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Latest revision as of 15:47, 5 September 2014

Chocobo Ordeal
Date of Scene: 31 August 2014
Location: La Noscea, Hydaelyn
Synopsis: Chocobos are suffering in Eorzea due to the attack lead by Bahamut and so, some people from another world have come to offer aid-- and some more chocobos! Wark!
Cast of Characters: 236, 548

Xau'ra Tayuun (548) has posed:
La Noscea was perhaps one of the few areas that did not get heavily damaged by Bahamut's wrath when he was unleashed from Dalamud. Though some of the coastal cities got the worst blunt by ways of massive waves and heavy flooding-- it was something that most people of the area were use too. After all, Limsa Lominsa and all under her banner was that of sea-faring people.

The biggest impact the mighty nation took was that they lost a great deal of there naval fleet, which they would get back to full steam once the coastal cities were back up to prime shape once more.

It is actually because of La Noscea still standing ever strong, is the reason the Chocobos for the time have been moved to the area. It had lush green grass, beautiful white rocky cliffs and hills, and the weather was pretty calm, with a refreshing ocean breeze nearly all the time and the sun being kept on the easy with the fluffy white clouds in the sky.

The waters themselves were a beautiful aquamarine that was almost crystal clear. It is here that those whom have come to would be brought not only into Limsa Lominsa, but escorted to a temporary stable of operation not to far out from the main city.

Here a fence ran but gave plenty of space for the Chocobos to roam freely, there was even a barn area for the birds to go too for not only feeding but also for some shelter for when the area did have storms. Those who were tending the birds and the field were some lanky, tall people-- who beyond there height, might remind someone of an elf.

There were also some guards in yellow plate and cloth that stood at different posts. They however where much larger in stature and had gray-blue skin, with bestial like faces. They either wielded powerful axes on there backs, or had a sword-- along with a flintlock.

The one to great the group though, was one of the elezen and with her, was a cat-like humanoid, with dark grey fur and was wearing mostly white, beyond the red lens goggles. The female elezen though had a dark brown tan, black hair in a bun, and forest green eyes. She placed out her hands with the warmest of smiles on her face, "Welcome!" She would greet before continuing, "Would you like anything to drink?"

Auron (236) has posed:
    Ever since hearing about the troubles with Eorzea and their lack of chocobos, Rin saw a business opportunity. Chocobos as a form of transportation on the Highroad were falling out of favor, due to the faster and generally safer machina transport sleds. So they have /too many/ chocobos. Whereas Eorzea seemed to be suffering from a lack of chocobos. Sounded like a business opportunity to Rin!

    What better way to show off their best stock, he thought, than going there mounted on the very chocobos they were offering for sale? Not /right then/, of course. But eventually. Clasko hadn't been breeding them for very long, after all.

    And speaking of Clasko, the former Chocobo Knight insisted on coming with Rin to make the sale. Because he wanted to make sure his babies were going to good homes. Rin's agreement to this was also a tactical business decision -- if the customers could see the chocobos were being bred by someone who actually cared about them, that would probably increase the potential for a sale.

    Thus it is that two very strange-looking chocobos trot quickly towards the site. Broader and stouter-looking in general, but with thinner legs than an Eorzean chocobo, yet the claws on the feet are longer and straighter. They have a taller crest on their heads, thicker tail plumage, and a beak more like a parrot than the long, slim, raptorlike beak of the Eorzean chocobo. These are plainly domesticated birds. However, their plumage is radiant. Clearly these birds are well taken care of.

    Mounted on one is a plain-looking man in a green kimono-like tunic, loose blue pants, and sturdy black riding boots. He rides behind the other bird, upon which is mounted a blond-haired, dark-skinned man. This man wears a short jacket with tails in the back, no shirt, a red collar-like necklace, dark green pants with blue and lighter green patterns on the bottoms, and orange-brown knee-length boots.

    The birds and their riders are approaching fast, likely as a way of showing the speed at which the chocobos are able to travel. Once the two men arrive and the birds are stopped, the two dismount. The man in the kimono appears to be marveling at the obviously not-human people here. The blond man, however, seems to pay the relative oddness of their hosts no mind. He bows politely and respectfully to the pair. "Thank you for receiving us so warmly," he offers. His tone is always carefully controlled. "A drink would be wonderful, yes. It has been a long trip."

Xau'ra Tayuun (548) has posed:
The female elezen then nods, "This way then." She motions for them to step inside the main building where many of the handlers have not only taken up rooms, but also use as an office. The male Miqo'te only watches, but he does give the odd Chocobos they had brought a fare look over. "..nice plumage." He remarks before mostly staying out of this.

Though the male miqo'te takes notice he is being looked at and then gives a warm smile himself, though he has fanged canine teeth. "Greetings! I'm Xau'ra," He places out his hand to Clasko. The cat-man had to be around five nine at least. "And welcome to the Chocobo Relief ranch."

Inside the Elezen woman gets them some water and then places the mugs down on the table before she takes a seat. "You may call me Elli. I am one of the workers here for the relief effort and the one that oversees the care of the Chocobos. I have a long heritage in raising the fine birds, along with some of my other colleagues as well."

She then leans back in her chair, "Your chocobos have very beautiful plumage, and they have a very proud stance. Also very light on there feet from what I observed as you rode them in. I take it your lands are more that of plains and open terrain?"

Auron (236) has posed:
    Clasko is the one who responds to the male Miqo'te's comment on the plumage. "Huh? O-oh, thanks!" He grins broadly and reaches up to the top of the bird's neck to scritch. The bird seems to like this, and ducks its head so he can reach better, closing its eyes and cooing happily. They have sweet voices, too, a melodic 'kweh~' that sounds like something a very large budgie or parakeet would emit. Perhaps humorously, Clasko begins to baby-talk the chocobo. "Whooza pretty birdie, yesh you are~."

    Eventually though the pair of them will head inside, and accept the mugs of water. "Thank you, miss," Clasko offers pleasantly as he takes a drink of the water.

    Rin however? Well, he's a desert dweller himself. Water is more precious than gold where he's from! "Thank you for sharing your water with us travelers," he offers almost reverently, before he takes a drink of his own mug.

Xau'ra Tayuun (548) has posed:
Xau'ra hangs outside, mostly cause he is somewhat 'hired' muscle and just taking in some fresh air away from the Black Shroud's own-- not so great-- air. As for the elezen woman going by Elli, she bows her head polity to them both.

"So then, where would you two like to start? Questions I could answer? Maybe a closer look at our stables? Perhaps even speak with some of the other handlers?"

Auron (236) has posed:
    "Ah, pardon my manners, I've not introduced either of us," Rin realizes. He has an odd accent, even for Spira. With a respectful bow he notes, "I am Rin Al Bhed. With me is Clasko." He indicates the man in the short kimono.

    "Hello," Clasko offers pleasantly, with a polite nod.

    "Clasko is a chocobo breeder, the very best in Spira. The spectacular mounts we came here on were from his stock. I expect he will soon be breeding the best chocobos in all of Spira."

    Clasko's blushing visibly now, and reaches up to scratch the back of his head. "Eheh... well, I haven't been breeding them for very long. Just a couple of years. But Rin was kind enough to make the best of the Highroad chocobos available. And the Highroad breeders have been helping a lot too,."

    "No need for such modesty," Rin replies. "You have a gift with chocobos. No one knows them like you do."

    Oh, but Clasko has a question! "Why're there so few chocobos here?" he asks. "There wasn't a disease or something, was it? We're not in danger of bringing it back to our chocobos, are we?"

Xau'ra Tayuun (548) has posed:
Elli listens to them both and smiles, "Your Spira breeding sounds much like my home I once hailed from.." There was a hint of sadness in her eyes, but that is pushed aside rather quickly. "Eorzea, which is the region of three city-states you see.. got there stock of chocobos from my once home of Ishgard."

The elezen women then frowns, "But when the Garlean Empire started to invade, Ishgard closed her gates and those of who had come to love Eorzea-- stayed-- stayed not just cause of our love for this region, but also for the Chocobos we have brought here and raised since they were chicks."

Elli lowers her head for a moment, she closes her eyes faintly, before taking a deep inhale before continuing to explain. "When... when the..Primal Bahamut was unleashed from Dalamud.. it... It changed everything about Eorzea.. including even impacting some of the areas like where Ishgard resides.. but here in Eorzea, it was hit the hardest."

Elli looks at them both, the pain was obvious in her eyes. "Though try all we could.. we couldn't save all of them and even now, a few of the chocobos are still being treated for there injures, though it has been a week or two since then. The ones we have here are the ones still in great health." She looks away once more, before giving a faint shake of her head. "We had to move them all here, because the other two nations are.. still under going there own outcomes of the event."

Elli then looks at the two eye again, composing herself, "But are they in danger. No. The threat of the Primal is gone and most of the wildlife in this area is docile. We may get a stray wild dog or two, but nothing that can not be shooed off. They no better then to wonder to close."

Auron (236) has posed:
    Rin and Clasko listen quietly until she mentions Bahamut. Then Clasko's eyes go wide. "Bahamut? Is it--"

Rin cuts in, "No, Clasko. This is not the same Bahamut. The Aeons are gone from Spira. If you do not believe me, I know someone who can tell you." His mysterious smile stays in place. Looking to Elli, "My apologies." And he quiets for the rest of the story.

At the end of it, Rin bows his head, "I am sorry to hear your world has suffered such a tragedy. You see, Spira too is rebuilding after a thousand years of being menaced by what you may think of as a 'primal' -- a fiend we called Sin. A monstrous ocean-dwelling fiend who could swallow cities whole. And, I should mention, did so on several occasions. We have only recently been freed of its evil."

    It's notable that Clasko visibly shivers when Rin says the word 'Sin'. Whatever this thing is -- or was, from the sounds of it -- the Spirans regard it similarly as Elli's own people regard Bahamut!

Xau'ra Tayuun (548) has posed:
The Elezen woman lowers her head, listening to as they explain about this 'sin' and what it has done to there world, "It would seem our worlds share, though slightly different, form of tragedy. Though to lose entire cities.. your plight seems far worse then our own."

Ellie then rubs the side of her face gently, trying to push away the dark thoughts of such unfortunate things. She then gives a smile. "But, let us get to the more positive manner of things. I've heard that you wish to help us and we are grateful for that. We will be glad to pay a great sum in order to have your chocobos for the repopulation of our own. Many of these will be used for rental purposes to travel people down paths that we, ourselves, will be training them. Others of much stronger stock, will be given to the Grand Companies for military use."

Ellie looks out the window toward there birds, "It will be interesting to also see how these two difference species of chocobos will breed and what the off-spring themselves may bring."

Auron (236) has posed:
    Rin shakes his head. "I mention this not to make less of your world's tragedy," he says. "Merely to note that we do indeed know how you feel. We have been blessed with the good fortune to finally be rid of Sin, and given the opportunity to rebuild and grow as we should have all those years. I pray that you too will be able to one day celebrate the day when your world throws off its shackles similarly."

    Clasko continues to look uncomfortable until the mentioning of chocobos is made. Then he perks! "Yeah! There are still a bunch of chocobos left from the Highroad breeders. And they're selling some of them. Since machina's not outlawed anymore, they don't need them for the Highroad, the ferries, or anything like that. So you pretty much have your pick."

    As for the traits of the offspring when bred? "Oh, I can help with that." Then he explans, "See, I've noticed that, when you wanna breed a chocobo with a specific trait, you don't just look at the chocobo with the trait you want. You have to look at their whole family! Because even though a certain chocobo may have the trait you want, the offspring might not, unless BOTH of the parents of the chocobo with the trait also had it!"

Xau'ra Tayuun (548) has posed:
Elli giggles a bit at Clasko's words on the Chocobo breeding, "Aye, that is very true. My father use to say the same thing when I was little-- shame he couldn't be here now." She glances off to the side and ahems gently. "But yes, that is something I'll be taking in when we start to breed them, is any paperwork you can provide on your chocobos backgrounds and then apply them to what we have. Thankfully we didn't lose any of our paperwork."

The Elezen woman then taps the side of her face in thought. "It is more.. that I am curious how it will effect the birds physically. Will they have a more leaner build? How will that impact the several areas of travel, given that Eorzeas lands can go from grassy hills, to hot rocky deserts, to marshes." She then goes to rest her hands on the table, before clasping them together.

"But... that can be something to be examined by a few of our breeders who are.. a bit more adverse in the art of breeding and raising. I may help run this ranch, but I am in no means the best here. Sadly the two who /are/ our best, are out right now aiding the transport of some chocobos that were rescued from the desert region of Eorzea.."

She chews thoughtfully on her bottom lip, before she goes to stand up, "Come. Let me show you the stables we have built for your fine birds. As a few thought it was best to keep them separated and slowly get them adjusted to one another. Give, well, to be honest, we were not sure what to honestly expect." Elli then places her hands up slightly, "No disrespect to you, just we have to protect what we have, but.. I am sure you fully understand this."

"Then once I show you the stables, you may feel free at /any time/ to ask me any questions, but.. after that, we will discuss payment and the amount."

Auron (236) has posed:
    Clasko nods. "Oh, of course," he agrees. "Paperwork, any information... hey, I'll even work personally with the other breeders if you want." Which may be a good idea; who better to give information on the Spiran chocobos than someone who actually breeds them? As for the build of the birds, Clasko notes, "Our chocobos have a little less leg muscle, but bigger wings. Ours can actually glide and flutter for short distances, too. That's why they have more tailfeathers, to guide that gliding. Really all it's good for is to make it so that can jump higher, and maybe save their riders from falling. But yours may pick that up, too, if the two kinds are bred together enough."

    Rin has allowed Clasko to take the lead here, since he knows less about chocobos and more about sales! Thus it is that Clasko nods to the mention of keeping the chocobos separate. "That's actually a good idea," Clasko replies. "I expected that, actually. That's really smart thinking, and with how few chocobos you have, I figured you'd want to protect them."

    "Shall we, then?" Rin inquires with that smile that never seems to change.

Xau'ra Tayuun (548) has posed:
"I would be very thankful for that." Elli smiles as she then stands up and takes the two men outside. Unlocks the gate and leads them into one of the main pin. Yes, the Chocobos are walking around. No, they don't seem to bothered by the strangers. Though one of them is giving them a curious look with a slightly tilted head to the side, before it ruffles its feathers, then goes back to grooming another chocobo.

Ellie places out her hands, "This is the main stable area.. as you can see, we make sure to give them plenty of running room and over there," She motions to the barn and the wooden roof held up by some really nice wood n' metal pillars, "Is where the Chocobos can seek shelter from the weather and even go into private pins for some peace and quiet." She then says softly with a mild grin, "..or timeout when they are getting naughty, but I don't want to say that to loudly or the trouble maker may hear me." She gives a playful wink at that.

Yes. She knows her baby birds in here and she knows they understand commands, along with words, pretty darn well.

Ellie then motions to the other stable, that has a slight wall divider up. It is the same as the one they are standing in, but is empty. "That-- is where your chocobos will be staying. As you can see, there is no differences between them. We actually just got done building it about two days ago, so its in really good shape!"

Ellie then laughs a touch. "It may even be better then the current one we are standing in right now."

Auron (236) has posed:
    Clasko's eyes immediately light up when he sees the chocobos. Both men listen to her explanation, looking at the facilities here as Elli points them out and explains their purpose. And Clasko chuckles when Elli mentions a troublemaker. "One in every flock, don't worry," he assures her. A pause. "Do you mind if I go talk to one of the chocobos?"

    Rin adds, "Clasko has an odd way with chocobos. He seems to be able to understand them. It would be interesting to see if this talent of his extended to all chocobos, or only the ones in Spira. If it does, he may be of even more use to you than just as a breeder."

Xau'ra Tayuun (548) has posed:
When Clasko asks if he can go speak to the Chocobos, Elli smiles. "Ofcoarse! They are very people friendly." She then looks over to Rin, "..he can? That is very fascinating."

The Chocobos are many. Some are using the fence line to sharpen their raptur like beaks. Some are chomping on a few clips of grass, cause they are bored really. A few are walking around and sometimes get to a jog pace with maybe what seems like a game. While two stand there and groom one another while making little kwee type sounds.

Auron (236) has posed:
    Given leave to approach the birds, Clasko offers, "Thanks!" Though he doesn't immediately run to a bird and start petting. He actually waits, pausing to look at the birds. He's looking for the ones that appear the most at ease with their presence. They're strangers, and chocobos tend to be flighty creatures. He'll pick one that seems relaxed, and approach slowly from an angle the bird can see him at, his hands where they can be seen. "Hello there," he'll offer to this bird, with his voice softer so as not to startle the bird.

    Rin nods. "This is why he joined the Chocobo Knights as a young man. He was in charge of maintaining their chocobos. Of course, he has since left their service, but his talent with chocobos remains."

Xau'ra Tayuun (548) has posed:
As Clasko approaches the one chocobo, it raises up its head and looks directly at him. It makes a little chirp like sound. Its feet gently tap the ground for a moment as the feathers ruffle, but as Clasko gets closer. The Chocobo then takes a step forward and lowers its head down to look at him better, moving its head side to side to view him closer.

The large golden bird takes another step, the sounds it makes is little high pitch chirps with softer muffled kweehs. She-- it would seem-- young at that too. It was easy to see at closer, that she had a bit of nick on her beak and some of her feathers were growing back in. Probably from what had taken place on Eorzea.

The Chocobo then comes to a stop and regards the young man with its head down gently and making a very soft coo'ing like sound. She seems to trust him and wants to be petted.

Elli raises a brow as she watches, "..Chocobo Knight?"

Auron (236) has posed:
    Clasko frowns a little as he notices the chip in her beak. He knows not to reach his hand up over the bird's head since she doesn't know him yet. Instead the reaches to her 'shoulder' -- the place where her neck joins to her body -- and begins to stroke the feathers there gently, in the same direction as they're growing. "You guys have been through a lot, haven't you?" He doesn't really expect an answer, but he knows the tone will be understood.

    Meanwhile Rin explains, "Yes. They are a cadre of armored fighters mounted on chocobos. Clasko was inducted due to his ability to earn the chocobos' trust. The occupation disagreed with him, however, and he remained of low rank until he quit in order to pursue his dream of raising chocobos." He's a regular Mr. Exposition, isn't he? But Clasko doesn't seem to notice.

Xau'ra Tayuun (548) has posed:
The female chocobo seems to enjoy the petting. She makes little happy sounds, though she doesn't seem to reply to what Clasko asks, though her claws dig in the dirt a bit at the words. They have some pretty powerful claws really. Probably needed for the rougher terrain that Eorzea provides.

Another chocobo takes notice of this and starts to make its way over, the plumes on its head raise up slightly, as the tail feathers ruffle a bit. It looks a bit defensive, but not showing any sign of aggression. Curious more like it, but yet-- also unsure.

Ellie continues to watch, her eyes darting around the birds, making sure that 'mister troublemaker' doesn't decide to suddenly spring up and cause a ruckus. She knows which one it is too. The wild stud that was said to belong to one of the 'Warriors of Light'. Saved from the battlefield really, nursed back to health. If only she could find out what happened that day..

Ellie mms softly at the explanation of the Chocobo Knights, "Good to know your fine birds are used for such operations. Noble cause indeed."

Auron (236) has posed:
    Clasko ruffles the bird comfortingly when the claws dig in. He knows that sign. And as the other approaches, he offers a smile and a "Hello there." Still in that soft voice. He knows chocobos aren't scent animals like a dog. Their primary sense is sight, so he doesn't make any sudden moves.

    "Hm. Well, if Spira's development continues, they may not be much longer," Rin notes. "Machina, once forbidden by the dominant religion, is making a resurgence. Which is actually why we have the chocobos to spare."

Xau'ra Tayuun (548) has posed:
"Shame that." Ellie remarks with a soft frown. "I've seen the hands of what such machines can do.. and I am guessing that is what machina is-- correct? Machines?" She looks to Rin, "The Eorzeans don't have much in the way of machines. Though we have in Eorzea different forms of transportation, the chocobo is still the most used and most trusted."

Ellie then furrows her brows. "..and the Galean Empire has shown us what can happen to those who rely on technology to much.."

The Chocobo walking over toward Clasko makes a soft chirp sound, before seeming to walk a bit to the side to keep the man in view, before coming over, taking a passive position once it feels no threat towards the man. He too, seems to seek some attention as well from the stranger.

The other one makes a chirp sound as the other one gets closer. There seems to be a slight conversation going between the two of them. Siblings maybe? Perhaps father? But indeed not a mate.

The male that is over who is seeming to want some attention takes also keen eye on Clasko's clothing. Seeming to be /looking/ for something.

Ellie takes notice of this and calls over to Clasko, "If you have a belt on or anything with pouches! Becareful! He likes to rummage if he is allowed!"

Ellie then looks to Rin, "I never seen them take so easily to strangers after what has happened.. he really does have away with them."

Auron (236) has posed:
    Clasko is all too willing to give the second chocobo some attention! A light petting, in the same place as the first, in the place where the neck and back meet. Oh but then he notices the expectant look to the one chocobo. "Hm?" Pause. Hearing Elli. "Ha, ha, I thought so. Chocobos are pretty curious birds." That's why they're so flighty -- curiosity often gets them in trouble and they have to run away!

    However, Clasko just chuckles. "Oh, /I/ know what'll distract you!" The large pockets of his pants are covered by his kimono, and he reaches under the hem of the kimono to pull something from it. Suddenly he produces... GYSAHL GREENS! He drops these for the birds, since he doesn't want them to eat his hands.

    Rin nods to the statement. "It really is strange." He smirks. "Calli, one of the other breeders, has jokingly suggested that Clasko is part chocobo himself."

Xau'ra Tayuun (548) has posed:
When the greens appear both of the birds stare at it, then when it drops to the ground, they contently go after it. A few more flock over to try and share in the joy of Greens! Clasko wins hears of Chocobos by via the stomach.

Ellie laughs a bit at that, "Well, he does seem to understand them. As i said earlier, my father was a far better breeder and handler then I am. I tried to learn everything I could from it.. but he was claimed by the Calamity trying to protect one of the chicks." The elezen woman lowers her head. "..though he was able to save her.. it took his life shortly after, but he is in the Fury's embrace now and I know he is watching over us."

Ellie then clasps her hands together before looking at Rin, "So. I take it we are perhaps ready for the paperwork and working out the gil costs?"

Auron (236) has posed:
    Clasko will take that opportunity to reinforce the positive nature of his presence. As the birds share the greens -- hopefully peacefully -- he will pet them on backs and sides. Not the neck or faces here, since that's too close to food. He doesn't want them to think he's trying to take their food.

    For his part, Rin listens to her story about her father. "My condolences for your father." with a bowed head, he offers reverently, "E fecr res bayla." He straightens. "That means, 'I wish him peace'." He also nods at the mention of paperwork. And gil! "Of course." He turns to the 'choco-boy'. "Clasko? I do believe we are ready to discuss the deal. Will you accompany me?"

    "Oh! Right, sure!" Clasko will extricate himself from the flock, though his reluctance is probably clear. "Sorry about that." A smile to Elli. "They really are magnificent birds!"