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TB: John-117 and Gaius
Date of Scene: 21 September 2014
Location: TARGET: Mining Station Zephyr (MZ)
Synopsis: A Battle for Mining Station Zephyr between two titans and a massive pain train of destruction.
Cast of Characters: 474, 522

John-117 (474) has posed:
     Perhaps to the relief of the Confederacy, the Master Chief has been something of a silent presence of late. Of course, not all good things last, and when the news of a stalemate on Mining Station Zephyr is reported back to the Union, the Master Chief - John-117 - is sent to ensure that the stalemate breaks to the Union's favour.

     Resplendent in his green MJOLNIR powered armor, the Chief and Cortana brute-force their way through an airlock and step into the station proper. It reminds him, vaguely, of the engineering deck of a UNSC vessel. Cortana sets a navigation point on his HUD, and John makes his way towards one of the control points. With that secured and Cortana doing her best to encrypt it for a time, it might just give the Confederate forces a reason to pull back.


Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
Gaius was waiting for another assignment, but he has the men to spare if it turns out that mission is go, instead something else catches his attention from monitoring of activities. Something was on the move in the Mining Station his Vanguard had claimed-- and then by another stroke of battle-- a stalemate had come over the area.

The Imperial Legatus deployed himself there and using one of the Airships to get in close he doesn't drop down from the airship, no-- he teleports inside with flames of blue dispersing around his form as he starts to walk. He steps are calm and rather calculative.

Though he has on metal boots, the sound is quiet with each step he takes. The small orbs at the center of his helms 'horns' move ever so slightly and what seems like eyes slits void of any eyes looks about the area as he walks.

Gaius Van Baelsar comes to a stop for a moment as something catches his attention, though as a Union mook comes charging in, he doesn't even look in the direction of where he fires his gauntlet blaster. Only that a blue plasma flame launches out and knocks over the mook over. It wasn't even a killing shot, just enough to knock the man out.

After that he goes to step around the corner, only to come face to face with Master Chief down the long hall corridor. The dark armored figure with crimson red leather-cloth wrappings stare down at the armored figure, before reaching for his gunblade swiftly and then pointing the blade down range toward him. "So you are the elite they have sent." Gaius says calmly. "You look like another I faced when I first arrived in the Multiverse. Her name was Noble Six. She was a fine warrior-- but are you ever her equal?"

He then goes to take a step forward, "I do hope so." Then with a pull of the trigger, several bullets fly out of the chamber of the Gunblade heading for John-117. Each shot he may catch a flash of blue light, instead of the normal red one was use to seeing from a gun muzzle. Just-- what was that blade operating on?

John-117 (474) has posed:
     As Gaius opens fire, The Chief is already moving. Noble Six might be a fine SPARTAN, but the SPARTAN-IIs were another step up - literally made to be the best, to win wars and do nothing else. When John throws himself to the side, denting the corridor wall with all of his considerable armored weight, Gaius might get a glimpse of their difference. Even so, the Chief knows he can't count on his opponent making any sort of errors - in the Multiverse, his opponents might only need one shot, or they might have abilities and weapons he has never encountered. And that armor of his certainly looks intimidating, almost the complete opposite of the smooth lines and impassive golden visor that he wears.

     The Chief practically bounces off the wall and uses his momentum to break into a run, charging towards Gaius. With his UNSC assault rifle up and ready, the SPARTAN fires off a quick burst!

     He doesn't seem like the chatty sort, unfortunately. Damn.

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
Gaius watches as the armored figure rams into the wall to avoid the shots. The Legatus then starts to make a run down the hall, even as the bullets come racing by. There was aa glow around the lines of his armor with each step and he was moving at far greater speeds then a normal human, however Master Chief proves to have a good handle on accuracy.

A few bullets clip against Gaius' armor, chipping away at sections of it, tearing into some of the strange cloth like pattern that almost acts like Kevlar it seems. As he starts to get in closer, there is an audible click that comes from his gauntlet.

Then with a streak of his hand with a jump and a turn to avoid a few more shots, he creates a line in the air, before he turns his gunblade around to fire into the light, sending then a massive wave of plasma energy straight down the hall for Master Chief. Though as he fires the plasma wave, one of the bullets does impact him dead in the shoulder and causes him to stagger back a bit.

And honest, him not talking was fine, cause Noble Six didn't talk much either.

And words-- words only got in the way during combat like these.

John-117 (474) has posed:
     Well, the Chief has no chance of dodging that wave of plasma. His only relief is that plasma is something the shields of his armor is designed to combat, thanks to a long history of fighting the Covenant. The wave crashes into the Chief and passes over him in a golden haze. The SPARTAN stumbles, hops to correct his balance, and leaps towards Gaius.

     As he leaps towards the Confederate, the Chief adjusts his hold on his rifle and swings the butt of it squarely towards the armored man in black and red, pitting his strength and reflexes against Gaius' own!

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
Gaius quickly halts his forward run when Master Chief leaps right for him. The Imperial Legatus then attempts to move himself around as the butt of the rifle comes, however he wasn't quick enough and the butt of the weapon slams into the chest armor of the Imperial Legatus knock him back hard against the wall.

In that impact, Master Chief may notice a strange flicker around the armor, though what it was-- hard to say.

The wall dents under the armored impact, but Gaius does not stay there for long, instead he removes himself rather promptly and does not seem to show he is phased. He comes around with the force he uses to free himself and goes to bring the Gunsword down with a hard cleaving motion, and directly looking the Spartan dead in the visor.

John-117 (474) has posed:
     With Gaius on the metaphorical ropes, John moves in to strike him again. Unfortunately, this puts Gaius in just the right position to bring his gunblade down on his shoulder - hard.

     In a golden flash, the SPARTAN's shields vanish in a burst of energy and the blade sinks deep, slipping past an armored pauldron and biting deep into the soft black sections of the armor. It cuts through that, too, and bites into John's flesh. Blood seeps from the wound, contrasting with the shiny green plating of the MJOLNIR suit.

     Well well, the invincible SPARTAN might not be so invincible after all!

     When Gaius tries to stare him down however, glimpsing nothing past the golden visor, John draws his head back - and then slams his forehead and helmet home, hopefully right against Gaius' own!

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
Gaius was not expecting to get head-butted and when done so, the Imperial Legatus staggers back from the hit, he takes a few steps back and shakes his head ever so slightly. His foot slides back and he makes a slight side gesture with his hand, to perhaps-- whatever he may be thinking.

Though if John made the fatal mistake of bulling in again, he would find Gaius moving in to strike out with a hard cut punch, if he doesn't move in, he'll find the Imperial Legatus coming at him to still carrying that very punch.

Only if the punch connect, he comes around with a another swing of his hand almost like a back-hand really, before rotating himself around and then opening fire from several rounds of his Gunblade.

It was easy to see the slight dent in the armor that Master Chief also formed from the head to head impact.

John-117 (474) has posed:
     The blows actually spin the SPARTAN around, armor and all! The burst of fire from Gaius' gunblade find weak points in the SPARTAN's armor, punching into the flesh beneath. But the Chief doesn't shout, doesn't cry out. He barely even grunts. Still, he won't rush in again. He waits.

     For the moment, the SPARTAN circles Gaius, fists up. His steps are slow and deliberate as he looks for an opening. And, the moment he spots one, the Chief takes a step in, gathers up all of the strength in his right leg, and lashes his armored boot against Gaius' knee! Ouch!

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
Master Chief is a dirty fighter and it proves when he suddenly slams his boot down hard on Gaius knee. The impact cracks the armor plating, tweaks the knee from the sheer force and actually forces Gaius to fall to the ground if he doesn't want to further find his knee being completely shattered.

Once he does go down though, even with the bark of pain he lets out from the sheer force, he ends up rolling himself over to get back on his feet, using his one hand to do so and is now favoring that very leg.

Gaius flexes his free hand as he stares at the Spartan and then starts to match his circle. His other hand gently holding the Gunblade. Then he charges at Master Chief, still favoring that leg a bit, but when the swing comes, Gaius vanishes in a form of blue flames. Then to only appear behind Master Chief and then moving his Gunsword in a cleaving sweep to strike down the backside of Master Chief's armor.

John-117 (474) has posed:
     The Chief's next blow dents the wall near Gaius, his fist slamming home with an almighty 'clang!' Gaius is already moving, however, even with the harm done to his leg. They circle each other, and when Gaius vanishes, Cortana - her voice loud in the Chief's ears - shouts: "Duck!"

     The Chief does so, and a blow that might've cut him in two only skims across his shields. They drop again, and Gaius' blow tears across the MJOLNIR's armored plating with a shower of sparks. The Chief whirls, spinning as he drops low, and sending one leg out to trip up his opponent and send Gaius crashing to the deck!

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
With a leg that isn't really being every so faithful, Master Chief successfully trips up Gaius and sends the Imperial Legatus down to the ground. The ground dents under the heavy impact and Gaius knows he needs to be quick, for his enemy will give him no quarter.

On the ground he aims his left hand right for Master Chief, only there isn't a bolt of plasma, but instead a surge of electricity that seems to wrap around his finger tips with an electrical deep blue light. Then flexing his hand, the bolt of Electricity goes to slam into Master Chief hopefully sending him back and hopefully giving Gaius the time he needs to get back up on his feet.

"Your ever as impressive-- if not more." Gaius readies himself for the next attack, or so he hopes he can ready himself. "'Tis a match I do enjoy."

John-117 (474) has posed:
     That surge hits the Chief dead centre, and sends the SPARTAN flying backwards and down the corridor. He hits the ground hard, rolling a fair distance until he hits a no-doubt important bit of machinery that crumples under his impact. He's smoking, acrid grey curls rising from his armor. In his helmet, his HUD flickers with static.

     And still, the Master Chief rises. Gaius has a few seconds to ready himself, because the Chief comes charging down the corridor. His footsteps are heavy and loud and, as impossible as it seems, the SPARTAN only seems to be getting /faster/.

     To the Chief, everything seems to slow down. It's a strange thing, the sensation of what some in the UNSC call 'SPARTAN Time'. For just a few seconds, everything is just... slow. Too slow. And the Chief unloads a veritable barrage of punches, kicks, knees and elbows, hammering away at Gaius. It only lasts for a few moments but, for those moments, it is quite the onslaught!

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
When Gaius sees Master Chief coming for him, he actually connects the Gunsword to his back once more. His good leg braces and when Chief leaps in for the start of the barrage, the Imperial Legatus moves back.

He is amazingly at first able to keep up with Chief's strikes. The first blows are countered with near inhuman precision, the armor slamming on armor, but Chief's greater strength denting the armor up with each impact.

Then in a misread, Chief gets in and when he gets in, Gaius falters. The next strikes slam the Garlean commander into the wall, then nearly impacting him to the ground, before smashing the side of his helm where the lens actually is now cracked and that gold eye beyond the lens stares out with a great deal of ferocity. Not even a sight of fear in that gold eye that can be seen. Only the ferocity and perhaps a hint if one is good at reading the light in ones eye-- this was no young man behind this suit of magitek armor.

Gaius catches one of Master Chief's fists as it comes in, the sheer halting force causes any loose items that had been knocked free to explode outward from them. While he holds the fist he then uses his own strength to try and throw Master Chief just a touch off balance, before the Imperial Legatus comes in to slam both of his hands clasped together in a fist onto the shoulder he injured earlier on in the fight.

Trying to bring down all the strength he can upon that one single spot.

John-117 (474) has posed:
     Golden visor meets golden eye as Gaius /catches/ the Master Chief's fist! That's new. The Chief's arm is shaking, obvious even through the armor, as he pits his phenominal strength against Gaius' own. And then he's off-balance as Gaius gives just enough to cause him to stumble, allowing Gaius to drop a hammerblow onto his wounded shoulder.

     It hurts. There might just be a choking sound behind the Chief's helmet, and the sickening sound of something /popping/ in the SPARTAN's shoulder. He's tough, but certainly not invincible, and that blow did a lot to bring the fight onto a more even footing. The Chief steps back, one arm hanging numb and loose, while the other goes to draw something from the back hardpoint of his armor.

     It's UNSC handgun. The Chief levels the weapon at Gaius' helmet, squarely between the eyes, and fires!

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
Gaius can not move quick enough with that injured knee and so when the hand gun comes up, Gaius can only do one thing. Quickly activate the Magitek barrier!

The barrier fans out as he extends out his hand, just as the Spartan pulls the trigger. If someone blinked, they may actually miss this!

The barrier had a hexagon like pattern as it formed up like crystal. The bullet slammed into the barrier, which shattered the very magical constructed surface generated by the Magitek. Though it slowed down the bullet, the bullet still made its mark.

It slammed into the armor of the helm and punctured in. The force itself was enough to knock Gaius back. The Imperial Legatus lays there for a moment, before he aims his Gauntlet blaster right at Master Chief and opens fire, trying to give him the same treatment.

In truth, neither are in very good shape right now, which means in truth-- and something Gaius is already realize is that the Zephyr Mines will continue to stand on a stand still and unless this turns into they both flat on their faces, Gaius will start to remove himself and in turn, making sure to force Master Chief if he has too, to do the same.

By the end, one may find many dents, broken lines, banged ceilings, floors, and who knows what else. Because when titans fights-- it is rather devastating force to behold.

John-117 (474) has posed:
     With Gaius down, the Master Chief is walking over to ensure that the Confederate Elite gets a sound double-tap. He's only made two steps before Gaius aims his gauntlet at him and shoots him right in the visor. The golden metal there cracks, whipping the Chief's head back from the force of the blow. There's the unfamiliar sensation of vertigo, and the Chief topples.

     In a moment, he has recovered, rolling to his feet, pistol up and ready to fire at Gaius - but the Confederate is gone, leaving naught but wreckage behind in his wake. And, with another wave of Union and Confederate forces ready to storm the Mining Station, it does seem like this stalemate will continue for a few days more!