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Latest revision as of 16:08, 19 September 2014

Prophecy Patrol
Date of Scene: 18 September 2014
Location: Caverns of Prophecy (CP)
Synopsis: Leyanne goes out to patrol the Caverns of Prophecy, and gets more than she bargained for...
Cast of Characters: 154, 522

Leyanne Mace (154) has posed:
Leyanne Mace cruises along the road towards the Olympiad Peaks, pausing when she reaches the steps. There's a scowl as she spots that she's not going to get her bike up there and she climbs off, engaging the security systems before making hte long climb up to the Caverns.
Looking around, she spreads her ears wide - listening for signs of trouble. "Mace here. All seems quiet at the Caverns so far." she says into her radio. "I'm going to take a look around before moving on."

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
As Mace checks over the area around the steps and the area around, including upward. A dark figure steps out from what seems the shadows. His armored feet are oddly quiet against the rocks and grass. The black void eye-slots of his helm seem to look upon the anthromorphic mouses direction as she walks.

The crimson red on his body seems to be of some cloth-leather like material by appearance and the dark armor seems to absorb whatever light is in the area, beyond the gold trim. The gunblade on his backside easily detaches as he brings the weapon to bare. It his voice that will break the quiet of the air and the mist of the fog. A deep, calm commanding voice with a slight reverb from the helm itself. "You need not look no further."

It was the only warning Mace would have before a shot was fired from the very gunblade right for her direction...

Leyanne Mace (154) has posed:
Leyanne Mace snaps her head to look over at Gaius, her hand dropping to her hip - before the warning shot hits her armour. Taken by surprise, the mouse flails out of view as she goes down onto her back.
She snarls quietly as she picks herself back up.
"Something tells me the standard 'back off now' wouldn't work on you." She comments as she draws her RD-44 revolver. She's surprisingly quick on the draw; before most people will have time to notice she's drawn, she's fired - and she's on the move.

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
Mace is indeed quick, Gaius will not deny her such a thing and the Multiverse continues to show its great deal of adversity. When then bullet is fired, Gaius moves with a slight bit of near inhuman mobility for cover. The bullet impacting a part of his armor, it can been seen almost absorbed in speed by the crimson red material, before ripping a section of it off.

The Imperial Legatus then comes around from where he was and with a quick turn to put himself out in the open, before moving to cover again, his left hand comes to bare with it curled into a few. A flicker of blue can be seen from the gauntlet as three blue plasma like shots are fired right for where Mace has gone for cover.

Leyanne Mace (154) has posed:
Leyanne Mace gets blasted out of her cover and burned a little by the plasma, snarling quietly. With her cover blown (literally), Mace sprints directly for the Imperial Legatus, the lights on her cybernetic arm changing from red to yellow with the hiss of priming pneumatics.
She kicks off a rock with her right leg, then much harder off the wall with her leg - cocking back her fist to deliver a flying sucker-punch at Gaius' face. There's another pneumatic hiss as she swings her fist, jets of condensation spurting from her elbow and shoulder as the booster systems in her arm kick in.
She crouches on landing and attempts to spring back away from the Black Wolf, hoping to get out of melee range

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
The fist connects into the Legatus' armored face. There was a spark of blue at the heavy clash, but yet no dent could be seen in the strange design of a full face helm. Gaius moves a bit with the blow, but it is when Mace goes to pull away, she may find herself in trouble.

As she springs back, the Legatus pushes off with a great deal of strength with a blue flicker of light around his boots. The gunblade is already stored away on his backside and his own fist comes to bare at the female mouse.

The first blow comes down and slightly to the side, it is then followed up quickly by an upper cut with his other fist, before a rotation of his body with his sword coming to bare with a great deal of speed and shot fired from the gunblade itself. "You fight with strength and speed. I shall not deny this of you."

Leyanne Mace (154) has posed:
Leyanne Mace takes the first hit to the side of the head without really even seeing it coming. She's a fast thinker, though, and even before she's fully finished recoiling from the haymaker, her right arm's moving to block the uppercut, and she manages to grab the rising punch - though Gaius' trained arm will no doubt be able to feel one of the finger-bones in the mouse's organic hand give way under the impact before she can fully compensate for it.
She's almost totally unprepared for the gunblade strike, however - it takes her full in the chest. There's a spark from her armour and she's blown back a distance, slamming into the wall and dropping to the floor. She spits out some slightly purple-tinted blood as she picks herself up from the floor, giving a nod of approval.
Not too bad yourself." She comments as she moves in again, aiming to grab that gunblade with her cybernetic hand and deny its use for a few moments. Then she slams her head into his helmet again, not thinking about the spiked, metal nature of it for a moment. Then she lets go of the blade and swings her metal fist in towards his abdomen in a vicious belly-blow. Whether it connects or not, she sweeps her tail out to try and take Gaius' legs out from under him - and if he's quick enough, it might be easy for him to grab the appendage and use it against her!

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
The Gunblade is taken a hold of and it catches him slightly off guard. The impact to the helm staggers him, enough for the impact to the stomach and then the follow up. This leads him off balance enough that when she goes to trip him it works, but he recovers quickly by seeming to flip himself around in the air and actually land on his feet as he slides back a bit.

Thankfully for him, the armor plating around his stomach area took most of the earlier force, but it was going to leave a nasty bruise probably later. He twirls the Gunblade in his hand as he stands there for a moment, seeming to be looking directly at her.

Though with the lack of being able to see eyes, it be hard press to tell just what he is looking for. He then takes a slow stride to the side, never seeming to look away from Mace as he does so. His steps were very precise on the ground. Each movement seeming to almost be thought ahead and he doesn't seem to be in a hurry to strike right away.

Then with one more step that is when he shifts and comes right in with a great deal of speed, the edge of the Gunblade slides across the rock, causing sparks to fly as he heats the edge of the sword up, then with a hard upward cleave attempts to catch her with the edge of his blade.

Before moving himself back around to swing the edge of the blade back down with a downward strike.

Leyanne Mace (154) has posed:
Leyanne Mace seems to be content to watch and wait for the next attack, glad that her gamble paid off - her tail remains ungrabbed. As Gaius moves in, she readies herself, bringing up her metal arm in readiness to block the upward strike. She tenses her legs and she's ready for the upward swing - she catches it on her forearm, leaving a deep score in the thick plastic - but it has the intended effect; her block is knocked clear out of the way of the downward swing. Tiny leans her head out of the way and takes the hit on the plate guarding her mechanical shoulder. The armour is shredded and knocked free, the strike even causing damage to the cybernetic arm beneath - exposing circuitry and striking a few sparks.
She growls and attempts to take advantage of the closeness, her mechanical hand lashing out to pummel at that helm again. She knows she's met someone who's at least her equal, if not superior, in terms of raw striking force - so she's made a resolution that whichever way this goes, she's going to make him panel-beat that thing back into shape.

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
When the cybernetic hand comes in, Mace will find her fist not impacting the full face helm of the Imperial Legatus, but rather slamming into the palm of Gaius' own hand. The sheer force recoils his arm back uncomfortably and the force of the metal tears up the fabric leather of his glove-- whatever that stuff was made out of.

He holds her fist right there. A few blue lines can be seen emitting around the armor of his hand to the gauntlet. "Curious arm you have." His hand continues to try and keep hold for a moment. "But it will not save you from wince is to come."

Then the lines for a moment flicker orange red as power is fully drawn at maximum level in the armor itself. If the Martian mouse is not quick, she will find her cybernetic hand promptly being almost crushed and herself being swung away.

Leyanne Mace (154) has posed:
Leyanne Mace stares for a moment as her hand is slapped into his palm and caught. There's a pause, a very definite 'oh, shit' moment, before she yelps with the pain - plastic can be heard to crack, and there's a sudden, explosive hiss as something important in the pneumatic system ruptures, spraying cold gas out wildly. The yelow light of her arm flickers and goes out, only to be replaced by a green light. As her feet go off the floor she yelps, her fingers bending into unnatural shapes to lock themselves with Gaius'.
As she's swung, she tries to get her legs under herself, her tail flailing wildly as she sets her feet down on the ground - and leans backwards, trying to swing Gaius around herself like a hammer and throw him away from herself.
Only then does she take a moment to look at the damage to her hand's casing, a couple of her fingers locked in the odd positions they'd been forced into by the pressure of his fist - and her own hydraulic assist system.
"Son of a bitch, this was a brand new hand!"

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
The mouse goes to throw the Black Wolf, and the Black Wolf is indeed thrown, but perhaps not in the way Mace was hoping. When she throws him, he positions himself in that quick moment and instead of being hammered down, he actually spring boards himself around and goes to land on one of the ledges of the steps above.

His Gunblade pointing down at her, he seems to almost /wait/ for her to notice that her plan didn't work, or is perhaps showing some part of his honor. After all, Gaius is a conqueror, but he is also a man of some honor. "You should seek a stronger material to craft your equipment out of. It may serve you better, though I am most curious-- to whom do I owe the honor of this battle?"

The Imperial Legatus will give a chance for Mace to reply or not.. though it also may be her moment to catch her breath, before he decides to come in. Which he does, he does so not by simply leaping down, but by teleportation.

Where he stood is a moment of blue flames that rise from the ground, but where he is now is the real question, which the form of Gaius can be suddenly found above as he has teleported hismelf into the air and is flipping back as blue flames rise off his armor from the teleport.

From that flip, Gaius also unleashes several rounds from his gauntlet cannon down right at the ground where Mace is standing which rain down with an explosive force of blue plasma.

Leyanne Mace (154) has posed:
Leyanne Mace gives a nod to the Imperial Legatus. "Leyanne Mace." She replies to his question, getting her breath back in that moment she's given. Of course, it doesn't help much.
As the flames erupt, she adopts a ready position - expecting him to appear in front of... or behind her. Not above her. She looks up, straight into the muzzle of that plasma cannon. She tries to dive aside, but... plasma is nasty, man. All she manages to do is prevent herself being hit directly by the blasts; she's blown clear across the cavern to slam into the wall, her back bending overly far. She picks herself up slowly, drawing her revolver in her organic hand - but she doesn't raise it.
"You one of the honourable ones who'll let a foe pull out?" She asks, quietly.

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
Gaius lands on the ground and aims his own gunblade at her, "You may leave, as my quarrel is not with you, but to correct the error made by my men. Now begone, Leyanne Mace. I look forward to our next encounter.. and in turn of the name-- my own is Imperial Legatus, Gaius Van Baelsar. You do best to remember it for our next meeting."

Leyanne Mace (154) has posed:
Leyanne Mace nods and makes her way back to the bike. She attempts to make a dignified escape, but it's clear that she's got some internal damage beyond what's clear. "Next time I'll be the one delivering an ass-kicking." She comments, before heading out.