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Latest revision as of 04:02, 2 October 2014

Date of Scene: 02 October 2014
Location: The Great Mountains
Synopsis: Ferham discovers Hana, and tries to teach her a few things.
Cast of Characters: 516, 579

Ferham (516) has posed:
     The lands surrounding Castlevania, or rather Castle Dracula were interesting. Ferham had passed over them before, after being hit like a line-drive with a huge ancient tree trunk by Sky Lynx, which gave her a decent birds eye view of the surrounding countryside. Why she had taken a trip back here was just curiosity's sake. There were a lot of mountains, lakes, rivers and forests here. Her world didn't have those sorts of things. In fact a lot of the plant-life from her earth was synthetic, created so whatever natural eco-system that was still around could be sustained. Right now the femmebot was just taking a bit of a stroll outside the town of Jova, a small little place--looking quite rustic, with a lot of old examples of masonry particular to Europe hundreds of years ago.

Hana (579) has posed:
    Hana has a habit of wandering. This is due to a profound ignorance about the world and not any brave sense of adventure. She simply does not understand how dangerous the world is and so it leads her to exploring. And so this is what led the bush creature all the way to this town Ferham has found. Except the local people are not found of monsters wandering into their town in the middle of the day -- they're probably locked up inside at night -- and one of the farmers is running away from Hana down a path that Ferham is near...

    The rotund bush creature runs along, making a playful 'raaaaaaaaah' noise as it does, arms wiggling as it runs!

    Hana abruptly stops as a new curiosity is spotted. Ferham. Standing right there.

    That big red eye blinks once. And then twice. A wheezy noise comes from the creature, and sap-like drool drips from a corner of its mouth.

Ferham (516) has posed:
     Just strolling along could be dangerous around these parts of the country, at least in the very remote places. Due to Dracula's more or less sustained presence here the countryside still had his minions lurking about. Werewolves, skeletons, and Shadowclaws and the like could still be found where no man dared to go even in the sunlight, though the ultraviolet rays ensured their powers were weak.

     So when Hana first appears, the farmer running at a good clip before her, Ferham is alert. "What is it?" she tried to call after the fleeing man, but it seemed he wasn't interested in sticking around to speak, he probably thought Hana was something far more nefarious and deadly.

     "Stop!" Ferham had her whip out already, snapping it at the ground in warning.

Hana (579) has posed:
    Hana's eye moves to focus on the whip as it's presented to her. She doesn't know what it is, but it sure looks dangerous enough to hurt her if she's hit with it. Her little monsterling brain assesses the threat here, and its developing goo-based mind assesses what to do. It really seems stumped for a second, as if too stupid to comprehend what's happening.

    Then it puffs up its body and rustles its flowers, extending its claws ... but standing its ground, squinting at Ferham. It doesn't charge at her.

    And gurgles in response, fighting its own fear to find an ounce of bravery, "W-why?"

Ferham (516) has posed:
     Ferham had been holding her right hand out palm flat in a body language that read 'stop', as well as cracking her whip with her left, though she made no other movement or signal that she was going to attack. The whip she was using seemed to glow a reddish pinkish color, so perhaps Hana might have thought it meant fire or danger, Fer might not have realized just how imposing she could be. When she hears it try to communicate, however her tense figure relaxes.

     "You were chasing someone...?" she asked, the length of her whip retracting back into the handle as she leaned back just a little.

Hana (579) has posed:
    Ferham displays confusion, or curiosity. Hana begins to relax as well, having successfully displayed her ability to face fear. There's just one problem to address after this. Why was she chasing that guy? She blows sap bubbles that dribble to the ground with gross, goopy splatting noises. "... Yep!" she replies, "Uuuh..." She pauses a beat. "'cause he made a loud noise," she explains, happily, ignorant the terror she had caused in the likely traumatized olden-times farmer.

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "So you were chasing him because he made a loud noise, he scared you?" Ferham put her whip back at her side, apparently not taking Hana to be a threat, but kept her distance for the moment. She blinked a little and frowned as the sap bubbles were emitted, while she was a robot, she was still a woman, and so one could still get grossed out reactions from Fer, apparently. "Or were you just chasing him for fun?" she narrowed her gaze a little on Hana, as if perhaps figuring out the sort of canine or animalistic tendencies she or it had. "You shouldn't do that, he was very frightened, and looked like he thought you were going to hurt him."

Hana (579) has posed:
    Hana comes to the understanding that she had scared that man, and that she had only made it worse when she chased him. Her flowers visibly wilt and her eye waters. Clearly she had not meant to do that to him, but the way she puts that plant-like paw up to her mouth in thought suggests she is thinking about how to handle that in the future. She considers the thought for a while, and then looks at Ferham for insight, since she seems to know what she's talking about. She smiles at the robot girl and asks in a quiet voice, "What do I do when I scare people?"

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "Well, your appearance might frighten people around here. They are humans who live in a place that often has monsters that try to do them harm, s not chasing them if they run from you is a good start, even if it might be fun," Ferham took a step or two closer, holding a gloved index finger skywards, as if she's trying to help show Hana something. Well, she was. "You're intelligent but you're not human, I'd be curious about you myself," Fer sighs. "Some kind of engineered being?" she mutters under her breath, though Hana could likely hear it if she had sharp senses.

Hana (579) has posed:
    Hana looks at Ferham with a complete lack of comprehension for a moment or two. She puts together what the woman is saying, and frowns a little at the idea that she can't chase people anymore, even if she knows it's mean to do it. It was just so fun! But she lets out a gurgling sigh and accepts the advice for what it is. "No eating talkies, no chasing talkies." It rubs its chin. "I'm like humans?" the monster asks Ferham, wondering if this is the case, when physically she most certainly is not.

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "Well, animals don't possess the intelligence to speak human language, typically, but you do," Ferham is getting the idea that Hana isn't the sharpest tool in the shed perhaps by this point so she redoubles her efforts to communicate more simply. "Animals can't talk normally, but you can, so that means you are smarter than an animal, like me," she smiles a little there, thankfully~ No droid-like language on this femmebot, at least. "It means you are smart, like a human, or more like a human child, does your species have children?" she asks, taking a few more steps closer and trying to peer around Hana to get an idea of just what she IS. Some kind of dog-sized wreath-thing... doesn't exactly jump out at her as something she recognizes.

Hana (579) has posed:
    The monster looks up at Ferham and announces, "I'm a monster!" but the phrase is with a cheerful demeanor, as if this just meant 'I'm a person' to the monster creature. Hana smiles after that, and considers her inquiries. Then it says, "Kind of! We come from a big puddle of ooze made of monster ooze and blood! I'mma monsterling! Forming monsters are called Morsels." For a beat, she considers this knowledge, as if she did not know where it came from, stunned by her own understanding of monster lifecycles. "I was the only one from my puddle," she admits, frowning up at Ferham.

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "I've known stranger people, so that's fine with me," Ferham nodded to the 'monster' declaration. Really, most people would probably run in fear of some of the people she's gotten friendly with, like Faruja, if they were less experienced with such types. "Ah, so you were born in the wilderness then, but you're intelligent, interesting," Fer crossed her arms and rubbed her chin, mulling that over. "So there were no others like you from your... puddle, I see," she put her hands on her knees as she leaned down to peer at Hana. "Just remember if you make humans and other people afraid of you they might try to defend themselves and hurt you," she straightened back up.

Hana (579) has posed:
    The plant creature burbles at Ferham as she speaks, uncertain what this differentiation between 'wilderness' and 'civilization' is, but she seems to understand what it is when she says, "No. I come from monster world," with plenty of confidence. "A-ah? Defend? But I'm not hurting them." She doesn't quite get it yet. The plant monster wobbles over to Ferham, considering how to best get a better understanding of the strange lady. "Hrnnnnn~"

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "But they /think/ you are going to hurt them when you chase them, see, predators chase their prey, the things that they eat, do you see how they might be confused?" Ferham grinned as she gestured behind her to the way the poor farmer had headed for the hills at least 15 minutes ago. "I come from robot world, I guess, if we're using those sorts of terms," she smiled a little, nodding. As Hana wobbled over to her, she put her hands on her hips, not seeming to mind this. "Do you have a name? I'm Ferham."

Hana (579) has posed:
    Taking all of this insight to heart, Hana nods -- as much as its rotund body allows -- and turns to wobble off into the wilderness, unhindered by any notions of rough terrain. It doesn't bother saying Goodbye or even telling Ferham what its name is. It has some heavy things to think about!

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "Well, goodbye to you too then," Ferham hmphs a little cutely, though doesn't seem to be too affronted or the like. She merely gives Hana a wave and spreads her wings out to head off, as she's airborne she watches the strange dog-sized creature for a little, before zooming off into the horizon. Maybe she'd run into the strange creature again.