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Northern Ocean Collision
Date of Scene: 24 September 2014
Location: Great Ocean - Northern Loop
Synopsis: What happens when Limsa Lomins'a scout ships meet some other, more creepy, scout ships? Not good results...
Cast of Characters: 494, 548

Xau'ra Tayuun (548) has posed:
The Sunlight basked over the distance as it danced across the clipping waters of waves that crashed upon the bow of the mighty sailing scouting ships sent out by Limsa Lominsa. The winds were in her favor and the masts were fully bellowed out as the ships moved swiftly over the Northern Loop's ocean waters-- once were her own, now seeming so alien at times to the sailors that had a great deal of experience in her waters.

Crew moved easily across the wooden and black iron decks. Some cleaning, other making sure the ropes were well in place. Below the deck those making sure the cannons were ready encase they ran into the Serpent Reavers or other trouble. Given that they have been told about possible other fleet out their somewhere-- a bunch of ghost ships by the sound of it-- but so little detail was in play... they didn't even know what to look for in the regard.

One of the crew members on deck standing next to the Captain at the helm of the lead ship furrowed his brows, as he looked over to the tall, light blue skinned beastial man. "Sir, the linkpearls have gone out of range of the main Linkshell. We only now have links to the two other ships out here, sir."

The Captain nod his head. "Aye. Send 'e signal ta 'e other two scouts. Keep 'e formation sharp, we dun need ta go slippin' up out 'ere."

"Aye aye, Captain."

The Bestial man furrows his brows slightly, "..May 'e Navigator keeps us safe while we travel these waters..."

Samar (494) has posed:
    The fleet of ghost ships had a particular interest in Hydaelyn as of late, and so it's no surprise that their leader, Samar, would choose to send out scouts now and then to patrol the waters. Those scouts, however, look nothing like the ships they supposedly came from.

    Today's fleet is led not by a Capital Ship, but by a particular Flagship-rank Ta-Class Battleship (http://tinyurl.com/qdvyeot). The woman skates along the rippling ocean's surface, her body suffused in a yellow aura that burns from her eyes in flickering flames. While she may seem to be scouring the ocean only with her eyes, that couldn't be further from the truth: bizarre recon 'planes' about the size of housecats (http://tinyurl.com/nt4ctx9) buzz through the air high above, scouting ahead and in all other directions where Ta's eyes certainly couldn't suffice, and the battleship also comes equipped with a surface radar to scour the waters. Add onto that the woman's human size, and the Ta-Class becomes an excellent candidate for scouting.

    Of course, she's not alone in her steady skating over the water. While the other members of the Abyssal scouting team look far less human than she does, they seem fully under her command. Malformed and twisted hybrids of flesh and metal, a few Elite Ho-Class Light Cruisers (http://tinyurl.com/lx26b5d) swim through the water like strange towers as tall as a human bristling with cannons that glow a baleful red, their arms hanging limply in the water at their sides. In formation behind them are several more standard I-Class Destroyers (http://tinyurl.com/p55pn2l), speeding half-submerged through the water like a school of metal sharks and about as large.

    Ta abruptly stops her skating, standing upright and alert. Her radar has picked up something moving through the water; several somethings, in fact, about the size of ships. Her recon planes confirm those suspicions, warning her of the Lominsa ships approaching from the starboard. A vicious smirk curves the battleship's lips, and then she dives underwater, vanishing beneath the waves with the other ships following after.

    In the next moment, the water a good distance in front of the Lominsa ships abruptly bursts upward as a gigantic figure rises from the ocean. Water cascades off the form of the Ta-Class, pattering down onto the ocean like rain as she straightens up to stand on the water's surface. The woman is easily as large as a standard battleship is tall, now, and while the other Abyssals that emerge from the water retain their standard sizes, Ta remains looming over the Lominsa ships with that same vicious grin.

    "Well, well. You don't look like Garlean ships," Ta remarks, her voice playful but booming thanks to her size. "I think that means we have plenty of reason to send you down to the bottom of the ocean now..."

Xau'ra Tayuun (548) has posed:
One of the men on the mast's picks up something first, but before he could even yell over the linkpearl-- it was already to late. The strange being rises from the ocean and the Captain can only stare over with his eyes wide, before tilting down his head with the brim of his face casting a shadow over his upper face as he tsks softly at her words.

"We indeed be no bloody seven hells Garleans!" He barks out with a snarl on his face. "And if ye be an ally of 'em as ye state! 'En ye be an enemy of 'e Alliance!"

Without even hesitation, even as some of his crew backs away a bit with far more fear in their eyes, he swings out his arm, "Fire 'e starboard cannons! Have 'e other ships do 'e same! Let us bring down 'ese disgraces ta 'a sea!"

Soon as the Captain commands it-- even if some of the men are shaken, they do just that. Little unaware how outnumbered they are in the very water itself...

Samar (494) has posed:
    The main advantage of the Ta-Class over her sister battleships is her speed, and that is what comes to her aid as the ships open fire. Even at her size, she can still maneuver quite well, quick jolts and twists from side to side skating her over the water. Cannonballs blast through her waist and one strikes through her shoulder, but despite her wince of pain, she refuses to let them slow her down. Stranger still is the fact that neither of those holes that linger in her body bleed at all. It seems the ghostly woman doesn't even have blood to spill, though her body can clearly be injured.

    "All cannons, fire!" Ta's shout is accompanied by a forward thrust of her right arm, where the strange, mouthed cannons extending from her billowing sleeves point out at the fleet's central ship. Resounding reports and plumes of smoke fill the air as she fires a single volley from the double cannons, though these are explosive shells of a modern variety.

    The other cannons manage to be quite effective against the rest of the Abyssals. Three I-Class Destroyers are taken out with grand explosions, sinking beneath the water as lifeless hunks of metal. A Ho-Class has its uppermost cannons blasted through and rendered useless, while another finds its human torso shot with a powerful impact. The Elites seem more durable than their standard counterparts, however, and immediately afterward, the Ho-Classes open fire with their own cannons. The I-Class that remain are more direct in their methods: speeding through the water, the heavy masses of metal aim to smash head-first into the hulls of the enemy ships, foregoing their cannons for more brutal assaults.

Xau'ra Tayuun (548) has posed:
One of the ships goes to bank away from the other two, trying to get a different side and turn with the wind to keep her fast. It works in her favor as the attacks do not find her and sail right by, though one comes close to her mast and close to the sail at that!

The other two try to circle the other way away as they get fired open. One of the cannon's shots finds one of the sails, blasting right through the cloth material cutting down the main's ships speed, yet they return fire without haste.

The other ship finds herself getting rammed brutally and the blasts tearing into her wood structure with ease. The wood splinters breaking outward and inward claiming the lives on that deck and she quickly starts to take on water.

A few men quickly jump ship in order to avoid going down, others try to remain on as long as they can to open fire, until they too have to just get off the sinking old girl.

Samar (494) has posed:
    One sinking ship is no small victory in the mind of the Abyssals. Cannons fire on the warped ghosts of old wars, crashing through metal hulls and spewing smoke and fire from the resulting holes. A few more I-Class sink, but those that remain, strangely, don't assault the sailors that have abandoned ship like the sharks they resemble. Instead, their gnashing, crushing jaws are turned to the sinking ship, as if it were the entire target of their bestial fury, and tearing it apart is more important than ensuring the sailors don't live to battle again.

    Ta once more falls under fire, and though her agility continues to help her in her dodging of cannon shots, the heavy balls of metal are well-aimed. A hole is shot through where her heart should be, forcing her to shout her pain and stagger back on the water's surface. She clenches her teeth, but even through that her lips curl in a continued smirk. "...hah. One of your ships is down already. Are you /sure/ you can hold up?" Her mockery toward the fleet's captain is followed by her arm lifting again: once more, a volley is sent flying toward the remaining ships, the strange metal mouths below each cannon opening up and roaring with a gout of yellow steam.

    The Ho-Classes are the next to follow suit, though being lighter than some of their allies, they instead choose to fall back behind Ta. Again they fire a volley...or at least most of them. One seems to be struggling more than a little, her chest still a gaping hole from that last cannon shot.

Xau'ra Tayuun (548) has posed:
The sailors try to get away from the jaws of death. A few may even put up a bit of a fight if they can before they get claimed to the watery grave. The faster ship continues to skim around, keeping her sails high and making sure they keep as much drag off her board as possible.

The one at her helm is a young woman, who quickly lets out a sharp whistle, "See that hole lads!" She calls out to her crew, "Get those cannons aimed when we come about. We have to protect the Captain!" She then grunts a bit as he pulls out a canteen of ale and then pops it back. "Old sea dog.. ye better hang in there..."

As for the main ship, the Captain is barking his orders in part but also trusting his crew in other. More cannon fire rocks their way. It clips part of the ship, taking out one of the top level cannons, few more fire in order. He shouts back at the ship witch he stares at, "Ye screamed in pain! 'Nd that be enough for 'ese ears to hear in order te avenged my men 'at ye tryin' te take ta 'a bottom of ye sea! Bu' ye shall not have 'is crew 'n ye shall not have 'is ship!"

The Captain then sneers as one sharp blue eye looks right at her form, "'N ye can 'ell 'em Garlean bastards 'at 'ey can not have wha' 'e Navigator gave ta us by birth right! Limsa Lominsa shall not fall te ye likes of Any!"

That is when another fire shot comes by and nearly gets him, as he watches it sail by and take the back part of his ship. His first mate beside him has already ducked and just looks up at him with some fear.

To only then find the Captain grabbing him by the scruff of his collar, "Pull it together lad! We do 'is for Limsa Lominsa!" Before he lets go of the kid and focuses fully on what must be done.

Samar (494) has posed:
    Ta gives an abrupt lurch to the side when cannons continue to fire after her, sparing her just barely as the shots fly through the yellow trails the flames over her eyes leave in their path. It's a close shot, but at least she's spared, letting her straighten up and take a step back again to survey the battlefield. "Pain is /nothing/ for me, old man," she snaps, still smirking with the enjoyment of battle. "Do you realize how many times I've been sunk already? I've gone down again and again, and I just keep coming back even stronger! Nothing you do can stop me - or /any/ of us!" She laughs, cruel and spiteful. "You and your precious Limsa Lominsa will soon find a new home in the ocean's embrace!"

    Yellow eyes flick toward the faster ship coming around, and Ta's arm flies up again to point toward it...but she's not the one who fires. "Ho-Class! Open fire on that ship! Don't let them interfere!" The strange light cruisers follow through immediately, shifting their strange bodies aside to make sure they have a clear shot between them and the woman's vessel. Before they can open fire, though, the one that received the most damage is suddenly shot through with a ball that consumes its mass in a plume of smoke and fire. The twisted creature lets out a ghostly howl before it steadily sinks below the waves, and as if in vengeance, the others open fire with all their available cannons on the faster vessel.

    The sinking ship soon loses interest for the remaining I-Class in favor of the vessel that's still floating on the water's surface. The shark-like destroyers dive into the water again, and while most of them open their mouths to fire the cannons in their throats at the ship, a couple race toward the main ship, tearing through the ocean's surface. It's not the hull they aim for, though: like monstrous fish, they dive down enough to gain momentum before cresting out of the waves in a roaring leap aimed to land them on the ship's deck!

Xau'ra Tayuun (548) has posed:
The Captain sees them coming and tries to get his ship out of the way, but the massive beasts find their way up top and the crew tries their best to defend. If they are heavy enough, it probably cause her nose to dip into the very waters as a wave comes crashing over, but she manages to somehow hold her own.

Though for how long is hard to say..

Sadly this means the runner is the only one really able to keep fighting. The shots come and the quick skip navigates herself through them, the one does clip her upper deck in a few places, including one of the impacts knocking one of the crew nearly right off!

They try to aim for the hole that remains, though one of the cannons is blasted right off and when she yells, "FIRE!" all the cannons she has on her starboard open up fire.

The young woman quickly taps her link pearl on her hear, trying to speak through the static, "Captain! We are going to come about and--"

"No time for 'at lass! Ye need ta head back 'n warn 'e Admiral."

"But sir.."

"Ye have 'e fastest ship! So dun' question 'is here 'ol dog n' get goin'!"

She closes her eyes and speaks softly, "...yes sir.. Till sea swallows all.."

"Wha' is 'at?"

She grits her teeth and speaks more clearly, "Till sea swallows all!"

"..'At a girl.."

Samar (494) has posed:
    The I-Class is easily the weakest type of ship in the Abyssal fleet, and while they are ravenous and determined, they lack in raw strength and defense. After their crashing impact on the deck of the main ship, the strange destroyers begin hovering just above the deck. The creatures are prepared to fight back, though it seems their main purpose is to draw the attention of those manning the ship's weapons: attacks strike into weak spots in their armor or pierce eyes like blue floodlights without much difficulty, and while their crushing jaws snap at the defending sailors and their cannons fire aboard the deck with resounding peals, the two I-Class ships don't last very long before they are reduced to smoldering masses of metal lying lifeless on the ship's deck.

    The rest of the Ho-Class aren't doing much better, either, for the speedy ship is quicker to avoid their attacks and more direct in retaliation. Another Ho-Class is sunk, and another, each one releasing wailing cries of pain as the waves overtake their wreckage. The sight and sound of it turn Ta's expression to a tense grimace. Samar isn't going to like these losses, that she knows.

    "I think you've been afloat long enough, old man," the battleship growls to the Captain, her burning yellow eyes glaring down at him again. "Now stop struggling. The ocean's arms are gentle, after all..."

    The remaining I-Class in the water dive down, only to resurface near Ta with their heads above water and their own cannons prepared. The battleship lifts her arm as a yellow aura begins to come off her body, matched by the steam billowing from the snarling mouths below her arm. It's only a moment of silence more before the air fills with report after report of cannon fire again, both from Ta herself and the I-Class below her as their every shot is directed at the main ship of the scouting fleet.

Xau'ra Tayuun (548) has posed:
The Captain stares her down, he shows no fear in those striking blue eyes, "'E sea 'n I know one another fer a long time, ye blaspheme swine!" He points his finger toward her, "'N I be seein' ye in 'e seven hells soon enough!"

The Captain knows the girl can't avoid, not with the weight. He knows they have been out paced and out gun, but at least one of them will get back. One of them will be able to warn the main fleet of possible trouble at seas. Warn the Union of how close these ships are to Hydaelyn's own oceans.. to Eorzea's own oceans...

That the youngest member of his crew will get away.

The cannons rip into the ship and the Captain stands there, staring down the female battleship before him. He shows no fear as his ship sinks, he shows no concern that he will drown or be killed in the very waters, like some of his men are. Then he speaks with a Confident tone, "Till Sea Swallows All.."

Though just as the waters were about to crash over, a serpent like creature moves swiftly through the wreckage. Before coming up at high speed and then breaking the waters with a loud hissing roar. Its scales as blue as the very sea and glistens with aquatic light. Whiskers roll from its draconic like snout and fins easy to see fallowing the contour of its back.

A mighty sea serpent has graced its presence at that very moment and as it descends back into the water, it collides its massive tail into the ship and cracks it into two.

The Captain's expression changes in that very moment, perplexed, confused, and then in slight surprise. "..Ye can not be.." he whispers out just as the tail impacts. The Captain is then thrown from his spot and crashes into the water below, quickly taken down by his own ship and the sea serpent can be seen quickly following pace.

Vanishing deep within the depths.

As for the quicker ship, she is moving away from the battle. The young woman's hands tight on the wheel, as her brows furrowed with deep rage. She wants to turn around and continue the fight... but she was following orders-- the last orders given by a Captain.

Samar (494) has posed:
    The volleys cease when it seems certain that the ship will sink, at which point Ta's arm finally lowers to her side and the many I-Class sink back down under the water. A satisfied smirk plays over her lips as she meets the Captain's stoic gaze, content to watch the ship's steady descent as if it were a great beast, once majestic, now slowly dying before her.

    ...that is, at least, before an actual majestic beast bursts from the ocean. Ta's eyes widen, her expression turning to one of mixed awe, surprise, and no small amount of terror. The battleship steps back warily, arms raising as she watches the sea serpent. It's big enough to be a direct match for her; who could say if she could hold it off at all, now, if forced to do so?

    Thankfully, she doesn't need to find out. Both the serpent and the ship soon vanish beneath the waves, leaving her with her remaining ships and the last fleeing scout vessel sailing away. Her eyes narrow at the ship, but she soon relaxes, watching it retreat from where she is. The I-Class at her feet seem restless, snarling like dogs on their chains, but they are nonetheless reluctant to make any move without their superior's assent.

    "...leave them," Ta finally orders. She's wounded, and they lost no small number of ships in that battle. As satisfying as it would be to give chase and see another vessel sunk, who's to say there won't be more of those creatures below the waves, ready to take advantage of the weakened Abyssals?

    They'll be dealt with soon enough. For now, it's time to return home.

    Ta and the remaining Abyssals turn away, then, sinking down below the ocean's surface to swim back to their home at the bottom of the sea.