita (180) has posed:
     "Well, that's part of being a saiyan. As much as I might dislike saiyan culture, I still look forward to facing challenging foes. I train everyday just so I'll be ready. But, that's not all I live for. It's more like a hobby." Taylita says to the first comment.

     To the second, Taylita blinks. "Wait, debt? Are you a gambler or something? 'Cause having to pay for stuff that you only had to get because of an accident is kinda cruel."

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa Says "No, I was ... offered a pretty good model there were just some things I wanted added. I got them for cost thankfully and it could be worse the bodies that often are used doe medical issues are functional but ... you'd find ones run by AI's in ... less savaoryu jobs or meial tasks. Not something I'd like to spend a large part of my life in."

Taylita (180) has posed:
     Taylita nods in understanding. "I guess I can see that. If they forced the debt on you though, I'd have to punch someone." she says before taking a vicious bite of her steak, a slightly dangerous smirk on her face. It fades after a moment though and she is smiling again. "But, I know what world I'm coming to if I ever get dismembered!" she says, far too excitedly for such a topic. "Hey! Next time we get together, I'll bring my spaceship so you can have a look at it. I got to look at your shop, after all. It just seems fair."

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
At this point one employee is kinda staring at Taylita as she eats, wait she's packed away how much? Kotone meanwhile is eating at a much slower pace just trying to enjoy the meal really. She tilts her head a little bit. "Your a bit to eager but I can't argue I'd hook you up with the people who made my body they produce everything from full ones like this to limbs, organs and the like. I'd be happy to get a look at that."

Taylita (180) has posed:
     Taylita hees. "Hook up with me? We've only known each other a couple days!" she says, then giggles. "Oooh. You said 'hook me up with the people'." she says, obviously teasing. She smiles after that. "Don't worry, I'm not eager for it to happen, but if it -did-, I'd come here." she says. One plate of her food is already gone, and she's starting on the second.

     "So, you said you've gotten into trouble outside of this town? Like what?" Taylita asks after a moment.

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa pauses at the choice of words and seems to be very embrassed at what she said. She looks at the Sayain for a moment.

"I'm just saying I have connections. Do you really want to know some I can't talk about mind you. But I run into undead in a little place called Kingsmouth and have been trying to help there and some other employment I can't really get into. I'm afraid."

Taylita (180) has posed:
     Taylita laughs happily at Kotone's embarrassment. "Well, sure I want to know. You survived the encounters, so you must be moderately tough. Or you didn't have to fight." Taylita answers with a smile. Her second plate is all but gone at this point, just a few scattered morsels here and there remaining.

     Talita finishes off those morsels, then stretches over the back of her chair. "Well, I should get going. Thanks for dinner!" she says before hopping out of her chair and...into the air. "You're alright, Kotone. Kinda serious, but still, fun. We have to hang out some more." she says before flying out the doors.