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TZ: That Metal Sound
Date of Scene: 01 October 2014
Location: TARGET: The Factory (TF)
Synopsis: The Factory comes under attack and Red, with her ally the Transistor go to respond. They soon find themselves facing an ally and member of the Confederacy who is the one leading this strike: Gaius Van Baelsar
Cast of Characters: 522, 572

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
Kari Wolf and the other Shinkis of the Confederacy expressed great interest in gaining the factory for their master; Mostly that of Kari Wolf. They had attempted to do so by recent reports and failed. In this, Gaius Van Baelsar, Imperial Legatus of the Fourteenth Legion stated he would do this very thing for them.

For Kari Wolf-- for her master-- and for the Confederacy-- he would go forth and obtain the factory. So with a selection of his men, a few combat transport airships, they set out to do this very thing...

It only be a question if this would be a success-- or a failure.

As night started to claim the area around the Factory, the air was calm and it was being a very peaceful quiet night. Only the sounds of the factory echoed through the night air as the never sleeping machines worked away at their odd creations.

Yet this peace would soon come to a halt, as a low rumble could be then heard in the sky that washed over the sounds of the Factory itself. Guards at their posts quickly went to look to see what was causing the rumble, and from their own points they could see it in the distance...

Black metal sleek airships hovering above the ground, dropping off Garlean troops, though the troops were never a large concern-- it was however one who stepped off shortly after them. A dark armored figure, with metallic 'horns' that extended out from the full face helm, a gunblade on his backside, and crimson red cloth-like leather over his body where the metal plates did not rest. He had become rather known by the Union members by this point from the countless out points he and his troops have captured-- and at the sight of him, they quickly raised the alarm.

Where Gaius stood, he could hear the alarm go out and those black void eye slots within the helm look toward the guard towers as the alarms are sounded and he motions to the airships to take back to the air and quickly gives the order to move out.

As he walks with calm steps, even as some of his troops move ahead to go to their planned locations, Gaius speaks calmly and his steps ever as precise as he walks, "Members of the Union! Stand down and your lives shall be spared. Resist and I do not guarantee whom will walk alive."

The Imperial Legatus then reaches around his backside and draws on his gunblade, aiming it at one of the towers lights, "'Tis be your choice, live or die-- I do not care-- but this area will be under Confederate hands by the end of this battle." He pulls the trigger and with a spark of blue, a bullet fires right out hitting the spotlight dead on...

Red (572) has posed:
    Well, it's not like the Union regulars are going to stand there, in front of an elite, and try to hold the place. At least, not without a bit of backup. Red and the Transistor are the Union's actual response to the situation. Truth be told, it's the first time Red will be swinging the weapon around at an actual person, and not a rabid computer program. The rumble of a motorcycle is heard as she approaches the factory, using a warp gate to cut her travel time down. She pulls up nearby, spotting the armor-clad individual, who's obviously the source of the distress call.

Or, rather, the reason it was sent out.

She doesn't look much like a fighter, on her own. But handling a weapon of the Transistor's size? Probably not an easy thing to do. It might not look like a normal sword, but the appearance and the edge of the weapon are clear enough in their intent. The red 'eye' of the weapon flickers and glows, as the object.. speaks. A talking weapon? Probably a good thing, since the woman carrying it is silent.

"Sorry for crashing your party, but we were here first. Gonna have to ask you to leave, otherwise, we'll have to show you the door." The sword's voice is a male's, while Red's only response is to grasp the hilt a little more tightly, her eyes steeling, as she stares down the armored figure.

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
When the motorcycle shows up and the woman gets ready to draw the mighty sword which speaks, the dark armored figure only cants his head ever so slightly to the side. "Curious." The Imperial Legatus then takes another step before he raises up his left hand, there is a flicker of blue in his gauntlet.

"If I did not know already know the Multiverse was a place of many worlds-- I would say the sword that speaks was of Allagan Technology." He takes another step foreward, apparently giving the woman some time to ready herself. "Yet we all know whom fight, that it is the actions that speak the loudest. Now come-- let us see if your device speaks true of your abilities."

With that said, the gunatlet then fires off a blast of blue plasma right for Red and perhaps more aimed at her motorcycle-- if she hasn't already left from it.

Red (572) has posed:
Something to be said, about reflexes. The woman raises her weapon up, using the broad surface of it like a shield, that catches the blast of plasma, dissipating most of it, save for some arcs that manage to singe her arms a little bit. "Talk is cheap, huh? Can't say I disagree, there, pal." The weapon replies, as Red herself hefts the weapon up, and charges. She runs straight at the knight, the edge of the weapon dragging a bit behind her.

"Don't make a mistake, though. She's tougher than she looks." One moment there, gone the next. A blur of bluish light is all that's left, and it fades, like smoke, whips of it left behind in her wake. Where'd she go? Well, if the knight is quick enough, he'd notice she's behind him, now. Behind him, and raising her weapon up, to strike a blow. She jabs the weapon at him, but it's not so much the blade he'll have to deal with. It's a burst of detabilizing, electrical energy. With all that armor on, and with the element of surprise? Might do more than just a scrape or two.

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
Gaius doesn't really remark. He'll let the battle state what needs to be stated. After all, he has a raised a young woman who is an incredible fighter now-- and in the Garlean Empire, women are ever as equal to the men.

He notices that Red is missing and he quickly turns himself around just in time to see her coming down. He quickly extends out his left hand, a blue hexagon field starts to form, but it doesn't form fast enough. The sword slams into the forming barrier, shattering it into a wisps of light and slams down onto his shoulder pauldron.

Metal sparks fly off the armor and he staggers to that side. If the sword has any type of sensors, it may pick up what it impacted wasn't truly metal. It was some type of ceramic metal mesh. Cermet really, yet all the strength of metal-- with the ceramic properties mixed in to make it a horrible conductor and something that can deal with extreme heat.

If he can't analyze such data, at least it put off a nice light show on the impact!

Gaius Van Baelsar though does not slow down, the Black Wolf comes right back in with a swing of his gunsword, the tip of it aiming to cut at her bicep area of her arm as he goes to step in to keep her in a close combat range for the moment.

Red (572) has posed:
Well, it's not normal armor. He can tell, and it's clear she is fairly aware, herself. Still.. It's not like that's all the Transistor can do. Another of those dashes.. backwards, this time, to try and avoid that slashing attack. It strikes her arm, still, but definitely isn't as deep as he might've liked. "Nnh.." A response from the woman herself, still lacking in actual words. "Still good, Red? You're bleeding. We'll get it looked at." The weapons observes, before she thrusts it forward, and at an angle, down into the ground. The weapon's eye glows brightly, before shooting out a bright, blue-white beam of energy.

Nothing like the energy from before, either. It's just a pure kinetic blast, and lances forwards a significant distance before dissipating. When or if it hits, the ceramic might not like it. This is definitely something that was meant to deal with a harder target.

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
Gaius notes the sudden energy build up and quickly side steps as the kinetic energy blast fires by. It came dangerously close to him. The Imperial Legatus though doesn't really let his brain posses that this sword was just about as advance as perhaps the Allagan's themselves-- which for any who let their Garlemald minds wonder to much on that-- was a frightening thing.

The Imperial Legatus as soon as he stepped aside took aim at red with his Gunblade and opened fire, as he did so, he boots shoved him back and he started to actually strafe her as he continued to let a few more of the physical shells go right for her.

Giving them both, unless she pursues-- a bit of distance. A part of him wants to ask a question, a curious question on the observation on this battle. For the lady does not seem to be talking, but the sword her for-- which is even more curious-- but yet again, thoughts to ponder over for once the battle is over.

Red (572) has posed:
She tries to block some of those shots, like before, but it's not nearly as effective. Whatever energy that shield is using, it breaks soon enough, or isn't able to stand up to the sustained blows. So, several of those shells hit the weapon and the woman carrying it, exploding and tossing her back some more. She's a bit slow to stand, "Hey, you okay? .. You sure? Just remember, don't let go." She nods briefly, before standing again. She's got some considerable distance, but as she straightens out, there's something odd.. A distortion around her, perhaps from that weapon, though it's difficult to tell. She seems to be in a state of extreme concentration.

Like before, she acts a lot faster than it might be possible to percieve. That jaunting ability again, but in rapid succession.. and once she's actually behind him again, two lances of that energy are coming straight for him, followed up by another charge, a direct strike with her weapon. The only real question is, how did she do that? Not just move so quickly, but get off her attacks so fast.

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
Gaius can only catch her faintly. There was a sudden blue glow in his armor down to his boots. When she came in for the two kinetic blasts, the Imperial Legatus moved almost like would expect to see from a John-117 or Noble Six.

Yet when she rapidly switched, he couldn't keep pace. The sword swings came in, the first one slamming his right wrist gauntlet, the force making him actually drop his Gunblade, the next impact actually slams him nearly over on his side, then almost down to where he about goes down to his knees from the sheer force.

The armor showing the dent marks and few deep cuts into it from where the impacts had made their mark. She even clipped that crimson material, but again it was easy to see that it wasn't leather nor cloth-- something else entirely.

"Impressive." Gaius remarked as he slid his foot behind him to correct himself. The Gunblade however out of reach. "But can you do better?"

It was a challenge and seeming to not care for his Gunblade at the moment, Gaius then came in with his own inhuman speed, being powered it would seem by the very armored suit he wears; Yet not at the speeds she was performing at. He has to silently admit-- it was heavily impressive. If only he could get his hands on that sword... what secrets they could perhaps gain.. maybe even see how close it is to the Allagan's own technology they backward engineer.

Once he is in striking range, he goes to upper cut the woman right in the stomach, perhaps to prove that yes, he doesn't care that she is a woman at all. This is /war/. Though hit or miss, he moves in with another swift strike, this one being empowered by the unknown energy within the suit as a hard hook punch. Then with a back flip that could catch her, he fires off several plasma bolts, before landing down next to his gunblade and kicking it up with his foot to take it back into his hand.

There may be an opening about there she could exploit if she can move quick enough....

Red (572) has posed:
Red's hit by that blow to the stomach, her knees buckling, but she has the presence of mind to duck out of the way of the next attack. She's staggering some, but is also able to roll out of the way some, to avoid a direct hit from those blasts of plasma, but there's that pesky indirect exploding that such projectiles tend to do. That catches her, and tosses her back some more. Still, despite this, she's able to stand. And able to stand, just as her opponent is landing. It's a brief window, but, it might be enough. Enough to get in one good, solid hit. Anything that'd turn the tide, at this point.

She rises, thrusting out her sword into the ground and swinging it upwards. As she does, a bright orange halo of light bursts from the ground, a rather powerful burst of energy that might very well take the knight off his feet and into the air, if she lands it well. And, with the force behind the sword itself, his armor might pay for it, too.

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
The Imperial Legatus hand claps his Gunblade's hilt just in time to see her take to the air. There was no time to react, only brace really. For when the blasts come, they do actually kick him off his feet, he manages to flip himself around with a flicker of blue light only to find the sword striking down in a hard cleaving motion.

It slams in the collarbone armor, shattering it apart, and the force of the impact slams him hard into the ground, with the dust kicking right up into the air. Yet when the dust clears, she will find that Gaius Van Baelsar is not there, only a blue wake of fire rises from where he was, before that two vanishes.

Yet off to the side she may catch him walking out from a blue flames that consume around his armor for a moment, as it seems he has teleported. "That is more like it." He says as he rips off a piece of the armor that she had shattered that was still connected.

He throws it to the side, before he drags his left arm down creating a blue line of energy, though it seems to do nothing until it bows slightly at the edges, he turns himself around and fires his gunblade into it.

It is here that blue slash suddenly explodes forward, trying to catch her in its wake and if she doesn't mover fast enough explode on impact.

Red (572) has posed:
It's almost like things.. slow down. It's hard to describe, but it happens a second time. And just as that blue blast, the explosions, seem to come in contact with her. She's flat out gone, and this time off to the knight's side. But, a bit closer. Melee range. She swings her weapon up, like before, and that explosive halo of energy rips up from the ground beneath his feet at him.

But she follows up, a couples slashes from her weapon, which is sheathed in that destabilizing electricity. And, lastly, one more blast, another beam of energy from the weapon's 'eye', as that odd distortion seems to fade again. She might be a little winded, after that one.

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
Fool me twice...

When she tries for the massive area of explosion, Gaius actually flips himself away from it. Though this wasn't the wisest thing to do as it blinded him to her next set of swings that came in with the sword. The slammed hard against the chest plate, the electrical current could be seen trying to run along the armor for a moment, and then managing to break away he could see the kinetic blast coming once more.

Gaius quickly activates the barrier, which takes the blunt of the force, but the light impact still slams a large dent in the thigh part of his leg armor.

The Garlean Commander though stares her down, even though his eyes could not be seen through what seem like a void in the helm itself, the feeling may be there. With a hard kick off from his boot, Gaius closes the distance in quickly and moving to strike, but it was a feint attack, a he comes around the other side and strikes down with a hard cleave of his sword.

Red (572) has posed:
The weapon seems to see it, before she does. "Red, behind!"

He calls it out, but the woman reacts only as quickly as her body allows, and winded from that last assault. Or, perhaps the weapon is. It sparks as it meets that attack, but the redhead and the sword are tossed away, from the sheer force of the blow. She's a little slow to her feet again, but doesn't seem to be on her last leg. At least, not yet. She's a little roughed up, now, to be sure.

She dashes forward, to the sides, attempting to land a couple more thrusts and slashes with her sword, in between. It's a little more obvious that she's just poking a bit. But, maybe one of those jabs will get lucky.

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
Gaius moves back with the strikes that Red unleashes. His gunblade finds a few of them, but a few miss placed strikes lead to her nailing him in the side, tearing the material and seemingly finding some of flesh hidden under it.

Her next strike impacts the the bracer dead on, cracking it, but not shattering it. There Gaius tries to hold her attention for a moment as he speaks, "What is your name?" He may only give her-- them-- a moment to answer, before the Garlean uses that impact to push his weight behind the impact and then shove her back, if successful, that is when he goes in with a heavy Impaling motion, but with the impale seemingly aimed for the shoulder...

..his finger pulls the trigger to the Heirsbane.

Red (572) has posed:
Red's just an ordinary woman, put into some extraordinary circumstances. And that's a killing blow, no doubt about it. The weapon seems to move of it's own accord, even if it is still in her hand, and blocks the initial stab. The weapon sparks and a bright flash results, as it destabilizes and the pieces of it explode outward, before it reassembles again, though it leaves Red to deal with the actual blast from the gunblade, itself.

"Oof.. Sorry, Red, looks like that's about it."

She stands again, shakey, and makes her way to her motorcycle, "She's not really a conversationalist, since she lost her voice, and all. But, this here is Red. You can call me the Transistor. Looks like you managed to wear us down, pretty well, fella. Place is yours, I guess, or however it works." She starts the bike up, looking back at the knight. Surely he wouldn't attack, with her like this?

Gaius Van Baelsar (522) has posed:
Gaius doesn't stop them from leaving, not even the union members of non-elites. He makes sure that is known they are allowed to go. It is easy to see though a part of that side armor is a bit darker shade of red then it should be-- looks like that earlier cut got him good.

Though he is also doing everything in his power to not show it too. Still standing straight, ignoring the pain, and keeping his voice calm. "Imperial Legatus, Gaius Van Baelsar-- also known as the Black Wolf." He bows his head respectfully to them. "Pity we are enemies. You would be worthy allies.."

He motions out his hand, "Now go, before the full power of the Confederacy comes here.. as I am sure neither of you desire imprisonment."

Alas-- he'll have to find another way to ask Red and her talking sword ally what is up with them.. but that will come in time, he is sure.