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Two Fables Walk into a Bar...
Date of Scene: 20 October 2014
Location: Bar and Grill at the Edge of the Multiverse
Synopsis: Snow White and Bigby Wolf meet some of their new neighbors.
Cast of Characters: 32, 41, 81, 151, 152, 585, 589, 600

Bigby Wolf (585) has posed:
Feeling somewhat mystified that Snow agreed to accompany him to a bar and grill -- nevermind that it is not, in any way, shape or form a /date/, just a business meeting with potential allies, that happens to include steak -- and moreover embarrassed at the ill-fitting state of his clothes (something the Wolf rarely worries about), Bigby nevertheless takes this opportunity to introduce Snow White to the warp gate network, and how one navigates it. The bar, of course, is easy to find as it always is for those who are looking for it. So it's not long before the very scruffy-looking Sheriff his holding the door a little awkwardly open for the much-nicer-looking Deputy Mayor to step inside. Oh god this is weird. The hand not holding the door jams itself into the pocket of his battered trenchcoat, gripping the pack of cigarettes there like a safety totem.

Courier Six (32) has posed:
    Beer and steak and meeting fellow Syndicates is always on the menu for the Courier. And thus the cowboy is here, yawning a bit as her futzes with his duster, trying to look mostly presentable, despite the fact he's spent the past week out in the sun and the dust and looking more than slightly haggard for it.

Snow White (600) has posed:
    Stepping inside the Bar and Grill, the deputy mayor of Fabletown takes the chance to look around curiously. By all looks and appearances it's not that different from some of the bars they have in New York. And they are used enough to non-humans to not handle this, right?

    Be calm, Snow reminds herself. Bigby wouldn't have suggested this if he didn't know what he was doing. For his sake she hopes so, at least.

    The woman leads the way over to one of the larger tables and peers around at the other patrons at the other tables before she picks up one of the menus and sits down, placing her purse in her lap. "I swear, it's almost as if we just left Manhattan..." she half whispers to Bigby. It's been centuries since they fled the Homelands, but the trip here did awaken some memories... But she shakes those away as she peers over the menu. They might as well eat while they are here and save some time. There's more than enough work awaiting her when she returns back to the office.

Faruja (152) has posed:
The good Inquisitor, after a hasty bath and donning his best silky red robes and clean cross, makes his way to the Bar and Grill. He's dressed formally, robes containing golden stitching decoratively about and his black and red cross hangs at his neck on a silver chain. At his arm is a taller lizard-like woman, the other arm leaning into a cane as much as he does Ainsley. Pausing at the door to the Bar, he holds it open for the woman after Bigsby has done much the same.

"Ladies first." He smiles to the woman.

When they're inside, Faruja peers about, rodent ears flicking and tail swaying even as he attempts to spot the woman and wolf of the hour.

Finally spying one particularly well dressed woman, the rat takes a gamble. He clears his throat.

Ahem! "Mayjor White of Fabletown? Sheriff Bigsby Wolf of the same?" He inquires, reluctantly relinquishing Ainsley's arm to dip into a low bow before the pair, only to straighten and cross the air before them.

"Inquisitor Senra, at thine service. May Faram and the Holy Prophet protect and keep thee both, and thine home as well! Allow me to introduce Lady Ainsley, Mage and Historian of great talent and moral fibre!" He offers, eventually pulling out a chair for the taller lizardess. Gentlerat, this one. He makes no attempt to hide his affection for the woman.

Chandra Nalaar (81) has posed:
    Well. PEople were going out to a bar that /apparently/ you just have to think about and open a door to get to. It wasn't the bar itself, or the people that had caught the attention of the Pyromancer.

    No, it was the idea that you could just open a door and then -- bam! Restaurant. For someone who was used to the Blinding Eternities, it was quite the novelty. So, with no plan beyond 'show up', the tall, red-haired woman with the amor pushes the goggles up off her face, and purses her lips.

    It was all very... strange. A clean, brightly lit place (compared to her other ports-of-call) and not a hint of goblin in the air.

    And Chandra pause,s turns, and pokes her head back out the door.

T"... I'm impressed." she murmers to herself.

Raven DeVanos (41) has posed:
    The door to the bar opens, allowing for a short woman with long red hair to enter. Raven is followed shortly by a large-ass PANGORO, who's wearing raybans. The SOLDIER scans the bar quietly; upon noting Faruja and Ainsley, she deduces that the very normal looking people in front of him - Hm, scruffy looking nerf herder type gumshoe? And an obvious business woman, bluh. - must be who she was just speaking to. The SOLDIER clears her throat, before muttering something at the pokemon, and then starting for the table, waiting patiently for the religious zealot rat to make his greeting.

    Then she steps forward. "Mayor White, Mister Wolf," She sas, formally, first half bowing, and then offering a hand to them both. "Raven DeVanos, Ma'aam, we spoke on the radio. I was just telling Mister Wolf here that I would be quite willing to offer my services in exchange for any fees if my money cannot cover them."

Bigby Wolf (585) has posed:
"Takes some getting used to," Bigby agrees in a low mutter. He hesitates, and then takes the seat next to Snow, but only because it offers a good view of the room and the front door. Reflexively, he starts to shake a cigarette out of the pack, then catches himself, glances at Snow, and consciously sets the pack down on the table and reaches for a menu instead. Steak, steak... he looks longingly at the succulent porterhouse pictured on the menu insert, but then he looks at the price, sighs and scrolls his finger down to the cheaper cuts.

He does pause, in a slightly twitchy 'wolf wants to eat' manner, to look up and acknowledge the greetings as his would-be contacts file in. And he's as polite as he knows how to be, at least, returning the greetings with a brusque nod and a /brief/ handshake if one is offered. And he corrects Faruja with a slight smirk, "Bigby. No S." A beat. "Short for Big Bad." Maybe that will help him remember.

Ainsley (151) has posed:
    Ainsley does come in with Faruja, though the formalities do seem to amuse her or make her seem awkward more than get taken naturally. She doesn't really seem like a 'lady' like Faruja wants to treat her, but she seems to accept it easily enough. When she reaches the table with Faruja, she quietly looks at the table arrangement, and puffs a little sigh. She nods at Snow White and Bigby once, and finds her place to sit, not spending any time asking if it's okay to do so. After all, why would they get invited here if they couldn't sit down?

    Ainsley folds her hands in her lap, regarding Bigby with a look of silent curiosity, and the Snow White with a /different/ kind of curiosity.

    "Right..." She sniffs in and lets out a sigh. "My name is Ainsley. No last name. I am an Ally of the Union, and I am interested in assisting... Fabletown, was it?" She smiles inquisitively at them both.

Princess Paladin (589) has posed:
Princess Paladin already has something like glamour magic. Only it works in reverse, making her not just noticeable but able to influence the emotions of those around her, convincing them that she is a wise and mature magical girl, with knowledge and experience, and that she has true conviction on basically anything she says. Even when she gets into a serious fight, even if she is LOSING, she looks determined and courageous and in-control of the battle. Even if she is not. This is great for inspiring onlookers and unnerving enemies and even swaying some opponents to her side, but not so much for remaining hidden. So it makes sense that she would want to conceal herself somewhat for those instances where stealth is preferable, right? And glamour magic can possibly do that, right?

But that is not why she is here, and not why she seeks glamour magic. And no one in the bar when she gets there is going to find out, hopefully. It would reveal Paladin's true identity as a scared teenage girl named Miko. The woman has braided, bright-pink hair, bright-pink eyes, and an outfit like a cross between knight's armor and a Japanese school girl's uniform, in a mix of white, pink, and silver. She strides into the bar confidently, gracefully, as though she is very familiar with this place that she has never been and barely knows anything about. And then she stands and waits, eyes scanning the area, while she seemingly waits to be noticed. Instead, the girl inside of her, the true person behind the magic, is just trying to see if she can even figure out who she is here to meet.

Thankfully, she hears Bigby introduce himself, and begins to stride in the direction of the table with the growing number of patrons. She can figure out which one is Snow White easily enough. Interesting fact: For some reason Japanese school plays include things like Sleeping Beauty and Snow White and Romeo & Juliet. Miko Fujimoto has been in at least a couple.

Chandra Nalaar (81) has posed:
    Well. Don't mind if I do.

    Chandra doesn't drop into line and file. She doesn't even reall y fit in. SHe just sort of flops into place, the tall woman sinking down into a chair and grabs at a menu and sits with a bunch of Terribly Interesting looking people who are all busy introducing themselves. "Chandra." she states, but doesn't acknowledge anyone else.

    "Any reccomendations?"

Snow White (600) has posed:
    The entrance of the rat and the lizard catches Snow's attention, and she raises her gaze from the menu, looking at the pair. And while some might find a large talking rat a peculiar sight, it doesn't seem like Snow is bothered. Growing up in a fairy tale and with magical creatures as a common occurence does make some sights less of a curiousity and more part of daily life. His greeting does earn a polite smile from the woman, and she nods. "It's deputy mayor, Inqusitor Senra. The mayor of Fabletown is King Cole, though I'm afraid he himself has other matters to tend to." Not to mention that she is the one who basically runs Fabletown at this point. "Do have a seat."

    The same offer is extended to Raven, whose voice is easily recognizable. "A pleasure, Miss DeVanos," Snow greets her, giving Raven a firm handshake. "We would be delighted at any aid you would be interested in giving our community. Unification might be a bigger deal in some worlds, I'm afraid..."

    She glances at Bigby as he pulls a cigarette from the pack, narrowing her eyes. Though it seems he gets the picture without her having to point out that some people might not enjoy that particular smell when eating food. She herself decides on a dish pretty quickly, and as the waitress stops by their table she orders a small steak for herself as well as a glass of water. There's no need for fancy food, not today.

    "Yes. Fabletown. A community we established some centuries ago when New York was still a fledging city, and---" Snow halts in her explanation as the other people arrive. And well, one of them certainly is eyecatching enough. And as the other person sits down at the table without an explanation, the fable woman can't help but blink, glancing at Bigby. Do /he/ know these people?

Courier Six (32) has posed:
    The cowboy over in the corner looks up again, after a number of moments of muttering at his radio and gesticulating a bit as he mutters at the person on the other end, before he sighs and looks over at the crowd of folks already crowded around the incoming duo.
    The Courier sighs a bit and snort quietly. The Multiverse never changes. All the horrors and wonders of every possible reality and as always there's people falling over themselves to greet people. Ain't that how it goes.

    The Science Cowboy stands up carrying a tumbler of something dark and whiskey-like as he nods to the Fables and salutes Bigby at least. "Mr. Wolf. I have to say you've caused quite a stir the last few weeks."

Faruja (152) has posed:
Two rat-ears perk, and Faruja looks briefly to Raven. Recognizing the voice, she too is offered a similar bow, and a few quiet words. "'Tis an honor to meet ye in the flesh, Lady Devanos. Hail!" The pokemon with her gets a look, and another bow! Best to be polite.

Then, his attention is drawn back to Bigby. The offered hand is taken after a slight moment. Seems he's not used to the gesture.

"Sheriff /Bigby/. Mine apologies dear Ser! I shall endeavor to nay forget the proper pronounciation." Smile! The rat's pouring on the graciousness like a proper diplomat.

"What wouldst ye prefer? They serve this most wonderful honeyed ale, a mixture of Burmecia's local specialty with what I am told art holy-imbued honey bees. Shall such please thine palette, Sheriff?" Seems he's taking the 'buying you a beer' thing seriously.

Unlike Faruja, Ainsley is far swifter to get down to business. His ears fold back, and he hopefully hides a blush in them. Cough.

Ahem! The rat sits in turn as the Deputy Mayor offers it.

"The Lady speaks truly. The Holy Church wishes to preach the Word of Faram to all whom wouldst hear it, and seek hale health to any whom wouldst accept our aide." Begins the rat.

Isn't this just a bundle of errors? The large rodent flicks his tail, and mentally swats himself.

"/Deputy/ Mayor Snow White. I shall endeavor to remember such."

Pause, and the rat considers. He's distracted by the entrance of a certain Princess Paladin, single eye drawn to her. His head tilts. "God be praised, that His Light wouldst be offered so strongly." Mutters the rat to himself, before tearing himself away to settle on Snow White.

"I shall spare ye both mine long winded nature, and aspire to Lady Ainsley's way with words. What troubles doth thine people face? The Holy Church is foremost in magical healing, and of course, wouldst offer spiritual guidance to any in need. So too doth we hath a number of charitable organizations for the poor and sickly." Offers the rat. When a waitress comes by? He'll offer to pay for Ainsley's ticket, and order the beer he mentioned to Bigsby for himself.

Bigby Wolf (585) has posed:
Bigby will just have to rely on the smell of delicious meat to drown out the other myriad of smells currently assaulting him. To say nothing of Snow's perfume at close range. He orders the biggest steak at the lowest price point he can find on the menu, rare, with a side of cajun greens with bacon. Extra bacon.

Glancing at Snow with something of an 'oh shit' look as the Cowboy mentions him causing a 'stir,' Bigby then schools his expression into one of careful neutrality. "Have I?" Something in his eyes seems to say, 'play it DOWN, bro...'

"Honey ale sounds good," he accepts Faruja's offer amicably enough. "I'm not much for Churches though. Wolves don't have much use for that sort of thing." Then he recalls he is, in fact, talking to a /rat/ and a lizard girl. "In... my world," he adds awkwardly. "Healing sounds promising though..." with a hopeful glance to Snow. See, making multiversal contacts isn't useless!

Ainsley (151) has posed:
    Ainsley cannot help but put a hand to her face and let out a sigh like she's had a Talk with Faruja more than once about the religious aspects of his help. She doesn't address it directly, besides the obvious negative reaction she has to it.

    When it comes to ordering something, all she orders is a cup of hot tea. She doesn't seem to be in the mood for a lot of food. Rather, she doesn't want to gross out these two, despite what they may already be familiar with.

    "I cannot offer the resources of an organization, but I can say that I am capable of reading or deciphering nearly any written work, and I can offer some healing of a different variety. I also have very good eyes." She reaches up to tap at the corner of one of her eyes, the blue in them shimmering with obvious magical glow to demonstrate what she means.

    "Although I admit I was first interested in meeting the Big Bad Wolf." She smiles and nods at Bigby, a little embarrassed about it for whatever reason.

Raven DeVanos (41) has posed:
    Raven is not impolite enough t- well yes, yes she is, she grabs a chair from a nearby table, drags it over, and parks it at Bigby, Snow, Faruja, and Ainsley's table. Backwards. She sits down, leaning forward against the chair back, andlooking totally ungraceful and like the down home farm hick she claims to be. She smirks a little. The waitress approaching gets a grunt, and, "The usual for me. Root Beer in a pitcher and a shot of Sake for my friend here." A jerked nod to the Pangoro who continues to just stand there looking like several hundred pounds of 'CIA In Fur'. She adds, "And please bring me a platter of salmon and tuna sashimi with a side of soy and ginger," before she reguards the scruffy constable and his No Nonsense woman.

    "As I was saying. I would like to see this, ah, world of yours, myself, before I make too many assumptions. I cannot say that my money will be enough for two glamours without knowing their price offhand, however I can easily offer an exchange; I run a chocobo ranch. Uh, Chocobo. Take an ostrich, crossbreed it with a cockateil, and give it the hunting instincts of a secretary bird. ... Basically, chickens even a dragon could get it's fill of." She smirks faintly. Then hns. "Anyway, I would be quite agreeable with supplying meat for those with low income who need food, or if given time I can hunt down supplies your, witches, need. I've got problems with the occasional dragon on my land, so I could easily supply some dragon scales, too." She says.

    "Also, I'm generally... very good, with children, animals, and monsters. So if you need a hand in that area.."

Princess Paladin (589) has posed:
Princess Paladin pauses near the table where everyone is crowded, taking in the busy conversation with its numerous threads, turning her pink gaze upon Faruja when he seemingly comments to or about her. She smiles in a friendly fashion and nods her head to him. She has some idea what he is referring to, but the fact that some people can sense her aura is still unknown to her. She is, despite appearances, really, really startled by the variety of individuals she sees before her. When two of the most normal-looking people in the bar are basically living legends in a literal sense... A sense of unreality sweeps over Miko. Paladin keeps acting like this is all normal enough for her. But... Rodent people, and panda bears, and cowboys, and some sort of lizard woman, and someone who sits down and starts looking at the menu with barely a greeting, and... Actually that short red-haired girl might be sort of normal to. Athletic-looking, but that is still a far cry more 'mundane' than being a talking rat priest!

Not that there is anything wrong with that. Paladin takes a moment to bow to the others at the table, particularly Bigby and even MORE particularly Snow White (the girl inside of her can actually scarcely believe this is happening. THE Snow White? Really?), before returning to standing up straight and introducing herself. "I am Princess Paladin. It is a pleasure to meet you all. I believe you wished to be purchased a meal, Mister Wolf? And perhaps one for Miss White as well?" Maybe Bigby will get that BIG steak he wants after all. Though it is hard to imagine where Paladin is keeping a wallet in that outfit. Still, if she is offering, she must have the money, right?

"May I seat myself with you all?" she asks politely, though it appears as though she already knows what the answer will be.

Snow White (600) has posed:
    Yet another person joins them at the table, and Snow turns around slightly in her seat as she looks up at Courier Six. At his words however she turns her attention on Bigby, keeping her expression as calm as she can. Even when she notices reaction and the look on his face. What is this? "Is there something the matter?" Oh, you better have acted accordingly, Bigby!

    Oh. A religious fellow. Snow blinks slightly, though she maintains her composure. "As long as you follow Fabletown's laws and regulations, then you are free to do as you like. Although you and your partner would require glamours in order to not draw attention to our community should you wish to visit it." The question regarding their daily problems? That is a simple yet complicated question to answer. "Medical help would be greatly appreciated, Inquisitor. Anything to ease the workload would help. I am afraid my workday mostly goes by handling as many issues I can personally and delegating the minor tasks."

    The lizardlike lady strikes her as a scholar, and Snow nods. "I can imagine there might be paperwork related to multiversal activity that might need to get handled. I have enough paperwork as it is." But Ainsley's admission that she wanted to meet Bigby? That makes Snow turn her attention to the man sitting next to her. "Well... usually people avoid him because of his reputation..." This must be new for you, Bigby.

    Raven's offer likewise earns a nod of approval from Snow. "We might have need of livestock to help out at one of our locations. Though I would like to know more about these... chocobo first, if you understand. Trade is welcome as well. Especially with rarer materials." Dragon scales... perhaps the witches would have need of that. There's only one dragon up on the farm, and she is sleeping.

    When Princess Paladin approaches the table and addresses them, Snow looks slightly curious at first, but she does offer a faint smile in return. "No thank you, I am good. Do have a seat, Miss...?" Snow gestures to the table, indicating that the girl is free to sit down.

Bigby Wolf (585) has posed:
Bigby snorts, and picks up his unlit cigarette to juggle between his fingers at least, even if he can't actually smoke it in here. "Most people prefer to stay far away from me," he retorts with a lazy smirk that tries to mask his social discomfort. "Well, now you've met me. I hope it wasn't TOO disappointing." In his natural form, of course, it would be another matter. But he's never really felt 'himself' in this human skin. "We... have a lot of books in the archives that no one but Bufkin can read," he points out to Miss White. "Another set of eyes might be useful."

At Raven's offer, his eyes glitter with interest. "We... have a farm upstate where we raise a lot of the meat that feeds the community. Cows, sheep, pigs, mostly. The non-talking kind," he clarifies, well aware of his storybook reputation with pigs. "How do these giant chickens of yours compare for difficulty in keeping a herd?"

"Have a seat," Bigby echoes Snow's invite to Paladin, particularly at her offer to buy the food. Maybe he WILL just upgrade to the more expensive cut, if someone else is buying.

Courier Six (32) has posed:
    The cowboy snorts at the ruckus, before bowing, rather gracefully at that, at Snow White and Bigby. "There ain't been a wolf on my world for 200 years, or even an elementary school for the kidlets, but still people hear of the Big Bad Wolf and Snow White and the Seven Dwarves. Maybe not quite in the terms like that, but..."
    He chuckles, and tips his hat. "Johnny Tallbranch, the Cheif Operatin' Officer of New Vegas LLC OBE and a bunch other acronyms, and I'm very happy to see another 'Statutorialy Neutral' place opening up. S'very comforting, actual like."

Faruja (152) has posed:
Bigby gets a knowing smile. "In thine world." Repeats the rat quietly. Two ears flick meaningfully.

Then, beer for the pair of them, delivered almost at the same time. The nezumi takes a quaff, then raises the glass to all about, almost ceremonially.

"Never a shortage of injuries or illnesses, though I pray it otherwise daily. Anything of particular import upon that regard? Plague? Other such illnesses?" Inquires the rat, both solemnly and worriedly. His whole body twitches, and he unconsciously crosses himself. He'd not wish such upon his worst enemy.

Wince. Faruja glances to Ainsley, and smiles far more gently. It might almost look apologetic. The nezumi's nature shows throught, Talk or not. There's a slight nervous laugh.

Oops. Deep breath, and a nod. "Keen eyes and literature art a sublime art between her fingers." Promises the rat. Smile!

Raven gets a wince. How ungraceful! At least she's playing to expectations.

Princess Paladin gets a look as she announces herself. A far longer one. The nezumi smiles towards her briefly, before tearing himself away.

Just the sort he's always looking for. With a slight breath, he returns to the matter at hand, as Snow White offers them a seat.

"I shall ensure that thine laws and mores art not violated, Deputy Mayor. Shouldst ye hath any concerns, merely forward them to mine office, and appropriate mesasures and punishments shall be meted out." Promises the rat.

"White Magery, the school of healing, is a talent for we of Faith in general. I shall draw up the appropriate documents to ensure our human mages see to thine needs as ye wish." Promises the rat.

"Or tutelage in such subjects, shouldst they prove...applicable to thine world's physics and metaphysics."

Raven DeVanos (41) has posed:
    Paladin is given an eying, but Raven manages to school her facial expressions. Given she keeps her eyes hidden behind (retro hippy ugh) sunglasses, it's easy. She turns then to Bigby, and nods a little, "The food grade ones are .. I'll admit a little hard to herd if they get spooked, but the last time I had a really big spook down was when a bloody dragon landed right in the middle of the field and started chowing down on them. They get along rather well around myother animals- I uh, I have a few prehistoric creatures, a thunderwolf, and uhm. A Grim, who live on my ranch, as well as fellows like my associate Mister Bubbles here," Shenods towards the Pangoro. "Once they get a ken for what can and can't be dangerous, they get easier to herd. I've got a count of some one hundred head right now, but I always get population explosions in spring, and I always get orders by the busload in fall and winter because, Thanksgiving, and Christmas." She smiles a little, pauses.

    She fishes into one of her many pockets, and pulls out a tablet, turning it on. She swipes through a few things, then turns it over to show Bigby a picture of herself on a chocobo. It's easy to see the bird is roughly a little larger than a horse. "This is me on one of my best racing birds. The racers and riders are, different, from the game stock. More intelligent, almost sapient." She mms. "The biggest problem I've had with my game birds is... The occasional bird who's too stupid to know not to stand outside in the rain with its head up and it's mouth open."

Ainsley (151) has posed:
    Normally people avoid people like the Big Bad Wolf. Because they are predators, and scary creatures that prowl the dark. But Ainsley does not seem to think that disqualifies them.

    "Even if you were the biggest, scariest creature in the most dangerous forest in the world, I would still want the story written about you. I am interested in you, as a person, Bigby, and what your story actually is. The soul of it. I simply do not care about how dangerous someone is... actually, sometimes it is a prerequisite. The scary ones rarely get talked to properly."

    Ainsley would blush, if she was able. Mostly at Faruja's choice of words, partly because she rambled some, "I could help Bufkin, yes, if you allow me to. I would have to discuss it with Bufkin... if he is the only one who can read them, I would not want to step on his toes."

Bigby Wolf (585) has posed:
Bigby... winces at the mention of the Dwarves, and casts a sidelong glance to Snow to see if she's going to flip out.

However the Courier's comment about /another/ neutral place is promising. "So your world's managed to stay out of the war, then," he half asks, half states, inviting further detail. "Any tips for us?"

He picks up his free beer and raises it in a counter-toast to the rat before trying that sweet honey brew. "Oh, wow that's not bad," he has to admit. It's not just bears who like honey! "--No, no plagues that I'm aware of. We have a special wing at the hospital that we funded a long time ago... 'just for us,' y'know. And we don't go looking for trouble, so that's generally enough to keep up." But who knows what unification is going to do to the casualty toll, and even Swineheart has to sleep sometimes.

Snow White (600) has posed:
    That is indeed a subject to pursue, and Snow nods her head as she leans a bit closer to Bigby. "I will talk with Bufkin when I return to the office. He might be able to point out some books that we are comfortable with letting others read." There are some books that should be kept to Bufkin and Bufkin alone, she feels. But Ainsley does earn a nod. "I'm certain we can find a special use for your talents."

    Somehow Bigby should easily notice how Snow goes slightly tense as Courier Six mentions how he knows of them. "I see that our tales are known outside the mundane world as well... A pleasure to make your acquaintance, mister Tallbranch."

    It certainly appears that the group of people are interested in offering their aid to the Fabletown community, and that eases tensions somewhat. The picture of the chocobo does earn a curious look, though she will let Bigby handle that one for now as she turns her focus to Faruja again. "Healing is always useful. Other than the occasional bout of flu, we tend to not suffer from many diseases. Fables live longer than mundys, and we are more... robust, you could say. Some of us more than others," she adds with a glance to Bigby. Killing him... well, it would be a tough task. Which is reason why he's been appointed as sheriff, in addition to his reputation and how he handles people. Most of the time that is. "I appreciate your respect for our laws, Inquisitor. We do not wish to draw undue attention to ourselves, as we are not sure how well that would go with the mundys."

    The waitress returns with the food and drinks, setting them out.. and behold, Bigby. You got your big steak after all, courtesy of Princess Paladin. Though Snow can't help but shake her head just slightly before she begins cutting into her much smaller steak.

Princess Paladin (589) has posed:
Paladin seats herself readily. "Paladin, Miss White. Princess Paladin." It is a loud bar with many people clamoring for attention. She can barely keep up with the numerous conversation threads herself. Some of the topics include a need for medical attention, research and decyphering of books, food, protection, and the pleasantness of neutrality, among others. She is trying to think of what she can offer that the others have not. But inside, all she can think is, 'oh my gosh, oh my gosh, I am sitting at a table with Snow White'. She successfully avoids blurting out, 'I played you in school' primarily by virtue of her magic. If she were to say it as Princess Paladin, it would have come out as a mature statement, perhaps slightly teasing. But Miko is not thinking about magic, or maturity. She has seen many strange things in the relatively short time since joining the Multiverse. Some of them have been very cool things as well.

This? This right here?

This is the coolest.

After a while, she puts her thoughts in order, and says, "Forgive me for broaching what may be a rather serious matter at an informal meeting such as this... But might either you two, or Fabletown, have any enemies or a danger to you?" She raises a hand in a 'wait' gesture. "My magic contains both offensive and healing abilities, including the capacity to 'heal' inanimate objects - even buildings. I ask this question because I may be of service in either of these areas if there is a threat to Fabletown beyond - or perhaps including - the potential encroachment of other-worldly individuals or forces. If this matter is a sensitive one, I will find another avenue by which I may assist."

Faruja seems to already know much of healing, so she is unsure if offering the same thing he is offering is a good idea. She certainly can not provide chocobos... Not without hunting them down and bringing their bodies back. Which she could do, but this is her first time even hearing of the things, and this Miss DeVanos seems more than capable of handling that without a grand quest. Protecting Fabletown from those who would violate its laws... She could possibly help with that. They might well need more than one person or even more than one group of people. But she has her own life - a civilian one. She is not on-call 24/7. Research? She is as scholarly as a school girl comes, but that is sadly not some sort of researcher into the depths of the unknown or a code-breaker, as Miss Ainsley seems to be.

No, she only has one thing she can offer that the others have not.

"But if there IS an enemy of yours whom you need to be dealt with... I am willing and able to seek their complete destruction on your behalf and that of the people you protect."

Courier Six (32) has posed:
    The gruff looking cowboy snorts quietly, and leans in. "The same way anywhere else does it these days. Talk with both sides like grownups, discuss your plans, offer a reason not to be invaded, and then politely keep your nose out of Multiversal politics."
    Johnny grumbles at the last bit, and shuffles his own smokes out of his duster. A glance over at Bigby, and he pulls another 'pack' out. Though it's clearly a pack of homerolls on both accounts. He tosses the extra over and grunts at Paladin. "That ain't especially comforting, you know. Not everything's gotta be death an destruction. That's the problem with warriors, man. Everything's gotta be killin' and shit. No offense to you, but it's a mentality people got. Very rude."

Bigby Wolf (585) has posed:
To Raven, Bigby continues to give interested attention. "We might just have to put you in touch with the Farm. Some new good meat livestock would help out all around. I think we can probably work out some kind of meat-for-glamours trade too. Not that... I'd be in charge of that," he admits with another look of deferral to Snow White. "But it sounds promising. In any case I'm sure Johann would be delighted to get his hands on some new cuts to mark up on us." The Pangoro just gets a long, thoughtful look. Bigby hasn't had a ton of contact with Eastern Fables so a large panda person is worth a second glance.

"I AM the biggest, scariest thing in my neck of the woods," Bigby returns to Ainsley boastfully. "Whatever stories you've heard about me are probably true. Unlike some Fables I'm pretty much exactly what you see on the cover of the book." He takes another swig of his ale. "...Well I was. But I've been on the side of the angels since the... well the exodus, and the General Amnesty."

Princess Paladin's inquiry gets a particularly hard look. "We... might," he replies tentatively, again looking to Snow to take the lead there. Whether they really want to get into the mess with the Adversary and all now, on this first meeting... that's her call.

Bigby Wolf (585) has posed:
Bigby's eyes widen in appreciation as the large, rare steak is laid out in front of him, and his nostrils twitch as he inhales deeply. Oh man he hasn't had a meal this good in months. He starts to reach for the steak with his bare hands, but recalls that he is in company after only a second, and pointedly picks up knife and fork instead.

Faruja (152) has posed:
Bigby's words on the beer only have him swelling with Burmecian Pride (tm). Grin!

"Naught but the best of nezumi grain and hops, Ser!" Comes the rat with more than a little national pride. He deflates quickly, however.

Into something that's both utterly personal by his relaxation, and the releasing of utter terror. Give him Abyssal fiends any day, he'll take that over disease.

"Faram be praised that thine home is not touched by such a horrid illness." He states seriously to Snow White and Bigby alike. His hand grips his cross, and he's silent for a minute or two. His muzzle mutters prayers of thankfulness silently.

Faruja takes a long pull of his beer, and returns to warmth and political nicities.

"Of course. 'Tis mine duty to assure both the Inquisition and all of the Church's arms comply with any mortal laws when they seek to spread the Lord's Word, and see to any whom require their aide. Hath thine town such services? I wouldst be /delighted/ to offer spiritual guidance to thine people. I know a most discrete and accepting Priestess to offer to such a task." Offers the rat suddenly.

Faruja looks to Princess Paladin at her words. The Inquisitor smiles. He's heard that name through reports, and her words match such. The rat finds himself reaching into his pockets to find a business card. When he gauges others are not looking? He'll offer it to the good Princess. It has his name, address, and everything.

He could use a woman who talks like that, after all.

Snow White (600) has posed:
    The question regarding enemies and dangers draws a solemn look from Snow, who nods. "Our Homelands were taken from us. That is the reason we hide in the mundy world," she explains, her tone a bit more quiet. "At the moment we can't afford to retake our Homelands, nor does it seem like the one we refer to as the Adversary is making a move into the mundy world. However, with the unification, we have to be prepared. I hope we do not wish offensive magic for a good while yet. It might be centuries until we can even think of returning. Your abilities might be useful however," she does offer, her expression growing neutral once more. But for what? Let's discuss that at a later time.

    In general, this meeting seems promising. Snow takes a bite of her steak, chewing it properly before she speaks up again. "Chocobos for the Farm does seem like a viable option. I will consult our witches and see what they can offer in return. They are rather busy and have a lot on their plate already. Help with our library is also something we would welcome, with one single librarian he does have a lot tasks on his shoulders." Poor Bufkin. "Restoration is a skill few possess... and it could help us. The Farm has seen better days..."

    Though really, Faruja's offer to preach? Snow's expression becomes more neutral. "At the moment I do not think we can focus on those matters, Inquisitors. The community at large wants information on the multiverse, and they want to know whether they are safe or not."

Ainsley (151) has posed:
    There's something of a happy smile on Ainsley's face. The smile remains warm and happy, like talking to the Big Bad Wolf at all was like a dream come true for her, but simply not in the fangirlish way. As if it were something to cross off her Bucket List. The smile remains strong as her tea arrives and she focuses on filling with it with far too much sugar for most anyone else to enjoy, and then sipping at it carefully.

    Ainsley notices Faruja. She would gently reach out to touch his shoulder, her smile wilting into a frown only for a moment when she looks at him, only briefly looking at his face. It's a 'be careful' touch, the kind of subtle gesture that she might have done before with him. She does this when he hands the card over to Princess Paladin. Her eyes are really good to have noticed that, because she spotted it when she wasn't even looking at him.

    She returns her attention to Bigby and Snow. "I imagine," she begins, "That there is some sort of reason that the books remain in an obtuse language that only one person in your employ can read. Information is powerful, right?" She is, in a sort of indirect way, making it clear she isn't in it to cause problems. "As for information about the Multiverse, I believe I can supply some /wonderful/ books on the basic ideas and concerns of the Multiverse. I've read enough of them that it should be easy to find the right one for your community. Once I'm a little bit more familiar with it, at least."

Princess Paladin (589) has posed:
Paladin nods her head reasonably towards Courier Six. "You are correct. It need not be death and destruction. Capture or non-lethal punishment are both also viable, if that is the purpose I set out with. The way that my magic works - what allows me to do what I do - is that I must have a clear solid goal in mind when I start my quest, one that I can believe in unwaveringly. That belief is what grants me my holy powers. As long as I hold my task and my role in completing it to be sacred, I remain able to wield my magic in pursuit of my quest." She is not sure she should be revealing so much of how her magic works to a bunch of strangers, but... Snow White! She feels giddy enough to be open. An amused smirk touches her lips as she sees Bigby's reaction to the steak set before him. But continues on.

"This quest is then followed until either it is completed, by any means necessary, or I am slain in the process of trying. I can not break from my mission once I have set it into place. If capture is explicitly part of my quest, then I will seek that. Otherwise, making a foe never again have the potential to trouble Fabletown would be more readily accomplished through termination." She breaks off this line of conversation, however, when Snow White begins to explain. Bigby's reluctance is understandable given what is stated by the deputy mayor. 'The Adversary'. She will have to remember that. She politely nods, understanding, at least, that pressing on this matter is probably not desirable right now. Likewise, the comment about her talents being used for other things. She is not in a hurry to get glamour magic in exchange for services, but this is something she will approach Snow White about later. Perhaps somewhere more private.

Because spilling the beans on how her powers work to a crowd of people she just met was totally dumb of her. She is already kicking herself mentally. When Faruja offers a card discretely, however, Paladin's eyes flick to the side and a gauntleted hand reaches out to pluck it from his rodent fingers. She twists her wrist and the card vanishes into thin air. She will look at THAT later as well. She nods minutely to Faruja, and then she twists her wrist the other way, and a jeweled purse is in her grasp. She withdraws cash from such so that can pay for the Sheriff's great big steak before she leaves.

Bigby Wolf (585) has posed:
"Yeah," Bigby agrees around a mouthful of steak and greens and bacon all crammed in at once. "I think everyone's more worried about THIS life than the next, right now. And I'd say most Fables are more into philosophy than religion. Does Popularity With the Mundies Really Make Me More Powerful, that kind of thing. Maybe after things are more settled with this Unification thing, and we know how the mundies are going to handle it." Nomf, nomf.

Ooh, Ainsley does have a keen eye on her, doesn't she? "Kiiind of," he agrees conditionally. "On the one hand, we want everyone to have as much understanding of the magical artifacts we smuggled out as possible. In case we ever DO get a chance to use them in a reclamation attempt. But we also have to be really damn careful this stuff doesn't leak outside the community."

Snow White (600) has posed:
    The girl sees rather willing to talk about her powers... almost as if she is giddy. But it's useful information, and Snow pays attention as she eats, making sure to show more table manners than Bigby does. Instead she offers a polite nod, chewing her food as she cuts up more of the steak. Hmm, this place isn't all that bad, really. And these people seem earnest.

    "The office is larger than you can imagine. And it's all filled with books that most people will never read. It is as Bigby Wolf says, we have records of our resources, and we would hate for them to fall into the wrong hands. However, we would not mind trading non-classified information for books that could benefit the majority of Fabletown. Please contact us when you have the found the right book, and we can circulate the information in that book to the fables."

Faruja (152) has posed:
Faruja manages to keep his light smile to the deputy mayor, though notably his brow twitches for a moment. His words are far more honeyed.

"...Safety is relative, my Lady. Though I wouldst wish thine people without fear, both opportunity and risk art infinite within the Multiverse. Mayhaps ye aught take a word of advice? Focus upon those whom offer ye assistance, and the price they ask for such, at first. Meanwhile, inquire of all whom ye hath the resources to contact. Gently, of course. Caution is the byword when ye come upon the Multiverse."

Faruja pauses, and nods meaningfully to Snow White.

"Consider such a touch of advice, one diplomat to another. Faram keep ye. Ye shall require it, I assure ye." A long suffering sight to his fellow diplomat, and a smirk. Welcome to the multiverse.

As ever, his lover his sharp-eyed and sharp of wit. Faruja smiles a touch wider.

He mutters quietly, "...God bless thee. Caution." He offers vaguely.

But his card is taken, and a swift nod to Princess Paladin and Ainsley alike. A deep breath. Ainsley is wise, and the Princess an opportunity. He'll need much prayer to sor this out.

Bigby Wolf (585) has posed:
See, Snow, Bigby told you it wasn't ALL bad news. There are allies out here. And it's... kind of like meeting with other Fables, honestly. Being able to be frank about what he is is a nice change from dealing with the mundy police.

Some of them even buy you steaks.

He just really hopes this isn't about to blow up in all their faces.