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Latest revision as of 03:28, 7 October 2014

Raiding the Stuffgetter's Stuff!
Date of Scene: 07 October 2014
Location: Summer
Synopsis: Witchmon attempts to steal cargo from Fayt's company.
Cast of Characters: 319, 471

Fayt Ravus (319) has posed:
    It's a nice, bright day in summer, The sky is nice and clear. Which is useful given who's passing through.

    Way up above, calmly floating through the air, is a freighter. Looks like the kind usually found floating out in the void. A huge metal box with some engines strapped to it. This particular ship has the image of a black dragon curled around a shipping crate painted on either side of it. It's obviously a ship belonging to black Dragon Shipping, a known Union aligned company.

Dr. Violet Hunter (471) has posed:
     Violet, honestly, has picked this freighter mostly by chance. There are a decent number of really popular shipping companies, though the Black Dragon Shipping is one that caught her eye. Especially because it is one of the first on the list that is outright Union aligned, and it ships supplies that might be helpful to her, and her construction of her floating fortress.

     Yeah, it really helps that Black Dragon Shipping, starting with B, would be near the top of alphabetical lists of shipping companies.

     The first sign of the attack is a ball of green wind. It flies out of a cloud located in the sky. The source of the attack bursts out of the clouds, flying upon a broomstick. Witchmon, the red-clad witch Digimon. It rides upon its broom, cackling a bit, as it looks towards Fayt's freighter.

     It was just a warning shot, as of yet. But Witchmon flies in front of the front window, trying to get the attention of the driver.

     Specifically, she is holding up a sign that reads as follows:


Fayt Ravus (319) has posed:
    The ship stops as soon as witchmon gets in front of it. Oddly though, there's no reply. It just sort of... sits there. Weird.

    A reply eventually comes, namely, There's a force bolt flying for witchmon's head, followed by Fayt, held up by blue and green wings as he suddenly pops up from somewhere behind the freighter. "We don't deal with confederates. Leave, now."

Dr. Violet Hunter (471) has posed:
     As Fayt's assault flies in, Witchmon ends up struck by the bolt of energy. She flies forward, crashing into the ship, before peeling herself off. She turns, and glares at Fayt.

     "...Oh god, /this/ jerk again? Bah, what are you even doing here? Why are you even bothering to show up? Last time we fought, I /wiped the floor with you/."

     It was actually a /lot/ closer than that, but. Witchmon would rather not remember that. Also sadly, she and Violet didn't realize this was /Fayt's/ company.

     Witchmon flies in towards Fayt, at a high speed. Ramming speed, specifically. She is kind of just outright glaring at him, trying to keep the speed up as she goes in for the tackle.

Fayt Ravus (319) has posed:
    "What'd you expect? It's my-OFF!" Fayt's body practically folds in on itself as witchmon crashes into him, sending the poor litting guy spinning end over end into the distence.

    Steadying himself, Fayt takes a moment to shake his head clear before glaring back at witchmon. "like I said, that's my ship you attacked, of cource I'm going to defend it!" that said, he quickly takes aim, staff twisting about in his hands as he takes another shot at witchmon. "Force bolt."

Dr. Violet Hunter (471) has posed:
     Witchmon sighs, only to be hit by a force bolt. Really, she couldn't even get out of the path of that easily enough. I mean she was /right/ next to him, after all. She is pushed back a bit, and groans as she glares at Fayt again.

     "Well how the hell was I supposed to know you own the company! We just picked it off a list of random shipping companies. It was near the top. You should of named it with a Z, so it'd be closer to the bottom and less likely to be picked randomly!"

     She flies forward again. Honestly, she's feeling a /bit/ pissed at this situation. She already proved her dominance, even if it was a close fight! So she is trying to /headbutt/ Fayt, just to be a bit more primal about things.

Fayt Ravus (319) has posed:

    Fayt gets knocked over as he takes a noggin to his noggin, wings locking up for a moment as he suddenly drops out of the sky. Fortunatly, he manages to come back ot his sences before he goes splat, quickly flying back up. "Just ask the confederates! Seriously, you have any idea how many times I've had to do this before? Knock it off, it's annoying." Apparently, Fayt has a bit of a history with random fed attacks on his ships, go figure.

    Still flying back upwards, Fayt Once again he takes aim with his staff. "Fire bolt." This time, it's a small bolt of flame headed towards witchmon.

Dr. Violet Hunter (471) has posed:
     The burst of flames catches Witchmon on fire. She screams a little bit in pain. Fire? Fire /really/ hurts. Just in general. She reacts quick to put it out, summoning forth a burst of water to extinguish the flames from her body. The water still floats around her though, as she rushes to Fayt, trying to circle around him.

     "Fine, next time I'll /ask/ about who it is I'm attacking first. Lesson learned. But honestly, if you're getting tired of being robbed, you should take up a different profession!"

     She sends the water flying forward, trying to crash Fayt into his own ship.

Fayt Ravus (319) has posed:
    There's a dull thud as Fayt gets slammed into the side of his ship with enough force to actually make it ROCK slightly! The impact is even enough to put a minor Fayt-shaped dent in the hull.

    Peeling himself off the side of the ship with a groan. Fayt takes a moment to shake his head clear. "Or you could skip the robbing and just BUY what you're after! You get paid, right?" With a grunt, holds his staff out. "Force blast."

    This time the staff fire what appears to be a really LARGE force bolt, and as one would expect, the big thing hits a LOt harder than the little ones, letting out a large shockwave on impact.

Dr. Violet Hunter (471) has posed:
     The next force blast strikes hard as well, pushing Witchmon back. Yeah, Fayt is fairly reliably strong. So this is becoming a bit of a pain. Witchmon twirls through the air as she tries to remain stable.

     "Okay, screw it. A lot more pissed off right now than last time. And if the amount of stuff I needed was enough that I could /afford/ it, I wouldn't be stealing it. I need this stuff for a /big project/ that Violet is planning. So. Yes. Paying you, not an option. Beating you senseless /is/."

     She dashes in, foot forward. She is trying to lead with her foot to stomp down on Fayt, to push him against the ship. She's trying to keep him solidly pinned there. Her right hand lifts up, and shoots forward a massive burst of wind energy, trying to slam it straight in Fayt's face.


Fayt Ravus (319) has posed:
    There's a weird gasping sound as Fayt is slammed back into the side of the ship, Follwoed by scream as the wind slams into his face, forcing him further into the hull though. Surprisingly though, he's still concious when it's all over. Carefully, Fayt pouts his staff up at witchmon, "F-force wave."

    This time, the staff fires off a shockwave, which quickly fans out to cover the area in front of the mage, and hopefully force Witchmon to back off in the process.

Dr. Violet Hunter (471) has posed:
     The wave does, in fact, push Witchmon back. The widespread of it gives her little room to dodge. And, once again, Fayt has proven rather consistently strong. She groans a bit. If this consistent pattern of attack keeps up, she's goign to be using soon.

     So time to turn this around /completely/.

     She lifts up her hands. Instead of the usual elemental magic, she is just creating a barrier of just plain magic, completely around her.

     And she /rushes in/ trying to slam the barrier straight into Fayt. And push Fayt into the ship with it.


Fayt Ravus (319) has posed:

    This time, the ship nearly tilts over as Fayt slams into it, leaving a large dent in the side of the hull. Pinned under the barrer, Fayt Struggles to move, cursedwith a mages strength, there's no way he can actually push back, he can however, move his staff just out from under the barrier. "A-acid blast..."

    The shot goes wide, as a huge ball of highly caustic green acid goes sailing off into the distence. "Turn."


    The ball of acid suddenly curves around mid-flight, hooking itself around to shoot right past Fayt and through Witchmon. Fayt meanwhile?

    There's a weird buzzing sound as strange, multicolored electricty starts to dance around his head... weird.

Dr. Violet Hunter (471) has posed:
     The ball of acid burns Witchmon. She screams with pain, quite loudly. She doesn't have as many good ways to wash off acid, sadly. She attempts to do so some, with the water, but it still is burning her skin. Where her skin begins to burn, bits of data are leaking out.

     And so she flies forward. This time, though, the broom is the part that is going to strike. She's trying to impale Fayt, through his stomach, against the ship.


     She says, as she is almost losing conciousness.

Fayt Ravus (319) has posed:
    URK! Oh dear...

    The broom slams into Fayt's gut, there's a few rather... distrubing sounds, then what sounds like metal tearing... Fayt's been impaled ot the ship, bleeding heavliy through the wound. The rest of him doesn't look much better, getting repeaditly slammed inot the hull has taken it's toll on the pale mage, he's a mess of brusies and broken bones. Bareully, he manages to hang on. Slowly, shakely lifting his staff up. he chokes out one final spell "F... f-force... wave.

    A massive shockwave suddenly fire form the staff, hopefully that stops her, the little guy is barely hanging on as it is.

Dr. Violet Hunter (471) has posed:
     The force wave pushes Witchmon forward, and pulls the broom out of Fayt. She is fading a bit, going unconcious, as she falls down. Yeah, it looks like she is going to hit the ground, and hard.

     Or, at least, it does, until someone else appears, mostly out of the blue. Violet, riding upon a long chinese dragon looking Digimon, with a skull-like head. Two massive wings do stretch from its back, though. Specifically, this is an Airdramon.

     Violet just frowns a little bit, holding up her Digivice. She speaks, and the Digivice lights up.

     "Witchmon, return."

     And, Witchmon is ported back into the Digivice. Violet looks at Fayt, her eyes narrowing a bit. It's hard to see them, though, due to the goggles on her face.

     Airdramon is beginning to turn around. Though there is still time for Fayt to fire off some last comment.

Fayt Ravus (319) has posed:
    Fayt... doesn't do much once the shockwave fires off. he's sort of laying there, sort of still stick in a dent made by his being repeidatly slammed into the side of the ship. He's not saying anything, though he's staring at-or at least has his heads vaugly pointed in-Violet's direction. He doesn't really say anything though. might not be able to at this point.

Dr. Violet Hunter (471) has posed:
     And Violet flies away.

     Note to self, get revenge on Fayt.