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The Wolf Reports
Date of Scene: 19 October 2014
Location: Fables World
Synopsis: Bigby heads to the Business Office of Fabletown to give deputy mayor Snow his initial report on the multiverse. Decisions are made, and plans will follow.
Cast of Characters: 585, 600

Bigby Wolf (585) has posed:
Continual monitoring of the new warp gate in Central Park has gone apace. As much as it would be nice to be able to accuse Bluebeard of slacking off, he's actually been very helpful and efficient at setting up rotating watches without being too obvious about it to the mundies. So when the door opens and Bigby Wolf steps out, wearing different -- and somehow even more ill-fitting -- clothes from when he last went through, the alert system is swift to kick into action. Rose Red gives a nod from her park bench and from a nearby tree, Mrs Finch flits away from a high branch toward Bullfinch Street to alert the Business Office.

Bigby pauses to light a cigarette, gives Rose an idle nod, as one DOES to pretty young ladies sitting on park benches, and then shuffles off down the path to catch a cab.

Some twenty minutes later, New York traffic being what it is and Bigby not offering the driver a big tip to 'step on it', he climbs out at the Woodlands, looks up at the tall building, heaves a sigh at the return to same-old, same-old and walks inside.

"Grimble," he mutters a greeting to the door guard soundly asleep at his desk, and waits impatiently for the rickety elevator.

Snow White (600) has posed:
    As if her workload wasn't enough before, the last weeks have been busier than ever. Not only are there enough of internal matters to take care of, the various fables crying for her attention, demanding that their individual problems be seen to, but now there's not only that which requires her attention. With even more warpgates opened to other words that are not the Homelands, but countless more worlds, who knows just what will happen? Is the Adversary connected to these worlds in some way? Is this just the relative quiet before a huge storm that threatens to uproot centuries of hard work and struggle to settle in the mundane world?

    Snow does not know. And she can't exactly make that too obvious to all those who expect her to handle this.

    The deputy mayor of Fabletown is leaning over her desk and looking over what appears to be a mountain of paperwork, her tea cup set to the side and already going cold when the door opens and her next appointment enters the grandiose business office. One hand reaches up to brush some of her black hair out of her face, and she does her best to hide the tired look on her face as she looks up at the trusted sheriff of Fabletown. At least Mrs Finch is good at estimating arrival times.

    "I really hope you have good news, Bigby," Snow says with a sigh as she leans back in her chair. "Because it seems like Fabletown in general is not happy about these new warpgates popping up. And they are demanding information, which I can't really blame them for." Her eyes look at him, and while her expression is as it usually is, cold and neutral, her eyes are literally begging for anything but bad news.

Bigby Wolf (585) has posed:
Bigby pauses a moment, first, to light a fresh cigarette once the door bangs shut behind him. The scent of Snow's /perfume/, light and subtle to anyone else, otherwise threatens to overwhelm his nose. "Nice to see you too, Snow," he replies gruffly as he taps a bit of ash on the floor.

But she's LOOKING at him. He'll always lose that staring contest, so rather than try, he simply slouches up to the Deputy Mayor's desk and plunks a nondescript paper back down on it from his coat pocket.

"I don't know if it's good news, but it's not all bad news," he reports, not explaining the bag. "This Multiverse thing is BIG, Snow. Bigger than we thought. Bigger than the Homelands. And full of crazy."

"But, I don't think the Adversary knows about it. No sign or sniff of him out there. And I couldn't find any warp gates to the Homelands either, so we might be good on that account. If the only way into the Multiverse is through the Mundy, I mean."

Snow White (600) has posed:
    The greeting from Bigby does earn a slight tug of Snow's lips. Not quite a smile, but it's something. "I'm sorry, it's... been a rough morning." When hasn't Snow had a lot of tasks awaiting her attention? And she knows that after Bigby leaves, there will be even more fables lining down the hall who want to discuss various matters with her.

    Mental note: get Flycatcher to sweep the floor later.

    Her eyes move to the paper that is dropped on her desk, and she leans forward to pick it up even as Bigby explains his finding further. Bigger than the Homelands? Is that even possible? Who knows how many lands they all come from? But at least there's one good theory so far. "If that is the case, then we can breathe easily for now. However... what if the Adversary wants these worlds to his growing empire too?" Sure, it seems like he hasn't found a reason to pursue them into the mundane world so far. But what if these new worlds catch his interest?

    "If he does, then he will have to go through here. Through /us/," she concludes with a slight frown on her face. And that they are not ready for, not at this point. But the deputy mayor sighs and looks briefly over the report. "Full of... 'crazy'?" Such an interesting choice of words. "Does that mean that these new worlds are like the Homelands? Or like the mundy world?" she asks further, arching an eyebrow up at Bigby.

Bigby Wolf (585) has posed:
In addition to the Wolf's written report, several small electronic devices tumble out of the bag. "Dammit," Bigby mutters, "I thought I had those secured."

He flops into one of the uncomfortable hard chairs before the desk. "Meaning," he points out the other half of that equation, "he can't come at US through THERE, either. So tactically, we're not really any worse off."

His knuckles whiten as he grips the wooden armrests, considering the question of whether the multiverse is more like one or the other... and ends up shrugging helplessly. "It's a mixed bag. Some of the worlds are more magical, some are more high tech. They DO have a lot of... exceptional people, what WE'D call Fables but THEY call Elites, and it's no big thing. Everyone knows about 'em. I made some contacts; some people were surprised at exactly WHO I was, because they've heard of our stories too, but they were... strangely all right with being approached by a giant wolf." He pulls a bemused face and reaches up to scratch the back of his neck.

"Here's the big thing, though. Among all this... vast network of interconnected worlds, there're two superfactions. The Union and the Confederacy. And they're fighting a war across worlds for control of the warp gates. And I don't think we want to get anywhere NEAR that. We need to declare ourselves a sovereign world and neutral in all of this or we're going to get dragged into way more than we want to deal with."

Snow White (600) has posed:
    The sight of the electronical devices catch Snow's attention, and the woman peers curiously at them before reaching out to take one and study it carefully. Unlike Bigby she isn't scared of electronics. And she will study it even as he continues talking. His comment does make sense, and she nods briefly. "Even so, I would feel better if he didn't learn about these new worlds and decide that he wants to take over them and add them to his ever extending list."

    And magical worlds are sure to grab the Adversary's attention, no mistake about it. But to hear that there are high tech worlds as well, that was slightly surprising. "More mundy worlds..." she mutters, reaching a hand up to rub at her forehead. What's even more surprising though is to hear about fablelike people... and that it's common and not considered a big thing. Snow blinks, brief confusion on her face before she blinks yet again. "They do not conceal their nature?" she demands, then her gaze hardens somewhat. It doesn't feel right that Bigby let these... Elites know that he's a Fable. "So they know of our stories, and you let them know who you are."

    Pardon her for not sharing your amusement, sheriff.

    They might not be mundanes, but that sounds like a risky move nonetheless. But Snow leans back, lacing her fingers together in her lap as Bigby continues. And to hear about the two factions doesn't exactly put her at ease. They are already involved with one war already... So she nods. "I agree. Even if we need help, we can't afford to fight a war on two fronts at the moment," Snow concludes with a serious look on her face as she looks down on her hands. "Furthermore, we can't afford to pull these two forces here either. If they are like us, they might draw the attention of the mundys. And /that/ I will not tolerate."

    Her gaze hardens as she raises her eyes to look at Bigby again. "How likely are they to come here? From what you have seen... do you consider them a threat?" Bigby might not be trusted by most fables, but... if she can't trust her sheriff in this, then who can she trust to give her an honest opinion about this multiversal business?

Bigby Wolf (585) has posed:
"Yeah, well... I don't know how long we'll be able to keep it a secret, Snow. I don't know if you've noticed, or if the mundies have noticed yet, but there's this multiversal thing called the Translation Effect. No one really understands how or why it works, but it's what allows people from different worlds to understand each other. And within worlds too. The mundies are /gonna/ notice when they can suddenly understand some guy speaking Swahili. And assuming the Adversary has spies out there... it's only a matter of time before it gets back to him." He doesn't seem happy about this, but matter-of-fact. It's simply something they're going to have to deal with.

"I revealed myself to /some/ of them," Bigby retorts, thin-lipped. "One was an Elf king whose world had also just unified and he was even more confused than we are about it. One was a magical water spirit who offered to tell my fortune," he shifts in his seat, seeming a little uncomfortable or even embarrassed about that, "...and the other time I was helping some people close a portal to their Hell-dimension that some really nasty Nothing-demon was trying to crawl through." So THERE. "Anyway, they have ways of... telling, if you're an Elite, so pretending to be something I'm not would've only made them more suspicious and curious."

He reaches up and, from his ear, plucks an identical electronic device to those spilled out across Snow's desk. "This is a multiversal radio. I got hold of a bunch and brought them back here so you and whoever you see fit to distribute them to," this is said with a little pedantic teasing, yes of course you're the boss ma'am, "can keep up on the outside news. There's also a frequency I think you should add to yours, at least," he continues as he tucks his bud safely back inside his ear. "There's a third group, not as big as the other two, called the Syndicate. They're not a part of the war, though some of the members are also in the other factions. There seems to be some kind of rule that what happens in the Syndicate stays in the Syndicate though. I've made some tentative contacts in there. If we DO need help from outside, that's where I think we'd want to look first."

As to the likelihood of either faction 'coming here?' Bigby gives an expansive shrug and takes another drag of his cigarette, then puffs out a long, low sigh. "I don't know," he has to admit. "Frankly, I think we could use /some/ outside commerce, from folks who understand what we're all about. But as far as the war getting dragged through here... well, the Multiverse is a big place, Snow. I think maybe, as long as we don't give either superfaction a /reason/ to focus on us, we can make it work declaring ourselves as Switzerland. Other worlds have done that."

Snow White (600) has posed:
    Secrecy has been how they have survived so long. So of course the deputy mayor, the woman who fought from the beginning to establish Fabletown, does not look happy at the prospect of their cover falling apart. The mention of the translation effect earns yet another sigh, and she closes her eyes. So the mundys will notice sooner or later, and there is nothing they can do about it? And the Adversary knowing about this... it all sends a chill up her spine that she tries very hard to surpress. "Then we better prepare. Just..." Snow shakes her head, her dark hair bouncing about her shoulders slightly. "The fables will not be happy about this. At all." Even if Bigby knows the rules better than most people, it still makes her uneasy. But he's never done anything directly to harm Fabletown. If he did it, then she likes to think he did it for all the right reasons.

    Radios. Snow looks at the things again. "I will let King Cole have one. I will take one for myself. I will decide on how to distribute the others later. Thanks," she says, taking the one she picked up earlier and placing it in her ear. This... will take some getting used to.

    "I would like you to keep an eye out on these groups, Bigby. Work with your contacts... and if they can help us, then by all that is good, we need that help." Do they need the outside commerce, though? Snow reaches out and grips her tea cup, taking a big sip from it despite its lukewarm temperature, and then sets it back down. "Find out what they can offer us. For now we need to focus on making sure that Fabletown remains calm, and perhaps the mundys will not react too badly to this unification. Perhaps they will be too focused on the multiverse and the real threat." And not them. Still, Snow can't help but look worried as she considers the consequences of all of this. Either way, people won't be happy. And she doubts there's anything she can do to appease everybody.

Bigby Wolf (585) has posed:
Bigby nods acknowledgement of his orders. He'd like to say something to comfort Snow, but what? And what would she want to hear from HIM, anyway?

"...Listen, Snow..." he starts awkwardly. "We can't hide Unification from the mundies forever. But I don't see any reason we can't maintain our OWN cover. All we have to do is act as surprised as they are at whatever weird shit comes through the warp gates." He scratches idly at his cheek. "I do think it'd be a good idea to keep tight rein on that gate in Central Park, though. It's too close to home. We don't want undue attention looking this way."

Snow White (600) has posed:
    Just how to do you comfort somebody who is responsible for all of their safety? Snow seems lost in thought even when Bigby suggests what they can do. "If these Elites want to access the warpgate to this world, then they are required to uphold Fabletown's rules and laws," she agrees. That's the only solution to all of this. "Keep guards stationed in Central Park at all times until I state otherwise. And /no/ fables leave the warpgate unless it's official business on behalf of Fabletown." Her eyes are on him again, shining with determination. Fabletown must be kept safe in all of this. "Can I trust you to handle that matter?"

Bigby Wolf (585) has posed:
Bigby nods with a, "Good," and a slight grin since that's exactly what he wanted. "We'll treat it like the watches on the Homeland gates. And no one'll get through without being /thoroughly/ vetted."

An awkward pause. "You're, uh... not gonna have any trouble getting the /funding/ for this from Cole, are you? That's a lotta guards in a highly-trafficked area, gonna take a lot of glamours to avoid anyone taking notice."

Snow White (600) has posed:
    If her head of security agrees with this, then things will go somewhat smoother. Not that she expects this to be without some trouble down the line, but what matters is that Fabletown laws will be upheld, and people will be safe. It's far easier to handle people being upset with lack of glamours, Farm business and the like. It's far more serious if their secrecy gets compromised and if the multiverse comes barging in. "Feel free to appoint guards you deem appropriate." Surely he will pick the right ones. "Ask for assistance on the thirteenth floor if so be. We do not want the mundys to head into the multiverse either. There might be more gates, but... without clues we wouldn't know where to look. At the moment we can't spread ourselves too thin either."

    Not when money is the issue. And Bigby's concern is already weighing heavy on Snow's mind as she turns her head slightly away, reaching a hand up to bite slightly on her red thumb nail. "There have been many issues lately... I guess I will have no choice but to appeal to Bluebeard." No matter how much she hates to rely on him, but... he is the one who managed to escape the Homelands with his riches intact. "Even he can't ignore this, considering his assets are on the line if the mundys find out." Or so she hopes, at least.

Bigby Wolf (585) has posed:
Bigby mutters something that sounds suspiciously like, "That slimy bastard," but not loud enough to require Snow taking notice of it. Instead, he stands up, and declares firmly, "Don't worry about my end, Snow. That gate'll be locked up tighter than a witch's... purse." He had been going to say something much cruder but thought better of it. "There may be some wannabe ambassadors coming knocking, but we'll make sure they're cleared through the Business Office first. And I may have a word with the Thirteenth Floor on the feasibility of a magically binding contract for short-term good behavior." If only such a thing were possible in the long term; he could retire. "Maybe like an entry visa that'll boot 'em out if they cause trouble." His lips purse as he ponders. "--well we'll think of something. Don't worry. I'm on it."

Snow White (600) has posed:
    Yes, Bluebeard has his own agenda. But what can you do when you need cash?

    The rectified comment earns a pointed look from Snow, though she doesn't pursue it. "If they want to deal with us, then... I might as well get it sorted out. If things are clear from the get go, then there might be fewer issues," because she doubts this will go without its fair share of incidents, "for us to handle." For her to handle.

    "The witches ought to be able to come up with something useful. Until then, let's keep the gate closed and the Elites out until we are ready to deal with them. Keep on investigating the multiverse and what we ought to anticipate, whether it be treats or opportunities. I will have to discuss matters with King Cole and Bluebeard later to set up a contigency plan for this, and then I guess I have to make our rules clear to the multiverse. Perhaps a diplomatic meeting somewhere ought to be prudent..." she muses for herself.

    One thing is clear though. The deputy mayor of Fabletown raises her head, and a somewhat tired smile crosses her lips. "Thank you for your report and input. I appreciate it." It's followed by a deep breath, and then she leans over the paperwork again. "I will have to issue a public statement to Fabletown concerning the multiverse later."

Bigby Wolf (585) has posed:
"Yeah, everyone's gonna have to know the best way to react to any multiversal news," Bigby agrees. Even if he shuts down visitors from Central Park, it's inevitable that there's going to be some 'leakage' from elsewhere. There always is. "I'll... keep doing what I can to make us allies on the other side."

Another pause. And then, in a low voice, the Wolf states, "Snow... you can handle this. You always do."

Snow White (600) has posed:
    It's important that they all react accordingly to this, and with a public statement then she might save herself some time. This is a rather big matter after all. "The fables up on the Farm will need to know as well, though I dare say they are safer than the rest of us at the moment should the multiverse be a threat." First a statement here at the Woodlands, then one up at the Farm. Even as she plans out just what this statement needs to include, Bigby catches her attention again, making her blink and raise her head once more in slight surprise.

    Somehow, she can't help but appreciate the sentiment. There's always somebody who complains. But there's always somebody who seems ready to back her up no matter how unpopular her decisions are as well.

    "That's why it's my job."