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Latest revision as of 06:50, 20 September 2014

This Scene Rated ARRRR
Date of Scene: 20 September 2014
Location: Bar and Grill at the Edge of the Multiverse
Synopsis: A hedonistic serial killer starts a party to celebrate Talk Like A Pirate Day. Now with 100% less murder.
Cast of Characters: 178, 281, 286, 470

Crimson Sea (286) has posed:

    It didn't take long for Party Time to hit full swing once the Silent Wolf of the Crimson Sea and her Merry Crew of Bastards and Backstabbers showed up. On strict orders not to kill anyone--because that's Not Permitted Here(tm)--close to two dozen pirates, the Captain, and an extremely dour man in a black coat have invaded the Bar & Grill and have begun singing while procuring their ale.

    It's not a shanty so much as a drinking song.

    The Captain herself slaps her first mate on the back, "Loosen up, Keelhaul. It's a party."

    "This is 'loosened up'," he objects in a monotone. When Crimson Sea rummages in her surcoat for her accordian, he makes his escape to the back of the grill where the commotion is the least invasive. The Captain, meanwhile, leans her back against the bar and teases a few notes out of her accordian, testing the tuning over the noise of the crew.

    Ahh, this is the best day of the year. When pirates can be pirates for the sake of being pirates.

Noh (178) has posed:
    The whorling vortex of a portal opens and closes, leaving behind Noh! The little dhampir is gayly dressed in an absurd long dress of maroon red that goes to her ankles, and is wearing heavy boots underneath; as well as petticoats, and wench-approved bodice top. And a HAT with a VERY absurd purple feather pinned to it, flipping about, as she dances into the bar and grill, and then prances up to whom she assumes is the Captain, for, of course, Crimson Sea has th acordian! She stops, kicks her heels and salutes! "Captain!" She grins fangily, "Permission to come abo-aaarrrr-d and join?" She grins.

Pinkie (470) has posed:
    Did anyone expect to throw a party and not have the premiere party pony pose in? Because there's a pink pirate pony prancing into the Bar and Gril, slamming the door open as she skids in on her hind legs, forelegs thrown wide open with a "WHEEEEE!"
    Pinkie Pie wouldn't miss a Pirate Party for the world, and she's here in all her trickster glory. It looks like the pink-clad clown has added to her usual repertoire of accesories, an eye patch worn over the right eye-hole of her smiling porcelain mask. Her jester's hat has been replaced with a tricorn with a skull and crossbones one it, and she has a pink plastic parrot perched on her port-side shoulder.

Rider (281) has posed:
This whole Talk Like a Pirate Day was suspect. Very suspect. And International? She'll have to ask someone more... modern about that.

But parties and alcohol... Rider can definitely agree with that sort of thing. "Right, then!" The Servant pushes her way into the Bar and Grill, striding right up to the person she heart talking on broadband. "You're not too hard to track down. So you call yourself a pirate, do you?" Hands come to hips, and she peers carefully at Crimson Sea for a moment... before breaking into a grin. "Let's see if you -drink- like one."

Crimson Sea (286) has posed:
    "Th' real party's just startin'," the pirate captain states with a smirk on her lips, "Have yerselves merriment. It ain't often I'm allowin' peaceful discourse in me presence, ya know." This is directed both at Pinkie and at Noh, the look sent to them a mixture of merriment and menace, given the hostile slant to her eye provided by the brim of her cap.

    That eye closes when Rider arrives and challenges her Pirate-ness, and she teases a few more notes from her accordian as she responds, "Nah, I don't call meself a pirate." Head tilting, she glares under the brim of her cap, "I call meself a Dread Pirate. There be a difference, lass. As fer that--" One hand removes itself from her accordian to reach into her coat. What she removes is a flask of black jade. Using her thumb, she undoes the cap and simply pours it out.

    It stinks of top shelf vodka, splattering across the floor until the flask is empty. She then re-caps it, with her thumb. "Payin' attention, now?" The lid is removed again and she hoists it, emptying the flask a second time right into her mouth. It's still vodka. The lid is capped and she wipes her lips with a sleeve, "I empty this more times per day than ya can count. Don't go makin' challenges ya can't win, lass."

    Hand returning to her accordian, she pulls it apart, unleashing a long, sorrowful sound with her eye closed, "It's bad fer yer health, hahar."

Pinkie (470) has posed:
    As soon as the challenge is made, Pinkie is IMMEDIATELY looming over Crimson Sea and Rider as the flask comes out.
    She has a eukelele in her grasp and despite not having hands, she is somehow amazing at using those cloven hooves the play...

Noh (178) has posed:
    Noh grins! BUT OH. SHOWDOWN AT HIGH NOON OVER FLASKS. Noh Squeals, and suddenly just, she's there at a table, and she's somehow found a scorecard from somewhere, and is scribbling 'Captain' and 'Stranjerr' on it. (Give her some credit, she's still working out spelling.) She then waits patiently to mark scores.

Rider (281) has posed:
"Dread pirate? What's--" Rider pauses as a pink pony dressed as a clown looms nearby and provides musical accompaniment. She lifts a finger, opens her mouth again... and just stares at Pinkie. After several beats, she finally speaks again, "You... you should be the judge of this here contest." She glances back to Noh and the scoreboard, then crosses her arms. "Rider's the name. And you..." Back to Crimson Sea. "You think that scares me? Hand it over, let me give that stuff a try." Unlike Crimson Sea, she doesn't carry her own liquor around all the time.

Crimson Sea (286) has posed:
    Dramatic Mariachi Uke. A score card. A challenge.

    Crimson Sea lowers her gaze, brim of her hat obscuring her eyes. Those lips spread into a fanged grin, accompanying a laugh that in any context would be spine-tingling. "If that's yer wish, lass." The capped flask is twisted around in her hand, held up between two fingers, and then flicked into Rider's hands. She then steps away from her perch and throws out her other hand. The accordian sails from her grip and is caught by Keelhaul, who immediately slips his hands under the straps.

    The man breathes a tired, weary sigh before he starts to play a jaunty song.

    Crimson herself wraps her fingers around a tabletop and hauls it to the middle, then plants her hand on it and leans, awaiting Rider's turn. Black Essence dances around the fingers of the hand she plants down, then flickers and fades out. The result is immediate: Keelhaul starts to sing, his voice rich and deep, accompanied by the crew who chime in with instruments both intended and makeshift.

    "Though you see me now a mere ghost of a man,
    I once had the heart of a lion.
    Commanded my ship 'tween many a shore
    That Jolly ol' Roger a flyin'."

    "Mine was a name that struck fear into men
    And regret into plenty o' lasses.
    Oh how I wish I could take back those days
    As I stare into these empty beer glasses."

Pinkie (470) has posed:
    And to make matters worse Rider picks Pinkie as the judge. The masked, eye-patched, parroted pony halts her strumming.
    She's still talking like a pirate-- but now it's more of a spanish-buccaneer accent. "I will do this for you... Or my name isn't..."
    Pinkie then proceeds to join in the song with her eukelele.

Noh (178) has posed:
    Noh hastily scribbles down one drink for the CAPTAIN, and then scribbles down 'Ridurr' as Rider's name. (Again, she tries, but oh, her spelling.)

Rider (281) has posed:
With a snap of her hand, Rider catches the flask. She deftly unscrews the top and takes a whiff, then lifts it in a mock salute toward Crimson Sea. "Now, let's see what the fuss is all about, hm?" The Servant tips the flask back, taking a deep draught. When she's done with her mouthful and swallows, she slams the flask down on the tabletop. "Now -that- is some good stuff."

The music gets a laugh out of Rider. "A little musical accompaniment! Can't say I hate that." Pinkie's accent earns her another long stare from the Servant. "I knew a Hidalgo once. Shot him right between the eyes!" She reaches out to poke a finger against the pony's forehead. "But he didn't know how to play an instrument like you do!"

Crimson Sea (286) has posed:
    "I think of the times past when I had it all,
    I toyed when men's wives and their daughters.
    And in pursuit of my ill-gotten wealth,
    I stabbed and I shot and I slaughtered."

    The Captain laughs, eye closing and hand waving, "Uke ain't me style, but if it fits, it fits." Towards Noh, she gestures, "If yer keepin' track o' what I'm drinkin, yer gonna need a bigger sign." To Rider, she leans forward on her hand, other hand resting on her hip as she talks over the music, "Stronger than ya were expectin', aye? Russian Silver. A gift from a friend o' mine."

    The flask is collected, the cap thumbed off, "An' this, a fine purchase. Th' Sea Wolf's Respite, hahar." She gives it a shake, splashing droplets to show how it's already re-filled itself, and then empties the entire contents down her own gullet while Keelhaul breaks into his song's chorus.

    "And for what?
    The men that I've fought
    Are matched by the number of women I've bought.
    And for what?
    I've killed and I've shot
    And reddened the cold tears of children with blood.
    And if I could go back and make my amends,
    I'd make all of those mistakes again."

    The crew joins in on the final line, roaring together: "I'd kill every last one of those bastards, my friends!"

Noh (178) has posed:
    Noh's eyes widen, and she quickly counts on her hand how many gulps, and scribbles that down on Crimson's side eagerly, then calls, "The challenger needs to drinking more if she wanting to catch up!"

Pinkie (470) has posed:
    "Har! Bet he wasn't as fun as I be!" Pinke replies, regarding Hidalgos past.
    (Guitar strum)
    Once the dread pirate's had her swig, when it's time to pass the bottle...
    PINKIE makes grabby hands.
    This cannot possibly go wrong at all.
    Uh oh.

Crimson Sea (286) has posed:
    After her drink, Crimson Sea thumbs the cap back on her flask and slams it down on the table, sliding it across to Rider.

    And then it's intercepted by Pinkie. The pirate captain hesitates, then breaks out into uproarious laughter, "HAAAR HAR HAR HAR-! If'n ya want, drain it dry, lass!"

Pinkie (470) has posed:
    Let it not be said that Pinkie Pie does things half way. Once the flask is passed her way, the cap comes off. Mask or not, the nozzle is poked right into the mouth-hole of that grinning porcelain face and the pink pony tilts her head back...
    And she starts chugging. ... And chugging and chugging and chugging, until there's nothing left in the flask, which she then slams down on the table.
    A low grunt and snort and green eyes open behind the mask's eye slots, bloodshot and glazed. And she remains just like that for a moment, for DRAMATIC EFFECT.
    Before toppling over backwards, giggling and utterly wasted. "D-... Did I win?" *~Hic~*
    The toy parrot on her shoulder makes a ~Squee~ sound.

Noh (178) has posed:
    Musing of the results, Noh says, simply, "... I think the booze won."