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Reclaiming a Ship
Date of Scene: 12 September 2014
Location: Void - Astroidia
Synopsis: Takamachi Nanoha attempts to bring some friends and find Flint's ship for him, only to have a special guest drop in.
Cast of Characters: 15, 320, 381, 401, 436, 455

Flint Hawke (320) has posed:
So the reason we're here today is because a couple weeks ago, Flint had told Nanoha that he would be very much in debt and willing to help her out on her current problems if she could find his ship for him, which had been missing ever since he crossed paths with Samael some months back and the crew deserted him. He had said this on the public band, though, so it was easily overheard.

It was not hard, given the time and resources, to find the ship. Flint was mostly just being lazy about the whole affair, not to mention lacked his own methods of space travel with his ship gone. This meant that putting in the proper amount of effort would have led investigating partners to an asteroid space station in a semi-obscure and hard to reach sector of space. While its actual name was a long series of numbers and coordinates, most people knew it simply as 'Space Tortuga'. A haven for pirates, it has less 'laws' and more 'guidelines of conduct'.

It was incredibly busy, though, with dozens of large ships attached to it via docking clamps on the outside. Among these ships it the Black Sun that people have been seeking, the crew seemingly deciding to rest and relax at this station between sorties. Smaller ships can enter into the internal docking areas of the asteroid/station and park directly inside.

Flint will not be joining you today.

Cirno (436) has posed:
    If there's one thing that's useful in going to SPACE TORTUGA, it's a ship of your own! That's why a certain Confederate has offered to give the girls a lift, this time, on board the FREEZING REIGN starship! The only cost she asks is to 'be part of the crew.'

    This means, of course, that Cirno has demanded her fairy crew and Nanoha, Fate, and Levi wear pirate outfits! Though some of the fairies have taken things to an extreme to the point of a few of them wearing two eyepatches, or having a peg leg.

    Or the one who is tapping on the monitor with two peg arms and two peg legs. Good thing she resurrects, huh?

    "Docking complete, Captain!" One of the more normally-dressed fairies reports with a clumsy salute. Cirno nods, wearing a pirate hat and flamboyant dress.

    "Good! All right, let's take a look around." She doesn't say that she's the one who did the docking, not trusting the fairy crew to do it right. Might as well let them think they can do it.

Takamachi Nanoha (381) has posed:
"Uh... okay," Nanoha says, feeling so very awkward now. Wearing a tricorn hat and with a little makeup to give herself a fake scruffy beard, she's not currently in her Barrier Jacket. She is, however, using Raising Heart to create some mana-based clothes that look like wildly-colorful pirate clothes.

Time to get to work! "So what do we do? Just... go find out where it's parked and send Captain Hawke a message? Hnnn... I mean, I've already sent a message saying we found it..."

Testarossa Fate (401) has posed:
    A blonde, two blunettes, and a redhead dock at a pirate spaceport. Nothing can go wrong.

    If Fate Testarossa must dress like a pirate, then she will do so. With long blonde hair NOT done in pigtails for once, but swept to a side over one shoulder, she's donned a large brimmed had, a black naval greatcoat, dark gloves, trouses, and boots. And a fake scar running down one cheek to her jaw.

    It is very convincing, despite the fact she's just a child.

    "Thank you, Cirno." Murmured quietly before suggesting: "We could ask around."

Material-L (15) has posed:
    Material-L is here, the player is just getting their head into gear and facing a variety of delays, so will need another pose round to settle in.

    She is wearing a full pirate outfit though, with two tricorns (a second on top of the first), an eyepatch, a plastic cutlass and pistol, and a plastic parrot on her shoulder.

    Vulnificus is in its standard halberd mode right now.

    "I know! I know! We start shouting YARR, WE BE PIRATES!"
    "YARR! Give us the boat, ye scallywags!"

    Protip: don't let Levi make the plan.

Flint Hawke (320) has posed:
The interior of Space Tortuga is very different from the exterior! Whereas outside it looks like a slightly dingy space station set into a drab asteroid, inside the atmosphere is more like an eternal mardi gras.

Docking is easy, a clamp secures their ship to the station while an umbilical connects to Cirno's ship so they can easily walk in down the long and winding hallway.

When Cirno docks and takes them aboard, no one asks questions. After all, plenty of upstart pirates come here first to gather a hearty crew. Passing through the gates in, the group might get a stinkeye from a guard and told to watch themselves, but not much beyond that.

The station is hustling and bustling with all sorts of colorful characters, dressed almost as strangely as the group's own cosplay parodies. Men drink in the streets, men are passed out in the streets. Busty wenches hand out drinks for credits and pretty much the entire station has the feel of one big tavern, with multiple shops and stands selling fenced goods.

Signs direct people towards a tavern, there's others towards the bazaar, and more towards whatever boards pirates use to trade info on good scores.

Cirno (436) has posed:
    "HEY! Watch where you're going!"
    "NO YOU!"
    "Don't be a-sassin' me, little girl! This isn't the place for ye!"
    "I know just how to solve this!"
    "Wait, wha-"
    "But... I didn't..."

    Cirno sighs and marks off another crewmember as one proves INCREDIBLY adept at fastdraw, so long as she's shooting herself somewhere vital. She'll have to pick up that one after they respawn later.

    "Okay, I hate bars so that's probably where I'll have to go. You three can go whereever I guess," Cirno says grumpily. "Just no shooting things. We don't want to start a scene here." She adjusts her hat and heads off toward the tavern. The ship is left guarded by a few fairies. Though even if someone tried to steal it, it'd be hard flying it.

Testarossa Fate (401) has posed:
    If Cirno is headed for the bar, Fate picks a different location, to spread out. Already walking with a purpose, and stepping over the fallen fairy with a dramatic flourish of her greatcoat, she's heading for the information boards. Bariche is kept in standby form in her pocket at all times. And her hand does not leave her pocket.

Takamachi Nanoha (381) has posed:
Wince! Nanoha peers at the fairy, but she has been told they resurrect, so she is spared her distraught grief and the like. Still looked like it hurt! "Um... all right. We'll be fine." She tucks her hair back - it's not in pigtails today - and proceeds to walk along with Fate and possibly Levi. "So... let's ask about a ship."

And she does that! The young girl will just walk right up to anyone who seems like they might resemble Flint's old crew, and ask if they've seen the Black Sun. Vesta will remain perched in her jacket, watching out for any dangers.

Samael (455) has posed:
    In the gigantic asteroid, there was a shadowed figure that not that many people might have noticed, as she was currently sitting at the top of a gigantic neon sign placed somewhere in the middle of SPACE TORTUGA, legs dangling off the top. In spite of her precarious position, she looked rather comfortable with herself. If someone bothered to look closely though, they may have picked out the fact that her 'pirate' attire simply consisted of a rather cheap looking paper hat that looked as if it was pulled from a christmas cracker.

    From her little perch, Samael watched the crowd, but the crew coming from the fairy ship caught her eye in particular. She tilted her head in curiosity, before nonchalatly popping a piece of hard candy into her mouth.

    For now, the girl did nothing but watch. If any of the party were to take a look at her, she'd do nothing in response, playing along with being a member of the scenery, if a rather eccentric one.

Material-L (15) has posed:

    Levi follows out after Fate and Nanoha, for the moment agreeing not to cause a huge mess. With those two headed for the information boards, she's going to head for the bazaar, and maybe irresponsibly spend large sums of money on real pirate equipment. Or do something dumb.

    Like bursting in and shouting:

    That seems boring, though. Just a ship?

Flint Hawke (320) has posed:

    Cirno heading towards the Tavern is a decent method of investigation. She doesn't have much trouble finding it: Just follow the signs and the drunks/passed outs. Eventually she's led to a bar that is one-half constant barfight, one-half constant mardi gras. There's drinks flowing like waterfalls, men at table playing cards, men in a corner having a shirtless Fight Club. But MOST of the crowd seems to be gathered around a half-dozen men that are spreading wealth and drinks around like fire in drybrush, attracting a crowd through their boisterous generosity. They're the focus of the entire tavern right now, for the most part.

    Information Board:

    TESTAROSSA FATE finds a very interesting post on the information board. It seems that Flint Hawke is dead. Yes, a number of security photographs taken from a space station show him being stabbed in the chest and dying by a man in a hat. He is clearly pictured, dying, with a crowd of people around him in another. Below that is the statement that his crew is continuing to fly the Black Sun in his honor. They're using the bounty they claimed from his death to fund their adventures. They're also hiring new crew for big scores.

    Just Hanging around:

    Samael has a pretty good view of everything going on from where she's sitting. She can see the party split up in their directions and has a decent idea of where she can go if she so wishes. No one is stopping her or noticing, since few people think to look up from the passersby. Occasionally the sign creaks under her or the neon flickers, but overall she has a great perch to watch everything go.

    Near the information board:

    Nanoha does not have a tough time finding someone she recognizes. Hanging around in the area between the bazaar and the information boards is the bosun from Flint's old ship. She'd know him as the man that ran maintenance around the ship during her brief stay on it. A massive man, he's over 6 feet and ebony as space itself. He seems to recognize her when she asks about the Black Sun, "Yah. Be outside under a new Cap'n."


    Levi walks into a bazaar of swindlers and merchants and declares she's looking to buy things. She is immediately surrounded and swarmed by dozens of people all holding maps in her face ranging from 'astro-maps' to 'really obvious fakes drawn on napkins'. There are also a number of them offering vessels that 'fell off a shipyard'.

Testarossa Fate (401) has posed:
    First and foremost, Fate is going to check that pose for a location on where the ship is berthed, while Nanoha asks the old crewmate.

    She then proceeds to gently tap the triangular gem in her pocket with a quiet "Bardi<span style="color:he..."

    c#ffec8b">[YES SIR.]</span> The Device replies affirmatively. [INITIATING PROTOCOL: DEAD MEN TELL NO TALES.]

    And proceeds to delete the entry from the boards entirely.

Cirno (436) has posed:
    The laughter and joviality of the tavern is suddenly beset by a slow, spreading chill in the air, passing like a wave from the entrance. No, really, it's a literal wave of cold, chilly enough to frost the mugs and ice over the drinks.

    "Yar," Cirno says loudly as she steps in, with a glower on her face. The tiny little fey places her hands on her hips, and says very loudly, "I be looking for some mouseketeers!" Pause. Her eyepatch beeps, as it has a lens in it that actually just scans the crowd... and provides an interface to IDIOT, her ship's computer.

    "Er. Mutineers."

Takamachi Nanoha (381) has posed:
Well that's interesting! Nanoha blinks, and starts petting Vesta like a shoulder-parrot as she nods slowly. "Oh... a new Cap'n? Who took over, was it anyone that I know? Captain Hawke was always pretty nice to me, and I have a lot of good memories about that ship."

Yes, Nanoha is pumping for information. Spending several weeks on the run from the TSAB in her own city has given her some ability to maintain a facade, at least.

Samael (455) has posed:
    "It seems like they're looking for a ship...and of course, it's probably Cap'n Flint's!" Samael said to no one in particular, hefting herself up to simply stride on the neon sign. "What shall I do? Maybe...it'll be more fun to see what they do. It'd take all of the excitement out if I just got rid of everyone. Maybe I'll meet them there? Or maybe they'll make something happen!"

    As she simply walked on top of the neon sign, she took one step off, apparently falling from the sign.

    Somewhere in the time period after she fell from the sign and where she should've hit the floor, Samael vanished, crappy Christmas cracker hat and all.

Material-L (15) has posed:
    "Ooh! Maps! I want-- this one!"
    <NO.> chimes her halberd.
    "Uuum. This one?"
    "This one?"
    "Well fine! We'll shop map later. Yarr! Me ship needs to be legendary."
    <PRE-OWNED. STELLAR NAME.> Vulnificus clarifies.
    "Ooh, yeah! I want a ship with a cool space name! It has to be dark and gritty and star-related! The kind of ship you take on a treasure hunt!"

Flint Hawke (320) has posed:
    Info boards:

    Checking the post for a location shows that new prospects can sign up in the tavern of Space Tortuga if they're deemed space-worthy. The info board has poor security, though, so as Bardiche hacks into it, the screen flickers several times and then the post vanishes from the boards. It wouldn't be too hard for Bardiche to make it unpostable in the future, too.


    The room slowly goes from a roar to a dim muttering to a questioning rabble as it freezes towards chilly. The room's attention is on Cirno as she steps in and immediately ruins her attempt to be dramatic. The scanner on her eyepatch would return that most people in this room seem to be armed. And dangerous. One man looks over towards her and says simply, "There be no mutineers here." In a hard tone, he adds, "Just honest men relaxin' after a good few weeks at space. You should leave." He pulls back his coat to reveal a laser pistol across his chest.

    Near the Information Board:

    The Bosun shrugs at her, "Whoever be wantin' the job on a day. It swaps between four or five people. Long as I get paid, I don't care." He looks down at her curiously, "Ah. You were the girl that stayed on board for some time. Hawke's dead to the crew, you shouldn't go chasing the ship, they don't want to give it up." The bosun himself seems indifferent to the topic of ownership.


    A few people are startled as Samael steps off the sign and vanishes. It was some movement and then it was nothing at all, with no one sure where she went. What a mysterious lady. What could she be up to and where could she be going?


    "Aaaaah, well. Docked at this very station, around on the secondary docks, is the rare and magnificent Black Sun~. For one billion credits, I will sell it to you," Says a very shady man, clearly mistaking Levi for an idiot, "You just have to deal with the men who will try to kill you when you go claim it. They're squatters!"

Cirno (436) has posed:
    Uh oh! GUNS ARE THREATENING HER! Cirno narrows her eye, glaring right back at the laser pistol. "I'm Captain Cirno, The Unstoppable Blizzard. I think I have every right ta be here! Now... I'm going to be asking some questions, and you're going to be giving me some answers..."

    The little fairy opens her coat, resting one hand casually on the large, blueish, FULLY LOADED squirt gun resting inside it, pressing her thumb on the stopper to drive it in a little more firmly. "Savvy?"

Takamachi Nanoha (381) has posed:
'SHOOT HIM,' Raising Heart chimes.


Nanoha smiles again, "Ah, I see. That's a pity! He's really helped me out, you know. He's helping fight a zombie plague right now. But I think he works better with his ship and a crew that will stand by him loyally into danger, because they know there will be a huge profit in it."

She glances around, lowering her voice. "I mean, I am kind of wealthy now and could use a good smuggler, you know. It's hard getting to see my family sometimes."

Testarossa Fate (401) has posed:
    Bardiche will make sure that post never again sees the light of day.

Material-L (15) has posed:
    Black Sun! That's the name. She thinks.
    Probably is.
    Well then. Levi grins at the shady man.

    "Ooh! Ooooh! Deal! But you gotta show me where it is first. I can take care of some dumb squatters and pay your price once you do!" Spoiler, she can't. The Materials are comfortable but not billionaires.

    On the other hand they're murderous little killbeasts, and murderous killing is what seems to be needed right now. It might just extend beyond what the shady dealer wants.

Flint Hawke (320) has posed:

    "BAHAHA, I'm not gonna be answering anything," says the man, drawing his pistol and staring down Cirno, picking up a captain's hat off the table and putting it on, "Ain't no mutineers here. Just men who do business and know when to move independantly. And you shouldn't ask any more questions about it. Are you saavy to that? Or perhaps I should just..."

    And then he whips the pistol at her, cracking of a sizzling shot, "Shut you up!"

    The bar is dead silent throughout this exchange.


    It's hard to tell if pleading little girl eyes work on the Bosun. His expression is so flat and emotionless. He heaves a heavy shoulder in a shrug again, "I don't be carin' either way. Hawke paid well, had rules. I enjoyed flying under him. But these men pay me too. Run it different." He adds to her, "Zombie plague? Stuff like that's half the reason we left. Zombie plague, coming back from the dead, him helping out the cops." He sighs and then waves, "Come. I show you to the ship." He relents.


    The man nods his head several times, clearly intending to scam this girl into buying a ship that wasn't his to sell, "Come, come. I'll show you where it is, then you can pay up." He waves a datapad at her before walking off.


    Both the Bosun and the Shady Man lead to the same spot, though they took different routes. Eventually, both Levi and Nanoha wind up at an umbillical marked 'Black Sun' at a dock on the back end of the station, out of view of normal traffic. Its unsecured and open since no one is ever back there and it leads into the ship.

Samael (455) has posed:
    As they arrive at the umbilical, Levi and Nanoha would see the figure of Samael, sitting on a barrel, her elbows on her thighs as she looked down the passageway. As they came into the cramped passageway, she would wave, grinning widely.

    "Hey, you two! You're here for Cap'n Flint's ship, arn't you?" she would shout, apparently not caring if anybody inside would hear her. "Whatcha gonna do with it? And how're you gonna take it?" she asked, not bothering to leave her comfy barrel. She adjusted her crappy paper pirate hat, making it look a bit nicer, and straightened up, rocking the barrel to the left and the right.

    "Are you just gonna storm the ship? Or maybe try to convince the crew? Decisions, decisions..."

Cirno (436) has posed:
    "OW! YOU JERK!" Cirno squeals as the shot burns through her shoulder, causing one arm to fall limp. Flailing her other arm, she grabs at the burn and peers there, glowering. "That hurt!" Of course Cirno is ALWAYS in pain, so hurting MORE just kinda pisses her off while the nanites heal the damage.

    "And /I/ wanted to be the one to shoot first! I think you need to cool off!" Cirno yells, now outright throwing a tantrum! Her squirt gun is out and pointed at the other man's head, which she shoots at with a little depression of the plunger, sending a stream of water out.

    Which of course freezes to a thin, sharp icicle aimed right at his eye.

Material-L (15) has posed:
    "Hiiii Nanoha!"

    Levi stops, and twirls in place for a moment, before Samael suddenly shows up. She considers, and then grips Vulnificus with both hands. "Oh! Oh! I was thinking something like..."

    She suddenly thrusts the halberd end of the device towards the Shady Man's chest, without bothering to activate the Device. "This!" That might get horribly gory considering she's got the strength to drive the weapon clean through someone's torso if they aren't protected.

Takamachi Nanoha (381) has posed:
"Oh, hey Levi!" Nanoha chirps happily! Then... blink. Nanoha tilts her head, and then waves to Samael. "Oh, Miss Samael! It's nice to meet you, too!" What? Nanoha reads reports! "Uhh... I was just going to try to convince them to do the right thing and bring the ship back to him. I mean, if I ran away from every dangerous thing, I'd have never been the girl I am to-KYAH!"

    Flailing! "LEVI! He's only human, be careful!" Nanoha is /trying/ to do this without death, even if most of the people here seem pretty shady. It says something that she's okay with roughing them up a bit, huh?

Flint Hawke (320) has posed:
    At the Ship:

    The girls seem to be gathering up to plan what to do with the ship. Levi also stabs a man square in the chest, not impaling him but definitely crushing the ribs and chest cavity, killing him pretty painfully as he keels over with blood leaking from his mouth and pooling under him.

    The Bosun walks over to the body and takes the wallet out of the shady man's back pocket to rifle through it as he says to Nanoha, "Please don't let her do that to me. I already agreed to help him when you retake it." He does not have opinions on how they should proceed.


    The ice blast catches the shooter clean in the eye, punching through and into the brain/skull behind it. He keels over and twitches on the ground, hand spasming and causing his gun to fire several more times into the ground as the hat falls off while he goes down.

    The other men at the table all shout things to the line of 'Shit, she's here for revenge' or 'What just happened' as they overturn at able for cover and all start trying to draw firearms.

    Weirdly, everyone not in the firefight is just taking cover behind something sturdy and continuing their drinking.

Material-L (15) has posed:
    "Whooooops. Mister?"
    Jab jab. Levi pokes the body with the other end of the Device, as if it were a stick. Poke poke. Yep, that's a corpse. She's a doctor, she'd know.

    "Aww. Ooh! Nanoha, I found the ship~!"
    Well technically, so did Nanoha.

    To Samael: "I think we're gonna give it back to mister Hawke! That way he can be a pirate again! Because right now he's just a space hobo!" Gotta have a ship, yo.

    "Oh, oh! I say we go in and shout that we're pirates! That'll scare them off and we can take the ship!" A+ plan, a reminder not to let Levi handle the plans.

Samael (455) has posed:
    As the man's ribs was painfully crushed, Samael walked over, giving the corpse a prod with her toe, joining Levi in the very medical and scientific examination. That was a dead person, alright. Spinning around, she clapped her hands together, smiling sweetly.

    "Oh, I'm so glad you know who I am! Then you know how Flint and I are related, yes?" she went on, giving the corpse a little kick as she stepped over it, walking close to Nanoha. Her face was completely benign and smiley, but something about it probably would've given the girl a small little chill.

    "In that case, I'll be willing to help you do whatever you want to do. As your blue-haired friend said, a pirate without a ship isn't a very good pirate, is he?"

Cirno (436) has posed:
    Wait, revenge? "I'm not here for revenge, he SHOT me! Are you all stupid?" She scowls deeply and twirls the water pistol. "Look. It's pretty simple. I'm here to take back the Black Sun as a favor. Anyone who doesn't want riches and awesome stuff at the price of working under Captain Hawke again, get out. Everyone who wants to work on the Black Sun under Captain Hawke, can follow me. It's that simple."

    Hmm. Not quite enough incentive.

    "If I get at least a half-dozen crewmen who look reasonably competent, then I'll upgrade the AC and throw in a free set of funbags."

Takamachi Nanoha (381) has posed:
Nanoha looks a little green around the gills when the man collapses like that. "L-Levi..." Oh, she's gotten used to the idea that her compatriots in the Confederacy kill, but... it's messy and that was a little more painful and violent and probably unnecessary than she'd like.

And then Samael is joining the group! She will now follow them around trailing further and making it easier for monsters to get preemptive attacks due to the longer train of PCs! "Mn, we are trying to get it back! I'm pointing out that we pay really well and it's like being licensed! Or they can stay this way and um... make me very unhappy. I stand by my friends and Captain Hawke is a friend." So she marches right toward the ship, back straight.

Flint Hawke (320) has posed:

    The Bosun waits outside.

    They don't make a very scary trio marching into the ship like they are. A teenage girl and two pre-teens are not an intimidating entourage that will make a ship of men quake. The umbilical connects, conveniently, directly to the bridge airlocks at the moment. This means that they leave the umbilical right into a group of men sitting on the bridge playing cards.

    "Waddya want?" One barks at em in annoyance, adding in a helpful, "Get the hell offa our ship, no one cares what you want."


    Cirno just killed a man with a squirt gun. Even among hardened criminals? That's pretty fucking hardcore. Accordingly, there are three groups of guys. The first group put down their guns and walk out of the tavern, taking their way out. The second group holster their weapons and move to gather around Cirno.

    The third group of men, comprising about a half-dozen or so, are talking among themselves, "We be havin' ta ask. Funbags?"

Material-L (15) has posed:
    Levi does not react right away.
    She just gives Nanoha a look.
    It is the look of an attack puppy asking if it's okay.

Samael (455) has posed:
    Samael, in the meantime, just hums to herself while standing behind Levi and Nanoha. It seems that she's waiting on either of them to decide what they want to do before acting as well!

    Maybe she and Levi shouldn't be together for too long.

Takamachi Nanoha (381) has posed:
Nanoha answers Levi, "No, you can't kill them unless they actually attack us! We're trying to get the ship intact!" She huffs, mumbling a little. It's hard being a Confed who doesn't like to kill.

She looks at the crewmen then, after briefly checking that Samael is still there. "Ah, well, see... we're here to reinstate Captain Hawke! Because he was a good captain, and a friend of mine. So you should let us do that, and that way things don't have to get bad. Because you really shouldn't have taken his ship. I'm sure if you don't want to work under him, he'll just let you transfer to another ship."

Cirno (436) has posed:
    Blink blink. "OH! Funbags! That's just what I call them. I have one right here! It has all sorts of neat stuff like..."

    "Emergency rations!" A bag of oreos falls on the table.
    "Emergency lemons!" Explosive lemons fall on the table.
    "Emergency escape! One-use only!" A revolver with one bullet falls on the table.
    "And even an emergency table for flipping or other usage!" And yes, shaking the baggie dumps a full-sized table out.

    "And all sorts of other things!"

Flint Hawke (320) has posed:

    The man that just yelled is sort of blankly staring at the three girls, "Not happening. Since we took over, we've had easy jobs hitting merchants on the line. No crazy space quakes, no crazy coming back from the dead, no dangerous chases for lost treasure." He slams his hand on the console, "I will not go back to Hawke's leadership." Seems there are at least some members of his crew that don't quite share Hawke's love of adventure.

    Though the man follows this up with three words that probably aren't the best to say here, "I'll die first."


    The man that were on the fence watch as Cirno describes the funbags she was going to supply them with. They seem mildly disappointed amid the curiousity of seeing oreos, lemons, a revolver and a table dumped onto the table. They talk among eachother, "Alright. But we're not helping you take it from the new Captains. We don't mind Hawke, but there's some that don't want to see him back."

Cirno (436) has posed:
    "Suit yourself," Cirno shrugs, tossing the bag aside. Out tumbles a submachine gun, a mechanical puppy, and a fully-functioning toilet when it spills off the table. Then she folds her hands on the table after placing some reading glasses over her head, and adopts a Gendo pose with the light gleaming on the glasses. They're REALLY reflective.

    "Just make sure that no one interferes."

    Then she turns around and strides out the tavern.

Samael (455) has posed:
Woosh. Samael had disappeared again, this time reappearing sitting on one of the bridge consoles. Her fingers started to tap a few buttons on the various panels quickly, before she looked over her shoulder at the gathered crew and officers.

    "Oh! Did you know that I could just lock all the airlocks open and vent all the breathable air out right now? Of course, I could probably survive, and could those two, but...y'know, it'd just easily get rid of most of you. We'd have to do a little cleaning up after wards, but I think the girl with the blue hair would be sad if she didn't have anything to play with!"

    Her fingers danced lightly across the panels, brushing the buttons but not quite touching them.

    "Though, I think suffocation wouldn't be so bad. If there was a big drawn out fight, it might be more painful."

Takamachi Nanoha (381) has posed:
"But... it's not YOUR ship. You stole it," Nanoha points out. "And you might be pirates, but I'm not. I don't think stealing is right. So if you don't give it back, I'll have to have Vesta toss you around a little and maybe beat you a little myself. If Levi and Miss Samael don't get involved."

Vesta bounds off her shoulder and hisses, fur puffing up. She hisses, "Yes! Vesta is FIERCE and will help Mistress get the Captain's ship back!"

Some of the crew may actually know that Vesta transforms into a war kitten though.

Material-L (15) has posed:
    Levi appears to have gotten distracted.
    She is chasing a real parrot around trying to catch it. Who the parrot belongs to is a mystery, though one surmises it belongs to a crewmember.

    "No, come back birdy! I'll promote you to Captain Squawk! I have crackers! Biscuits! Stay stiiiiiill!" At least she isn't mauling anyone else to death.

Testarossa Fate (401) has posed:
    The truth is. Fate Testarossa is so quiet, she can kind of go unnoticed at times. She's been with Nanoha and Levi this whole time. A slow breath and the small blonde girl steps forward. Where Nanoha is nice and polite, but threatens with Vesta, and Levi is a box of attack puppies waiting for the order...

    Fate is less so.

    "If you want easy jobs get off and find another vessel." The blonde says in a cool and level voice. But the look in her eyes is nothing short of a glacial and frigid glare; chill enough to freeze blood in the veins as she produces the small medallion from her pocket.

    "You'll die first? Are you sure you want to say that? Because if you don't want to return to Hawke's leadership... We can just make you come under ours." She pauses.

    "Unless you rather would prepare to die, like you said."

    Levi can probably do the actual killing as needed though. ... When she gets her parrot back.

Flint Hawke (320) has posed:

    Samael, playing with the console, would discover that Flint actually installed a 'Fly to Flint' button on his own ship, he's that self-believing. There is an honest button the ship to fly it directly to Flint. It's somewhere between 'Vent Airlock A' and 'Vent Airlock C' and in proximity to 'Dispense Chai Tea'.

    Nonetheless, when the men are called out on their statement, they all stand up and look about ready to draw weapons. They don't mind having a fight in the interior of the ship, they're all docked anyway for repairs, "Yeah well, so what? We'll call for backup from the tavern," The man says before taking out a small device and hitting a button. Predictably, no one comes thanks to Cirno.

    Their bravado also does not account for the plethora of threats and the teleportation of Samael. Some of them DO recognize Nanoha and Fate, and some even recognize Levi from her last tantrum. Slowly they all lift their hands, "Fine. Just let us leave the ship. None of us want to fly under him," The 'leader' of them says, starting to walk towards the door.

    The parrot that Levi is chasing circles around overhead, trying to stay out of her reach. Eventually it circles around and lands on a high-up support beam. It lets out a whistle and then speaks, "Brawk. Pirates Code. A pirate only settles for the finest chest and booty. Rawk." Then it takes off again to fly away some more. It might be Flint's parrot.


    There's no one really to respond to a helpful distress call that comes out from the Black Sun, none of the men wanting to break Cirno's 'Do not interfere' policy. Cirno can feel free to reach the bridge any time she wants. The crew still loyal or wanting to fly under Flint do follow after her.

Takamachi Nanoha (381) has posed:
"See? That wasn't hard at all!" Nanoha beams happily, or at least on the surface. She hasn't quite been so honestly happy since she had to get involved in this. Still, she's relieved that it won't break into a fight. Of course seh could just stun them, and she's sure Fate would do the same, but it'd get rough. "Now just go find another ship and everything will be fine!"

Cirno (436) has posed:
    "Yo ho ho, a pirate's life for me!" Cirno is singing off-key as she marches toward the docks, now flanked by grim-looking Fairy crewmates! Who all have visors. This means she loses one when they bonk into a pillar they didn't see due to the visor.

    "Wait, I'm not a pirate," she remembers. "Right! Well... I guess I can give you the AC upgrade. Shouldn't take more than a few hours. When you're done you'll also get a new ship defense system that will freeze any boarders!"

    Arriving at the ship, though, will make her pause. "Oh right, I guess it's already captured. Well, easy job for you! Hey Nanoha, Fate, Levi!"

Testarossa Fate (401) has posed:
    "Get out before we change our minds." Fate says with all the warmth of a tundra, and proceeds to walk up to a very important looking console and just stand over it imperiously with another flourish of her greatcoat.

    She wouldn't have killed them.

    She also probably would not have stopped Levi from killing them if it did turn to a fight. It didn't come to that though, which is good.

Samael (455) has posed:
    "Well, okay! They can find a ship...if they get off before the launch process finishes! Unless they wanna go now while the ship's moving, in which case, I'll open the airlocks for them!" Samael stated happily, before finally just hitting the handy dandy FLY TO WHERE FLINT IS button.

    "You better hurry! You don't wanna be caught in a closing door now, do you?"

Flint Hawke (320) has posed:
    At Samael's press of the button, men are scrambling onto and off of the ship much more rapidly as alarms start to go off and various warnings about the launch are cued in. It'll be left up to Cirno on whether she gets left behind or comes along for the ride and leaves the Freezing Reign behind. Either way, the ship automatically declamps with its crew and then rotates on an axis before warping off.

    Eventually it comes out of warp at a small floating food stand in space. The kind shuttle workers stop at to eat lunch in the atmosphere its shields provide and order some space food. Flint is sitting at it, eating a space sandwich when the massive ship comes out of orbit almost right on top of the food stand without hitting it.

    "Oh, you found it. Splendid."