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Latest revision as of 15:21, 10 October 2014

Not Of This Multiverse
Date of Scene: 10 October 2014
Location: Volcanian Plains
Synopsis: Welcome to the Multiverse, Dragon Emperor. Its going to be a rough ride.
Cast of Characters: 94, 143, 150, Blurr, 524, 594

Fang (594) has posed:
The multiverse gets a strange event that takes place as the sky rumbles before a red streak is seen crossing through the night sky. The streak continues to move rapidly across the sky before it starts to head downward and at last makes impact from what information could be seen out in the rocky desert of the volcanian plains.

The ground of the impact has been torn up, rocks shoved aside and at the end of the trail, lies a young man in his early twenties. His skin light tan, almost white, his hair of near pure silver white in color, and his clothing quiet decorative of white and reds.

Only a bit of the volcanic dirt has found its way on him and he seems to be out cold for the moment. Unconscious perhaps from the impact.

Hayate Yagami (150) has posed:
    Hayate Yagami, still rubbing the sleep out of one eye on account of it being just past shipboard-midnight, suppresses a yawn that threatens to shake her tea all over her uniform. She mulls once more over the new realization that this astrogeology expedition had just turned into one of Those incidents. You know. One of those where it'll be a good day if someone hasn't been totally befriended by the time lunch rolls around. Speaking of lunch.
    Bing bong, goes the intercom acknowledgement.
    "Galley, Bridge. Did I smell eggs on the way past?"
    "Croque Ma'ams... err... ma'am. Did you want one brought up?"
    "No, bring up..." Hayate silently counts her way around the bridge, "Nine. Please. Thank you for the tea."
    "My pleasure, ma'am."
    Hayate turns her attention to the telescoped video feed again on the screen, taking a sip of tea. An uneasy feeling creeps around the bottom of her neck, like the feeling that one has when halfway to the grocers and before realizing that the oven was still on. Something was very wrong, here, and she'll be damned if she-
    "Galley, Bridge. And send one up to the launches for Ms. Takamachi."

Nanoha Takamachi (94) has posed:
    Nanoha Takamachi, of the Union, has been remiss in her duties a little. Spending so much of her time in training, that she hasn't been out in the field as much. Well it's not like a shooting star is the biggest issue the Multiverse could throw the TSAB's Ace of Aces, it's more than fairly routine. But it gets her out of the house and satisfies her need to be useful.
    For the record the croque is delicious.
    This is why a after launch streak of white-pink is soaring across the skies, a few hologram screens hovering in front of her, projected from the staff in her hand, displaying various maps, a vid link back to Hayate's ship, showing that the small redhead has it held in her mouth as she flies, and estimated landing points for the... Person.
    ... Is that a person?

Haru (143) has posed:
    It's time to break the veil really fast!

    Because there is a FLYING ROCK heading towards the site. It's going REALLY FAST. On the floating rock there is a dark haired, dark skinned young fellow with a moustache. He's wearing green, and it looks distinctly Chinese-styled, part of his hair even done up with the 'ring' to hold it. This fellow is sitting on the rock to minimize air resistance. Because even he's not stupid enough to try to STAND UP while on a flying rock going that fast.

General Zod (524) has posed:
    A transorbital shuttle, looking like a large black beetle, follows up on the red meteor, finally catching up as its gravitic drives hum and throw off washes of distortion through the atmosphere. The ship was going at least five times the speed of sound, the sound of thunder trailing distantly behind it as it screams across the volcanic plains. It stops suddenly, on a dime, and sensor echoes wash out from it, scanning the area around the meteoric impact of the man. It seems to be waiting and watching at the moment, seeing who else shows up at the site.

Blurr has posed:
    If anyone thinks that rock is flying REALLY fast, then they really don't know FAST. Is that rock flying at the speed of sound or faster? Didn't think so. What IS traveling at the speed of sound is Blurr, who is making his way toward the crash site at aforementioned speed. The projectile had been detected by Autobot probes in upper orbit, and the former racer has been sent to investigate.

    Coming to an abrupt halt in front of the young man, he begins to scan him. Who is he? -What- is he? Is he all right?

Hayate Yagami (150) has posed:
    Hayate carefully wraps up the crisp crumbs in her napkin, then places it aside into the tray, next to the thoughtful wax paper wrapper that formerly hugged the sandwich. Amidst the general sounds of chewing and crunching from around the bridge is a satisfied sigh, followed by a poor segue into an exasperated sigh.
    Just for once, could things be simple and straightforward? So many ... others were showing up, and so soon, too. Probably it'll get even worse; some of them will have to be arrested and then she's duty-bound to make an effort of it and suddenly hurt feelings all around. Not that she terribly minded doing her job, of course. Just not with as much unfettered... enthusiasm as-
    "Stars 1, new contacts. I reckon you've got the track downloads 'ready?"

Fang (594) has posed:
That is indeed a person among the dark rocks, though as the hot breeze rolls over the area from the magma fields not that far, it moves the bangs on his face slightly. Though he doesn't move right away, his hand does twitch gently before his head at last slowly rolls over from the side to move where he would be looking straight on, if his eyes would open at least.

As his eyes open, their vibrant aqua blue look out up at the stares. He blinks his eyes a few times as his brows furrow for a moment with his mind in a slight haze. He can smell the sulfur in the air, the heat on the wind. This-- this was not where he was last.

"..wh..where.. am I?" The young man asks gently as he tries to get his barrings. He then goes to close his eyes before he then opens them once more to see the stars and hear the faint rumbles of-- things he has not heard before, "..wait. This is not.." There was then a pause in his voice, "Canhel! Echidna!" He then calls out as he tries to get himself, "Answer me!!" Though as he at last goes to roll himself over he looks down at his hand, "...wh--what?!"

Slowly the young man lifts up his hand and stares at it, those eyes wide for a moment before he narrows them slowly, the moment of confusion turning into slow, seething anger, "..Clunea.." His teeth gritted before he tries to get himself to stand up, almost to find himself falling back over in the ditch his form impacting has made, "CLUNEA!!" He roars out even louder as his hand then goes to reach up to grab for the edge of the rocky surface, "ANSWER ME! DAMN YOU!!" Yet as he started to pull himself up, he came to notice the strange machine before him. His eyes then slowly follow the form of the vehicle, until he then lets out a soft snort. "..you are not any kind of wagon I've seen before.." He says with some confusion in his voice.

Then the young man's eyes narrow, as a sadistic smile plays on his face, "Oh. I get it! This is all an illusion, haha. But games are now OVER!" He then roars up at the sky, "COME ON!" He then turns to look at Blurr and actually goes to punch at the metal machine. "Or I'll make it end!" Only as he does go to punch, his foot trips on one of the rocks and he goes face first right into the rocky desert.

He lays there for a bit, before his hand twitches and then he goes to pick himself back up. "...but doesn't feel like an illusion.." he mutters under his breath.

Nanoha Takamachi (94) has posed:
    Scarfing her sandwich while flying, it's a quick meal, done by the time all her search spells and uplinks to Hayate's ship point Nanoha in the right direction. There's a small red flush that takes to the girl's cheeks, visible on Hayate's viewscreens back on board. "U-um!" A little awkwardly, she flashes a grin, with a small giggle. "That's the other Nanoha. I'm actually Meteors-1."
     A flutter of the pink wings of light at her boots and the small redhead sets down with a small tup-tup of landing. "It's... A person." She murmurs the obvious, taking to a crouch by Fang as he begins to rouse. "--Ah. Take it easy. You uh. Kind of had a really long fall." She tries to urge him to kicks back a bit but he starts YELLING NAMES.
    "U-um... N-no, I'm Nanoha." The bead of sweat rolling down the side of her said says, for a moment, she assumed he was calling her that. Though she's proven wrong shortly afterward. "Oh... Um! No... This isn't an illusion."
    "He's also not a meteor." Says the sand-colored ferret that suddenly pokes his head out of her jacket.

Blurr has posed:
    Blurr watches as the young man starts ranting and raving about illusions and names he doesn't recognize. Ah, well. This is the Multiverse, after all. No surprise there. Then he goes to punch the Autobot, but simply trips over some rocks and falls on his face. The speedster can't help but snicker a bit at that. "Uh, you okay pal?" he asks, still chuckling. "And this doesn't feel like an illusion because it -isn't- one."

    Talking car? Yeah.

Haru (143) has posed:
    Haru has only just landed the rock when the not-punch happens, and he blinks. He waits until it seems relatively safe before hopping off of the rock. For the time being he stands back, not wanting to get in the way too much.

Hayate Yagami (150) has posed:
    Do-overs are allowed, right? Hayate pinches the bridge of her nose and wishes really, really hard for a button to start over from about half an hour ago. Actually, yesterday wasn't all that good, either. Might as well stretch it back a week and avoid the laundry mishap. Last year's performance review could have gone better, too, come to think of it...
    In the absence of a fervently wished-for do-over, Hayate resorts to pressing her hands together towards Nanoha's ... monitor, "Po'erful sorry about that, Meteor-1. We're a-having some trouble cor'lating those names to anyone yet. I'd be obliged if you could keep the fellah talking."

Fang (594) has posed:
When Nanoha speaks, the young man quickly turns to look at her. Those vibrant aqua blue eyes staring right into her own. Those slightly cat-like pupils seeming to stare right into her really before his eyes narrow slightly.

His jaw clenches, even as his gaze breaks and looks directly at the speaking machine. The gaze itself not moving any. The bangs of his hair move slightly, showing those slightly pointed ears-- half elf maybe?

He looks between the two before he takes a step back once he is fully on his feet again. "If this is not an illusion, then tell me quickly where I am! Because I am the Dragon Emperor and as my reputation stands, I am the strongest alive!"

The young man then points at Nanoha, "And I could flick someone like you easily with my pinky talon. So out with it! I need to get back to that damn goddess and make her undo what she has done." He then crosses his arms over his chest.

Blurr has posed:
    Okay, well he's got his axles in a twist, Blurr thinks to himself but finally he spouts off the coordinates of their exact location in the Volcanian plains. "LT-115 0-09, 55, south 72 kliks." Which probably means all of nothing to anyone not Cybertronian. But hey, he asked a question and got an answer! "Where are you from, anyway...what did you say your name was? Oh, The Dragon Emperor? Can I call you 'Drags'?" Faster equals easier equals better.

Haru (143) has posed:
    Haru blinks at the rather angry words from the man. "I'm sorry, I don't know of any 'goddess'. And I didn't recognize any of those names either," he offers calmly. Blurr's coordinates (is that what they are?) get a rather confused expression from Haru as well. He doesn't know the Multiverse by its coordinates either! So he offers, hopefully more clearly, "It looks like you just unified, sir." Guy's saying he's an Emperor, right? Haru can dig that. "This is the Multiverse."

Nanoha Takamachi (94) has posed:
    He can... What... With his pinkie? The declaration catches the girl off guard, her own deep blue eyes fluttering in a quick series of bewildered blinks. "... I'm sorry, I uh. I've never heard of you." She does admit in a sheepish tone. Though she tries to evade the topic of pinky flicking, as she casts a glance down to the ferret. And the ferret looks right up at her, before skittering up onto her shoulder.
    "What exactly did that... Goddess do to you?" Yuuno asks, scratching at his snout with a paw.

Fang (594) has posed:
Fang cuts a quick look at the talk car and then sneers his teeth at him for a moment, "My name is Fang and don't you forget it!" He snaps out before motioning his hand to the side, "We of the Dragon Clan are the most feared and the most powerful of the clans! If you done your history you sorry excuse for a golem, you would know that!"

Was this thing even a golem? Whatever.

The young man looks over to Haru as he addresses him and motions with both of his hands, "See. That is the /proper/ respect to give someone like me. Hey you!" He points at Haru then, "What is your name?"

He then snaps a look over to Nanoha, He stares at her and seems to stand up straighter as she shows some 'concern', or what he is picking up as concern. Yep. Such a dragon. "I'm asking the questions right now, got it? First things first," He then looks back to Haru, "What the in hell is Unified and I never heard of any land called the Multiverse.. we have battled ever clan across every sea-- and never have I heard of such a place!"

Maybe he'll answer Nanoha once he gets more info on what IS going on.

Hayate Yagami (150) has posed:
    "Meteor-1, please go ahead and get a statement of sovereignty. I need to know which book to use." Hayate says, rather off-handedly, into the open line to Nanoha. She really didn't like having to get out -that- book. It's much worse than the Book of Darkness was. At least the Book of Darkness had the decency to be fairly straightforward. Hopefully this won't happen and she can use the SOP, First Contact, Non-Sovereign.
    Because the SOP, First Contact, Sovereign is six thousand plus pages of fine print designed by some truly diabolical mind to try to avoid stepping on the sensitive toes of some other being. And technically speaking, she was supposed to follow it.

Blurr has posed:
    "Excuse me -what- did you just call me?" Oh did he just call Blurr a 'sorry excuse for a golem'? Whatever a golem is. Doesn't matter, he doesn't just -take- insults like that. Nope. Oh, he'll -show- this guy 'sorry excuse for a golem'! Suddenly, the hovercraft starts to unfold, looking for a moment as if it is falling apart, but instead the panels just shift and extend outward and upward until a 30-foot-tall mechanical being is standing before them and glaring down at Fang.

    "In case you haven't noticed, -fleshy-, we're just trying HELP you. So why don't you just cut the scrap attitude first and accept the fact that -no-, you -don't- know everything there is to know about everything, -then- maybe we'll tell you something you want to know." He folds his arms, looking exasperated. No, he isn't a patient person. At all.

Haru (143) has posed:
    "Uh... my name's Haru, sir," the earthbender replies, bowing politely. As for what is the Multiverse? "Well... that's a little hard to explain. Your world sort of... got sewed onto a bigger collection of worlds. Like a quilt, you know? That happens a lot. And it looks like you got displaced from your world when it unified. That happens sometimes too."

    At least, that's what they tell him.

Nanoha Takamachi (94) has posed:
    Nanoha is just left scratching her head here. Between Fang's IMPERIOUS behavior, and suddenly bickering with the ferret on her shoulder and the staff in her hand, the redheaded girl heaves a heavy sigh. Apparently HE'S the one asking the questions, which means she opens up a video comm back to Hayate's ship.
    Hayate is going to see an EPIC trio shrug in the form of Nanoha looking at a loss, Yuuno holding his paws up, and Raising Heart flashing <??????> repeatedly on her gem. Right... Statement of sovereignty...
    "Sooooo... -please speak loud and clear in the direction of the staff-- you said you're an Emperor?"
    Roundabout, but should be statement enough.

Fang (594) has posed:
Blurr just transforms and Fang just gives him a dead-pan stare with his arms crossing over his chest. He doesn't even seem phased by the fact Blurr is now a thirty foot robot, though at the end of it he raises his eye brow slightly. "Ok. So you are a really tall golem with a neat magic trick. Awesome, but wasn't talking to you."

Haru answers further his question and he furrows his brow, before glancing away in thought. "Ok then. That settles that." He gives a nod of his head, "..and thanks, Haru. Nice to know someone has some decent respect for authority. I hate to actually have to rough anyone up just because Clunea got her high and mighty feathers in a twist."

He then looks over to Nanoha and points his finger at her, "Which leads to your earlier question, lady. Clunea, the creator of our-- MY-- world decided to get uppity with me when I went to her. Apparently she can't comprehend a simple question and cause of that.."

Fang then looks up at the sky, for the moment he seems a little bit-- lost-- contemplative, before that stern look and show of power displays over him once more, including anger building in his cat-like eyes, "She apparently threw me out of her tower and.. and.." He looks down at his hands and growls. "...AUGH!" He then slams his fist into the ground, "DAMN YOU CLUNEA!"

The impact with the ground actually cuts his hand up a bit from the jagged rocks as he grits his teeth in anger, the words slightly under his breath, "..forcing me back to my form before my fledge.."

Blurr has posed:
    Blurr shakes his head. Whatever. This guy is -so- not worth his time. "Eh, whatever." he waves a dismissive hand at the other Union elites. "Good luck helping this boltless idiot." And with that he transforms back down into his vehicle form and takes off again at the speed of sound.

Hayate Yagami (150) has posed:
    "Thank you, Meteor-1." Hayate bips up the volume a bit so that, hopefully. the shouty person can hear her trying to be slightly shouty. "Y'all hear this? Ah, I reckon it's fine. Mr. Emperor person! This is Hayate Yagami talkin', on the behalf o' the Time-Space Ahdministration Bureau. I reckonize yer claim to sovereignty and, in view o' your recently-displaced status, reockonize you as a gov'nment-in-exile. We ain't got protection or assistance offered for you 'cause you haven't requested it, but if y'all just talk to Miss Takamachi's staff here, I believe we can get'er sorted real simple-like."

Haru (143) has posed:
    Truth be told, it's less 'respect for authority' on Haru's part, and more 'not wanting to get his face bashed in'. Because you never know who's stronger than you are here in the Multiverse. There's always someone who is! Of course, he doesn't let on that this is the reason. Less likely to get punched, AND more likely to be remembered positively.

    Haru scratches his head a little at Fang's story. "Spirits tend to be that way... I've heard stories about the ones in my world." And dealt with some, more recently! He'll quiet down as the voice from the staff speaks up. That sounds official, and he's about as unofficial as they get! Not something he wants to get involved in. Besides, he's hearing horrible things on the radio. Terrible things about... oh, the horror...


    (Cue horror movie scream.)

Fang (594) has posed:
Fang eyes snap over to Blurr as he tries to run off, "HEY!" He barks out and then lobs a rock in Blurr's direction-- buuut to late. The young man snorts out before shaking his injured hand a bit, then giving the bit of blood a look.

He then picks some of the rock pieces away from it as Hayate speaks to him, he then looks toward the direction of the voice, flicking one more little shard of rock from his hand. He tsks softly and then twitches his nose a little. "I don't need any sanctuary." He then jabs his thumb at himself, "I'm the strongest alive and protection is only needed for those who are to weak, which I am not."

He then fixes the feathered collar of his vest shirt, "And if my world is stuck in this place, then I'll march right back to that tower and give Clunea the beating of her life for this until she reverts what she has done. She caught me off guard-- wont happen again."

Fang then looks over to Haru, "Haru, right? Hm. Hope to run into you later. You look like someone I could have fun challenging against."

The Young man then rolls his shoulders, "So. keep your-- whatever-- I have a mission to now finish." He then starts to walk off from the group, before he snarls and mutters under his breath, "..and a goddess too remind who she is just dealing with..."

Nanoha Takamachi (94) has posed:
    Yeah that just happened. He just went to go wander off on his mission.
    Once again Nanoha, Yuuno, and Raising Heart turn to the video feed.
    Cue a helpless look.
    Cue a confused lift of paws.
    Cue a repeated flash of <???>

Haru (143) has posed:
    Haru winces a little when he sees the rock go flying. A sweep of his arm, and the rock stops, hovering in the air, before dropping to the ground. He does bow politely to Fang after dropping the rock, though. "I'm sorry, sir. No disrespect was meant by that, but that's an ally of mine," he remarks. The mention of wanting to challenge Haru gets a nervous, "Ah...heh...right."


    Haru sighs as the 'Emperor' walks away. Whew. At least no one died this time. Always a plus!