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Visit Iwo Jima
Date of Scene: 10 October 2014
Location: Earth-2056
Synopsis: Gunzou's intro scene just a little social get together with Abyssal Fleet and Fleet Maidens and an admiral.
Cast of Characters: 112, 438, 574, Wo, 595

Gunzou Chihaya (574) has posed:
Things had been rather quiet here on Iwo Jima for a little while, no attacks from the Fleet of Fog and while he was still trying to figure things out with being able to communicate with others again. It felt strange, but still. He had some downtime and decided that he would invite some people to come visit Iwo Jima, while he wasn't going to show them the inside of his base, at least this time, he figured the beach would be a good place to have the meeting.

Gunzou himself is lounging in a beach chair as he waits for the visitors to arrive, not really sure who would show up, but there'd been a couple that he'd spoken to on the radio, who had caught his interest and hoped that they would be here. He glances out to the sea to see if any come from there, or perhaps just checking for danger.

Iona, the I-401's mental model is crouching on the beach near the waves and poking at a starfish with a small stick. As for the other members of the crew they are busily scampering about and getting last moment preperations completed.

Wo has posed:
    'Danger,' hmm? And what exactly would that look like? It would be easily missed by most, as a dark shape glides toward the shallows, but then this isn't the usual assemblance of random spectators. Regardless, the time to react is minimal, as bubbles boil up from below, before what appears to be a humanoid shape dressed in black emerges on the surface, amber eyes glowing from where they're shaded by a large hat. They stand there for a few moments, before beginning to glide over the water's surface, towards the beach itself. While it no doubt looks alarming, at least there seems to be nothing overtly aggressive about their demeanor at the moment.

    Assuming she's not interceted on the way, the Wo-class Aircraft Carrier will arrive in short order, and lean on a shard of oxidized metal roughly fashioned into a staff, before craning - head and hat both - down to regard Iona, and then Gunzou, in turn. Her eyes linger on the former just a bit longer. When she speaks up, it's at first only a soft, "Wo?" These surface people look like they're having fun.. This must be the place. Ah right.. To the latter she strains to get out, while holding up an empty hand, "..no danger.. Only - visiting." As though even summoning up that much articulation is difficult for her. Sea water, meanwhile, begins pooling around her on the beach where she stands.

Rosamarie Alba (438) has posed:
    The fleet of fog intrigues Rosa. It sounds more like Neuroi than Elvari, but that's not something that'll detract from her interest. Considering one of her few friends is a Neuroi who defected from her 'people' to join a group of fighting girls, the Fleet of Fog is even more interesting than the Elvari are.

    Rosa shows no real sign of fighting ability or nature. She looks like nothing more than an ordinary girl, actually. No older than Gunzou and no more formally-dressed, she has nothing particularly unusual to make her stand out from others.

    Iona gets no more than a glance. Rosa has no way to tell that this girl is an embodied submarince, since of course there have been others invited. She may be another multiversal visitor. Gunzou seems fairly obvious. She heads for him and is about to introduce herself when she sees Wo rise from the sea. Rosa's reaction is obvious as she whirls, retreating a few quick steps from the water. A reaction of fear rather than aggression, or at least one of defense. She doesn't call upon her armor however, or her currently-hidden weapons, so she can't be too terrified. Probably.

Admiral Merlwyb (595) has posed:
Out in the distance, Gunzou might catch sight of a ship sailing right towards Iwo Jima. At first sight, it would seem to be an ancient wooden galleon, not out of place in the grand heydays of naval explortation and warfare many centuries ago. But as it continues to approach, it becomes easier and easier to see that it isn't... quite Earthen. The dark brown wood is overclad in places with metal -- possibly darkened steel -- and the two great white sails are held aloft by two masts. The detail work on metal and wood alike, even the design of the hull itself, is certainly not of human origin.

The large galleon lowers its sails as it drops anchor well off-shore, a small rowboat pushed out of an opening just above the ocean's surface. Four individuals board and two of them promptly begin rowing, crossing the rest of the waters to shore with good speed. A female humanoid with ice-blue skin and wearing a black greatcoat stands at the helm, one foot resting on the bow with her torso bent forwards and arms crossed over her thigh. A well-built male humanoid with dark sea-green skin sits at the back of the rowboat, arms crossed over his red-and-white gratcoat and goggles blocking his eyes.

As soon as the rowboat reaches shore, the two rowers -- humans clad in red greatcoats -- jump out and ensure the rowboat is properly gounded. Only when their work is done does the black-clad female step off onto the beach with the other male right behind her. The Admiral rests one hand on her hip, remarkably close to one of the double-barreled flintlocks she has tied to her hip. "Well met," she greets, her lips pressing into a thin smile. "I am Admiral Merlwyb Bloefhiswyn, Chief Admiral of Limsa Lominsa and her military, the Maelstrom. I hope I am not intruding."

Gunzou Chihaya (574) has posed:
Gunzou Chihaya blinks when the woman comes out from the sea, well, he actually blinks more than once and he openly stares at Wo, trying to make heads or tails out of her outfit. Ok that is more than a bit strange, but who is he to say what is odd and what is not? Though she has his attention, he forgets for a few moments that he should rise when guests have arrived.

Iona looks up at Wo as she feels her eyes on her and has to blink as well, that's her reaction at least and she watches the woman for a few moments, curiously staring at the jellyfish hat. She then wanders over towards Gunzou, "Gunzou, she came out of the sea."

Gunzou is stopped from his staring at Wo, when Iona speaks to him and finally rises from his seat after a few moments. He nods to Wo when she speaks to him, "Your just came out of the sea? The oceans here are rather dangerous as the Fleet of Fog do not allow any to sail them any longer, but I haven't seen any sign of them lately."

Then Rosa arrives and when she approaches him, he gives her a nod, it's good to see someone around his age here, well, not that his crew is any older than he is, but still. Her reaction to Wo though, causes him to blink again, "Is everything alright, miss?" Well he doesn't know her name yet, so that is how she gets addressed.

He is about to say more, but he glances out to sea again and watches the large ship approach and blinks, "I've not seen a ship that old looking in a long time." he mutters almost in awe of it. He then watches as the woman is rowed to shore and once she gets close enough the sight of her causes him to do a double take. Blue? That's a new color for a person and for a moment he looks a little uncomfortable, especially when she announces herself as an Admiral.

Iona for her part peers at Rosa for a few moments and gives her a wave, "Hello." she greets Rosa and then she does the same to the Admiral as well.

Gunzou glances between the three women for a few moments and finally introduces himself. "Greetings and welcome to Iwo Jima. I am Gunzou Chihaya, Captain of the Sen-toku class submarine I-401." he gestures a little offshore to where the sub is surfaced. Then he gestures to Iona, "This is Iona, the submarine's mental model."

Iona smiles and waves to everyone in greeting, "Hello, I am Iona." she tells the others.

Wo has posed:
    For her part, any reactions to the surprised, incredulous, and subtly fearful expressions given to her arrival are muted, at best. She continues staring, mostly between Gunzou and Iona for the next several moments, then glances back towards the sea where the rowboat is now making landfall. ..what a curious looking vessel that is. To the notion that she could be in danger in the sea, she manages to give what can just barely be seen to be a confused quirk of her eyebrows, and a soft sound rises from her throat. "..sea is.. Home." Outside of skirmishes with fleet daughters, anyway, there's no safer place she can possibly think of being, though certainly this is far away from her usual range.

    Looking back, specifically to Rosamarie this time, the girl gets a similarly puzzled expression, though for a different reason. She flat eyes and once again flexes one empty, black gloved hand. It's empty, see? Of course, that doesn't mean anything to the guns mounted on her hat. "No danger," she repeats, nothing up her sleeves. She also can't know that either Iona or Rosamarie are what they are, at the moment, but that doesn't mean she can't read a human's feelings around her. The Admiral, though...she arrives with all the flair of a conquering explorer, enough that she'd almost expect her to plant a flag on the beach. That is enough to give Wo pause, as she mumbles in copy, "Admiral.." A surface-dwelling sea officer, even if her color looks more like her own sisters - so that's how it is, here in the multiverse.

    Now that everyone has seemingly arrived, she remains quiet as their hosts - and one of the guests - make their introductions. Following suit, she tucks in the cape strewn from her shoulders and lowers her head, an action that judging how heavy that hat looks, speaks of how much neck strength she must have. "Wo-class.. Aircraft carrier," she assumes, still having no more identity than that. A fact that, now that her eyes are shaded from view, causes her to give just the trace of a grimace, before rising fully back up. "Submarine..? Mental - model." One term is a lot more familiar than the other, and she steps further up the beach, taking the moment to wring more water out from her cape. "--Gunzou, Iona. Hello."

Rosamarie Alba (438) has posed:
    Rosa stares hard at Wo, clearly frightened or at least wary. She knows this figure, certainly, despite never meeting her. The eyes and pallor would be clear enough, if she didn't recognize Wo from an after-incident report. Abyssal Fleet, after all, are rather distinctive and the Fleet Maidens have crossed them as much as anyone.

    "She's Abyssal Fleet." Rosa warns quietly. She claims to be only visiting. Well, that's a bit odd. Rosamarie hasn't ever heard of an Abyssal Fleet ship having anything like curiosity. Or for that matter, any emotion other than hatred and despair. The words 'no danger' seem to be a bit dubious, given those guns, but...

    Rosa sighs, straightening from her defensive crouch, but not taking her eyes off Wo. Ironic, given she's prepared to accept Evangeline and Iona being different from all the rest of their 'people', but maintains suspicion of Wo. Then again, her first experience with both Evangeline and Iona's people were as friendlies. Her first experience with the Abyssal Fleet was that of deadly danger and murderous intent.

    She isn't rude however. Not completely, at least. While still keeping a wary eye on Wo, Rosa also greets the others. Especially Iona. Having heard of the girl-submarine, Rosa's smile for the little Mental Model is brief but warm with genuine cheer. "Rosa." she greets. "Maiden of Albacore." she adds, for those who know her by her more professional designation.

Admiral Merlwyb (595) has posed:
Admiral Merlwyb's eyebrows furrow slightly at mention of a 'submarine' and 'Mental Model', but seems to get the gist of the conversation well enough. She dips her head in a nod to Iona. "A pleasure to meet you, Iona." Her gaze shifts to the others in attendance, Rosa's warning noted but left alone for the moment. "And the same to all of you as well."

She folds her hands behind the small of her back, like in parade-rest but far more relaxed. If her entrance had all the flair of Christopher Columbus discovering the New World, it is almost immediately dialed back. Besides, she left all of the Lominsian flags back on her ship. "I seem to be the least advanced here." The comment is only partially in jest.

Gunzou Chihaya (574) has posed:
Gunzou Chihaya nods to Wo as she speaks of coming fromt he sea and across it, "Well, if you travel the seas here, just be careful, not many ships other than my submarine can withstand an attack from the Fleet of Fog vessels." Though that warning doesn't seem to be only for Wo, but for Rosa and the admiral as well. Then he nods to Wo and explains, "Yes, the submarine over there." he gestures offshore where it is surfaced, "Is my ship and." he nods to Iona, "Iona here is for lack of better words a projection of the sub." he smiles a bit fondly to Iona.

He the turns his head to Rosa and blinks at her, "Abyssal Fleet? are they related to the Fleet of Fog?" he frowns a little, not sure if he likes the sound of this 'Abyssal Fleet', but he does his best to keep his face and voice neutral, no, no sue in making enemies right off the bat. Though he does look at Iona, since Wo kind of reminds him of some of the mental model's of the Fleet of Fog ships they have encountered, "Is she part of the Fleet of Fog, Iona?" and raises an eyebrow.

Iona looks at Wo again for a few moments and seems to be staring off into space as she concentrates and then after a few moments shakes her head, "I cannot reach her in the joint tactical network Gunzou, so no she is not." Gunzou nods, looking a little relieved at that at least.

Gunzou then smiles at Rosa, "Ah you are the one we've spoken to over the radio?" he seems a bit interested in the other person who has a sub it seems.

Iona smiles back at Rosa, "I remember you." she tells the other girl, "I'd like to meet your Albacore someday." that has Gunzou chuckle softly and then smile, well it's good to see Iona getting along with people.
He then nods to the Admiral, "Maybe you are, but I've never heard of the place you are from, where is it located?" he raises an eyebrow and then smiles to the blue woman, "Your ship is quite lovely though, it looks like something from the old days here on Earth. Is she old? and how have you kept her in such fit shape?"

Wo has posed:
    There's still plenty of hatred and despair, don't you underestimate! In lapses of concentration, the voices still echo in her head sometimes. However, she's regained enough of her senses to be able to..control herself, in this sort of low intimidation situation. The Wo-class, if she is bothered by Rosa letting the abyssal cat out of the bag, doesn't let it show too much. Instead, she seems to currently be studying Iona, albeit from a non-intrusive distance, for the time being. While circumstances are different, in ways she doesn't know and maybe can't quite grasp, yet, this girl is clearly different from those fleet daughters. "Wo," she intones, mono-syllably, and confirms the young girl's analysis, "First time - hearing that. Fleet..of Fog." It is kind of a catchy name, though!

    The carrier can't really keep a sigh in check at the continued suspicions. The voices of the destroyers tried to warn her it would be like this. Recently, though, she's just felt the need to..see some things with her own eyes. Especially when it comes this new battlefield she and her sisters have found themselves in. "Abyssal Fleet - yes. My sisters..." It's not like she can deny it, or would. Honey golden eyes turn once again to Rosa, whom has been watching her so warily all this time. Perhaps as a weird sense of a joke, she lets go of the metal shard staff in her hands to stand loose in the sand, bringing both of her hands up to her lips, where she moves her mouth up into a semblance of a 'smile' with her index fingers. There, does that put you more at ease, submarine girl?

    After that, she glances over at the sound of the word radio, and gives a slight nod of her head, "Radio." Reaching up to knock on her hat, which emits a mostly hollow, metallic gong sound. The hat's tendrils actually seem to wiggle for a moment, in response to the action, as well. Is that thing alive!? "Wo." So that's how she found out about this... Something the Admiral said resonates, as well, as she retrieves her staff and steps in her direction, "Wo - is old, too." She halts in her pace though, rubbing at the side of her head, "..think so.. Fuzzy.."

Yamato (112) has posed:
    Captain Gunzou and his problems with the Fleet of Fog. Mikase Yamato had been meaning to look more into this, as it is yet another thing that sounds eerily familiar to the situation in her own world with the Elvari and the sapient warships. However, on the helicopter ride out to Iwo Jima with Rosamarie, the overworked fleet maiden dozed off and continued to snooze after the Seaking landed.

    So yeah, she spent the first bit of the Meet & Greet asleep.

    Mikase starts awake, then stretches her arms and legs out in her seat. A moment later, she unstraps herself and disembarks the helicopter, muttering a quiet apology to the pilot--who seems to have taken 'a passenger fell asleep' as a compliment.

    Feeling rested, at least, she hops off the platform and into the sand, lifting a hand to wave towards Rosamarie and Iona--only to freeze in place at the sight of what is very clearly a member of a force that has made no secret of its status as enemies.

    There's a flicker of white light around her, the windbreaker and uniform disappearing, replaced by the samurai's haori and hakama, the steel armor and metal yoke, and finally the gleaming three-gun turrets. Hunching forward, her turrets start to swivel forward.

    There's a buzzing noise from the supersturcture armor up Yamato's back. A red-clad girl wearing the wings and engines of an A6M Zero climbs up onto her shoulder and punches her in the cheek. Surprised, Yamato glances down at her. The plane girl stamps her foot and points. Yamato glances back at the Wo-class, who is clearly not antagonizing anyone.

    After a pause, and Red Zero punching her again, Yamato's turrets swing back down to their resting state.

    "...Uh. Hi." The greeting and accompanying finger-wiggling wave are equally sheepish.

Rosamarie Alba (438) has posed:
    Is the Abyssal Fleet like the Fleet of Fog? Rosa nods to that, though there's a certain hesitance. "Similar." she claims. She doesn't really know the Fleet of Fog, but it can't hurt to make the young Japanese captain wary right?

    When Wo 'smiles', Rosa simply can't help but stare. The gesture doesn't put her at ease, no, but she's not sure WHAT to think. The gesture's just so damn unexpected and bizarre that she can't do anything but stare.

    In fact only Yamato's actions break Rosa out of her stare. Albacore considers joining Yamato in battle mode, but she's slightly more accepting than her fellow Maiden. Ironic considering her warship is the one that typically strikes first.

    Rosa does quirk a grin, a small one, at the antics of Red Zero however. She moves towards Yamato then, her paralysis broken. "You're supposed to turn the other cheek." she says to her fellow maiden, sotto voce.

Admiral Merlwyb (595) has posed:
Admiral Merlwyb tilts her head to the side briefly at Gunzou's questions. "I hail from a world called Hydaelyn, which -- by what my scouts have told me -- has merged in the Great Northern Sea of the Multiverse. My nation in particular, Limsa Lominsa, is the primary naval force on our world. She," she motions towards her ship off-shore, "is the Eyridoen -- a standard galleon of my fleet, built but a scarce few summers ago. I doubt she's been in the waters long enough to even require the salt scrubbed off her decks."

She snorts a little bit, cupping her chin in one white-gloved hand with her other arm folded over her chest and into the crook of her elbow. "Though it seems almost woefully inadequate given the metal-hulled craft that have slipped into Lominsian waters as of late." Her gaze slips to regard Wo as the damp girl approaches. "Abyssal Fleet... aye, I believe my forces have encountered such a group. It did not end well."

Yamato's actions are met with a stern look as the Admiral rests a hand on the handle of a flintlock, clearly a reflex action. The situation seems to calm back down as suddenly as it had escalated, though, even without her intervention. "Greetings to you as well, I think." She slowly moves her hand away from the flintlock. "And you are...?"

Gunzou Chihaya (574) has posed:
Gunzou Chihaya has to just blink again at all of the information and lets out a bit of a sigh and shakes his head a little, "Well, it sounds somewhat interesting." He eyes Wo and then Rosa for a few moments, "Three different worlds, three different fleets of intelligent? ships.. and I take it that most are world war two ships?" well, that is interesting, though he thinks it's almost too much of a coincidence.

He blinks at Yamato arrives and then there is armor and weapons and such, but luckily it seems she is standing down. He peers at the tall woman, not sure what to make of her either, mental models can't do that.

Iona waves in return to Yamato though and gives her a smile, "Hello!" she greets Yamato, well, she is friendly and the show of arms doesn't seem to bother her, though she does seem a bit curious about Yamato and Rosa, so she wanders over towards them just to study them, though she seems to try to make her way inbetween them.

Gunzou chuckles and smiles, yes it's good to see Iona interacting with others that aren't him and the crew.

He does ponder a few moments though, "We're not here to fight one another, so please do not." he shakes his head, "At least it wasn't my intention to have any fighting while you are visiting here."

He nods to the Admiral and gives her a smile, "Well, she is a beutiful ship if I may say so myself, just that we haven't used such a ship in a couple hundred years. I'd like to sail on her some day if I could and maybe have a chance to explore her." he can admire ships at least.

Wo has posed:
    If comedic 'shock' were visible to anything but the viewers at home, it would definitely have bristled off of Wo's hat, as Yamato jumps out of her ride to Iwo Jima and into conclusions. While turned to the Admiral, it's only Merlwyb that would see her eyes widening as the carrier's water strider-sense tingles, though the muted glow from the crook in her staff would be more generally visible. She promised herself she wouldn't fight here, but that tension in the atmosphere is easily felt to someone that had been in the 'Greatest War.' If it came to that...

    Thankfully, it was just a misunderstanding, and an easily excused one. The glow from her staff subsides as she half-turns to the newest(*) arrival, eyes sizing her up..and up some more. So many tall people on the beaches tonight. Certain things seem to transcend time and place, as the Wo-class utters only a singular word, after a long while of scoping out those turrets. "..Hotel." And then, a name, "Yamato." Certainly, she looks different than her vague memories allow her to recollect, but that isn't necessarily out of place with the rest of her experiences. Despite the somewhat derogatory name foreign sailors might have had for her, it seems to have just slipped out that way, since the Wo-class just continues staring at her for a while longer. ..that Zero is friendly, too, right?

    Now that the atmosphere is more relaxed, she nods - as enthusiastically as someone with this much weight on their head can - to Gunzou, "..no fight." At least, not for tonight. Even (super)natural enemies can hang out sometimes, right? Repeating the gesture she made at Rosa a third time towards Yamato, she flexes an empty hand. She doesn't shy away from all the discussion of her Abyssal comrades, though, as her eyebrows knit together while she thinks of a way to phrase it, "Sisters.. Angry, all the time. Confused." She takes a moment to glance out at both the Admiral's ship, and Iona's physical submarine body, leaning on her staff while standing upright on her heels. "Even I - may be.. Your enemy out there. For tonight.. Just visiting." And then, through her still stilted speech, she tries to reiterate the same point as Gunzou, "..let's share.. The sea. Just for now. Pretty.."

Rosamarie Alba (438) has posed:
    Rosa's a bit into the theory of Maidens. While she doesn't have much of a presence in many social circles, she's got a secret identity on Fleet Watch that hasn't yet been compromised and has been involved in various discussions on the Fleet Maidens and their patron spirits and vessels. Some of what she knows and believes is no doubt wrong, but she's better off than most of the theorists on the board by virtue of having actual first-hand experience to draw on.

    "World War Two ships, at least in our world, are old enough to have power but aren't so old that their spirits have lost cohesion." she says to Gunzou. If Wo's going to be 'friendly', she'll have to play along for now and not cause trouble. Best to ignore the Abyssal woman as much as possible. Wo makes it clear that she's not here to fight. Not today at least. Tomorrow maybe, but not today. Well, that's fair enough.

    "Also, the world war two ships are... well, I don't know. They hold the imagination?" she says, shrugging. She's not sure how to articulate it. Some people claim modern warships have no soul, killing foes over the horizon, never actually seeing their targets. When one actually works with a warship's soul, that particular suggestion's not so easy to dismiss.

    With one last sidelong glance at Wo, Rosa turns to Iona, stretching out a hand towards the small girl. "Hello... Iona. We talked, didn't we?" she asks. "On the radio?" she adds.

Yamato (112) has posed:
    Perplexed, Yamato blinks down at Rosamarie when she makes the 'turn the other cheek' joke, utterly confused. Clearly not getting it, she just asks, "What?" in a hushed voice. Red Zero elbows her again and she looks up at the Wo-class and that tall woman with her. Both are pale, but one is simply 'Not Human' while the other is a Horrible Thing From The Deep. Raising her hands, she makes a 'settle down' gesture, "I misunderstood. It's my mistake, sorry. My name is--"


    Something about being called that causes the girl to freeze mid-sentence. After a full five seconds, she drops her arms and just stares at Wo. She doesn't even understand why that simple word just offended her. It just. Does.

    Red Zero punches her again, bringing Yamato back to her manners. She shoots a look at the little plane doll, then just reaches up, removing the girl from her shoulder and placing her on Iona's head, "Here. You can play with Red Zero a bit."

    Free of that Shoulder Angel, Yamato gingerly steps past Iona and Rosa and approaches the Carrier, "I won't fight here. We can share the sea for tonight, but please don't call me that again." There's more buzzing. A girl identical to Red, only colored black, climbs up onto Yamato's other shoulder. Contrasting Red's fierce personality, Black looks sleepy.

    Red, meanwhile, blinks where she sits, unsure of what to do with this situation.

Admiral Merlwyb (595) has posed:
Admiral Merlwyb chuckles a little. "I believe that could be arranged, Captain." She removes the two flintlocks from her hips and hands them back to the sea-green skinned male humanoid, who walks back to the rowboat to wait with the other two. Perhaps a pointless gesture at this point, but nonetheless a show of good faith. "Limsa Lominsa is also a free port, provided one does not ally with Garleans or the Confederacy. Perhaps sometime in the future you and yours could see my home for yourselves, if time permits."

She looks over at Rosa questioningly. "World War Two? Does this have something to do with metal-clad ships and 'submarines'?" The way she stumbles a bit over the word indicates its unfamiliarity for the Roegadyn.

Gunzou Chihaya (574) has posed:
Gunzou Chihaya nods to Rosa at her explination, "Yeah, that's the same with the Fleet of Fog, all the ships are from World War two, or at least look like they are, the ones we have seen so far, at elast the ones near Japan, not sure about the ones in the rest of the world." he sighs a little, "Still it is interesting, so similiar."

He then eyes Wo since he's a little curious about this Abyssal Fleet too, though maybe he'll hold off any other questions on such things for a while, since she didn't say anything about it.

Though when he hears Yamato's name, his eyes go wide and even Iona looks up at Yamato, as if studying her, "No Gunzou she's not." Gunzou nods and looks relieved again, "I keep forgetting you're not the Yamato from this world." he still looks a little wary though that's just too strange.

Iona for her part blinks as Red Zero is palced on her head and she reaches up to touch the girl on her head, "Who are you?" she asks, though she doesn't seem too bothered by it, besides mental models are strong and the girl isn't heavy. Iona does pick her up off her head though so she can examine her some, turning her this way and that, including upside down.

Rosa's question distracts her from this though and she nods to the other girl, "Yes, we talked on the radio. We're still surprised it works, since we can't communicate through it here in our world." she frowns a little

Gunzou nods to the Admiral, "Thank you Admiral and I would be glad to visit your home sometime. If you need any help, just let me know, though I can't do it for free, since my crew and I need supplies." he smiles some and then ponders her words, "Yes, world war two. It was the second great war here on this planet, Earth and involved almost all nations here, fighting each other." he sighs a bit at that though too.

"But lets talk about more pleasant things, there is food and drinks as well and Iona herself even cooked one of the dishes, she likes to cook sometimes for us."

Yamato (112) has posed:
    "As the Abyssal ship said, my name is Yamato," she introduces herself finally to answer Merlywb's question from earlier, "Like Rosamarie, I am a Fleet Maiden. My patron spirit is that of the legendary vessel who shares my name, the super-battleship Yamato." Lifting a hand, she gestures to the gunhouse mounted over her shoulder armor, "She is where these guns come from, and my Zeros."

    Draped against the right-side turret mantlet, Black Zero raises a hand in a lazy wave.

    "And you're on the right track," she points out, "In my native world, that is the name of the war that saw incredible naval action carried out by steel leviathans on the waves." A glance out to sea, "Though your vessel is beautiful, it's ... not what is used as a naval warship in my world. Not anymore." Don't insult the terrifying pale woman who is nearly as tall as you are, Mikase.

    Red Zero meanwhile is manhandled by Iona. She looks every bit as much like a doll, clad in a short kimono or yukata, with the wings and engines of a propeller airplane stuck on here and there. Her shoes even resemble tailfins, and there's a propeller holding her ponytail in place. And she looks super annoyed at how undignified this is--but seems to be unable to speak. When Iona is distracted, Red Zero reaches for Rosamarie, as if pleading 'save meeee'

Rosamarie Alba (438) has posed:
    Rosa doesn't bother explaining her joke, or even making it obvious she told one. No doubt Yamato recognizes Rosa's dry tone as a clue. The submarine Maiden isn't humorless, but she does tend to be less obvious than many when making a joke.

    Iona and the oddly-named Admiral have Rosa's opinion however. She nods to Merlwyb's question. "A number of worlds share a common history, of sorts." she explains. "My world and this one, for example. Though I believe this world's at least thirty years' futurewards of mine. World War Two was seventy years ago for me, and maybe a century for them." she says. She'd picked up that much, at least, from radio conversation. "World War Two was the first conflict where steel warships fought, I think, rather than just ironclads." she says, expanding on the Admiral's question.

    She also smiles at Iona. "You cook?" she asks, fascinated. "I wish Albacore would cook, or do something. I think all she's done is turn me off fresh vegetables." Rosa grumbles. If it doesn't come in a can, Albacore has no use for it. Ironic, really.

Wo has posed:
    Maybe if she were more cognizant of why that word sprang to mind, herself, the Wo-class would gladly fill Yamato in. For now, it's still lost in the jumbled haze of her deepest memories. "...sorry. Yamato," she corrects. To be honest..she's still not entirely sure why she can remember that name, either. Something about her 'displacement', perhaps. Something she overhears from Merlwyb catches her straying attention, "Garlean..Gaius," once again playing word association. Again, though she doesn't know all the circumstances, she can make a leap enough to know that she is indeed among 'enemies'. Her eyebrows furrow under the edge of her toothy-grinned hat, as she glances out at the 'alien' sailing ship again. Yeah..there's no doubt about it. But enemies can still be civil, during times like these, and the Admiral doesn't seem bad. You know, for a surface dweller.

    "Greatest War," Wo-class quietly recounts. She figures, from the context, that it must be somewhat equivalent. Tilting her hat forward as she attempts to recollect, her voice seeming to flow more naturally, if only for the briefest of moments, "..it was..selfish surface people." Of course it's a good deal more complicated than that, but try seeing it through a sunken ship's eyes, when they've had nothing but an echo chamber of confusion, fear and regret for a few decades. Her actions then seize up as her body tenses, and a gloved hand reaches up to her forehead, as she makes a weak sound - almost as though she might feel ill. The whole episode only lasts a few moments, before she gasps, seeming to return to the natural flow of consciousness. Or, what qualifies as such for her kind. '..we're not - wrong,' she mentally recounts, more for her own sake than anything.

    With regained focus, she ironically enough can relax. She even turns to give Yamato the finger-tweaking 'smile' she's flashed to Rosa earlier. "Gunzou - right. Let's not talk..about painful things." As an aircraft carrier, she has to 'eat' a lot to replenish, you know. Though who knows how these people will react to her table manners. She also thinks back on some multiverse news reels she's been watching lately, and wonders, "..beach games?" Miming hitting something on the ground with her staff.

Admiral Merlwyb (595) has posed:
Admiral Merlwyb seems to take no offense to Yamato's statements about the Eyridoen, only making a minor hand-wave as if to brush it off. "I'd known there were great differences between my world and the Multiverse, but I had never suspected how large they would be! If my galleons are unique by way of novelty, I will accept such noteriety gladly."

When Wo speaks, the Admiral noteably stiffens. Her mouth purses and flattens, eyes narrowing for just a moment, but the momentary darkening of expression is gone almost immediately in no small part due to Wo's momentary weakness. "...Aye, as you say," she responds to Wo, and leaves it at that. More mental notes, but nothing more. This is neutral ground, at least for today, and she certainly won't start a fight with humanized battleships.

She claps gloved hands together, a coy smirk lifting her expression. "Hear, hear! We all traveled a good way for a moment's respite, and sailing can work up quite a hunger. A meal sounds like a grand idea to me."

Gunzou Chihaya (574) has posed:
Gunzou Chihaya actually smiles at Wo, when she agrees with him and then again because of her question. They may be enemies someday, but not this day and besides he's really curious about both this Abyssal Fleet and the Fleet Maidens equally, mostly because of the similarities they all seem to share. Besides, if some of the Fleet of Fog ships they've encountered can change sides jsut from ineractions he and Iona have had with them, what's to say other ships can't do the same thing? The Fleet of Fog for the most part hate humans and seems Wo might too.

Iona nods to Rosa, "Yes, I cook, maybe we can all sit and eat and talk while Gunzou and whoever talks?" she smiles to Yamato and Rosa, besides Rosa also has a sub.

Gunzou nods to Wo's question thugh, "Yes, we can play beach games too. So come on, lets all sit and enjoy each others company." he leads folks tot he tables and chairs.

Yamato (112) has posed:
    Overhearing, possibly through Red Zero, Rosa's wish that Albacore could cook. It conjures an image in Yamato's head of a dark, sinister figure preparing meals and then asking in a hissing, gravelly voice if it's tasty. It feels very much to her like the final thing one would see before they die.

    Yes. For Reasons, Mikase has some scary impressions about Rosamarie's patron spirit.

    Shaking her head, the girl returns her attention to the Wo-class beside her, somewhat nervously watching the ghostly warship go through some sort of mental episode, muttering about selfishness--what was that? Mikase hadn't heard the whole sentence, but it makes her curious. Chewing on the inside of one cheek, she remarks inwardly. Maybe this one, who can be less violent than the others, can provide some insight as to the nature of the Abyssal Navy without having to fight them every time... Leaning forward a little, she asks, "Are you alright?"

    And immediately leans back. Man, that finger-forced smile is offputting. She raises a hand, gesturing, "I won't bring it up again." But even the abyssal ship called it The Greatest War. Just how clear are her memories?

    To Merlwyb, she comments, "I would be prepared for 'modern' commanders to scoff at her, miss. So I'd be prepared to show them what she can really do." Even in her own world, such a ship would be treated as a non-threat until it did something threatening. Then again--Mikase's eyebrows flatten into a straight line--the Navy in general doesn't really seem to like anything but itself. Look at how their officers act around the Fleet Maidens. Raising her head, she glances over her shoulder towards Gunzou. After a moment, she closes her eyes and dismisses her Deployment, returning to her school uniform and windbreaker. The side effect is that both Zero girls also disappear. Red is saved!

Wo has posed:
    As she's miming what some might guess is a stick on a melon, a traditional beach game if ever there was, Wo blinks as she realizes Yamato was - addressing her. Specifically in a non-threatening manner, even. This causes her to quizzically utter, "Wo? Ah..head just gets..cloudy. Sometimes." Most importantly, there'll soon be food; the games can come later. Heading to where everyone else is gathering, she plucks off her hat - thankfully not that firmly attached to her - and sets it in a seat next to her, where its arms wiggle and writhe a bit as its toothed maw opens and closes. FEED ME, SEYMOUR. Wo, herself, sits and waits patiently.