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One Minute Without Lying
Date of Scene: 07 September 2014
Location: New York-199999
Synopsis: Natasha attempts to convince Tony and Toph that Toph needs to be shadowed, but is there more to her assignment than what she's currently letting on?
Cast of Characters: 20, 301, 555

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    After the whole deal with the badgermoles, Toph has felt like relaxing a little bit. At least now that she knows that Boss and the other badgermoles will be okay. While she would like to see them again soon, she reminds herself that it can wait a few days. It's not like they need her to protect them from dinosaurs 24/7. Because if she did her job properly, then those overgrown lizards would have learned their lesson and will think twice before heading back to Gaoling anytime soon.

    So it's another lazy day in Malibu, and Sunday means no lessons! So she's been out and about in the area. After making sure that the two chocobos have been fed, which includes giving Cuddles her Sunday beer, some bending, avoiding sneaky paparazzi on her way to get lunch, Toph heads back into the house, dragging in the usual amount of dirt that she tends to build up from spending most of her day outside. Just how does she do it? She's got a particular talent for it.

    "GOLDIE!" As usual she is quite loud, though she knows that Jarvis will relay the message if Tony himself isn't within earshot. "I got us lunch!" So get your ass here and eat. Either way the blind girl sets the bag with food down on the table in the living room, flopping down on the couch. It's good with one quiet day at least, there's been too much going on lately.

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
Tony is in his workshop, of course, because where else would he be on a Sunday afternoon with no Pepper around to harrass? Motley Crue is currently blasting too loudly for him to hear even Toph's strident tones, but at the mention of lunch, Jarvis calculates the last time his master ate, determines that this is information he would probably want to be interrupted for, and turns down the volume.

"Please don't turn down my--"

"Sir, Miss Beifong has returned with food. I believe she intends to consume it with you."

Tony looks up from the engine he was elbow deep in, and cranes a look around to see the security display of the living room. "I guess I can take a break," he muses in a reluctant tone, though a rumble from his stomach betrays him. "Shut up," he tells it, and goes to wash his hands before trotting up the stairs.

Deep breath, once he steps into the living room, trying to determine by scent what Toph has brought home. "Whadja get me?" he asks at the same time, trying to act cool about it even as he crosses the room at a brisk, hungry pace.

Natasha Romanova (555) has posed:
    Speak of the devil, and...*she* will appear?

    If Toph thought the paparazzi were sneaky, she hadn't seen a real sneak yet. Well actually she has. At least once, anyway. And she's about to see one again. As soon as she enters the Malibu estate, the young earthbender would get the sense that someone else besides Tony or Pepper or Steve, or Banner, is here.

    In fact, sitting on the large sofa in the living room is the woman she'd met at the Bar & Grill several days ago. Natasha smirks slightly when a hungry Tony hurries up the stairs for a much-needed meal, glancing briefly down at the time, then back up at the new dad and daughter. "Stark." she greets, her tone one of friendly familiarity. "I was wondering when you'd remember that eating is still one of those necessary things." she comments lightly.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    What would Tony do without his ladies to care for him? Starve. Be misterable. Have nobody to pester but Jarvis. What a pathetic life that would be.

    When her feet pick up Tony's approach up the stairs she's heading into the living room... but that's when she realizes that there is somebody else there. Perhaps it's because she's sitting on the couch and not in direct contact with the floor that Toph startles when she's not alone there. And there is no way that the blind earthbender forgets a voice. Unseeing eyes go wide in shock and surprise, and the hand that isn't carrying the bag with the lunch points directly at the spy where she sits, her face clearly expressing her annoyance.

    "What in /flying hog monkeys/ are you doing here?!" she squeaks. The stalker lady? Here? And once Tony arrives she will turn slightly towards him. "You know this crazy lady?" Then back to Natasha. "Seriously, why are you still following me?"

    This Sunday just turned far less relaxing.

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
To his credit, Tony doesn't startle... TOO much on seeing an /unexpected/ guest in his living room in addition to Toph. Just a short hitch in his stride, a swift intake of breath, and then the old Stark smile lazily spreads across his face again as if he's not the slightest bit concerned.
"Jarvis why didn't you tell me I had a spider problem?" he inquires of his electronic butler sardonically.

"My apologies, sir," Jarvis actually sounds somewhat contrite, "my security protocols seem to have been overridden."

"And I wonder how THAT could have happened," Stark retorts. "Hi, Natashalie. If you're looking for a new job I'm afraid we're all full up on backstabbing secret agents."

The banter is swift and snarky as audiences have come to expect, but there's not any REAL rancor there. Well. Maybe a little bit. She DID snowball and try to seduce him that one time. Tony plunks himself down on the couch within reach of the food and... reaches for a sandwich. Since Toph DIDN'T TELL HIM what they were due to some weird space/time distortion with +scene/undo, he is pleasantly surprised to discover club sandwiches with bacon. Echoing Toph's sentiment he asks, through a mouthful of food as he takes a big bite, "Seriously, what ARE you doing here?"

Natasha Romanova (555) has posed:
    Natasha adjusts here position on the sofa as the two of them join her on it, straightening a little. "Hey, I was just going to congratulate you on your new daughter." she says with a smile and a nod toward Toph. Which is a lie--one of the many Romanova is accustomed to telling on a regular basis. Well okay it isn't *completely* untrue, but why would she have overridden Jarvis' security protocols just for that?

     "I'm surprised, to be honest." Now *that* part was the real lie. She isn't surprised, of course--SHIELD knows Tony's been looking after Toph for a long time. "I didn't think you were the type to uhm...adopt a middleschooler, I guess."

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Toph lets Tony take his sandwich and the fries, though her attention seems to be on Natasha, The fact that she's still lying, that makes her tighten her fists, not liking what she's hearing. She's got to be lying, but there is no clear signs like she's used to. And that unsettles the young girl where she stands, and it looks like she's /glaring/ as best as a blind person can glare.

    Rather than sitting down near Natasha, Toph moves to sit down in one of the chairs and as far away from Natasha as she can get while still sitting by the table, setting out the rest of the food and holding out a shake for Tony. But the moment Natasha continues talking, congratulating Tony for having gone along with the adoption as Pepper suggested, that's when the earthbender outright frowns. Even more when she states she's surprised.

    "Can you go one minute without lying?" she asks directly to Natasha, leaning forward in her seat to pick up her sandwhich and fries. Then she leans back in the chair. At least she didn't lie about knowing Tony, considering his reaction. "... she has been stalking me," Toph asides to him, not turning her head. But she's clearly talking as if Natasha wasn't there. "And she won't tell me /why/."

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
Tony seems to be making a point of it now, acting fully relaxed as he leans back into the expensive cushions and drops crumbs on them. He reaches out languidly to accept his shake from Toph. There's a bright, mischievous smile in his eyes though he keeps it more subdued on his face, and he echoes Toph again, "Can you? Go a minute without lying. I'm genuinely curious now."

"You're right, though, I'm not the type. That was Pepper. I just went along with it. You know, like with most of my better ideas. Is SHIELD also concerned about my decision to get married? I just want to make sure we have all of the things-that-aren't-really-your-business out on the table, up front here. Oh, and if you're going to follow Toph around, at least don't shove cameras in her face. They tend to meet a messy end."

Natasha Romanova (555) has posed:
    Go one minute without lying? Sure. It would be easy, if it weren't Natasha's job to lie. Romanoff smiles pleasantly. "Oh, so it was Pepper's idea. That doesn't come as a surprise." She watches them enjoy their meal for a few minutes, as Tony rambles on.

    Then she sighs at Toph's indignance. "I told you, it's because that's my job." Natasha looks back up at Tony. "You're her dad now, so teach her what it means to have a job, okay?" she teases. "You of all people would know better than almost anyone, anyway."

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    How can he remain so calm? Maybe it's because he knows more about her than she does? Toph only knows what she hears, though with every word Tony speaks to Natasha, it's clear that he doesn't exactly seem to trust her words either. So that means she's not utterly paranoid.

    The blind girl does begin eating her sandwhich though, still not looking too pleased. SHIELD is that company that Steve worked with too, isn't it? When Natasha insists that it's her job to follow people, Toph puts on a deadpan look. "And here I thought the paparazzi were annoying enough..." she mutters. "Seriously? What's so freaking interesting?" She takes another large bite, and continues eating with her mouth full of food. "And what kinda job is that, following the blind girl around?"

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
Tony grins at the opening Natasha just gave him. "Okay," he states agreeably, and turns to face Toph, addressing her with a solemn expression. "Toph, some people have jobs that require them to invade other people's privacy. You know, like paparazzi. We can't really stop them from doing it, but we tolerate them because we feel sorry for their inability to make an honest living. Also, they can be fun to troll sometimes."

Back to Romanoff. "So why is it your job to follow my /daughter/ around? Fury doesn't trust my-- /Pepper's/ judgement or the ability of a Union Elite to take care of herself? Shouldn't SHIELD be more concerned with stuff like international security and using alien tech they don't fully understand to make weapons?"

Natasha Romanova (555) has posed:
    Natasha sighs, shaking her head as Tony explains what SHIELD does to Toph. It's true, sadly enough. But necessary. She had expected this. But geez, no wonder Potts gets fed up with him sometimes.

     "There *all* sorts of jobs out there, Toph, and trust me this one isn't the worst there is." She leans back into the sofa slightly, and crosses one leg over the other as she looks back over to Tony. "You know Fury. He has trust issues." Of course Fury isn't the only one. Having trust issues is like, the signature move of a spy, really.

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
Tony grins insolently. "Except he has no problem trusting /you/, does he? What did /I/ do to get on his bad side? Or not do? Or did he just not like his Christmas present last year?"

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
Tony then clicks his fingers. "Wait, I know. He's mad because I called him out on the ice bucket thing, isn't he. He needs to get over his insecurities, man. Bald can be beautiful!"

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Good gold Tony. Explaining things in a manner that sounds polite, but really isn't. While Toph doesn't have anything to hide and is rather outspoken, she can't say she likes the idea of somebody prying into her life. Heck, it was bad enough when she learned that she can't have freaking nightmares without Jarvis letting Tony know!

    Though she can't help but pause in chewing her food when Tony actually refers to her in that manner. For the first time. But she doesn't say anything as Tony makes his point. Seriously, why are these SHIELD people interested in following her around anyway? It's not for the same reason that the paparazzis are wanting to talk with her, is it?

    If so, she can think of a fitting gesture with her finger if they want to take a photo.

    Okay, this she is not following... so when Natasha and Tony talk, she can't help but sigh before she speaks up, raising her voice just a bit. "Just who is this Baldy guy anyway?" Fury... yeah, she does recall Tony calling him out on the ice bucket challenge. And obviously made a bald joke.

Natasha Romanova (555) has posed:
    "Heh." Natasha shrugs at Tony's remark about Fury's trust in her. "I wouldn't jump to any conclusions on that one." Who does Fury really trust? Well isn't that the million dollar question. Coulson, maybe.

    When Toph inquires as to just who this Fury guy is, she decides to oblige her. "Nicholas Joseph Fury, military veteran, former CIA, and now Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. Doesn't trust Stark here too well, but then again like I said he has issues trusting people. As for the ice bucket thing, it *might* have struck a nerve, I don't know but," Her face sobers a bit. "You shoud know why I'm here, Tony. Seriously you're a genius; you should have this figured out already. You just adopted a 13-year-old girl who could literally rip your heart out your body right this minute if she wanted to, among a host of other destructive things, so while Fury may be paranoid--*this* time I don't think I can really blame him."

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
"He's the head spy," Tony explains. "He's THE spy. He's a good guy -- I mean, I really think he thinks what he's doing is for the benefit of all humanity and that -- but he plays his cards so close to his chest even his favorites," handwave to Natasha, "don't really know how many games within games he's playing. And he LOVES me. I mean, I know, he SAYS he has bigger 'problems' than me to deal with, but then he goes and has Miss Rushmanoff follow you around and I feel all fuzzy inside knowing he really cares."

Stark's lips purse in thin annoyance and he slurps loudly on his milkshake as Natasha gives the more accurate answer.

"Are you done? Yes. I AM a genius, thank you for noticing. As it happens I trust Toph. More than I trust Nick Fury. SHE hasn't followed me around on the down-low and kept me in the dark as to her plans." Tony glances at Toph. "Have you?" he asks, mock-sternly. "You know the Hulk could smash me into a pulp too but he didn't seem to have any issues with my giving him a job."

Natasha Romanova (555) has posed:
    They might notice that Natasha has tensed up a bit, preparing herself for a potentially violent reaction from Toph...

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Seriously, if he got upset over the ice bucket challenge, then he needs to set his priorities straight... Toph snorts and sips on her shake, listening as Natasha explains matters further.

    And literally slaps her dumbfounded with that comment.

    Perhaps Tony recognizes the tenseness that comes over the young girl where she sits, the expression on her face very much like that one early morning when she was persuaded to talk in the nearby kitchen. It's something that only Toph and Tony knows about. Too bad that somebody else seems to have gotten the same idea as her stupid subconscious.

    Her small fingers tighten around the shake slightly, and that shocked expression turns annoyed.

    "I could metalbend all the robots and machines working for the Union too if I wanted," she snarks, "but that doesn't mean I want to nor will." Tony's silly question with a snort from the young teenager. "My plans? Fight dunderheads, protect my friends and /family/," which specifically includes Tony, "and continue being the greatest earthbender of all time. If your baldy boss has a problem with it, he can move his sorry ass here and say it directly to my /face/!" Why yes, she does sound a bit upset. So she begins eating her fries.

Natasha Romanova (555) has posed:
    Natasha relaxes slightly--but only slightly, when Toph doesn't seem to be planning on making any hostile moves. She nods patiently. "You're welcome, Stark, and yes I know you trust her, and I know she thinks she can handle herself. And I know she probably can, in most situations. However, *most* situations aren't the types of situations we tend to find ourselves in, are they? You of all people should know that, /Iron Man/." She folds her arms. "There are forces out there that are capable of destroying your ability to stay in the driver's seat of your own body and mind. Both of us have seen the crazy shit, Stark, and you know *exactly* what I mean." Loki's scepter, yeah. Again, Tony should know. And that probably isn't the only thing, it's just the one thing they've happened to encounter.

    She nods calmly at Toph's outburst. "Exactly, Ms. Beifong. This is the Multiverse, and it was bad even before the Unification, wouldn't you agree? There, you wanted me to be honest; so here I am, being honest."

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
Tony leans back even further, somehow, into the couch cushions, and makes a rolling 'get on with it' bored gesture with one hand as Natasha explains the very real possibilities of things that could get them all killed. And oh, he well remembers that it was /her/ boyfriend who nearly killed them all the last time.

Nevermind that Barton and Romanoff have never been an official item. He's her boyfriend.

"Correct me if I'm wrong," Tony drawls, when there's space for him to interject, "but if Toph turned Evil she'd be able to do all those horrible things to me /anyway/, wouldn't she?" And he's not even sure about that. Physics along with everything else changed in the Multiverse, and Elite auras are tricky things. "So how, exactly, is my-- /our/ adopting her Good, Normal Toph self anything that Fury needs to get his panties in a twist over?"

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    So far Natasha has only given Toph a reason to be snarky and rude to her, not to outright attack her. Even if she doesn't like her one bit, this spy lady isn't an enemy. From what Tony says, she just has one hell of a boss who thinks he can butt into other people's business as he pleases.

    Heh, she hasn't even met this guy, but she already dislikes him.

    "What do you mean, 'thinks she can handle herself'?!" Toph exclaims in her high pitched voice, spitting crumbs all in front of her. While she is tough, she hasn't experienced all of the things that can happen in the multiverse, and mind control isn't something she's encountered, though her being snacked on by a hungry spirit might be somewhat comparable. Except she was basically helpless during that situation. Not that she intends to point this out to Natasha. Nopes, she wants to forget that incident, at least not talk about it.

    It's a good thing that Tony is calm about this.

    "So what are you going to do? Follow me around all the time and report to Baldy?" Heck, she throws a hand up. Might as well say it. "Or better yet, let's lock up all the Elites since we could all suddenly go from wanting to /save people/ and then try to kill each other for no cruddin' reason!" she suggests with no small degree of sarcasm. There's no way in hell she would ever harm Tony, not after all he's done for her.

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
Tony sits up then, and reaches out to catch the hand that Toph throws up. "Hey," he addresses her levelly. "Take it easy. Fury's just an annoyance. He can't actually make me do anything I don't want to. Or you."

Natasha Romanova (555) has posed:
    Natasha rolls her eyes as both Tony and Toph try to extrapolate her reasoning to *everyone* and *everywhere*. "This is a very specific situation. You are someone with the ability to manipulate metal. Stark is a person who *depends* on metal to survive. Now the both of you are living in the same house and on top of that you've made each other immediately family."

    Oh, Fury can't make them do anything they don't want to, eh? Was that a challenge? Perhaps they shouldn't speak too soon. What *is* she here to do about this particular issue? There is *still* something Natasha hasn't told them about...

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
Tony snorts. "Pepper could rip my heart out too, you know. And I don't just mean in the romantic sense. She knows exactly how this thing in my chest installs," he taps the cover of his arc implant with a metallic ping through his shirt, "AND she sleeps in the same bed as me. But oh, wait, what am I saying, of COURSE you follow her around, too."

Yes, Tony Stark has opted for petulance over actually finding out what SHIELD /wants/.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    There's some surprise on Toph's features when Tony catches her hand, though she doesn't look worried. But still, she can't help but /pout/ as he tells her to take it easy. They have a lying /spy/ in the house who has been stalking her and now things she's a risk to somebody else. Sombody whom Toph would never want to hurt in any way. Perhaps the topic of the nightmares is just that sensitive.

    "Damn right he can't!" Toph Beifong doesn't bow down to anybody! Sure, she might listen to her superiors in the Union, but she's never been kow towing to them, and she's always had a familiar tone with most of them.

    "I kinda moved in here long before he and Pepper adopted me," she points out, still pouting. "It's none of your business, honey." Still... there's something that gnaws at her, and Toph has always been a pragmatic person. So she can't help but wonder...

    "Just what is Baldy hoping to achieve by having you stalk me anyway? And just what would you do /if/ the world suddenly turned all upside down, hog monkeys flew, the Fire Lord joined the holy Church of Abbawhatever and I suddenly went all nutters and yanked out Goldie's pacemaker?"

Natasha Romanova (555) has posed:
    "That would be a question for him and not me." Natasha sighs at Toph's tantrum-throwing, and Tony's petulance. This time she's side-stepping the question without really lying. She knows what she's been instructed to do, but hasn't claimed she doesn't know, either. The plan had been to voice Fury's concerns to them, and if they'd seemed to agree with it, then she'd hopefully convince them to cooperate.

    And, if they didn't agree...

    Well, then she'd just have to go with plan B, which was to *not* tell them what it was she'd been hoping they'd cooperate with in the first place...and then go ahead with it anyway; withOUT their consent or knowledge.

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
Tony may be petulant himself but he's not in the mood to take it from other people. Who walk into his house and sit on his couch without so much as a by-your-leave, and then tell him he shouldn't do things he wants to do.

"Well, it's too bad Fury isn't here, isn't it?" he retorts. "We've got you instead." There's a pause; he shuts his eyes briefly and lets out a short sigh. "Natasha... in all seriousness, we've been through the shit together. Fury just sits in his office and pulls strings. Tell me what he wanted YOU to do, at least. I don't need this backfiring and putting Toph OR Pepper in danger down the road."

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    By now Toph seems to have said what she wanted to say, and she munches on her fries to finish up her lunch. Rather than relaxing on the couch, maybe listen to a good movie along with Tony, they had to deal with this mess. Yup. Not her favourite way to spend a day without lessons of any kind.

    Wait... backfiring? Toph is visibly confused by that, though if Tony is worried... then crap.

    She does agree though, she would like to know just what the heck is going on and if they need to be prepared for something bad. "Can't he come here himself since he is the paranoid one?" she asks.

Natasha Romanova (555) has posed:
    "You tell *him* that." Natasha sighs. This isn't going well. She's probably going to have to go with plan B this time. "Fury does more than you know, Stark. I know it seems like he's just pulling the strings in the background all the time, but just because you don't see it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. He just wanted me to protect you by shadowing Toph, okay? Just in case something happens. Better to prepare for the worst *before* it happens, than after."

    That's part of the truth, anyway. But she has her orders. If they weren't agreeable, this was to remain secret.

    "Look, you know that SHIELD has your best interests at heart. We always have." Even if that meant watching Toph's every move, and putting her down at any suspicion of instability or mind control. "So even if you can't trust me on anything else, you can at least trust me on that, am I right?"

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
Tony's face expresses disappointment. "No," he disagrees. "SHIELD does not have my best interests at heart. It has the WORLD's best interests at heart, maybe -- misguided though those might be -- but not mine. I'm pretty sure that's part of why I'm only a consultant."

Stark leans forward on the couch, elbows on his knees, his eyes narrowing intently. "I trust YOU, to have my back against the really bad guys. But when it comes to me versus SHIELD?" he smirks and shakes his head. "I'm not /stupid/, Natasha. And I am NOT okay with you shadowing Toph 'just in case' you need to shoot her in the head. Nick Fury isn't infallible. And I am NOT putting her life at his judgement call."

Tony reaches out to take Toph's hand again, giving it a squeeze. He's got YOUR back, kid. And then he takes a perhaps unexpected turn in these rather macabre negotiations. "In any case it's not SHIELD's concern. It's the Union's. We have our own procedures in place for cases of mind control. And the Union has had a LOT more experience with Elites from more worlds than SHIELD has."

As a bluff, it's not bad. No, there aren't technically DOCUMENTS setting out the rules and procedures for such cases, but it basically boils down to a judgement call by a Union general, and the part about dealing with Elites is totally true.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    To think that these people have the nerve to state they don't trust her...! And in such a way too! The blind girl scoffs. Prepare? Like what are they going to do? Take her bending away? Lock her up and restrain her?

    At least Tony voices his disagreement with her. Toph likes to think she has Tony's best interests at heart however, with how she did her part to help him propose to Pepper. It might not have been much, but damnit, she worked hard! She freaking /saved/ him when he fell into a blast furnace!

    So it means a lot when he states he doesn't like Natasha stalking her around. The girl sits still as Tony takes her hand again, though she returns the squeeze, a silent gratitude for his words. Even if these SHIELD guys do not trust her, Tony does. And she trusts him in turn. And it's good to hear that her ears and bending are not failing her either. "The Union assigned Goldie as my supervising officer. From what I can tell, /they/ trust me." Trust her enough to never question her loyalty and her drive to fight for their cause. So she doesn't really care what Natasha and SHIELD think.

    "Earthbending is about control, and my will is tougher than the metal that I bend," she says defiantly before she lets go of Tony's hand and picks up her shake to finish up the last part of her lunch.

Natasha Romanova (555) has posed:
    "And you happen to *live* in that world." Natasha raises a thin eyebrow at the both of them. Right, sure. The Union has some 3-step program for people who get mind-controlled. "You trust me, but you don't trust SHIELD. You *do* realize that I'm kind of synonymous with SHIELD, right? Especially right now." Well not always, but Tony doesn't know that. He And he doesn't need to.

    She sighs at Toph's brazen overconfidence. "Beifong you might think you have seen a lot of world now that you're part of the Multiverse but honestly I didn't have to have read your file to see that you've barely scratched the surface. Never say you're invincible," Romanoff stands up, then. There's not much else to be said, here anyway. She'll just have to move on to the next phase of the backup plan. "Because as soon you think that, *someone's* bound to come along and show you otherwise." She turns and starts to stride quietly away to show herself out.

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
"And what happens when someone mind-controls YOU and you decide to assassinate us?" Tony calls after Natasha's back. "I mean we have a very special relationship. You use guns, and I'm reliant on not being shot with bullets in order to live!"

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    "Actually, I haven't seen any of it if you want to get literal," Toph points out with a snort. "I never said I was invincible either..." Sheesh.

    But at least she's leaving, and Toph only grumbles slightly at her parting words, slouching slightly in her seat. Sure, she's able to bend metal, but there are other people in the Union who /could/ kill others if they wanted to. Is it really necessary to treat everybody like a ticking time bomb for that reason? Of course she knows that she could easily kill Tony... that does /not/ mean she would do it! That's like thinking that an airbender would suffocate a person with their bending. Pffft, the thought is ridiculous.

    Once the SHIELD agent is outside and out of earshot she huffs before she speaks, her voice dripping with displeasure. "I do /not/ like her." She sucks up the last of the shake before she puts it back into the empty bag, though she does seem slightly concerned where she sits. It's not often she shows anything but that loudmouthed bravado of hers.

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
"She's not so bad," Tony replies mildly. "Apart from the whole spy thing. But she's pretty good to have at your back in a fight. If Fury's going to keep on with this idea of his though, we're going to have to have /words/."

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    "Like when I bent Mark 42...?" Toph asks, raising an eyebrow while she continues stuffing the paper and such into the empty bag. "I just don't like the thought of having my moves watched /outside/ of this house." She can understand Jarvis keeping an eye on everything. Then again, he doesn't have any potentially sinister plan in mind besides making her /read/ and not do things that Tony wouldn't allow.

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
"I don't either," Tony agrees, picking up his milkshake to slurp the remainder out of the bottom of the cup. "Don't worry. We'll get it sorted out."