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Latest revision as of 12:54, 19 October 2014

A very Wily Halloween
Date of Scene: 18 October 2014
Location: Wily's Hidden Lab <WHL>
Synopsis: Ferham visits Wily for a Halloween outfit... with a special guest star!
Cast of Characters: 516, 529

Ferham (516) has posed:
     Showing up unannounced at a mad scientist's secret laboratory/storage room? Yup, that is how Ferham rolls. She'd knock at the outer shutter door first of course, unless that would just open it anyway, in which case she'd just let herself in. Hopefully the good doctor inside wasn't testing laser eyes he intended to put on one of his new bots, or doing any ~experimental~ and dangerously sensitive experiments with volatile energy resources. (I'm looking at you, evil energy/Bassnium/maverick virus!)

     "Hello, doctor? Are you in there?" she called, those heels he'd installed on her boots click-clacking as she walked. Apparently she'd gotten adept at handling herself in them, even on action missions!

Dr. Wily (529) has posed:
    In the depths of his nominally hidden laboratory, Dr. Wily is engaged in... something? Papers on a desktop, spare parts scattered around, an array of tools, glowing computer screens with data scrolling across them... it's impossible to discern the true nature of his work. It's possible even he himself has forgotten, as he wipes his hands on an already oily rag and stands in contemplation.

    And then the shutter opens, with its distinctive tapping sound! Whatever thoughts Wily may have been deep in are shaken loose in an instant, replaced with, "Is that lock broken AGAIN!?"

    "Well, come on in, then," Wily calls from inside, already heading for the door. A moment later, he offers a loud, grumbling sigh, and adds, "... I wasn't getting anything else done today anyway."

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "Like any lock could keep me out," Ferham peered over at the door. If the door did have a locking mechanism, it's likely it had eyes or a face like most of the other bots that Light and Wily had created. In Ferham's case it's expression was probably <3_<3 towards her, no doubt. "Are you having some trouble there, Doctor? something maybe a woman's touch could help with?" Fer stood there with a hand on her hip as the shutter door closed behind her, tilting her head to the side. Stepping around him, she seemed to be quite fine with just making herself at home in here--heck, might as well she was in here often enough. Well, maybe not really.

     "So I was thinking, the humans are conducting this traditional event bastardized from a pagan harvest celebration ritual, it involves dressing up in costumes based on horror movie icons or folklore monsters," Ferham's voice was her usual deep feminine purr, though her tone was more clinical when it came to discussing the... eccentricities of organics. "I was thinking about trying it out, so that might mean I need something constructed, something cosmetic," she grinned and rapped her taloned, gloved hand against her side. God forbid you keep a lady from her cosmetics, right?

Dr. Wily (529) has posed:
    Offering help? With Wily's work? The nerve! "I am doing quite FINE on my own, my only trouble is unwanted DISTRACTIONS! Now, what's this abo--"

    The explanation which comes halfway through his demand is, it seems, enough to stop the doctor in mid-sentence. His eyes widen, and for a moment it seems that his prodigious eyebrows are trying to fill in for his long-lost hairline. "Is it... that's THIS month!? Hm. I need to dust off some robots..."

    It doesn't take long for Wily to recover though. As quickly as the shock of the approaching holiday wears off, it's replaced with flat incredulity. "... a costume. You came here for a COSTUME." Another long, deliberately audible sigh. "You know, in most sectors, there are STORES you can go to for those."

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "Yes, it is. I know it can be quite difficult to remember the date when you're locked up in here all the time, what with humans lacking an internal chronometer, and all that," Ferham said in a light apologetic tone, until his tone rose and his temper seemed to be simmering. She looked mock surprised for a moment before she raised her hands up, as if to feign shock.

     "Aww, but Dr. Wily, surely you can't be mad at me, hmm?" Fer approached him with a click clack of those heels and leaned over, reaching down to gently cup his cheeks with those quite alarmingly taloned gloves of hers, at least the palms with soft. She seemed to be soft of squishing his cheeks amusingly together while peering down at him with those green eyes of hers.

     "See? can't help but smile," she smiled herself, gently sliding her palms back and caused an amusingly rictus grin, if the doctor hadn't wriggled out of her grip in the first place.

Dr. Wily (529) has posed:
    The poor doctor is a little slow to escape, to his chagrin. Interruptions are one thing, but to be... posed... like that! "I- b- wha-- LET GO OF ME!" Wily's attempt to pry the reploid's hands from his face may be entirely in vain, but it's certainly spirited, and accompanied by a glare which may not quite be able to melt steel but most definitely LOOKS as though it should be.

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "See? you want to help me so much you can't wait to get started!" Ferham let him go before long, not exerting that femmebot strength on hm TOO much, straightening up from her lean. She seemed pleased that she was able to get under his skin or get a rise out of him at least, though she wasn't being too rough or malicious.

     "So, I was looking over some of these old file photos of our Commanding Officer, I was thinking on some kinda look like that, he's always had that REALLY long cape," she brought a gloved hand to her chin, rubbing it slowly as she looked over at him. "And I /know/ you have the ability to alter my armor program..." she grinned.

Dr. Wily (529) has posed:
    Wily doesn't quite rise to the bait this time... when he's released, he does grumble under his breath, "... roboticist, not a bloody TAILOR..." but he's at least not snapping anymore? Yet?

    "Cape, hm? ... you know, I think I have something like that around here myself. You could just have THAT, and tell everyone it shrunk in the wash." It's not offered as a helpful suggestion. Even if Wily's tone weren't enough to get the point across, the return of the audible sigh afterward would be. "... no, it wouldn't be that easy, would it. Fine. Let's see what I can do."

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "Oh right, I saw some pictures of you in a cape before, prison must change a man, huh?" Ferham smirked a little as she looked down at Wily, before waving it off. "While you weren't wearing that for halloween, and just sort of on some power trip, I might need something a bit more... fitting of a style, and also something that would be rigid enough to act as a stabilizer when I'm in flight, so no I think I'm in need of something a bit more than that, doctor," those stiletto heels clicked as she walked past him and more or less hopped back and down into his repair-chair there, kicking back and leaning sideways a bit.

     "Thank you Doctor, I knew you'd be ever so gracious and willing to help," he grinned, crossing her legs a little as she hummed happily and seemed to be waiting to get to his workstation.

Dr. Wily (529) has posed:
    "Hmph. Power trip... it just seemed appropriate, after moving into a secret tropical island base for a while. ... nothing wrong with a dramatic cape now and then..." Wily trails off a bit at the end of his sentence; it sounds more like he's trying to justify the choice to himself than to defend it.

    "I'd tell you to go home for a while and come back when it's done - I have all the data I need for a cosmetic overlay - but I just KNOW you're going to want to make suggestions, so... have a seat over there." Wily gestures vaguely toward a vacant seat next to a simple computer terminal. No need for the deep scanner tonight, it seems. "... let me just get started over here."

    >>> Wily Labs Main Control v8.1
    >>> Robot Master Control_
    >>> Storage_
    >>> Reactivate Template_
    >>> Shade Man_
    >>> LOADING...

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "Well this is true, also far be it from me to deny a mad scientist a little flair now and then," Ferham smiled a little, looking like she'd be at home in his cozy little repair/reprogramming chair there with a book, or the like, if she happened to have one. Either way, she seems fine with waiting a little in his 'office', as it were. Usually trips here were more fun than the dentist.

     "Hmm, so what are we going to start with first, doc?" Ferham clearly has no idea the doctor is going to reactivate anyone, as a femmebot herself she might be a little... hot under the collar with his choice in assistants for this procedure...

Dr. Wily (529) has posed:
    "Well, you wanted a cape, didn't you? Good enough place to start. Simple enough design. I can fine-tune it once there's a base. ... there, look at the monitor."

    The display, at this point, is showing... a simple, basic red-and-black generic vampire cape, draped over the shoulders of a mesh model of a... well, model. Seems that Wily's not bothering to upload the armor patterns while they're still in progress.

    Meanwhile, somewhere in a hidden lab - a different one - something is awakening...

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "Hmm, looks good, but it might need to be armored, also larger, heavier," Ferham was a big girl, after all. She stood at least a foot above Dr. Wily, and that was /before/ the heels. She also had a broad frame, she had been a combat capable model, after all. It sorta fit that she had those huge Varia-suit looking shoulder pads on her armor. She was blissfully unaware of what the doctor was awakening, of course. Hopefully she'd at least given him a coffin-like stasis pod, or the like.

     "Also scalloped pointy edges, need it wicked-looking," she seemed pleased enough, eyes half-mast as she gazed at that monitor, idly picking at the talons of her gloves and holding them up for inspection every once in a while.

Dr. Wily (529) has posed:
    Tap tap tappity taptap... as Wily edits away on his terminal, the display cape updates, becoming slightly heavier, developing points and edges. No armor seems to be added to it, however. "... I'll worry about making it practical later. If I start adding armor and integration NOW, I'll have to rewrite the whole thing every time you want something changed."

    Meanwhile, a team of highly-skilled and adorably-fanged metalls is moving a teleport capsule, and erecting a... plywood coffin around it?

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "Fiiine," Ferham sighs and rolls her eyes a little comically, continuing to lean back as she lounges in that chair. She bobs one of her heeled booted feet as she sits there, legs crossed, seeming to be fine with the work on the display monitor so far. She was not at all aware of the chicanery going on behind the scenes there, she didn't even know he had fanged mets!

     "Besides, if you weren't doing this, what else would you be doing on a Saturday night?" she looked over to him with a sly smile, likely teasing him a little.

Dr. Wily (529) has posed:
    "There. One cape template. If that's all you need, I can link it to armor-generation procedures, make it combat-capable, and upload it - and be rid of you for the night! I still have a," Wily gestures toward his abandoned workdesk and its mounded mess of materials and equipment, "pile of work to finish tonight!"

    The plywood coffin assembled, the fang-mets scoot it into position just out of view of the doctor and reploid. Eagerly, they await their cue to bring the final phase of their odd plan into motion.

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "Hmm, so just the cape? Seems like it needs something more... something sexier, somehow," Fer uncrosses her legs a little to sit up, her knees going up a bit in front of her in the chair. "Pssh, your work can wait I think, at least a few more minutes. "Might need gloves, maybe... and boots?" Still, Fer did not notice the fang-mets assembling anything either, some high tech femmebot senses she had! Having distracted her with a personal fashion show at her fingertips, one could probably drive a bus past her and she'd not notice. Man, women.

Dr. Wily (529) has posed:
    "... accessories now, too!? This is a COSTUME, not some vampire cult infiltration! I'll tint your normal armor black, nobody will know the difference!" Nope, the additional demands are not sitting well with Wily. He's got evil to be scheming, you know! And he seems perfectly willing to follow through on this outburst, too - the palette swap costume quickly starts to appear on the display monitor.

    It seems, however, that this hasn't gone unnoticed. The fang-mets chirp among themselves as soon as the doctor starts to shout, and they quickly shove the coffin-wrapped teleport capsule out into what should be plain sight.

    And then, the coffin lid bursts open, accompanied by a booming voice with a thick Transylvanian accent - almost too thick, in fact, as though a fake which is trying a little too hard.

    "HOLD IT!"

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "Oh you and your evil scheming, can't spare 10 minutes for ME," uh oh Dr. Wily, seems you're about to be faced with your worst challenge yet. No, not a 4-foot tall assistant robot modified into an unstoppable killing machine, this is way, way worse.

     A Bitchfit.

     Of course, then randomly Shade Man busts out of a coffin, from... somewhere?

     "AHHHH! What is that!" Ferham dramatically points, rearing back in the chair with her high heeled boots going up as if she's just been shown a 6 foot metal roach of some kind. It's more the sudden gaunt and dark shaped figure appearing than the bird clawed feet and very aquiline nose, hopefully. Then comes a sudden horrofied realization...

     "Wily? didn't you say some of your Wily Numbers got away from you before...?"

     OH SNAP. This might not even be one of his! Eek!

Dr. Wily (529) has posed:
    Timing! With a potentially hazardous huff eminent, Wily has to live up to his name... he could just see what Shade Man wants, of course, or he could take full advantage of this situation! With a dramatic point toward the newly-arrived robot, he shouts a dramatic "YOU!"

    "Yehs, it is I! Shade Mahn! I have come to stahp you from sahking ze fahn out ahv Holloween!"

    "Fun is for people who don't have work to do! I'm not going to show the world who the TRUE robotics genius is by standing here designing COSTUMES!"

    "Ahnd so you deeny ze wahrld uv--"


Ferham (516) has posed:
     Ferham looks shiftily back between Wily and Shade, back and forth, before she grins a little after calming down. "I dunno, maybe you should listen to him, Wily. I mean, he sure seems like he knows a lot about sucking things dry," Fer gulps a little and tugs a little consciously at the gem collar around her throat. She knew who this was, after all, it was kind of hard to miss a design like Shade Man, she just hoped she wasn't next on the menu!

     "So uh, what would you suggest, Mr. Shade?" she inclined her head up to him, finally sitting back down on the chair properly and relaxing, just a little.

Dr. Wily (529) has posed:
    "Hah! As if I'd trust the priorities of an oversized BAT! I should have left you in that park!" Yes, yes... good. Turn this into a battle between the doctor and his twisted creation, and nobody will notice the costume not being worked on... Wily's nearly gotten himself out of this little inconvenience, all he needs to do now is close the deal!

    Shade Man, unfortunately, is not following the script. Inevitable, really - give a robot its own personality, a scrap of free will, and suddenly it feels like it ONLY needs to obey actual ORDERS, not every little thing its creator might say. The robotic vampire smiles a sinister smile, a glint of malice in his eye. "Baht you did naht. You stole me for your fiendish plahns - ahnd now you will pay ze price!"

    Suddenly, Wily is a bit worried. DID Shade Man turn against him? He HAD been one of the stable Masters before, but there'd been that time in storage, and... suddenly this has all the makings of a Very Bad Plan. "A-and WHAT, exactly, is this 'p-price'!?"

Ferham (516) has posed:
     Ferham is used to having men fight over her, by now. She might even consider it a game at this point, but she's not lost sight of the prize, which for her in this case is a bitchin' new outfit to wear out and about for halloween.

     "Hmm, I take it he means to get a little revenge there, Doctor, I hope you two boys don't get too rough over little old me," Fer grinned a little, chuckling even. "No, no, I think I have a bit more of a fitting punishment for the doctor in this case," she waggled a gloved finger and winked.

     "It's quite alright either way, besides, we have halloween fun to work on, doctor," there might even been one of those sneaky glints in Fer's eyes.

Dr. Wily (529) has posed:
    Shade Man faces down his creator, menacingly. With wings spread and a dangerous glint in his eye, he looms above the doctor. Bowing down to look the doctor in the eye, he moves in close enough to force the man to take an involuntary half step back. And then he speaks, barely more than a whisper. "You VILL make ze cahstume. Ahnd it VILL be mahgnificent!"

    "A-a-and if I r-refuse!?"

    "Zen I vill nevahr host another Holloween party AHGAIN! Ah ah ah ah ah!" Dramatic lightning punctuates the laughter because OF COURSE IT DOES. Blame the fang-mets.

    Wily slumps, defeated. He can't stand against a threat of that magnitude, and he knows it. All he can do is make a spiteful, sullen last token attempt to go down swinging: "... at least dial the accent down until then..."

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "Well then, going to need fingerless gloves, I think, and then... some really elegant looking noblewoman boots, thinking suede, with heels," Ferham sits up in the chair and begins almost instructing Wily even, as if she's giving him directions.

     "What do you think, Mr. Shade Man? I need something to go over my chest..." and of course with that she leaned back just a bit and arched her back to bring that chest of hers to the forefront of attention. Yep, this was Ferham, this is how she got guys to do what she wanted.

     "I agree though with Wily, now... trying to make this not too boring, but not too sexualized... hrm, oh what the heck," she grins with a shrug.

Dr. Wily (529) has posed:
    To his credit, once he's won the contest of wills Shade Man DOES, at least, grant the poor defeated doctor the courtesy of thinning out his accent. Just as well - what if a certain Confederate CO were to hear him talking like that...? "And ze leggings... minimal? A proper vampire noblewoman won't lower herself to wearing trousers... AH! And ze fangs! Doctor! Do not forget ze fangs!"

    It seems that now it's Wily's turn to put on a fake accent - as he practically flails at his terminal to keep up, he utters a sarcastic "... yes, master" in his very best Igor impression.

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "Oh boy, I can see this is going to be a lot of fun," Ferham put her elbows on her knees and rested her chin against her palms as she leaned over, watching the show that was going on between the Doctor and his rather resourceful android. "Hmm, yes going to need some hosier for this, and maybe a proper suede leotard, but how low cut ought the front be...?" this of course, might be a good opportunity for Shade to suggest some sort of bat symbol incorporated into the mix somewhere... possibly as a teasing window over the chest?

     "So /where/ did you get this android, Wily? Or did you build him yourself?" she asked Wily, once she got a chance. She was clearly interested in his origins.

Dr. Wily (529) has posed:
    "Tsk. Ze collar must be above ze throat, of course. Unless you vant to make ze costume... fully authentic? Ah ah ah!" Shade Man's not nearly such a sinister fellow when he's not trying to intimidate anyone, it seems! He manages an almost friendly tone even while indulging in dark humor. However, it's pure seriousness when he returns his focus to the costume. "... perhaps take away some of ze fabric? One needs to be able to use one's unearthly charms, after all."

    Wily keeps on tapping away, not even looking away from the screen to answer a simple question. "He was an attraction at some park. Waste of a good robot, the place wasn't much anyway. That's how he ended up with that accent - every day, dawn to dusk, 'I vant to sahk your blahd.' I would have had to scrap nearly everything in there to get rid of that, so I tacked on an inhibitor when I added higher-function circuitry."

    Taking a moment to peer at the costume's design, Wily offers up possibly the only constructive comment he's contributed to the endeavor: "... oval cutout is no good. Just looks tacky. Rectangular, same problem. Triangle... well, depends on where you plan to wear this, but... I think you need to give me a better shape to work with."

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "Ah, I see. Well you did sort of liberate him from service to some company then, which is... commendable, I'd have to say," Ferham knew that SHE wouldn't be caught dead working at such a place for next to free, of course. "Isn't that more dusk 'till dawn, in his case, though?" ohoho, the hams seem to be getting quite the set of wits there.

     "Clearly the answer in this case is to make it shaped like a bat," Fer raised a hand to point at one of the vampire-master's very leathern wings, they even had wing claws on them! How were those not bat-like? It was totally rocking that whole vampire theme. She wasn't quite sure about the taloned feet though, though she guessed they came in handy for hanging upside down.

     "Looks great, just wonder if I should add some kind of claw attachment to the fingerless gloves or just leave 'em that way," ahh, decisions decisions.

Dr. Wily (529) has posed:
    "... I said the place wasn't much. Actually, now that I think of it, I think it was run by the same outfit I got Clown Man from - I never really bothered to check, but the places were pretty similar. From what I hear, they were bought out by some pizza chain post-Unification." Wow, Wily's gotten downright chatty - I guess it just takes the right threats and a little bit of time to instill a bit of civility?

    "Ah, of course! Ze bat motif is a perfect choice! I pity we have no vay of making the cape split into wings?"

    "Right. No way at all, unless you want to cut the length in half."

    "And that vould be a terrible shame. Ze claws... one hand? Both vould be a bit too much." Shade Man speaks with the conviction of someone who has had this discussion before, if not necessarily about this particular topic.

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "Oh yeah? A pizza chain? with animatronics tainted by you somehow? I feel bad for the poor guy who has to work night watchman at that place," Ferham shrugged, returning her attention to the display. "Yesss, perfect, right over the cleavage, mmm... and I guess we can leave the claws out, and I can just have my nails extended... likely red, of course," she nodded.

     "I was thinking it might just look like wings when it was all held and flared out, maybe it could be of a shape memory polymer, along with the armor fibers, of course," she wondered just how that would mix, but well, it was Dr. Wily. She could make a robot that flew around and lurked in dark places as well as literally drained the energy out of others, she didn't doubt he could handle that.

Dr. Wily (529) has posed:
    "Parasail cape... lucky thing you've got flight built in, I don't know how that would work without those systems for support." Wily makes a few more adjustments, and then, since the fashion consultation seems to have slowed down, "Now, if you two are done? Integrating this with the actual armor part of the armor-switching interface is going to be delicate... I'm not sure I can make it provide much meaningful protection. Get shot in the back, if you can; the cape is going to be the most durable part."

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "It wouldn't, he has obvious locomotion and a thruster system for flight," Fer would be quick to point out the wings and what looked like a jest exhaust on Shade Man's back, it was either that or some kind of thruster. She nodded to Wily after his latest comment. "My gravitic flight system should make this work fine," she nodded, then grinned. "Plus the fangs, of course," she seemed to approve of that doubly so.

     "Well then gentlemen, it's been a lovely evening, the both of you--" she rose from the chair and gave the both of them a pat on the shoulder, well, Shade got a friendly pat, while Wily got that and a light smooch to the top of his bald pate, leaving a lipstick mark there that he might not notice for a while.

     "It is rather late, I think we might have to table this for now, but you both have been /wonderful/," she smiled and gave a little bow to them both.

Dr. Wily (529) has posed:
    Wily is still working at the terminal, of course - these things take time - and so, "Leaving, then? Well, stop by tomorrow and the completed armor data will be rea--"


    It seems that maybe that thank-you kiss crashed the poor doctor. His sentence is forgotten mid-word, and he can only look blankly forward in confusion. 'What', indeed.

    Shade Man, on the other hand, keeps a full enough set of wits about him to at least escort their guest to the door, and bow politely to her upon departure.