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(Styraco Blackhorn and Tesla Armadia examine the data they collected from the kidnapped Badgermole)
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Latest revision as of 03:54, 11 September 2014

What hath mad science done
Date of Scene: 11 September 2014
Location: San Diego - The Tarpits <TAR>
Synopsis: Styraco Blackhorn and Tesla Armadia examine the data they collected from the kidnapped Badgermole
Thanks to: Tesla Armadia
Cast of Characters: 114, 368

Genghis Rex (114) has posed:
Deep within Tarpits 3, Styraco mulls over some the genetic data gathered regarding the Badgermoles. Several antigrav tools float aorund his head, but he apears lost in the delicate lines of code that fly by his screen like a scene from the matrix.

His hands, large and ponderous are jammed into thick cylinders known as Manipulation Gauntlets, that extend spider-leg like appendages to assist thick fingered Reptilonians their fine motor skills.

The appendages, 12 in all, dance around the keyboard in front of Doctor Blackhorn, as he peruses the data.

Tesla Armadia (368) has posed:
You don't disrupt a scientist in middle of intricate work. Not only because it's rude, but because causing one even minor miscalculation could lead the disasterous loss of precious information. So while she had been let in some time ago and lead down to the lab, Tesla takes her time waiting at the door until Styraco's machine isn't into unrepairable depths of work before she finally speaks up lightly. "How goes the genetic analysis?"

Genghis Rex (114) has posed:
Styraco tilts his head at Tesla's comment. He'd been lost in his research and hadn't noticed her. "There was some slight data corruption. Nothing too serious."

He yanks his hands from the gauntlets and grabs a handful of paper towels, wiping them as he turns to greet Tesla, "Ahh, Commander Armadia. I had a feeling you'd be by."

He taps a large button on the front of his console and a projection of his research is holographically projected into the center of the room

"As you can see, we have the primary makeup of the badgermole itself, but we lost a few color markers. Clones, as you know, have a limited shelf life to begin with, and the lack of coloring will make these less stable overall. they'll be albinos, and sensitive to sunlight ..."

Tesla Armadia (368) has posed:
Tesla Armadia folds her hands behind her back as Styraco activates the displays, maintaining her usual composure. Though the way her slender tail flicks back and forth indicates plenty of interest in its own right. "Incomplete still gives us plenty to work with though. Maybe a little trial and error to find the missing pieces. As we both well know cloning can take several 'batchs' to nail everything down."

There's a pause as she unfolds her arms to lift one hand to thoughtfully stroking her chin. "There's always alternate... approaches as well. Did we get anything on their elemental aspects? I'm curious if this affinity is genetic or not, seeing as the adults appear to be natural earthbenders to some degree."

Genghis Rex (114) has posed:
Styraco scratches his chin, "That is ... uncertain. The hatchling Badgermole displayed no elemental powers while in our possession, but that doesn't mean it didn't have them. I was surrounded by metal afterall, so there was no earth around for it to ... ahem ... 'bend'." Styraco seems amused by the word.

"But yes, that is our primary question, Whether these elemental abilities are innate or somehow learned. Seeing as these beast have beast level intelligence, logic points to the ability being innate."

"The OTHER option, one I am not personally fond of but cannot rule out, is some sort of magic ... Magic is something the Dinosaucers have experience with, but the Tyrannos lack any real expertise in."

Tesla Armadia (368) has posed:
Tesla Armadia mmhmms, nodding her head a bit. "While I am have no fondness for it there is little denying that supernatural aspects are as part of this patchworked reality we all now inhabit as logic and quantum mechanics are. Regardless of which, there are a few things we can try to ... fill in the gaps, as it were." She removes her hand from her chin to gesture towards the holographic displays. "May I?" Don't want to change something on display he was already utilizing, after all.

Genghis Rex (114) has posed:
Styraco steps over to a nearby fern and plucks off a few handfuls of leaves, placing them neatly on a serving tray. He examines the leaves for a moment, then plucks off one particularly plump looking leaf and pops it into his beak.

The Tyranno then offers the tray to Tesla, unsure of what types of food she eats.

"You certainly may!"

Tesla Armadia (368) has posed:
"Thank you," Tesla replies as she takes the fern frond with one hand, and snaps a bite off of it. If nothing else she'll chew on it like a wad of gum for a while.

With the other hand she waves at the display to sync it with her technopathic powers and imput that way. The display of the badgermole rotates a bit, as some of the gaps in the genetic code are pinpointed and then expanded out into individual smaller windows. "After all, genetics are said to be the building blocks of life. What do you do when your building kit is missing a few pieces? Substitute."

She shifts through her own personal database to find the input she wants, makes a copy of the badgermole profile, and brings it up on a second display. This versions almost looks like it has chunks of rock or such grown from its skin. "There is no shortage of examples in the multiverse of 'organic stone' as a biological component, usually some variation of a bio-silicate crystallization, which is fundimentally a variation on carbon anyways. We could, potentially, replace the missing pieces with something similar and prehaps augment that earthly affinity."

Tesla turned her head to grin at Styraco. "Why just recreate, after all, when we can -improve-?"

Genghis Rex (114) has posed:
Styraco pops a few more fern leaves into his mouth, "Oh YES! If we could incorporate the 'ogranic stone' into the makeup of the cloned Badgermole, we could make an elemental beast that grows it's own elements! It'd be a walking mountain!"

Styraco thinks on it a moment, "However ... the ones who call themselves 'Earthbenders' - they could exploit this advantage to their own means. Kill the beast with its own power. They may be compassionate beings and reluctant to do so, but they have shown a willingness to make necessary sacrifices if need be."

Tesla Armadia (368) has posed:
"That is true." Tesla nudges her glasses up to the bridge of her nose. "But that would rely on the earthbender actually being present. There is, however, the possibility of a living creature being able to resist such effect upon its own body, at least partially. Life tends to be harder to alter freely than inanimate, unfeeling rock. It could be worth the attempt at least once, just to observe the results."

Genghis Rex (114) has posed:
Styraco nods, "I would agree."

He steps over to his console and plunges his claws into the Gauntlets yet again, the thin spider legs quickly jump around the interface, "We will need raw materials. I have most of the base components on hand, but this new component you speak of. Unless you have a synthetic formula to replicate some, we will need to locate it. Did you have anything specific in mind? As I understand it, there is a living Rock-Man somewhere in Tony Stark's world, but he would be difficult to take down. They say he's as strong as Banner."

An Image of The Thing appears next to the holographic display, "He also has very powerful friends. We might be best served finding another source and ruling him out entirely."

Tesla Armadia (368) has posed:
Tesla Armadia cringes slightly at the mention of Banner. Or more so Banner's alter ego. "I think we can both agree we've dealt enough with Hulks already to satisfy that experience. A synthetic replication could be possible, but could also take considerable time to pin down a compatible mixture. Hmmmm."

After a moment of consideration she snaps her claws. "What about pokemon? There is a multitude of 'Rock' and 'Ground' types, and being closer to animals themselves they may be a better match anyways. And while certainly likely to draw the ire of the so-called 'Trainers', they are an opposite we can more easily expect and be prepared for."

Genghis Rex (114) has posed:
Styraco's spider fingers sweep across the console, pulling up no less than a dozen Rock-Type Pokemon, "True. Being as most pokemon are wild animals to begin with, simply finding an appropriate one and capturing it would meet with little to no resistance, so long as nobody sees us do it."

Aside from the pokemon known as Rai-Chu, which Brachio used to augment his armor last year, Tyranno experience with Pokemon as a whole is somewhat limited."

"Are any of these so-called Pokemon Trainers sympathetic to the Confederacy?"

Tesla Armadia (368) has posed:
"Those would be the ones known as 'Team Rocket'," Tesla replies. Then wrinkles her nose a little. "Lute is not an example to go by for comparison. But one cog in a criminal organization, as broken of one as may be." Idly she flicks her fingers as if turning off a switch and the second augmented display closes, after storing the copied data back into her personal storage. "They may have more information on finding an appropriate match to work with."

Genghis Rex (114) has posed:
Styraco pulls his claws out of the gauntlets again and peers at the holographic display, which is now littered with data, the badgermole schema and rock-type pokemon. He approaches the display and swipes a claw across, sending the data to one side, swipes up and the Pokemon rise to the top, a flick of the wrist and the badgermole schematic shrinks.

He moves the Pokemon around, evaluating each one closely, small textual specs appear under each holographic animal as Styraco eyeballs them. Animated, they seem to respond to the Tyranno geneticist with fear. He taps one of the displays with the tip of a claw and it bursts and fades away, the digital pokemon seems to let out a small scream as it fades from existence.

Styraco repeats this process 9 more times; the scene is oddly disturbing as good doctor 'murders' each hologram with the tap of a finger until only 2 Pokemon remain:

Sandslash & Exadrill

"One of these will do nicely."

Tesla Armadia (368) has posed:
Tesla Armadia chuckles softly at the disposal of each unsuitable holo-pokemon. She would be lying if she said she didn't enjoy watching of her realistic simulations die in similar manners. That and watch the Gremlynx attempt to experiment new designs on each other out of the competative aggressive nature she created them with.

"They do share some similarities, don't they? That will hopefully make producing a match less hassling."

Genghis Rex (114) has posed:
Styraco grins, "I shall deploy some raptors to the habitats of these two then and we shall see what they find. That should buy us some stealth opportunities and keep the Union off us."

"Lets keep this to ourselves though. If Rex gets wind of it, he'll most likely want to send Quackpot and Ankylo to retrieve these samples. I think we BOTH know how that will end."

Tesla Armadia (368) has posed:
Tesla Armadia snorts softly. "Agreed. We'll keep this our own private little project. At least until we have something more to actually show for the work." With that settled Tesla refolds her hands behind her back as she turns to walk out. "I'll see to preparing some of my 'hunter' type constructs for when the time comes to actually aquire the goods. Good evening, Styraco."