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Latest revision as of 16:06, 19 September 2014

Welcome Home
Date of Scene: 24 August 2014
Location: Njorun Station - The Roots
Synopsis: Leyanne returns to the Union!
Thanks to: Everyone who attended!
Cast of Characters: 154, 548

Leyanne Mace (154) has posed:
Leyanne Mace steps out of one of the many shuttles that make up the Njorun shuttle pad, a heavy kitbag held in her mechanical hand. There's a new shotgun slung across her back - one of the 8-gauge UNSC models - and her fur is still slightly stained by Mars' red dust.
"Good to be back here." She mutters to herself, looking around to see if anyone's meeting her

Xau'ra Tayuun (548) has posed:
Xau'ra wasn't sure what to expect when he arrived here, thankfully the area allowed him to pocket his goggles. Cause /augh/ sunlight. It was a blinding thing. The dark gray furred miqo'te leaned against one of the pillars waiting for the ships arrival. He has gotten use to /some/ of the Multiverse's tech, but it was still so alien to him compared to the lifestyle that he not only came from, but even the most advance things that Eorzea could bring forth was so-- pale in comparison.

He did wonder how close it came to Garlean technology and if maybe the Union had better gear then they did.

The male miqo'te stayed right there in his white outfit. Two sword scabbards hanging down by his side and a bow easily resting along his back with a quiver-- seeming unbothered by the pressure to his back from the weapon. His tail swayed gently and his ears only moved ever so slightly to catch the different sounds around him. Though he didn't seem to concerned.

When the ship did arrive and the woman walked off he was--- a bit surprised to see what she was. A being perhaps /like/ himself, but /far/ from it. A humanoid rodent really, which was mildly amusing given the fact the residence of the Multiverse called him a cat.. and he did some reading on that. The humor of this was not lost on him at all.

"Greetings, so you," he says as he pushes off the pillar, "must be Leyanne! Pleasure to meet the voice!"

Leyanne Mace (154) has posed:
Leyanne Mace grins and gives a wave to Xau'ra, walking over. Her tail lashes behind her, and as she gets closer, two green antennae can be seen poking out through her beret. "Indeed and you'd be Xau'ra, right?"
The kitbag in her hand makes a heavy thump as she drops it to the ground, offering her organic hand to the feline. "Pleasure to meet you too." She looks up at the huge bulk of Njorun a moment, with a smile, before taking a better look at the feline's form. "Nice blades"

Xau'ra Tayuun (548) has posed:
Xau'ra takes her hand, though he give it a kiss-- cause that is what his people would do, he keeps it to more of the local way-- give while in Ul'dah.. do as the Ul'dahs do. With this in mind he gives her hand a firm shake. "I am indeed." He gives her a smile.

"Thanks," his smile shifting to a smirk. "I never go anywhere without a least a sword or arrow. Never know what could happen, hm?" His voice has a slight accent to it-- a bit on the British side really. "I also do apologize in advance if I use a few terms that are-- not easy to understand. I am still learning some of the localization terms that differ from my own worlds."

Xau'ra gives her a quick look over, his gold reflective eyes appraising what she is wearing and some of her own unique features. "I take it you been with the Union for some time?" Then he peers at the bag, "Also take it you are packing some hefty wares at that."

Leyanne Mace (154) has posed:
Leyanne Mace nods "Been with the Union over a year now, yeah." She grimaces "On and off. Don't worry about the dialect, either - there's so many different languages, dialects and accents you've got to be quick on your toes to pick 'em up anyway."

At the mention of her pack, she shrugs. "Mostly just my armour in there. I tend to carry fairly light weapons, rifles and pistols, 'cause I'm moving around too much for heavy cannons. Don't need much in the way of melee weapons either..." She grins, examining her plastic hand for a moment. "This does the job pretty good."

Xau'ra Tayuun (548) has posed:
Xau'ra takes notice of the arm that is different and gives it an odd look. He had never seen prosthetic before, so he examines it rather closely, perhaps longer then one should normally. "Why is.." He starts out as his brows furrow. He then looks at her with that unsure look of how to ask the question-- or-- even if he should be asking in the first place.

Leyanne Mace (154) has posed:
Leyanne Mace grins widely as Xau'ra goes slightly bug-eyed at her cybernetic arm. She swishes her tail and holds it out, demonstrating that she can turn her wrist through a full 360 degrees, bend the elbow backwards almost as far as she can nomrally, and the range of rotation on her shoulder is pretty extreme.

"Why do I have a plastic arm?" She grins, lifting up her own sunglasses to show off her cybernetic eye too. "It's more than just the arm. I was part of the a convoy escort over the Marineris Valley on Mars - that's my homeworld - and my bike hit a landmine. Luckily for me it was an anti-tank mine, because the damage - while catastrophic - was pretty localised straight up my left side. I'm also lucky that it was a medical convoy we were escorting, 'cause I was in stasis practically before all the bits of me had finished bouncing."

She looks at the arm again. "I'm now about 40% cybernetic in terms of function, 60% by mass."

Xau'ra Tayuun (548) has posed:
Xau'ra raises an eye brow at her explanation. His tail sways side to side as he tries to put together what she says to /anything/ he can relate with-- or he thinks may relate with. Though at some points it is obvious he becomes a bit lost, including around the end. "I see.." He says softly crosses his arms over his chest.

"We don't have anything like-- cybernetics." He admits as his tail then twitches, "The best thing we have to metal is the blades we forge and what the Garlean Empire sends after us called Magitek." He then goes to rub his chin.

"Though I do not even believe the Garlean Empire has used their own technology in such ways.. yet they may have.. given we only see the their strong holds to push further into Eorzea and not of their own homeland." Xau'ra gives a shake of his head. "Though my sincere apologies for such a thing happening.. even if it was long ago and rather-- old tale by this point, I presume."

Leyanne Mace (154) has posed:
Leyanne Mace listens, nodding as she takes in the details. "It's been about six years now, yeah. I've... I know this is gonna sound odd, but I really don't regret it. I'm..." She looks down at herself a moment. "I'm a better soldier than I was. I can fight harder to free my home - and now I'm here in the multiverse, the homes of people who just plain can't fight for themselves."

Xau'ra Tayuun (548) has posed:
Xau'ra tilts his head to the side as he listens to her have no regrets to what has happened then gives a nod of his head. "If you don't mind me asking--- is your home also part of this world.. the multiverse? Or did something happen to it?"

He gives a sheepish grin, "Cause I'll be damn honest, I don't understand a bloody thing about dimensional blunders or the like." He then frowns, "But I do know that a good deal of these places have come here and are suffering," That is when Xau'ra then gives a bow, "..and if your home is part of this bigger world, then I'd be honored to assist you on your quest to free your home from whatever evil may prevail it."

Leyanne Mace (154) has posed:
Leyanne Mace chuckles "We weren't part of the Multiverse, but... Stoker found the Multiverse, I'm not sure how - I'm just a grunt, you know? Things were getting tough at home - we've got Catatonians invading. They're... well... cat-people, but they're not very nice. Stoker built some kind of dimensional portal and sent me through. As... as I went through I was duplicated, found myself looking at myself. We were... I was playing paper scissors stone to decide which of us went through when the Catatonians started trying to break through the door. I looked at the other me, and then she went to protect Stoker while I came through. Turns out, Mars unified a couple of months later anyway, probably as a result of Stoker's work."

She looks Xau'ra in the eye, and takes his hand in both of hers. "It would be an honour to have you fight with us." she says, looking touched

Xau'ra Tayuun (548) has posed:
Xau'ra blinks his eyes as Mace takes his hands. He gives her a warm smile and then bows his head. "Just let me know what I can do, after all, we are both part of the union and I am not one to stand by why those suffer."

Xau'ra then gives a soft chuckle as he goes to pat her on the shoulder, "And do not worry about any offense taken if you concerned you'd see me as those enemies you face." He then gives a playful grin, "We Miqo'te are a strange breed and broken into two tribes. We tend to be have a bite, but only for those whom dare harm our allies and family."

"Feline we may seem, but beasts we are not." Xau'ra gives a nod of his head. "Anyroad, would you like a drink or perhaps some food? I hear there is a restaurant here somewhere and I'd be more then glad to pay."

Leyanne Mace (154) has posed:
Leyanne Mace smiles "You'd never be taken for a Catatonian anyway. They're luke us - more, er, animalistic head structure." She listens to Xau'ra's description of his people. "Your people sound like a bunch of guys I know down Alabama way. We'd get on pretty well. A drink sounds pretty good, I'll meet you there in about fifteen minutes - I've got to get my bike out of storage before the AI decides to disown me."