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Latest revision as of 04:54, 30 September 2014

Awful Ideas And Medical Check Ups
Date of Scene: 29 September 2014
Location: Heaven or Hell Tower <HoH>
Synopsis: Can someone conceptually aligned with their weapon fit inside hammerspace?
Cast of Characters: 2, 134, 255

Homura Akemi (2) has posed:
    We're going to say we're in Haruno's workplace. Workshop? Medical spot. That place she forces people to go to sometimes to torture them and nag them. There!

    Homura is here, obviously. She has invited Setsuko, and Flowers would already know to expect her. She is dressed in lazy black pants and a purple shirt. Evidently didn't feel like dressing formal today. She still looks exhausted, but not physically injured at least.

Setsuko Kaminagi (255) has posed:
    It doesn't take long for Setsuko to arrive; and, perhaps as a simple means of exercising her newfound abilities - and subtly showing them off - she arrives at the roof rather than the ground floor.

    Her clothes have been changed since and she's also noticeably bathed, so there are no bloodstains to speak of; a cut on her left bicep and the T-shaped cross of cuts on her cheek are both still healing, but healing nicely as her regeneration warrants. Although Haruno's practiced eye might notice that the crossed wound on her cheek will be scarring.

    Nevertheless, she is here. And Haruno will also notice that the strange 'sense of greatness' about her, that odd sensation that the swordswoman stands apart for good or for ill, has grown noticeably.

Sakura Haruno (134) has posed:
    The upside is that it's not terribly far from Flowers' bedroom within the tower. Which is to say, she doesn't have so much a dedicated area for this sort of examination as much as commandeer some of the furniture near her bedroom. She's even less formally dressed than Homura, in her classic 'haven't actually been productive today but am now Doctoring' outfit of a labcoat over pajamas, and she's giving quite the stern look over Homura when Setsuko arrives.

    "I knew that I shouldn't have let you just go when you gave me that warning in advance yesterday." Is her first comment.

Homura Akemi (2) has posed:
    The baleful glare of the medic makes Homura avert her gaze. At least she DID warn her, right? It was a stupid plan. It worked, but it was definitely self-destructive.

    "Y-Yes, well, thanks to Psyber and most of you I'm fine now. Fine enough to attend class and turn in an essay, anyway," she grumbles, before producing her Soul Gem and handing the egg to Flowers. It's about halfway dark still, it could still use some work.

    She turns to face Setsuko and just nods respectfully.

Setsuko Kaminagi (255) has posed:
    "She gave more than I would have ever asked her for, last night," Setsuko says in Sakura's direction. "If I'd realized we would strain her that badly, I wouldn't have asked it of her at all. But then," she adds, arching an eyebrow faintly, "That's why you didn't mention it, isn't it?" She and Homura may not be the closest, but the demigod has gotten a fairly good idea about the magical girl as a person by now. "In any case, I'm here."

Sakura Haruno (134) has posed:
    "Just saying that I should have been there, that's all..." Flowers says, sighing and trying to look at least a little less severe as she looks down at the egg. Mostly because bullying Homura is probably directly bad for the state of the gem. "I can't do anything to treat this by myself, but I'm going to keep monitoring you in the near future, and any worse and I'll round up Himei or Psyber to help take care of it." Of course, doing that was exhausting for all involved, which might explain Sakura's rather slacker look for the day.

    "I'm glad she was able to help, at least, I just get nervous about these kinds of things." Sakura admits. Friends putting themselves at risk when she isn't there is always touchy.

Homura Akemi (2) has posed:
    "Heh... yes. I'm not a Witch, so I can't really do that thing very long. To be honest, I don't understand how a Witch can maintain that thing eternally. It takes a lot of focus, and the sensory overload is nightmare-inducing. But if I had told you, you might have lost out on a precious resource." Probably literally nightmare-inducing, too. She doesn't seem like she slept at all.

    Then she nods towards Sakura. "Psyber is probably downstairs, I'll probably spend the night here if you two want to poke at it more." And then, she turns to Setsuko. "Ah, right. The thing I wanted to try... that is. Your concept aligned itself with your weapon, didn't it? I would like to try storing you."

Setsuko Kaminagi (255) has posed:
    The close ties between Witch and Puella Magi... they're strange in a lot of ways. Perhaps it's because the Witch is focused solely on despair, and already lives a nightmare. But that's just speculation, and not the kind of thing Setsuko cares to muse on for long.


    Wait, what?

    "Er... store me?" Setsuko looks somewher in the neighborhood of 'confused' and 'amused'. "I... suppose it did, in a sense. Sword and swordswoman should be a single unit, one indivisible from one another. I am my sword, and my sword is me." She rests her left hand on Zanjintou's sheath. "I find the idea of it being so literal a bit funny, though."

Sakura Haruno (134) has posed:
    That gets a nod from the mednin. "That's fine. There's a spare couch or twelve, or you're welcome to my bed; I sleep outside half the time anyways." Sakura says, completely truthfully. The description of what had happened rather alarms her regardless of knowing what had happened. As does the sudden suggestion of storing Setsuko in.. whatever it was that Homura did. Sakura only has a vague notion, really.

    "...I think I'd better stay here and watch. This sounds like the sort of thing, where if it goes wrong, that will go horribly wrong and need a medic to help out after." Also she's curious, but admitting that would spoil her stern and un-fun image she's worked so hard to cultivate.

Homura Akemi (2) has posed:
    "It was... odd, yes. Literal, but also not. It's hard to describe," Homura admits to Setsuko, in answer to the questions. Well, comments. To Flowers, she nods. "Yes, it might be a good idea to have you ready for that. I erm. I don't know what it looks like inside. It could just be a big pile of weaponry and she's going to land on it. Or it could be more organized. I really, really don't know."

    Then back to Setsuko. "On the other hand, she could elucidate the mystery if it works. I tried sending a camera in to take a picture a few times, but it never actually worked, even on a timer."

Setsuko Kaminagi (255) has posed:
    "Then I hope that I'm more reliable than a camera," Setsuko replies, standing up a little more straight. "If you think that it may work, I'm willing to try it. If anyone would be capable of surviving should the inside of your storage prove hostile..." It's the woman who can regrow an arm in a week.

Sakura Haruno (134) has posed:
    "Is this going to be a big drain for you? If so, I can try to get Psyber here just in case, too..." Sakura sighs. "Well. It'll probably be fine. I can contain it long enough for someone to get here, of all places."

    She glances over to Setsuko. "Do try not to lose an arm in there. Or are you actually going to be a sword? I have to admit, I'm not really sure of the details of how this all works..."

Homura Akemi (2) has posed:
    "Well, I... have no idea what's going to happen. Maybe she will be a sword. I don't think every gun in there will suddenly be hostile though. ... but if your own good, please avoid touching the seemingly armed explosives. Because they really are armed," Homura warns, providing much-needed reassuring. Or not.

    Either way, she puts a hand on Setsuko's shoulder.

    "When you are ready."

    Once she is, she just... disappears! Pfoof, in purple light. She reappears inside what seems to be a military base. Her watch has stopped ticking, and moving feels sluggish. It is deathly silent here. Rows upon rows of well organized hardware are laid out. Firearms, explosives, there's a parking lot with missile trucks and maybe even a tank. A section for melee weapons, divided by type. Superstore alleys, with common items. An area filled with books and other school items. Apparently it's all very neatly organized in there, at least. It's unlikely it always looked like this, and it might just be subconscious image. It's not like the inside matters, since it can't be brought to the outside.

    Outside, Homura fidgets. "Erm. How long do you suppose I should wait before trying to bring her out? I think I have a read on her. Feels like a sword."

Setsuko Kaminagi (255) has posed:
    "With your abilities, I'd at least expect you to keep them disarmed," Setsuko replies, still seeming somewhat amused. After all, Homu could just stop time to arm them for the most part. It's just like her to store some ready-to-explode anyway. "But no, I'll try not to blow my arm off, or anything of the sort," she adds to Sakura.

    "I'm ready."

    And then Setsuko is on the premises of the Multiverse's quietest armory. She notices the sluggishness of time and space here instantly, and from there it is a simple matter of exerting her strength to move as she feels she should... although she doesn't move much. Just enough to get a look at the place, as best she can. It is a strange experience to say the least, but she takes it calmly.

Sakura Haruno (134) has posed:
    "I didn't really expect that to work." Sakura admits, frowning at the sudden lack of Setsuko. "You probably shouldn't leave her in there too long at first. It would be better to make certain there aren't ill effects before doing a longer stay, right? If you ever need to store her away for a longer time, anyways. That seems a little strange, you know." She adds, as though THAT weren't perfectly obvious. "I mean. What would happen to her if you, ah.."

Homura Akemi (2) has posed:
    "Well, that's the idea. She mentioned that her divinity makes it hard for her to hide herself. If I can hide her in there, it might be useful for her one day. Options and tables," Homura says to Sakura, before extending her hand to bring Setsuko out.

    Time inside is distorted, so the few seconds outside might have been a few minutes inside. Either way, Setsuko would just reappear standing where she used to be. Homura seems... excited? Just a bit less exhausted than before.

    "Did that work?"

Setsuko Kaminagi (255) has posed:
    Setsuko is in the middle of a step when she's brought back out. As a result, Homura and Sakura are treated to a very rare sight indeed: the swordswoman stumbles a little before catching her balance again. "It did," she replies with a nod. "You have... a strange mix of an armory and a very small town inside you. Time inside was slow, and kind of strange. How long was I in there for, from out here?"

Sakura Haruno (134) has posed:
    "You've tried doing this with normal people, right?" Normal being a relative term. Sakura seemed to remember it being mentioned as impossible, but that had been years ago, after all.
    Sakura glances over towards the reappeared swordswoman, and without even asking she'll step over and start checking with a diagnostic jutsu, her hands glowing green as she works. "Hold still for a moment, please." She'll ask, after making the move. Setsuko's probably used to her odd bedside manner, though.

Homura Akemi (2) has posed:
    "Yes," Homura answers Flowers. "Doesn't work."

    To demonstrate, she puts her hand on her.
    Nothing happens.

    Then again that only demonstrates she can put her hand on someone, but still. "Objects only. I hate to admit it, but I tested it after considering whether or not I could just stuff Madoka in there. With Sayaka, just in case it didn't work and got messy."

    Then to Setsuko: "I see. I've always thought things I stuff inside are suspended in time, given I don't have to deal with rust or disuse. Are you alright?"

Sakura Haruno (134) has posed:
    Sakura adds, after a moment. "You were only gone for a few seconds, but I still want to make certain that nothing's gone wrong in that time. You don't actually have to breath or anything in that time, but it's good to make sure you were."

Setsuko Kaminagi (255) has posed:
    "I feel fine," Setsuko replies to Homura, remaining still as Sakura does her examinations. Surprisingly enough, despite her frequent protests that medical attention tends to be wasted on her, she's a very good and obedient patient. "Seconds? It felt more on the order of a few minutes, but it's hard to say how much exactly. It was all muddled. 'Suspended in time' is a good way to put it." Unless there is some negative effect to Homura's armory space, Setsuko should be in good condition, accounting for her fight yesterday.

Sakura Haruno (134) has posed:
    Sakura feeds chakra in further, even as she considers. "Sayaka probably didn't deserve anything like that." She says, with a mild rebuke in her tone that's made even milder by the word probably. "You seem to be in good shape from what I can tell, Setsuko. Though you should really just bother me after your fights. I don't make friends wait for my treatment at all, even if they're supposedly minor injuries." Of course, she'd probably burn herself out trying to help if she were asked, but medics are awful patients.

Homura Akemi (2) has posed:
    No negative effects!

    Her hammerspace is just that, a hammerspace that suspends things in time until they're needed. Setsuko defies the suspension by virtue of being an Elite, or maybe just being immensely powerful in general. If she looked in the sword section she would have probably seen Tyrfing, the copy of Einherjar, Psyber's sword, actually floating over a pedestal, exempt from the effect as well.

    It's all subconscious imagery though.

    "I disagree, if you had met Sayaka during the earlier cycles you would have wanted to kill her too," Homura says flatly, before adding: "Some days I still consider whether or not I would be caught if I smothered her in her sleep and stuffed her corpse in the fridge." She is joking. Probably. Hopefully. It's just ribbing at a difficult friend.

    "Ah, but. Thank you for indulging my curiosity, Setsuko. I guess if you ever need to hide to get somewhere, you can ask me now."

Setsuko Kaminagi (255) has posed:
    "It'd certainly be more pleasant than the other method," Setsuko replies. "But thank you, nonetheless. It's good to know things like these in advance." With Sakura's examination complete, she tilts her head side-to-side briefly, giving her neck a little stretch, and then turns towards the door. "Last night was a very near thing, Akemi. If anything I owe you for how close you cut it. But next time, please bring more spares. It was... worrying." Someone was concerned for Homura's wellbeing! "I should probably go. I have my own patrols to do, and I'm recovered enough to get to them."