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Latest revision as of 02:56, 17 September 2014

Broom's Clean Sweep Roadside Sale!
Date of Scene: 23 August 2014
Location: The Multiverse Mall <MM>
Synopsis: It's amazing who runs into who at these traveling merchant roadside things isn't it?
Cast of Characters: 385, 541, 550

Marrik (541) has posed:
This idea of distracting himself from the hub-bub of the latest string in research failures by pitching a big wall tent at a simi-random part of the multiverse, putting out a few ads, and seeing what happened.

In spite of looking like a throw together tent most would associate with fireworks or carnies the fabric stayed put no matter the wind or weather. Inside were several waist high tables each with a sign at the side in several common languages proclaiming what each sold.

There were books on different races, plants! alchemy primers, beginners guides to spellvasting, fighting spellcasters, desling with the undead (further divided into negociations and murder,) and then books on general outdoorsy things.

Away from the books were artifacts: rings of light, defense, self drawing maps, books for transcribing magic to, prepared scrolls, and so on further divided into magical weapons, potions, and then in a corner common camping gear surrounding a small table Marrik was sitting behind with a mason jar in one had as he peered over a mechanical cash register at thehandfull of looky-loo customers.

Eric Bane (550) has posed:
Magic. This is a field of expertise Eric Bane doesn't have a lot of experience with. In his world, the only 'magic' was ... well, vampires. And they weren't magical, they were infected by a virus that had killed them and transformed them into undead beings that need to drink blood to survive. Nothing magical about that. But with the great spread of magic in the Multiverse, Eric figures he needs to start doing some legitimate research on it. Can't fight what you don't know about, right?

So, there will be a strange one that appears here at the mall. He's in a dark gray hoodie with the hood pulled up and the sleeves pushed up to his elbows, worn open over a striped t-shirt, black jeans, and black sneakers. Though what's probably first noticeable is what he's carrying. It's not raining, but Eric has a large black umbrella, open, propped on his shoulder. Yes, he has been watching Multiversal cartoons, and that seems to work for vampires on TV. So he's giving it a shot. He hasn't burst into flames, though, so maybe it really IS working.

As for Marrik? Well, it's pretty obvious as soon as he comes within sight. Even if he couldn't recognize it from the weird pallor to the umbrella-holding man's skin, even if he doesn't see the visible fangs whenever his mouth opens, even if his weird ghost-blue eyes aren't enough of a clue, Marrik's powers should tell him everything he needs to know.

To paraphrase the meme, 'Thatsavampire.jpg'.

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
Yuna isn't all that versed in magic either - which is sort of why her Abstractum specializes in it, as near as she can tell. Sadly, Shining Prism seems to be in sleep mode right now, so Yuna can't expect any guidance as she wanders over towards the merchant's tent. She smiles, nodding/not quite bowing to Eric (whom she doesn't know, but that's no reason to be *rude*), and just glances over the tables as if she's figuring out where to start browsing ...

Marrik (541) has posed:
At zeric's entery into the tent a few people turned too see who the new person was and a few nodded to him then to Yuna. At a gesture from Marrik a pixie, basically a barbie doll sized long eared red haired girl with dragonfly wings, dark skin, and wearing what looked like motercycle leathers, flitted about a foot from Eric's face. "Hello!" Her voice was cheerful even as she shifted her stance as she floated to try including Yuna. "Welcome to Clean Sweep's mobile store. We sell many of the basics for those needing to get used to dealing with thevworld of msgic and the supernatural. If there are any special requests we may have it in stock at our primary location! Just ask our man at the counter."

Eric Bane (550) has posed:
Eric offers a nod to Yuna in return as he notices her. "Hi," he offers quietly, politely. He's got a gravelly voice. And fangs. They're like. Right there. Really hard to miss when he talks. The pixie distracts him, though, and he takes a step back when he sees her. Blink. Clearly he's never seen a pixie before. " ... Uh. Yeah. Just looking for some basic magic defense ... literature, I guess."

He doesn't appear to be about to cause trouble, no. He has a hand in a pocket, his other is needed to hold the umbrella. He is careful to aim the umbrella to where the sun would be, so he doesn't get burned. Thankfully he's mostly covered up, so only has to worry about his face and arms.

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
"What languages do you have books in?" Yuna asks the pixie, grinning sheepishly. "I'm only really fluent in Japanese, anything else I need help with ..."

Well, it's true. The translation effect only accounts for speech, not printed (or written) text.

She also gives the biker-style pixie a rather curious look ...

Marrik (541) has posed:
"Ah," Sparks pointed over to a book table with books about magical creatures, "Sir, if you're looking for information on vampires and or dealing with your new un-life we have a few books in tent, and can give g directions to the nearest blood bank that deals in withdrawls." The pixie's voice remained chipper as she gestured about. "Also we are well shielded against daylight in here so feel free to relax."

Marrik rang a tall dark skinned woman up then gave a cheerful wave before pointing to a couple of zombies arguing amongst themselves about if they have the money to buy a tent from the camping supplies. Then another gesture pointing to a sign proclaiming a zero tolerance policy to fighting and any patron no matter the affiliation will be escorted out if they cause trouble.

Sparks hrmed thoughtfully at the question of Japanese language books before quickly flying over to where Marrik was sitting. Then, after a few minutes she sighed, "We have a dozen in the tent ma'am, mostly about cryptids from Japan itself and weapon handling. However my boss is currently making a list of titles he can forward from our main location." She gestured Marrik before continuing. "Is there anything in particular you're looking for?"

Eric Bane (550) has posed:
Eric would blush if he could still do that. But then, he doesn't expect the Multiverse to not know. Didn't the magic types always know when the sneaky guy who was trying to ... well, be sneaky was really a vampire in disguise or something? Though the mention of a 'blood bank that deals in withdrawals' gets a raised eyebrow. " ... That's a thing?" he inquires.

Though since the pixie is dealing with the other lady who came in, Eric offers a nod to them both. "Thanks." He heads to where Marrik is, so as not to give the poor pixie any more to have to deal with. So to Marrik, he asks, "Blood banks? This is actually a thing?" Finding one is probably a good idea. Because this, uh, 'hunting' thing hasn't been going too well for him.

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
Un-life? For that matter, 'vampire'?

Yuna gives Eric a somewhat closer look - not leaning in or getting in his personal space or anything, but definitely looking him over more attentively than the earlier glance-and-nod greetings.

But Sparks gets more of Yuna's attention for the moment, and Yuna switches her attention back to the pixie, smiling. "I'll just take a look at what you've got, then, for the time being? I don't have anything really specific I'm looking for today, unfortunately ..."

Her gaze flicks back to the 'vampire' briefly, then to the table with the books ...

Marrik (541) has posed:
When Eric asked Marrik nodded, never looking up from writing Yuna's book list. "Yep. Lot of em just want to be left alone and don't want the whole mob with pitchforks and stakes thing." He snorted indignantly, "Plus there are a lot of groupies giving. Supposedly hoping a specific one will drink what they give. Idiots, but useful, I like when there are peaceful solutions." His tone wasn't unfriendly, but he sounded distracted while muttering something about not categorizing finally catching up with him.

Sparks did a small spin-twirl in place while hovering a few inches away from Yuna's shoulder, helpfully giving a brief title and synopsis of each book that seemed to grab her attention. If questioned, or perhaps because of a pause, she explained. "Everyone else here seems to be finding what they need fine. It's my job to help with customers."

Eric Bane (550) has posed:
Eric's definitely weird-looking, at least to an Elite. His skin's not white or abnormally pale, but there is an odd pallor underneath his normal skin tone. His eyes, seen when he looks towards her, are ghostly blue-white. And the fangs are indeed very visible whenever he speaks. Plus, the umbrella is kind of telling. It's not raining outside, why would he need an umbrella?

Speaking of the umbrella, once he's sure he's not going to spontaneously burst into flames once he lets the umbrella off his shoulder, he folds the thing. Listening to Marrik's statement, he nods. "Yeah, that'd be helpful. I'd rather not have to attack people to survive." Vampires cannot live by bloody marys alone.

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
"So vampires have groupies too?" asks Yuna ... and she sounds honestly sympathetic as she asks that. Like she's used to dealing with them.

She gives the available Japanese books a quick look, though. A lot of it seems sort of familiar, old lore and legends that she's had to read up on somewhere or other - although one particular collection of fairy tales seems to catch her eye, and she picks the book up to glance through its contents.

"I'm an idol singer," she adds, looking to Eric. "So ... I've had my own groupies, and the occasional stalker." She shudders slightly at remembering how some of those run-ins have gone.

Marrik (541) has posed:
"Just keep in mind," Marrik finally looked up while pulling a thick folder from.... Somewhere under the drawerless table and offered it to Eric, "Keep in mind that is not a complete list. Where possible the orginization or other person that runs the place is noted as well as their hostility to newcommers." He sounded apologetic since that really was thinner information than he liked. "I ask that you do nosing about if at all possible before approaching." He'd heard of a few used by vampire hunters as a way to track movement and find nests to clear out whole families in a night, or worse. While he would freely admit many did need to die there were an unignoreable number just trying to get by.

The list he was writing was held up just in time for Sparks to snatch it up and fly back to Yuna with it. Anyone paying attention would have noticed the pixie flying towards Marrik before he'd raised the paper and that he hadn't made any sound or signal.

Sparks waved the scroll in Yuna's face. "Well don't worry miss. Pop Singer, Paladin, Vampire, or just some kid looking to do research for a class report makes no difference to us." At that she sounded quite proud. The list had several dozen titles ranging from translations of texts sparks had already listed to what sounded like acupuncture guides, as well as several general camping and outdoors titles.

Eric Bane (550) has posed:
Eric looks to Yuna as she speaks. There's kind of an instinctive wince, since he's really not supposed to be telling people he's a vampire. But if she's not immediately running away, she's probably not scared. Or about to tell anyone. Plus, the wince can be explained as a sympathetic one at the mention of stalkers. "I haven't met any vampire groupies myself." Long pause. " ... But I haven't been one for very long." The admission is cautious, as if gauging her reaction.

Suddenly there's a folder being presented to him. Eric nods, accepting the folder and listening to Marrik's advice. "Good idea. I imagine they're pretty well guarded," he reasons. Protect the food source, right? Makes a lot of sense. Also it's a good way to ferret out hidden vampires, since vampires need blood to survive almost universally, right? Or well, Multiversally? Or at least a lot of vampires across the Multiverse.

He'll look into the folder to check. And he'll probably write down some names too. Sparks' words draw his attention, and he nods. Good, he didn't want to have to worry about being tracked from here.

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
Yuna smiles, accepting the list, and continues looking through the book that caught her interest for a moment before closing it - with the list tucked into the book for now. "How'd you get turned vampire to start with? I mean, if you don't mind my asking ... was it before or after you Unified?" she asks Eric.

Marrik (541) has posed:
As Eric took the folder Marrik smiled at the man. "I so have a few personal no-fly areas, but I try to encourage people to try not stabbing eachother." Nevermind by rights as a necromancer his powers increase with killing and more corpses mean more servants. It still disgusts him. "I cannot force anyone's hand. Just try to keep the peace where I can."

Sparks waited by Yuna's shoulder before getting called over by a round middle aged man trying to find a book. Nekromorie, necronomicon, something like that. Both pixie and store owner facepalmed and flatly told the man to get out.

Eric Bane (550) has posed:
Eric looks up from his notes at Yuna's words. He opens his mouth to reply ... and then goes silent. His eyes go a little unfocused suddenly ...

Gunshots. A man's scream, on the tail end of an inhuman hiss.

A gun in his hands. An automatic weapon.

A flashlight in darkness, showing a warehouse as it darts around, tracking something.

A door slid out of the way. Suddenly a uniformed man in front of him.

Flashlight darting to turn. A human figure at the end of the warehouse. The gun in his hands fires. The figure disappears in a whoosh of smoke. Nearer now. The gun fires again. The figure disappears again. Nearer again.

Suddenly all he could see was teeth. And then nothing.

It's a long moment of silence. And Eric seems to have forgotten he was standing there for a while. Until with a surprised blink and a shake of his head, he suddenly looked at Yuna again, as if he was surprised to see her there. " ... Uh. I ... don't really know." He sounds a little spooked though. "I think it was before." He doesn't seem to know.

It takes him a moment more to recover, whatever just happened he seems pretty off-balance now. But he nods to Marrik's words nonetheless. "Yeah. I can understand. We're all just trying to get by." Seems he heard them. Completely missed the guy looking for a particular book though.

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
"Nekuro no mikon ... ?" Yuna frowns. "Why would he want a ... whatever a 'mikon' is of 'sleep-black'? Or was it 'Ne, kuro,' and so forth ..."

Some things, even the Multiverse doesn't translate all that well. The fact that the guy had trouble even remembering the right name probably made things worse.

"Are you okay, Eric?" she asks after noticing Eric mentally fading out like that before he answers her question. Although she can understand the question being tricky to answer, really - turning vampire DOES kind of mean dying, emphasis on the 'kind of'.

Marrik (541) has posed:
Yea the guy wanting a Necronomicon got grumpy. Then Marrik did the same pulling from just out of sight trick to grab a book and throw at him. "You did not get that from me." The bald man grinned and sped out the door, not realizing he got the necronomomnomnomnomicon instead and soon would have no food in his house. His attention then turned to Eric and he was about to reach out with his msgic before the man spoke. "Need a spot to sit down man?"

Eric Bane (550) has posed:
Eric blinks again, shaking his head. " ... Yeah. Yeah, I fine. Just ... strange situation surrounding it, I guess." He 'guesses'? Marrik's question gets a shake of his head. "No, I ... someone told me that amnesia's common for newly-turned vampires." Pause. "In my world. There's supposed to be a way to cure it, but ... " He trails off there, looking away. He's hiding something. Very badly.

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
Yuna quirks an eyebrow, then shrugs as the seemingly-satisfied customer bolts, and looks to Eric again. That didn't seem exactly like amnesia to her ...

"Well, hopefully you can find the cure - assuming you want to," she says with a reassuring smile. "- oh, yeah, right ..." She looks to Marrik, or Sparks if the pixie is more convenient. "What's a good book in Japanese for learning how to fight against magic-users, when you don't actually have magic spells yourself?"

Why would an idol singer need to know how to fight magic-users, though?

Marrik (541) has posed:
Sparks bobbed in front of Yuna and rattled off a name. After a moment Marrik pulled a thick book bound with a wooden cover and sat it next to the register before quoting a high but not astronomical price. All this as he looked over to Eric with a small frown. "I could offer my services to try helping," Marrik's voice was soft as he looked to the fledgeling. "It represents a degree of vulnerability, but I have several zombies that come to me to keep personal wards going so their makers cannot reclaim them, so if I were to break confidence I would lose customers. I offer no gurentee other than that I will both do my best, and do nothing without your agreement beforehand."

Eric Bane (550) has posed:
"Mm." Quiet sound, but an affirmative one, in response to Yuna's words. "It's tricky." Though he doesn't go into details, since she doesn't ask. He does however tilt his head a little when Yuna mentions needing to fight magic-users. He's probably thinking the same thing, why would she need to do that as a singer?

Marrik's explanation gets a thoughtful look. " ... I don't know. It might not work." A long pause. And then he explains, " ... I'm told that ... I'm not a 'complete' vampire yet. That the way it's supposed to work is, the vampire kills someone by feeding, and then when they rise again, gives the newly-turned one his blood. If not, the person killed will eventually turn into ... a mindless animal. A ghoul." Another pause. "I don't know who made me."

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
Yuna winces, "So ... yikes ... I hope you either find your 'sire' - that's the word, right? - or find a way to un-vampirize yourself, turn human again. Although if you're human, I guess that means you lose the advantages of being a vampire ... I'd like to do what I can to help too, though. You seem like kind of a nice guy, I wouldn't want your mind to go away and leave you as a ghoul."

She turns her attention to Marrik as the price is quoted -

"Geh!!" She almost turns completely white at the price; it might as well be astronomical to judge by her reaction. "I don't have that kind of money right now, not after the Ice Bucket Challenge donation ..."

Marrik (541) has posed:
Eric's explanation caused Marrik to frown. "Tricky, but it is a matter of your mind. I can do what I can to try preserving your sense of self." He got up and started activly shooing people out now. All very genttle. client needs privecy, move along please We'll open in the morning.

Then he looked over to Yuna and gestured to the register. "Ma'am, this man's condition is turning into a private concern."

Hevwalked over to the register and shrugged, "You can pay me later miss. You donated to a good cause. I'll let you go with it." He held up a reciept for Yuna to sign. "Information for records."