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Latest revision as of 21:32, 10 September 2014

Miner Troubles
Date of Scene: 09 September 2014
Location: Ala Mhigo, Garlean Empire, Hydaelyn
Synopsis: The miners get spooked by an unknown machine, Gaius Van Baelsar who happens to be in the area, goes to investigate.
Cast of Characters: 522, 552

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
Ala Mhigo is one of the countries that has been under the Garlean Rule for about fifteen to twenty years now. It has seen some technological improvements, yet it keeps to its old roots in some of its more recent construction projects-- however it is not the city of Ala Mhigo this story focuses on-- but the mines itself.

Recently, you see-- some miners got spooked by an unknown metallic machine that some swore was a monster. The security team that operates in in the area quickly blockaded the area and made just /waited/ for the beastie to come out-- if there was even one, but some of the men reported they saw it as well.

This in turn got Gaius Van Baelsar's attention. As the Garlean Empire had been very active in the Multiverse, he was waiting and wondering when those outside of Hydaelyn would come and he was rather sure what they have located was not something of there world-- but someone from outside of it.

So when he arrives, he arrives in his armor and his Gunblade in hand. He motions to two of the Centurions to come with him and they make there way into the mines itself...

Soundwave (552) has posed:
It's times like this when Rumble wishes he was back on Cybertron.

It was supposed to be a simple little visit, a little how-ya-doin' and whatcha-got-here. It wasn't HIS fault that the fleshies freaked out at the sight of a metal humanoid that just-so-happened to be as big as their precious Vanguards. It also most certainly was NOT his fault that they blockaded the only way OUT, and he couldn't very well bust out of here by force -- that'd be bad for relations, see.

So, deeper into the depths he went, scaring off even more of the miners trying to do their jobs. It wouldn't be that hard to follow his trail -- deep footprints unlike anything seen on Eorzea and the occassional flecks of black and red paint scraped against the walls of particularly-narrow corridors. The further he went, though, he encountered fewer and fewer people until he assumed he was so deep inside that nobody had really gotten this far.

This far, of course, being a massive natural cavern set aglow from all angles by stalagtites, stalagmites, and pools of liquid energy. Of course, Rumble has gotten himself pretty well lost by this point, so might as well make the best of it...

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
Gaius and the two Centurions start there way into mine. Though the two officers move with some care, Gaius seems /oddly/ comfortable moving around the rocks, boulders, and ducking under the rafters. Then again, when your the Viceroy of Ala Mhigo, he tends to make it a profession to check up on the people here and thus has become rather use to walking in such things.

One of the Centurions takes notice of the scratched paint and rubs his fingers along it, "Lord Van Baelsar. It would seem the creature went this way."

Gaius looks over to the Centurion and then at the marking. "Would seem so and calling it a creature may not be wise."

"My lord?"

"We are no longer just one world with continents. We are now part of something /far/ larger. It be wise of you updated yourselves on such things and the men under you."

The Centurions bow there heads, "Yes, My Lord." They both state, before moving to go to catch up with the Viceroy Imperial Legatus. This though eventually leads them to the very cavern that Rumble has found himself. The two Centurions seem more on guard then the Legatus-- as Gaius, though weapon at his side, is casually walking around.

Soundwave (552) has posed:
Rumble kneels at the edge of one of the pools, red visor reflecting the glowing surface of the liquified energy before him. It looks unsettlingly similar to Energon, even the readings are comparable, and the Decepticon remembers the sparring match between General Zod and the Vanguard. But if this is Energon, how...? Shockwave couldn't have visited Eorzea, surely...

Footsteps echoing through the caverns catch his attention, interrupting his thoughts, and he twists slightly at the waist to look back over his shoulder. More miners? Soldiers? He'd rather not risk finding out, not in a place where the risk of explosions is astronomical.

By the time Gaius and his two officers actually enter the cavern, they would find the trail ends at the edge of the pool. Did the object of their pursuit jump in? The surface of the liquid doesn't seem to be disturbed, but there's little indication otherwise. Surely this 'monster' didn't just simply disappear into thin air.

A keen eye may spot a small rectangular microcassette -- red-and-black, mildly scuffed -- lying on the ground a good distance away from the trail, half-covered in the dust and stone of the cavern.

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
The two Centurions miss it, but Gaius does not. Instead he seems to follow the pool around and look down at the odd object. As he walks over toward it, his foot steps are very calm and seem to move at a very casual pace.

He places the gunblade back onto his backside and then kneels down to where the tape is, before he reaches out to pick it up easily in his gloved, metal hand.

Soundwave (552) has posed:
The microcassette seems completely benign and ordinary to the eye(for Earth technology), though it seems a little heavier than such an object should usually be. In fact, the only real hint that something is truly different about this object... is the fact the magnetic tape spindles spin just a little under their own power.

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
The Imperial Legatus takes notice of this and looks over to his two other men, "You two. Head back out to the surface.. I will be along shortly."

One of them seems a bit hesitant then the other who gives a swift salute and a sharp 'yes my lord', though they do make there way out. This now leaves Rumble with Gaius. Which Gaius watches the spools for a moment before he cants his head ever so faintly.

Then he takes the tape with one hand and extends it out over the Ceruleum pool and just holds the tape like so with his index and thumb, not seeming bothered by the weight at all. "If you are recording this-- or listening-- you should come out and state whom you are. This territory belongs to that of the Garlean Empire and we do not take kindly to random guests." there was a pause there, "More so given the Multiverse and its oddities."

Soundwave (552) has posed:
The sound of an exaggerated sigh emits from the tape. "I hear ya." Rumble's voice sounds somewhere between weary and aggrivated. "My name's Rumble, and I'm a Decepticon from the planet Cybertron. We've kinda met before -- that raid on the factory, where you brought your big ship? Me, my comrades, and my boss Soundwave were guarding the airship we all arrived in."

The tape shudders a little between Gaius' fingers. "I was TRYING to do things proper-like, introduce myself and ask nicely if I could look around, but everyone here freaked out before I could get that far and barricaded me in th' mines. What was I supposed to do, start shootin' my way out?" Another shudder. "Look. Just... put me down on the ground. You want to talk face-to-face, it'd be better if ya had another face t' talk to, right?"

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
Gaius listens to what is said from the tape in his hand, before he takes a step back and then kneels down, resting the black-n-red tape back on the ground once more. He then takes a few steps back and crosses his arms over his chest. "Very well. Though do understand, given the state of recent events, many are on edge. Ala Mhigo-- which you have come to visit, though under Garlean command.. is in itself a place on the edges of shattering."

The Imperial Legatus doesn't sound overly happy about this either. "Though you are fortunate you have come here whilst I was handling business here-- or you may have had little choice but to do what you speak of."

He then shakes his head, "Though I wish that such circumstances would not be so."

Soundwave (552) has posed:
The tape doesn't budge from where it is placed, not until Gaius finishes stepping away. Only then does the tape suddenly somersault high into the air, grow in size, and shift shape into a metal red-and-black humanoid in mid-air. Rumble lands on the ground on his feet and almost immediately steps away from the pool, electing to take a seat on the ground with his back against a cavern wall. He looks quite perturbed, both from Gaius' words and this whole ordeal.

"I really didn't intend t' step on anybody's toes or cause any issues. Fact is, I would've left immediately if ordered t' step off." Rumble's visor flickers as he runs a hand over the cavern wall with a clearly practiced and knowing touch. "See, Soundwave was curious about th' liquid energy you've got. Looks real similar t' Energon -- th' energy we Cybertronians need t' survive -- but we didn't think it existed anywhere but our world." He points upwards to the glowing stalagtites. "The crystalized stuff is news t' me, though."

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
Gaius listens to what Rumble has to say, before he walks over to one of the crystals along the wall. He easily breaks a piece of it with his hand-- though as he does so, one can see energy coursing in the lines of his black and gold armor. "The crystal structure is that of Aetheric energy. Aetheric energy is formed from Ceruleum," at that point he looks to the pool near by them. "Ceruleum and these crystals can be processed into the fuel we use for our own machina and armored suits."

The Imperial Legatus then tosses the crystal shard to Rumble. "As a crystal, it is far less volatile, then it is as a natural liquid.. also can be used by some more.. basics of practices-- which is commonly done by Eorzeans, then ourselves."

He lets that sink in for a moment. "I do not know much about this energon you speak up, but that is the basics of what stands before you-- as for the hostilities. I am sorry for such." What Rumble may notice is how relaxed Gaius is around him. The Imperial Legatus doesn't seem the least bit worried that this ten foot robot could /crush/ him. Even the way he talks is one of calm, collected, and the air of a commander.

"I do request that next time you do desire to visit such a place, you reach me freely over the Confederacy radio. If that was done earlier on-- I could have forewarned my men of your arrival and we could have avoided this.." His hands extend out before they lower to his side. "..predicament."

Soundwave (552) has posed:
On the topic of Ceruleum and Aetheric crystals, Rumble commits the information to memory so he can play it back for Soundwave later. "It's similar, alright." He catches the crystal in one hand easily, studying it closely as he continues, "Unprocessed Energon looks real close t' your Ceruleum, processing turns it almost whitish-purple, an' Energon shards look like purple Aetheric crystals."

He takes an Energon shard out of a panel in his side and holds it in his other palm for Gaius to see, but doesn't toss it over in kind. The shard's at least the size of Gaius' hand, if not a little bigger. "Energon's also unstable in all forms. Shoot it, set it on fire, hit it wrong with a pickaxe? Boom."

He smirks a little when the topic shifts to the predicament at hand. "Sorry 'bout that. This whole Multiverse thing has Soundwave for a loop an' we miscalculated. We also weren't sure if you were fine with being called up outta th' blue by someone you really didn't know -- especially seeing how you put up that message and all. It won't happen again."

He slowly gets up and straightens to his full height, running a hand along the wall as he circles around the cavern a few paces. "Y'might wanna shore up this cave before ya really start minin'. Th' walls here feel a little weak an' could come down if the picks fall wrong."

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
Gaius takes note of what Rumble says about the cavern. "I will inform them of such. I was going to do an inspection later to make sure the mines were being managed correctly. So as such-- thank you for the detail."

The Imperial Legatus then starts to walk away. "Now then. Let us get you out of here and make sure my men understand you and your other allies are indeed comrades of our own. That way we can avoid such a thing again in the future."

Soundwave (552) has posed:
Rumble inclines his helm in acknowledgement to the thanks before popping the Energon shard into his mouth as if it was food. Running about trying to avoid ticking off your allies-that-don't-know-they're-allies is difficult to do. He does get a dubious expression at the thought of leaving in broad daylight, his mouth twisting in uncertainty, but shrugs a little bit. "Lead on, sir. I'll be right behind ya."