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Latest revision as of 06:43, 19 September 2014

Date of Scene: 09 September 2014
Location: Hydaelyn <HD>
Synopsis: Xau'ra introduces the lot of adventurers to Limsa Lominsa
Cast of Characters: 143, 181, 307, 548

Xau'ra Tayuun (548) has posed:
The Sun is rising in the distance. The birds of the soar along the clouded sky. The shaft of light places across the crystal blue waters and ride along the waves as they crash upon the massive white stone rocks that has supported the mighty city of Limsa Lominsa since the ancestors of these people found this very land here. Gifted to them, by their history, by the Navigator.

And it is by the Navigator that this mighty city of Limsa Lominsa was able to hold back the Garlean Empire's army at the foot of the Zephyr Gate and it was Limsa Lominsa that was able to stand her own even as Bahamut brought down his rain of destruction and in her pride-- she shines truly.

Yet in her pride-- she has holds some very dark corners. For though Limsa Lominsa holds freedom high, the price of freedom is also great. Though many here have the blood of sailors and pirates alike, most live in peace in this city. Thanks to the watchful eyes of the 'Yellowjackets' and some peace accords with a few Pirate factions.

Beyond them though are still Pirates whom dare not heed the Admirals wishes and others who handle in black market trading upon the lower levels on the docks late in the wee hours of the night. So one can never be see when they do see a Pirate, if they are one who is in part of the truce-- or one whom is only biding his time.

Yet stores still open there doors. The smell of the sea carried on the cool breeze beckons all and the pub is always as busy as ever. People walking across the bridges that span from one point to the next. Some men trying to swoon the ladies and others just enjoying some time to catch a few fish who are riding the waves.

Even a few sailing boats can be seen out in the distance and a few coming into port-- while a few others are getting ready to make leave. But even in all this activity, some clean up can also be seen as a few parts of the area have been damaged, but only slight and the old aetheryte, now dieing orange shards is being transported out toward one of the docks to be disposed of.

It is here amongst this great city of several levels that one may find oneself, it is also here that a dark furred Miqo'te named Xau'ra Tayuun walks across the wooden and black iron birdge-ways with his red goggles on and his white outfit in show. A bow, along with a quiver on his back and two swords at his sides.

Others may come here upon his request, or perhaps in curious notion to the recruitment that Maelstrom is starting up again, or even perhaps-- just the notion to explore.

Welcome to Limsa Lominsa...

Psalm (181) has posed:
    And alongside the handsome Miq slides up the redheaded menace that is Magatha Songsteel. "Honestly, it's really a lovely place, you know. I rather like it, not nearly as dreary as Gridana is right now. I mean, the forests will be lovely again once the spirits stop being jerks, but..."

    The Mercenary twirls a bit, skirt fluttering. "Don't you just love the sea air? It's amazing! And I do love a good piece of fish, after all."
    A little grin. "Hope you don't mind me tracking you down, Mr. Archer."

Allyn (307) has posed:
Though the necklace given to him had managed to cut off most of the anger of the forest from affecting him, Allyn still decided he might as well do some exploring. So he's left the Shroud behind for now and has done just that. It is what has brought him to this place at least, besides its always good to see about getting over being uneasy in larger, more enclosed places. The large wolf decides to wander around a little bit, of course he does stop to sniff at things as well as the air. Well, the sea is a natural place too, so no reason for him not to be here!

Haru (143) has posed:
Haru would be one of those here to explore! He's not here to poke his nose into the darker areas of the city-- he rather likes his heart to remain inside his chest where it belongs, and he has no real reason to go poking around there. He didn't really have a lot of time to spend figuring out what people wore here. But if ports in this world are anything like his, a mix of people would probably be here.

Even still, he probably won't stand out too much-- a dark-skinned young fellow with long brown hair and light green eyes, wearing green and brown robes. He at least looks like an adult now, thanks to the mustache that /finally/ finished growing in. Currently he's trying not to stare at the animal-people. One of which might or might not be Xau'ra.

Xau'ra Tayuun (548) has posed:
Xau'ra ear almost moves slightly as Psalm walks up behind and soon beside him. He looks over to her, though hard to see with those goggles on. "Well, thanks to what a group had done-- at least the ash has stopped falling in the Black Shroud.. which is a step in the right direction, but yes," The Male Miqo'te grins, "Limsa Lominsa is indeed quiet thriving and perhaps one of the only city-states of Eorzea to not feel the weight of the hand of neither Bahamut or the Garlean Empire."

Xau'ra frowns just for a short moment, "Not an effort of them trying to be sure. Given they have that outpost not far from bloody Wineport that has taken over that entire city that once stood there." Xau'ra then gives her a pleasant smile, before he extends out his hand, "Though I don't think I ever had the honors to get your name. The name is Xau'ra Tayuun-- though you can freely call me Xau'ra or just Xau."

"As for fish-- I know just the place for that. There is the Hawkers market which is in the lower quarter. They have all types of stuff there and unlike Ul'dah-- the prices are a bit more fair."

As for Allyn, he is fortunate in one part that he doesn't look like the wolves of Eorzea-- on the other hand, people are staying a bit clear of him. They are not sure what to make of a wondering 'pet' with no tag or seemingly no owner.

He is fortunate thus far that the Barracudas aka the 'Yellowjackets' have yet to catch sight of him, or if they have-- they have made no motion to shoo him out. Figuring he probably belongs to one of the ships that has sailed in. Those guys always have some exotic pets.

Yet Allyn will find himself coming face to face soon with a young boy Roegadyn with light blue skin, violet eyes, and swept back sea-green hair. "Puppy!" Is the young boys words as he comes walking up to Allyn and then reaches into his pocket to pull out something that has been wrapped up. It looks like sandwich of some kind, smells to have meat and cheese. "Are you hungry, puppy?" There is a big smile on the lads face.

Then as Haru walks along, looking in Xau'ra's general direction, he may get passed by two female Miqo'tes who golden tan fur and some leather like armor. They /almost/ bump into Haru, and one of them gives him a smile, "Sorry abou' tha'! Though do watch were ye be goin', hate ta see a sailor like yeself go missin'." She gives him a wink and goes to catch up with her friend as they both giggle a bit.

Though if that doesn't care Haru anything odd. He may notice also some really big blue-skined guys and gals working below to overload one of the ships that though look human, are pretty muscular and have almost bestial-isk faces. Including what may as well be a midget calling out orders to them. The citizens of Eorzea are many breeds alike. From those below and even some normal looking human people and a few very tall elves that stand over the humans easily with longer features such as the arms and even the neck just by a hair bit.

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn is used to being thought of as just a dog or 'puppy' in places like this, which is a good thing, as it means he's gotten used to it and doesn't see it as an insult anymore. At least not when it's coming from a child, cubs usually don't know any better. So he wags his tail at the boy's attention and sniffs at the wrapped up food. Well, he is hungry and while he usually protests cooked food, it'd be rude not to accept such a thing when a child offers it to you. He also doesn't wish to spook the child by speaking, so he licks the boy on the face happily.

Haru (143) has posed:
Fortunately Haru's not wearing any kind of external purse or other means of carrying his money. It's tucked well away under his shirt so that someone else trying to reach it would definitely get his attention. So bumping into him won't help with that anyway. The words get his attention, however, and he looks to the lady with a blink. "Ah. Y-yeah. Sorry about that!" he replies, before he realizes who he's talking to.

...Wait, were those cat... ladies? And a bit of a blush at the wink. And a blink at all the different kinds of people. Wow, this place /is/ diverse!

Psalm (181) has posed:
    maggies eyes widen, and she happily bows to the Miq. "Ah! Magatha Songsteel, at your service. Multiversal gadfly and roundabout adventuring type lady. Mercenary at hire, that sort of thing." She twirls, a hand on her wide sunhat to keep it in place. "And I'm a big fan, Xau. Always happy to see people doing The Right Thing. Soties deserve proper protagonists, after all."
    She sticks her tongue through her teeth cheekily, and mews. "So, fish at Hawker's Alley. I'm assuming it's the big noisy place down yonder?"

Xau'ra Tayuun (548) has posed:
When Allyn takes a few bites. The boy smiles and goes to try and pet Allyn. Though when he does give the kid some licks, the boy does indeed pet the big ol' wolf. "Your a nice puppy. I wish I could have one just like you."

Xau'ra looks to Magatha as she introduces herself with a twirl. "Haha. Pleasure to meet you, Magatha and that would explain why I've seen you in the Shroud." He grins, "Which thanks by the way. Eorzea as a whole can use help right now. Between the bloody Primals and those damnable Garleans. Its hard to say which is worse." He gruffs out as a snarl nearly crosses his features before he shakes his head.

"And I am not hero, Maggy--- can I call you Maggy?" He asks giving her a sheepish smile, before he looks ahead again. "Not a hero at all, if anything I am more like walking trouble, haha. Though the good sort of walking trouble. My skills are the best about in Eorzea-- kinda why I am.. where I am.." He looks away as he says, that before his attention is brought to the wolf and the boy, "...Allyn?"

Haru has indeed behold the wonder of Eorzea as a whole, all in this one city-state.. and Limsa Lominsa is as many walks of life as Ul'dah really-- perhaps even more so considering it is a port city. A few kids run by him, 'Lets get to the docks quick! I want to see her set sail!' another one then yells 'The one who is last has to clean the dodo stables!'

It would seem his path would eventually also bring him to where Allyn, Magatha, and Xau'ra are all standing.

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn looks at the boy and gives him another wag of the tail. He's really not sure if the boy would want a wolf like him especially once Xau calls out to him, which means he'll have to speak. "Yeah, it's me. I needed to get away from the forest for a little bit, so thoguht that I would go exploring some and this is where I ended up."

Psalm (181) has posed:
    A little happy gasp, and the redhead beams. "You /can/ call me Maggie, indeed. Usually I get that one out first, but..." She laughs, and poses again, before poking Xau in the chest. "And come now. Anyone who has the good nature to suprise me has the potential. Besides, that's been my Job, don't you know. Find Heroes and make sure they know their proper place! Worked in Sburb and worked in Aincrad and that's why I'm here on Hydaelen." She crosses her arms. "Besides, a good guide is a hero all in and of itself."

Haru (143) has posed:
Haru blinks as the kids run past, but this time he's paying attention, so he sidesteps before he gets ran into. As his walking takes him to where Allyn, Magatha, and Xau'ra are, he nods in greeting. He actually doesn't know any of them, but then again, that's what 'meetings' are for, getting to know people you don't know. Right? "Hello," he offers to the group at large. Though he is quite shocked to hear when the wolf speaks! "Whoa. Um." He pauses. Don't make a stir. It's the Multiverse, things are bound to be a surprise every now and then!

Xau'ra Tayuun (548) has posed:
Xau'ra steps back as Songsteel pokes his chest. Her hand may find something a bit-- hard-- under that poke, because in truth. Xau'ra has his necklace pendant hanging under his white shirt. He then grins as he then crosses his arms over his chest, "I suppose you may be right there, Maggie. Though I still don't like the title of hero. Maybe champion one day might be better suited." He says with a playful, fanged, grin. He can't really help the fanged teeth-- its kinda in his genetics.

When Allyn speaks, the boy's eyes go wide, that smile only gets bigger, "That is bloomin' awesome!" It would seem the kid is now /more/ interested in Allyn, which in turn causes the boy to look to Xau'ra, "Is he your puppy, sir?"

Xau'ra looks down at the kid, then over to Allyn, then back to the kid, "Nay. He is his own master." Then he goes to address Allyn, "Well, good to see you out here. Welcome to Limsa Lominsa. Long as you don't stray to far from the city, you'd be fine. The Barracudas and the Maelstrom do a good job at keep the more hostile beasts away from the city and the Garleans are content for now staying in--" He looks at the sun and turns himself about trying to remember the direction. "..I /think/ eastern side of La Noscea. It is where-ever bloody seven hells Wineport is."

The kid with those violet eyes, sea-green hair, and light blue-gray skin looks up at Haru, "Isn't allyn here amazing!?" he then looks at Allyn, "Would you like to know my name?" Poor Allyn.

While the kid stays fascinated about Allyn, Xau'ra looks to Haru and extends out his hand, "'Ello there and welcome as well. The name is Xau'ra Tayuun-- but you can call me Xau'ra or just Xau."

Psalm (181) has posed:
    Maggie smiles and winks at Xau. "Give it time, cutie, we'll get it sorted out."
    And then she's whilring on Haru and Allyn, waving cheerily. "Hello! Welcome to Limsa! We're going to go get some fish. I hear the best restaruaunt in Eorsea is here."

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn wasn't expecting the kid to actually take him speaking well, actually he figured the reaction from the boy would be closer to that of Haru's reaction, he's more used to that one anyway. Then again, Allyn did once meet a little girl skeleton that reacted pretty much in the same fashion as this boy is doing, so it's not too big of a surprise, besides the multiverse is an odd place, it kind of grows on you.

He looks to Xau and nods, "Thank you, I will try to stay out of trouble here, but that's easier said than done for someone who seems to draw trouble, or who others seem to think are trouble. Of course, I'll never admit to such a thing."

Then he nods to Haru at his reaction before looking back to the boy, "Sure, what is your name?" he asks and then adds, "Sorry I didn't speak before, but I didn't want to frighten or surprise you."

Haru (143) has posed:
Haru returns the handshake, with a pleasant smile. "I'm Haru. Pleased to meet you, uh... Xau'ra." He hesitates before speaking the name, but he gets it... mostly right. Maggie's words get a blink for their suddenness, but he smiles nonetheless. "Really? I'd hope fish in a port town would be good in at least one place. Mind if I join you?"

Pause, and he looks between Xau'ra and Maggie. It registers then that the two might just be on a date, and he adds hastily, "Uh... only just... to find the place I mean. If that's okay?" He blushes just a little, not wanting to insinuate anything, but at the same time not wanting to just muscle in where he's not wanted. Because DATES!

He also gives a nod of greeting to Allyn, but doesn't introduce himself again, since he already did. Allyn probably heard. And there's a bit of a sheepish look over the initial reaction of 'talking wolf'.

Xau'ra Tayuun (548) has posed:
"Eorzea." Xau'ra corrects Maggie. "And aye, there is indeed a restaurant not far from here-- though the Hawkers is a better place to get the food in my opinion."

The boy shakes his head to Allyn, "Nu-uh! Nothing scares me! I'm going to be like my pa one day." The boys says with a big smile then he leans into to Allyn, "Besides-- I think it is awesome you can talk and I wish all animals could talk. It be amazing." Then the young lad stays up fully and jabs his thumb at his chest, "And my name is Ewanborn. My pa is one of the men in the Maelstrom he is!"

Xau'ra is thankfully unaware of Haru's belief that there is some kinda crazy date thing going on here-- and even if there /was/, Xau'ra isn't the type to tie himself down-- if you know what I mean. His tail sways faintly as he listens to what Haru says and gives the faintest of shrugs. "It would be no problem. I know Limsa Lominsa." In more ways then he rather not admit.

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn wags his tail at the boy, it's good to have courage and not be afraid. When the boy leans in close to share that with him, he licks him in the face again. "I'll let you in on a little secret of my own Ewanborn. All animals can talk, you just have to know how to understand them, since most cannot use words to speak." he'll let that idea sink in as it'll give the boy something to think about. "Going to be like your pa hmm? What is your Pa's name?" It might be good to at least have the name of someone if he makes it back this way again.

He nods to Haru in return and gives a wag of his tail and to Maggie of course a well. "Getting fish sounds good, though maybe they have something else as well, because a wolf eatting a fish would be kind of odd, no?"

Psalm (181) has posed:
    Maggie giggles happily and an arm /helpfully/ loops itself under one of Xun's, as the lady afixes her hat tighter. "Alright! Food then! Lead on, guide!"

Haru (143) has posed:
Subtext! All of the subtext! Haru's not completely blind to it, thankfully. If at least Xau'ra isn't upset about his presence, that must mean he's not really interrupting something. He looks to Allyn, though. "You don't like fish?" Wolves generally lived around the Water Tribe in his world, so a wolf not liking fish is a little strange to him. But he nods. "Maybe they have another kinds of meat too?" he suggests. Maggie's words get a nod, and he prepares to follow the group to this place. Xau'ra knows the place better, after all.

Xau'ra Tayuun (548) has posed:
Xau'ra looks to Allyn, "You could always shift forms to one of the native Eorzea birds and hang out on my shoulder." The male Miqo'te offers, "May be easier also walking up there and not causing alarm." After all-- you can teach birds to speak!

Ewanborn does indeed sit back and think what Allyn has to say, so much so, that he almost misses the question, "Hmm? Oh! My pa is--"

"Ewan!" A woman's voice calls over, "Ewanborn. Leave those gentleman and lady alone. We need to head back home."

Ewanborn looks perhaps over to who is his mother, he has her hair color and the same skin color really, "But ma.."

"No buts, now come along." She is a hefty woman. By the looks of her, even if she is in a dress, she could probably easily lift a grown man with one arm. She smiles at the group, "I am sorry about my boy. He believes cause his father is a corporal he can just go about talking to anyone."

Ewanborn sighs and gives Allyn one more scratch behind the ear. "Take care, Allyn. Hope to see you again!" Then Ewaborn goes to run over to his mom, so they can probably make there way back home.

Xau'ra blinks his eyes when Maggie loops her arm around his, though his goggles hide such. "Urm. Aye. Sure." He then looks to Haru, "And aye, they do sell other types of meats. Dodo is rather common given they are raised here in La Noscea."

So unless the group has any reason not too-- Xau'ra will lead them to the restaurant! Though one may notice he gives the people in the yellow outfits with flintlocks and axes a /large/ amount of space. They also seem to be keeping a close eye on him as well.

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn watches the boy leave with his mother and sighs a bit, didn't get the name of the boy's father, but at least got a position of the man from the boy's mother though, so he guesses that will have to do.

He nods to Xau and shifts his form into that of one of the local birds and flies over to one of Xau's shoulders and perches there.

"We didn't get the boy's father's name, but ah well, guess just need to keep in mind that he is a corporal on the Maelstrom? Shouldn't be too hard to find if we need to do something important here sometime."

Psalm (181) has posed:
    Maggie snickers a bit and helpfully follows along, holding onto the Miq's arm. "Well, look at it this way. You wouldn't eat chocobo, because they fall into the Cute Things category, now don't they?" She smiles, and looks to Allyn, and murmurs. "Fathers are a tricky thing, but kids are smart, and the local Guarda seem to be on the ball. Still, pirates are pirates. Would be good to keep an eye out."
    But ooooooh the smells. Maggie's skin prickles at the heat and the scent... but also the sudden attention on Xau. She smiles cheerily and disarmingly at the cops.

Xau'ra Tayuun (548) has posed:
Xau'ra for the most part ignores the eyes on him and just walks along with Maggie on his arm and now Allyn on his shoulder. If he had the right kind of hat, he may even look like a pirate! Though his bird is rather to big for that-- maybe.

Xau'ra gives a nod in part in agreement with Maggie and another to what Allyn says, "Aye. Pirates are many here in Limsa and many of the people here come from once Pirate lineages. It is in the blood of the people and many know it." The dark furred Miqo'te shakes his head gently. "But Corporal is not a high rank. In the grand companies-- he is one of the Enlisted, not even a Petty Officer-- but close to it though."

As they get closer to the restaurant there are several here who are sitting, including some men and women at one table wearing red uniforms and rather style pirate-like hats. One that Xau'ra makes a head motion gesture over too. "Those are the Maelstrom. While the Barracudas focus on local defense and handling the matters at sea with the pirates. The Maelstrom focuses on a good deal of the beast men tribes and also the Garlean Forces. Though at times the two may cross paths on an assignment."

Xau'ra then takes them over to a table and takes a seat, mindful as he does so of not only his long black tail, but also Allyn on his shoulder.

Psalm (181) has posed:
    Maggie's quick eyes file away the knowledge, and quietly look around at the other people at the cafe, before she happily sits next to Xau, fluffing out her dress and making sure she's looking fabulous. She does take off her hat though, and plants it on the chair next to her. "So, I heard something about local delicacies. Miq-o-babs? Some sort of skewered meat and veggies your people have a tradtion with? That's usually a nomadic food."

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn nods his head some and ponders, "Oh, I thought a corporal would have been a rather high rank." he ponders again and seems to kind of shrug, "Well a contact is a contact right? It never hurts really to know someone."

Xau'ra Tayuun (548) has posed:
Xau'ra chuckles as Maggie brings up a dish most common in Thanalan. "You mean Meat Miq'abob. Aye. This place does sell them, but they are not on the common menu. You more likely to find a Fish Miq'abob, which has several forms of veggies, the fish local to here, and some crab meat on it."

Xau'ra opens up the menu that is on the table. "Mutton stew is pretty good.. The Salted Cod with Oysters is also tasty. Then there is a the Flatbread Cod.. Crab Leg Special.. Flatbread Dodo.. Spiced Dodowings.. if you like finger food.."

Psalm (181) has posed:
    Hmmmm. The bard peeks at the menu, notes the rough language there...
    And pulls out a pair of rose colored spectacles from somewhere. Those go over her eyes, and she perks up, apparently able to read the menu now. "Hmmmm I have to say I've never done skewered fish like that before... I'll take that with some chamomile tea, I think." She smiles up at the nice waitress, and starts shuffling around in a pounch for some gil.

    And a look over the Xau. "So, Xau, the question I have is what does this place need? You mention an attack near Wineport, but it looks like... from the great view we've got here, that there's not a lot of incursions so far."

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn peers around a bit, looking at people and some other things as he glances around, "This place seems to be rather peaceful, at least right now. You know.. this is the first time I have seen a body of water larger than a river. does it go on forever out there?"

Xau'ra Tayuun (548) has posed:
Xau'ra gives a nod to Maggie. "That is correct, aye." He then orders the Mutton stew with just a glass of water. "For now the Kobalds are keeping to there area and though those fish-men have moved into dry land, they too are-- keeping to themselves. The Garleans haven't actually /attacked/ Wineport, but there outpost is near. It has some of the Maelstrom on edge, but given other areas of Eorzea and the beast men just waiting for the chance.. they can't give much attention to Wineport /if/ the Garlean were to start to push in."

Xau'ra looks over at Allyn on his shoulder, "The ocean? Aye.. Hydaelyn comprised-- at least what we know here in Eorzea.. of two continents. The one we are in now, which we share with Ishgard.. and then the North.. where Garlemald resides. Garlemald has conquered most of our world.. the only parts they have not.. is Eorzea and Ishgard." Xau'ra scuffs, "..and Ishgard has turned there backs on us." He closes the menu.

"But when our world merged with this one.. our oceans became also the oceans of this world. I think in the Multiverse.. Hydaelyn is located in the Northern Loop."

Psalm (181) has posed:
    Maggie's eyes darken a bit. Garlemald. Her erstwhile employer, to be sure, but not her primary concern here just yet. The battling of the Primals was not yet a major initiative of Gaius, and thus she's content to help the Eaorzeans.
    The rouses herself from her thoughts, and smiles. "Ah, well, that's good really. Beast tribes are a dreadful thing, as I'm learning, but I'm more worried about these primals. I know that they are tied to the elements, but it seems to me that there's more too it than that. Diety or lesser power status along with the full force of their realm."

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn nods to Xau, "Yeah, I never got to see the ocean back home, didn't live close enough to it. So not something I am used to. I might as well do some exploring around it while I am here though." he ponders a few moments, "Well, as long as I stay safe and out of trouble. I suppose it'd be a good idea to change to my human form, to blend in better at least."

Xau'ra Tayuun (548) has posed:
Xau'ra shrugs his shoulder gently to Maggie, mindful of Allyn on his other. "I can't speak much on the Beast Men or on the Primals. Beyond that aye, they summon them, and that the Primals will temper any whom they wish too."

The male miqo'te shakes his head. "And once your tempered.. there is no way to break free. Many men have been tempered by Ifrit.. and the Flames have had to put a good deal of those men down." Xau'ra then leans back in the chair a bit. "Seven hells, I wouldn't be surprised if the Garlean Empire itself wasn't under the thumb of a Primal. Given what that one Legatus pulled with the drawing down of Dalamud which unleashed Bahamut. They can't possibly be so ignorant to not realize just what they were doing. It was an act of not only Genocide but the act of mad men."

Xau'ra looks over to Allyn, "While here in La Noscea-- probably best. You are far from the Shroud and the only way to the man land normally is by ferry."

Psalm (181) has posed:
    A look over to Allyn from the bard. "Personally I agree. You're less likely to attract unwanted attention from the Guarda. Just don't change here out in the open. Bad idea as well."
    And then Maggie sips at her tea as it arrives, a thoughtful look on her face. "Oooh that's good. Ah, and that sounds very familiar, somehow. Though this Tempering, I assume it's something similar to... ah, not mind control, but... hmmm." She gnaws on her lip. "Trying to find a good word for it."

Allyn (307) has posed:
Allyn bobs his head in a nod to Xau and Maggie, "Well, with that I think I am going to go fly around for a bit, take in the sights and then find somewhere quiet I can change back into a human. I'll probably be around here a while and am sure that we will bump into each other again. If anything comes up just holler for me." he then launches off Xau's shoulder and takes flight.

Xau'ra Tayuun (548) has posed:
And then-- there were two. Xau'ra watches as Allyn flies off as he takes a sip of his water has it arrives, before he looks back at Maggie. Curse those goggles though. One shall never see those gold eyes! --and man-- he wishes he was a bard.. or not. "No one is sure how it works." His voice is kept down at this point. "That is the bloody problem with it. It is said though that the warriors of light were immune to it due to there power granted to them by the mothercrystal herself.. which was in the form of power known as the Echo."

The male miqo'te shakes his head. "But it is probably all myth-- given none can remember these warriors of light and I think it was just some story some troops came up with to help ease not only the suffering but to give hope in this darkest of times."

A breeze then blows by and Xau'ra looks into the wind, closing his eyes for a moment behind those red lens goggles. "Mmm. A storm will soon be moving in. Though probably enough time to eat and head back to the inn."

Psalm (181) has posed:
    Maggie bites her lip as her guide lowers his voice, helpfully putting her wide brimmed hat back on and leaning in to whisper. Totally a date going on, isn't that cute.
    "That troubles me, to be certain. If there's some that are Chosen... that bodes ill for those among you who may wish to serve but run afoul of... of the beastmen." A soft grumble, and Maggie's face... brighten, and she sits up all smiles and blushing at the nice Miq lady brings over their food. A cheery little giggle up at the lady and she looks salaciously over at Xau. "Haahah! It's okay, you weren't interrupting anything important."
    Though, goodness that fish smells good. Maggie digs in, holding up the skewer and taking a bit from the tip like a pro. Someone's done this... plenty of times in the past.

Xau'ra Tayuun (548) has posed:
Xau'ra has no idea this is being seen as 'a date'. Cause honestly he would correct that if it was the case! Ah well. He thanks the waitress for the soup and goes to eat away at it. Mmmm. Strew~. "It is a troubling problem, but the Alliance wishes to see if they can somehow appease to the beast men to stop this folly and well, put an eventual end to it. Though there is some blame, again, thrown at the Garleans-- because there presence also places the beast men on edge."

Xau'ra shakes his head. "Its a bloody mess and one I am glad I am only partially part of. After all, I may work for the alliance, but it is-- under an agreement of sorts and once the time is done, I'm going to go back to living my own life the way I want too."

He noms a bit more on the stew. "Maybe see if I can figure out where my family ran off too." He then does a soft chuckle, "..but being the forth of child of five-- I haven't really placed much importance in it.. probably horrible of me.. but augh.. my sisters.." He rubs his forehead. "Curse of my tribe really.. Seekers of the sun tend to be more laid back, whilst Keepers of the moon, my own people you see-- the women are in charge, while the men are the.. well.. housewives." He snorts at this.

"I got fortunate that some moogles convinced our tribe leader to allow me to study the ways of the hunt.. and I was able to run away." He gives a sage nod. "..fear if I did show my face again to them-- they rope me up and I'd never leave."

Psalm (181) has posed:
    The first part gets the redhead to murmur. "I don't like it, personally. Peopel should have the ability to defend themselves if... if they desire. Even if a bog-standard soldier, no one deserves to be ensorcelled. Well, permanently enscorcelled." She does do the temporary thing often enough herself.
    A sudden rather feral grin from Maggie, as she nudges her hip against Xau's at the second part. "Wait wait wait, you were a kept cat? Like... Oh goodness. I haven't run into a true Maternal Society in ages, that's amazing. I rather like that, myself. It mirrors wild cats, I suppose..." She waggles her eyebrows as she chews on a tomato. "Would you make me dinner~?"

Xau'ra Tayuun (548) has posed:
Xau'ra gets hipped bumped and her closeness actually causes him to blush slightly, "Um.." well-- this went from serious to suddenly a /very/ different type of atmosphere. "I am not sure how 'wild' we are, but we are indeed an oddity of Miqo'te society!"

She then asks him about dinner and he rubs the back of his neck. "To be honest-- I can't cook. I never took my lessons very seriously cause I wanted to be something greater." He then lowers his hand and taps the bowl gently with the spoon, a touch nervous it seems.

"When your the forth.. and you have three older sisters.. and then a younger brother.. I just.. I just wanted to be," He then looks up. "Someone to be remembered. In a since I am-- just-- in a very interesting light." He ahems softly before stirring the stew around.

"That is actually what ra means by the way-- in my name. Ra is four. Our first names consist of the name and then the number of where we are in the family.. also last names carry from the mothers.. and not the fathers-- let me tell you... Tayuun-- is a very long lasting last name." He actually shakes his head at that. "Besides," He looks at her, "I am sure you rather hear more entertaining matters then on myself." He smirks. "Even if I have had myself some crazy adventures after I ran away from home and before the whole calamity mess."

Psalm (181) has posed:
    Maggie snorts, before she leans in against the table. "That... that last part I get. I was an orphan myself, just some little waif out in the countryside trying to sing for my supper before my Dragonmark manifested itself." That is said at a lower tone, as she takes another bite of her kabob. A hand lowers to her waist to tug idly at the side of her dress. She flashes a bit of leg, showing off her hip with a sinewy looking purple dragon tattoo wrapping around her calf and knee, with a more elaborate glowing mark just above that knee.

    The dress goes back down and she murmurs. "Back home, those are only supposed to manifest among blood lines, and no one could validate who I was, so... I was sorta drafted into the House the mark came from. And... that's now I became a singing mercenary. Lots of other stuff."

    Another bite, and she picks up her next kabob. "But I write stories for a living, Mr. Fourth. Like penny dreadfuls." The words translate to somehting like 'pulp fiction' or whatever sort of trashy novel there might be in Limsa. "And I write them based on people I meet." A grin. "Would you like me to write about a courageous catman archer?"

Xau'ra Tayuun (548) has posed:
The male Miqo'te does take note of her own history and he chuckles faintly at the rest. "Well, you'd have to learn more about me, before you write. After all, there is always more to a person then what one may see on the surface and whom knows-- perhaps one day I'd tell you the exploits of my actions before I got enlisted into the Alliance by.. nonnegotiable means."

He then finishes up his Stew, "But we shall see, Miss bard. We shall see."