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So a wizard wants a computer...
Date of Scene: 12 September 2014
Location: The Maw
Synopsis: Marrik ends up going to the wrong place to buy the computer he wants, and in the process talks with Kotone and Blurr.
Cast of Characters: Kotone Yamakawa, Blurr, 541

Marrik (541) has posed:
The multiverse sometimes makes no sense in or out of context.

For instance take a man that looks like an extra from a high fantasy flick standing next to a motorcycle from the second world war talking to a noodle vendor in a high technology iteration of japan arguing over the merits of theatre over movies. They had this impromptu discussion beside the van the vendor worked out of as the blue haired cook used a pair of chopsticks stabbing the air to punctuate his point.

Marrik chuckled softly before paying the man, "Can we at least agree that some people shouldn't be allowed to direct? I mean infinite resources of the multiverse and some people just plain can't bloody do a good job at it."

The cook shrugged and hopped back in his van before trundling off. For his part Marrik got on his bike after finishing his dumplings and considered the directions the man gave. Electronics district?

He tossed the carton away and drove, then stared in non-coherence as he entered the district.

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa is just here in town checking out her thins here to get some tech items of various sorts. Her work with certain groups does pay well on top of her other jobs. So she wa doing pretty well she now moves out of a tech store carring a bag full of something, whistling as she goes.

Marrik (541) has posed:
The poor unfortunate sales rep dealing with Marrik took one look at the man and heaved a sigh. She's dealt, briefly with people pre electronics before and the worst were usually magicians of one stripe or another. To his credit Marrik seemed familliar enough to not use what her uncharitable moments would call 'savage speak' for a computer.

Yet she stood there holding an ad the man pullled from a pocket and just stared. "Sir, we don't sell antiques."

Blurr has posed:
    "You sure you want that, Marrik? It looks kind of overpriced." A familiar voice says from behind him. "And primitive. Not that I know much about human currency." It sounds like Blurr, but the voice appears to be coming from a blond-haired teenager. "But that looks like it shouldn't even be worth -anything-."

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa pauses for a moment at hearing the word Antiques she turns her head to spy Marrik and wonders what he's doing here. She comes over looking at the man and the clerk for a moment before she turns directly to Marrik.

"So just what are you up to here I never thought I'd see you here with something... god that thing predates this century!"

Marrik (541) has posed:
"Hey now," Marrik quirked an eyebrow at the kid both because of the familiar voice, and because to him it was about as lifelike as a cardboard cutout. Oh it moved convincingly but nothing was there. Just a puppet on wires. "Besides Bonnie said it'd do what I want and I'd been doing reading on it," he shrugged helplessly. That and one of my regulars actually knows a few people who can get a few things for it." The wonders of the multiverse, where one chunk of reality will sit and make parts for a machine from another reality while a third doesn't need to because according to their perspective it's a century old and fit for a museum or recycling.

"S-sir I don't even know if the antiques place has this." The sales rep held up a tablet-like device, "Surely this will serve better. Easy interface, ten minutes to figure out what's what. No experience needed, the on board smart agent handles the heavy lifting." Her manner became smoother as she launched into her sales pitch even as Marrik gave the device a dubious glance. Sparks openly frowned as she fluttered around the device, inspecting every nanometer of it's exterior.

"Ma'am, how well will that survive a drop?" As if on cue Marrik snatched Sparks out of the sir, or rather swatted at her, forcing the biker pixie to divert from her attempt at knocking the gizmo out of the sales woman's hands. "Either behave or go home, please."

Sparks frowned but landed on Marrik's shoulder to sulk.

"Well," Marrik looked to Kotone and smiled, "I figure modernize a little, but� Yea I might have goofed coming here ma'am." He fished out a large brightly gleaming silver coin to give to the sales lady for her trouble.

Blurr has posed:
    "Yeah but it's ancient even for human tech." Blurr argues, folding his arms. "Why don't you go ahead and take her up on that datapad, a lot more compact -and- powerful." he points out, after having scanned it. "It'll be more than enough, trust me."

    He nods when Kotone seems to agree. "See? She agrees with me. Right? He should just take the one she's offering."

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa says "That's I think older than my father almost. Look umm thismight not be the best idea you'd be better off finding a collector to buy that to be honest rather than a store like this honestly."

She tilts her head for a moment she sighs and then looks to Marrik and nods for a moment. She'll move to come out at this point for a moment.

"There's older things, it also depends on how rugged it is, and sometimes using older tech means an intruder won't know what to do with it. If you want to keep information safe, on the other hand old exploits are public information now."

Marrik (541) has posed:
"On the other hand," The sales rep grinned, "You occasionally get people that will make new hardware addons for old gear." She looked from Marrik to Kotone then to Blurr and sighed before taking the coin Marrik offered and walked off.
Marrik looked from Blurr to Kotone and smiled. "Glad you two made it out alright." He then looked to Kotone, "So I'd say here is home, or at least close to it, yea?"

Blurr has posed:
    Blurr shrugs. "You both know what -my- home looks like. Hopefully I won't have to go back there any time soon, but with my luck I probably will have to."

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa says "That does happen honestly, but shall we go somewhere else than hyere and yes this is my home I'm living in this city currently what are you teop doing here I got to ask. No, I think not I see why the planet hasn't been picked clean those bugs, seriously why were there robot bugs, why would a constructed world have something like that?!"

Marrik (541) has posed:
"Huh," Marrik was stuck between 'oh hey interesting' and 'oh hell union business.' So he just shrugged and motioned Kotone to follow him out of the store and likely where Blurr was parked. "I was kindof in the area because a customer had a friend of a friend they'd recommended me to help with a spook problem. Something about a man eating toaster." Turned out to be a minor demon playing nasty til it saw him etch a binding into the toaster and literally punt it out of the apartment.

Blurr has posed:
    "They didn't come about until recently. The Decepticons created them shortly before the Unification." Blurr answers Kotone. "They're failed Insecticon experiments. Megatron took the three 'good' ones back to Earth and left the rest to roam a dead Cybertron."

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa Says "I see so crazy weapon experiments I take it. Lovely just freaking lovely something out of a horror SCI-FI movie. Well I'd go posting on selling site and see what collectors nibble, there are people who'd pay big time bucks for something like that."

Marrik (541) has posed:
Marrik took a small breath. "Normally not my department." He tried keepoing his voice down as fhey walled.

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa looks at Marrik for a moment and shrugs a little bit as she looj the mage over as she gestures to him to follow her out of the store. "Sounds like you want me to put this old machine up and see what I could get for it. Heh you know some people collect old Prosethic bodies..."

Marrik (541) has posed:
"I knew a man that collected prosthetics," Then again same guy kept the bodies they were attached to. Nearest thing the cult had to a doctor. "Sorry its just an interface issue. I'm used to writing, even saw a typewriter in school but this... touch everything." He made a dismissive gesture. "Thank you for your help getting Blurr out."

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa Says "I couldn't leave him or even the other guy to be devoured. I don't think anyone deseves that to be perfectly honest not a pretty way to go right? Sides ... I now what it's like to be left for dead."

She moves on a bit peering at him.

"That's even older god I think that's older than my grandparents."

Marrik (541) has posed:
"Look," Marrik sighed. "I'm sorry but this place is making me wonder why Staren even asked for my input on things." His head shook slow, "Never met the guy but he is... well he bothers me."

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa says "My first response was wanting to knock him on his ass. He rubs me the wrong way he's charing forward so hard he doesn't even think about the price of what he's doing. I don't fault you at all for being bothered to be honest."

She seems to have little love for staren he's kinda just failed his soical checks with Kotone a heck of a lot.

Marrik (541) has posed:
"I admit he has his heart in the right place about wanting to know why things work." Marrik watched the city move around them as he considered everythimg. "Seems strange he's in the union doesn't it? Someone that sees few moral reasons to not do a thing, but maybe thats why he's there. So he's around people that will tell him to stop and put the cookies back in the jar."

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa Says "He's wreckless and we have a mutal employere who needs anyone they can get I get that. Maybe your right maybe the Union's trying to keep him on a leach when you get down to it least someone who will tell him to take the entire jar ens up employing him."

Marrik (541) has posed:
"He and I disagree on things, and worse he misunderstamds often." Marrik looked Kotone over and hrms soft. "Anyway sorry for causing fuss. This is a... interesting place. For all the noise it seems to take care just fine though."

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa says "He's got oversite with the group wr both work with and humm and what about it I don't really notice any real noice my self."

Says the young lady from a modern world whose just never really lived without the background noise as it were.

Marrik (541) has posed:
"Sorry just, not the same sort of city noises I'm used to." Marrik shrugged. Certainly wasn't what he grew up heari on the farm, and wasn't even like what the market was like. Ah well. "Kitt might like it here. I dunno. do you people have tslking cars?" He asked aftrr a moment's thought, "Is that a thing?"

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa says "I see I don't think much of it, is Kitt wired for wireless he's going to have a hard time otherwise really. Some time but I doubt they are aware like Kitt seems to be I'd not be stunned if he actually had a Ghost. You can't ... chat bot that level of snark he has."

Marrik (541) has posed:
"That car has soul," Marrik agreed, mikdly surprised Kotone knew about kitt. "Plus he's too emotional to be clockwork and wire. Takes a mind to pull that off with that much variation." Kitt basically set all kinds of things off to him, but he was a person. "What boggles me is... kitt? same world this," He held up the computer ad, "came from."

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa says "Sounds like a genius was born on that world that was way ahead of their time is what i'm guessing. You know someone who figured it out and got it to work on 1980s hardware then again they likely have compariable computing power to stuff here I suspect. I'm thankful we have a way to figure out if something is aware... it makes certain issues less messy. So why do I get the feeling you want to say something to me?"

Marrik (541) has posed:
"Mostly I just know I stuck my foot down my throat when I met you." Marrik sounded calm as he spoke. "I can't even use the excuse of being new to the multiverse. Just I'd never seen a full body replacement before and it... well." Shrug as he looked Kotone over. "I'd like to think I'm an alright guy, no saint mind you, but I have a few lines I won't cross even though I'd already stuck my hand in the cookie jar of evil already. This is an interesting place, has a good feel to it."

With that he got on his bike and started riding.