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Latest revision as of 15:45, 5 September 2014

Eorzean Report
Date of Scene: 05 September 2014
Location: Dreadnought Airship <DA>
Synopsis: An Eorzean Report is given to Lord Van Baelsar, but also the plans to send a message to the beast men about there Primal Worshiping.
Cast of Characters: 487, 522

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
The dreadnought was flying high in the sky. It roamed over the skies on the borders of Hydaelyn. People within were working and doing there thing. Vanguards being worked on. Transports being checked over. Crews cleaning the guns. Lines being checked.

Just another day on the massive war airship!

Yet a report was wanted and a report Lord Van Baelsar would get. Though he was hoping for two-- it would seem he would get one. So far, the one who has been the most useful in his stack of cards. The Imperial Legatus was actually in his magitek armor, but his helm was off. The room though was-- oddly dimmer then normal, but when one walked in-- it was obvious why.

The Imperial Legatus was watching a video of some kind on a holographic projector, while taking a sip of wine. It looked like some type of news report. Though the sound was very quiet and the language-- the language was different then that found in Eorzea.

Though when Vi'Sharra walked in-- that news report would come down and the lights would slowly come back up to normal light.

Vi'Sharra (487) has posed:
    Vi'Sharra blinks briefly at the low light before she shrugs, and then continues into the room the rest of the way, "Lord Van Baelsar." She smiled slightly at him, before inclining her head at the projector, "I can come back later if you're busy, or viewing something that I'm not officially supposed to know about?"

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
Given the lights were coming back up to normal brightness, he glances over to Vi'Sharra with those gold eyes, before motioning to one of the chairs for her to sit at. There was also the wine on the table and a turned upside down glass. "I had a bet going.. at which would come. It seems I won that bet." Though who he made the bet with, he didn't say.

"As for being busy, hardly. Just catching up on some news from home. Including a bit of unrest I may have to go deal with that has taken place in my absence. Continual-- clean up from Nael Van Darnus' madness." The Legatus then takes a sip of the glass before he leans back in the chair.

"I would like to hear a report from you Vi'Sharra on the matters within Eorzea. Any details on further primal activities, the beast men.. or.. anything you care for me to take record of?" He looks at her directly once more, though this time dead on.

Vi'Sharra (487) has posed:
    Vi'Sharra smiles and seats herself in the chair gracefully, then upturns her glass, and pours herself a glass before she starts to speak, "Primal activity. I'm sure that your own agent reported a bit about our near encounter with Ifrit?" She tilts her head, "If not, I could fill in some blanks for you there."
    She sips at her wine and glances at the glass for a moment, before continuing, "The beastmen of Gridania, the Sylphs have their own Primal known as Ramuh. Surprisingly the Sylphs are generally peaceful, and not at all inclined to summon their primal unless horribly threatened." A shrug, "And then... There's the Union, who's doing aid work in Gridania, restoring some of the forest and whatnot... ...Except they did something incredibly ... dumb today."

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
Gaius muses a bit, "Aye, I was told about the near close encounter with Ifrit-- also how I was informed that day about-- what nearly happened to you.. but that is beyond the point." Cause Gaius didn't sneak out out of his magitek armor to make sure she was alright-- NOPE! That wasn't him.

He nods his head about Garuda-- Ramuh was-- a new one, so it was noted. Though when she brings up the Union had done something done, he had to resist a snort of 'what is new'. He takes another sip from his wine glass and motions for her to continue on.

Vi'Sharra (487) has posed:
    Vi'Sharra nods, and then reaches down to her wrist, and unbuckles her bracelet before setting it on the table. "Yes. I have the readings from the Wraith-like creature that was possessing that man, that your agent wanted dead." She frowns, "Both before, and after he met his end, and the creature cursed me."

    Her frown deepens a bit, "I've taken countermeasures against a similar thing happening again, but... ...The readings there should at least allow you to screen your own people." A shrug, "Apparently, there was a primal type being, a dark god of sorts, captured in a set of ancient crystals." She sighs, "The Union of course managed to set it free, strangely enough it didn't bother even remotely trying to temper anyone." She shakes her head again, "And unless it managed to do so stealthily, it doesn't seem to be interested in doing so. Only attaining revenge against those who trapped it there. Ages ago."

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
Gaius reaches across to take the bracelet. He glances it over, taping it online to look at the data. Those his gold eyes peer over to her as he does so, "Ages ago?" He asks as he goes back to looking at the data. "Do you know in which time frame they speak of or did such information become unavailable for you?"

Gaius then goes to take out a datapad itself, taking a crystal-like object from the bracelet and sliding it into the datapad and uploading the information.

Vi'Sharra (487) has posed:
    Vi'Sharra shakes her head, "Old enough that they had to go to the Padjal to get any kind of serious information about it, and old enough that that Odin has become a 'bedtime story'. I think... Something was mentioned about the Allegan Empire?" She shakes her head again, "Apparently Odin's elements are War and Chaos, two things that the Multiverse, and indeed this world has in abundance... ...On the other hand..."

    She shrugs, "Freeing him apparently managed to clean up part of the Shroud, and if he's causing problems in some one elses back yard... ...He's not busy trashing ours."

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
Gaius paused taking another drink from the wine glass, "..They spoke of the Allagan Empire?" He then actually places the wine glass down and rubs the bridge of his nose. There was a long moment of silence from the Legatus on this now.

"Perhaps 'tis good they are.. but in the Union hands it could also be trouble for not only the Confederacy-- but perhaps also for us as well." His gold eyes look at her in that moment as he then goes to lean back in the chair once more. His fingers drumming along the table in a very rhythmic slow pattern.

"It is imperative more now then ever that you continue to remain unknown by them. If they wish to strike at any of our outposts with this.. Primal..-- I must know. If they lend it to the savages-- that too I must know. I can not condone, or allow, a /Primal/ to threaten the future operations." There was a great deal of intensity in Gaius' eyes, even in his words, but he never rose his voice beyond normal level. He somehow kept the air of calm.

"But... I have faith in you to do this." The Legatus nods his head to her. "And in this-- I also have a mission for you.. and how you run this mission will-- be entirely in your court.. but taking into heart a suggestion you have given onto me, and having a-- card in play. I thought it best to use it and see where it would land us."

Vi'Sharra (487) has posed:
    Vi'Sharra nods, "They did speak of the Allagan Empire, and legends." She tilts her head, "I Don't have any problems at all remaining covert. In fact, I rather doubt that they suspect that I'm of any faction whatsoever." The next part of the statement makes her look thoughtful, "I think if it has goals, we can use it for our own ends. The problem is, the Union made the initial contact as you said. If need be, I can have a flight of drakes..."

    She considers for a long moment before she shrugs and sips at her wine, "If it becomes a threat, I'll make certain that we have enough information to mitigate it. ...But this 'card in play' that you're speaking of fascinates me. What do you have in mind?"

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
The Black Wolf says nothing regarding the Allagan Empire, as it perhaps is not so important yet. Gaius fingers do stop drumming though as he goes to pick up his wine glass and take a sip from it once more, seeming to finish it off.

"You remember the one whom you captured? The one that was tempered by Ifrit? I let him back to the wilds." He goes to pour himself another glass.

Vi'Sharra (487) has posed:
    She smiles slightly, "I do remember. He was a bit... Brainwashed. It sounds however," She smiles, "Like you've made some sort of progress in making him useful then? Were you able to deprogram him?" She tilts her head, "Or did you find something else?"

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
"Sadly no." Gaius admits with a gentle tilt of his head, before looking at the wineglass. "We planted a tracking device on him. This should lead us to one of the main camps." Gaius then looks over to her. "I want you to employee several others of any creed to go to this camp and deal with the problem.. make them summon Ifrit... then destroy that Primal-- and all who summoned it."

"Send a message. Make it known. Let us see if that causes the Beast Men to think twice.. for if Nael's data was correct.. the Amalj'aa is one of the more powerful of the beast men tribes.. if they stumble.. it may slow the others down."

He then brings the wine glass up to his lips, "..or quicken it." He then takes a sip of red wine. "..But we shall see."

The Legatus then looks at her, "I would send my own forces in and even the Dreadnought-- but I rather not give the Eorzeans more alarm then required. They are such a skittish savage lot. I'm sure you too have seen this."

Vi'Sharra (487) has posed:
    Vi'Sharra's eyes widen for a moment before she smiles. It's a hungry beautiful smile that just promises lots and lots of bloodshed. "Oh. This can surely be arranged." She tilts her head, "Do we need to create heroes? Living or dead, or otherwise?" She taps the side of head for a moment in thought, and her eyes narrow in a sort of a vacant thinking kind of a fashion.

    "I think a few dead heroes, who've made the ultimate sacrifice in the war against the Primals would be best... ...Preferably ones who would become problematic later." She glances up at Gaius and grins, "And Charismatic ones who survive that can be lead other sorties. Is there an Eorzean group that already is in place to deal with the primal threat?"

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
Gaius gives the faintest of shrugs, "There perhaps may be such a group. There may not be. For now the Union has there hands in the money bag, so may as well let them fully understand the scope at which they deal with." He then takes another sip of the wine. "..and perhaps Eorzea will learn that we, the Garlean Empire-- are the only ones whom can save them from there plight. Not.. false gods and idiots whom think waving there guns about make them some grandeur of justice."

Gaius rolls his eyes faintly. ".. Little of them even know the truth of justice or honor-- simply wish they could grasp it.. but they are to idiotic to understand it." He then finishes his wine glass before he places the glass down and then goes to stand up. He places the crystal back in the bracelet, after putting the datapad away. He then walks over to her and hands her the bracelet. "But I ask of one thing, Vi'Sharra.."

"..do come back."

Vi'Sharra (487) has posed:
    Vi'Sharra nods and smiles, "I think the first attempt should be made... Independently of them." She sips at her wine and considers a few moments, "Yes... Slay Ifrit, and use that as a springboard into slaying several other primals." She closes her eyes, "Or him repeatedly, but the objective of course would be to make it... as complete of a defeat as possible and play up..."

    The remark about the union makes her chuckle, "They tend to be very ... very shortsighted, don't they? Incredibly ignorant in a number of ways as well..." She shakes her head, and then just pauses, before she gives him warm smile, "Why... Lord Van Baelsar, I would never leave a gentleman such as yourself waiting in uncertainty about my return."

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
"I hope you do not. As I would dislike having to use my resources to locate you-- only to probably find you already in my shadow." Gaius Van Baelsar remarks with an almost sly grin on his face, almost. He then walks away from her and to the other side of the able, to lift up his helm once more.

"Though if you should return here within a week-- I may not be here. I fear you will have to find me in alien territory of that of Ala Mhigo. I have pressing matters to attend too and been.. ignoring them.. for the better lack of word to use." Gaius then looks away, before he goes to place his helm back on. "Good hunting, Vi'Sharra."