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Combat Training for Rhapsody
Date of Scene: 09 September 2014
Location: Njorun Station - Ring of Philosophy
Synopsis: Noble Six invites Rhapsody to the Circle of Philosophy for a bit of hand to hand combat training.
Cast of Characters: 38, 325, 410, 548

Noble Six (38) has posed:
The Ring of Philosophy is a good place for people to settle their differences. Or more importantly, training. Which is why Noble Six has set up one of the holographic projection rooms to have what looks like an old school earth gym. In the center of it is an eight sided caged in ring. Six is off to the side of the cage, remarkably out of armor. She is wearing a halter top and a pair of boxing shorts, and has on knee and elbow pads, and a pair of MMA gloves. The blonde SPARTAN is, at the moment, doing one armed push-ups while she waits for the Guildmaster to arrive.

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
    At first, Rhapsody thought that Noble Six was coming to Ravnica. After a little clarification, the Guildmaster put on her coat and made for Union HQ, headed up Axis Mundi, and found her way to a familiar place. She had been to the Ring a number of times with Jeannette. If Noble Six was calling her here, she already had an idea why. Spotting Six out of armor, the only reason she recognizes the Spartan is - - - well no she doesn't, actually, she's assuming that lady over there is Six.

Jeannette Thompson (410) has posed:
Jeannette did have a flight to catch, of course. An enjoyable one, too; the benefits of having your own spacefighter and the skill to use it were there, and the fact that she rarely got to fly by herslef any longer just made it all the sweeter. It also meant that the depature time she set was 'whenever the hell I feel like asking for take off clearance', and whe she heard someone else was going to try to train her student... she couldn't just leave then, now could she?

She stays at the edge of the ring, watching the cybernetic supersoldier preprare her gear for her oppponent. When Rhapsody walks in, Jeannette moves to straighten out for a moment. The package she had been given laid carefully on a bench behind her. "Guildmaster."

Xau'ra Tayuun (548) has posed:
Xau'ra Tayuun, a male Miqo'te finds himself entering this space. Mostly because, well, Noble Six is a tricky person to catch but he-- isn't sure /who/ Noble six is. Just he was told she be here and well, he remembered she wanted to speak with him.

Yet it would seem this day he comes in with two women-- Make that three-- here and so, the dark gray furred humanoid feline, decides to take a seat in the stands to watch, or-- just wait till he is addressed! After all, no reason to interrupt an event-- if one is happening.

Noble Six (38) has posed:
    The SPARTAN rolls over onto her back and then kips up to her feet. She heads towards Rhapsody, and actually smiles. It's probably weird, to see Noble Six out of armor, let alone smiling.

    But yes, Noble Six is hard to pin down. The scarred SPARTAN reaches out one of her gloved hands for Rhapsody, "Guildmaster. Good to see you again." Yes, she has quite a few scars across her body, from what can be seen. Still, she's somewhat pretty despite the scars on her face as well, "I'm glad you could make it down here. I promised you combat training, and now you are going to get it."

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
    Welp, Rhapsody's thought was right. First, that is Noble Six, and second, there was going to be training. The guildmaster rolls her neck a bit, offers a nod, "How did you want to go about it, Six?" she hasn't quite noticed Xau'ra, but she did offer a nod toward Jean on her way in. "Swordmistress.." Just don't say Sword Up, please, just no.

Xau'ra Tayuun (548) has posed:
Xau'ra tail twitches gently along side him on the stands. He is resting his arms across the upper part of his thighs. He pretty much remains to himself, though he does give a wave of his hand to Jean. Before his attention goes back to the two and he tilts his head faintly.

Then he decides to speak up, "So, should I go get the betting pool ready?" There is a playful smirk on his face.

Jeannette Thompson (410) has posed:
Training was important, esspecially with one of her students. But the title give was more important, causing a twitch of a smile to form on her lips, as she gives her own nod. "It seems our Spartan friend, who has a lot less cybernetics than I had thought, is ensuring you know how to use your claws. I will hope you'll remember our general lessons.

Noble Six (38) has posed:
    Six turns her attention towards Xau'ra as he speaks up, "Oh. That voice.." She thinks for a second, "Xau'ra, right? We talked on the radio a while back." She looks back to Rhapsody for a moment, "There's gear for you over there." She motions to a locker near the ring, "You can get what you need. We're gonna just go a couple of rounds in the ring." A glance back to Xau'ra, "I dunno if you wanna take bets on this, but I'm more than happy to have more observers." She makes her way towards the entrance to the cage, "Would you care to play referee, Commodore?"

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
    "Gear?" wasn't she already wearing everything she'd need? "What exactly will we be doing, Six?" Rhapsody asks before making her way over to inspect, and put on said gear, while listening for an answer to her question. "I won't forget," she muses toward Jean as she sets herself up.

Xau'ra Tayuun (548) has posed:
The male miqo'te chuckles softly as he sits up, "Aww-- no bets. Alright then. I'd probably go broke anyways!" He says with a playful smile. He has a set of canines on him really, but don't worry-- he isn't a vampire! Just something with his tribe.

"And aye, that is me. Six correct?" He tilts his head slightly, "Though I would say having a number in a name is odd, but for my culture that is quiet common. Given my 'true'," he does air quotes, "Is Xau-- while ra, is the number I sit with my siblings.. which is four."

Xau'ra raises a brow, "Though I doubt you are the sixth.. are you?"

Jeannette Thompson (410) has posed:
Jeannette Thompson looks to the ring, then back to Noble six, shaking her head, slightly. "I'm afraid, in this case, I would make a poor referee in this case. You are pitting my student aganist you, after all, and the temptation to validate my teaches is very high. The computer should be able to assist you. And there will not be real rules in combat. If one of you looks as if you plan on murdering the other, however, do not fear; I will certainly intervene then"

Noble Six (38) has posed:
"This is just a friendly sparring match. But if you wish." Noble Six replies to Jean, as she looks back to Rhapsody, "There's a sport that my people participate in. Combat sports. Ultimate Fighting, it was once called. This is a rather accurate mock-up of the type of ring they used to use. The rules are rather straight forward...Make your opponent submit, knock your opponent out, or render them otherwise unable to fight." She says, "We're going to do something similar, though without getting too crazy."

    She moves to the cage and looks at Xau, sizing him up a little bit, "I am the sixth member of Noble Team." She replies, "And through a weird twist of fate, a survivor." She considers this for a second, "In various other timelines I have encountered, I am dead. It is somewhat jarring, I admit. But still something I have done my utmost to counteract."

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
    A few moment's later, Rhapsody would be headed back toward Six, "So hand to hand, then?" she asks. She had been training with her blades with Jean. Going into a fight without them was going to be a little strange, but something she could understand the importance of. A long look is given the cage as she considers just who she was about to 'spar' with.

Xau'ra Tayuun (548) has posed:
Xau'ra listens to what Noble Six has to say and hmms softly. His ears go back a bit as he frowns, "That is a shame that other versions of you have moved along," He then tries to smile, "But, I am for one glad that you are with us." He also notes that indeed her number is-- well-- much like his own. Curious.

Noble Six (38) has posed:
"Just hand to hand," Replies Six, "Try not to stab me in the middle of the fight. The safeties are on, but I'd still rather not have to deal with it out of armor." She moves over towards one of the corners in the cage, the red corner, and then adjusts her gloves a bit, "Ready when you are, Rhapsody." She says, motioning for the dragoness to attack her.

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
    The dragon gives a nod, makes sure the spellblades are set aside with her coat, and then she starts to sidestep around Six. She doesn't expect the Spartan to let her blindside her, but at least she can come in at an angle. When she does move forward, she feigns an overhead rake of a clawed hand, stops, and actually tries to sweep the spartan instead. With her tail. May as well make use of things Six doesn't have.

Jeannette Thompson (410) has posed:
Jeannette Thompson gives a nod to Noble Six as she annouces her position, and intention, awaiting the first strike thrown from her, or her student.

Noble Six (38) has posed:
Six moves herself into a position to engage Rhapsody as she goes for the strike with the tail. The blow makes a clean hit on Six's side, and stumbles the SPARTAN just a bit as she does. Of course, Six is mostly doing this to test Rhapsody's combat abilities if she's unarmed. She holds her side for a second, "Not bad... Using extra apendages when you can." She says, though she quickly moves in towards Rhapsody, striking at her with a solid knee, aiming for the Guildmaster's back if she doesn't turn around fast enough

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
    Well, for an effective tailsweep, a 360 is required. Feeling her tail connect is satisfying, but the knee to the jaw when she comes around sends her reeling. "Good way to keep someone on their toes, right?" she replies as she regains her poise. A moment later she surges forward again. NOthing like a simple punch to get thing's going again, right?

Noble Six (38) has posed:
A punch is good, the downside to it is that it can usually be pretty easily blocked or evaded by a trained fighter. Six keeps her guard up and moves to the side to evade that punch as it comes in on her, "Lead with your jab. You're telegraphing too much." Noble Six offers, as she sends out a jab with her left hand, and then a second.

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
    The guildmaster has enough since to bring her arms up to block, but it's awkward for her to do it, and it shows. Telegraphing? She wasn't sure how to even correct that. Arms stay up, but she does try to deliver a swift kick the spartan's side. This can't possibly go wrong, can it?

Xau'ra Tayuun (548) has posed:
As the training fight starts Xau'ra crosses his leg over his other and his arms over his chest. He tilts his head to the side and keeps his eye on the fight between the two. Maybe seeing if there is a few pointers he can pick up as well from watching and listening in on it.

Noble Six (38) has posed:
The kick connects well enough, and Six grunts, "You seem confused about telegraphing." She says, as she shifts her stance a bit, "Let me demonstrate.." And then Six hauls back to try to throw the biggest right hook she possibly can. It's kind of obnoxiously telegraphed.

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
"A little, yeah!" Rhapsody admits as Six winds up. With the Spartan pulling back so much Rhapsody takes the moment to slip to the other side to try and send a hit toward her side, maybe a kidney, "I saw that, though!"

Noble Six (38) has posed:
The kidney blow strikes hard, and Since actually winces for a moment. So not used to getting hit without armor. She'll have to do this more often, "The problem is to somebody who's well trained, even what you think isn't telegraphed can be.." Without warning, Six drops to the ground, kicking her feet onto either side of Rhapsody's and trying to trip up the dragoness.

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
    Well, for a few moments there Rhapsody thought she was doing pretty well. The sudden kick at her feet sends her flailing, ending up on her chest, "OUF!" breath, "Y-yeah," roll, rise, she's trying to get some distance from Six before she follows up on the sweep.

Noble Six (38) has posed:
Six rolls backwards, letting the dragoness go for now. She's not pursuing the fight quite as hard as she would normally. This is a training excercise after all, "Rhapsody, if someone were coming at you with a weapon and you were unarmed, how would you disarm them?"

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
    The question causes Rhapsody to pause, considering it, "I never really thought about it!" she answers. She didn't have a weapon, neither did Six. "If I wanted to, I'd probably go for their hands, somehow."

Noble Six (38) has posed:
"An excellent observation.." Six says, as she moves towards Rhapsody, "Pretend you have one of your blades and come at me." She motions for Rhapsody to attack her again. Once the dragoness gets within range, however, Six will reach out to grab her arm, and with a twist of her body, throw the Guildmaster over her shoulder.

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
    She could do that, sure. She moves for the Spartan again, makes a slicing motion, and then finds herself tossed, for lack of a better term. She'd end up on her back with a thud and a cough, "Ouf. Y-yeah, something like that," she says, a little dazed.

Noble Six (38) has posed:
"One of the keys to fighting unarmed," Six says, as she kneels next to Rhapsody, "Is turning your opponent's strength against them. That's the most effective way to eliminate an opponent in hand to hand." She stands back up and offers a hand to Rhapsody, "That's enough for now. Next time will be small arms training."

Rhapsody (325) has posed:
    The Guildmaster takes the hand and pulls herself up, nodding, "you mean guns?" well -that- will be different. The closest thing Rhapsody has to that is her red spellblade. "That will be a bit .. awkward for me, probably."

Noble Six (38) has posed:
"We'll make it work, I'm sure. This place is all hard light holograms. I'm sure we can go through it's database until we find a gun that fits your hand." She muses, as she leaves the cage and motions for Rhapsody to follow.