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Latest revision as of 03:09, 17 September 2014

Shopping is Magic!
Date of Scene: 23 August 2014
Location: The Multiverse Mall <MM>
Synopsis: Astore, a man made of energy, and a Shinki. Oh and bag of holding used as a footbag! Musn't forget that, very important!
Cast of Characters: 27, 541

Marrik (541) has posed:
Welcome to Clean Sweep's Magic Supplies and Adventuring Emporium!

Here you could find tables containing Books, Weapons, Camping Supplies, minor trinkets, and so on. The owner was parked behind a register near the door.. On the other hand there was this barbie doll sized pixie flitting here and there overseeing things so the guy at the register didn't have to get up..

It wasn't just the stuff being sold in this giant tent that was varied. The people buying these things had way more variety than most worlds that don't deal in aliens and interstellar commerce delt with. Yet no matter if it was elf, andorian, giant praying mantis, zombie, or whatever they got the same level of service as prompt as the duo working as staff could provide.

Jonothon Starsmore (27) has posed:
The next customer? Looks like it's... a pixie half the size of the Barbie doll-sized one. Except this one has visible joints, like an actual doll. Clearly an artificial being. Though also clearly designed to be female. She's flying, or possibly floating, about chest level in the air. Dark skin, white hair, black painted-on clothes. She also sports a spiked collar around her neck, like one a dog might wear. "Aibou! Come look in here!" she calls out to someone behind her. She's also kind of on the loud side. Her voice is on the lower side for a female voice, but not 'drag queen' low.

Behind her is someone who is... also dressed in black. A human male from the looks of it. Brown hair, brown eyes. Pretty nondescript, maaaaaaybe a bit on the gothy side. Aside from the black clothes, the only thing that's really weird about him is that his face is wrapped up, from just under his nose, down his neck, and into his shirt. Weird. Oh yeah. And his fingernails are painted black.

He peeks into the place, looking around curiously. It has the air of a person who's peeking around a corner to see if anyone's there. The dollpixie flies over to the man and pulls at his coat lapel. "C'mon! Nobody's gonna bite ya!" Pull! the pull doesn't move him, no, but he does walk forward normally.

Marrik (541) has posed:
Marrik watched as his pixie adjusted her leather jacket and... watched the tiny gholem fairy thing. Then both look at the person it was trying to encourage to show up before Marrik frowned. "alignment or Race I care not so long as you behave." His voice was easy, practiced even. Sure there was a druid glowering at a black robed sorceress, but even those two remained civil, albeit icey to eachother.

The in store pixie was dark skinned, red haired, and wore biker leathers and she looked the dollpixie over curiously, frowning slightly at it.

Jonothon Starsmore (27) has posed:
Jono offers what might be a smile, and waves at Marrik as he enters. "'Ello. Just lookin' around." He has a pretty thick Cockney accent. But his mouth doesn't move behind the wrappings, and the words don't sound the slighest bit muffled. In fact, they're not even picked up by the ears. Telepathic speech has its benefits.

The Shinki immediately starts to look around the place. "Oh wow, all this magical stuff!" She picks up a protection stone. "Hey! You need protection from magic, right? What about this?"

Jono looks to her, and seems to wince a little. "Oi, stop pickin' everythin' up before yer ask. Yer don't know what you're messin' with." He takes the stone from her and puts it back where it was. Then looking to Marrik, seeming embarassed, "Sorry."

Marrik (541) has posed:
Sparks looked about ready to slap the shinki til it's master chided it. Then she sighed. "It is a bad idea to randomly pick upmagicked items without knowing what they do." She lectured, "Nevermind the fact we only have basic and other entry level materials on display." She looked to Jonothon and frowned, "It's like with amusement park rides. Hands inside the ride at all times please." She hovered about a foot in front of Jono and hrmed loudly. "We do have books on defending against spellcasters." Marrik left it to Sparks to handle as he checked out a black robe'd wizard. Then as soon as the black robe left he wrote down notes.

Jonothon Starsmore (27) has posed:
Still looking sheepish, Jono nodded to the Sparks. "Yeah. S-sorry about that," he offers meekly. He steps out of the way of the black-robed person leaving. Looking to the Shinki, he frowns. Points at her. "You." Points at his shoulder. "Shoulder." Nods once. "Now. Or yer get plain jelly." With a mighty pout, the Shinki flies over to him, settling on his shoulder. She looks delightfully grumpy now.

Jono seems to sigh, though it's soundless, and only visible due to his shulders slumping. "Sorry. She's a little... enthusiastic about tryin' ter protect me." He nods. "Well... yer see, I 'ave a kinda... unique case. Yer got anything ter keep a mage from messin' with an energy source?"

Marrik (541) has posed:
Sparks frowned thoughtfully then mimed foot-tapping even though she was airbourn. "We don't have anything /here/ but."

Marrik cleared his throat and motioned for Jonothon to approach the register. "My problem is generally shielding either takes from personal energy to power, or you get maybe one or two hits from an elite and the artifact crumples." He eyed the man carefully. "As much as you're comfortable with, what are you trying to defend against, general energies?"

Jonothon Starsmore (27) has posed:
Jono looks up to Marrik as the man speaks. And then he takes a few steps nearer, though not before offering a nod of thanks to Sparks. "Er, well... I'm actually tryin' ter defend energies against mages tamperin' with 'em," he begins. "It's... kinda hard ter explain." Pause. He raises his hand to the wrappings around his face. And pauses again. "I know what this is gonna look like, but no, it's not fire."

That said, he pulls on the wrappings a little... and a little lick of flame-like energy escapes. It's red-orange, and the energy looks like it's filled with static, like an old TV. He quickly fixes it, though, and the energy goes away. "That's in 'ere." Places a hand on his chest. "An' I'm tryin' ter find somethin' that makes it harder for a mage ter reach in an' mess with it."

Marrik (541) has posed:
At the unwrapping Marrik frowned and in spite of assurances shied away. "I would, and this is just me, be a little more careful man." His voice, no matter the recoil, was calm. "that is information that'd be pretty easy to abuse" He mentally started through the stock he had at his primary store. "I do have a few shield bracelets in, but I don't know what energy you run off of and I'm afraid of possible interactions." And the last thing he wanted was a customer dying from some kind of complication popping up and accidentilly eating them into nothyingness. As he thought things over Sparks tended to different questions customers had. "That said I do have a few guide books you might be able to adapt to work at blocking incoming energy on your own."

Jonothon Starsmore (27) has posed:
Jono nods. "Yeah. Though I did have ter show yer." Sheepish look. "Someone told me it was psychic energy. This someone can sense this kind 'o thing, so I trust 'er judgement on it. I dunno if that's a whole different ball 'o wax from magic, since we don't 'ave any mages in the place I live." One gets the feeling he lives with a lot of not-quite-normal people.

Marrik (541) has posed:
Comprehension dawned on Marrik and he grinned, reaching under the desk and pulling a white glossy covered book and sat it on the counter. "I am sorry but only copy I have is in english." The book looked like a textbook from anywhere USA complete with abstract art cover. "Generally speaking it takes mental magic and frankly I try to avoid that school." He handwobbled and quoted essentially college textbook prices for the thing. "Still I can understand wanting to have some idea how to defend from odd corners."

Jonothon Starsmore (27) has posed:
Jono looks at the book, a little puzzled. It did look like a textbook, which kind of confuses him. "I wonder where they teach this sort 'o thing." There's a distinctly wry note in his voice, though not meant to be unkind. He looks up at the mention that it's in English, and nods. "That's good, I'm British. Been readin' American English long enough ter know it. What's it teach?" Pause. "...Mental magic?"

Marrik (541) has posed:
"Yea." Marrik started to explain. "Different schools of magic for different things. Nature, Elements, Life, Mind." Shrug. "I work in Life. Growth, healing," Necromancy, Undead. "Generally there's a lot of overlap and there are a lot of schools of thought that go under the assumption it's all the same and the only divisions are your own. However,' he shrugged. "guy I got that off of was sending to some psychorps beginners class. I dunno I just end up gathering a lot of stuff from one off sources." He bowed slightly to Jono and offered a hand. "I am Marrik. Smallfry buzzing around is Sparks, and you are decidedly an interesting fellow Mister..." He trailed off to give you an opening to answer.

Jonothon Starsmore (27) has posed:
Jono listens to the explanation. Nods. "I hear somethin' like that. Magic bein' energy, so it's the same as what I got an' all. Never cast any magic, though, so I dunno." He accepts the handshake. Curiously enough, his skin is warm like a human's, even though he may be registering to life senses as much like a golem-- being devoid of them completely. "Jonothon," he offers in return to the introduction. "Yer can call me Jono." Looking to his shoulder and pointing at the still-pouting Shinki, "This is Gabby."

As Jono speaks her name, the Shinki shifts on his shoulder, offering a salute. The pout seems to disappear entirely. If she had a tail, it'd be wagging. "Gaooooo~! Hi, Mister Marrik! Pleased to meet you!" Jono sort of rolls his eyes a little bit, and shakes his head.

Marrik (541) has posed:
Marrik offered Gabby a hand and nodded his head to the little shinki. "I've seen a few of your kind before miss. Just as a word of advice to you." He smiled warmly to the little shinki. "If you donh't know what a thing is it's best to be careful Matgic is especially nutty and can often be contrary just for it's own sake." Then to Jono he offered a smile. "If you have any equipment needs, like bullet resistaint clothes, self heating kettles, backpacks you could stuff a house in-" He jerked a thumb over to the equipment section "And rope. Five hundred to several ton test parachord, spidersilk rope.... Never can have enough line."

Jonothon Starsmore (27) has posed:
Gabby can probably only return the handshake by shaking one of Marrik's fingers. But she does return the handshake! Though she suddenly looks confused when Marrik starts explaining about magic. "Oh... so it's all random?" she asks.

Jono nods, looking to the Shinki. "An' I've 'eard that magic an' technology don't exactly 'ave the best 'o relationships. If yer woulda picked up somethin' that didn't like technology, it mighta destroyed yer."

Suddenly she's clinging to Jono's lapel, already large eyes even wider now, with fear. "...Magic is dangerous," she decides.

Jono smirks. "Yeah." Simple response, however truthful. Marrik's words get him to look where the thumb was pointed at. Stuff? Hm. "Could do with somethin' I could carry me guitar in without attractin' attention."

Marrik (541) has posed:
"Oh usually magic in an artifact is well behaved," Marrik explained as the shinki shook his finger. "It's just what I think is safe for customers might not like you specifically because tiny." Then he stepped out from behind the counter to sift through bags. "Just your guitar? A pouch could do that just fine, but if yu have a lot of stuff I'd recommend a backpack. Don't have many in right now, kids and college students snapped up most of the supply because school."

Jonothon Starsmore (27) has posed:
"I guess it's like medicine!" Gabby said. "Someone little like me would have a big reaction to the same amount that would only have a little effect on Aibou." A tug on Jono's lapel, indicating him.

"Yeah... presumin' I could take meds, luv." There's a smirk in his voice. To Marrik he notes, "Nah. I don't carry much. Just would be nice ter not get thieves salivatin' when I have ter bring the old axe out. I play in some not-great neighborhoods."

Marrik (541) has posed:
Marrik made an understanding, and possibly sympathetic nod as he brought out a few pouches. "Would be good to have a second for amp and equipment. Anything goes in is gonna be safe. No bumps or tumbles." He whistled sharp whike stuffing random seeming books, stoves! glassware! and a pot in a bag small enough to fit in a pants pocket. Sparks flew into the bag just before Marrik tied it shut then proceeded to use as a hackysack, kicking around with his feet for a minute. Then he walked over to where he kept a tank of water and chucked the bag in, stirred the water around. Then after taking it out and opening it up Sparks popped out carrying a pint glass that got sat back with the other crockery.

Marrik gave a small bow as if saying 'tadaaaa, iiiits MAGIC!'

Jonothon Starsmore (27) has posed:
"Good idea," Jono replies. He pauses then, watching the display. He does wince when the thing starts being kicked around, but doesn't say anything. However, his brows raise as the pixie comes out, apparently unharmed. Gabby claps. "Wow! How does that work?"

And Jono has a question too. "Is that one 'o those 'don't put another of these bags inside this one' bags?" Yes, he's heard of the 'bag of holding in a portable hole' problem.

Marrik (541) has posed:
Marrik's grin was wide as he put the stuff he'd used as demonstration material up. "Quick study. While the stories tend to exadurate the problem it's generally not a good idea." He then shook the bag off. "The more expensive backpacks and duffels tend to hold up better, but the little bags? best to not fill a bag with bags no."

Jonothon Starsmore (27) has posed:
Jono nods. "So it doesn't rip a hole in the fabric of the spacetime continuum? That's a relief. What actually DOES happen?" Hopefully he'd be able to understand it. He is not a scholar in magic theory, unfortunately.

Marrik (541) has posed:
"Usually the ones from my suppliers just spew what they have when the magic breaks." Marrik chuckled before setting a pair of holding pouches on the counter with the book. "There are a few that blow up, but I prefer customer safety." Then he gestured to the register. "Will that be all?"

Jonothon Starsmore (27) has posed:
Jono raises an eyebrow. "Yeah, rather not have somethin' I'm holdin' explode." He's in danger of doing that anyway, no sense in getting a device that does. Yeesh. He nods, totaling stuff up. "Yer take check or plastic? I don't carry cash unless I have ter."

Marrik (541) has posed:
Sparks dutifully pulled a credit card reader out and plugged it into the decidedly antique looking register. "Scan here sir." Marrik sighed but got a bag ready.. "The multiverse is strange and wonderful. May you find peace and joy in it."

Jonothon Starsmore (27) has posed:
Swiping his card through the reader, Jono punches in his PIN (hiding it from Gabby, who peeeeers over his shoulder). Then he reaches up and gently pushes her back by her forehead. "No, yer can't 'ave me PIN number." Smirk. He looks to Marrik with a nod. "Thanks. Take care, now."

Once they're getting ready to go, Gabby waves from Jono's shoulder. "Thank you!" As the door is closing, Gabby can just barely be heard to say, "Let's look for a Shinki shop! I wanna look at weapons! GAAAAOOOO~!"