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Tea, treats and threats
Date of Scene: 19 October 2014
Location: Southern Urbania
Synopsis: Sometimes diplomacy in a cafe isn't all that easy when you have the right (or wrong) people present.
Cast of Characters: 20, 269, 399, 592

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Glorious Urbania. What a better way to get people accustomed to the glory of the multiverse? People say it looks nice, and well, Toph likes the place herself. And hopefully her guest will enjoy it as well, even if he seems a bit focused on his home and all. Seriously, who wants to be stuck in the same place all the freaking time? For a free spirited soul like Toph, it's unthinkable. Maybe this is a good way to help him get used to the Union and the fact that they're a friendly bunch. Most of the time, at least.

    "And here," Toph states as she gestures to the shop they have stopped in front of, "is where I thought we would take a break from the sightseeing for the sake of enjoying refreshments. They have some pretty awesome pies and nice tea. Not to mention it's usually quiet this time of day." Sure, she could drag Thranduil to one of the other places that are more fun... but hey, royalty and snobs are generally allergic to that kind of noise and energy. If it's somewhere her parents would not like to be, she assumes Thranduil wouldn't like it either. So that's a good guideline either way.

    And just to keep up with these weird things called good manners, Toph opens the door for the elven king so he can enter, following closely behind him to find a quiet table by the window in the nice and quiet cafe. It's not the largest, but it's very clean and quiet, with soft music playing in the background. The patrons that are here are quiet in general, talking in low tones while they enjoy their coffee, sandwiches and desserts. All in all, it's a rather nice place. Toph takes a seat, though she doesn't bother picking up one of the menus on the table. Not when she already knows what she's getting. "I know Urbania is rather different from the forest you and your subjects live in... but this place is bustling with life, and people from all over the multiverse come here," she explains to Thranduil. Hopefully he's not too startled by what he's seen so far.

Thranduil (592) has posed:
     Thranduil, king of the woodland realm, is in shock. His ice blue eyes are wide as he follows Toph, taking in the noise and the lights and the buildings made of metal and glass. His mouth is slightly agape as he looks around, feeling the stone beneath his feet, hearing the hum of streetlights, and then there are the vehicles. The very sight of them makes him want to flee back to the woods, but he maintains his pristine composure and just stares.

     He shields his eyes from the brightness of the cafe, sitting down and just...staring. He can't even. He just can't. The Elvenking is at a loss for words, and overwhelmed with everything he's seeing. "I..see."

No. 9 (269) has posed:
    "...Naw man, I am getting you some tea. You need t' relax like, seriously, yer all jangled up n' wrecked n' shit, you're getting some damn tea." Despite the words, his tone is concerned, his eyes softly glinting. Fuck, he's an ugly thing, hunched, mutated, degenerate, almost troglodytic. Tall if he didn't slouch so much, and the smell... not human, and not pleasant, sort of a spicy, mucky affair. His face is painful to look upon beneath a ratty overgrown dirty blonde mop of hair, like a mullet gone to seed. It hides some of the ugliness, which is, considerable, even with the face currently full of concern, and his knuckles on one hand touch the ground (big metallic heavy things, killing hands for all their eloquence, Taro did well but the design calls for brute force as well as elegance) as his other arm extends, easing against his friend's back. He looks concerned. Ugly, and concerned, sort of gingerly aiding the other person along like his bones had been stolen and replaced with glass. Super super careful. "Jest take it slow. Dunno if there's like, aftershocks r' annathin. You need t' be careful. And y' need t' relax. M' gonna find ya a place wif th' drinks wif' all th' lil jellybeans. Ya dun need t' eat em, I know you hate th' idea a eatin, but the tea s' good. S' called bubble tea, you'll like it." It hasn't occurred to him that bubble tea is made with milk, which might well have Taro going AUGHWHATITCOMESFROM/WHERE??/ but, maybe they can make his with almond milk? Who knows.

    Tl;dr? Crazy degenerate smelly cyborg mutant /thing/ helpin a nice civilized fellow make his way along, lookin worried.

    Door opens. Door closes. Mildly unpleasant smell fills the shop a bit. Ugly thing comes in, with not ugly person, sort of easing him along, and probably sits nearby without even seeing Toph, concerned for his friend.


Taro (399) has posed:
    Some people are naturally homebodies. Others may find themselves tied to home by duties or obligations. There's nothing wrong with this, really, just as here is nothing wrong with travelling far and wide to take in all the multiverse has to offer.
    Anyway. The ugly cyborg mutant thing is accompanied by a man that is as pretty as he is ugly. Black hair clean and brushed, not a speck of lint on his gray cassock. One that doesn't appear to mind his companion's appearance or his smell for that matter, though his lips are drawn in a thin line that suggests all is not well. Still, he's trying to put up a good front. "...Jellybeans?" he echoes, tone a question, as if he isn't sure that he heard that correctly. Jellybeans in tea? Really? Is this another of those strange human things? Still, he follows Nine to a table, taking a seat across from him.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    The elf is surprised, which isn't so weird considering that the technology of the multiverse is far above what he is used to. Unlike him however, Toph seemingly has had an easier time to get used to it. Maybe youth has its advantages after all. But at least she seems calm and focused, not flinching and standing there as a small sentinel ready to act should anything happen. If she's showing him around, then it's her responsibility to keep him safe, right? Hopefully the visit to this cafe might show him some stuff that is actually likeable about this place. The waiter stops by their table, and since Thranduil is still in shock, Toph takes it on herself to order. "Could we get an assortment of various tea types? And two of the dessert pies with ice cream, please." Somehow it looks like the waiter is a bit surprised at Toph's order, but he nods and moves on to the counter to prepare the tea and pies.

    Just as Toph is about to speak though, she blinks. And tenses somewhat where she sits in her chair. She recognizes that voice as well as that particular bodyshape. Not to mention that smell... She doesn't even turn her head to speak as the two Feds sit down at the table behind her. But she does speak up. "I hope you two aren't here to start anything. I'm /busy/." Is the earthbender's tone somewhat uncomfortable?

    Then again, only she and Nine knows what happened the last time they met face to face.

Thranduil (592) has posed:
     Thranduil's world has never even seen a lightbulb let alone the wonders that make up a modern city. His eyes nearly pop out of his head as he watches Nine enter. He knows Taro, but is Nine a Troll? A mutated Orc? He smells like an Orc. The Elf does manage to turn his head, swallowing a bit as he just keeps staring at him to keep an eye out for trouble. "Tea and Pie are familiar to me." The woodland King says absently. "What is iced cream?" He knows ice, and he knows cream, but ice and cream? He reaches one hand up to slightly adjust his autumn crown and then places a hand on the hilt of his ornate sword sheathed at his side. "Is that an Orc...?"

No. 9 (269) has posed:
    "Well thar actually tapioca balls but a lotta folks call em jellybeans." Incorrectly, mind, but his mind thinks it's funny. He helps Taro into his seat, easing down with a plonk in his own when he hears that voice. He turns, lazily, his ugly face lax and slack, his eyes slow and languid, glinting from the stained depths of his sockets. A glance over at Toph, and the new guy, one eyebrow raising. "...Word here is Golem. Former human, aint no more. Meld a flesh n' metal, twisted and changed, atcher service." A hand is offered in a salute, before he looks Toph over, drawling slightly, "...Yes. We are plannin on buildin a doomsday device tha runs on bubble tea. We're here t' taste test th' potential catalysts, see what'd cause th' downfall of civilization best. I'm bettin on blueberry or blackberry myself. Or chai. Never trusted chai. Never trust a tea tha tastes furry." And then he's rising, tall and looming, his face flat and his eyes thoughtful, stepping over to her. Tromp. Tromp. Pause. Tromp. ...Aaaand then he's reaching for her and unless she dodged she'd get noogied by the big smelly monster on the enemy team. "C'maaaan ya look so serious! Yer gonna get wrinkles like mine ya keep it up tha way." NOOGIENOOGIENOOGIE! To be fair his knuckles are METAL so he's being careful even if he looks rough and crass. And he does.

Taro (399) has posed:
    Taro seems to have recovered from his spider bite, or at least he shows no sign of injury with that shoulder. An encounter that he also rather 'forgot' to mention to anyone - his private ventures are just that. That it was also a bit embarrassing to be overwhelmed by a nest of arachnids like that has nothing to do with it. Really.
    The Golem does seem to be fussing over the android, though, to which he's only mildly objecting. "...I am not spun glass, Nine. But thank you."
    He does not interrupt Nine as he spills their terible, conniving plans...though his lips do twitch at it. Twitch, twitch.
    He doesn't smile, exactly, but it's a ghost of one, lopsided, and the corners of his dark eyes crinkle. "No, we are not here to cause trouble," his voice carrying the amusement that his face cannot. "Merely for tea."

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    "Not an orc, no..." Toph sighs. "He's... this guy." He's human, at least parts of him that aren't replaced with metal. And man, it feels like he's gotten even more metal in him since the last time she crossed paths with him.

    Yet... she can't help but look mildly surprised when he responds to her comment... with humour. The big guy can actually joke? Wow. The blind girl snorts, a grin tugging at one side of her lips. "Good, I would hate kicking your asses for messing up this place today."

    Even so, the blind girl sits still when Nine makes his way over to her, the smaller girl not visibly intimidated by the large abomination who could seemingly snap her in half easily enough. When he noogies her however she frowns, part of her hairbun coming undone with some of that dark hair messed up. "Like I care about how I look, dunderhead!" she protests, reaching up with one hand and reaching out with her bending to move Nine's hand up and away from her head. Without actively altering the shape of the metal there, of course. Let's not be the monster here! It was bad enough when she accidentally gave him a horrible noogie that time while she was still figuring out her metalbending. After ten months she's gotten rather proficient with it, and certainly skilled enough to control it.

    "If you guys don't like chai tea, that's your problem. We are here to enjoy the treats before I show his highness around some more." It's funny how she can slip between being a polite little lady and a little brat, isn't it?

Thranduil (592) has posed:
     When Nine noogies Toph, Thranduil is on his feet in a silver flash, his ornate sword drawn and held at the Golem's neck. "I care not what you are, unhand her this instant." He is an Elf of few words. He is an Elf of action, however and keeps his eyes locked on Nine. "Are you all right, Toph? Is this creature your enemy? If so I shall do you the favor of removing its head."

No. 9 (269) has posed:
    His hand is moved, and he whistles appreciatively at her gesture of power. "Woo. Showed me." A chuckle. He means it, he's not being facetious. Well maybe a little, but not at her expense. He'd let her go... but then there's a blade at his neck, and he grins over at the man- and oddly there's respect in his strange and ugly eyes. "...It'd be a real trick gettin my head off man-o, but here's a lil tip. Go in from th' side, cut up at about a forty five degree angle, then angle down, twist th' blade, and angle back up, cut across th' grain a th' metal plates- if ya work it jest right ya can wedge em across- but then ya hit the spine and it's covered in a half an inch a tungstein bicarbonate alloy, which is fancy words for sayin mixed rare hard metals what aint fun t' try to cut through. Go for a straight power cut n' yell jest hurt yer arm."

    As if to demonstrate, he sort of shift... and drags his throat, carefully, along the blade. It cuts in a bit, making him wince even as he grins... and it sings softly off a metal plate in his neck. He offers th' man a salute, tipping a pair of fingers to the elf. "...Speaks well a yer character."

    He claps his hands with a loud THRANGG and grins. "SO! Less get you somma this bubble tea, see whatcha think." Yeah they have almond milk selections. He's perusing a menu thoughtfully.

Taro (399) has posed:
    Yes, please do not break the Golem's arm. Taro spent a great deal of time and trouble getting all of the calibrations just right.
    Well. that escalated quickly. He too gracefully rises from his seat, what little mirth in his expression lost beneath a furrowed brow. He does not reach for any weapons, however. He doesn't even unleash his sharp tongue, as Nine's already speaking before he even manages a syllable. His mouth remains slightly open for a long moment, as if looking for a place to slip a word in, but it seems the Golem has handled it quite well on his own. Thus, unless there are any objections or pressings of the matter, he will both stand and sit down.
    He will cast a quick glance at Nine, though, just to be certain it's nothing more than a scratch that's left behind. Who's worrying over who now?

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    "I have had time to work on my bending, you big lug. And considering how much metal you got in you, I could make you dance," Toph claims with a snort. No harm done.

    Too bad that Thranduil is just a bit stressed and takes things too seriously. "Hey!" Toph blinks, then rises as well. "I'm okay, put down the sword!" Nine doesn't make it easier, does he? Toph just sighs and reaches up to rub her hand across her face. "He was just teasing us..." she tries to explain to Thranduil. "I can handle guys with metal in them thanks to my bending. And..." Are they enemies? "They aren't Union members," she settles for. While she has no personal beef with either Nine or Taro, she can't say they are on friendly terms either.

    Let's just try to calm things down before the other patrons get even more nervous. "Yeah. Bubble tea." Though she does point at Nine. "Also, don't noogie my hair again." With that she sighs and sits down. Just in time for the waiter to arrive with a tray of various tea types, a cup each for Thranduil and Toph, as well as their pies and ice cream. He nods, then turns to Nine and Taro to take /their/ order. "Umm, bubble tea, you said, Sir?" he asks somewhat nervously.

Thranduil (592) has posed:
     Thranduil withdraws his sword and continues to glare at Nine. "I am not a Union member either, does that make me an enemy?" He sheathes his sword with a flourish and sits down again. "What is bubble tea? We have tea but not bubble tea." He is so stressed out that he's ready to flip a table. "I do not believe I will bring my people here. It would be too much for them."

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    "Bubble tea is tea with these chewable things in them. Some like them, some don't," Toph explains calmly as she pours some tea for the elven king. Luckily she's not about to confuse his tastebuds with that, just common tea for now. "Pick a flavour for your tea." It's not like she can tell them apart without her reading glove on.

    He seems rather stressed, and Toph sighs slightly. "If they saw you as an enemy, they would have attacked you, your majesty. But they won't. And if they tried, I would have intervened," she says, as if she's completely confident that she would be able to stop the two on her own. "This place might seem like it's very stressful. But there are worlds out there much like your own. The world I come from is more like yours than this one. Though some people come from more technologically advanced worlds without magic and such things. There are even worlds without humans." It's better to try to explain things for him so he can maybe relax some. "If some of your people wish to see the multiverse, I would not mind escorting them and showing them other worlds." It doesn't hurt to offer, right?

Thranduil (592) has posed:
     "I have no desire to chew my tea. If I choose to drink tea, I will drink it the proper way." The Elf looks to Taro. "I remember you. You presented yourself as an ally to Mirkwood." He lowers his head and closes his eyes as he aknowledges him. "I do not like it here one bit. There are strange lights, too much noise, metal beasts and vile creatures." The last is said with a glance to Nine. "How you can tolerate being here I will never understand."

     The Elvenking rises to his feet and walks around, gracefully as usual. "This place reminds me of a Hobbit hole. Much too small and too enclosed. The world outside has very few trees. How do you live with no nature?"

No. 9 (269) has posed:
    His blood is weird... it, starts out as blood, red and wet, before sizzling without heat, bubbling and spitting a bright flaring orange... before boiling away to ashy water, dripping down the blade. He rubs at his neck, but the wound is already slightly, slightly, starting, to close, a little, at a, time. A wince and a snicker, as he sits down, noting the look in Taro's eyes and smiling over it like a silly bugger. He glances over at Toph as she speaks, nods.

    Jovially. "NOPE! Mortal enemies! A a sort annaway. We aint on duty ri now n' aint no point in fussin up a perfectly keen evenin tryin t' brain someone I aint got nuthin against other then th' colors she wears." A glance at the waiter. "Yeah. Um, bring us an assortment, we'll drink em, n' bring me sum ice cream n' pecan pie, yeah." Nods.

    To Thrandulin, his voice comes across, sickeningly cheerful. "YUP! But if we're gonna start stabbin each other, dun worry I'll be lettin ya know ahead a time. Unless ya wanna stab me now, but that'd ruin th' tea n' ice cream." He's so... casual about it. At the question, he simply hands over to the other table a glass of some cloudy purplish liquid. Blackberry flavoring, all natural, green tea, in his case milk, sweetener (in this case agave nectar) and boba balls, little dark purple tapioca balls. He sort of shakes it. "Aint poisoned, see fer yerself." He sets it down, looking over at Taro. His blood has stopped dribbling and he seems in a good mood.

No. 9 (269) has posed:
    A cough. "Oh ah, if ya do decide t' have some, don' drink it too quick? Ya get onna them tapioca jelly balls in yer throat it aint gonna be much fun. Enough pressure t' be able t' eat em but not enough t' choke yerself, akay? I aint tryin t' 'ssasinate ya wif bubble tea."

Taro (399) has posed:
    "I would appreciate it if tonight was not marred by violence on either side," Taro interjects, his tone polite, if a bit cool. "This is neither the place for such things." Then, a blink as the elf King seems to recognize him, followed by, "You have me at a disadvantage, sir. I have no memory of meeting you, and my memory is extremely good."
    Nine handles the ordering in the meantime. Which means he has absolutely no idea what will be set at their table...but ah well. This was Nine's idea in the first place, and so he will simply go along with it.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    That's why she chose normal tea for the occasion, Toph reminds herself. And here it comes, she kind of expected this. "The multiverse is a strange place, your majesty. It is a shock at first to most people, but for better or worse... your world is connected to the multiverse now. And it's important to know." Her expression softens somewhat, and her tone lowers, directed to Thranduil, though Nine and Taro should be able to hear it too. "If it wasn't for the multiverse, I wouldn't have been as strong as I am now. And I wouldn't have my current family and friends." It's not /all/ bad! Honest!

    As for this place and the lack of nature... "This is a town. There's nature outside of it. And most people don't need too much place. My current home is on the beach in a large house that could fit hundreds of people." Just to compare stuff, not at all meant to be something that she brags about. "If you want to see more of the nature, then I can show you around some of the forests and such." That he might like, right?

    At Nine's comment though she frowns and turns her head slightly. "Oh right, how mature! You know I can't colour coordinate!"

    The waiter nods as he takes Nine's order, then hurries over to the counter. It doesn't take long before he returns with the various bubble tea types they have, as well as pecan pie and ice cream for Nine. And then he withdraws, though he keeps an eye on the two tables with the Elites. It's not easy working in a cafe where people from all over the multiverse show up, now is it?

    Toph can't help but agree with Taro though. "Yeah, I'd rather not fight here. It's a nice place to eat. Even if it might be small. I can't exactly comment on the lighting."

Thranduil (592) has posed:
     Thranduil picks up the tea and examines it, sniffing it like he would a glass of wine and then tastes it, coughing a bit when he encounters one of the pearls but manages to not choke himself. "I am not impressed." He says, pushing it away. "Who plans on fighting? I have no intention of killing anyone here this evening unless they antagonize me."

Taro (399) has posed:
    Taro will be sure to leave a good tip. Anyone who serves Elites - especially the odd ones like him and Nine - deserve hazard pay.
    "I think Nine means your affiliations, not the actual colors you are wearing," he replies to Toph. Cnversational, not intended to cause further argument. Followed by a graceful shrug. "But as we said, we are uninterested in fighting...he simply felt I needed distracting from other matters." Bubble tea is set before him, and he picks one of the glasses up, holding it just above his eye level so that the light shines through it. "...organics drink this, and find it enjoyable?" he asks his 'brother', his tone a bit skeptical.

No. 9 (269) has posed:
    Unless they antagonize me.

    Taro might recognize that twinkle in the Golem's eye.

    Not malice but mischief.

    Unless they antagonize me.

    Oh really, is he leaning over? He's leaning back in his chair, grinning a fierce stupid grin... and, reaching out... just sliiiiightly pokes the elven king in the back of the head.


    Wat r u doin.



Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    "It's an acquired taste. Like coffee," Toph explains with a shrug. Except she still doesn't like coffee and doesn't understand why people drink it all the time. As for fighting? "I don't want to kill people. It requires more skill to defeat people through non-fatal methods. And while I'm in the Union, I don't have anything against most Feds." Heck, she even considers Kilik a friend.

    Oh no, you don't!

    The moment Toph senses just what Nine is doing, she frowns and narrows her eyes, then raises her hand and clenches it into a fist, pulling it back. "Stop making me look like the mature one here!" she states firmly. "Thranduil is already tense, and you're /not/ helping matters, numbskull!" Pardon her if she does look annoyed. "Don't make me bend your hands behind your back." Because she actually can do that.

Thranduil (592) has posed:
     Thranduil frowns in disapproval and stands, turning his cold stare to Nine. "What was he about to do? I am Thranduil, king of the woodland realm of Mirkwood. You would be wise not to trifle with me, Feuyaer. Do not bring harm to this child, either. She is considered an ally of the woodland realm. I know not from what pit of filth you came, but I will send you back there without a second thought."

No. 9 (269) has posed:
    And he's just snickering like a purile child, rueful in his having been caught. "Okay okay, alright alright, ya got me." Snrk. He rubs the fingers a bit, metal fingers on metal fingers, skrp skrp skrp. "...Yeah, ya drink it. It's not like normal tea, it's like th' difference between normal coffee n' iced coffee? Sorta? Only not." Because iced coffee doesn't come with bubble boba bobbles. Boba bubble bobbles? Bubble bobble bobas?

Taro (399) has posed:
    Reason #17 as to why servers in Elite-friendly establishments deserve hazard pay...
    Taro gives a quiet, what might be long-suffering sigh as he sets his yet-undrunk glass back on the table. Admittedly, Nine was not underserving of Toph's rebuke. Still, he did not exactly start this either. Not intentionally, at least. Thus, he finds himself quietly chiding both sides. He looks across the table at his fellow monster. "Nine, do please stop pestering them. It is not helping me to relax." Then, a glance at the elf king. "Your majesty, please stop insulting my companion. He has meant you no real harm, he has done Miss Beifong no true harm tonight, I enjoy his company even if you do not, and he is trying to do me a favor."
    Then, he picks up the glass once more and takes a sip. Then, he blinks, and then peers at the glass again.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    "Relax," Toph urges as she takes a sip of her tea before she picks up her spoon and begins eating her pie and ice cream. "He won't do anything if he knows what's good for him." It's not going to be easy to get Thranduil to get along with people, is it? Then again, snobby people do tend to make certain people want to mess with them. Toph certainly likes pulling various legs here and there, though in this case she's trying to work with Thranduil for the sake of the Union. Nine isn't make things simpler either. "Might I suggest you try the tea and pie, your majesty?" Though she can't help but agree with Taro, as he seems calm and sensible about things. "I have suffered far worse than noogies. And hey, these guys aren't the worst Feds." Even if Nine looks ugly according to the seeing people and he reeks of who knows what, he's not all that malicious, is he? And since Taro talks to Nine, she doesn't have to speak her mind, which would probably be far harsher. So she turns her attention back to the elven royalty.

    "I am tougher than I look, your majesty," she assures Thranduil. "The same goes for many young members of the Union. And the Confederacy." Hey, she will give them some credit.

No. 9 (269) has posed:
    Willlt. Wilt wilt wilt. If threats of death did nothing to dissuade the churlish King Model then Taro's mild rebuke, more, his comment about not helping him relax, just, cuts the spinal cord of the Golem, and he lays his chin on the table, looking as devistated as a dog who's loved person frowned at it. Whine. <:(

    And he knows what he reeks of. Golem, thank you very much ;P