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Time out for Tea.
Date of Scene: 03 September 2014
Location: The Maw
Synopsis: After helping Quote rescue Sue Marrik has a visit from a new friend at his shop.
Cast of Characters: Inga, 541

Marrik (541) has posed:
The maw was probably the deepest hole in the multiverse. At the very it is the deepest one with settlements around the edges. Around one such settlement was a sprawling market. In this market of drow, troll, goblin, people, and things that seemed to defy description out of spite sat a shop. It was a nice well kept two story building flanked by other buildings in a row. If Inga asked the residents might be helpful, or rude, all in universal agreement Marrik detested the drug peddlers, and those that sold to children had a bad habbit of disappearing around him.

Inga has posed:
An invitation for tea! Well, that's nice. Any excuse to get out of Kingsmouth for a bit is welcome, especially for tea and presumably stimulating conversation. Getting there was a bit difficult. Of course, he'd given her directions, and she'd followed them, but she'd gotten rather distracted in the market on the way. She had a bit of money and some things that could be traded, so she had a bag of various things she'd been missing. This has put her in a rather good mood already. A mood that wasn't even dampened by some rude...troll thing...from trying to get in her way, thinking she was easy pickins.

Said Troll is now covered in festering boils and complaining mightily that his insides are roiling with pain.

So, with a smile, Inga knocks upon the door.

Marrik (541) has posed:
The shop door opened on the second knock and As they did so a heat shimmer in the shape of a hand gave the single fingered 'come here' gesture. Beyond the door was something that was mix of personal library neatly arranged on one side complete with wingbacked chairs here and there to give patrons a chance to browse.

The rest of the store was given over to scrolls, potions, adventuring supplies, and more than a few daggers and other small weapons on display.

At the counter Marrik stood and on seeing his guest smiled warmly. "Ah, hello there miss. Come in. Please." As soon as Inga stepped inside the specteral hand gently closed the door and flipped the sign to tell patrons he would be closed.

Inga has posed:
Inga's eyes widen briefly at the appearance of the spectral hand--these flashy sorts of magic are still fairly new to her. She's only beginning to learn these sorts of things are possible. The motions is understood, so she enters, looking around the shop a moment before her eyes settle on Marrik. "Miss? Miss what?" she asks, moving further inside. At the invitation to sit, she does so most gratefully, leaning her walking staff nearby. She's dressed similarly to last he saw her, in an incredibly old fashioned (at least for most places she's been) outfit consisting of a blue dress made of soft wool, embroidered with silver knotwork, two silver brooches clasped at the shoulders of the overdress. It is consistent with outfits worn in Scandinavia in the dark ages. "Thank you for the invitation--this is a fascinating place. I wish I'd known it was here sooner. I was able to pick up some things I'd been lacking," she says, indicating her bag.

Marrik (541) has posed:
"Miss, as in missus," Marrik chuckled soft as he made the specteral hand disappear. "Tea?" He asked as he ducked into the back room to get snacks from storage and quickly put a kettle on. "Sorry for the flash, but I've been meaning to practice my utility a bit more." A smile as he offered a platter of cheese and ham slices. Nice thick chunks of both and plenty of it along with several yeast rolls. "Amazing how handy a third hand can be, even if it can't carry much." Such as sweeping, or getting things from the top shelf.

Inga has posed:
The word is still foreign to her, but she has surmised its meaning now. "Please, call me Inga," she says.

"Tea would be much appreciated. I love the leaves far from the east--ah, was was east in my world, anyway. Very confusing," she says. When food arrives, she smiles again, glad it isn't something...odd. Cheese, meat and bread she can understand at least. "Thank you," she says, and takes a few hearty bites of cheese.

"Mmm, the hand? That is very interesting. I am sure it is convenient. How do you control it? Is it a house spirit?" she asks.

Marrik (541) has posed:
"Actually it is my own magic given form." Marrik explained as a six inch tall pixie buzzed through the shop. "Actually west where I'm from, little different but close enough." He took a piece of ham, cheese, sliced a roll open, and made a sandwich. "So, those bone wards? Interesting construction, your own design?"

Inga has posed:
Inga raises a brow. "Your own magic given form...so, you use ah..anima as the others call it. I wonder if I could learn to do such a thing," she muses.

The small creature is observed with a wide smile. "What manner of creature are you?" she asks. "An elf?" she guesses.

Inga takes ham next, taking a few bites. "The bone ward? My design? It is is simply how these things are done. It is as it was taught to me by the cunning woman who trained me, and she was taught before that...it is just known," she says, shrugging her shoulders lightly. "Things work differently in these...other worlds I understand, but this it how it is done for me."

Marrik (541) has posed:
"An impressive thing still," Marrik said as he watched sparks hover up to Inga.

"Just a Pixie." Sparks smiled warmly and brushed back pink hair. "I help with the place, mail, all that." Then she flitted off to check the kettle.

"I know the basics of blood magic, but I'm... well I'd prefered to work directly with the forces of Life for my work."

Inga has posed:
Inga smiles, nodding to accept the compliment.

"A..pixie? Well, a pleasure to meet you," she replies. Some sort of house spirit then, most certainly.

"Mmm, I noticed some of the things you were doing, though everything was a bit chaotic. What were you doing? The forces of life? What is that if not blood and bone? Do you speak of anima? Or what did Ainsley call it....mana?" she asks.

Marrik (541) has posed:
"It is... slightly different." Marrik seemed hesitant as he tried to explain. "It could be done the same, but I'd been trained to do without and work directly with the life a body generates." Small shrug before he heard a whistle from the back room. "Pardon." He got up as the specteral hand fetched a pair of cups, honey, spoons, a tin with tea leaves, and strainers as Marrik himself came back with a kettle of hot water. "Those back home would get this by murdering others. I'd revived the practice of leeching from myself or fro vermin. Otherwise I'd have given it up since I have no connection to the elements to draw from."

Inga has posed:
Inga watches with obvious fascination as the hand helps fetch things, nibbling a bit of bread while the tea is brought. The appearance of the honey causes a wry smile to appear. "...Our wisdom flows so sweet," she mumbles, helping herself to a spoon, which she first drizzles over the bread then stirs into her tea once it is poured. "I thank you for your hospitality. Once I have a place of my own again I shall return the favor if I can," she informs Marrik.

Then, back to magic. This she has to think about for a good while. "I heard you talk of sensing the dead. I saw you sort of...bleed the life from the creatures. I would like to see it done," she replies. "It is like...making a sacrifice, yes?" she says, smiling then, a little excited. Finally, perhaps someone who understands these things!

Marrik (541) has posed:
"Ah," Marrik stirred honey as he tried thinking how to put it. "Setting aside the fact I have problems murdering thinking beings when it isn't kill or be killed yes. A sacrafice would grant considerable power, a willing one even more since there is next to no resistance to fight against." He gestured to his chest with a loaf of bread, "Animals provide some, but it takes a lot to even come close to a person." A chuckle before taking an experimental sip of his tea. "Of course that spell I used on Igor is a modified version of what I do to crops. Yank the life out of weeds or pests or vermin and funnel it into what I want sustained. Funny how useful simple gardening tools can be. My teachers had me flogged the first time I explained what I was working towards." Small headshake as his mind dwelled on those withered men that saw only weapons of war in the people they scraped up. "Said no value in a fight. Ha, that'd show em. Well, it would if I hadn't turned them into compost for putting me on an alter."

Inga has posed:
Inga listens, an eyebrow rising. "Animal sacrifice is proper. The gods must have gifts for the gifts they have given us. Human sacrifice is powerful, and also proper--provided it is done correctly. Tch, such difficulty explaining..." she frowns for a moment, thoughtful. "In battle, those killed are sacrifices to Odin. Voluntary sacrifice. One does not fight if they do not accept death as being possible. The sacrifices to Freyr, to Thor for good harvest...these are also good. An honor--tch...much better than this...prison I have heard about," she explains.

A small smile. "Your teachers? Did they try to sacrifice you?"

Marrik (541) has posed:
"Our gods left us," Marrik explained. "Something about an onrushing storm. Grandad was sorta thin on details when he visited last." Yea, if you counted the dead man's spirit getting pulled from beyond by insane cultists thinking the man was their chosen one as visiting. Marrik grunted. "These sacrifices were made to noone save themselves to give greater power. I suppose back before the war it was as you said, but necromancy brought the world out of balance and left it corrupted. All because of a few who rather wished the wheel of life to stop than leave peacefully when their time was done."

Inga has posed:
Inga sips her tea, relishing the smell of the roasted leaves and the sweetness of the honey. This is a welcome break from fishmen and the undead, for certain.

She sets the cup down, listening to his story, something beginning to prickle her senses, the oncoming storm, as it were. Quite suddenly Inga gets to her feet, reaching accross the table to seize Marrik by the hands, spinning her tea in the process. But she does not notice.

Her eyes widen, rolling back in her head, her body growing tense as she is gripped by the powerful magic of a vision; will it be past, present, or future?

Inga speaks, her voice carrying a certain tone that makes the small hairs on the back one one's neck stand out and the heart beat quicken. It carries the tone of the uncanny, of the Norns that see the pattern in its entirety. This, only a small glimpse, but it is clear just how powerful the magic that flows through her is in that moment. "Darkness, a barrow beneath the ground where light cannot penetrate--flickering candle flame like stars in the night sky. Friends, ripped from life--a man with skin like old velum, sacrificial knife in hand...oh but the Old Man is wise and his reach is far, his wisdom speaks through space and ages...the old are wise, whispers in the dark...knowledge...a heavy knowledge..." she trails off, her grip tight on his hands for several moments after she's gone silent.

Finally, Inga collapses back into her chair, her body shaking as the vision leaves her and she begins to come back to herself.

As her eyes clear, she recalls what just happened and a shudder runs through her, followed quickly with embarrassment she tries to shove away, wrapping herself in her dignity again. "...I appologize. I've spilled the tea," she says. Well, it's a start.

Marrik (541) has posed:
Marrik blinked when Inga moved. Given her leg she was not usually this quick and then. Somewhere he noted the tea spilled but her words caught his attention. Comprehension dawned and his eyes widened as he looked at the cunning woman.

When she finished he just sat there staring at nothing. "How?" He asked in a bare whisper. "Gods above and below how?"

Inga has posed:
Inga blushes slightly, looking away, her lips set in a thin line of momentary discomfort before she schools her features and looks back to the man. "The gods have decided to show me a vision--of your past it would seem. I...know it is terribly uncomfortable and I appologize. I have no control over them when they take me like that. It is like a wave that rushes over me, I must just let it toss me around before I come up again for air," she explains.

A deep breath is taken. She straightens in her seat, then reaches to right the cups that she'd knocked over. "I...am sorry, for what you went through. A terrible thing," she says, her hands still shaken. It was terrible for her, too. It is not that she just watches from afar--obviously, the feelings of the vision seep into her as well. "They tried to bring the end of the world?" she asks, a bit awkward now.

Marrik (541) has posed:
Again the spectral hand shimmered as a towel floated to where the tea spilled. In spite of how fragile the cup looked and felt it bounced harmlessly against the wood floor.

Marrik sighed soft as he looked over at Inga. His eyes refocused and he nodded slow. "When I got pulled in they caught me with tripe about the world being so broken and corrupt no matter what good was done it would fall. Better to finish the job and try rebuilding new by their logic." By his tone he disagreed. "And I believed them for a time." This was not an easy thing to admit to. Falling in with a bad crowd was one thing. Falling in with this lot was worse. "They... offered me what I wanted. No strings they could pull because how do you take magic from someone?" Bitter laugh. They had clout. They had friends, and could do worse than kill him if he acted against them.

Such is the folly of youth. Nevermind he was still a young man.

Inga has posed:
Inga watches the hand clean up the mess, but she'll help if allowed. It was her fault. Or the gods. But one doesn't blame the gods for spilled tea!

If it helps things for Marrik to talk, she'll listen. She is interested of course, and pleased at least that he hasn't thrown her out after that display. She's a knowledge of him now, and knowledge is a powerful thing. "Hmm. It can be difficult to walk the correct path. Mistakes are made...I'm sure they made a good arguement," she says, pursing her lips as if she'd tasted something sour. Most of these worlds seemed sour after the things she's seen. Yes, she can very much understand, even if she would not go to such lengths. "If the gods had fled your world...that is sad indeed. I worry it is the same for the place I have found myself. They are there, I know...but not as they should be. The world has forgotten them," she says, frowning deeply. "I will see them given their proper worship...if I cannot get home once my task is complete," she continues, an edge of iron to her voice.

Marrik (541) has posed:
Sparks watched as Marrik got up to get more tea poured and let Inga help clean the mess up. Sure it was the host's responsibility to present a clean place for their guest, but it was insulting to refuse help offered even if strictly speaking the guest wasn't to blame.

"Not fled. Left to pre-empt worse from coming. Sorta couldn't elaborate but it's like me leaving the homestead with the kids having to fend for themselves because I know somebody's bringing their buddies over to burn the place and there's nobody left to mind things because everyone else is helping me."

He grunted and sat Inga's now refilled tea cup on the little table between the chairs. "The druids are right though. Most people inteterested in Necromancy just want easy Power for selfish ends."

Inga has posed:
Inga nods. "I see. The gods have gone to fight a larger battle...I see. Still, they should be given sacrifice surely. Empower them for this," she says. She smiles to Sparks. Goodness but she needs a place of her own and a house spirit for it.

Inga takes the refilled cup and sips. "Druids...this is a word I know. It it was the god-people were called in Britainnia. I have heard of the famous Merlin, a druid of great power."

Marrik (541) has posed:
"Thing is other than a few most of the celestials outside of War and Harvest outright forbade sacrifice." Another tea sip for Marrik, "Then again other accounts put it as somethi more complex. Without actually being able to ask and most of the records either burned or kept locked away it's kinda hard to figure out what was proper."

Inga has posed:
Inga nods. "Ah, I see," she says, though she isn't sure why any god would forbid sacrifice. Inga shakes her head. "Burned or locked away--see this is what is wrong with keeping all knowledge written," she says. "It should be kept in the mind, kept with the living and passed down...I can see the appeal of writing, I suppose, but it seems..something could become lost in the writing, without the people to keep it living..." Inga shrugs it off then, her own musings.

"The market here is interesting. I wish I had more to trade. There are some things I could use that are surprisingly hard to find in Kingsmouth. Strange place, though I have now seen stranger..."

Marrik (541) has posed:
"What things?" Marrik asked. "I'd consider even trade if you keep visiting once every so often for tea. Nice to talk shop. Can't say I like some of the things from your home, but they are what they are. You are a good woman at heart." He watched as Sparks fetched paper and pen for him. "And Sparks here is no house spirit. If she wanted to leave I'd wish her well and offer her anything she needed. Least I can do for a friend." Small smile then as he checked the pen for ink. "Maybe could see if one of the local pixies would be willing to help out?"

Inga has posed:
Inga blinks, watching Sparks fetch paper. Again with the writing things down. Does no one remember anything these days? "Ah, I have a number of herbs I cannot find around Kingsmouth...I could certainly use a goat or two--and goodness, a horse would be fantastic I have been riding in cars and it is terrifying," she sighs.

Inga looks vaguely affronted now. "A good women, yes. A god-person. You are mistaken if you think a house spirit is one you keep by force. A house spirit...you can try to lure one, but you must treat them right or they will leave--or worse, do bad things to yourself and your property. The spirits are to be respected," she replies. "The problem is, I do not /have/ a home."

Inga takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly. "Well then...I'd be happy to keep visiting. I have...a place in Kingsmouth. Our 'base'. We are having...a number of problems there. Perhaps you might come and assist if you feel so inclined. Oh, I can show you my bone fence. If you thought those wards were impressive--tch, you must see a true bone fence."

Marrik (541) has posed:
Laughter was Marrik's response to how offended spirits could get. "Definitely sounds like pixies. Can either be nice or horrible but too many sit and freaking ignore them." When Inga spoke of Kingsmouth he mmed thoughtfully, "What impressed me was speed. I'd seen bone constructs before. Several types of automita can be made from a single bone. Dumb but good for repetetive menial tasks. Will like to see this place and help if I can." Goats, horses. he didn't bothered to write anything down yet. "Neighbor is a lizard woman that works with herbs and tends to deal easy. Bit barmy but a deal is a deal for her."

Inga has posed:
Inga smiles, nodding. "These creatures, called different things at least share things in common," she laughs lightly.

"Well...I am getting better at these things...doing them quickly. I am learning some new things as well--Ainsley is teaching me some elemental magic while I teach her blood magic. But some magic is too powerful to do quickly. It is worth taking the time to do it well," she replies.

"Ah, another lizard woman...interesting. If I suspect she is trying to swindle me...well, I do not think she will try," she says with complete confidence. That troll is probably still praying for death out there.

Marrik (541) has posed:
"You should see the slug that tried selling me tainted goods." Marrik gave something of a less than wholesome smile. "It is never nice to cross someone that was trained in disease and can do worse if he's crossed." There was no pity or remorse that person died. Also when he said slug it was a litteral slug with arms and legs. "The ghost hand is easy. As are my other utility magics. Lazy, and I stil prefer doing by hand, but it helps me get more work done."

Inga has posed:
Inga laughs then. "Well said. A troll in the market thought I looked like easy prey. I image he is finding his festering boils and...internal troubles to be rather irksome about now," she comments.

"Well, I don't suppose you could show me how it is done?" she asks about the hand.

Marrik (541) has posed:
At that request Marrik stood and went through the casting process slowly, step by step, and intentionally making sure anyone sensitive to the flows of magic can see how everything fits. "This is the one thing my teachers were good about. Making sure there were a few useful general magics that makes life a little easier. Do you want !e to go over the summoning again?" The hand wavered in front of Inga before winking out. Then Marrik again went through the steps again to give his audiance a chance to see how it worked.

Inga has posed:
Inga watches and listens, frowning with concentration. Despite understanding how it works in theory, she cannot seem to get it.

A sigh. "Perhaps I will try it another time. It is...different in ways. I think perhaps I will have to think of how I would do it with the knowledge I have," she comments, thoughtful. "A pity, an extra pair of hands would be good. Ah, well."

Marrik (541) has posed:
"Well it took me a lot of time to get even the basics," Marrik reassured. "And I had no basis or preconception to get in the way."

He reached out to take Inga's hand. "Information is expensive, but at the same time it wants to be free."

Inga has posed:
Inga looks down as he takes her hand, eyebrows rising. "Hmmm, yes, I suppose so," she answers, thinking this over.

"Well, I had better be going," she said, withdrawing her hand. "You will come to Kingsmouth? There is a way. You must take the world tree--I'm afraid I'm not the best to ask for directions but I am sure you will find your way," she says with a smile. "Again, thank you for your hospitality.'

Marrik (541) has posed:
"I have friends that can help me find the way." Marrik bowed slightly to Inga and he walked with her to the door before holding it open. "Fair you well Inga. I will see you sometime soon."