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NODE: Isle of Tales - Creation
Date of Scene: 19 September 2014
Location: The Homeworld
Synopsis: Mizuki creates a node.

She and Welcomes should totally start a book club or something though, seriously.

Thanks to: Abby for implicitly understood awesomeness.
Cast of Characters: Staren, 152, 183, 236, 253, 347
Tinyplot: When They Return

Mizuki (183) has posed:
    Somehow, Mizuki manages to be a bit late for her own node creation, which is almost as preposterous as being late for your own funeral, if a little less impossible. She's also quite underdressed by her standards, appearing in a more modest, dark green jacket rather than one of her usual, brightly colored dresses. Her mood and expression, fittingly, seem to be a bit less outstanding as well, and this would certainly be reflected as an aberration in her usually quite noticeable aura.

    So, naturally, she's not at all surprised by the austere conditions of the room that she comes in to. Rather, she feels right at home; it's a little like the monochrome desert from the world that she comes from, which is... about as bleak as you would assume from the name. About as overpoweringly bright and white, too, but there's one thing that it doesn't have in any quantity: people. And that is something that this room does seem to have, at least at a glance. She addresses the Welcomes kiosk with a nod, though she's not quite sure whether he is just a facet of this world in much the same way Callia and Palora are parts of her world. Shrug~. She'll probably know soon, so for now, she busies herself with analysis elsewhere.

    White here, white there, and white everywhere. But there are a few points of incongruity aside from her might-be-sapient friend: two containers, one very much more ramshackle than the last. She gives them a passing glance but focuses much more completely on the glass, peering in to it for a spell while she waits to see if the people that she asked to come, or otherwise asked about coming, show up.

    Eventually, she pulls something out of one of her pockets: an ornate pen, freshly dipped in ink as dark as her hair. She spins it around and casually taps the lid of the non-destroyed container with it, musing on what the Node creation process entails. She really doesn't need authorial foresight to know that the mirrors and containers are going to be involved somehow -- just Chekov's Gun.

Faruja (152) has posed:
Faruja Senra is hardly about to leave his favorite Time-Lady Possible-Heretic to create Nodes without him. It'd be ungentleratly, after all. The Inquisitor hasn't exactly dressed down. If anything, he seems to be leaning on formality, in fresh red robes trimmed with black and gold, Inquisitorial cross upon his neck and leaning upon a new cane with an ajoran-cross shaped head.

As for the Kiosk? Mr. Welcomes gets a bow, as does Mizuki.

"Lady Mizuki, may the Lord guide thee in thine task today, keep thee, and ensure all whom accompany ye art safe. In the name of Holy Faram and the Divine Prophet Saint Ajora Glabados, amen." Blesses the rat, crossing the girl. One might note his bandaged side of his face is uncovered, the gem-like eye peering out. He's hardly leaving Hallowed Gaze asleep right now.

Staren has posed:
    Staren hurries out of the warpgate, with one slice of pepperoni pizza held in his mouth and another in his hand. He rushes into the White Wing moments after Mizuki's arrival. "Mmh hmmh, mmh hmmh!" he says, which might be mouth-full-of-pizza-ese for 'I'm here, I'm here!'. He waves with his free hand, nods in greeting to Mizuki, then tries to rummage in his bag with the hand on the opposite side, then rethinks this, and uses telekinesis to hold the pizza slices -- electric-blue glowing threads of energy connecting them to his pendant -- so he can wipe his hands off on his coat, then reach into his bag and pull out Eureka to slide onto his left hand, chewing all the while.

    Once he's swallowed his current bite of pizza, he asks, "What's that?" Stepping closer to look at the mysterious pen. Then he blinks. "Wait, no, don't tell me. You've got your speech ready for Welcomes, right? I'll just listen." Faruja gets a nod as he enters. Then Staren grabs the half-eaten pizza slice out of the air and brings it to his mouth for another bite.

Psyber (253) has posed:
    Psyber is here. He actually wasn't originally here to help Mizuki, he'll be more of a tagalong today. Instead, since his main form of information gathering is harassing Operators, he's over in one corner of the room with what looks like an electric board with two grids on it and a partition. Holographic and hooked into audio commands mostly, taking audio cues and marking out a board as the two talk.

    "Shit, okay. You sunk my light frigate." Psyber says, leaning back in his seat as he watches Answers boredly. Psyber himself is wearing a t-shirt with some bandages visible on his neck and arms from his fights the past few days. His hands drum against the surface of his bench, "Alright, Answers. Uh.... D7." He reaches up and taps a grid on his divider.

    He seems mostly ambivalent to the other gathering.

Auron (236) has posed:
    Node creation? You better believe Auron wants to see this. This seems like a relatively important thing to happen. He's also only heard about these nodes through the grapevine. Maybe if he observes the creation of this one, he'll understand them better without someone having to go into great detail with an explanation. Despite his status as Mr. Exposition, he tends to learn better when he can see a demonstration.

    He arrives with Suchiru in tow, resting in the scabbard that had been made for it. Sword-pants, yes. "Hello," he offers to those gathered here. He will also mainly be tagging along and being quiet. Not only because he wants to learn, but because that's his thing anyway.

Abstractum.Net (347) has posed:
    Mr. Welcomes returns the nods and bows and suchlike with a bright smile and a wave from his aged, graying avatar. "Hi there! Who're you? Anything I can help you with in here?" He's definitely sapient. He just doesn't know a few of the people coming in today. People bringing in IMPORTANT ARTIFACTS, though, is something he always looks forward to. As for Mizuki's lengthy peering into the glass, she can tell that it's there as the mirror to some smoke and mirrors, so to speak. Mr. Welcomes, in his kisok, is a holographic projection of some kind.

Abstractum.Net (347) has posed:
    "Mmmm. Found the 'destroyer' then." Mr. Answers says. Mr. Welcomes' eager voice is a stark contrast to the apparently-disembodied voice of that man, who seems less middle-aged and more ancient, but with a passively-energetic sort of scholarly tone. But that's all there is about Answers; he's not got a holographic avatar to work with here, apparently!

    "Mr. Welcomes is always so much better at games such as these than I am. Surprised he didn't wind up in the Green Wing myself." The thoughtful voice says. "Hmmm... C3?"

Mizuki (183) has posed:
    Mizuki turns to face Faruja, slipping her hands into her pockets and giving the nezumi a small bow. "Evening, Faruja." Her expression does straighten a bit at the visual of a large bandage on her friend's face, but considering that she died right in front of him just a few days ago? She probably got the better deal here. But her countenance remains mostly stable as the rat goes on with another of his blessings, and she nods along, albeit with little of substance in reply otherwise. She does at least mouth a thank-you, however, as she continues to twirl her pen. "Here's to new discoveries, yes? Should certainly be an interesting evening. I'm looking forward to it." With that, she breaks eye contact to reach into her coat again.

    And her Abstractum, the so-called 'second most important timepiece in her collection', emerges. "And good evening to you as well, Equinox." Her smile broadens. "This is the start of our little story, too, hmm? I wonder if your kind can feel excitement." She closes her eyes a moment, but her wistful reverie is pre-emepted by the approach of Staren, who sounds like he has his mouth full.

    And naturally, he does. Hmph! No etiquette whatsoever, but still she greets him with a smile as well. His assumption /is/ actually met with a negative shake of the head, however, though her alternative explanation is quick to come afterward. "Nothing like that. I'm actually more in the mood to read and listen tonight anyway." She stops twirling the pen a moment, glancing at it as she speaks. "This is my offering to create the node. Fitting that a new story, or a new world, would be brought into existence by a pen, no?" A bit more quietly, she adds, 'And delightfully open-ended, too, I should hope'.

    Psyber gets a glance, and a playful eye-narrowing should he meet her gaze briefly. She doesn't acknowledge him verbally, but it's clear that she has mixed feelings about him playing Battleship here. It could be misconstrued as clever humor or even poetry if you reeaalllyy stretched it, though, and since she actually enjoys the thought of someone being so lax in a setting like this, she doesn't say anything. Well, aside from the implicit 'enjoy the show' that would be communicated in her eyes. Auron is next to receive a small bow, but again is met with no verbal reply. She really -isn't- in a talkative mood this evening, it seems.

    At least until Welcomes finally says something. "Ah, yes." Smile~. "I am a concerned... well, more interested than concerned. An -interested- party here to create a node." She tosses the pen in to the air and catches it, holding it up vertically to the kiosk. "And this is my offering." Afterwards, she tilts her head. "All I would ask now is what I absolutely must know in order for things to proceed smoothly. The rest I would rather not know for now, as I want to be surprised when the artistry occurs."

Staren has posed:
    Staren blinks and cocks his head to the side slightly. When Mizuki's finished, and he's chewed and swallowed another bite of pizza, he says, "You're sure? You don't want to make a dramatic speech? I thought you'd be hugely looking forward to it. I mean..." he waves a hand at Mr. Welcomes. "He digs that. /You/ dig that. This is your chance to make a big speech about how this pen represents you, or your story, or the story you hope to create! And have an /incredibly/ appreciative audience!" he waves a hand at Welcomes again. "You sure you wanna take the quiet route? I mean... you can, I just figured, y'know, that you'd go for the dramatic option."

Faruja (152) has posed:
"Ser Staren, good day." Bow! Squint.

Sigh. Faruja offers Staren a napkin.

Psyber gets a bow as well, though the rat looks between Answers and the man lightly in confusion. Board game night in the Homeworld? Auron too gets a bow.

But Welcomes and Mizuki get most of his attention.

Smile! "New discoveries, and mayhaps a new story to tell, mine dear."

But Staren raises a darn good point.

"...Playing up the mystery, mine dear, or art ye feeling ill?"" There's a touch of concern in his voice as he whisper to her.

Faruja (152) has posed:
There's also a squeeze to her shoulder. His gaze, more than anything else, might show he has an idea of what's bothering her. Getting killed, no doubt, can't be good for you.

Abstractum.Net (347) has posed:
    "Oh, certainly." Equinox says, back to Mizuki, the little watch's lid popping open as it speaks, the clockface rapidly shifting with the bright and keenly curious expressions. It seems more interested than anything else! Equinox always has that expression of trying to take in all the information around it. Its little chain rattles in a small gesture of enthusiasm, though! This is apparently a big moment for some Abstractums.

    Mr. Welcomes seems to have had his day brightened up by this. "Ooohhh! Making Node then? Well! There's not a lot you need to know to make that work. I can answer any questions you've got, but I love to see a bit of interest in preserving the spoilers." Then there's a bit of an expectant pause. Staren's glanced at a bit appreciatively. "Now, I don't /require/ a full speech, but it's a bit of a tradition these days. If you'll indulge this old man his little pleasures, though... Ask me again. With /feelings/, with /drama/! Make a speech if you want to, but... Well, think of the weight of the moment!"

Psyber (253) has posed:
    In his defense, if Mizuki asked any of the Operators, Psyber hangs out with them a LOT for a number of reasons. The half-angel yawns a bit and stretches, looking over to answers, "I think I heard on the radio you're needed by Eureka and Staren. We can finish up our game later, I guess." The half-angel says, waving his hand at the board as it turns on a pause function and he covers his mouth with his hand for another wide yawn.

    Faruja gets his bow returned with a nod of Psyber's head and an explanation, "I hang around here a lot. It's how I get information from them. Plus they're fairly good company," He notes as he stretches out and then turns slightly to watch Mizuki.

Abstractum.Net (347) has posed:
    "And here," Hallowed Gaze says a bit dryly. "I thought you of all people would get worked up about world-creation working this way. I like how you are about it now, if you don't mind. Good to see you relaxing a bit about this sort of situation of necessity." The little crystal gem speaks right out of Faruja's socket.

Mizuki (183) has posed:
    Mizuki turns to Staren, given a faint, neutral sigh. "Is that so?" She glances to Welcomes and remains silent for a while, as if in contemplation. "... you know, I usually save my 'speeches' for philosophy, or for situations that constitute the climactic or final moments in narratives. Perhaps even the beginning at times, but perhaps I've given the wrong impression." She looks back to Staren, smiling. "I'm not the sort of writer that is overly fond of arbitrarily shoving meaning into anything and everything when I am given the opportunity. Part of the beauty of this world is silence, and the -absence- of meaning in favor of intrinsic appreciation." She blinks, keeping her eyes closed a moment or two longer than is normal. "... hence, I'm rather averse to 'themes' and 'meanings' and 'lessons' a lot of the time. This pen is a tool that I used to write. I am a writer. There is very little to it beyond this, though I have possessed this tool for quite some time." She glances to it again, turning it about. "I wrote Avery's story with this, in fact. It's a dear friend, and it will be missed, but this is the most ceremonious end... no -- new beginning that I can possibly endow it with." She raises her gaze to the catboy, her grin even wider now. "... is that preamble enough for you? I seem to have rambled in spite of myself."

    Then Welcomes outright requests her to do as she is wont to do, and she heaves an overly dramatic sigh. "Oh, ~very well~." She twirls the pen with one finger, bringing a fist to her mouth as she clears her throat with the other. "This pen has brought into existence innumerable worlds, people, histories... and it has recorded much of the same. Today, it has reached the end of its long journey in a sense, but in another, it has reached its own beginning: for a final time, it shall create a world. But this world will be a rend in the fabric the divides me from the greater Multiverse. It shall open the door that will allow me to emerge into new understanding, and set the stage that will serve as my foray into something deep. Something whimsical. A story of my very own after so many years of life, and one that others may read along with me."

    She points the pen at Welcomes, at this point filled with spirit. "So come, oh listener: allow this instrument to become the foundation of a tale unwritten. Allow it to elucidate for me the truth behind the intrigue surrounding Them and Abstractum, and to bring me closer to those that I wish to know and understand." She tightens her grip. "May the world that it calls forth be one of tragic moments, but happy endings; of meaning, but of a more modest kind. Let this place endow Equinox and I with the power to change what should never be changed, so that we may one day inspire this world to work together in the building of a new Tower of Babel that will reach the heavens, shatter them to pieces, and then deliver us to heights and enlightenment that we cannot now hope to comprehend." She takes in a deep breath... and exhales.

    "So please, Mister Welcomes. Allow me to see a symphony of birth to rival what I saw the night the other existing nodes were reconfigured."

Staren has posed:
    Staren claps at the end of Mizuki's speech. It seems appropriate.

Auron (236) has posed:
    Auron follows suit with Staren, offering his own applause. Because that was an epic speech. He smirks slightly, but he means the applause honestly.

Abstractum.Net (347) has posed:
    Equinox seems curious about its own inclusion in that speech, but seems to quite like it in a way. Mizuki's more dramatic request gets a bit of a wide-eyed look; it's not clear how much of what she says is being taken as the gospel truth here, but the little watch seems quite keen on listening to all of it, even if it doesn't seem to be either impressed or condescending. "Well, huh." It says. "I suppose if you think of writing that way, it's a fitting kind of use." What a vaguely underwhelming, deflating response, as is per the norm for the little watch by now.

    Less underwhelming response from Mr. Welcomes, who seems HYPED UP. "ALRIGHT THEN, MIZUKI!" He claps his hands together, rubbing them dramatically more than for any rea preparatory effect. "Get ready to see it!" His hands then go wide, and back, palms facing that glass over his booth. And then, as is, by now, the norm, he shouts his <span class="underline bold_fg_c bg_n ++ atchphrase:

    "chu">LET'S SEE WHAT HAPPENS THIS TIME!!</span>"

     And then, with a quick, firm motion, he slams both palms onto the glass in front of him. For everyone else, they'll see is a sudden rush of light that blasts over Mizuki's body, completely obfuscating her with its brilliance. For Mizuki, she'll see reality appear to break, like a mirror. The shards split and fall away from the shattering that spreads out from Mr. Welcomes' hands. It's almost like he's the one who broke it!

    What's behind it is essentially a blank void. It is, as one would expect, the brand of void that precedes the sudden vision of another world. It's a canvas, one can tell; there's no stopping it from being filled in with all sorts of content very soon. Of course, she's the only one who sees this, for the moment. This seems more of a vision than a real, physical event.

Faruja (152) has posed:
To Hallowed Gaze, "Mine dear, dear Lady Gaze, if I hath learned naught else 'tis that one must pick thine battles in the Multiverse. Besides. I contend this is all some form of highly advanced illusion spell combined with magitek." Faruja actually manages to turn his eye to squint just slightly at Gaze, as if to say 'just prove me wrong'.

"Better for the paperwork, anyway."

To Psyber, Faruja huh's in thought. "Truly? Curious. Remind me to spend some time here. I hath been delinquent. Surprising Lady Gaze hath not swatted me upon the head. Erm. Figuratively. May thine plastic nautical battle prove thrilling!"

Faruja, at Mizuki's speech, finds himself clapping. It takes him a few before he speaks into the radio. His look is somewhere between scowling at the mention of shattering heavens, and honestly pleased with te speech

Abstractum.Net (347) has posed:
    Mizuki is treated to a quick, private vision of this void. There's only a moment where she's alone, with no world around her, before things come into resolution. The deep, blank black that surrounds her is abruptly drawn away, as if drained, flowing into... Well, it certainly looks like a pen. But, when Mizuki looks close, she's going to see a small, black hemispherical gem set right at the end. It's dark, harshly so, reflective like polished obsidian.

    Behind the black, there seems to be paper. The texture is easy to see for someone who has seen it for eternities. The newer sort, no vellum here. The ink that saturated it previously, and the pen that now holds it, lie in the innocent-looking hands of a young girl in an elegant, soft blue dress. Her long black hair almost covers eyes framed by the dark circles of exhaustion. She is the very picture of a person held in the vicious grip of an inspiration that will not permit sleep; all at once full of both energy and frustrated exhaustion.

    She doesn't seem to see Mizuki. What Mizuki gets to see is her raising her pen. And, suddenly, she also sees a sharply defined island in monochromatic high-contrast style. It drifts alone in the blank whiteness of this space, with no water to border it, a vast portion of its underground below and a towering mountain as its central feature, full of lush flora, and its coast highly populated with a lovely little coastal city.

    The exhausted girl lets out a heaving, heavy sigh. "Let's see if it's right this time." Is all that Mizuki gets to hear before the vision can no longer be sustained, and reality seems to snap back into perception.

Abstractum.Net (347) has posed:
    The others see the light fade now. The vision collapses and Mizuki's snapped back to perceiving an entirely unshattered reality, right back where she was before! Mr. Welcomes looks a little frazzled. He looks energized, and yet, exhausted, like someone who just did a workout or, say, went skydiving. "Well!" He says. "That was weird! Felt like I made that node a few times, not just the one time. Anyway! You have created your Node, Mizuki! The Isle of Tales stands ready to seek record!"

    Out in the main lobby, a new Gate has appeared! An ornately-carved wooden door set into the wall, tastefully marked at its borders with the designs of plant life. It seems set into a natural stone border, not unlike a cave's mouth. It is, oddly, visually monochromatic. Easy to see from the entrance of the White Wing here.

Staren has posed:
    When the light finally fades, Staren approaches Mizuki and asks, "So, what did you see?"

Faruja (152) has posed:
Faruja is quite quiet. Instead, he simply turns to Mizuki, nodding a touch towards Staren. What sciencekitty said.

Pause. "...Somehow, the coloration suits ye, mine dear." He comments as he glances at the gateway.

Mizuki (183) has posed:
    Mizuki is more than a little frazzled herself, but she almost laughs when Welcomes speaks up again. And if she doesn't laugh, she at least smiles more widely than she has at any other point this evening. "That was exhilarating, to say the least." She bows deeply to Welcomes. "Thank you very much for your assistance with the proceedings. I have a theory as to why it may have felt like multiple, but... well." She turns to Staren as he makes his inquiry, flowing directly from one subject to the next without pause.

    "That ties in with what I saw, certainly." She's positively beaming. "In my vision, I saw a pen topped with an onyx crystal, whose reflection eventually yielded the visage of a girl, bent over a desk and caught in the thrall of the excitement that inspiration begets. She was clad in a lovely dress, elegant in its simplicity, and colored by a gentle hue that was itself reminiscent of a pale sky. Fitting that she should wear a tapestry of the atmosphere, as I theorize that I am no longer the only one in this vicinity who creates worlds with ink in a more literal sense." She shakes her head. "But I'd best not let my speculation become too rampant, nor my excitement override more lucid reflection. For now I shall finish by repeating what little I heard her say: 'Let's see if it's right this time'. I know not what that pertains to, but it is my earnest hope that I one day shall."

    Then she turns to Faruja, and the door itself... which her eyes grow wide at. "Ah? A d-... oh, of course. I'd forgotten that there has to be some concrete method of access for the rest of you." She skips closer to the door, but remains reasonably close to the group. Addressing Faruja's words, "... ah? You think so?" She puts a hand to her cheek and swivels her head from side to side in examination. Then, she almost spins back around to Faruja. "Yes, I quite agree; I have always loved the combination of black and white. Such a stark contrast they make with one another, yet so modest and reserved at the same time..." She clasps her hands. "Yes, truly lovely. Truly! I admit my eagerness to open the door, now, but patience is its own reward..." She clasps her hands together, squeezing them. Her smile just grows and grows.

    "The 'Isle of Tales', you say." She pauses briefly. "To what sort of adventures would such a nebulous title portend? Ahh, the possibilities..." She shuts her eyes and promptly lowers her head in contemplation, effectively checking herself back out of reality for the time being.

Psyber (253) has posed:
    Psyber responds to Faruja with a shrug. Not one of dismissiveness, but one of general 'Eh', punctuated by him saying, "Hardly delinquent. They don't really expect you to hang around them to the extent that I do, or more than absolutely necessary, I think. Take Speaks, for example. He only shows up when something fairly important is going to be revealed. Think of it as extra-curricular instead of required."

    He doesn't have too much to say about Mizuki or her Node's generation, simply watching curiously. When she speaks, he ponders, "I wonder if your Node has any connection to Ainsley's 'Plain of Tales'."

Mizuki (183) has posed:
    Mizuki turns back to Psyber briefly. "The 'Plain of Tales', you say? Hmm. Yes, it would be interesting if there was some sort of connection there." Her expression softens a bit after that. "... but I do hope it was a pleasant enough demonstration for you to witness, no matter how many times you've likely seen similar." She bows her head slightly. "Thank you for being here."

Staren has posed:
    Staren frowns slightly. "A pure-using mirror to yourself? Or someone with an abstractum-like device?" When Mizuki asks what kind of adventure might await, Staren considers her request for no spoilers. "...All we can know is, it will be an adventure suited to your concept." That doesn't seem like much of a spoiler, anyway.

Abstractum.Net (347) has posed:
    Mr. Answers speaks up. "We have enough spare thought processes that we do not mind the company, and Psyber seems quite interested in us. He is certainly not poor company. Any may feel free to interact with us whenever they like. We are, after all, here to help you as best we can."

    "Speaking of which. Staren, I believe you needed my assistance?" The voice has shifted position and direction, showing the change in attention. "How can I help?"

Staren has posed:
    Staren blinks. "I didn't mean to put an end to your game... but, as long as you're taking a break anyway... what happens if you try to cross over a node boundary through Abstract Space, or if you enter Abstract Space while inside a node?"

Faruja (152) has posed:
Faruja rubs his temple. Mmm.

"Quite so, quite so. /However/. Let us pray what we find is more adventure than the political and religious disaster that dear Ainsley brought forth." Shudder. The plain of tales is not his favorite place.

A smile to Mizuki. "But nay matter the case, ye hath allies, and friends, Mizuki."

A look to Psyber. Hmmmmm. "Well. Mine old Abbot didst always say that any extra work is a burden lessened upon the souls of we sinful, sad fuzzballs of idolatry, idiocy, and incompetence."

Shrug. "Then again mine Abbot was an utter knave and arsehole." Frown. Bad memories.

Abstractum.Net (347) has posed:
    Mr. Welcomes listens to Mizuki's explanation and recounting of what she saw eagerly. Apparently even Mr. Welcomes doesn't get to see some of this. He seems to like her appreciation for the dramatic! This guy's a little bit too focused on that sort of thing.

    Equinox says, "Wow. I dunno who it is, but I'm more interested so far in helping them get it right, then! Maybe they're nice, and we can work together with them for that." The watch seems so open to this sort of thing, and seems to asume Mizuki's quite interested in something like that... Which, knowing Mizuki, is probably true!

Mizuki (183) has posed:
    Mizuki nods to Equinox. "Perhaps that will be the goal of the story, yes -- helping her finish her writing, in some form. It's lovely that Nodes form themselves in ways that make them so suited to the unique talents of their creator." She hides her mouth with a sleeve, unable to break that habit even when she isn't wearing a dress. "... I will look forward to discovering this world with you, Equinox."

    Then, Faruja. "... indeed, and all of you will be there as well. Thank you, Faruja. It is good to be reminded of the warmth that surrounds me. I can forget what is in plain sight quite often, if I am not sporadically reminded of its prevalence."

Abstractum.Net (347) has posed:
    Staren gets a quick response. Mr. Answers is succinct and trying to be helpful. "Well, theoretically, that's relatively simple. The Nodes are meant as traps for Them; crossing into one would have you be there until you left the way that Users are meant to leave, most likely. Or until the Node was destroyed. As for entering Unshift outside the Node barrier, I think it would be something that you cannot do back towards the multiverse - you have nothing to pull you in that direction, after all, and the Nodes blocking you - but you could do it as you normally do away from it, out towards Them, obviously."

Staren has posed:
    "Hmmmm..." Staren considers this, stroking his chin thoughtfully with his non-Eureka covered hand. "Thank you, Mr. Answers."

    Staren takes another bite of pizza. "Hmmm..."