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Latest revision as of 04:45, 30 September 2014

Lute vs Finna: J-IC-Moderated Grudgematch
Date of Scene: 29 September 2014
Location: Pokemon Islands - Kanto
Synopsis: Lute and Finna's bickering on the radio lead to them dueling it out.
Cast of Characters: 188, 319, 513

Lute (188) has posed:
     Seafoam Island is a rather decently sized island, and more or less abandoned. Sure, Pokemon live on it, and Trainers visit it on occasion, but with Lute publically declaring he's going to be using the place for a duel, trainers visiting the area are probably getting out of there, and fast at that.

     Lute stands alone, on the sandy island. It is fairly decently sized, and rather rocky. He honestly looks rather casual, uninterested, and almost /bored/. Yeah, he has been waiting a /while/ for Finna.

     Partially because he forgot to tell her that he was ready to kick her ass.

     Still, he's more excited than he is showing. Yeah, it's been a long time since he called out some JERK for insulting him on the broadband!

     Also, of note, he wrote 'FINNA SUCKS' in the sand, using a stick, it seems.

Fayt Ravus (319) has posed:
    Fayt figured he didn't have much of any say in this mess, and while Lute is... very much lute there's still a chance Finna would need an evac on the off chance things went compleatly horribly wrong. so Fayt's decided to come watch this, calmly flying in on a pair of blue and green wings, the mage calmly sets himself down at the edge of the island. "Don't mind me, I'm just here to witness this."

Finna (513) has posed:
    And arrive Finna does! Exactly how, well, that she conceals. She came from the warp gate, shifted into a dolphin, and swam her way to the island, but her approach has been masked with some illusion - so, in effect, one moment she's not there, and the next Lute will hear the telltale sound of footsteps on sparse grass.

    Finna's standing on the shore, seeming to have melted out of the wilderness like the night chasing the sun. Her getup's quite far out for the region. While it has all of the aesthetics of her normal arctic huntress outfit, she's replaced the many layers with a single thin layer, reduced the coverage to show lots of skin.... mostly bare arms, bare midriff, and lower legs also bare. Some might question why she is also bareFOOT, but this doesn't seem to be bothering her.

    Taking note of the writing in the sand, the girl plants a hand on her hip. A hand that's currently got a dagger clutched in a reverse grip. "Sooooo you're the little weasel...?! ... Kind off cute face. Pity you've given me a good reason to add some black and blue. I'm Finna Snowdancer of the Haslanti League, and you have thoroughly pissed me off!"

    Just then, where her skin's been bared... something appears. Lines and swirly patterns tattooed in silver upon her flesh. They likely cover her whole body for they also appear on her face and vanish under the little clothing she IS wearing. At the same time, her fox features glimmer and shimmer. If Lute couldn't see the woman's Tell before, he can now!

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute glances over Finna. He was, actually, about to call her 'surprisingly foxy', but well, her fox like features appear. Oh great. She /is/ a furry. He sighs, looking at her. Honestly, really, there is almost /no reason/ for the both of them to be fighting. Really, most of the arguements on the radio were because Lute was being an asshole.

     But really? Lute was just doing his job. He has one main function: Drawing aggro. The more people hate him, the more easily he can draw them away from the others.

     Lute spits on the ground a bit, right near Finna's feet, before speaking.

     "Well, Finna Snowdancer, I'm Logan Trieste, codename Lute. Strongest Pokemon trainer in the Multiverse."

     And Lute vaguely motions back. But to what?

     Of course this is the cue for a /gigantic crab monster/ to burst out of the ocean. Where the /hell/ was it hiding? Well, it was hiding under the ocean sands, remaining completely still until Lute gave it the signal.

     "And this is Mr. Crabs. Say hello, Mr. Crabs."

     The absolutely gigantic crab-gorilla looking kaiju swings down one of its massive pinsirs. This is an eighty meter tall /monster/ of a creature.

     Lute, meanwhile, yawns dismissively. To be a dick.

Finna (513) has posed:
    "Yipe!" Finna moves seemingly at the last moment... but really, she had a whole two seconds to react and judge what was behind her and what it was doing by sound and vibration alone! She executes a lightning-quick leap to the side that leads into a few backflips, landing on her feet with a grin. "Pokemon trainer, huh? That'll make this interesting."

    There are SOUND EFFECTS when she twirls the dagger about and slashes the air, dropping into a ready stance. ... well, there's a sharp whistling whoosh, anyways. No metallic noises, that'd be silly.

    Finna regards the ridiculously oversized crab with a frown. "Oh, come on... the other day, rock golems, now huge crabs!" that light complaint out of the way, she rushes Lute and brings the dagger down for his shoulder with a lightning-quick slash! It's a simple motion meant to test his reflexes, without her full power behind it!

    "You've got one last chance to take back those insults before I carve them into your flesh!" She warns!

Lute (188) has posed:
     The dagger hits the shoulder, and surprisingly deep. Usually, Lute has better reflexes than that, and use at least some manuever to get out of the way. Instead, though, the dagger cuts /deep/. He winces, hard, looking straightat Finna. Frowning.

     "Why the hell would I take the insults back /now/? Besides, you weild a dagger like a child weilds a butter knife. Do you even know what the hell you're doing?"

     But, with Finna so close, well. Usually, this is part of the 'enraging' strategy that Lute would save for /later/ in the battle. But, since her boyfriend Fayt is watching, he may as well add insult to injury. Normally, he doesn't like women combined with animals, but alas, right now, he's feeling particularly malicious.

     He leans in for a kiss, to embarrass her right in front of Fayt!

     He then tries to punch her right in the face with a ki empowered fist.

     Mr. Crabs, for his part, is moving into position for the next attack. Beginning to bend down, and look straight at Finna. It doesn't seem to be readying its claws, though...

Finna (513) has posed:
    What the heck? Fina expected him to at least try and dodge. Throw himself back. Bring out weapon. Panic, even. Do SOMETHING. But to just stand there and take the blow, that's SHOCKING. It knocks her right out of her rhythm, leaving her blinking for a moment and open for a smooch. So, smooched! She's wide-eyed and twitches. Not out of disgust or any sense of modesty, but just... pure confusion. What the hell?!

    Then she's decked in the face and -

    ... And turns what MIGHT be staggering backwards into a backward flip kick, foot going for Lute's chin. She DOES end up taking a few extra steps upon righting herself again, hit or miss!

    "If I knife fight like one, you sure kiss like one. Pftfwah. What the hell was THAT supposed to be?"

    She's not angry. If anything, she's amused. Sure, her face is bruised but - oh. Oh, no it's not. The fist impact is healing fast enough that even Lute will see it happen.

    Then her stance shifts, the knife held out before her in a reverse grip and knees bent. It's a much more proper fighting stance. She idly twirls the weapon a few times for show... and making it hard to tell just what kind of grip she's gonna attack with next... "But if you're LOOKING to be disemboweled, well, I know how to use this thing that way!"

    Was she meaning to go easy on him, because he's a mortal...?

Fayt Ravus (319) has posed:
    Fayt settles down a safe distence from the fight, his wings turning back into a scarf. Watching hte fight, he notices the kiss, and reacts by calmly bringing his hand up and...


    Facepalming. mutter mutter stupid Lute mutter. "Please stop spreading false rumors about us."

Lute (188) has posed:
     The foot kicks Lute in the chin. Yeah, he's a bit surprised by how agile she is. This is going to be... a lot more difficult than he thought. He moves to rub where he got kicked, only for him to see her /healing away the wounds/. Oh great. Just oh great. Regeneration.

     "Damnit, I should of brought my silver weapons and my cold iron weapons... Bah, I guess I'm just going to have to blow you up /as much as possible/ til you can't stand anymore."

     He looks over to Fayt, and calls out, "Sorry about that! Nothing against you, I just wanted to piss her off."

     Lute shrugs a little, "Really, though, far better fighters than you have failed to disembowel me. And only near perfect fighters have succeeded. So yeah, you don't even have a /ghost/ of a chance against me."

     Wait. All that emphasis on the word ghost. Is Lute planning something ghost related to defeat her?

     No, he's just trying to throw her off, because Mr. Crabs has began to spit out bubbles. Poisonous acidic bubbles, in large amounts. This would be something that, normally, would be very cute. Lots of really cute crabs do this!

     This crab is less cute.

     Though it has a tophat and monocle, at least.

Finna (513) has posed:
    "You cleeeeearly know nothing of Luna's Chosen. A little kiss like that, anger me? I'll just leave it up to your imagination why it doesn't..." Yes, and be equally distracting to him, she hopes!

    Hard to say if she'dfooled or misled or not though, since her furry ears tilt about like spinning radar dishes at the weird bubbly sound and she looks that way just as quickly!

    She somehow manages to nimbly dance and swerve through MOST OF THEM, despite how the gaps between bubbles are less than human sized. Still, a few bubbles splash on her and sizzle. "oww!"

    They keep sizzling for a bit too. "A-acid...?!" Owww, it stings. It STINGS, but it's not doing a lot more than that right now. Poison is notoriously less effective on the Chosen too - they have trouble just GETTING DRUNK, let alone succumbing to simple poisons.

    She executes another flip, sailing over Lute's head and landing behind him, to dissuade further bubbling for the moment. But it's a good distance away from him. "Why are they called Pocket Monsters? There is nothing pocket-sized about that thing at all?!"

    Oh well, whatever. "Hrmph! You're a bit tougher than I expected... not /all/ hot air after all." Yeah. Finna'll give Lute that much. He did manage to sock her pretty well. That strength didn't feel COMPLETELY human... her eyes narrow. "Well, don't say I didn't warn you! You've had several chances to tack that back. I'm here to teach you a few lessons about running your mouth off ... but at this rate? Don't blame me if you don't survive it, Lute!"

    In all honesty, she probably won't kill him. But trying to terrify him is just fine.

    The knife is tossed away, though it never really seems to land. Eyes probably won't be on it because instead her hands shift, turning a bit furry and growing NAAAAAAASTY claws that gleam with silvery light... and glisten a touch wetly. Wetly?


    Just like that she aims to BURY that claw into Lute's abdomen and pierce skin. No ripping or slashing, just piercing.

    Because each of the five claws is set to deliver a punishing super-dose of Bullet Ant venom, the most PAINFUL - if nonlethal - thing known to man, some would say.

    "Turnabout is fair play!"

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute just shrugs, in response to the 'Pocket Monster' comment. "Actually, this one isn't a Pokemon. When you're in the Multiverse, you really have to diversify a bit. This thing would be called a 'Kaiju'."

     Lute, really, doesn't care too much about being beaten up. Okay, it really /is/ unpleasant to feel pain, but the threats are unlikely to bug him. Yes, he is unlikely to repeat something that causes him pain, but he himself even knows one simple thing: If Finna wins, that's just gonna leave him angrier for later.

     This ant poison, though, is something new. It's not often Lute faces new poisons. He clenches and winces in pain, as he is cut into. It's worse than some of the Pokemon poisons. And it's not often he gets hit by those, either. The Union types are more likely to use the cuter Pokemon, not the tricky poison types.

     Lute reaches into a pocket, pulling out a round Pokeball. His movements are somewhat stilted, due to the poison. But if anything, Lute just kind of looks rather pissed right now. He casually tosses the ball into the air, not even saying the name of the Pokemon.

     Out appears Tyrantrum, the rock/dragon Pokemon. Lute just focuses, sending am ental message to it. The tyrannosaur like Pokemon rushes forward, moving to bite at Finna. And in unison with this, Mr. Crabs goes to action. Though it moves a bit more lumbering, a bit more slowly, it is moving in synch with Lute and his Pokemon. Its gigantic claws move in, trying to grab past Lute, and towards Finna. It's aiming not really where Finna is, but where Lute predicts she will back up to, due to the bite.

     Lute, suddenly, straightens up, despite the poison. It is, quite obvious, that he is still feeling intense pain. But he seems a lot more resilient than he was before. A lot more determined.

Finna (513) has posed:
    Oh wow, look at that, Lute's NOT doubling over, screaming at the outrageous pain! That is a FIRST in Finna's books. That venom usually disables pretty much ANYONE. "... Not even a single scream?" Finna's expression has turned a bit awed. And Lute's silence is rather worrying.

    Oh, that's why they're called Pocket Monsters!

    "Wah!" The plan goes MOST of he way that Lute plans. Finna's startled by the Pokemon's sudden appearance and is a bit too slow in getting away. The creature gets a chomp on her side just as she's wrenching away, and she loses some strips of flesh and bleeds nastily for a few seconds. But with her mind cleared by the excessive pain, she EASILY notices the pincer and manages to leap ATOP it all while sucking down her own pain.

    "Khu...uuugh! You should quit while you're ahead. That venom's the most painful thing I know of... of the stuff that won't kill you, that is!

    "That, and... I went easy on you!" All of a sudden she raises up her left arm. It's slightly bloodied, but she doesn't care. Finna's arm sprouts COUNTLESS NEEDLES. thornw, technically, but yes - cactus needles. Lots of them. LOOOOOOTS of them. And they all glisten just like her claws do! "Teihee!"

    With a swing of her arm, she sprays countless needless at Lute and his two creatures. MORE BULLET ANT VENOM to go around, but this delivered via a widespread...

    Yup, it's 1,000 Needles!

Finna (513) has posed:
    Oh wow, look at that, Lute's NOT doubling over, screaming at the outrageous pain! That is a FIRST in Finna's books. That venom usually disables pretty much ANYONE. "... Not even a single scream?" Finna's expression has turned a bit awed. And Lute's silence is rather worrying.

    Oh, that's why they're called Pocket Monsters!

    "Wah!" The plan goes MOST of he way that Lute plans. Finna's startled by the Pokemon's sudden appearance and is a bit too slow in getting away. The creature gets a chomp on her side just as she's wrenching away, and she loses some strips of flesh and bleeds nastily for a few seconds. But with her mind cleared by the excessive pain, she EASILY notices the pincer and manages to leap ATOP it all while sucking down her own pain.

    "Khu...uuugh! You should quit while you're ahead. That venom's the most painful thing I know of... of the stuff that won't kill you, that is!"

    "That, and... I went easy on you!" All of a sudden she raises up her left arm. It's slightly bloodied, but she doesn't care. Finna's arm sprouts COUNTLESS NEEDLES. thornw, technically, but yes - cactus needles. Lots of them. LOOOOOOTS of them. And they all glisten just like her claws do! "Teihee!"

    With a swing of her arm, she sprays countless needless at Lute and his two creatures. MORE BULLET ANT VENOM to go around, but this delivered via a widespread...

    Yup, it's 1,000 Needles!

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute simply walks towards Finna, not talking. Even as the thousands of needles fly into her, each one piercing him with more poison. The pain is tremendous. It's more than most people in the Multiverse can give. But he has to resist it, and he has to keep from falling.

     He wipes some blood from his body, frowning a bit. He pulls the remaining needles out of him. A lot hit vital parts. Whether this poison is lethal or not, he'd have to get medical treatment afterwards for a lot of the damage he has taken. But, he absolutely must keep control.

     Finally, as he gets a lot closer to Finna, he speaks.

     "Do you really think just /pain/ is enough to make someone flee? Sure, for some. But for me, it'll just piss me /off/. You should be /fucking glad/ that I'm not just getting pissed off right now, and that I'm keeping control."

     He holds up his hand, and /slams/ it forward. It is flaring with ki energy, at the moment. He moves to grab ahold of Finna's neck, if possible, and then toss her towards Mr. Crabs. Lute is, honestly, surprisingly strong for a 'normal' human.

     Mr. Crabs, of course, would unleash the stronger part of the attack. From his mouth, various bubbles are being spit out. Unlike the acidic ones, though? These are basic.

     Does anyone remember what happens when you combine a really strong acid, such as that still likely lingering on the ground, and on Finna, with a really strong base liquid?

     A fairly nasty explosion, that's what. Especially considering a lot of the particulars of this chemical reaction that makes it extra nasty.

Finna (513) has posed:
    The strike is EASY for Finna to deal with. She brings an arm up to absorb the impact. It is ALSO far stronger than it appears, and much more skilled at redirecting force! She goes skidding back... right into the path of...Unfortunately for Finna, Chemistry is not one of her strong suits. She assumes more bubbles means the same acid - but then her nose corrects her, and instincts shout 'no, bad!'

    But too late.

    KABOOOOOM! Chemicals sizzle and slop, hiss and steam. "AAAAHHnghh....!" Now FINNA is mad. Her arm's burning.

    "in control, ey? If you were then you'd have a bit better manners...!"

    Lute might be much stronger than he appears. But... that goes for Finna as well. Her grin splits messily, turning excessively toothy while her lips spear out into a muzzle. Fur sprouts all over her body and she grows in sheer girth rather astoundingly. A big, lumbering four-legged body. Thick layers of blubber and a coat of clear hair that appears white in the light...

    She has become a Polar Bear. or a 'Snow Bear' in Creation's parlance.

    And it ain't a happy bear. The creature lets loose with a primal, snarly roar right in Lute's face with ALL the right control to trigger fight or flight in almost any human!

    And then the claws come. A bear should not be able to swing its laws around like lightning, or run about at the same speeds that Finna was managing earlier as if it was nothing, but that's EXACTLY what happens. Glowing silver claws with a magnitude or two greater strength behind them rip at Lute's body, intent on utterly thrashing him and tearing up limbs!

Lute (188) has posed:
     "Polar Bears are the deadliest killers in the animal kingdom."

     -Quote from Kevin Smith, talking about some weirdo who was producing the Superman Lives movie, a man who should of been cut off from his access to the cable channels that talk about animals.

     Either way, Finna lives up to that quote quite a bit, and basically tears Lute to pieces. Large chunks of flesh are falling off of him. To even keep himself awake, Lute is having to just collapse to the floor. This is taking a massive amount out of him. He has to rip off bits of his shirt, to tie impromptu wraps around the worst of the wounds. Honestly, if he didn't have Pokemon or his Kaiju to support him, this would more or less be the end for him.

     Instead, though, Mr. Crabs rushes in. Tyrantrum stays back, knowing that the crab is coming in. A giant gorilla-like crab leg, the size of a building just about, comes to crash down on top of Finna. Lute uses this opportunity to try and move back a bit, and to add to his defenses. He opens a Pokeball. His Tentacruel is in front of him, ready to help shield him from attacks.

     Lute spits out some blood.

     "Do you know /how hard/ it is to stay in control of this mind? It's /so much/ harder than it might sound."

Finna (513) has posed:
    "Control of this-- huwh?!" The polar bear is quick. Surprisingly quick. But not quick enough! The leg comes crashing down and spears through its side... mostly. Though the bear isn't quite quick enough, something FREAKING WEIRD happens where the strike lands. What SHOULD have been a mortal blow spearing straight through the creature... is not.

    Finna's flesh and fur ripples and shimmers in a deeply unsettling way and the leg simply PASSES STRAIGHT THROUGH. She wrenches off to the side with a flip - a stunning move, considering she's currently a bear - and trails large strips of flesh, chunks of bone, and a few nasty globs of blood for a good dozen feet. As if random flesh was just carved out of her in order to tear free, but the strike itself missed its mark.

    What the HELL kind of evasion trick is that?

    The polar bear does stagger though... but only for a moment. Finna's bear body begins to glow faintly, the mark of the crescent moon glimmering on her forehead.

    "You seem different from the moron on the radio..." Different enough that for the moment she's not attacking.

    But she DOES adopt a fighting stance. A very weird thing for a bear to do, but this is an exceedingly agile bear. All of the power, resilience, and speed, but with Finna's full flexibility and skill behind it.

    This polar bear is even DEADLIER than a normal one!

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute smiles a bit at Finna. Yeah. The polar bear is off guard. Lute remains /fully/ on guard, though. Even if it was another part of him that started the fight, Lute isn't the kind to back down.

     And if he lets up, the stupid part of him is going to take control again. And he knows that.

     "Yeah. I'm different than the one you met before. But."

     The tentacles burst out from Tentacruel, aiming to tangle its arms around Finna, trying to bind her. It then lifts her up, to slam her into the ground. Soon after, the crab moves forward. Again, it spits out the acidic and basic bubbles, trying to cause yet another explosion at Finna.

     "Even if I wasn't the idiot who started this fight, I'm gonna finish it. Because you basically got into a /verbal arguement with a complete moron/, a moron who only survives through basically /dumb luck/ and is probably a bit special needs."

Finna (513) has posed:
    Yeah Finna's not falling for THAT trick again. No. She snarls, unleashing some Lunar Rage. It's time to up the ante.

    Silvery fire burns forth from her body, burning away the Polar bear form and leaving in its wake a humanoid, anthropomorphic fox beast rippling with sleek muscle. No clothing whatsoever, but plenty of white fur to maintain modesty - if, indeed, Finna even cares about such!

    She probably doesn't.

    With a tremendous Beastly roar, she commands her body to change and adapt, as is the Lunar way. Octopus tendrils of her own sprout from her sides and reach out, stretching impossibly to grab and bind the incoming tendrils, and she SWINGS THE TENTACRUEL towards the Kaiju's attack with all her might, shielding herself from most of the chemical splashing. if she's lucky, the two might even collide!

    But she pays them no mind.

    "Finish it? Try, if you can... but if you're smarter, you should know better than to poke sleeping beasts."

    The silver halo surrounding her 'burns' yet brighter, gaining new shades of black, blue, deeeeeeep purple, all mixed up in streaks.

    ANTLERS grow from her head. Her fox tail is replaced with an impressively-sized (but still fuzzy white) scorpion tail complete with a barbed stinger dripping poison. Her jaws unhinge unusually, folding snake fangs sprouting to join the existing fox teeth. Snowy owl wings erupt from her back and sprout feathers in a wave.

    In an instant she is upon Lute, driving him towards his two creatures with the force of a rushing train. Two hundred pounds of pure muscle and primal force. The octupus limbs detach and regrow nearly instantly to avoid the hassle of prying them loose from tentacruel.

    Then, the ruinous assault begins.

    Finna rushes Lute, a blitz of limbs. Fangs, claws, suckers, striking surfaces. Everything sharp, pointy, and able to rip and crush human flesh and bone is unleashed at once. Poisons and venoms from no less than five incredibly lethal species from the deep oceans, rainforests, and desert alike.

    In the span of four seconds, that attack would've torn a mortal into little bloodied ribbons. It'll probably wreak havoc for Lute!

Lute (188) has posed:
     The fact that Lute is not a corpse on the ground right now is a tribute to his survivability. To make matters worse, as he is torn into, the poisons are repeatedly added to his body.

     He /really/ needs to find a way to become poison resistant.

     He lays on the ground, barely able to stay awake.

     "Oh, fuck it. GO, REGISTEEL."

     And he reaches for a Pokeball, colored pure black. It opens, revealing Registeel. Lute can use him, somewhat, without going berserk. At this point in the battle, there isn't much risk of that though.

     And Registeel, the large Legendary Pokemon, moves forward, aiming to start pummeling and pounding straight into Finna, over and over again. It's tearing at her with its pure steel claws, trying to punch, and basicaly just going wild at her.

     Lute, meanwhile, is trying /not/ to bleed out, while also trying to climb onto Mr. Crab's back, with the help of his Pokemon, and with Mr. Crabs leaning down to make it possible.

Finna (513) has posed:
    Oh CRAP how many of these things does Lute HAVE?! Finna lets loose with a yowl and goes on the defensive after apparently doing quite a number on Lute.

    But a Legendary Pokemon, now that's asking a lot from her. Perhaps a Full Moon could take it on without fear, but she is a Changing Moon - not the combat caste.

    She brings up all her limbs to block - and they promptly start getting ruined. The antlers break, the octopus limbs tear off, the wings break, the scorpion tail shatters... these features start vanishing as quickly as they appeared. All peripheral damage, none of her vitals are struck - she protects them all. But it is at great cost, and tremendous pain.

    Finna executes a tremendous flip, and utilizes her only remaining Hybrid Body rearrangement feature - rapidly healed wings. They flap frantically, carrying her aloft in an IMPOSSIBLE completely vertical climb. No bird could POSSIBLY move that way. Except.

    Oh dear. Those do LOOK like snowy owl wings, but they're actually hummingbird wings. The pervasive white coloration from her beast form is quite a cover sometimes!

    VVVVVWWWHIP! Up she goes.

    "You're still an asshole, but not as full of hot air as I thought. It sems you DO have some claim to boast. I stand corrected. So, if you want to live and not be a cripple the rest of your life. leave now and let's call this a draw. I know your Confederate allies can mend just about everything.... short of real death." And honestly, she'd rather not have them all as enemies, if Lute is someone they can all laugh at.

    But she's not about to say that.

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute continues to get lifted onto the Kaiju, but he considered Finna's offer. There is a chance, a /good chance/, that if he really put his all into one last surprise attack, he could finish her.

     But, at the moment, she is respecting his strength, and she kind of hates his guts. And that was the main goal.

     He remains on the crab. It looks, as if for a moment, he is /really/ considering it. He's stretching it out, though, trying to make things a /lot/ harder to predict. He /wants/ to seem somewhat unpredictable.

     "Fine. You're tough too. But yeah, for now, I'll take my leave."

     And Mr. Crabs begins to walk away, while Lute recalls his Pokemon.

     Lute is... going to need a /long/ time in recovery.