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The Water Cycle
Date of Scene: 04 October 2014
Location: The Great Mountains
Synopsis: A potential security breach at a secret base turns into a semi-polite discussion, and an annoyed Juri Han throws Ayako off the premises. Kind of. Its more of a mutual throwing, really.
Cast of Characters: 102, Ayako Hasekawa

Juri Han (102) has posed:
    S.I.N has been responsible for all sorts of terrible things, but whilst weapons technology, organized crime, kidnapping and murder might be the fun and infamous parts of running an organization which wants to take over the world... infrastructure is just as necessary to the research process.

    Which is why, a week or so ago, black helicopters arrived in this part of the Great Mountain region, and now, one of the larger rivers is being blocked up. The whole area is a huge building site, as engineers and construction workers come together to gouge deep into the rocky mountain terrain, and turn the valley below into a lake.

    Sure, the locals might have something to say about it... but that's what the armed guards are for, and generous bribes to the local authorities to look the other way. It won't be too much longer now until whatever the local complaints might be, it'll be far too late to be relevant.

Ayako Hasekawa has posed:
    Ayako pokes her head up from the river upstream from the dam construction site. Just her eyes are above water-everything else below the water line doesn't seem to exist. It's not like she's hiding or anything. Her bright red ribbon tied into a big bow that is holding her ponytail in place doesn't exactly scream stealth, after all. "Hmm... a dam, huh?"

Juri Han (102) has posed:
    Say what you like about S.I.N, they know their surveillance. They don't pick up on Ayako until the moment she emerges from the water - but the big red bow crops up on camera feeds instantly. Within the site, there's a panic raised, and the Station Director - Commander Kinde - acts immediately.

    Juri had just been laying on a packing crate, watching the clouds go by... bored, really, but she sits up straight when the man's voice punches into her ear.

    "Ensign Han, we've got an unidentified observer upriver. Go and check it out."

    "Ara, ara..." The feed is put through to Juri's eye, and she smirks, "Oh, yeah. I can see why you'd need /me/ to go check that out, Commander. She looks /really/ scary."

    Don't talk back to me, Ensign!"

    Hopping down from the crate, Juri begins to saunter away from the construction and along the riverbank, immediately notable because of her bizarre outfit... and hair, of course.

    "Talking back? Heh. You're starting to annoy me. You know, if this is a waste of time, you're going to make it up to me..."

Ayako Hasekawa has posed:
    Ayako's eyes close half-way as she slowly continues downstream. "Kind of a shame. Seems like a nice river to me. But oh well. A dam's a dam."

    Her eyes blink quickly when the site starts to panic. "Hmm... wonder where's the fire?" She pauses going downstream for a moment to glance around. "Don't really see anything out of the ordinary. Oh well." Resume floating downstream!

    The sight of Juri walking up the riverbank doesn't even cause Ayako to look twice. Distinctive outfit? Sure, but that's quite true of everyone in the Mulitverse and anyway, that kind of clothing isn't even Ayako's style.

Juri Han (102) has posed:
    Juri keeps walking, until she is standing pretty much level with Ayako. She doesn't seem particularly worried, hands coming together behind the back of her head as she cocks her hip to the side and eyes Ayako with vague curiosity. The Feng Shui Engine kicks into gear, and her right eye glows brilliantly purple, the iris becoming a twisting yin-yang symbol and then... futzing. She's getting reads, but they don't make a lot of sense, levels rolling up and down, scrolling nonsensical information down her vision.

    "Piece of useless trash." She mutters to herself, lips curling up in a sneer. Then, louder, she addresses Ayako directly:

    "Hey, hey! You can't be here. Private property."

Ayako Hasekawa has posed:
    Ayako blinks her eyes at the 'Hey, hey!' and then stops to turn in Juri's direction. "Hmm?" She raises her head out of the water and smiles cheerfully at Juri, "Oh, hi hi!" A hand rises out of the river water to wave hello equally cheerfully and then vanishes completely into the water.

    She inclines her head to the side gently and blinks her eyes quickly. "Eeeh? I can't be here?" She puffs her cheeks out in a pout. "Well, I call eminent domain AND natural right of way."

Juri Han (102) has posed:
    Juri isn't entirely certain whether the appearance that parts of the girl are vanishing is because they actually are vanishing, or because of the strange energy reading she's giving off. She's seen enough Multiversal weirdness herself, by this point, that either seems entirely plausible. Either way, its annoying.

    "Its for your own safety." Juri says, and her voice is that wonderful mix of 'bored' and 'annoyed' familiar to security guards the multiverse over. "You want to get sucked into a turbine or covered in cement? Get out of the damn water already. I do NOT want to have to drag you out." She really doesn't, either. There's no way trying would end without her getting soaked.

Ayako Hasekawa has posed:
    Ayako's eyes sparkle with excitement. "Oh oh oh... a turbine? Is it one of those new ones that really spin around lots? Oh oh... cement. Instant quick-drying, I hope!" She stops once Juri asks her to get out of the water.

    "Umm... I can't. At the moment I am a good amount of the river." Her head inclines to the side gently. "Unless... you mean..." She gasps softly and the river literally stops where she is. "You want me to pack up the river and leave?!"

Juri Han (102) has posed:
    Juri's irritation grows by the moment and her eyes narrow. Well. Her left oen does; the Feng Shui Engine remains locked on Ayako, open wide and trying to make sense of her, which is really starting to give Juri the worst headache. "I hate the Multiverse." She mutters, folding her arms across her chest.

    "No, I don't want you to pack up the river, I want you to get out of it. Leave the water the way it was before you turned up. What, do you need me to get you a sieve or something?!"

Ayako Hasekawa has posed:
    Ayako smiles cheerfully and raises her hands and arms above and out of the water in a classical expression of joy, "I love the Multiverse!"

    "Hmm... this is a tough one..." She taps her right cheek with her right pointer finger. "Hmm... how can I do this right? Aha!" Her face brightens and she opens her mouth to say something! And then slowly closes it. "Ah. No no... that would be lying... that doesn't work... Hmm..."

    She smiles cheerfully at Juri, "Oh sieves are nice! But that wouldn't help the situation right now... Hmm..." Ayako glances around and the river resumes flowing, "I know! I know! This should do it!" She just goes back underwater and vanishes without a trace.

Juri Han (102) has posed:
    Juri glowers at Ayako as she struggles with the conundrum of how to go away. When she finally does actually leave, the Street Fighter scrutinizes the river closely. Her eye stops freaking out, though, and as her vision clears and she becomes pretty convinced that the girl actually is gone... and the river still seems to be flowing as normal, she sighs, and shakes her head.

    "Well, trying to explain that is going to be interesting. Tch. Whatever. This isn't MY problem."

    And with that, she saunters back towards the base.