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Latest revision as of 15:43, 12 September 2014

Paladin Emulation
Date of Scene: 11 September 2014
Location: Tokyo
Synopsis: Sheena aka Tomoe is back at Kirito's family home when she gets an unexpected someone over. Things get strange when Faruja doesn't seem to know her....then again why would someone be likely suspect plain old Sheena to be ... Tomoe?
Cast of Characters: Tomoe, 152

Faruja (152) has posed:
There's perils to performing time magic. /Especially/ teleportation. One moment, he's back on Njorun, reading up on magical theory and reaching a breakthrough. More efficient teleportation. Faruja's even brought a magical crystal to help along. A few words, a flash, and...

CRASH! Faruja Senra smashes right through someone's roof and into their house. Cue falling platemail wearing rat. Just where did our intrepid hero end up?

Tomoe has posed:
Sheena Armstrong isn't much to look at compaired to most people in the muttivese she's got redhair she's tall she's not horrible on the eyes but she's still a bit gaunt from her ordeal with SAO what does catch the sound of something impacting up on the roof. She pauses that's not her and since no one else is home she's going to scrable up there like some sort of moneky the five foot 11 or so woman is quickly up top and peering at whomever fell there.


Faruja (152) has posed:
Ow. Oh Faram why. "...Good evening. I appear to hath made a travesty of that spell. Oh dear Faram. Mine deepest apologies. Erm. Might I enter thine abode, good Lady? I hath shingle splinters in mine nose. This is rather painful. Meet ye at the front door." Oh why does it sting?

Teleport! Faruja's nose is bloody and indeed, there's a splinter in his nose.

Tomoe has posed:
She offers Faruja a hand to get him up. He doesn't seem to need it while Faruja would see the woman deftly get sown using the very building itself as a mans to get down and she lands in a crouch near him she looks to him for a moment.

"Are you all right?"

Faruja (152) has posed:
The hand is taken, and Faruja stands. "Mine thanks...ahh...hath we met? Ye sound familiar. Father Faruja Senra. Well met." SLightly awkward pause here. Squint! The face is utterly unknown. But that voice...

Surely it's nothing! He'll hold the door for Tomoe like a proper gentlerat.

"Where /am/ I, at any rate?"

Tomoe has posed:
Sheena's face would be a bit of a throwoff ues no ears, no wild purple hair that Faruka would be used to she tilts her head for a moment.

"Tokyo but that's like saying your in Spring Field isn't it? Come on there's a first aid kit around here somewhere, also /leave/ your footware at the door and grab some slippers."

She's picked up that much of local culture.

Faruja (152) has posed:
A brow rises. No, Sheena, there's not a hint of recognition at the name. "...Quite apt. Well...ahh. 'Tis an Earth city, yes?" His brain finally jogs, his few times to the many EArth's finally dredging up the name he saw on a map once. Faruja looks down at the slippers, then his feet.

Well, time to make the best of it. He can't /quite/ get his strangely shaped feet to fit into the things, but he can sort of walk in them. The rat doesn't complain. It's custom, and he's a guest.

He /does/ limp more than usual. It's clearly a bit of a battle.

"Ye art a Lady and an Ecclesiarch. What is thine name, M'Lady? Rather /lovely/ home ye hath! Is that chair /oak/?"

Tomoe has posed:
Sheena nods

"A very large and very old earth city actually yes. Lot of history here, a whole lot of history here."

She goes to find the med kit for a moment maybe it's a bit the way she's walks and she does have long red hair however.

"I'm just a nobody really and this isn't my home I'm just staying here everyone else is out, I need to do some stuff here tonight anyway."

WHAM she hits a door frames and mutters, she's too tall for this house.

Faruja (152) has posed:
"Oh? I hath not had the opportunity to study its history." It's not merely idle politeness. No, the rat sounds pretty interested.

He follows along, Faruja taking in the house. He finds he likes it. very cozy!

"I see! Well, please pass on mine compliments to the Lady or Ser of the house. Well appointed." Faruja rubs the splinter. Ow! Squeak. Bad idea.

Wince. He's never had that problem, personally.

"Oh. Do be careful, M'Lady. Concussions art serious!" Perhaps poor Tomoe will need the medkit at this rate! When ti's acquired? The rat sits down, frowning.

"Ye shall hath to pull it out, I am afraid." That one's in there deep.

Tomoe has posed:
Sheena nods a little nit and move to get the first aid kit.

"You should let me pul that out you know. Geeze you think you'd know better than that. I get used to ... it the door frames are at war with me here."

She goes go get the tweezers and some disinfectan and away she goes it's not going to be fun, but she's going to be quick.

Faruja (152) has posed:
Faruja's ears fold, and there's an indignant look. "I...listen. 'Tis hardly every day that I fall upon a rooftop, ye know! And ye aught fire whomever installed those shingles. Bloody amateur job! Really? Splinters this large? How can one /not/ poke at the bloody thing?" Deeeep breath. Faruja stares at Sheena, and sits up a bit to give her access to his nose. A hand in the robes, and then he takes a swig of a hip flask. Gulp gulp.

Alright. "...Do it." Faruja says, looking stoic.

Tomoe has posed:
"It's not wood, it's ceramic like a brick so to speak." She notes as ehe pulls it out with all force she has it's going to hurt like all the angry bees but it could be worse as she yoinks the bloody thing out.

Faruja (152) has posed:
"That explains the tingling sens..." Faruja starts. Then, the brave Tomoe uses her righteous tweezers of wrath upon the offending piece of ceramic.

The outburst of squeak and language is both utterly, embarrassingly girly, and too foul for any Father to speak. A shame the Multiverse translates the nezumi tongue quite well, and rather graphically. Faruja will have to atone for this one later.

"...Ow. That bloody hurt!" Ends the rat lamely. Then, he sighs.

"Thank ye. Remind me to tone down the mana rate and quantum-space-quotient next time."

Sigh. /Ow/. "I am in thine debt, M'Lady! What might I do to repay ye?" Comes the rat, quite seriously. Knights take these sorts of things to heart, after all.

Tomoe has posed:
Tomoe says "Come on we don't want to startle my hosts so how about we hed out back there's a kendo dojo back there. I'm sure you'd be curious about sport that keeps the art of swordplay alive in a world where the gun has long since ended it's use as an actual weapon."

She then puts the disinfected upon the wound and it /stings/ like an angry swarm of super bees this time. With that done she'll head out this time ducking to lead Faruja out back, it will take a moment but she'll lead him into the Dojo and oddly there's a few ... weapons on display that are not kendo blades one's a very well made looking japanese spear a naginata to be exact.

Faruja (152) has posed:
Two ears perk, Tomoe distracting the rat with her words.

"...Swordsmanship? Reduced to a mere sport!?" Scowl! Faruja might not be the best ever with a blade, but it's a time-honored artform!

Arms cross. "Come nthen! Let us see what hath befallen such an ancient and honorable practice!"

Augh! Yup, that hurts. Faruja nurses his poor nose the entire time they walk. Once inside? Faruja suddenly feels like he's found himself in Ordalia. Or in the barracks of Marquise Limberry's court.

Something hits him. The face. It's familar.

Faruja turns, looking her in the eyes.

"Art ye certain we hath not met? Thine voice and face...I hath seen ye somewhere. But /where/?" Faruja's on the edge of discovery.

Tomoe has posed:
Sheena nods.

"It's just the way of things it takes less trianing with a firearm to land a killing blow, it also made the noblity of the time /very/ unhappy it equaled things out. Then agian we're no batter off in some ways now but education's a lot more prevaliant now hummm I think we have but just where?"

Okay Sheena's playing with him she just wants to see the look on his face once he clicks to it.

Faruja (152) has posed:
Faruja's ears perk. He considers Sheena's words.

"...Truly?" Inquires the rat thoughtfully. Could firearms truly be a source of equality amongst the common man? He makes a mental note to prod Addie about her world's history on that particular subject.

"Why..." Pause. It all clicks, as he speis a particular sword. Tall. Strong. And uses a blade.

"Tomoe!?" Is his utterly confused, and sudden realization. Faruja stares at her. Since /when/ was she a redhead?

Tomoe has posed:
Sheena smirks at Faruja for a moment as she looks him over and nods her head a bit.

"Yes Sheena Armstrong aka Tomoe the Iron Lily. Behold my true form and how pitful it is."

She laughs for a moment.

"Yes you only met me as my avatar haven't you? Geeze I thought you knew what I was ... I'm not even a actual knight. Just someone from this pencil pushing world wishing she was one."