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Latest revision as of 18:57, 21 September 2014

Medical Meetings
Date of Scene: 28 June 2014
Location: Njorun Station - Medical
Synopsis: Two mystics of different sorts have a little chat.
Cast of Characters: 82, 242

Dr. Fate (82) has posed:
Dr. Fate in the form of Kent Nelson is sitting in a bed, resting up. He's been stabbed several times by what appears to be a small knife, mostly in the chest with a few other wounds. He also appears to have electrical burns over his body. He's going to pull through, but he looks like he's in pretty bad shape. The nurses are nice and friendly, but he hates having to reschedule his patients because of this. Oh well, multiple duties tend to conflict sometime. He's in a room with two beds, the other unoccupied oddly enough.

Dr. Fate is looking at his Helm, and wondering just how effective his curative spells would be on himself, if that's possible, advisable. He's just kind of staring at it, thinking about this situation he's gotten himself into.

Cheyanne (242) has posed:
The light clink of hooves on the sterile floors might be an odd thing to hear in a medical center, depending on how familiar one is with the multiverse. But that is the sound heard as Cheyanne walks in, staff tucked into the crook of one of the zebra woman's arms. Hopefully he won't be too surprised by her appearances. "Someone was requesting an assistance in their recovery?"

Dr. Fate (82) has posed:
Dr. Fate looks at Cheyanne with neither surprise nor alarm. He's waged war on the astral plane, fought Aztec deities, and his time in the multiverse has broadened his ideas of what is possible or acceptable. "Yes, please. I thought about using my healing spells, but I'm not sure if it would be wise to self-heal at this point. Any help you can give would be appreciated.. Miss? My name is Kent Nelson, but you can call me Fate, as that is what I become when I don my helm, the personfiication of Fate, a Lord of Order. Sorry to be longwinded," he says.

Cheyanne (242) has posed:
"Despite the expression, healing thyself can be a tricky proposition." Her assortment of bangles jingle lightly together as she makes a shallow half-bow to the bedridden man. "I am Cheyanne, emissary of the elements and practicioner of natural arts." She pauses as she uprights and sets her staff aside to lean against the wall. Don't mind the somewhat creepy horned monster skull topping it. Smiles faintly. "Which includes a number of remedial practices as well."

Dr. Fate (82) has posed:
Dr. Fate seems fascinated by Cheyanne's explanation. He's thinking some kind of cross between shaman, druid, and American Indian, but placing that on his new friend seems silly. She is what she is, and to label her would not help either of them.

"Perhaps I could learn some more of the healing arts from you sometime, if my magic is compatible. Thank you for responding to my request."

Kent relaxes a bit, which is a bit difficult given his injuries.

Cheyanne (242) has posed:
"And prehaps the same, some day." She's had her own dealings with Fate and Order, but that is for another time. With a soft hmm Cheyanne lifts one of the larger pouchs from her belts and flips it open. "What matter of injury do you require assistance with then my good man?" Always good to ask what is hurting the patient the most.

Dr. Fate (82) has posed:
Dr. Fate points at his bandages and says," Probably the stab wounds. I was in the form of a dragon, so the cuts were smaller than they would've been when I went back to human form. We were fighting a woman using blood magic. She almost took down two Elites, including myself. Then I have a few minor burns from her lightning blasts." He gestures to some other bandages covering his arm and leg.

Cheyanne (242) has posed:
Cheyanne wrinkles her snout a bit, though it may be more at the mention of 'blood magic' than the wounds themselves. "Such darker arts to be dabbling in." A thoughtful hmm, and she sets a couple of vials aside on the table, probably a salve of some sort. Then a larger bottle that she pulls the stopper out of, releasing a faint, relaxing aroma.

With that settled in place she turns her attention back to Fate, a faint green shimmer glowing in her eyes as she looks him over, using her ties to Life magic to examine his wounds more thoroughly without having to remove the existing dressings.

Dr. Fate (82) has posed:
Kent doesn't feel himself being sensed or scanned. Without the Helmet, his powers are very limited, and it wouldn't be very helpful to be wearing it right now. He notices she disapproves of something, and hopes its the blood magic. A lot of mages have issues with that, and it's understandable. He smells the aromatic bottle and is put more at ease. He patiently awaits treatment.

Cheyanne (242) has posed:
"One can only hope they do not bring worse things upon us." Pause. "Or themselves. Such magics are not meant to be toyed with frivilously." Definatelly talking about the blood magic.

And then the somber moment is gone, replaced by her usual calm. "You're own assessment is quite accurate, these would of been much worse if you had not be in an alternate form." She turns her attention back to her pouch. hmming softly. "Fortunately that also makes tending to them easier."

Dr. Fate (82) has posed:
Dr. Fate listen intently, and nods. "We can hope, but with the Confederacy, we may never expect half of the things they are willing to use in order to win" He watches curiously as she watches her pouch. He's tempted to put on the half-helm form to learn as much as he can, but feels it might be rude. He breathes deeply, preparing himself.

Cheyanne (242) has posed:
Cheyanne sighs softly. "Alas, such is also true." She sets the larger satchel aside after taking a small pouch out of it, loosening its draw strings and sprinkling out some of the powdery contents into an upturned palm. "This should only take a moment. Though proper rest should still be taken." There's a pause, and then she shakes her head a bit with a rueful smile. "But I know how oft that is not always possible in our lines of work."

She holds her hand out over the man and utters something under her breath, whatever language she's using is subtle and strange sounding. As the power filters from her fingers whisps of green energy can be swirling about it, causing the mixture to sparkle slightly as it settles and infuses itself through the bandages already covering the stab wounds. The magic mixture soaks through with ease, settling into the flesh below and giving its natural healing a supernatural boost so they seal up more swiftly.

Dr. Fate (82) has posed:
Dr. Fate sighs with relief. "Thank you. No, I don't plan on going onto the field again immediately. I've got a backload of patients of my own to see."

Kent wonders if the extra healing will cause him to be sleepy, or maybe that's just his imagination. "Have you been to the gardens in the station? I know they're not wild, but there are a lot of beautiful flowers I've never seen before." Am I getting drowsy, he wonders.

Cheyanne (242) has posed:
Cheyanne nods her head a bit. "The source of beauty is no reason to disregard it." There may be a bit of drowziness due to the soothing aromatics, but not strong enough to actually put someone to sleep. "They are not wild but they are still grown through non-artificial means. For the most part."

With the stab wounds set to healing faster, she picks up one of the other vials. "And this salve shall help your burns. Don't know if you need me to rub on that or if you wish to yourself," she chuckles a little at the end.

Dr. Fate (82) has posed:
Kent smiles and thinks of Inza, "Thank you, but I can apply it myself, if you don't mind leaving some of it with me. Thank you for your help." He overcomes the feeling of sleepiness for the moment. "Well, I should get back to resting."

He's not trying to shoo her out or anything, but something is making him tired, and he would rather not say anything that could embarrass him or get back to his wife. Cheyanne is beautiful, but Kent has had enough problems with indiscretions in the past.

Cheyanne (242) has posed:
Cheyanne nods a bit. "Just rub it on every few hours. It is entirely all natural." Because some people worry about such things. Though those sort of people usually were not the ones to actually come to the medbay, but you never know. She seems to realize that he's getting drifting, and nods her head a bit again. "I shall leave you to rest then, Doctor. We can talk again at a time when you are not drowzy."

Dr. Fate (82) has posed:
Dr. Fate says, "Sorry about that, but I would like to compare notes on magic sometime. Maybe we can catch each other on the radiobands sometime. Thank you again," he says. He is qutie grateful, and feels a little stupid ending the chat this way.

"If you ever need help with an unfamiliar form of magic, I will try to aid you as best I can,"

Cheyanne (242) has posed:
Cheyanne gives another short bow. "It would be my pleasure to have a more thorough discussion some time. Get your rest. You have your own patients to attend to in time, after all." Not that she knows what kind of doctor he actually is, but that's a topic for another time.