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A change in movies
Date of Scene: 04 October 2014
Location: New York-199999
Synopsis: Tony gets to have words with Nick Fury when he and Natasha interrupt movie night. Strangely enough, Banner is one of the more calm ones, especially after Toph learns just how far SHIELD have gone.
Cast of Characters: 20, 295, 301, 555

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    It's too bad that Pepper isn't here right now. Movie night is more fun with her there too. Not that there's anything wrong with just her and Tony there most of the time, but this is the first time that Bruce is over for movie night with them. Buster and Jarvis are there too. Even if they aren't actively enjoying the movie. Then again, Toph can only enjoy it from the sounds anyway. But still, it's nice. Even if the blind girl seemed a bit grumpy when Tony came home and Bruce arrived. At least she hasn't tried to hide her frustrations, and they are not the ones at fault. As a matter of fact, she's still explaining them even as she's resting on the couch in her bunny print pajamas, sprawled out and resting partially against some pillows, partially against Tony himself with a bowl of popcorn on her lap, and Bruce has to put up with Toph's legs propped up on his lap.

    "- and they say that /I/ have to be freaking be there! Because I'm his second-senior acolyte... PFT. Like Twitchy would be able to pull anything even if he wanted to. He's too stuck on rules and regulations himself, just like the cruddy dunderheads who want this damn meeting in the first place!" Toph finally finishes before she stuffs her mouth full of popcorn and listens to the movie again. So what was happening here again?

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
Tony will, of course, go along with Toph to any engagement that involves her biological father. There's no way in hell he's letting that creep be alone with her again. So that goes practically unsaid. With that statement being unnecessary, he chooses instead to focus on minutiae, as he so often does. "You're an acolyte?" he asks, amused, as his fingers rummage in the popcorn bowl. He flicks one of the puffs out across the floor for Buster to chase, sniff, and ultimately decide he doesn't want, because he's a cat.

Bruce Banner (295) has posed:
"Sow-unds prett-eh import-ah." Doctor Banner chimes in, mouth a bit full of popcorn from the bucket of popcorn beside him. After he swallows the final part of that handful, he adds. "So, what does all of the entail, anyhow?" Bruce is curious and only understands some of the ramifications. As he listens, his attention drifts just slightly to the movie from time ti time, but his main focus is the conversation at hand.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    The question from Tony makes Toph snort. "Yeah... I thought you knew that? He... said he has left me in his will too for some reason. And he whines about lessons too, so he's starting to slightly as bad as you are." The blind girl half closes her eyes, listening to Bruce's question. "This means paperwork and boring routines while people pretend to be polite and nice to each other." And probably scratchy clothing. Aside from the obvious fact that she has clearly been avoiding her biological father since the whole mess several weeks ago.

    Let's focus on something else.

    "Can somebody explain to me /how/ a large lump of candy can walk around?" she asks either of the two Avengers.

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
"It's not a lump of marshmallow. It's a man /made out of/ marshmallow. And it's... magic," Tony declares since that's the catch-all explanation for adults right behind 'because I said so.' "And no, I didn't know you were an /acolyte/. I thought you were my squire." He, at least, seems to be completely unconcerned with the prospect of boring meetings and paperwork, since it's not him that'll be subjected to it for once. All he'll have to do is sit back and give Lao dirty looks.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Magic. Right. Toph snorts and tosses a popcorn over her shoulder aimed at where Tony's face should be. "That totally explains everything and doesn't complicate matters at all, nopes," the earthbender snarks. As for her many 'jobs', she considers this a moment before she starts counting on her fingers. "Greatest earthbender of all time. Inventor of metalbending. Ensign. Your junior officer. Faruja's acolyte." Done with one hand, she resumes counting on her toes, since her other hand is busy grabbing popcorn. "Your squire. Pepper's dress up doll. Stalkerina's current project..." No, she's really got a lot of jobs, doesn't she?

Bruce Banner (295) has posed:
Restraining himself for a moment from the popcorn, Banner adds "Well, movie magic. Or the more scientific term, special effects." Bruce lets out a small chuckle and eats more popcorn. "Still a classic movie though. At least in our world." Banner remains the foot-rest of the Acolyte for now, relaxing and enjoying a classic movie. The only real tragedy is that soon the popcorn bucket will be empty.

Natasha Romanova (555) has posed:
    "Ghostbusters, huh? Good choice." The rough yet familiar voice of the director of SHIELD comes from somewhere in the darkened room. It's loud enough to be heard, but not too loud, since Banner is here and Fury knows what happens if he gets too startled.

    And speak of the devil, eh? Natasha 'Stalkerina' Romanoff is indeed here, with her boss. Toph can probably pick up on that fairly easily. And yes, the man is very bald, so it's no wonder Tony mentioned teasing him about a lack of hair.

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
"What the FUCK!" is Tony's immediate reaction, as he lurches forward on the sofa, dislodging both Toph and the popcorn bowl, which spills some of its contents out onto the cushions and the floor. Buster poofs and dashes behind the couch. "Jarvis--"

"I'm... sorry, sir, I'm not quite sure what happened to me," the butler replies, sounding somewhat dazed.

Stark rises angrily to his feet, fists clenched. "Hasn't anyone in your organization ever heard of knocking?" he demands sarcastically. At least it's Fury himself this time. Good. He has WORDS for him. "You know, for someone who's concerned with my safety you spend a lot of time breaking my security measures."

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Well, if Tony and Bruce says it's a good movie... And they haven't turned out wrong yet. All in all it's a nice way to spend the evening

    At least until the unfamiliar voice speaks up. With her feet up and the movie making some noise, it's a bit hard to catch somebody sneaking up on them. Which is why both Avengers should be able to instantly feel Toph tense up, moving slightly as if she's ready to get off the couch. If Tony and Bruce weren't here she would already be on her feet, but since Tony lurches forward she can't help but yelp, grabbing onto the to prevent herself from falling over, letting go of the popcorn bowl as it is knocked over. Great Fury. Now you got popcorn all over the carpet and Pepper will be upset!

    Tony isn't the only angry one here, as Toph sits up with a glare on her face. Is Natasha here too, or is it just this new guy...? They have similar ways of entering the house at least.

    But from what Tony just said, she can make a few educated guesses. "This is the dunderhead who has a problem with me...?" she asks with a frown, moving one leg off of the couch and onto the floor. All in all she doesn't look /happy/.

Bruce Banner (295) has posed:
Doctor Banner is eerily quiet at first. He knows better than to let his emotions get the better of him at any given time. Still, his face protrays a slight tilt and a bit of a frown. (3088595-0473326691-tumbl.jpg) "You could have at least wiated until the movie was done." Bruce states tersely.

Bruce feels Toph's tension as she sits up. Deciding to play the roll of support, he stays in his current spot, remaining calm and reasonable. If anything, he leans forward to absorb the conversation much clearer. Bruce, however, is confident that Tony can handle whatever the issue might be.

Natasha Romanova (555) has posed:
    "And for someone who's so concerned with the safety of the world, you sure spent a lot of time breaking -my- security measures when you were over at -my- place." Fury points out. He shrugs, and settles down on the couch in front of the movie, making himself at home though uninvited. He has a habit of doing that. Natasha doesn't do the same, though she moves over toward it and just stands there with her arms folded, watching the three of them like a hawk.

    "You wanted to talk to me face to face, so here I am. I'm just doing what -you- asked." He glances briefly at Banner, but doesn't reply to the comment about the movie.

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
"In fairness," Stark smarms, smirking as he casts Banner a knowing glance, "You WERE lying to me at the time. And -- what was it -- using HYDRA tech to make weapons? Was that it, Bruce? Yeah, I think that was it," his gaze returns to Fury and he's suddenly not smiling anymore.

"Yeah. I wanted some face time. I was kind of imagining that we could have the discussion of my complaints about your /agent/," Romanoff gets a slightly dirty look, "breaking into my house, without YOU, also breaking into my house but hey, what can you do. Do you want a drink? I want a drink." Tony abruptly turns and heads over to the bar to pour himself some liquid patience.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    "HEY!" Toph sits up more, frowning when Fury seemingly makes himself at home. "Pause the damn movie, Jarvis!" she orders. She wants to enjoy it without having to worry about the damn agents, and well... if Fury wants to watch it while they talk, then tough luck!

    Sure, she doesn't like Natasha. But this guy... is the one who is the one who thinks she's a danger to Tony. "Don't you ignore me, Baldy. What is your problem anyway?!" she demands while Tony goes to get himself a drink. It doesn't seem as if she's afraid or nervous either. Most of all... she seems annoyed and somewhat angry.

Bruce Banner (295) has posed:
"Yeah. Something about weapons." Bruce knowingly nods in return to Tony. Bruce keeps his distance from Fury for the moment. Not that he thinks he'll pull anything.

As the discussion continues, Bruce watches patiently. With a subtle hand motion, Bruce taps a button on his watch, switching the display from the time to his heart rate. The watch has remained quiet, and continues to do so for now. The good doctor hopes he'll only need to provide scientific backup, rather than muscle.

Natasha Romanova (555) has posed:
    Fury shakes his head when Tony keeps arguing about the situation on the helicarrier some time back. He sighs. "Now Stark, did you *really* want me here just so you could keep arguing with me over that?" Natasha catches the dirty look and just rolls her eyes at Tony. She's slightly hurt at being referred to as Fury *agent* but doesn't show it.

    And *now* he's finally more to the point. Well, not completely but at least he's getting there. "Why do I get the feeling this is more than just about your house getting 'broken' into?" He arches a brow at Toph. "Problem? Ms. Beifong as far as I can tell you're the one getting upset, here. Your *dad* wanted a word with me face to face, so I'm giving it to him."

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
Stark shrugs, as he returns to the couch with a tumbler of scotch in one hand. "You brought it up," he points out, quite reasonably he thinks, as he re-seats himself and has a sip, ice clinking against the heavy glass.

"You're right, it's about more than you breaking into my house. It's about you invading my /privacy/. And the reasonable expectation of such of my /family/. I'm an American, Fury, I know my rights," he assumes an arch, radio pundit tone as he gives the man a mock-indignant glare. See, even when he's being serious he can't be serious. It would be like... paying too much respect. "Stop harrassing me. Stop harrassing my family. It's been a long time since I've had one and I don't want to share."

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Okay, things can't be /too/ bad if Bruce is keeping calm. And Tony is getting a drink. Still, Toph believes Fury owes her an explanation, even an apology after all this crap. And then he tries to divert her attention. But she lets Tony talk first as he gets back to the couch and sits down. It's... a bit weird to hear him talk about family. For the most part he's talked about the mess with his parents, especially his father. And he used to be so nervous when talking about family before. The moment Tony is finished talking though, Toph isn't slow to pipe up herself.

    "Upset? Oh, why wouldn't I be upset when /you/ think I'm a threat to my /dad/?" Toph states with no small degree of sarcasm in her voice, gesturing to Tony. "If you make such monkeyfeathered accusations, then you better have the /balls/ to stand for it when I call you out on your bullshit!" The blind girl gets to her feet as she pushes herself up from the couch. "But nooooo, instead of being /man/ enough to say it to my /face/, we learn about this through Stalkerina there!" This time she gestures towards Natasha as she steps forward, standing in front of Fury. All five feet of her, , the cute bunny faces on her pajamas a contrast to her more serious face.

Bruce Banner (295) has posed:
Glancing between Toph, Fury, and Tony, Banner's eyes settle on Stark for a moment. "Well there was your first mistake, Tony. Expectation of privacy and S.H.I.E.L.D. usually don't go together in the same sentence. After all, even with all of my running and evasion, they never lost track of me. Isn't that right, Miss Romanova?" The doctor's eyes shift over to Natash for the briefest of moments, as if acknowledging the question, but not waiting aorund for an answer.

It is then that Banner's eyes settle on Fury. "Seriously, Fury? Her a threat to the only people that looks out for her best interests? Surely you can do better than that. I mean... a God, a 70 plus year old solider, a..." A beat..."monster? And you're worried about a little girl?" Bruce sits back a bit. "I must say, I'm interested in hearing the analysis on this one."

Natasha Romanova (555) has posed:
    Oh, Bruce will get his analysis. And Toph will get her explanation. Fury shakes his head at all of their protests, then holds up his hands in resignation. "Alright, alright. Just...stop hurling arguments at me for one second, here. Let's get all of this straight. First off, *Stark*, you go and get yourself enamored with this 13-year-old girl, who could literally and physically rip your heart out in the blink of an eye if she wanted to. *And*, not only that, you and Potts decide to go and *adopt* her officially, as if her *living* with you wasn't already enough. But okay. It's your decision, I'm not here to stop you. So I sent Romanoff here to try to talk some sense into you and your new daughter, but what do you do? Instead of *listening* to some common sense, you get all worked up over privacy AND your daughter attacks OUR teammate," he says with a nod toward Natasha. "at a single cuss word, which by the way as I'm sure you all know Miss Beifong has a frequent habit of using herself."

    Natasha nods at Banner's comment, or perhaps in agreement to what Fury is saying, or perhaps both, but doesn't say anything yet. Fury has the floor here, for now.

    Director Fury sighs, his tone becoming less aggressive. "That's exactly my point, Banner. She's *barely* a teenager. Now don't get me wrong, I know you're a good kid, Beifong. But while I fully trust your *intentions*... sometimes intentions get us to the *wrong* places. Speaking of intentions, there's something I think you need to see." He nods at Romanoff, and she taps a datapad that causes the TV to flip from Ghostbusters to a surveillance feed from this very house a few days back... the day Pepper's dad was here to talk to Toph about some of her...insecurities.

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
Tony stares blandly at Fury as he relates the facts. Yes, it's his decision, and he doesn't see how it's any of Fury's goddamn business. Which is what he says. "I don't see how my personal life is any of your goddamn business. Hell, you should be /happy/, Nick, here I am being all responsible and shit, getting my life together, providing a stable home life for a kid in need who also just happens to be an Elite badass and fellow member of the Union, albiet a junior officer. And that should be the end of the story." He sips his drink; leans forward in his seat, eyes hard with irritation. "So /why/ does this whole 'it's my decision' narrative CONTINUE into you harrassing us? I'm not your bitch, Fury. Aliens invade, I'll help out, because that's just the kind of guy I am, but don't go thinking for /one second/ that I'm one of your mooks you can order around." The implications this has for his opinion of actual SHIELD agents such as Natasha who is standing /right there/ are... well, hers to speculate.

"Don't piss on my back and tell me it's raining, /Nick/. I'm under no obligation to listen to your definition of *common sense*. And certainly not your opinion on whether Miss Beifong can FUCKING swear."

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    "/If/ I was attacking her, she would have felt it!" Toph protests, crossing her arms across her chest. "I know what I heard. I'm not /deaf/!" And hey, Bruce has a point. Even if she doesn't think that the other him is a monster. Some might think so, but Bruce is a good guy. Sure, his choice of words is a bit awkward, but still, he is missing the point.

    Damn this guy is sly. All in all, Toph looks offended when he suddenly claims to think she's a good kid. And her expression should let everybody present know just what she thinks of said claim. And that she isn't buying this. "So it would be better if I was an old fart like you?"

    The moment she hears the TV switch though, and she hears her own voice and then Stan's... her eyes widen in shock and... fear? No. Not this. Not in front of /Tony/. Sure, it's bad enough that the others are here, but...

    "TURN IT OFF!" she yells, her expression rough and her voice loud, not only in an attempt to block out the sound of the voices on the recording. And she looks livid and rather upset, clenching her hands into small fists before she points a finger straight in Fury's place, then in Natasha's direction. "What the CRUD is the big idea?! You had /no right/ to spy on that, it's confidential!"

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
Tony was, to be honest, so busy being pissed at Fury that he barely noticed what was happening on his TV. And when he does, he's not sure whether to be more angry at the continuing disrespect for his security systems or the all-out GALL of the man to record a /confidential conversation/ with a freaking CHILD PSYCHOLOGIST. "Turn it off, Jarvis," he adds his quietly furious command on the end of Toph's yelling, and deliberately turns his eyes away from the screen.

Bruce Banner (295) has posed:
Banner sits back again, taking a quick, precautionary glance at his watch, The number is slightly elevated from its previous value, but not enough to cause any alrms...or JARVIS to open all the HULK-Doors at least. "I appreciate that the proverbial Road to hell is paved with good intentions, Nick. But I'm failing to see where you feel that Toph hear presents, or potentially presents, such a threat." Bruce's voice is firm, but calm, as he tries to bring the room into a more reasonable level of well...discussion.

When the video kicks in, Banner pauses to listen. Being a physician himself, it takes him only a moment to understand what he's seening is a doctor confering with a patient. Bruce turns a glare toward Fury and Romanoff. "Violating doctor-patient privilege? Really?" A bit of a huff escapse Banner's throat. "I'll admit I'm not as close to all this as Toph and Tony here, but that's low even for SHIELD."

Natasha Romanova (555) has posed:
    Fury chuckles as he lets the feed play. "Yeah, leave it to Tony Stark to define having conversations where he doesn't agree with you as 'harassment'." At this point, he'll just let the video speak for itself...

    Or should we say, Toph herself. On-screen Toph is talking to Stan. "... I had this dream where I..." It's a bit tough to talk about it. Not even Tony got any details because she didn't want to disturb him. "I was trying to get the shards out of him."

    Her voice is tense, and she looks a bit nervous where she stands, hoping that Jarvis /really/ won't let Tony or Pepper know about this. But at the same time, it's something that's been heavy on her mind for several months now. "A-and... it didn't go well. At all." She swallows nervously, leaning more on the counter in an attempt to keep her arms and hands /still/. "I wanted to stop, but the dream me just kept on going, determined to get the shards out. Even if he..." Toph cuts herself off, clearing her throat. "I know how many shards there are now. And where every one of them is."

    Natasha shakes her head at Toph's argument, finally speaking up. "Nope...you definitely attacked me. Flipped the couch over, then pinned me to the floor. Remember? And we didn't spy on that, we just found it in the footage archives before he purged the code. I think you're forgetting that your dad has a security system in his house that's active *all* the time." She says evenly.

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
Stark's face darkens with indignant rage. Maybe he ought to have one of those watches, too. "I disagree with Pepper all the time," he points out through clenched teeth, trying to maintain civility even now, just to show up the other man. "I don't call that harassment. Harassment is when you STALK MY FAMILY, COME INTO MY HOUSE UNINVITED, and continue to BEAT ME OVER THE HEAD with your talk of *common sense* like I'm some kind of fucking CHILD. Jarvis, TURN IT OFF."

When his electronic butler appears to be unable to comply, Stark deliberately drains the remaining whiskey out of his glass -- no point wasting good scotch -- stands up, and HURLS the heavy tumbler at the television screen. The extremely expensive device shatters from the point of impact, spraying a small shower of glass and sparks onto the floor as cracks spiderweb across the remainder of the screen and the audio fritzes out.

Stark turns a dark look back to Fury, as if daring him to give him an excuse to throw another one at his head. And then what Natasha is saying penetrates the fog of his anger, and he rounds on her. "I remember finding a hole in the couch fabric from some projectile you tried to /shoot her/ with," he corrects her recollection of events. "And the last time I checked, snooping through someone's private security archives IS FUCKING SPYING." The hand that threw the glass clenches and unclenches, as if it's desperate to have something in it. A repulsor unit, maybe.

Natasha Romanova (555) has posed:
    Romanoff's face remains stoic, even as Tony is glaring at her furiously. "But I *didn't* shoot her, did I? *She* knocked me onto the floor, and pinned me there, just because I said 'Damn it Stark'. As far as she knew, I took no action against her, yet she attacked. Just stating the facts, here." The agent says flatly. "Don't presume to know everything just because you saw some evidence."

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    "CUT THE GODDAMN CRAP!" Toph yells, her attention on Fury and Natasha, and she clenches her right fist even tighter. This is different. How fucking /dare/ they spy on a conversation she had with Stan, something that not even Tony would intrude on! Heck, he's even turning his face away right now. He shouldn't have to have to listen to this. It was hard even admitting to him that she did have nightmares in the first place, and that they were about the shards.

    And then Natasha has the nerve to speak up. "Oh BOO FREAKING HOO!" Toph's voice shakes slightly. "Big baby got a bruise from a couch flipping over and something keeping her feet in place! You want me to kiss it better?! You still need your mom if you get a splinter in your finger or something?!" She's only just started. The blind earthbender has no problems getting very much into Fury's personal space, even as her eyes well up with tears. "Of course I figured out how to metalbend in the first place in order to /save/ him, only to later plot to kill him!" The sarcasm drips off of her words. And Natasha's comment on the security system? Toph's index finger points at the spy next. "Who knows, maybe he enjoys watching my every move throughout the day just as much as you dunderheads do! Care to tell me how many shits I've taken lately?" Her right first tightens, and in response the metal in the datapad Natasha is holding begins twisting in response.

    That said, Toph turns around and /stomps/ her foot into the floor. Luckily for the people present though the only thing that happens is the fact that the floor shifts slightly to push aside the broken pieces of the TV out of Toph's path as she marches towards her room. Of course she has one final comment however. "You two better hope you don't fall into any goddamn blast furnaces... because there's no fucking WAY I would bend you out!"

Bruce Banner (295) has posed:
Maybe it's the tension in the room. Maybe it's the culmination of lies over the time the good doctor has been in contact with SHIELD and the government. Maybe it's that he feels Tony has become more like family than a work partner or team mate. For the first time during this whole...meeting...a soft *beep-beep* is heard eminating from the vicinity of Bruce's wrist. The scientist looks a little stressed at the levels that things have progressed, and takes a deep breath for a moment, exhaling slowly. "Now..." he says with a certain firmness to his voice. "We're going to calm down and get to the bottom of this. Fury, while I can ...somewhat... appreciate your would-be concerns, this is not exactly the best way to approach it. Like defusing a bomb with a hammer really." Banner's humor does not bring a smile to his face. His teeth as slightly clenched, and the watch reverts to a single *beep* before going quiet again.

"You have already upset Mister Stark and Miss Beifong. You probably don't want to go for that third strike, if you understand what I'm trying to say." Banner's face is blank now. "What makes the girl so dangerous to you, or to Tony?" Banner asks simply.

Natasha Romanova (555) has posed:
    Fury watches Toph leave. Romanoff certainly has a point. "WELL." He stands up. "Would you just listen to her talk. Guess I'll be taking extra special care to stay away from blast furnaces." The director comments, with respect to Toph's anger. Clearly, she's just proving him right, and has been the entire time. "Anyway I think we've made our point, *Stark*." He motions for Natasha to follow him as he heads for the door.

    Natasha follows him, her face still expressionless as the door shuts behind her.

Bruce Banner (295) has posed:
As Fury and Romanoff turn to leave, and hearing what they've said to Stark, Bruce can assume he has, at least to some degree, the answer to his question. "Well, he certainly has a funny way of getting his point across." Bruce mumbles tersely. Bruce makes mental note to have a more....clinical conversation with Miss Romanoff the next time he sees her.

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
Tony gapes. "Don't... presume... because I saw /evidence/?" he repeats in stunned disbelief. "Do you even HEAR what you're saying? You came into my house, uninvited, with intent to harm or at least violate Toph's person -- a fact for which I DO HAVE EVIDENCE -- and you have the GALL to try to use her self-defense response as some kind of indictment against HER?" His mouth moves for a few more seconds, but he can't make the words come out. It's just too audacious. Even for SHIELD.

And then they get up to leave before he even has a chance to throw them out. "HEY!" he shouts, in the tone he usually reserves for terrorists or alien invaders. "I didn't give you permission to leave!" Recklessly he strides after Director Fury and grabs the man by the shoulder, trying to spin him around. "When you're ready to TALK, and that includes listening, not just mindless lecturing on YOUR IDEA of all that's right and proper, you let me know," he just barely keeps his voice restrained to a furious hiss. "Until then you stay the FUCK away from me, my house, and my /family/. Or I will go SO PUBLIC with this, the media shitstorm will be visible from orbit. Are we CLEAR ON THAT?"

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    There's the sound of a door slamming, and the blind girl does her best to refrain from screaming out in frustration as she makes her way across the floor. Who the fuck does he think he is? And what about her? Does she honestly think that repeating that same crap over and over will make it true? If they know about the security locked footage, then what about the other conversations that have been going on? And not just /her/ either... what about Tony and Pepper? Are they spying on her to make her not want to stay here, knowing that they know everything going on within these walls? Here those dunderheads claim /she/ is the dangerous one, and they spy on them and then reveal stuff that's supposed to be secret. Stuff that still disturbs her, and stuff she /really/ didn't want Tony to hear. And even if he has said it over and over again, even if he never acts nervous around her despite the fact that he /knows/ that she could potentially kill him with one motion of her hand...

    She can hear him shouting out in the main part of the house when she reaches her bed, but she doesn't really care. For now the blind earthbender crawls into bed and pulls the covers over her head, at least once she's picked up one of the many pieces of metal resting on the night stand.