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A Strike From The Shadows
Date of Scene: 04 September 2014
Location: Soul Eater World
Synopsis: It is time for Kagenashi to strike. Her target has gone unpunished for too long, but will the power she recently be acquired be enough? It's a dark show down under a sinister moon, and the risk is high.
Cast of Characters: 22, 85

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
    It's annoying, but what is there to be done? After centuries of living and practicing her craft, the snake witch is well aware that there are many things that are not that fun to do, but are necessary. Experience has given her patience, and even if Medusa would prefer to spend her time doing other things, she reminds herself that those things will not run away from her.

    Like most of the time spent in her own world, she is cautious as she makes her way through the streets after picking up the necessary samples from her contact. No broom to give away her identity, and Soul Protect is in place to not draw attention to her presence. Who knows what dogs of Shibusen might be in the area, after all? Sure, it might seem reckless of what appears to be a young woman to walk unarmed through the outskirts of a city all by herself at night. The snakeskin coat doesn't seem too warm, even with the hood up, and the knee length black dress is really more appropriate for more temperate areas. Her high heels echo throughout the deserted street as she makes her way to where she arrived, where she can pick up her broom and make her way back to the nearest warp gate. There is still much to be done today, patients to tend to, there's labwork to be performed... after all, a nurse's work is never done. While she goes over the mental tally over the tasks that require her attention, she isn't blind to what is going on around her. Even if she doesn't expect anything to happen, she didn't survive being hunted down by pure luck.

Kagenashi (85) has posed:
    It's wise of Medusa to be wary of her surroundings. One person in particular has taken this opportunity to seek her out, knowing that she has gone out on her own for whatever reasons she has. That doesn't matter so much to the person who has been harboring a deep, resentful, yet silent grudge that only now reaches a boiling point.

    Even then, the woman in black is patient. She knows that she only has one opportunity for this, and wasting it would ruin everything. In silence, she slinks through the shadows along the streets, enhancing them if need be with illusions of a deeper darkness than the night naturally provides. Even her bright eyes are hidden, and the black metal of the elaborate hook swords at her hips can't even gleam in the shadows.

    As she moves, keeping an even distance behind Medusa like a predator stalking through grass, that darkness seems to spread. The lights illuminating the street, both natural and otherwise, start to dim. The sky darkens, and blackness settles like a swift fog around the abandoned street. Soon it becomes difficult for all but the keenest sight to make out anything more than a few feet away.

    Then, from the darkness, she strikes.

    Flames of greenish-blue blaze over her eyes. Both hook swords are gripped tightly in her hands. The Black Demon leaps behind Medusa, still so incredibly quiet, and brings both hooks down on the witch to bury them in the crooks of her neck.

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
    The darkness doesn't bother Medusa. As a witch she is hardly a creature who prefers the light of day, and she might do better to learn to fear some things. She is a confident woman however, and even if the area seems to grow darker, it might just be because the sinister moon above is hidden behind a cloud.

    When Medusa realizes that is not the case, it's too late.

    The attacker is silent, and it's only quick reaction and her agility that saves her as she gets the feeling that /somebody/ is behind her. Kicking off, Medusa launches herself forward, though not without the hooks grazing her shoulders, though luckily the snakehide on her coat does offer some protection at least.

    The snake witch skids to a halt, her coat whirling about her as she fastens snakelike eyes on her assailant. No, this is no mere thug attacking her for money or other shady purposes. That attack meant to /kill/ her. Oh well, it's hardly the first person to try to kill her.

    "Soul Protect... Release."

    The air around the witch seemingly explodes in a torrent of wind and chaotic energy as the massive witch soul is freed, weighing down heavily on anybody sensitive to such dark forces. Even as Medusa peers at the disguised woman in black from underneath the hood of the snakeskin coat, she doesn't seem worried. No, she is more focused on figuring out how to handle this pest. Just who could it be...?

    "Would you care to identify yourself...?" she requests in a soft tone, a wry smile crossing her lips as black vector snakes begin coiling around the witch's shoulders. She raises her arms, pointing them towards the assassin. "Nake snake, cobra cobubura..."

Kagenashi (85) has posed:
    The assassin is quick, but not quick enough. Her weapons graze, but little else; the quick finish she had hoped for isn't going to work out now. Of course, she wasn't expecting it to be easy in the first place.

    The Black Demon lands in a crouch, then swiftly leaps back, retreating further into the darkness she has made until only the flames over her eyes are clearly visible. The rest of her blends into the surrounding black, making it difficult to see the braced, almost animalistic stance she takes, holding her hook swords low at her sides. She almost seems more beast than human, and her response to Medusa's request only reinforces that. Little more than a snarl like that of a tiger's leaves her mouth from behind the demon's fanged mask, both threatening and smoldering with anger.

    Whether the dark assailant is even capable of speech isn't going to be made clear yet, it seems. She seems more interested in casting her ire upon Medusa and finishing the job she started. It's not like she can turn back now, can she? Even if Medusa's power is enough to weigh upon her shoulders like heavy chains...

    With the darkness hanging over them both, it may be difficult to make out the malevolent power spreading out along the ground from the woman in black. It seeps out over the street like corruption, a bruise-colored power that creeps toward Medusa before lashing out in a sudden wave just in front of her. Its strike isn't a physical one, but rather a rake across the witch's soul, as if the Black Demon's willingness to cause harm were capable of doing so just on its own.

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
    Green flamed eyes... Medusa peers at the woman even as she works up her magic, her arms snaking about each other, fingers spread in the hypnotic little dance as she gathers up the power to defend herself. The response she gets from her attacker earns a soft chuckle. "Now now, there's little need to be like /that/, now is there~?" she taunts even as her eyes narrow dangerously, the eyes of a snake preparing to strike. When the darkness spreads however, when that power clashes against hers, Medusa winces slightly. But then again, she is no ordinary witch. The attack is brushed off, refusing to back down even as the woman's magic builds up, black snakes coiling and dancing behind Medusa. Once it's enough to be unleashed to teach her attacker a lesson, the Confederate witch decides to return the favour.

    "Vector Plate."

    Several black arrows appear in the street, one of them underneath Medusa and pointing off to the side, throwing her first to the right, then towards the left. And as she's thrown the second time, her movements but a blur, she throws her arms out towards the masked assassin, several black arrows shooting out from her back towards her. "Vector Arrow!" All at once the snakes fly forwards, jagged black lines through the air as they intend to slice into the masked lady in black.

Kagenashi (85) has posed:
    The woman in black silently berates herself as her attack barely has any impact. She probably should have expected as much. How much stronger is Medusa's malevolent will than her own? Of course it would prove that much less effective against such a creature. At least now she knows, and she can file /that/ skill off of her available resources.

    That list was small enough already, however, and she doesn't have much space to make more mistakes.

    Medusa quickly proves just how little space the Black Demon has. The witch rushes with incredible speed, and while the woman in black is quick, she isn't quick enough. She turns just in time to see Medusa speeding toward her, and she can't even raise her weapons in time to block the arrows flying through the air. Again and again they impale her, piercing her black bodysuit and drawing blood along with a pained hiss from the woman who finds herself forced to stumble back.

    Oh, it hurts. Almost enough to make the assassin very much aware of how in over her head she is. Even then, however, she pushes that thought aside; doubt will only make her even more likely to fail here, and that simply isn't an option.

    The eyes behind the flames narrow at Medusa. With her this close, it seems like the perfect opportunity to counterattack, and so the snarling woman does exactly that. Her mouth opens, showing little more than darkness between her lips, and in the next moment she spits a fireball of that same blue-green hue straight at Medusa's chest with a deep, animalistic roar.

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
    Wicked glee dances across Medusa's lips as the snakes dig into the attacker, and she skids to a halt, slamming her hand down into the ground. Fighting in high heels isn't too optimal, but by taking them off she would waste valuable seconds, which could prove fatal against a skilled opponent.

    Which is made evident as there's suddenly a blue-green fireball coming her way. Medusa frowns and throws up her arms, several snakes flying up in attempt to block the fire, but it doesn't work as planned. Burnt to crisp, the snakes wither and fall apart like burnt paper, and Medusa cries out as the fire hits her straight in the chest, dancing against her skin and throwing her back against the pavement. The witch lands roughly on her side, slapping her hand against her chest to get rid of the lingering flames there. It certainly looks like her neck and chest is red enough, at least what is visible underneath the burnt edges of her dress. But rather than letting it stop her, Medusa wastes no time as she speaks again. "Vector Plate!"

    Another black arrow appears underneath the witch, and she's thrown towards another of the black arrows, which throws her to another and another... and while she's in the air, she twists and pulls off her coat. And as she passes by the Black Demon, she throws the garment, intending to wrap up her opponent's head and shoulders in the cloth, only to land on another black arrow and kick back towards her attacker. This time while aiming a roundhouse kick at her back and hopefully send her facefirst into the ground.

Kagenashi (85) has posed:
    The smallest hint of satisfaction can be seen curling the lips of Medusa's attacker when the witch recoils from that abrupt fireball. It's brief, as brief as Medusa's own pain, but the Black Demon clearly holds a personal stake in this matter if Medusa's pain brings her that sort of pleasure. Whoever she is.

    She doesn't have much time to revel in the satisfaction, however, for Medusa is quick to rush into combat again. Once more, she rushes around the woman in black, and the assassin is barely able to keep her focus on the witch. Flames from her eyes whip back and forth as tries to keep her gaze on Medusa...before that coat suddenly tangles around her head and blocks her sight.

    The Black Demon gives a growling shout of surprise and tries to tug the coat off, but her efforts come too late. Medusa is quick, and her kick strikes in the center of the assassin's back, sending her falling forward to land painfully on her shoulder on the street. Thankfully for her, the impact also tosses the coat off her head, so now she can at least /see/.

    The woman in black snarls in pain as she pushes herself off the ground, and, for once, actual words come from her, though her voice is heavily twisted by that bestial growling. "...what reason do you even have to take that man?"

    Suddenly, she vanishes, disappearing as if she were merely a ghost. Only a few moments later does she reappear, this time behind Medusa with her swords linked by their hooks to double the weapons' length. The woman in black immediately attacks, assaulting Medusa with a relentless dance as she holds one sword by the handle and lashes out with the linked weapons. The spikes and blade on the hilt of the other sword serve as her weapon as she keeps her distance, swinging the combined swords from afar again and again with quick, wide horizontal slashes.

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
    Landing in a crouch, Medusa watches the assailant fall forwards onto the pavement, serpentine eyes studying the figure. And when it speaks, it does sound like a woman. Those accusing words makes the witch smirk, and she rises to her full height again, even as she chuckles. "Hmmm? A scorned admirer...?" she questions with no small degree of amusement in her tone. Indeed, a woman can be a force to be reckoned with in matters like this. "I might as well ask you why /you/ care so much." No, there is no doubt just who this attacker is talking about. It suddenly makes this far more interesting.

    When the Black Demon vanishes Medusa's eyes widen, and she listens intently, ready to move. Which is good when she realizes that her attacker is... behind!

    Turning around even as she steps off to the side, Medusa leans back. Behind her a black snake crawls out from her lower back, larger than the others as it digs into the ground, and Medusa kicks off, sending her back even as the tail snake does its best to deflect the swings of the linked hookswords. Metal meets snake, though the repeated attacks are too fast for Medusa to block them all. The blades graze her arms as she twists mid air before pushing off the ground with her hands, sending her into a backwards summer sault.

    As she lands she gives the assassin a twisted leer. "Besides, he hasn't complained about my company yet... VECTOR ARROW!" Her right arm is thrown forward, her left one resting underneath it with two fingers aimed at the woman in black, and several snakes shoot out of Medusa's back and forwards again, this time far more of them as they aim for her attacker's arms and legs, as well as her abdomen. Better not try to kill this one...

Kagenashi (85) has posed:
    When Medusa at last leaps away, the flurry of slashes comes to a halt as the Black Demon catches the second weapon's handle in her free hand. The blades are immediately unhooked from one another and lowered to her sides as she watches Medusa to see what she does next. Her shoulders rise and fall, heavy breaths hissing between clenched teeth from adrenaline more than anything.

    Medusa's last words make the dark woman's grasp tighten with no small amount of fury. Before she can retort, however, the witch is assaulting her yet again with a storm of serpents. The Black Demon does not fail to notice their particular aim, however; those strikes are not meant to kill, but to debilitate and make it impossible for her to fight back. She is being toyed with.

    Black blades flash as the dark woman does her best to cut down the serpents before they reach her, but for each one she slices in midair, another tears into her and draws further blood from beneath her black outfit. Finally, as she swings one sword up to cut through a snake rushing at her shoulder, another digs into her stomach, scoring deep and drawing out a sharp gasp of surprised agony.

    The Black Demon falters and stumbles as pain rushes through her, forcing her into a hunch where she stands as her hand moves to the deep, bleeding wound. It's a moment or two before she levels out her breathing again, at least enough to growl back at Medusa. "...that...is because you did something to him. Something...to warp his mind and make him /forget/."

    Finally, she manages to force herself upright, though she's certainly not as stoic as she could be. Too many more hits like that will surely be the end of her. "And whatever you have done, it will end when your life does. Whatever spell or curse you have put on him...I will put an end to it."

    The Black Demon crouches and just as quickly leaps toward Medusa again. This time, however, her arms are pulled back, and when she comes close, they are thrust forward in twin punches that use the bladed guards of her swords as oversized brass knuckles. One toward her stomach, and the other toward her neck.

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
    More blood is drawn, and even if her attacker isn't quite neutralized yet, it did seem that it hurt a fair bit. The witch studies the figure intently, her amber eyes not moving from her as she stumbles. The accusing words do nothing but widen the smirk on Medusa's features as she shrugs a bit. "Such petty jealousy... So you're somebody who knew him well before," Medusa muses, the wheels in her mind turning. "Hmmm, A former lover? I was not aware that such a callous man had one... an admirer perhaps?" The Union general had seemed truthful in saying there was no official attempt on her life. Though when the assailant voices her intent to kill her in attempt to save the dhampir's mind? That makes Medusa /laugh/, disdain clear in her laughter as she peers at the Black Demon. "End my life? Even if you were to be successful, my death would change nothing~"

    When the attacker leaps forward, Medusa is too slow to react, a frown crossing her features. Didn't her attack do more damage? Perhaps adrenaline or rage is keeping her going? She raises her arms in attempt to block, but the twin punches strike true, and the witch cries out as she's thrown back, sent tumbling down the street. Wheezing for breath, Medusa reaches up to rub at her throat. How devious, striking her in the throat... a deliberate action, perhaps? For reasons beyond that it hurts? The snake witch pushes herself up, the tail snake twitching behind her as she crouches... and kicks off towards one of the many arrows, and once again she is set flying about, to and fro as she speeds up. Finally she rushes past behind the Black Demon, all before she is thrown forward and back, coming towards her side. At that moment is when Medusa draws her right arm back, black snakes coiling about it, and then she lashes out, aiming to strike and tear into the assassin's abdomen.

Kagenashi (85) has posed:
    Anger burns just as brightly in the Black Demon's eyes as the flames she uses when Medusa laughs and mocks her so scornfully, but by the time Medusa is sent tumbling back by that last attack, it has given way to confusion. "...what...? What do you mean, it would change nothing...?"

    Is that a hint of desperation in her voice, even behind the snarling demon's growl? She breathes heavily, shoulders rising and falling as she watches Medusa steadily rise. Finally, her eyes narrow again, and her grip on her weapons tightens. Spite drips from her words when she speaks again. "...whatever you have done, /my/ role in his life is of no concern to you. It is not jealousy that inspires me, and neither is it something that you will /break/ with a forked tongue!"

    Again Medusa retaliates, but this time the Black Demon is a little more quick. She spins around as Medusa rushes past her, lifting her swords in a cross guard in front of her just as the witch moves in to strike at her abdomen. It's somewhat effective; metal clangs as the drill punches against the swords, and while they don't stop it completely, they at least lessen the impact as the snakes tear at the woman's waist and knock her back several feet. She skids to a halt by planting her feet against the ground, claws scraping along the street before she finally stops.

    The moment she does, the Black Demon lets out another roar and lurches forward. Ignoring the pain and bleeding from her many wounds, she launches fireball after fireball at Medusa, blasting them one after another toward the witch's chest.

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
    There is no reply first, as Medusa is too occupied with striking out at the mystery woman, and she studies every moment, hears every word spoken as more and more pieces of the puzzle fall together. And it amuses the witch more and more as realization slowly begins to dawn on her.

    The incoming fireballs do warrant her full attention, and Medusa leaps backwards, twisting her body as best as she can even as the fireballs strike her in the arms, burning the skin there, though she manages to avoid getting struck in the face or somewhere fatal, the strange coloured fire grazing her torso and head. When she lands it is clear that the witch will probably need to spend some time in medical herself, not as a nurse, but as a patient for once. Her skin is red and burnt in places, blisters forming and having been burst in places. It's not a pretty sight. But even so, the witch chuckles at the black Demon. The smile on her face is different now, is she's privvy to some dirty little secret. "I mean what I said... whether you succeed in killing me or not, it will not change anything. Besides, I was killed once." Her eyes glimmer with twisted amusement.

    "Obviously it didn't work so well, now did it~?"

    Stepping backwards onto a black vector plate that she seems to know is there, Medusa rushes around the street again, though this time she intends to make it hurt. A lot. This time she doesn't seem intent on settling on one attack, instead she launches attack after attack in quick succession on the poor assailant. First a kick from the left, then a Vector aimed punch from behind, only to land on yet another arrow as she bounces back, twin snakes awakening from the ink on Medusa's arm as they race towards the Black Demon and open their massive maws and do their best to tear into her. All of this is followed by another kick from Medusa, as she hopes to send the black clad lady flying into the wall of a nearby building.

Kagenashi (85) has posed:
    The Black Demon does her best to maintain her composure, or at least some semblance of it, but Medusa's words begin to make that more and more difficult. If she was already killed once, then...is there really /any/ chance of victory here, or is this effort already condemned to failure?

    The woman in black doesn't have much time to think about it. Before she can prepare, Medusa is already attacking her once again, and this time the witch isn't relenting. Kicks, snakes, punches, each one landing on the Black Demon with both strength and speed, making her cry out in pain with each successive impact. At last, that final kick strikes her, sending her flying through the air and crashing into a very sturdy wall with a dull crack. The assassin soon flops to the ground, lying face down in front of the bloody smear she left against the wall.

    It's several moments before the woman even moves. It may seem like she's been defeated, until she lets out a low, pained growl and steadily, painfully pushes herself up. Even that is an effort in itself, considering the damage she's experienced. She bleeds from far too many wounds, and no doubt more than a few things have been broken by now. It's a wonder she /can/ stand at this point, but no doubt her sheer determination is the only reason she can manage that much.

    She wobbles slightly where she stands, when she eventually does, but her grasp of her weapons is still firm. She gasps for breath as she turns to Medusa, her eyes narrowed behind the flames hiding them. For a few moments, the panting woman just /glares/ at Medusa...and then she rushes back in, flying just above the ground rather than trying to make use of her legs.

    Her aim is to drive the hooks of her weapons into Medusa's sides, and immediately after that, to turn and /slam/ Medusa into the ground on her back with that hold she has. This is immediately followed by a powerful kick of her heel directly against the witch's sternum with an enraged roar; it sends pain shooting up her leg if she manages to connect, but if she can cripple the witch or at least wipe that /smirk/ off her face, it'll be more than worth it.

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
    Beholding the assassin as she steps forward, Medusa does her best to catch her breath. "You cannot hope to best me. You know how powerful I am. And I know /your/ limits as well..." she threatens with a sinister look in those golden eyes of hers. While she isn't out to kill the other woman, it should be clear that she's no longer playing.

    Because /somebody/ needs to be taught a lesson!

    When the Black Demon rises though, she arches an eyebrow. "Hmmm? You still haven't had enough?" she asks with a sigh, as if met with the petulant attitude of a child who is throwing a tantrum. Because in her mind, this is just what it is. Fine. Let's see what she can do. Forward the assassin charges, and Medusa summons up her magic as she mutters her mantra under her breath, holding her arms in front of her. Why isn't she moving? The swords hook into her sides, and Medusa cries out in pain, dark blood being drawn and raining upon the pavement as she staggers back, only to be yanked and slammed into the ground. It doesn't make matters better when she tries to shield the kick, the woman's foot slamming into her sternum as the force implants into her ribcage. Sure, the witch is no longer smirking, so she did accomplish one thing.

    So did Medusa by allowing her attacker close. There is an absolutely wild look in Medusa's eyes as she throws her arms upward, crossing them above her where she lies on the ground, her voice nearly breathless

    "Steam Vector..."

    With the amount of magic built up, the tiny snakes take no time at all as they tear up from the ground around them, seeking to dig into the Black Demon, coming in full force from all around. And up close like this, can she even avoid such an attack? The snakes cut and constrict, even while their pained mistress watches in wicked, triumphant glee, her right hand closing into a fist. "Constrict...!"

    The snakes wrap themselves tight around the would-be assassin, seeking out sensitive flesh to slice...

Kagenashi (85) has posed:
    Medusa's plan is perfect. Even if the Black Demon had the time to react and retreat, she's too injured and weak now to manage the necessary agility. The snakes rise up and coil around her, squeezing the assassin and ripping into her flesh. She cries out and struggles, but there simply isn't enough she can do against the torrent of serpents with the strength she has left. The woman in black soon falls to the ground, bleeding even further from the many, many cuts all over.

    Her options have all but completely vanished by now. So too has her illusion: the darkness has mostly lifted around the fighting pair, returning most of the dim light to the abandoned street. Standing is a struggle in itself, so how could she possibly keep any more of her focus? She looks about ready to collapse as it is.

    As much as she wishes to see Medusa fall, the back of her mind is screaming with the desire to flee, to spare herself from falling into the witch's clutches and ending up in even /more/ danger. Medusa was right: she's found her limits, and the witch is simply far too powerful for her to endure. This time, she decides to listen, as much as it sends her pride aflame.

    The woman in black looks back at Medusa for a moment as she lies on the ground, and then she vanishes into thin air. Her movement is silent, and thankfully the blood she leaves will be near invisible as well, but it's only a way for her to buy some time in her retreat. No doubt it will be slow, and being /visible/ during that would be a death sentence.

    So she flees, and sincerely hopes Medusa doesn't manage to follow her.

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
    The snakes continue whirling about the Black Demon even as she's thrown back, and Medusa wheezes, trying to catch her breath. That ought to be enough. The witch pushes herself up, ignoring how her ribs /scream/ in pain. Pain is nothing new, and it's not the last time she will feel pain. Pain means you are alive. And pain... is something her assailant knows very well too.

    With the darkness fading, Medusa fastens her eyes on the woman as she vanishes, the snakes entangling her turning into wisps that fade in the air. Oh no. This won't do at all.

    Perhaps it seems that the snake witch is not going to pursue her, that her escape is certain... but the Black Demon is not the only one who can attack. Especially when she's foolish enough to leave a blood trail.

    Because Medusa rises to her feet, a sinister look in her eyes as she looks directly at where the Black Demon has vanished to. "I won't let you escape."

    Not after what you did.

    Gesturing with her right hand, there is the sound of something... a hiss on the wind. And then from the shadows of a nearby alley, one of the witch's familiars strike, knocking into the lady in black and seeking to grab her in its massive maw.

Kagenashi (85) has posed:
    The assassin has grown too used to people /not/ seeing her through her invisibility. Perhaps her desperation is clouding her judgment, as well. Either way, she is simply not prepared for Medusa's next assault. Whether there is even anything she could do to retaliate is debatable; even /standing/ is next to impossible.

    The hiss makes her turn her head, just in time to see the giant snake lunge for her. There's not a sound she has time to make before its teeth dig into her, drawing out a strangely quiet gasp before the world around her fades. She struggles, but her wounds are too great, and she succumbs to unconsciousness.

    At first, it seemed as if the snake grabbed thin air, but the moment the woman in black falls away, she becomes visible once more, limp in the serpent's jaws. The flames over her eyes flicker away, and her grip on her weapons is released, letting them clatter to the ground as she simply hangs limply in the snake's maw.

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
    Every step she takes hurts. Every breath she is forced to take is pure agony. But what's even more important is the amusement when the scorned woman who dared attack her falls, knocked unconscious as the snake draws final blood. "That is enough, darling," Medusa croons in a low voice, gesturing for the snake, even as its twin draws close and flies up behind Medusa. "I can't imagine it would be much use to kill her. Not now, anyway..."

    Rather than crouching, Medusa remains standing even as her snake lifts the Black Demon up from the ground, and the snake witch reaches out to unmask the woman, her movements slow. "As a Confederate nurse, I ought to take you back to the Citadel... then again, after this, I do believe I have earned the right to treat you elsewhere. Besides..."

    Amber eyes peer into the face of the woman, even as a wicked leer breaks the confines of Medusa's face, giving her a twisted expression. Her hand reaches out, stroking the woman's cheek softly. "What would they think if I let them know it was you...?"

    She turns, and the snakes follow closely behind her, silent and threatening guardians. Sirens can be heard in the distance, and the whole street looks like a mess. But even so, it had been a highly amusing night. With some unforeseen opportunities.

    It's not often she gets a chance like this, after all.